예제 #1
   * Mosaic Processing method, returns false if the cube is not inside the mosaic
  bool ProcessMapMosaic::StartProcess(QString inputFile) {
    if (InputCubes.size() != 0) {
      QString msg = "Input cubes already exist; do not call SetInputCube when using ";
      msg += "ProcessMosaic::StartProcess(QString)";
      throw IException(IException::Programmer, msg, _FILEINFO_);

    if (OutputCubes.size() == 0) {
      QString msg = "An output cube must be set before calling StartProcess";
      throw IException(IException::Programmer, msg, _FILEINFO_);

    CubeAttributeInput inAtt(inputFile);
    Cube *inCube = ProcessMosaic::SetInputCube(inputFile, inAtt);

    Cube *mosaicCube = OutputCubes[0];
    Projection *iproj = inCube->projection();
    Projection *oproj = mosaicCube->projection();
    int nsMosaic = mosaicCube->sampleCount();
    int nlMosaic = mosaicCube->lineCount();

    if (*iproj != *oproj) {
      QString msg = "Mapping groups do not match between cube [" + inputFile + "] and mosaic";
      throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

    int outSample, outSampleEnd, outLine, outLineEnd;
    outSample = (int)(oproj->ToWorldX(iproj->ToProjectionX(1.0)) + 0.5);
    outLine   = (int)(oproj->ToWorldY(iproj->ToProjectionY(1.0)) + 0.5);

    int ins = InputCubes[0]->sampleCount();
    int inl =  InputCubes[0]->lineCount();
    outSampleEnd = outSample + ins;
    outLineEnd   = outLine + inl;

    bool wrapPossible = iproj->IsEquatorialCylindrical();
    int worldSize = 0;
    if (wrapPossible) {
      // Figure out how many samples 360 degrees is
      wrapPossible = wrapPossible && oproj->SetUniversalGround(0, 0);
      int worldStart = (int)(oproj->WorldX() + 0.5);
      wrapPossible = wrapPossible && oproj->SetUniversalGround(0, 180);
      int worldEnd = (int)(oproj->WorldX() + 0.5);

      worldSize = abs(worldEnd - worldStart) * 2;

      wrapPossible = wrapPossible && (worldSize > 0);

      // This is EquatorialCylindrical, so shift to the left all the way
      if (wrapPossible) {
        // While some data would still be put in the mosaic, move left
        //  >1 for end because 0 still means no data, whereas 1 means 1 line of data
        while (outSampleEnd - worldSize > 1) {
          outSample -= worldSize;
          outSampleEnd -= worldSize;
        // Now we have the sample range to the furthest left

    // Check overlaps of input image along the mosaic edges before
    // calling ProcessMosaic::StartProcess
    // Left edge
    if (outSample < 1) {
      ins = ins + outSample - 1;

    // Top edge
    if (outLine < 1) {
      inl = inl + outLine - 1;

    // Right edge
    if ((outSample + ins - 1) > nsMosaic) {
      ins = nsMosaic - outSample + 1;

    // Bottom edge
    if ((outLine + inl - 1) > nlMosaic) {
      inl = nlMosaic - outLine + 1;

    if (outSampleEnd < 1 || outLineEnd < 1 || outSample > nsMosaic || outLine > nlMosaic || ins < 1 || inl < 1) {
      // Add a PvlKeyword naming which files are not included in output mosaic
      return false;
    else {
      // Place the input in the mosaic
      Progress()->SetText("Mosaicking " + FileName(inputFile).name());

      try {
        do {
          int outBand = 1;
          ProcessMosaic::StartProcess(outSample, outLine, outBand);

          // Increment for projections where occurrances may happen multiple times
          outSample += worldSize;
          outSampleEnd += worldSize;
        while (wrapPossible && outSample < nsMosaic);
      catch (IException &e) {
        QString msg = "Unable to mosaic cube [" + FileName(inputFile).name() + "]";
        throw IException(e, IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);


    // Don't propagate any more histories now that we've done one
    p_propagateHistory = false;


    return true;
예제 #2
파일: unitTest.cpp 프로젝트: corburn/ISIS
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  void doit(Pvl & lab);
  void doit2(Pvl & lab);

  try {
    cout << "Unit test for ProjectionFactory" << endl;

    Pvl lab;
    PvlGroup &mapGroup = lab.findGroup("Mapping");
    mapGroup += PvlKeyword("EquatorialRadius", toString(3396190.0));
    mapGroup += PvlKeyword("PolarRadius", toString(3376200.0));

    mapGroup += PvlKeyword("LatitudeType", "Planetographic");
    mapGroup += PvlKeyword("LongitudeDirection", "PositiveEast");
    mapGroup += PvlKeyword("LongitudeDomain", toString(360));

    mapGroup += PvlKeyword("ProjectionName", "SimpleCylindrical");
    mapGroup += PvlKeyword("CenterLongitude", toString(220.0));

    cout << "Test for missing pixel resolution ... " << endl;

    mapGroup += PvlKeyword("PixelResolution", toString(2000.0));
    cout << "Test for missing upper left X ... " << endl;

    mapGroup += PvlKeyword("UpperLeftCornerX", toString(-18000.0));
    cout << "Test for missing upper left Y ... " << endl;

    mapGroup += PvlKeyword("UpperLeftCornerY", toString(2062000.0));

    cout << "Testing conversion from image to ground ... " << endl;
    Projection *proj = ProjectionFactory::CreateFromCube(lab);
    proj->SetWorld(245.0, 355.0);
    cout << setprecision(14);
    cout << "Latitude:  " << proj->Latitude() << endl;
    cout << "Longitude: " << proj->Longitude() << endl;
    cout << endl;

    cout << "Testing conversion from ground to image ... " << endl;
    proj->SetGround(22.84279897788801, 227.9291842833142);
    cout << "Sample:    " << proj->WorldX() << endl;
    cout << "Line:      " << proj->WorldY() << endl;
    cout << endl;

    cout << "Testing missing ground range on create method ... " << endl;

    mapGroup += PvlKeyword("MinimumLatitude", toString(10.8920539924144));
    mapGroup += PvlKeyword("MaximumLatitude", toString(34.7603960060206));
    mapGroup += PvlKeyword("MinimumLongitude", toString(219.72432466275));
    mapGroup += PvlKeyword("MaximumLongitude", toString(236.186050244411));

    cout << "Testing create method ... " << endl;
    int lines, samples;
    proj = ProjectionFactory::CreateForCube(lab, samples, lines);
    cout << "Lines:       " << lines << endl;
    cout << "Samples:     " << samples << endl;
    cout << "UpperLeftX:  " << (double) mapGroup["UpperLeftCornerX"] << endl;
    cout << "UpperLeftY:  " << (double) mapGroup["UpperLeftCornerY"] << endl;
    cout << endl;

    cout << "Testing create method with existing cube labels" << endl;
    mapGroup.addKeyword(PvlKeyword("UpperLeftCornerX", toString(-16000.0)), Pvl::Replace);
    mapGroup.addKeyword(PvlKeyword("UpperLeftCornerY", toString(2060000.0)), Pvl::Replace);

    Pvl lab2;
    PvlObject icube("IsisCube");
    PvlObject core("Core");
    PvlGroup dims("Dimensions");
    dims += PvlKeyword("Lines", toString(400));
    dims += PvlKeyword("Samples", toString(600));

    proj = ProjectionFactory::CreateForCube(lab2, samples, lines);
    cout << "Lines:       " << lines << endl;
    cout << "Samples:     " << samples << endl;
    mapGroup = lab2.findGroup("Mapping", Pvl::Traverse);
    cout << "UpperLeftX:  " << (double) mapGroup["UpperLeftCornerX"] << endl;
    cout << "UpperLeftY:  " << (double) mapGroup["UpperLeftCornerY"] << endl;
    cout << endl;

    cout << "Label results" << endl;
    cout << lab2 << endl;
  catch(IException &e) {