int main(int ac, char **av) { Population population; char *target; unsigned int epochs = 0; if (ac == 6 && check_string(av[1]) && check_params(av)) { target = av[1]; population.setSelectionRate(atof(av[3])); population.setMutationRate(atof(av[4])); population.setPoolSize(atoi(av[5])); population.CreatePopulation(atoi(av[2]), strlen(target)); while (population.getBestFitness() < 100) { std::cout << "Epochs: " << epochs++ << std::endl; population.Evaluate((Fitness)evaluate_sample, target); population.Selection(); population.Crossover(); population.Mutation(); population.Evaluate((Fitness)evaluate_sample, target); std::cout << population << std::endl; } } else std::cerr << "Usage: ./GeneticString \"[a-z](length > 2)\" pop_size(int) select_rate[0.0-1.0] mutation_rate[0.0-1.0] pool_size(int)" << std::endl; return (0); }
int main() { int NumReps = 1;//this is one parameter to mess with here string basefilename = "null_1rep_440a_160j_6alleles"; int vs_initial = 500; int vs_sampled = 500; int ss_initial = 0; int ss_sampled = 0; int end, g, reps, ld_count; vector <double> ci95_det, ci95_spu, ci99_det, ci99_spu;//for sexual selection vector <double> vs_ci95_det, vs_ci95_spu, vs_ci99_det, vs_ci99_spu;//vs = viability selection vector <double> bs95_det, bs95_spu, bs99_det, bs99_spu, fdr_spu, fdr_det; double ci95d_SE, ci95s_SE, ci99d_SE, ci99s_SE;//standard errors of spurious and detected peaks double ci95d_m, ci95s_m, ci99d_m, ci99s_m;//means of spurious and detected peaks double bs95d_SE, bs95s_SE, bs99d_SE, bs99s_SE, fdr_SE, fdrs_SE;//standard errors of spurious and detected peaks double bs95d_m, bs95s_m, bs99d_m, bs99s_m, fdr_m, fdrs_m;//means of spurious and detected peaks int peak_n = 0, total_QTL, vs_peak_n = 0; Population Pop; ofstream summ; ofstream Fsts; ofstream plot_Fsts; ofstream parameters; ofstream QTLs; ofstream peak_summ; ofstream ld, sig_thresh; string ldname = basefilename + "_LD.txt"; string QTLname = basefilename + "_QTLs.txt"; string parametername = basefilename + "_Parameters.txt"; string summfilename = basefilename + "_SummStats.txt"; string adultfilename = basefilename + "_AdultSummStats.txt"; string fstfilename = basefilename + "_Fsts.txt"; string fdrfilename = basefilename + "_plot_Fsts.txt"; string peaksummname = basefilename + "_peakSumm.txt"; string sig_threshold_name = basefilename + "_sig_thresholds.txt";;;;;;;; sig_thresh << "rep\tgen\tnum.fdr.real\tnum.fdr.spur\tnum.99.real\tnum.99.spur\tnum.95.real\tnum.95.spur\tnum.bs99.real\tnum.bs99.spur\tnum.bs95.real\tnum.bs95.spur"; summ << "rep\tgen\tTimepoint\twhich\tMeanLD\t" << "GenVar\t" << "PhenVar\t" << "Heritability\t" << "PopulationSize\t" << "NumMales\t" << "NumFem\t" << "SexRatio\t" << "Mean Trait Value\t" << "MaleTraitMean\t" << "FemTraitMean\t" << "Mating Diff\t" << "Male m'\t" << "Fem m'" << "\tbs99_real\tbs99_spurious\tci99_real\tci99spurious" << '\n'; parameters << "NumReps\tCarryingCapacity\tMaxFecundity\tMaxEncounters\tAdultSampleSize\tOffSampleSize\tNumGen\tNumSelGen\tNumLoci" << "\tNumChrom\tNumQTLs\tMaxNumAlleles\tRecombRate\tMutRate\tMutVar\tEnvVar\tSigma\tbs_reps\tNumforLD\n"; ci95s_m = ci95d_m = ci99d_m = ci99s_m = 0; bs95d_m = bs95s_m = bs99d_m = bs99s_m = fdr_m = fdrs_m = 0; bs95d_SE = bs95s_SE = bs99d_SE = bs99s_SE = fdr_SE = fdrs_SE = 0; vector <double> new_within_chrom_dprime; double mean_dp_ldistchrom = 0; //vector <double> adams_avg_dprime; ld_info returned_data; for (reps = 0; reps < NumReps; reps++) { Pop.SetParameters(); Pop.Initialize(Pop.prior_qtl); cout << "Started rep " << reps + 1 << '\n'; if (reps == 0) { ld << "rep\tgen\t" << "Avg_perchrom_ldDp\t" << "PairwiseD\t" << "Dprime\t" << "long_dist_d\t" << "long_distDprime"; total_QTL = Pop.NumQTLs*Pop.NumChrom; QTLs << "reps"; for (int c = 0; c < Pop.NumChrom; c++) { new_within_chrom_dprime.push_back(0); // adams_avg_dprime.push_back(0); ld << "\tchrom_" << c << "_D" << "\tchrom_" << c << "_ldDp"; for (int cc = 0; cc < Pop.NumQTLs; cc++) QTLs << '\t' << c << "." << cc; } QTLs << '\n'; ld << '\n'; parameters << NumReps << '\t' << Pop.CarryingCapacity << '\t' << Pop.MaximumFecundity << '\t' << Pop.MaximumEncounters << '\t' << Pop.pAdultSample << '\t' << Pop.ProgSample << '\t' << Pop.Generations << '\t' << Pop.NumSelGen << '\t' << Pop.NumMarkers << '\t' << Pop.NumChrom << '\t' << Pop.NumQTLs << '\t' << Pop.NumAlleles << '\t' << Pop.RecombRate << '\t' << Pop.MutationRate << '\t' << Pop.MutationalVariance << '\t' << Pop.EnvironmentalVariance << '\t' << Pop.sigma << '\t' << Pop.bs_replicates << '\t' << Pop.NumLD << '\n'; } QTLs << reps; for (int c = 0; c < Pop.NumChrom; c++) { for (int cc = 0; cc < Pop.NumQTLs; cc++) QTLs << '\t' << Pop.Locations[c].LociOnChrom[cc]; } QTLs << '\n'; for (g = 0; g < Pop.Generations; g++) { Pop.PopulationSize = Pop.DeterminePopSize(); Pop.Mating(ss_initial);//random mating if 0 if (Pop.popExtinct == true) { cout << "Extinct Generation " << g + 1 << '\n'; break; } Pop.Mutation(); Pop.SelectionOnPhenotypes(vs_initial);//none if 0 Pop.DensityRegulation(); Pop.PopulationSize = Pop.DeterminePopSize(); Pop.CalcMeanTraitValues(); Pop.AdultSumm(); double mean_new_longdist_d, mean_new_longdist_dprime; mean_new_longdist_d = mean_new_longdist_dprime = 0; Pop.AvgLD = 0; Pop.avg_pairwise_d = 0; Pop.avg_longdist_d = 0; mean_dp_ldistchrom = 0; ld_count = 0; while (ld_count < Pop.NumLD) { returned_data = Pop.AdultPopLD(randnum(Pop.NumChrom), randnum(Pop.NumChrom), randnum(Pop.NumMarkers), randnum(Pop.NumMarkers)); if (returned_data.dprime != -5) { mean_new_longdist_d = mean_new_longdist_d + returned_data.d; mean_new_longdist_dprime = mean_new_longdist_dprime + returned_data.dprime; ld_count++; } } mean_new_longdist_d = mean_new_longdist_d / Pop.NumLD; mean_new_longdist_dprime = mean_new_longdist_dprime / Pop.NumLD; for (int c = 0; c < Pop.NumChrom; c++) { for (int cc = 0; cc < Pop.NumMarkers - 1; cc++) {//Pairwise returned_data = Pop.AdultPopLD(c, c, cc, cc + 1); Pop.avg_pairwise_d = Pop.avg_pairwise_d + returned_data.d; Pop.AvgLD = Pop.AvgLD + returned_data.dprime; } //adams_avg_dprime[c] = 0; Pop.avg_d[c] = 0; ld_count = 0; new_within_chrom_dprime[c] = 0; while (ld_count < 100) {//random within-chromosomes returned_data = Pop.AdultPopLD(c, c, randnum(Pop.NumMarkers), randnum(Pop.NumMarkers)); if (returned_data.dprime != -5) { Pop.avg_d[c] = Pop.avg_d[c] + returned_data.d; new_within_chrom_dprime[c] = new_within_chrom_dprime[c] + returned_data.dprime; mean_dp_ldistchrom = mean_dp_ldistchrom + returned_data.dprime; ld_count++; } } Pop.avg_d[c] = Pop.avg_d[c] / 100; new_within_chrom_dprime[c] = new_within_chrom_dprime[c] / 100; } mean_dp_ldistchrom = mean_dp_ldistchrom / (Pop.NumChrom * 100); Pop.AvgLD = Pop.AvgLD / (Pop.NumChrom * Pop.NumMarkers); Pop.avg_pairwise_d = Pop.avg_pairwise_d / (Pop.NumChrom * Pop.NumMarkers); ld << reps << '\t' << g << '\t' << mean_dp_ldistchrom << '\t' << Pop.avg_pairwise_d << '\t' << Pop.AvgLD << '\t' << mean_new_longdist_d << '\t' << mean_new_longdist_dprime; for (int c = 0; c < Pop.NumChrom; c++) { ld << '\t' << Pop.avg_d[c] << '\t' << new_within_chrom_dprime[c]; } ld << '\n'; if ((g + 1) % 100 == 0) cout << "Generation " << g + 1 << " complete. "; }//end of generations cout << '\n'; if (!Pop.popExtinct) { int Q; for (g = 0; g < Pop.NumSelGen; g++) { Pop.PopulationSize = Pop.DeterminePopSize(); if (Pop.PopulationSize == 0) Pop.popExtinct = true; else { cout << "Sample Gen " << g + 1 << ", "; Pop.StandardizeGenotypes(); Pop.Mating(ss_sampled);//mate choice Pop.Mutation(); //Sample the new population Pop.SamplePop(); //calculate stats //Pop.SampleFsts(); Pop.POFst(); Pop.CalcFstChiSq(Pop.F_Marker); Pop.BenjaminiHochbergFDR(Pop.Psig); Pop.CalcLD(); for (int c = 0; c < Pop.NumChrom; c++) { for (int cc = 0; cc < Pop.NumMarkers - 1; cc++) {//Pairwise returned_data = Pop.AdultPopLD(c, c, cc, cc + 1); Pop.avg_pairwise_d = Pop.avg_pairwise_d + returned_data.d; Pop.AvgLD = Pop.AvgLD + returned_data.dprime; } } Pop.AvgLD = Pop.AvgLD / (Pop.NumChrom * Pop.NumMarkers); //Pop.LongDistLD(); Pop.QTLFstCalcs(); Pop.GeneticVariance(); Pop.WeightedFst(Pop.F_Marker, 0); Pop.CalculateFstCIs(Pop.F_Marker); Pop.bootstrap_resampling(Pop.F_Marker); Pop.PeakDetector(); ci95d_m = ci95d_m + Pop.ci_detected95; ci95s_m = ci95s_m + Pop.ci_spurious95; ci99d_m = ci99d_m + Pop.ci_detected; ci99s_m = ci99s_m + Pop.ci_spurious; bs95d_m = bs95d_m + Pop.bs_detected95; bs95s_m = bs95s_m + Pop.bs_spurious95; bs99d_m = bs99d_m + Pop.bs_detected; bs99s_m = bs99s_m + Pop.bs_spurious; fdr_m = fdr_m + Pop.fdr_det; fdrs_m = fdrs_m + Pop.fdr_spur; ci95_det.push_back(Pop.ci_detected95); ci95_spu.push_back(Pop.ci_spurious95); ci99_det.push_back(Pop.ci_detected); ci99_spu.push_back(Pop.ci_spurious); bs95_det.push_back(Pop.bs_detected95); bs95_spu.push_back(Pop.bs_spurious95); bs99_det.push_back(Pop.bs_spurious); bs99_spu.push_back(Pop.bs_detected); fdr_det.push_back(Pop.fdr_det); fdr_spu.push_back(Pop.fdr_spur); sig_thresh << '\n' << reps << '\t' << g << '\t' << Pop.fdr_det << '\t' << Pop.fdr_spur << '\t' << Pop.ci_detected << '\t' << Pop.ci_spurious << '\t' << Pop.ci_detected95 << '\t' << Pop.ci_spurious95 << '\t' << Pop.bs_detected << '\t' << Pop.bs_spurious << '\t' << Pop.bs_detected95 << '\t' << Pop.bs_spurious95; peak_n++; if (g == 0 && reps == 0) { Fsts << "TotalNumPolymorphicLoci:" << Pop.NumPolymorphicLoci << '\n'; Fsts << "NumSampledAdults:" << Pop.pAdultSample << '\n'; Fsts << "NumSampledOffspring:" << Pop.ProgSample << '\n'; Fsts << "NumSampledGenerations:" << Pop.NumSelGen << '\n' << '\n'; Fsts << "Label\tGeneration\t" << "Chrom\t" << "Locus\t" << "QTL?\t" << "GenVar\t" << "Fst\t" << "WeightedFst\t" << "ChiSqP\t" << "ExpAdultHet\t" << "ExpOffHet\t" << "Ht\t" << "Hs\t" << "A.p1\t" << "O.p1\t" << "A.LD\t" << "O.LD\t" << "Fst.Q\t" << "QAHet\t" << "QOffHet\t" << "QHt\t" << "QHs\n"; plot_Fsts << "Rep\tGen\t" << "FDRCrit\t" << "Smooth99\t" << "Smooth98\t" << "Smooth95\t" << "Smooth90\t" << "Smooth80\t" << "bs99\tbs98\tbs95\tbs90\tbs80"; for (int l = 0; l < Pop.NumChrom; l++) { for (int ll = 0; ll < Pop.NumMarkers; ll++) { if (Pop.SampledLoci[l].LociOnChrom[ll] == 1) plot_Fsts << '\t' << l << "." << ll; } } plot_Fsts << '\n'; } plot_Fsts << reps << '\t' << g << "a\t" << Pop.CriticalValue << '\t' << Pop.SmoothedCritValue99 << '\t' << Pop.SmoothedCritValue98 << '\t' << Pop.SmoothedCritValue95 << '\t' << Pop.SmoothedCritValue90 << '\t' << Pop.SmoothedCritValue80 << '\t' << Pop.bsCritValue99 << '\t' << Pop.bsCritValue98 << '\t' << Pop.bsCritValue95 << '\t' << Pop.bsCritValue90 << '\t' << Pop.bsCritValue80; for (int w = 0; w < Pop.NumChrom; w++) { for (int x = 0; x < Pop.NumSampledLoci; x++) { plot_Fsts << '\t' << Pop.F_Marker.WeightedFst[w].LociOnChrom[x]; if (Pop.QTLtracker[w].LociOnChrom[int(Pop.F_Marker.Locus[w].LociOnChrom[x])] == 1) { for (int q = 0; q < Pop.NumQTLs; q++) { if (Pop.Locations[w].LociOnChrom[q] == Pop.F_Marker.Locus[w].LociOnChrom[x]) Q = q; } Fsts << g << "_A-O\t" << w << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.F_Marker.Locus[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << "YES\t" << Pop.GenetVars[w].LociOnChrom[Q] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.F_Marker.FstValue[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.F_Marker.WeightedFst[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.F_Marker.PValue[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.AdultHet[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.OffHet[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.TotHet[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.HetS[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.AFreq1[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.MFreq1[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.OFreq1[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.ALD[w].LociOnChrom[int(Pop.F_Marker.Locus[w].LociOnChrom[x])] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.OLD[w].LociOnChrom[int(Pop.F_Marker.Locus[w].LociOnChrom[x])] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.F_QTL.FstValue[w].LociOnChrom[Q] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.QAdultHet[w].LociOnChrom[Q] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.QOffHet[w].LociOnChrom[Q] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.QTotHet[w].LociOnChrom[Q] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.QHs[w].LociOnChrom[Q] << '\t'; Fsts << '\n'; } else{ if (Pop.F_Marker.FstValue[w].LociOnChrom[x] > 0) { Fsts << g << "_A-O\t" << w << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.F_Marker.Locus[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << "NO\t" << 0 << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.F_Marker.FstValue[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.F_Marker.WeightedFst[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.F_Marker.PValue[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.AdultHet[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.OffHet[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.TotHet[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.HetS[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.AFreq1[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.MFreq1[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.OFreq1[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.ALD[w].LociOnChrom[int(Pop.F_Marker.Locus[w].LociOnChrom[x])] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.OLD[w].LociOnChrom[int(Pop.F_Marker.Locus[w].LociOnChrom[x])] << '\t'; for (int out = 0; out < 5; out++) Fsts << "0\t"; Fsts << '\n'; } } } } plot_Fsts << '\n'; Pop.AdultSumm(); summ << reps << '\t' << g << "\tAO\tAdults\t" << Pop.meanLD << '\t' << Pop.GenVar << '\t' << Pop.PhenVar << '\t' << Pop.Heritability << '\t' << Pop.PopulationSize << '\t' << Pop.malN << '\t' << Pop.femN << '\t' << Pop.adultRatio << '\t' << Pop.allphenavg << '\t' << Pop.malphenavg << '\t' << Pop.femphenavg << '\t' << Pop.allDiff << '\t' << Pop.maleDiff << '\t' << Pop.femDiff << '\t' << Pop.bs_detected << '\t' << Pop.bs_spurious << '\t' << Pop.ci_detected << '\t' << Pop.ci_spurious << '\n'; Pop.SelectionOnPhenotypes(vs_sampled); Pop.OffSumm(); summ << reps << '\t' << g << "\tAO\tOff\t" << '\t' << Pop.GenVar << '\t' << Pop.PhenVar << '\t' << Pop.Heritability << '\t' << Pop.PopulationSize << '\t' << Pop.malN << '\t' << Pop.femN << '\t' << Pop.offRatio << '\t' << Pop.allphenavg << '\t' << Pop.malphenavg << '\t' << Pop.femphenavg << '\t' << Pop.allDiff << '\t' << Pop.maleDiff << '\t' << Pop.femDiff << '\t' << '\t' << '\t' << '\t' << '\n'; //population continues Pop.DensityRegulation(); Pop.CalcMeanTraitValues(); Pop.PopulationSize = Pop.DeterminePopSize(); //compare current adults to previous progeny Pop.SamplePop(); Pop.POFst(); //Pop.SampleFsts(); Pop.CalcFstChiSq(Pop.F_Marker); Pop.BenjaminiHochbergFDR(Pop.Psig); Pop.CalcLD(); for (int c = 0; c < Pop.NumChrom; c++) { for (int cc = 0; cc < Pop.NumMarkers - 1; cc++) {//Pairwise returned_data = Pop.AdultPopLD(c, c, cc, cc + 1); Pop.avg_pairwise_d = Pop.avg_pairwise_d + returned_data.d; Pop.AvgLD = Pop.AvgLD + returned_data.dprime; } } Pop.AvgLD = Pop.AvgLD / (Pop.NumChrom * Pop.NumMarkers); //Pop.LongDistLD(); Pop.QTLFstCalcs(); Pop.GeneticVariance(); Pop.WeightedFst(Pop.F_Marker, 0); Pop.CalculateFstCIs(Pop.F_Marker); Pop.bootstrap_resampling(Pop.F_Marker); Pop.PeakDetector(); for (int w = 0; w < Pop.NumChrom; w++) { for (int x = 0; x < Pop.NumSampledLoci; x++) { if (Pop.QTLtracker[w].LociOnChrom[int(Pop.F_Marker.Locus[w].LociOnChrom[x])] == 1) { for (int q = 0; q < Pop.NumQTLs; q++) { if (Pop.Locations[w].LociOnChrom[q] == Pop.F_Marker.Locus[w].LociOnChrom[x]) Q = q; } Fsts << g << "_O-A\t" << w << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.F_Marker.Locus[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << "YES\t" << Pop.GenetVars[w].LociOnChrom[Q] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.F_Marker.FstValue[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.F_Marker.WeightedFst[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.F_Marker.PValue[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.AdultHet[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.OffHet[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.TotHet[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.HetS[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.AFreq1[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.MFreq1[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.OFreq1[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.ALD[w].LociOnChrom[int(Pop.F_Marker.Locus[w].LociOnChrom[x])] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.OLD[w].LociOnChrom[int(Pop.F_Marker.Locus[w].LociOnChrom[x])] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.F_QTL.FstValue[w].LociOnChrom[Q] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.QAdultHet[w].LociOnChrom[Q] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.QOffHet[w].LociOnChrom[Q] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.QTotHet[w].LociOnChrom[Q] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.QHs[w].LociOnChrom[Q] << '\t'; Fsts << '\n'; } else{ if (Pop.F_Marker.FstValue[w].LociOnChrom[x] > 0) { Fsts << g << "_O-A\t" << w << '\t' << Pop.SampledLoci[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << "NO\t" << 0 << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.F_Marker.FstValue[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.F_Marker.WeightedFst[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.F_Marker.PValue[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.AdultHet[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.OffHet[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.TotHet[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.HetS[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.AFreq1[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.MFreq1[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.OFreq1[w].LociOnChrom[x] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.ALD[w].LociOnChrom[int(Pop.F_Marker.Locus[w].LociOnChrom[x])] << '\t'; Fsts << Pop.OLD[w].LociOnChrom[int(Pop.F_Marker.Locus[w].LociOnChrom[x])] << '\t'; for (int out = 0; out < 5; out++) Fsts << "0\t"; Fsts << '\n'; } } } } Pop.AdultSumm(); summ << reps << '\t' << g << "\tOA\tAdult\t" << Pop.meanLD << '\t' << Pop.GenVar << '\t' << Pop.PhenVar << '\t' << Pop.Heritability << '\t' << Pop.PopulationSize << '\t' << Pop.malN << '\t' << Pop.femN << '\t' << Pop.adultRatio << '\t' << Pop.allphenavg << '\t' << Pop.malphenavg << '\t' << Pop.femphenavg << '\t' << Pop.allDiff << '\t' << Pop.maleDiff << '\t' << Pop.femDiff << '\t' << Pop.bs_detected << '\t' << Pop.bs_spurious << '\t' << Pop.ci_detected << '\t' << Pop.ci_spurious << '\n'; Pop.OffSumm(); summ << reps << '\t' << g << "\tOA\tOff\t" << '\t' << Pop.GenVar << '\t' << Pop.PhenVar << '\t' << Pop.Heritability << '\t' << Pop.PopulationSize << '\t' << Pop.malN << '\t' << Pop.femN << '\t' << Pop.offRatio << '\t' << Pop.allphenavg << '\t' << Pop.malphenavg << '\t' << Pop.femphenavg << '\t' << Pop.allDiff << '\t' << Pop.maleDiff << '\t' << Pop.femDiff << '\t' << '\t' << '\t' << '\t' << '\n'; }//run five times with MC and track it each time } } cout << "Done rep " << reps + 1 << '\n'; Pop.DeInitialize(); }//end of reps //calculate the summary stats regarding the peaks; peak_summ << "Name\t" << "which\t" << "AvgRatioReal_99\t" << "RealSE_99\t" << "AvgRatioSpur_99\t" << "SpuriousSE_99\t" << "AvgRatioReal_95\t" << "Real_SE_95\t" << "AvgRatioSpur_95\t" << "SpuriousSE_95\t" << "TotalNumQTLs\t" << "TotalN\n"; //calculate summary stats for sexual selection ci95d_m = (ci95d_m / peak_n); //peak_n is the number of reps & generations that cis are calculated for. ci95s_m = (ci95s_m / peak_n); ci99d_m = (ci99d_m / peak_n); ci99s_m = (ci99s_m / peak_n); ci95d_SE = 0; ci95s_SE = 0; ci99d_SE = 0; ci99s_SE = 0; for (int c = 0; c < peak_n; c++) { ci95d_SE = ci95d_SE + ((ci95_det[c]) - ci95d_m)*((ci95_det[c]) - ci95d_m); ci95s_SE = ci95s_SE + ((ci95_spu[c]) - ci95s_m)*((ci95_spu[c]) - ci95s_m); ci99d_SE = ci99d_SE + ((ci99_det[c]) - ci99d_m)*((ci99_det[c]) - ci99d_m); ci99s_SE = ci99s_SE + ((ci99_spu[c]) - ci99s_m)*((ci99_spu[c]) - ci99s_m); } ci95d_SE = sqrt(ci95d_SE / peak_n); ci95s_SE = sqrt(ci95s_SE / peak_n); ci99s_SE = sqrt(ci99s_SE / peak_n); ci99d_SE = sqrt(ci99d_SE / peak_n); peak_summ << basefilename << "\tSmooth\t" << ci99d_m << '\t' << ci99d_SE << '\t' << ci99s_m << '\t' << ci99s_SE << '\t' << ci95d_m << '\t' << ci95d_SE << '\t' << ci95s_m << '\t' << ci95s_SE << '\t' << total_QTL << '\t' << peak_n << '\n'; //calculate summary stats for sexual selection bs95d_m = (bs95d_m / peak_n) / total_QTL; //peak_n is the number of reps & generations that cis are calculated for. bs95s_m = (bs95s_m / peak_n) / total_QTL; bs99d_m = (bs99d_m / peak_n) / total_QTL; bs99s_m = (bs99s_m / peak_n) / total_QTL; fdrs_m = (fdrs_m / peak_n) / total_QTL; fdr_m = (fdr_m / peak_n) / total_QTL; bs95d_SE = 0; bs95s_SE = 0; bs99d_SE = 0; bs99s_SE = 0; fdrs_SE = 0; fdr_SE = 0; for (int c = 0; c < peak_n; c++) { bs95d_SE = bs95d_SE + ((bs95_det[c] / total_QTL) - bs95d_m)*((bs95_det[c] / total_QTL) - bs95d_m); bs95s_SE = bs95s_SE + ((bs95_spu[c] / total_QTL) - bs95s_m)*((bs95_spu[c] / total_QTL) - bs95s_m); bs99d_SE = bs99d_SE + ((bs99_det[c] / total_QTL) - bs99d_m)*((bs99_det[c] / total_QTL) - bs99d_m); bs99s_SE = bs99s_SE + ((bs99_spu[c] / total_QTL) - bs99s_m)*((bs99_spu[c] / total_QTL) - bs99s_m); fdr_SE = fdr_SE + ((fdr_det[c] / total_QTL) - fdr_m)*((fdr_det[c] / total_QTL) - fdr_m); fdrs_SE = fdrs_SE + ((fdr_spu[c] / total_QTL) - fdrs_m)*((fdr_spu[c] / total_QTL) - fdrs_m); } bs95d_SE = sqrt(bs95d_SE / peak_n); bs95s_SE = sqrt(bs95s_SE / peak_n); bs99s_SE = sqrt(bs99s_SE / peak_n); bs99d_SE = sqrt(bs99d_SE / peak_n); fdr_SE = sqrt(fdr_SE / peak_n); fdrs_SE = sqrt(fdrs_SE / peak_n); peak_summ << basefilename << "\tStacksBS\t" << bs99d_m << '\t' << bs99d_SE << '\t' << bs99s_m << '\t' << bs99s_SE << '\t' << bs95d_m << '\t' << bs95d_SE << '\t' << bs95s_m << '\t' << bs95s_SE << '\n' << "\tFDR\t\t\t\t\t" << fdr_m << '\t' << fdr_SE << '\t' << fdrs_m << '\t' << fdrs_SE << '\n'; peak_summ.close(); summ.close(); Fsts.close(); QTLs.close(); parameters.close(); plot_Fsts.close(); cout << "Finished! Input integer to quit\n"; cin >> end; return 0; }