예제 #1
// Populate cube label using filname and film code
// Code decrypted as specified in film decoder document (July 23, 1971 Revision)
//     available at ASU Apollo Resources archive
void TranslateApolloLabels (IString filename, Cube *opack) {
  //Instrument group
  PvlGroup inst("Instrument");
  PvlGroup kern("Kernels");
  PvlGroup codeGroup("Code");
  inst += PvlKeyword("SpacecraftName", apollo->SpacecraftName());
  inst += PvlKeyword("InstrumentId", apollo->InstrumentId());
  inst += PvlKeyword("TargetName", apollo->TargetName());
  if ( !IsValidCode() ){
    PvlGroup error("ERROR");
    error.addComment("The decrypted code is invalid.");
    for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
      PvlKeyword keyword("Column"+toString(i+1));
      for (int j=0; j<32; j++) {
        keyword += toString((int)code[i][j]);
      codeGroup += keyword;
  else {
    codeGroup += PvlKeyword("StartTime", FrameTime());
    codeGroup += PvlKeyword("SpacecraftAltitude", toString(Altitude()),"meters");
    if (apollo->IsMetric()){
      codeGroup += PvlKeyword("ExposureDuration", toString(ShutterInterval()), "milliseconds");
      codeGroup += PvlKeyword("ForwardMotionCompensation", FMC());
    for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
      PvlKeyword keyword("Column"+toString(i+1));
      for (int j=0; j<32; j++) {
        keyword += toString((int)code[i][j]);
      codeGroup += keyword;
  PvlGroup bandBin("BandBin");
  // There are no filters on the camera, so the default is clear with id # of 1
  // the BandBin group is only included to work with the spiceinit application
  bandBin += PvlKeyword("FilterName", "CLEAR");
  bandBin += PvlKeyword("FilterId", "1");
  kern += PvlKeyword("NaifFrameCode", apollo->NaifFrameCode());

  // Set up the nominal reseaus group
  Isis::PvlGroup &dataDir = Isis::Preference::Preferences().findGroup("DataDirectory");
  Process p;
  PvlTranslationTable tTable(
      (QString)p.MissionData("base", "translations/MissionName2DataDir.trn"));
  QString missionDir = dataDir[tTable.Translate("MissionName", apollo->SpacecraftName())][0];
  Pvl resTemplate(missionDir + "/reseaus/" + apollo->InstrumentId() + "_NOMINAL.pvl");
  PvlGroup *reseaus = &resTemplate.findGroup("Reseaus");
  // Update reseau locations based on refined code location
  for (int i=0; i<(reseaus->findKeyword("Type")).size(); i++) {
    double x = toDouble(reseaus->findKeyword("Sample")[i]) + sampleTranslation + 2278,
           y = toDouble(reseaus->findKeyword("Line")[i]) + lineTranslation - 20231;
    if (apollo->IsApollo17()) {
        x += 50;
        y += 20;
    reseaus->findKeyword("Sample")[i] = toString(
        cos(rotation)*(x-sampleTranslation) - sin(rotation)*(y-lineTranslation) + sampleTranslation);
    reseaus->findKeyword("Line")[i] = toString(
        sin(rotation)*(x-sampleTranslation) + cos(rotation)*(y-lineTranslation) + lineTranslation);
  inst += PvlKeyword("StartTime", utcTime);
예제 #2
void IsisMain() {
  // Open the input cube
  Process p;
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();
  CubeAttributeInput cai;
  Cube *icube = p.SetInputCube(ui.GetFilename("FROM"), cai, ReadWrite);

  // Make sure at least one CK & SPK quality was selected
  if (!ui.GetBoolean("CKPREDICTED") && !ui.GetBoolean("CKRECON") && !ui.GetBoolean("CKSMITHED") && !ui.GetBoolean("CKNADIR")) {
    string msg = "At least one CK quality must be selected";
    throw iException::Message(iException::User,msg,_FILEINFO_);
  if (!ui.GetBoolean("SPKPREDICTED") && !ui.GetBoolean("SPKRECON") && !ui.GetBoolean("SPKSMITHED")) {
    string msg = "At least one SPK quality must be selected";
    throw iException::Message(iException::User,msg,_FILEINFO_);

  // Make sure it is not projected
  Projection *proj = NULL;
  try {
    proj = icube->Projection();
  } catch (iException &e) {
    proj = NULL;

  if (proj != NULL) {
    string msg = "Can not initialize SPICE for a map projected cube";
    throw iException::Message(iException::User,msg,_FILEINFO_);

  Pvl lab = *icube->Label();

  // if cube has existing polygon delete it
  if (icube->Label()->HasObject("Polygon")) {

  // Set up for getting the mission name
  // Get the directory where the system missions translation table is.
  string transFile = p.MissionData("base", "translations/MissionName2DataDir.trn");

  // Get the mission translation manager ready
  PvlTranslationManager missionXlater (lab, transFile);

  // Get the mission name so we can search the correct DB's for kernels
  string mission = missionXlater.Translate ("MissionName");

  // Get system base kernels
  unsigned int allowed = 0;
  unsigned int allowedCK = 0;
  unsigned int allowedSPK = 0;
  if (ui.GetBoolean("CKPREDICTED"))  allowedCK |= spiceInit::kernelTypeEnum("PREDICTED");
  if (ui.GetBoolean("CKRECON"))      allowedCK |= spiceInit::kernelTypeEnum("RECONSTRUCTED");
  if (ui.GetBoolean("CKSMITHED"))    allowedCK |= spiceInit::kernelTypeEnum("SMITHED");
  if (ui.GetBoolean("CKNADIR"))      allowedCK |= spiceInit::kernelTypeEnum("NADIR");
  if (ui.GetBoolean("SPKPREDICTED")) allowedSPK |= spiceInit::kernelTypeEnum("PREDICTED");
  if (ui.GetBoolean("SPKRECON"))     allowedSPK |= spiceInit::kernelTypeEnum("RECONSTRUCTED");
  if (ui.GetBoolean("SPKSMITHED"))   allowedSPK |= spiceInit::kernelTypeEnum("SMITHED");
  KernelDb baseKernels (allowed);
  KernelDb ckKernels (allowedCK);
  KernelDb spkKernels (allowedSPK);


  Kernel lk, pck, targetSpk, fk, ik, sclk, spk, iak, dem, exk;
  std::priority_queue< Kernel > ck;
  lk        = baseKernels.LeapSecond(lab);
  pck       = baseKernels.TargetAttitudeShape(lab);
  targetSpk = baseKernels.TargetPosition(lab);
  ik        = baseKernels.Instrument(lab);
  sclk      = baseKernels.SpacecraftClock(lab);
  iak       = baseKernels.InstrumentAddendum(lab);
  fk        = ckKernels.Frame(lab);
  ck        = ckKernels.SpacecraftPointing(lab);
  spk       = spkKernels.SpacecraftPosition(lab);

  if (ui.GetBoolean("CKNADIR")) {
    // Only add nadir if no spacecraft pointing found
    std::vector<std::string> kernels;
    ck.push(Kernel((spiceInit::kernelTypes)0, kernels));

  // Get user defined kernels and override ones already found
  GetUserEnteredKernel("LS", lk);
  GetUserEnteredKernel("PCK", pck);
  GetUserEnteredKernel("TSPK", targetSpk);
  GetUserEnteredKernel("FK", fk);
  GetUserEnteredKernel("IK", ik);
  GetUserEnteredKernel("SCLK", sclk);
  GetUserEnteredKernel("SPK", spk);
  GetUserEnteredKernel("IAK", iak);
  GetUserEnteredKernel("EXTRA", exk);

  // Get shape kernel
  if (ui.GetString ("SHAPE") == "USER") {
    GetUserEnteredKernel("MODEL", dem);
  } else if (ui.GetString("SHAPE") == "SYSTEM") {
    dem = baseKernels.Dem(lab);

  bool kernelSuccess = false;

  if (ck.size() == 0 && !ui.WasEntered("CK")) {
    throw iException::Message(iException::Camera, 
                              "No Camera Kernel found for the image ["+ui.GetFilename("FROM")
  else if(ui.WasEntered("CK")) {
    // ck needs to be array size 1 and empty kernel objects
    while(ck.size()) ck.pop();

  while(ck.size() != 0 && !kernelSuccess) {
    Kernel realCkKernel = ck.top();

    if (ui.WasEntered("CK")) {
      ui.GetAsString("CK", realCkKernel.kernels);

    // Merge SpacecraftPointing and Frame into ck
    for (int i = 0; i < fk.size(); i++) {

    kernelSuccess = TryKernels(icube, p, lk, pck, targetSpk,
                   realCkKernel, fk, ik, sclk, spk, iak, dem, exk);

  if(!kernelSuccess) {
    throw iException::Message(iException::Camera, 
                              "Unable to initialize camera model", 
