void THERM::formatDialog (QStringList &, QString &rv, QString &rs) { rs.truncate(0); rv.truncate(0); QString pl = QObject::tr("Parms"); QString vnl = QObject::tr("Variable Name"); QString tl = QObject::tr("Threshold"); QString sl = QObject::tr("Smoothing"); QString stl = QObject::tr("Smoothing Type"); QString mpl = QObject::tr("MA Period"); QString mtl = QObject::tr("MA Type"); PrefDialog *dialog = new PrefDialog(0); dialog->setCaption(QObject::tr("THERM Format")); dialog->createPage (pl); dialog->setHelpFile(helpFile); QString s; QStringList l; getMATypes(l); dialog->addTextItem(vnl, pl, s); dialog->addComboItem(mtl, pl, l, maType); dialog->addIntItem(mpl, pl, maPeriod, 0, 99999999); dialog->addDoubleItem(tl, pl, threshold, 1, 99999999); dialog->addComboItem(stl, pl, l, smoothType); dialog->addIntItem(sl, pl, smoothing, 0, 99999999); int rc = dialog->exec(); if (rc == QDialog::Accepted) { dialog->getText(vnl, rv); dialog->getCombo(mtl, rs); int t = dialog->getInt(mpl); rs.append("," + QString::number(t)); double d = dialog->getDouble(tl); rs.append("," + QString::number(d)); dialog->getCombo(stl, s); rs.append("," + s); t = dialog->getInt(sl); rs.append("," + QString::number(t)); } delete dialog; }
void BARS::formatDialog (QStringList &, QString &rv, QString &rs) { rs.truncate(0); rv.truncate(0); bool ok; method = QInputDialog::getItem(QObject::tr("BARS Method Selection"), QObject::tr("Select a method:"), methodList, 0, TRUE, &ok, 0); if (! ok) return; QString pl = QObject::tr("Parms"); QString vnl = QObject::tr("Variable Name"); QString cl = QObject::tr("Color"); QString rl = QObject::tr("Reversal"); PrefDialog *dialog = new PrefDialog(0); dialog->setCaption(QObject::tr("BARS Format")); dialog->createPage (pl); dialog->setHelpFile(helpFile); QString s; dialog->addTextItem(vnl, pl, s); if (! method.compare("HACandle")) dialog->addColorItem(cl, pl, candleColor); if (! method.compare("PF")) dialog->addIntItem(rl, pl, pfReversal); int rc = dialog->exec(); if (rc == QDialog::Accepted) { dialog->getText(vnl, rv); rs = method; if (! method.compare("HACandle")) { dialog->getColor(cl, candleColor); rs.append("," + candleColor.name()); } if (! method.compare("PF")) { pfReversal = dialog->getInt(rl); rs.append("," + QString::number(pfReversal)); } } delete dialog; }
int BARS::indicatorPrefDialog (QWidget *w) { bool newFlag = FALSE; if (! method.length()) newFlag = TRUE; if (newFlag) { bool ok; QString s = QInputDialog::getItem(QObject::tr("BARS type Selection"), QObject::tr("Select a bar type:"), methodList, 0, TRUE, &ok, w); if (ok) { method = s; label = method; } else return FALSE; } QString pl = QObject::tr("Parms"); QString ucl = QObject::tr("Up Color"); QString dcl = QObject::tr("Down Color"); QString ncl = QObject::tr("Neutral Color"); QString ccl = QObject::tr("Candle Color"); QString ll = QObject::tr("Label"); QString pfxcl = QObject::tr("X Color"); QString pfocl = QObject::tr("O Color"); QString pfrl = QObject::tr("Reversal"); QString pfbsl = QObject::tr("Box Size"); QString pfml = QObject::tr("Method"); QString pl2 = QObject::tr("MA"); QString macl = QObject::tr("MA Color"); QString mall = QObject::tr("MA Label"); QString maltl = QObject::tr("MA Line Type"); QString mapl = QObject::tr("MA Period"); QString matl = QObject::tr("MA Type"); QString mail = QObject::tr("MA Input"); QString pl3 = QObject::tr("MA2"); QString ma2cl = QObject::tr("MA2 Color"); QString ma2ll = QObject::tr("MA2 Label"); QString ma2ltl = QObject::tr("MA2 Line Type"); QString ma2pl = QObject::tr("MA2 Period"); QString ma2tl = QObject::tr("MA2 Type"); QString ma2il = QObject::tr("MA2 Input"); QString pl4 = QObject::tr("MA3"); QString ma3cl = QObject::tr("MA3 Color"); QString ma3ll = QObject::tr("MA3 Label"); QString ma3ltl = QObject::tr("MA3 Line Type"); QString ma3pl = QObject::tr("MA3 Period"); QString ma3tl = QObject::tr("MA3 Type"); QString ma3il = QObject::tr("MA3 Input"); QString pl5 = QObject::tr("MA4"); QString ma4cl = QObject::tr("MA4 Color"); QString ma4ll = QObject::tr("MA4 Label"); QString ma4ltl = QObject::tr("MA4 Line Type"); QString ma4pl = QObject::tr("MA4 Period"); QString ma4tl = QObject::tr("MA4 Type"); QString ma4il = QObject::tr("MA4 Input"); PrefDialog *dialog = new PrefDialog(w); dialog->setCaption(QObject::tr("BARS Indicator")); dialog->createPage (pl); dialog->setHelpFile(helpFile); if (! method.compare("OHLC")) { dialog->setCaption(QObject::tr("OHLC Bars")); dialog->addColorItem(ucl, pl, barUpColor); dialog->addColorItem(dcl, pl, barDownColor); dialog->addColorItem(ncl, pl, barNeutralColor); } if (! method.compare("Candle")) { dialog->setCaption(QObject::tr("Japanese Candlesticks")); dialog->addColorItem(ucl, pl, barUpColor); dialog->addColorItem(dcl, pl, barDownColor); dialog->addColorItem(ncl, pl, barNeutralColor); } if (! method.compare("HACandle")) { dialog->setCaption(QObject::tr("Heiken Ashi Candlesticks")); dialog->addColorItem(ucl, pl, barUpColor); dialog->addColorItem(dcl, pl, barDownColor); dialog->addColorItem(ncl, pl, barNeutralColor); } if (! method.compare("PF")) { dialog->setCaption(QObject::tr("P&F Indicator")); QStringList l; l.append(QObject::tr("Default")); l.append(QObject::tr("Custom")); dialog->addComboItem(pfml, pl, l, pfMethod); dialog->addColorItem(pfxcl, pl, pfXColor); dialog->addColorItem(pfocl, pl, pfOColor); double bs = pfBoxSize; int rv = pfReversal; if (! pfMethod.compare(QObject::tr("Custom"))) { QString s; Config config; config.getData(Config::CurrentChart, s); QFileInfo fi(s); s = fi.fileName(); DBBase db; if (! db.open(dbPath)) { QString s2; db.getData(s, s2); if (s2.length()) { QStringList l = QStringList::split(",", s2, FALSE); bs = l[0].toDouble(); rv = l[1].toInt(); } db.close(); } } dialog->addDoubleItem(pfbsl, pl, bs, 0.0001, 999999.0); dialog->addIntItem(pfrl, pl, rv, 1, 99); } dialog->addTextItem(ll, pl, label); QStringList mal; getMATypes(mal); if (! method.compare("OHLC") || ! method.compare("Candle") || ! method.compare("HACandle")) { dialog->createPage (pl2); dialog->addColorItem(macl, pl2, maColor); dialog->addTextItem(mall, pl2, maLabel); dialog->addComboItem(maltl, pl2, lineTypes, maLineType); dialog->addComboItem(matl, pl2, mal, maType); dialog->addIntItem(mapl, pl2, maPeriod, 1, 999999); dialog->addComboItem(mail, pl2, inputTypeList, maInput); dialog->createPage (pl3); dialog->addColorItem(ma2cl, pl3, maColor2); dialog->addTextItem(ma2ll, pl3, maLabel2); dialog->addComboItem(ma2ltl, pl3, lineTypes, maLineType2); dialog->addComboItem(ma2tl, pl3, mal, maType2); dialog->addIntItem(ma2pl, pl3, maPeriod2, 1, 999999); dialog->addComboItem(ma2il, pl3, inputTypeList, maInput2); dialog->createPage (pl4); dialog->addColorItem(ma3cl, pl4, maColor3); dialog->addTextItem(ma3ll, pl4, maLabel3); dialog->addComboItem(ma3ltl, pl4, lineTypes, maLineType3); dialog->addComboItem(ma3tl, pl4, mal, maType3); dialog->addIntItem(ma3pl, pl4, maPeriod3, 1, 999999); dialog->addComboItem(ma3il, pl4, inputTypeList, maInput3); dialog->createPage (pl5); dialog->addColorItem(ma4cl, pl5, maColor4); dialog->addTextItem(ma4ll, pl5, maLabel4); dialog->addComboItem(ma4ltl, pl5, lineTypes, maLineType4); dialog->addComboItem(ma4tl, pl5, mal, maType4); dialog->addIntItem(ma4pl, pl5, maPeriod4, 1, 999999); dialog->addComboItem(ma4il, pl5, inputTypeList, maInput4); } int rc = dialog->exec(); if (rc == QDialog::Accepted) { if (! method.compare("OHLC")) { dialog->getColor(ucl, barUpColor); dialog->getColor(dcl, barDownColor); dialog->getColor(ncl, barNeutralColor); lineType = PlotLine::Bar; } if (! method.compare("Candle") || ! method.compare("HACandle")) { dialog->getColor(ucl, barUpColor); dialog->getColor(dcl, barDownColor); dialog->getColor(ncl, barNeutralColor); lineType = PlotLine::Candle; } if (! method.compare("PF")) { dialog->getCombo(pfml, pfMethod); dialog->getColor(pfxcl, pfXColor); dialog->getColor(pfocl, pfOColor); pfReversal = dialog->getInt(pfrl); if (! pfMethod.compare(QObject::tr("Custom")) && data) { double d = dialog->getDouble(pfbsl); QString s; Config config; config.getData(Config::CurrentChart, s); QFileInfo fi(s); s = fi.fileName(); DBBase db; if (! db.open(dbPath)) { QString s2 = QString::number(d) + "," + QString::number(pfReversal); db.setData(s, s2); db.close(); } } lineType = PlotLine::PF; } dialog->getText(ll, label); if (! method.compare("OHLC") || ! method.compare("Candle") || ! method.compare("HACandle")) { dialog->getColor(macl, maColor); maLineType = (PlotLine::LineType) dialog->getComboIndex(maltl); maPeriod = dialog->getInt(mapl); dialog->getText(mall, maLabel); maType = dialog->getComboIndex(matl); maInput = (BarData::InputType) dialog->getComboIndex(mail); dialog->getColor(ma2cl, maColor2); maLineType2 = (PlotLine::LineType) dialog->getComboIndex(ma2ltl); maPeriod2 = dialog->getInt(ma2pl); dialog->getText(ma2ll, maLabel2); maType2 = dialog->getComboIndex(ma2tl); maInput2 = (BarData::InputType) dialog->getComboIndex(ma2il); dialog->getColor(ma3cl, maColor3); maLineType3 = (PlotLine::LineType) dialog->getComboIndex(ma3ltl); maPeriod3 = dialog->getInt(ma3pl); dialog->getText(ma3ll, maLabel3); maType3 = dialog->getComboIndex(ma3tl); maInput3 = (BarData::InputType) dialog->getComboIndex(ma3il); dialog->getColor(ma4cl, maColor4); maLineType4 = (PlotLine::LineType) dialog->getComboIndex(ma4ltl); maPeriod4 = dialog->getInt(ma4pl); dialog->getText(ma4ll, maLabel4); maType4 = dialog->getComboIndex(ma4tl); maInput4 = (BarData::InputType) dialog->getComboIndex(ma4il); } rc = TRUE; } else rc = FALSE; delete dialog; return rc; }
void TALIB::formatDialog (QStringList &vl, QString &rv, QString &rs) { rs.truncate(0); rv.truncate(0); const TA_FuncHandle *handle; const TA_FuncInfo *theInfo; // open a TALIB handle TA_RetCode retCode = TA_GetFuncHandle(formatMethod, &handle); if (retCode != TA_SUCCESS) { qDebug("TALIB::getFormatList:can't open handle"); return; } // get info on the function retCode = TA_GetFuncInfo(handle, &theInfo); if (retCode != TA_SUCCESS) { qDebug("TALIB::getFormatList:can't get function info"); return; } QString pl = QObject::tr("Parms"); QString vnl = QObject::tr("Variable Name"); PrefDialog *dialog = new PrefDialog(0); dialog->setCaption(QObject::tr("TALIB Format")); dialog->createPage (pl); dialog->setHelpFile(helpFile); QString s; dialog->addTextItem(vnl, pl, s); // check for any array inputs const TA_InputParameterInfo *inputParms; int loop; for (loop = 0; loop < (int) theInfo->nbInput; loop++ ) { s = QObject::tr("Input") + QString::number(loop + 1); TA_GetInputParameterInfo(theInfo->handle, loop, &inputParms); switch (inputParms->type) { case TA_Input_Real: dialog->addComboItem(s, pl, vl, (int) BarData::Close); break; default: break; } } QStringList mal; getMATypes(mal); mal.remove("Wilder"); // get the input parms const TA_OptInputParameterInfo *optInfo; for (loop = 0; loop < (int) theInfo->nbOptInput; loop++ ) { TA_GetOptInputParameterInfo(theInfo->handle, loop, &optInfo); s = optInfo->displayName; switch (optInfo->type) { case TA_OptInput_RealRange: dialog->addDoubleItem(s, pl, (double) optInfo->defaultValue, 0, 99999999); break; case TA_OptInput_IntegerRange: dialog->addIntItem(s, pl, (int) optInfo->defaultValue, 1, 999999); break; case TA_OptInput_IntegerList: dialog->addComboItem(s, pl, mal, (int) optInfo->defaultValue); break; case TA_OptInput_RealList: break; default: break; } } if (theInfo->nbOutput > 1) { s = "Plot"; dialog->addIntItem(s, pl, 1, 1, theInfo->nbOutput); } int rc = dialog->exec(); if (rc == QDialog::Accepted) { dialog->getText(vnl, rv); rs = formatMethod; QString ts; for (loop = 0; loop < (int) theInfo->nbInput; loop++ ) { s = QObject::tr("Input") + QString::number(loop + 1); TA_GetInputParameterInfo(theInfo->handle, loop, &inputParms); switch (inputParms->type) { case TA_Input_Real: dialog->getCombo(s, ts); rs.append("," + ts); break; default: break; } } double d = 0; int t = 0; for (loop = 0; loop < (int) theInfo->nbOptInput; loop++ ) { TA_GetOptInputParameterInfo(theInfo->handle, loop, &optInfo); s = optInfo->displayName; switch (optInfo->type) { case TA_OptInput_RealRange: d = dialog->getDouble(s); rs.append("," + QString::number(d)); break; case TA_OptInput_IntegerRange: t = dialog->getInt(s); rs.append("," + QString::number(t)); break; case TA_OptInput_IntegerList: dialog->getCombo(s, ts); rs.append("," + ts); break; case TA_OptInput_RealList: break; default: break; } } if (theInfo->nbOutput > 1) { s = "Plot"; t = dialog->getInt(s); rs.append("," + QString::number(t)); } } delete dialog; }
int ExScript::indicatorPrefDialog (QWidget *w) { QString pl2 = QObject::tr("Output"); QString cl = QObject::tr("Color"); QString ll = QObject::tr("Label"); QString ltl = QObject::tr("Line Type"); QString spl = QObject::tr("Script Path"); QString clsl = QObject::tr("Switches"); QString pl = QObject::tr("Input"); QString dl = QObject::tr("Date"); QString ol = QObject::tr("Open"); QString hl = QObject::tr("High"); QString lol = QObject::tr("Low"); QString cll = QObject::tr("Close"); QString vl = QObject::tr("Volume"); QString oil = QObject::tr("Open Interest"); QString tol = QObject::tr("Timeout Seconds"); PrefDialog *dialog = new PrefDialog(w); dialog->setCaption(QObject::tr("ExScript Indicator")); dialog->setHelpFile(helpFile); dialog->createPage (pl); QStringList l; l.append(scriptPath); dialog->addFileItem(spl, pl, l, scriptPath); dialog->addTextItem(clsl, pl, comlineParms); dialog->addIntItem(tol, pl, seconds, 1, 999); dialog->addCheckItem(dl, pl, dateFlag); dialog->addCheckItem(ol, pl, openFlag); dialog->addCheckItem(hl, pl, highFlag); dialog->addCheckItem(lol, pl, lowFlag); dialog->addCheckItem(cll, pl, closeFlag); dialog->addCheckItem(vl, pl, volumeFlag); dialog->addCheckItem(oil, pl, oiFlag); dialog->createPage(pl2); dialog->addColorItem(cl, pl2, color); dialog->addTextItem(ll, pl2, label); dialog->addComboItem(ltl, pl2, lineTypes, lineType); int rc = dialog->exec(); if (rc == QDialog::Accepted) { dialog->getFile(spl, l); if (l.count()) scriptPath = l[0]; dialog->getText(clsl, comlineParms); seconds = dialog->getInt(tol); dateFlag = dialog->getCheck(dl); openFlag = dialog->getCheck(ol); highFlag = dialog->getCheck(hl); lowFlag = dialog->getCheck(lol); closeFlag = dialog->getCheck(cll); volumeFlag = dialog->getCheck(vl); oiFlag = dialog->getCheck(oil); dialog->getColor(cl, color); dialog->getText(ll, label); lineType = (PlotLine::LineType) dialog->getComboIndex(ltl); rc = TRUE; } else rc = FALSE; delete dialog; return rc; }
int THERM::indicatorPrefDialog (QWidget *w) { QString pl = QObject::tr("THERM Parms"); QString pl2 = QObject::tr("MA Parms"); QString cal = QObject::tr("Color Above MA"); QString cbl = QObject::tr("Color Below MA"); QString ctl = QObject::tr("Color Threshold"); QString ll = QObject::tr("Label"); QString tl = QObject::tr("Threshold"); QString sl = QObject::tr("Smoothing"); QString stl = QObject::tr("Smoothing Type"); QString mcl = QObject::tr("MA Color"); QString mltl = QObject::tr("MA Line Type"); QString mll = QObject::tr("MA Label"); QString mpl = QObject::tr("MA Period"); QString mtl = QObject::tr("MA Type"); PrefDialog *dialog = new PrefDialog(w); dialog->setCaption(QObject::tr("THERM Indicator")); dialog->setHelpFile(helpFile); dialog->createPage (pl); dialog->addColorItem(cal, pl, upColor); dialog->addColorItem(cbl, pl, downColor); dialog->addColorItem(ctl, pl, threshColor); dialog->addTextItem(ll, pl, label); dialog->addDoubleItem(tl, pl, threshold, 1, 99999999); dialog->addIntItem(sl, pl, smoothing, 0, 99999999); QStringList l; getMATypes(l); dialog->addComboItem(stl, pl, l, smoothType); dialog->createPage (pl2); dialog->addColorItem(mcl, pl2, maColor); dialog->addComboItem(mltl, pl2, lineTypes, maLineType); dialog->addTextItem(mll, pl2, maLabel); dialog->addIntItem(mpl, pl2, maPeriod, 0, 99999999); dialog->addComboItem(mtl, pl2, l, maType); int rc = dialog->exec(); if (rc == QDialog::Accepted) { dialog->getColor(cal, upColor); dialog->getColor(cbl, downColor); dialog->getColor(ctl, threshColor); dialog->getText(ll, label); threshold = dialog->getDouble(tl); smoothing = dialog->getInt(sl); smoothType = dialog->getComboIndex(stl); dialog->getColor(mcl, maColor); maLineType = (PlotLine::LineType) dialog->getComboIndex(mltl); dialog->getText(mll, maLabel); maPeriod = dialog->getInt(mpl); maType = dialog->getComboIndex(mtl); rc = TRUE; } else rc = FALSE; delete dialog; return rc; }