static Program make(void) { VertexShader vs; vs.Source( "#version 330\n" "uniform mat4 CameraMatrix,ModelMatrix;" "in vec4 Position;" "void main(void)" "{" " gl_Position = CameraMatrix * ModelMatrix * Position;" "}" ).Compile(); FragmentShader fs; fs.Source( "#version 330\n" "void main(void)" "{" "}" ).Compile(); Program prog; prog << vs << fs; prog.Link().Use(); return std::move(prog); }
static Program make_prog(FBTexExample& example) { Program prog(ObjectDesc("Thread")); prog.AttachShader(example.vertex_shader); FragmentShader fs(ObjectDesc("Thread fragment")); fs.Source( "#version 330\n" "in vec3 vertNormal;" "in vec3 vertLight;" "in vec2 vertTexCoord;" "out vec3 fragColor;" "void main(void)" "{" " float d = max(dot(" " vertNormal, " " normalize(vertLight)" " ), 0.0);" " float i = int(" " vertTexCoord.x*18.0+" " vertTexCoord.y*14.0 " " ) % 2;" " vec3 Red = vec3(1.0, 0.2, 0.2);" " vec3 White = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);" " fragColor = (0.4+0.8*d)*mix(Red, White, i);" "}" ); fs.Compile(); prog.AttachShader(fs); prog.Link().Use(); return std::move(prog); }
static Program make(void) { Program prog; prog << VertexShader(ObjectDesc("Mesh"), "#version 330\n" "uniform mat4 ProjectionMatrix, CameraMatrix, ModelMatrix;" "in vec4 Position;" "void main(void)" "{" " gl_Position = " " ProjectionMatrix*CameraMatrix*ModelMatrix*Position;" "}" ); prog << FragmentShader(ObjectDesc("Mesh"), "#version 330\n" "out vec3 fragColor;" "void main(void)" "{" " fragColor = vec3(0.1);" "}" ); prog.Link(); return prog; }
static Program make_prog(void) { Program prog; VertexShader vs; vs.Source( "#version 330\n" "uniform mat4 ProjectionMatrix, CameraMatrix, ModelMatrix;" "mat4 Matrix = ProjectionMatrix*CameraMatrix*ModelMatrix;" "in vec4 Position;" "void main(void)" "{" " gl_Position = Matrix*Position;" "}" ); FragmentShader fs; fs.Source( "#version 330\n" "void main(void){ }" ); prog.AttachShader(vs).AttachShader(fs); prog.Link().Validate().Use(); return std::move(prog); }
static Program make(const VertexShader& vs) { Program prog; FragmentShader fs(ObjectDesc("Draw")); fs.Source( "#version 140\n" "const vec3 LightColor = vec3(0.6, 0.6, 1.0);" "const vec3 Up = normalize(vec3(0.1, 1.0, 0.1));" "uniform vec3 LightScreenPos;" "uniform vec2 ScreenSize;" "uniform sampler2DRect LightMap;" "uniform sampler2DShadow ShadowMap;" "in vec3 vertNormal;" "in vec3 vertLightDir;" "in vec4 vertShadowCoord;" "out vec3 fragColor;" "void main(void)" "{" " vec3 ShadowCoord = (*0.5 + 0.5;" " float s = 0.0f;" " if(" " ShadowCoord.x >= 0.0 && " " ShadowCoord.x <= 1.0 && " " ShadowCoord.y >= 0.0 && " " ShadowCoord.y <= 1.0 && " " ShadowCoord.z <= 1.0" " ) s = texture(ShadowMap, ShadowCoord);" " float a = 0.1*(max(dot(vertNormal, Up)+0.1, 0.0)+0.1);" " float d = max(dot(vertNormal, vertLightDir)+0.1, 0.0)+a;" " vec2 LMCoord = gl_FragCoord.xy;" " vec2 LPos = (LightScreenPos.xy*0.5+0.5)*ScreenSize;" " vec2 Ray = LMCoord - LPos;" " float Len = length(Ray);" " int NSampl = int(max(abs(Ray.x), abs(Ray.y)))+1;" " vec2 RayStep = Ray / NSampl;" " float r = texture(LightMap, LMCoord).r;" " NSampl = min(NSampl, int(min(ScreenSize.x, ScreenSize.y)*0.25));" " for(int s=0; s!=NSampl;++s)" " {" " r += texture(LightMap, LPos+RayStep*s).r;" " }" " r /= NSampl;" " r = min(r, 1.0);" " fragColor = LightColor * (mix(a, d, s) + r);" "}" ).Compile(); prog.AttachShader(vs).AttachShader(fs); prog.Link().Use(); return prog; }
RectangleExample(void) { prog << "#version 330\n" "in vec2 Position;" "in vec3 Color;" "out vec3 vertColor;" "void main(void)" "{" " vertColor = Color;" " gl_Position = vec4(Position, 0.0, 1.0);" "}"_glsl_vs; prog << "#version 330\n" "in vec3 vertColor;" "out vec4 fragColor;" "void main(void)" "{" " fragColor = vec4(vertColor, 1.0);" "}"_glsl_fs; prog.Link(); prog.Use(); // bind the VAO for the rectangle rectangle.Bind(); GLfloat rectangle_verts[8] = { -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; // bind the VBO for the rectangle vertices verts.Bind(Buffer::Target::Array); // upload the data Buffer::Data(Buffer::Target::Array, 8, rectangle_verts); // setup the vertex attribs array for the vertices VertexAttribArray vert_attr(prog, "Position"); vert_attr.Setup(2, DataType::Float); vert_attr.Enable(); GLfloat rectangle_colors[12] = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, }; // bind the VBO for the rectangle colors colors.Bind(Buffer::Target::Array); // upload the data Buffer::Data(Buffer::Target::Array, 12, rectangle_colors); // setup the vertex attribs array for the vertices VertexAttribArray color_attr(prog, "Color"); color_attr.Setup(3, DataType::Float); color_attr.Enable(); // gl.ClearDepth(1.0f); }
static Program make(const LiquidProgramShaders& shaders) { Program prog; prog.AttachShader(shaders.vertex); prog.AttachShader(shaders.geometry); prog.AttachShader(shaders.fragment); prog.Link().Use(); return prog; }
static Program make(void) { Program prog; prog.AttachShader(LiquidVertShader()); prog.AttachShader(LiquidGeomShader()); prog.AttachShader(LiquidFragShader()); prog.Link().Use(); return prog; }
static Program make_prog(void) { VertexShader vs; vs.Source( "#version 130\n" "uniform mat4 ProjectionMatrix, ModelMatrix, CameraMatrix;" "uniform vec4 ClipPlane;" "attribute vec4 Position;" "attribute vec2 TexCoord;" "varying vec2 vertTexCoord;" "void main(void)" "{" " vertTexCoord = TexCoord;" " gl_Position = " " ModelMatrix *" " Position;" " gl_ClipDistance[0] = dot(ClipPlane, gl_Position);" " gl_Position = " " ProjectionMatrix *" " CameraMatrix *" " gl_Position;" "}" ); vs.Compile(); FragmentShader fs; fs.Source( "#version 130\n" "varying vec2 vertTexCoord;" "void main(void)" "{" " float i = (" " int(vertTexCoord.x*36) % 2+" " int(vertTexCoord.y*24) % 2" " ) % 2;" " if(gl_FrontFacing)" " {" " gl_FragColor = vec4(1-i/2, 1-i/2, 1-i/2, 1.0);" " }" " else" " {" " gl_FragColor = vec4(0+i/2, 0+i/2, 0+i/2, 1.0);" " }" "}" ); fs.Compile(); Program prog; prog.AttachShader(vs); prog.AttachShader(fs); prog.Link(); prog.Use(); return prog; }
Program * ProgramManager::AddProgram(const String &vertFileName, const String &fragFileName) { ProgramMapIterator it = mPrograms.find(vertFileName); if (it != mPrograms.end()) return (*it).second; InputStream *vertStream = FileSystem::GetPtr()->GetInputStream(vertFileName); if (!vertStream) { LogError("Unable to open vertex shader file %s", vertFileName); return NULL; } InputStream *fragStream = FileSystem::GetPtr()->GetInputStream(fragFileName); if (!fragStream) { LogError("Unable to open fragment shader file %s", fragFileName); return NULL; } Program *program = mGraphicsDevice->CreateProgram(vertFileName); if (!program->LoadShader(Program::ShaderType_Vertex, vertStream)) { LogError("Unable to load vertex shader %s", vertStream->GetFileName()); SafeDelete(program); return NULL; } if (!program->LoadShader(Program::ShaderType_Fragment, fragStream)) { LogError("Unable to load frag shader %s", fragStream->GetFileName()); SafeDelete(program); return NULL; } if (!program->Link()) { LogError("Unable to link program %s", vertStream->GetFileName()); SafeDelete(program); return NULL; } mPrograms[vertStream->GetFileName()] = program; return program; }
static Program make(const VertexShader& vs) { Program prog; FragmentShader fs(ObjectDesc("Shadow")); fs.Source( "#version 140\n" "void main(void) { }" ).Compile(); prog.AttachShader(vs).AttachShader(fs); prog.Link().Use(); return prog; }
static Program make_prog(void) { VertexShader vs; vs.Source( "#version 330\n" "in vec4 Position;" "in vec3 Normal;" "out vec3 vertColor;" "out vec3 vertNormal;" "out vec3 vertLight;" "uniform mat4 ProjectionMatrix, CameraMatrix, ModelMatrix;" "uniform vec3 LightPos;" "void main(void)" "{" " gl_Position = ModelMatrix * Position;" " vertColor = abs(normalize(Normal+vec3(1, 1, 1)));" " vertNormal = mat3(ModelMatrix)*Normal;" " vertLight = LightPos -;" " gl_Position = ProjectionMatrix * CameraMatrix * gl_Position;" "}" ); vs.Compile(); FragmentShader fs; fs.Source( "#version 330\n" "in vec3 vertColor;" "in vec3 vertNormal;" "in vec3 vertLight;" "out vec4 fragColor;" "void main(void)" "{" " float l = dot(vertLight, vertLight);" " float d = l > 0.0 ? dot(vertNormal, normalize(vertLight)) / l : 0.0;" " float i = 0.2 + max(d*3.2, 0.0);" " fragColor = vec4(vertColor*i, 1.0);" "}" ); fs.Compile(); Program prog; prog.AttachShader(vs); prog.AttachShader(fs); prog.Link(); return prog; }
Particle(const VertexShader& vs, FragmentShader&& frag) : sphere_instr(make_sphere.Instructions()) , sphere_indices(make_sphere.Indices()) , fs(std::forward<FragmentShader>(frag)) { // attach the shaders to the program prog.AttachShader(vs); prog.AttachShader(fs); // link and use it prog.Link(); prog.Use(); projection_matrix = (prog/"ProjectionMatrix"); camera_matrix = (prog/"CameraMatrix"); model_matrix = (prog/"ModelMatrix"); light_pos = (prog/"LightPos"); // bind the VAO for the sphere sphere.Bind(); const GLuint n_attr = 2; // pointers to the vertex attribute data build functions typedef GLuint (shapes::Sphere::*Func)(std::vector<GLfloat>&) const; Func func[n_attr] = { &shapes::Sphere::Positions, &shapes::Sphere::Normals, }; // managed references to the VBOs Reference<Buffer> vbo[n_attr] = {verts, normals}; // vertex attribute identifiers from the shaders const GLchar* ident[n_attr] = {"Position", "Normal"}; for(GLuint i=0; i!=n_attr; ++i) { // bind the VBO vbo[i].Bind(Buffer::Target::Array); // make the data std::vector<GLfloat> data; GLuint n_per_vertex = (make_sphere.*func[i])(data); // upload the data Buffer::Data(Buffer::Target::Array, data); // setup the vertex attrib VertexArrayAttrib attr(prog, ident[i]); attr.Setup<GLfloat>(n_per_vertex); attr.Enable(); } }
static Program make_face_prog(void) { FragmentShader fs; fs.Source( "#version 330\n" "in vec3 geomNormal;" "in vec3 geomLight;" "in float geomGlow;" "flat in int geomTop;" "uniform vec3 TopColor, SideColor;" "const vec3 LightColor = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);" "out vec4 fragColor;" "void main(void)" "{" " float d = max(dot(" " normalize(geomLight)," " normalize(geomNormal)" " ), 0.0);" " vec3 color;" " if(geomTop != 0)" " {" " color = TopColor * d +" " LightColor * pow(d, 8.0);" " }" " else" " {" " color = SideColor * geomGlow +" " LightColor *" " pow(d, 2.0) * 0.2;" " }" " fragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);" "}" ); fs.Compile(); Program prog; prog.AttachShader(fs); prog.MakeSeparable(); prog.Link(); ProgramUniform<Vec3f>(prog, "TopColor").Set(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f); ProgramUniform<Vec3f>(prog, "SideColor").Set(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.2f); return prog; }
static Program make_frame_prog(void) { FragmentShader fs; fs.Source( "#version 330\n" "out vec4 fragColor;" "void main(void)" "{" " fragColor = vec4(0.2, 0.1, 0.0, 1.0);" "}" ); fs.Compile(); Program prog; prog.AttachShader(fs); prog.MakeSeparable(); prog.Link(); return prog; }
static Program make(void) { Program prog; prog << VertexShader(ObjectDesc("Sort"), "#version 330\n" "uniform usampler2DRect SortNW;" "uniform int Pass;" "layout (packed) uniform IndexBlock{ uint Indices[4096]; };" "layout (packed) uniform DistBlock { float Distances[4096]; };" "in uint Index;" "out uint xfbIndex;" "void main(void)" "{" " uint enc = texelFetch(SortNW, ivec2(gl_VertexID, Pass)).r;" " if(enc != 0u)" " {" " int Sig1 = ((enc & 0x1u) != 0u)?-1:1;" " int Sig2 = ((enc & 0x2u) != 0u)?-1:1;" " int Offs = Sig2 * int(enc >> 2);" " uint Index2 = Indices[gl_VertexID+Offs];" " float Diff = Distances[Index] - Distances[Index2];" " if(Diff*Sig1*Sig2 < 0)" " {" " xfbIndex = Index2;" " return;" " }" " }" " xfbIndex = Index;" "}" ); prog.TransformFeedbackVarying("xfbIndex"); prog.Link(); return prog; }
static Program make(void) { Program result; VertexShader vs; vs.Source( "#version 330\n" "#define side 128\n" "uniform mat4 ProjectionMatrix, CameraMatrix;" "uniform float Fade;" "uniform sampler2D Offsets;" "uniform sampler2D Heights;" "in vec4 Position;" "void main(void)" "{" " ivec2 Coord = ivec2(gl_InstanceID%side, gl_InstanceID/side);" " vec2 Offs = texelFetch(Offsets, Coord, 0).xy;" " float Height = 1.0-texelFetch(Heights, Coord, 0).r;" " gl_Position = Position;" " gl_Position.xz += Offs;" " gl_Position.y *= max(Height*Fade*side/2, 0.5);" " gl_Position = ProjectionMatrix * CameraMatrix * gl_Position;" "}" ).Compile(); FragmentShader fs; fs.Source( "#version 330\n" "void main(void) { }" ).Compile(); result.AttachShader(vs).AttachShader(fs); result.Link().Validate().Use(); return std::move(result); }
bool ShaderLoader::Load(ShaderResource** resource, Handle handle, const std::string& filename1, const std::string& filename2) { *resource = new ShaderResource(handle, filename1); Program* shader = new Program(); (*resource)->mRaw = shader; VertexShader vs; vs.Source(readFile(filename1)); vs.Compile(); FragmentShader fs; fs.Source(readFile(filename2)); fs.Compile(); shader->AttachShader(vs).AttachShader(fs); shader->BindAttribute(VertexAttributes::POSITION, "in_Position"); shader->BindAttribute(VertexAttributes::NORMAL, "in_Normal"); shader->BindAttribute(VertexAttributes::TANGENT, "in_Tangent"); shader->BindAttribute(VertexAttributes::TEXCOORD, "in_TexCoords"); shader->Link(); return true; }
Program RaytraceProg::make(void) { Program prog; ResourceFile vs_source("glsl", "raytrace", ".vs.glsl"); prog << VertexShader(GLSLSource::FromStream(vs_source)); ResourceFile fs_rs_source("glsl", "raysample", ".fs.glsl"); prog << FragmentShader(GLSLSource::FromStream(fs_rs_source)); ResourceFile fs_rt_source("glsl", "raytrace", ".fs.glsl"); prog << FragmentShader(GLSLSource::FromStream(fs_rt_source)); ResourceFile fs_pk_source("glsl", "pack", ".fs.glsl"); prog << FragmentShader(GLSLSource::FromStream(fs_pk_source)); ResourceFile fs_en_source("glsl", "encode", ".fs.glsl"); prog << FragmentShader(GLSLSource::FromStream(fs_en_source)); prog.Link().Use(); return std::move(prog); }
static Program make(const VertexShader& vs) { Program prog; FragmentShader fs(ObjectDesc("Mask")); fs.Source( "#version 140\n" "uniform sampler2DShadow ShadowMap;" "in vec3 vertNormal;" "in vec3 vertLightDir;" "in vec4 vertShadowCoord;" "out float fragIntensity;" "void main(void)" "{" " vec3 ShadowCoord = (*0.5 + 0.5;" " float s = 0.0f;" " if(" " ShadowCoord.x >= 0.0 && " " ShadowCoord.x <= 1.0 && " " ShadowCoord.y >= 0.0 && " " ShadowCoord.y <= 1.0 && " " ShadowCoord.z <= 1.0" " ) s = max(texture(ShadowMap, ShadowCoord), 0.05);" " float l = max(dot(vertNormal, vertLightDir)+0.1, 0.0);" " fragIntensity = l * s;" "}" ).Compile(); prog.AttachShader(vs).AttachShader(fs); prog.Link().Use(); return prog; }
Program * ProgramFromShaderMap(const map<string, string> &mapShdString, const string &root) { VertexShader vs; FragmentShader fs; Program *prog = new Program(); string defS("#version 420\n"); defS.append("#define MAX_BONES "); defS.append(ConvertIntString(G_MAX_BONES_UNIFORM)); defS.append("\n"); defS.append("#define MAX_BONES_INFL "); defS.append(ConvertIntString(G_MAX_BONES_INFLUENCING)); defS.append("\n"); string vsSrc(defS); vsSrc.append("vs").append(root))); string fsSrc(defS); fsSrc.append("fs").append(root))); vs.Source(vsSrc); fs.Source(fsSrc); vs.Compile(); fs.Compile(); prog->AttachShader(vs); prog->AttachShader(fs); prog->Link(); return prog; }
Program RenderProg::make(const AppData& app_data) { Program prog; ResourceFile vs_source("glsl", "render", ".vs.glsl"); prog << VertexShader(GLSLSource::FromStream(vs_source)); ResourceFile pk_source("glsl", "pack", ".fs.glsl"); prog << FragmentShader(GLSLSource::FromStream(pk_source)); ResourceFile dc_source("glsl", "decode", ".fs.glsl"); prog << FragmentShader(GLSLSource::FromStream(dc_source)); std::string fs_name("render-"); fs_name.append(app_data.finish_shader); ResourceFile fs_source("glsl", fs_name, ".fs.glsl"); prog << FragmentShader(GLSLSource::FromStream(fs_source)); prog.Link().Use(); Optional<Uniform<GLfloat>>(prog, "Near").TrySet(app_data.cam_near); Optional<Uniform<GLfloat>>(prog, "Far").TrySet(app_data.cam_far); Optional<Uniform<Vec3f>>(prog, "LightPos").TrySet(Vec3f( app_data.light_x, app_data.light_y, app_data.light_z )); Optional<Uniform<GLfloat>>(prog, "HighLight").TrySet(app_data.high_light); Optional<Uniform<GLfloat>>(prog, "AmbiLight").TrySet(app_data.ambi_light); Optional<Uniform<GLfloat>>(prog, "PlanetRadius").TrySet(app_data.planet_radius); Optional<Uniform<GLfloat>>(prog, "AtmThickness").TrySet(app_data.atm_thickness); return std::move(prog); }
ReflectionExample(void) : torus_indices(make_torus.Indices()) , torus_instr(make_torus.Instructions()) , vs_norm(ObjectDesc("Vertex-Normal")) , vs_refl(ObjectDesc("Vertex-Reflection")) , gs_refl(ObjectDesc("Geometry-Reflection")) { namespace se = oglplus::smart_enums; // Set the normal object vertex shader source vs_norm.Source( "#version 330\n" "in vec4 Position;" "in vec3 Normal;" "out vec3 geomColor;" "out vec3 geomNormal;" "out vec3 geomLight;" "uniform mat4 ProjectionMatrix, CameraMatrix, ModelMatrix;" "uniform vec3 LightPos;" "void main(void)" "{" " gl_Position = ModelMatrix * Position;" " geomColor = Normal;" " geomNormal = mat3(ModelMatrix)*Normal;" " geomLight =;" " gl_Position = ProjectionMatrix * CameraMatrix * gl_Position;" "}" ); // compile it vs_norm.Compile(); // Set the reflected object vertex shader source // which just passes data to the geometry shader vs_refl.Source( "#version 330\n" "in vec4 Position;" "in vec3 Normal;" "out vec3 vertNormal;" "void main(void)" "{" " gl_Position = Position;" " vertNormal = Normal;" "}" ); // compile it vs_refl.Compile(); // Set the reflected object geometry shader source // This shader creates a reflection matrix that // relies on the fact that the reflection is going // to be done by the y-plane gs_refl.Source( "#version 330\n" "layout(triangles) in;" "layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices = 6) out;" "in vec3 vertNormal[];" "uniform mat4 ProjectionMatrix;" "uniform mat4 CameraMatrix;" "uniform mat4 ModelMatrix;" "out vec3 geomColor;" "out vec3 geomNormal;" "out vec3 geomLight;" "uniform vec3 LightPos;" "mat4 ReflectionMatrix = mat4(" " 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0," " 0.0,-1.0, 0.0, 0.0," " 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0," " 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 " ");" "void main(void)" "{" " for(int v=0; v!=gl_in.length(); ++v)" " {" " vec4 Position = gl_in[v].gl_Position;" " gl_Position = ModelMatrix * Position;" " geomColor = vertNormal[v];" " geomNormal = mat3(ModelMatrix)*vertNormal[v];" " geomLight = LightPos -;" " gl_Position = " " ProjectionMatrix *" " CameraMatrix *" " ReflectionMatrix *" " gl_Position;" " EmitVertex();" " }" " EndPrimitive();" "}" ); // compile it gs_refl.Compile(); // set the fragment shader source fs.Source( "#version 330\n" "in vec3 geomColor;" "in vec3 geomNormal;" "in vec3 geomLight;" "out vec4 fragColor;" "void main(void)" "{" " float l = length(geomLight);" " float d = l > 0.0 ? dot(" " geomNormal, " " normalize(geomLight)" " ) / l : 0.0;" " float i = 0.2 + max(d, 0.0) * 2.0;" " fragColor = vec4(abs(geomNormal)*i, 1.0);" "}" ); // compile it fs.Compile(); // attach the shaders to the normal rendering program prog_norm.AttachShader(vs_norm); prog_norm.AttachShader(fs); // link it prog_norm.Link(); // attach the shaders to the reflection rendering program prog_refl.AttachShader(vs_refl); prog_refl.AttachShader(gs_refl); prog_refl.AttachShader(fs); // link it prog_refl.Link(); // bind the VAO for the torus torus.Bind(); // bind the VBO for the torus vertices torus_verts.Bind(se::Array()); { std::vector<GLfloat> data; GLuint n_per_vertex = make_torus.Positions(data); // upload the data Buffer::Data(se::Array(), data); // setup the vertex attribs array for the vertices typedef VertexAttribArray VAA; VertexAttribSlot loc_norm = VAA::GetLocation(prog_norm, "Position"), loc_refl = VAA::GetLocation(prog_refl, "Position"); assert(loc_norm == loc_refl); VertexAttribArray attr(loc_norm); attr.Setup<GLfloat>(n_per_vertex); attr.Enable(); } // bind the VBO for the torus normals torus_normals.Bind(se::Array()); { std::vector<GLfloat> data; GLuint n_per_vertex = make_torus.Normals(data); // upload the data Buffer::Data(se::Array(), data); // setup the vertex attribs array for the normals typedef VertexAttribArray VAA; VertexAttribSlot loc_norm = VAA::GetLocation(prog_norm, "Normal"), loc_refl = VAA::GetLocation(prog_refl, "Normal"); assert(loc_norm == loc_refl); VertexAttribArray attr(loc_norm); attr.Setup<GLfloat>(n_per_vertex); attr.Enable(); } // bind the VAO for the plane plane.Bind(); // bind the VBO for the plane vertices plane_verts.Bind(se::Array()); { GLfloat data[4*3] = { -2.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f, -2.0f, 0.0f, -2.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f, -2.0f }; // upload the data Buffer::Data(se::Array(), 4*3, data); // setup the vertex attribs array for the vertices prog_norm.Use(); VertexAttribArray attr(prog_norm, "Position"); attr.Setup<Vec3f>(); attr.Enable(); } // bind the VBO for the torus normals plane_normals.Bind(se::Array()); { GLfloat data[4*3] = { -0.1f, 1.0f, 0.1f, -0.1f, 1.0f, -0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f, -0.1f }; // upload the data Buffer::Data(se::Array(), 4*3, data); // setup the vertex attribs array for the normals prog_norm.Use(); VertexAttribArray attr(prog_norm, "Normal"); attr.Setup<Vec3f>(); attr.Enable(); } VertexArray::Unbind(); Vec3f lightPos(2.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f); prog_norm.Use(); SetUniform(prog_norm, "LightPos", lightPos); prog_refl.Use(); SetUniform(prog_refl, "LightPos", lightPos); // gl.ClearColor(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.0f); gl.ClearDepth(1.0f); gl.ClearStencil(0); }
CubeExample(void) : cube_instr(make_cube.Instructions()) , cube_indices(make_cube.Indices()) { // Set the vertex shader source vs.Source( "#version 330\n" "uniform mat4 ProjectionMatrix, CameraMatrix;" "in vec4 Position;" "in vec2 TexCoord;" "out vec2 vertTexCoord;" "void main(void)" "{" " vertTexCoord = TexCoord;" " gl_Position = " " ProjectionMatrix *" " CameraMatrix *" " Position;" "}" ); // compile it vs.Compile(); // set the fragment shader source fs.Source( "#version 330\n" "in vec2 vertTexCoord;" "out vec4 fragColor;" "void main(void)" "{" " float i = (" " 1 +" " int(vertTexCoord.x*8) % 2+" " int(vertTexCoord.y*8) % 2" " ) % 2;" " fragColor = vec4(i, i, i, 1.0);" "}" ); // compile it fs.Compile(); // attach the shaders to the program prog.AttachShader(vs); prog.AttachShader(fs); // link and use it prog.Link(); prog.Use(); // bind the VAO for the cube cube.Bind(); // bind the VBO for the cube vertices verts.Bind(Buffer::Target::Array); { std::vector<GLfloat> data; GLuint n_per_vertex = make_cube.Positions(data); // upload the data Buffer::Data(Buffer::Target::Array, data); // setup the vertex attribs array for the vertices VertexAttribArray attr(prog, "Position"); attr.Setup(n_per_vertex, DataType::Float); attr.Enable(); } // bind the VBO for the cube texture-coordinates texcoords.Bind(Buffer::Target::Array); { std::vector<GLfloat> data; GLuint n_per_vertex = make_cube.TexCoordinates(data); // upload the data Buffer::Data(Buffer::Target::Array, data); // setup the vertex attribs array for the vertices VertexAttribArray attr(prog, "TexCoord"); attr.Setup(n_per_vertex, DataType::Float); attr.Enable(); } // gl.ClearColor(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.7f, 0.0f); gl.ClearDepth(1.0f); gl.Enable(Capability::DepthTest); }
LandscapeExample(void) : grid_side(8) , make_plane( Vec3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), Vec3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), Vec3f(0.0f, 0.0f,-1.0f), grid_side, grid_side ), plane_instr(make_plane.Instructions()) , plane_indices(make_plane.Indices()) , projection_matrix(prog, "ProjectionMatrix") , camera_matrix(prog, "CameraMatrix") , vc_int(prog, "vc_int") , gc_int(prog, "gc_int") , fc_int(prog, "fc_int") { VertexShader vs; vs.Source(StrLit( "#version 420\n" "uniform mat4 ProjectionMatrix, CameraMatrix;" "layout(binding = 0, offset = 0) uniform atomic_uint vc;" "const float mult = 1.0/128.0;" "uniform float vc_int;" "in vec4 Position;" "out vec3 vertColor;" "void main(void)" "{" " gl_Position = " " ProjectionMatrix *" " CameraMatrix *" " Position;" " vertColor = vec3(" " fract(atomicCounterIncrement(vc)*mult)," " 0.0," " 0.0 " " )*max(vc_int, 0.0);" "}" )); vs.Compile(); prog.AttachShader(vs); GeometryShader gs; gs.Source(StrLit( "#version 420\n" "layout (triangles) in;" "layout (triangle_strip, max_vertices = 3) out;" "layout(binding = 0, offset = 4) uniform atomic_uint gc;" "const float mult = 1.0/128.0;" "uniform float gc_int;" "in vec3 vertColor[3];" "out vec3 geomColor;" "void main(void)" "{" " vec3 Color = vec3(" " 0.0," " fract(atomicCounterIncrement(gc)*mult)," " 0.0 " " )*max(gc_int, 0.0);" " for(int v=0; v!=3; ++v)" " {" " gl_Position = gl_in[v].gl_Position;" " geomColor = vertColor[v] + Color;" " EmitVertex();" " }" " EndPrimitive();" "}" )); gs.Compile(); prog.AttachShader(gs); FragmentShader fs; fs.Source(StrLit( "#version 420\n" "layout(binding = 0, offset = 8) uniform atomic_uint fc;" "const float mult = 1.0/4096.0;" "uniform float fc_int;" "in vec3 geomColor;" "out vec3 fragColor;" "void main(void)" "{" " vec3 Color = vec3(" " 0.0," " 0.0," " sqrt(fract(atomicCounterIncrement(fc)*mult))" " )*max(fc_int, 0.0);" " fragColor = geomColor + Color;" "}" )); fs.Compile(); prog.AttachShader(fs); prog.Link(); prog.Use(); // bind the VAO for the plane plane.Bind(); // bind the VBO for the plane vertices positions.Bind(Buffer::Target::Array); { std::vector<GLfloat> data; GLuint n_per_vertex = make_plane.Positions(data); // upload the data Buffer::Data(Buffer::Target::Array, data); // setup the vertex attribs array for the vertices VertexAttribArray attr(prog, "Position"); attr.Setup<GLfloat>(n_per_vertex); attr.Enable(); } counters.Bind(Buffer::Target::AtomicCounter); { const GLuint tmp[3] = {0u, 0u, 0u}; Buffer::Data( Buffer::Target::AtomicCounter, 3, tmp, BufferUsage::DynamicDraw ); } counters.BindBase(Buffer::IndexedTarget::AtomicCounter, 0); gl.ClearColor(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.0f); gl.ClearDepth(1.0f); gl.Enable(Capability::DepthTest); plane.Bind(); }
SphereExample(void) : sphere_instr(make_sphere.Instructions()) , sphere_indices(make_sphere.Indices()) , hole_count(50) , hole_diameter(0.30f) { // This shader will be used in transform fedback mode // to transform the vertices used to "cut out the holes" // the same way the sphere is transformed vs_tfb.Source( "#version 330\n" "uniform mat4 CameraMatrix, ModelMatrix;" "uniform float Diameter;" "in vec3 Hole;" "out vec3 vertTransfHole;" "void main(void)" "{" " vertTransfHole = (" " CameraMatrix *" " ModelMatrix *" " vec4(Hole * (1.0 + 0.5 * Diameter), 0.0)" " ).xyz;" "}" ); // compile, setup transform feedback output variables // link and use the program vs_tfb.Compile(); prog_tfb.AttachShader(vs_tfb); const GLchar* var_name = "vertTransfHole"; prog_tfb.TransformFeedbackVaryings( 1, &var_name, TransformFeedbackMode::InterleavedAttribs ); prog_tfb.Link(); prog_tfb.Use(); Uniform<GLfloat> diameter(prog_tfb, "Diameter"); diameter.Set(hole_diameter); // bind the VAO for the holes holes.Bind(); // bind the VBO for the hole vertices hole_verts.Bind(Buffer::Target::Array); // and the VBO for the transformed hole vertices captured by tfb transf_hole_verts.Bind(Buffer::Target::TransformFeedback); { std::vector<GLfloat> data; make_hole_data(data, hole_count); Buffer::Data(Buffer::Target::TransformFeedback, data); Buffer::Data(Buffer::Target::Array, data); VertexAttribArray attr(prog_tfb, "Hole"); attr.Setup<Vec3f>(); attr.Enable(); } transf_hole_verts.BindBase( Buffer::IndexedTarget::TransformFeedback, 0 ); // Set the vertex shader source vs.Source( "#version 330\n" "uniform mat4 ProjectionMatrix, CameraMatrix, ModelMatrix;" "in vec4 Position;" "in vec3 Normal;" "out vec3 vertNormal;" "out vec3 vertLight;" "const vec3 LightPos = vec3(2.0, 3.0, 3.0);" "void main(void)" "{" " gl_Position = ModelMatrix * Position;" " vertNormal = mat3(ModelMatrix)*Normal;" " vertLight =;" " gl_Position = ProjectionMatrix * CameraMatrix * gl_Position;" "}" ); // compile it vs.Compile(); // set the fragment shader source fs.Source( "#version 330\n" "in vec3 vertNormal;" "in vec3 vertLight;" "out vec4 fragColor;" "const int HoleCount = 50;" "uniform vec3 TransfHole[50];" "uniform float Diameter;" "void main(void)" "{" " int imax = 0;" " float dmax = -1.0;" " for(int i=0; i!=HoleCount; ++i)" " {" " float d = dot(vertNormal, TransfHole[i]);" " if(dmax < d)" " {" " dmax = d;" " imax = i;" " }" " }" " float l = length(vertLight);" " vec3 FragDiff = TransfHole[imax] - vertNormal;" " vec3 FinalNormal = " " length(FragDiff) > Diameter?" " vertNormal:" " normalize(FragDiff+vertNormal*Diameter);" " float i = (l > 0.0) ? dot(" " FinalNormal, " " normalize(vertLight)" " ) / l : 0.0;" " i = 0.2+max(i*2.5, 0.0);" " fragColor = vec4(i, i, i, 1.0);" "}" ); // compile it fs.Compile(); // attach the shaders to the program prog.AttachShader(vs); prog.AttachShader(fs); // link and use it prog.Link(); prog.Use(); diameter.Set(hole_diameter); // bind the VAO for the sphere sphere.Bind(); // bind the VBO for the sphere vertices verts.Bind(Buffer::Target::Array); { std::vector<GLfloat> data; GLuint n_per_vertex = make_sphere.Positions(data); // upload the data Buffer::Data(Buffer::Target::Array, data); // setup the vertex attribs array for the vertices VertexAttribArray attr(prog, "Position"); attr.Setup<GLfloat>(n_per_vertex); attr.Enable(); } // bind the VBO for the sphere normals normals.Bind(Buffer::Target::Array); { std::vector<GLfloat> data; GLuint n_per_vertex = make_sphere.Normals(data); // upload the data Buffer::Data(Buffer::Target::Array, data); // setup the vertex attribs array for the vertices VertexAttribArray attr(prog, "Normal"); attr.Setup<GLfloat>(n_per_vertex); attr.Enable(); } gl.ClearColor(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.7f, 0.0f); gl.ClearDepth(1.0f); gl.Enable(Capability::DepthTest); }
TorusExample(void) : make_torus(1.0, 0.5, 72, 48) , torus_instr(make_torus.Instructions()) , torus_indices(make_torus.Indices()) , projection_matrix(prog, "ProjectionMatrix") , camera_matrix(prog, "CameraMatrix") , model_matrix(prog, "ModelMatrix") { // Set the vertex shader source and compile it vs.Source( "#version 330\n" "uniform mat4 ProjectionMatrix, CameraMatrix, ModelMatrix;" "in vec4 Position;" "in vec3 Normal;" "in vec2 TexCoord;" "out vec3 vertNormal;" "out vec3 vertLight;" "out vec2 vertTexCoord;" "uniform vec3 LightPos;" "void main(void)" "{" " gl_Position = ModelMatrix * Position;" " vertNormal = mat3(ModelMatrix)*Normal;" " vertLight = LightPos -;" " vertTexCoord = TexCoord;" " gl_Position = ProjectionMatrix * CameraMatrix * gl_Position;" "}" ).Compile(); // set the fragment shader source and compile it fs.Source( "#version 330\n" "uniform sampler2D TexUnit;" "in vec3 vertNormal;" "in vec3 vertLight;" "in vec2 vertTexCoord;" "out vec4 fragColor;" "void main(void)" "{" " float l = sqrt(length(vertLight));" " float d = l > 0? dot(" " vertNormal, " " normalize(vertLight)" " ) / l : 0.0;" " float i = 0.2 + 3.2*max(d, 0.0);" " fragColor = texture(TexUnit, vertTexCoord)*i;" "}" ).Compile(); // attach the shaders to the program prog.AttachShader(vs).AttachShader(fs); // link and use it prog.Link().Use(); // bind the VAO for the torus torus.Bind(); // bind the VBO for the torus vertices verts.Bind(Buffer::Target::Array); { std::vector<GLfloat> data; GLuint n_per_vertex = make_torus.Positions(data); // upload the data Buffer::Data(Buffer::Target::Array, data); // setup the vertex attribs array for the vertices VertexAttribArray attr(prog, "Position"); attr.Setup<GLfloat>(n_per_vertex); attr.Enable(); } // bind the VBO for the torus normals normals.Bind(Buffer::Target::Array); { std::vector<GLfloat> data; GLuint n_per_vertex = make_torus.Normals(data); // upload the data Buffer::Data(Buffer::Target::Array, data); // setup the vertex attribs array for the vertices VertexAttribArray attr(prog, "Normal"); attr.Setup<GLfloat>(n_per_vertex); attr.Enable(); } // bind the VBO for the torus texture coordinates texcoords.Bind(Buffer::Target::Array); { std::vector<GLfloat> data; GLuint n_per_vertex = make_torus.TexCoordinates(data); // upload the data Buffer::Data(Buffer::Target::Array, data); // setup the vertex attribs array for the vertices VertexAttribArray attr(prog, "TexCoord"); attr.Setup<GLfloat>(n_per_vertex); attr.Enable(); } // setup the texture Texture::Target tex_tgt = Texture::Target::_2D; tex.Bind(tex_tgt); { GLuint s = 256; std::vector<GLubyte> tex_data(s*s); for(GLuint v=0;v!=s;++v) for(GLuint u=0;u!=s;++u) tex_data[v*s+u] = rand() % 0x100; Texture::Image2D( tex_tgt, 0, PixelDataInternalFormat::Red, s, s, 0, PixelDataFormat::Red, PixelDataType::UnsignedByte, ); Texture::MinFilter(tex_tgt, TextureMinFilter::Linear); Texture::MagFilter(tex_tgt, TextureMagFilter::Linear); Texture::WrapS(tex_tgt, TextureWrap::Repeat); Texture::WrapT(tex_tgt, TextureWrap::Repeat); Texture::SwizzleG(tex_tgt, TextureSwizzle::Red); Texture::SwizzleB(tex_tgt, TextureSwizzle::Red); } // typechecked uniform with exact data type // on compilers supporting strongly typed enums // you can use: //Typechecked<Uniform<SLtoCpp<SLDataType::Sampler2D>>>(prog, "TexUnit").Set(0); // without strongly typed enums you need to do: typedef SLtoCpp<OGLPLUS_CONST_ENUM_VALUE(SLDataType::Sampler2D)> GLSLsampler2D; Typechecked<Uniform<GLSLsampler2D>>(prog, "TexUnit").Set(0); // Uniform<Vec3f>(prog, "LightPos").Set(4.0f, 4.0f, -8.0f); gl.ClearColor(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.7f, 0.0f); gl.ClearDepth(1.0f); gl.Enable(Capability::DepthTest); gl.Enable(Capability::CullFace); gl.FrontFace(make_torus.FaceWinding()); gl.CullFace(Face::Back); }
HaloExample(void) : make_shape() , shape_indices(make_shape.Indices()) , shape_instr(make_shape.Instructions()) , vs_shape(ObjectDesc("Shape VS")) , vs_plane(ObjectDesc("Plane VS")) , fs_shape(ObjectDesc("Shape FS")) , fs_plane(ObjectDesc("Plane FS")) , vs_halo(ObjectDesc("Halo VS")) , gs_halo(ObjectDesc("Halo GS")) , fs_halo(ObjectDesc("Halo FS")) , shape_projection_matrix(shape_prog, "ProjectionMatrix") , shape_camera_matrix(shape_prog, "CameraMatrix") , shape_model_matrix(shape_prog, "ModelMatrix") , plane_projection_matrix(plane_prog, "ProjectionMatrix") , plane_camera_matrix(plane_prog, "CameraMatrix") , halo_projection_matrix(halo_prog, "ProjectionMatrix") , halo_camera_matrix(halo_prog, "CameraMatrix") , halo_model_matrix(halo_prog, "ModelMatrix") { vs_shape.Source( "#version 140\n" "in vec4 Position;" "in vec3 Normal;" "uniform mat4 ProjectionMatrix, CameraMatrix, ModelMatrix;" "uniform vec3 LightPos;" "out vec3 vertNormal;" "out vec3 vertViewNormal;" "out vec3 vertLight;" "void main(void)" "{" " gl_Position = ModelMatrix * Position;" " vertNormal = mat3(ModelMatrix)*Normal;" " vertViewNormal = mat3(CameraMatrix)*vertNormal;" " vertLight = LightPos -;" " gl_Position = ProjectionMatrix * CameraMatrix * gl_Position;" "}" ); vs_shape.Compile(); fs_shape.Source( "#version 140\n" "in vec3 vertNormal;" "in vec3 vertViewNormal;" "in vec3 vertLight;" "uniform mat4 CameraMatrix;" "out vec4 fragColor;" "void main(void)" "{" " float ltlen = sqrt(length(vertLight));" " float ltexp = dot(" " normalize(vertNormal)," " normalize(vertLight)" " );" " float lview = dot(" " normalize(vertLight)," " normalize(vec3(" " CameraMatrix[0][2]," " CameraMatrix[1][2]," " CameraMatrix[2][2] " " ))" " );" " float depth = normalize(vertViewNormal).z;" " vec3 ftrefl = vec3(0.9, 0.8, 0.7);" " vec3 scatter = vec3(0.9, 0.6, 0.1);" " vec3 bklt = vec3(0.8, 0.6, 0.4);" " vec3 ambient = vec3(0.5, 0.4, 0.3);" " fragColor = vec4(" " pow(max(ltexp, 0.0), 8.0)*ftrefl+" " ( ltexp+1.0)/ltlen*pow(depth,2.0)*scatter+" " (-ltexp+1.0)/ltlen*(1.0-depth)*scatter+" " (-lview+1.0)*0.6*(1.0-abs(depth))*bklt+" " 0.2*ambient," " 1.0" " );" "}" ); fs_shape.Compile(); shape_prog.AttachShader(vs_shape); shape_prog.AttachShader(fs_shape); shape_prog.Link(); vs_plane.Source( "#version 140\n" "in vec4 Position;" "in vec3 Normal;" "uniform mat4 ProjectionMatrix, CameraMatrix;" "uniform vec3 LightPos;" "out vec3 vertNormal;" "out vec3 vertLight;" "void main(void)" "{" " gl_Position = " " ProjectionMatrix *" " CameraMatrix *" " Position;" " vertNormal = Normal;" " vertLight =;" "}" ); vs_plane.Compile(); fs_plane.Source( "#version 140\n" "in vec3 vertNormal;" "in vec3 vertLight;" "out vec4 fragColor;" "void main(void)" "{" " float l = sqrt(length(vertLight));" " float e = dot(" " vertNormal," " normalize(vertLight)" " );" " float d = l > 0.0 ? e / l : 0.0;" " float i = 0.2 + 2.5 * d;" " fragColor = vec4(0.8*i, 0.7*i, 0.4*i, 1.0);" "}" ); fs_plane.Compile(); plane_prog.AttachShader(vs_plane); plane_prog.AttachShader(fs_plane); plane_prog.Link(); vs_halo.Source( "#version 150\n" "in vec4 Position;" "in vec3 Normal;" "uniform mat4 ModelMatrix, CameraMatrix;" "out vec3 vertNormal;" "out float vd;" "void main(void)" "{" " gl_Position = " " CameraMatrix *" " ModelMatrix *" " Position;" " vertNormal = (" " CameraMatrix *" " ModelMatrix *" " vec4(Normal, 0.0)" " ).xyz;" " vd = vertNormal.z;" "}" ); vs_halo.Compile(); gs_halo.Source( "#version 150\n" "layout(triangles) in;" "layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices = 12) out;" "in vec3 vertNormal[];" "in float vd[];" "uniform mat4 CameraMatrix, ProjectionMatrix;" "uniform vec3 LightPos;" "out float geomAlpha;" "void main(void)" "{" " for(int v=0; v!=3; ++v)" " {" " int a = v, b = (v+1)%3, c = (v+2)%3;" " vec4 pa = gl_in[a].gl_Position;" " vec4 pb = gl_in[b].gl_Position;" " vec4 pc = gl_in[c].gl_Position;" " vec4 px, py;" " vec3 na = vertNormal[a];" " vec3 nb = vertNormal[b];" " vec3 nc = vertNormal[c];" " vec3 nx, ny;" " if(vd[a] == 0.0 && vd[b] == 0.0)" " {" " px = pa;" " nx = na;" " py = pb;" " ny = nb;" " }" " else if(vd[a] > 0.0 && vd[b] < 0.0)" " {" " float x = vd[a]/(vd[a]-vd[b]);" " float y;" " px = mix(pa, pb, x);" " nx = mix(na, nb, x);" " if(vd[c] < 0.0)" " {" " y = vd[a]/(vd[a]-vd[c]);" " py = mix(pa, pc, y);" " ny = mix(na, nc, y);" " }" " else" " {" " y = vd[c]/(vd[c]-vd[b]);" " py = mix(pc, pb, y);" " ny = mix(nc, nb, y);" " }" " }" " else continue;" " vec4 gx1 = vec4(, 1.0);" " vec4 gy1 = vec4(, 1.0);" " vec4 gx2 = vec4( + nx*0.3, 1.0);" " vec4 gy2 = vec4( + ny*0.3, 1.0);" " gl_Position = ProjectionMatrix * gy1;" " geomAlpha = 1.0;" " EmitVertex();" " gl_Position = ProjectionMatrix * gx1;" " geomAlpha = 1.0;" " EmitVertex();" " gl_Position = ProjectionMatrix * gy2;" " geomAlpha = 0.0;" " EmitVertex();" " gl_Position = ProjectionMatrix * gx2;" " geomAlpha = 0.0;" " EmitVertex();" " EndPrimitive();" " break;" " }" "}" ); gs_halo.Compile(); fs_halo.Source( "#version 150\n" "in float geomAlpha;" "out vec4 fragColor;" "void main(void)" "{" " fragColor = vec4(" " 0.5, 0.4, 0.3," " pow(geomAlpha, 2.0)" " );" "}" ); fs_halo.Compile(); halo_prog.AttachShader(vs_halo); halo_prog.AttachShader(gs_halo); halo_prog.AttachShader(fs_halo); halo_prog.Link(); // bind the VAO for the shape shape.Bind(); // bind the VBO for the shape vertices shape_verts.Bind(Buffer::Target::Array); { std::vector<GLfloat> data; GLuint n_per_vertex = make_shape.Positions(data); Buffer::Data(Buffer::Target::Array, data); VertexAttribSlot location; if(VertexArrayAttrib::QueryCommonLocation( MakeGroup(shape_prog, halo_prog), "Position", location )) { VertexArrayAttrib attr(location); attr.Setup<GLfloat>(n_per_vertex); attr.Enable(); } else OGLPLUS_ABORT("Inconsistent 'Position' location"); } // bind the VBO for the shape normals shape_normals.Bind(Buffer::Target::Array); { std::vector<GLfloat> data; GLuint n_per_vertex = make_shape.Normals(data); Buffer::Data(Buffer::Target::Array, data); shape_prog.Use(); VertexArrayAttrib attr(shape_prog, "Normal"); attr.Setup<GLfloat>(n_per_vertex); attr.Enable(); } // bind the VAO for the plane plane.Bind(); // bind the VBO for the plane vertices plane_verts.Bind(Buffer::Target::Array); { GLfloat data[4*3] = { -9.0f, 0.0f, 9.0f, -9.0f, 0.0f, -9.0f, 9.0f, 0.0f, 9.0f, 9.0f, 0.0f, -9.0f }; Buffer::Data(Buffer::Target::Array, 4*3, data); plane_prog.Use(); VertexArrayAttrib attr(plane_prog, "Position"); attr.Setup<Vec3f>(); attr.Enable(); } // bind the VBO for the plane normals plane_normals.Bind(Buffer::Target::Array); { GLfloat data[4*3] = { -0.1f, 1.0f, 0.1f, -0.1f, 1.0f, -0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f, -0.1f }; Buffer::Data(Buffer::Target::Array, 4*3, data); plane_prog.Use(); VertexArrayAttrib attr(plane_prog, "Normal"); attr.Setup<Vec3f>(); attr.Enable(); } Vec3f lightPos(2.0f, 2.5f, 9.0f); ProgramUniform<Vec3f>(shape_prog, "LightPos").Set(lightPos); ProgramUniform<Vec3f>(plane_prog, "LightPos").Set(lightPos); gl.ClearColor(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.0f); gl.ClearDepth(1.0f); gl.ClearStencil(0); gl.Enable(Capability::DepthTest); gl.BlendFunc(BlendFn::SrcAlpha, BlendFn::One); }
TorusExample(void) : make_torus(1.0, 0.5, 72, 48) , torus_instr(make_torus.Instructions()) , torus_indices(make_torus.Indices()) , projection_matrix(prog, "ProjectionMatrix") , camera_matrix(prog, "CameraMatrix") , model_matrix(prog, "ModelMatrix") { // Set the vertex shader source and compile it vs.Source( "#version 330\n" "uniform mat4 ProjectionMatrix, CameraMatrix, ModelMatrix;" "in vec4 Position;" "in vec3 Normal;" "out vec3 vertNormal;" "void main(void)" "{" " vertNormal = mat3(ModelMatrix)*Normal;" " gl_Position = " " ProjectionMatrix *" " CameraMatrix *" " ModelMatrix *" " Position;" "}" ).Compile(); // set the fragment shader source and compile it fs.Source( "#version 330\n" "in vec3 vertNormal;" "out vec4 fragColor;" "uniform vec3 LightPos;" "void main(void)" "{" " float intensity = 2.0 * max(" " dot(vertNormal, LightPos)/" " length(LightPos)," " 0.0" " );" " if(!gl_FrontFacing)" " fragColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);" " else if(intensity > 0.9)" " fragColor = vec4(1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 1.0);" " else if(intensity > 0.1)" " fragColor = vec4(0.7, 0.6, 0.4, 1.0);" " else" " fragColor = vec4(0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 1.0);" "}" ).Compile(); // attach the shaders to the program prog << vs << fs; // link and use it prog.Link().Use(); // bind the VAO for the torus torus.Bind(); // bind the VBO for the torus vertices verts.Bind(Buffer::Target::Array); { std::vector<GLfloat> data; GLuint n_per_vertex = make_torus.Positions(data); // upload the data Buffer::Data(Buffer::Target::Array, data); // setup the vertex attribs array for the vertices (prog|"Position").Setup(n_per_vertex, DataType::Float).Enable(); } // bind the VBO for the torus normals normals.Bind(Buffer::Target::Array); { std::vector<GLfloat> data; GLuint n_per_vertex = make_torus.Normals(data); // upload the data Buffer::Data(Buffer::Target::Array, data); // setup the vertex attribs array for the vertices (prog|"Normal").Setup(n_per_vertex, DataType::Float).Enable(); } // // set the light position (prog/"LightPos").Set(Vec3f(4.0f, 4.0f, -8.0f)); gl.ClearColor(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.7f, 0.0f); gl.ClearDepth(1.0f); gl.Enable(Capability::DepthTest); gl.Enable(Capability::CullFace); gl.FrontFace(make_torus.FaceWinding()); gl.CullFace(Face::Back); glLineWidth(4.0f); }
TessellationExample(void) : shape_instr(make_shape.Instructions(PrimitiveType::Patches)) , shape_indices(make_shape.Indices()) , vs(ObjectDesc("Vertex")) , cs(ObjectDesc("Tessellation Control")) , es(ObjectDesc("Tessellation Evaluation")) , gs(ObjectDesc("Geometry")) , fs(ObjectDesc("Fragment")) , projection_matrix(prog, "ProjectionMatrix") , camera_matrix(prog, "CameraMatrix") , model_matrix(prog, "ModelMatrix") , offset(prog, "Offset") , view_position(prog, "ViewPosition") , viewport_dimensions(prog, "ViewportDimensions") { vs.Source( "#version 330\n" "uniform vec3 ViewPosition;" "in vec3 Position;" "out vec3 vertPosition;" "out float vertDistance;" "void main(void)" "{" " vertPosition = Position;" " vertDistance = length(ViewPosition - vertPosition);" "}" ); vs.Compile(); cs.Source( "#version 330\n" "#extension ARB_tessellation_shader : enable\n" "layout(vertices = 3) out;" "in vec3 vertPosition[];" "in float vertDistance[];" "out vec3 tecoPosition[];" "int tessLevel(float dist)" "{" " return int(9.0 / sqrt(dist+0.1));" "}" "void main(void)" "{" " tecoPosition[gl_InvocationID] =" " vertPosition[gl_InvocationID];" " if(gl_InvocationID == 0)" " {" " gl_TessLevelInner[0] = tessLevel((" " vertDistance[0]+" " vertDistance[1]+" " vertDistance[2] " " )*0.333);" " gl_TessLevelOuter[0] = tessLevel((" " vertDistance[1]+" " vertDistance[2] " " )*0.5);" " gl_TessLevelOuter[1] = tessLevel((" " vertDistance[2]+" " vertDistance[0] " " )*0.5);" " gl_TessLevelOuter[2] = tessLevel((" " vertDistance[0]+" " vertDistance[1] " " )*0.5);" " }" "}" ); cs.Compile(); es.Source( "#version 330\n" "#extension ARB_tessellation_shader : enable\n" "layout(triangles, equal_spacing, ccw) in;" "const vec3 LightPosition = vec3(12.0, 10.0, 7.0);" "uniform mat4 ProjectionMatrix, CameraMatrix, ModelMatrix;" "in vec3 tecoPosition[];" "out vec3 teevNormal;" "out vec3 teevLightDir;" "void main(void)" "{" " vec3 p0 = gl_TessCoord.x * tecoPosition[0];" " vec3 p1 = gl_TessCoord.y * tecoPosition[1];" " vec3 p2 = gl_TessCoord.z * tecoPosition[2];" " vec4 tempPosition = vec4(normalize(p0+p1+p2), 0.0);" " teevNormal = (ModelMatrix * tempPosition).xyz;" " tempPosition.w = 1.0;" " tempPosition = ModelMatrix * tempPosition;" " teevLightDir = LightPosition -;" " gl_Position = " " ProjectionMatrix *" " CameraMatrix *" " tempPosition;" "}" ); es.Compile(); gs.Source( "#version 330\n" "layout (triangles) in;" "layout (triangle_strip, max_vertices = 3) out;" "uniform vec3 Offset;" "uniform vec2 ViewportDimensions;" "in vec3 teevNormal[], teevLightDir[];" "noperspective out vec3 geomDist;" "flat out vec3 geomNormal;" "out vec3 geomColor;" "out vec3 geomLightDir;" "void main(void)" "{" " geomNormal = normalize(" " teevNormal[0]+" " teevNormal[1]+" " teevNormal[2]" " );" " vec2 ScreenPos[3];" " for(int i=0; i!=3; ++i)" " {" " ScreenPos[i] = " " ViewportDimensions*" " gl_in[i].gl_Position.xy/" " gl_in[i].gl_Position.w;" " }" " vec2 TmpVect[3];" " for(int i=0; i!=3; ++i)" " {" " TmpVect[i] = " " ScreenPos[(i+2)%3]-" " ScreenPos[(i+1)%3];" " }" " const vec3 EdgeMask[3] = vec3[3](" " vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)," " vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)," " vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) " " );" " for(int i=0; i!=3; ++i)" " {" " float Dist = abs(" " TmpVect[(i+1)%3].x*TmpVect[(i+2)%3].y-" " TmpVect[(i+1)%3].y*TmpVect[(i+2)%3].x " " ) / length(TmpVect[i]);" " vec3 DistVect = vec3(Dist, Dist, Dist);" " gl_Position = gl_in[i].gl_Position;" " geomColor = normalize(abs(" " vec3(2.0, 2.0, 2.0)-" " teevNormal[i]-" " Offset" " ));" " geomLightDir = teevLightDir[i];" " geomDist = EdgeMask[i] * DistVect;" " EmitVertex();" " }" " EndPrimitive();" "}" ); gs.Compile(); fs.Source( "#version 330\n" "noperspective in vec3 geomDist;" "flat in vec3 geomNormal;" "in vec3 geomColor;" "in vec3 geomLightDir;" "out vec3 fragColor;" "void main(void)" "{" " float MinDist = min(min(geomDist.x,geomDist.y),geomDist.z);" " float EdgeAlpha = exp2(-pow(MinDist, 2.0));" " const float Ambient = 0.8;" " float Diffuse = max(dot(" " normalize(geomNormal)," " normalize(geomLightDir)" " ), 0.0);" " vec3 FaceColor = geomColor * (Diffuse + Ambient);" " const vec3 EdgeColor = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);" " fragColor = mix(FaceColor, EdgeColor, EdgeAlpha);" "}" ); fs.Compile(); prog.AttachShader(vs); prog.AttachShader(cs); prog.AttachShader(es); prog.AttachShader(gs); prog.AttachShader(fs); prog.Link(); prog.Use(); shape.Bind(); verts.Bind(Buffer::Target::Array); { std::vector<GLfloat> data; GLuint n_per_vertex = make_shape.Positions(data); Buffer::Data(Buffer::Target::Array, data); VertexAttribArray attr(prog, "Position"); attr.Setup<GLfloat>(n_per_vertex); attr.Enable(); indices.Bind(Buffer::Target::ElementArray); Buffer::Data(Buffer::Target::ElementArray, shape_indices); shape_indices.clear(); } // gl.ClearColor(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.0f); gl.ClearDepth(1.0f); gl.Enable(Capability::DepthTest); prog.Use(); }