//____________________________________ void DoHypothesisTest(RooWorkspace* wks){ // Use a RooStats ProfileLikleihoodCalculator to do the hypothesis test. ModelConfig model; model.SetWorkspace(*wks); model.SetPdf("model"); //plc.SetData("data"); ProfileLikelihoodCalculator plc; plc.SetData( *(wks->data("data") )); // here we explicitly set the value of the parameters for the null. // We want no signal contribution, eg. mu = 0 RooRealVar* mu = wks->var("mu"); // RooArgSet* nullParams = new RooArgSet("nullParams"); // nullParams->addClone(*mu); RooArgSet poi(*mu); RooArgSet * nullParams = (RooArgSet*) poi.snapshot(); nullParams->setRealValue("mu",0); //plc.SetNullParameters(*nullParams); plc.SetModel(model); // NOTE: using snapshot will import nullparams // in the WS and merge with existing "mu" // model.SetSnapshot(*nullParams); //use instead setNuisanceParameters plc.SetNullParameters( *nullParams); // We get a HypoTestResult out of the calculator, and we can query it. HypoTestResult* htr = plc.GetHypoTest(); cout << "-------------------------------------------------" << endl; cout << "The p-value for the null is " << htr->NullPValue() << endl; cout << "Corresponding to a signifcance of " << htr->Significance() << endl; cout << "-------------------------------------------------\n\n" << endl; }
void exercise_3() { //Open the rootfile and get the workspace from the exercise_0 TFile fIn("exercise_0.root"); fIn.cd(); RooWorkspace *w = (RooWorkspace*)fIn.Get("w"); //You can set constant parameters that are known //If you leave them floating, the fit procedure will determine their uncertainty w->var("mean")->setConstant(kFALSE); //don't fix the mean, it's what we want to know the interval for! w->var("sigma")->setConstant(kTRUE); w->var("tau")->setConstant(kTRUE); w->var("Nsig")->setConstant(kTRUE); w->var("Nbkg")->setConstant(kTRUE); //Set the RooModelConfig and let it know what the content of the workspace is about ModelConfig model; model.SetWorkspace(*w); model.SetPdf("PDFtot"); //Let the model know what is the parameter of interest RooRealVar* mean = w->var("mean"); mean->setRange(120., 130.); //this is mostly for plotting reasons RooArgSet poi(*mean); // set confidence level double confidenceLevel = 0.68; //Build the profile likelihood calculator ProfileLikelihoodCalculator plc; plc.SetData(*(w->data("PDFtotData"))); plc.SetModel(model); plc.SetParameters(poi); plc.SetConfidenceLevel(confidenceLevel); //Get the interval LikelihoodInterval* plInt = plc.GetInterval(); //Now let's do the same for the Bayesian Calculator //Now we also need to specify a prior in the ModelConfig //To be quicker, we'll use the PDF factory facility of RooWorkspace //NB!! For simplicity, we are using a flat prior, but this doesn't mean it's the best choice! w->factory("Uniform::prior(mean)"); model.SetPriorPdf(*w->pdf("prior")); //Construct the bayesian calculator BayesianCalculator bc(*(w->data("PDFtotData")), model); bc.SetConfidenceLevel(confidenceLevel); bc.SetParameters(poi); SimpleInterval* bcInt = bc.GetInterval(); // Let's make a plot TCanvas dataCanvas("dataCanvas"); dataCanvas.Divide(2,1); dataCanvas.cd(1); LikelihoodIntervalPlot plotInt((LikelihoodInterval*)plInt); plotInt.SetTitle("Profile Likelihood Ratio and Posterior for mH"); plotInt.SetMaximum(3.); plotInt.Draw(); dataCanvas.cd(2); RooPlot *bcPlot = bc.GetPosteriorPlot(); bcPlot->Draw(); dataCanvas.SaveAs("exercise_3.gif"); //Now print the interval for mH for the two methods cout << "PLC interval is [" << plInt->LowerLimit(*mean) << ", " << plInt->UpperLimit(*mean) << "]" << endl; cout << "Bayesian interval is [" << bcInt->LowerLimit() << ", " << bcInt->UpperLimit() << "]" << endl; }
//Set the RooModelConfig and let it know what the content of the workspace is about ModelConfig model; model.SetWorkspace(*w); model.SetPdf("PDFtot"); //Let the model know what is the parameter of interest RooRealVar* mean = w->var("mean"); mean->setRange(120., 130.); //this is mostly for plotting reasons RooArgSet poi(*mean); // set confidence level double confidenceLevel = 0.68; //Build the profile likelihood calculator ProfileLikelihoodCalculator plc; plc.SetData(*(w->data("PDFtotData"))); plc.SetModel(model); plc.SetParameters(poi); plc.SetConfidenceLevel(confidenceLevel); //Get the interval LikelihoodInterval* plInt = plc.GetInterval(); //Now let's do the same for the Bayesian Calculator //Now we also need to specify a prior in the ModelConfig //To be quicker, we'll use the PDF factory facility of RooWorkspace //NB!! For simplicity, we are using a flat prior, but this doesn't mean it's the best choice! w->factory("Uniform::prior(mean)"); model.SetPriorPdf(*w->pdf("prior"));