예제 #1
// Function:	PropList::copyProp
///\brief	Copies a property from one list or class to another - Obsolete
///\param	dest - IN: Destination property list or class
///\param	src  - IN: Source property list or class
///\param	name - IN: Name of the property to copy - \c char pointer
///\note	This member function will be removed in the next release
///\exception	H5::PropListIException
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
void PropList::copyProp( PropList& dest, PropList& src, const char *name ) const
   hid_t dst_id = dest.getId();
   hid_t src_id = src.getId();
   herr_t ret_value = H5Pcopy_prop(dst_id, src_id, name);
   if( ret_value < 0 )
      throw PropListIException(inMemFunc("copyProp"), "H5Pcopy_prop failed");

예제 #2
// Function:	H5Location::p_dereference (protected)
// Purpose	Dereference a ref into an hdf5 object.
// Parameters
//		loc_id - IN: An hdf5 identifier specifying the location of the
//			 referenced object
//		ref - IN: Reference pointer
//		ref_type - IN: Reference type
//		plist - IN: Property list - default to PropList::DEFAULT
//		from_func - IN: Name of the calling function
// Exception	H5::ReferenceException
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - Oct, 2006
// Modification
//	May 2008 - BMR
//		Moved from IdComponent.
hid_t H5Location::p_dereference(hid_t loc_id, const void* ref, H5R_type_t ref_type, const PropList& plist, const char* from_func)
   hid_t plist_id;
   if (p_valid_id(plist.getId()))
	plist_id = plist.getId();
	plist_id = H5P_DEFAULT;

   hid_t temp_id = H5Rdereference2(loc_id, plist_id, ref_type, ref);
   if (temp_id < 0)
      throw ReferenceException(inMemFunc(from_func), "H5Rdereference failed");

예제 #3
// Function:	PropList::operator==
///\brief	Compares this property list or class against the given list or class.
///\param	rhs - IN: Reference to the property list to compare
///\return	true if the property lists or classes are equal, and
///		false, otherwise.
///\exception	H5::PropListIException
// Programmer:  Binh-Minh Ribler - April, 2004
bool PropList::operator==(const PropList& rhs) const
   htri_t ret_value = H5Pequal(id, rhs.getId());
   if( ret_value > 0 )
      return true;
   else if( ret_value == 0 )
      return false;
   else // Raise exception when H5Pequal returns a negative value
      throw PropListIException(inMemFunc("operator=="), "H5Pequal failed");
예제 #4
// Function:	PropList::isAClass
///\brief	Determines whether a property list is a certain class.
///\param	prop_class - IN: Property class to query
///\return	true if the property list is a member of the property list
///		class, and false, otherwise.
///\exception	H5::PropListIException
// Programmer:  Binh-Minh Ribler - April, 2004
bool PropList::isAClass(const PropList& prop_class) const
   htri_t ret_value = H5Pisa_class(id, prop_class.getId());
   if( ret_value > 0 )
      return true;
   else if( ret_value == 0 )
      return false;
   else // Raise exception when H5Pisa_class returns a negative value
      throw PropListIException(inMemFunc("isAClass"), "H5Pisa_class failed");

예제 #5
// Function:	DataType::convert
///\brief	Converts data from this datatype to the specified datatypes.
///\param	dest       - IN: Destination datatype
///\param	nelmts     - IN: Size of array \a buf
///\param	buf        - IN/OUT: Array containing pre- and post-conversion
///				values
///\param	background - IN: Optional backgroud buffer
///\param	plist - IN: Property list - default to PropList::DEFAULT
///\return	Pointer to a suitable conversion function
///\exception	H5::DataTypeIException
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
void DataType::convert( const DataType& dest, size_t nelmts, void *buf, void *background, const PropList& plist ) const
   // Get identifiers for C API
   hid_t dest_id = dest.getId();
   hid_t plist_id = plist.getId();

   // Call C routine H5Tconvert to convert the data
   herr_t ret_value;
   ret_value = H5Tconvert( id, dest_id, nelmts, buf, background, plist_id );
   if( ret_value < 0 )
      throw DataTypeIException(inMemFunc("convert"), "H5Tconvert failed");
예제 #6
// Function:	CommonFG::mount
///\brief	Mounts the file \a child onto this group.
///\param	name  - IN: Name of the group
///\param	child - IN: File to mount
///\param	plist - IN: Property list to use
///\exception	H5::FileIException or H5::GroupIException
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
void CommonFG::mount( const char* name, H5File& child, PropList& plist ) const
   // Obtain identifiers for C API
   hid_t plist_id = plist.getId();
   hid_t child_id = child.getId();

   // Call C routine H5Fmount to do the mouting
   herr_t ret_value = H5Fmount( getLocId(), name, child_id, plist_id );

   // Raise exception if H5Fmount returns negative value
   if( ret_value < 0 )
      throwException("mount", "H5Fmount failed");
예제 #7
파일: H5Object.cpp 프로젝트: VisBlank/hdf5
// Function:	H5Object::createAttribute
///\brief	Creates an attribute for a group, dataset, or named datatype.
///\param	name - IN: Name of the attribute
///\param	data_type - IN: Datatype for the attribute
///\param	data_space - IN: Dataspace for the attribute - only simple
///		dataspaces are allowed at this time
///\param	create_plist - IN: Creation property list - default to
///		PropList::DEFAULT
///\return	Attribute instance
///\exception	H5::AttributeIException
///\par Description
///		The attribute name specified in \a name must be unique.
///		Attempting to create an attribute with the same name as an
///		existing attribute will raise an exception, leaving the
///		pre-existing attribute intact. To overwrite an existing
///		attribute with a new attribute of the same name, first
///		delete the existing one with \c H5Object::removeAttr, then
///		recreate it with this function.
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
Attribute H5Object::createAttribute( const char* name, const DataType& data_type, const DataSpace& data_space, const PropList& create_plist ) const
   hid_t type_id = data_type.getId();
   hid_t space_id = data_space.getId();
   hid_t plist_id = create_plist.getId();
   hid_t attr_id = H5Acreate2(getId(), name, type_id, space_id, plist_id, H5P_DEFAULT );

   // If the attribute id is valid, create and return the Attribute object
   if( attr_id > 0 )
      Attribute attr( attr_id );
      return( attr );
      throw AttributeIException(inMemFunc("createAttribute"), "H5Acreate2 failed");
예제 #8
// Function:	PropList::copy
///\brief	Makes a copy of an existing property list.
///\param	like_plist - IN: Reference to the existing property list
///\exception	H5::PropListIException
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
// Modification
//		- Replaced resetIdComponent() with decRefCount() to use C
//		library ID reference counting mechanism - BMR, Jun 1, 2004
//		- Replaced decRefCount with close() to let the C library
//		handle the reference counting - BMR, Jun 1, 2006
void PropList::copy( const PropList& like_plist )
    // If this object is representing an hdf5 object, close it before
    // copying like_plist to it
    try {
    catch (Exception close_error) {
	throw PropListIException(inMemFunc("copy"), close_error.getDetailMsg());

    // call C routine to copy the property list
    id = H5Pcopy( like_plist.getId() );
    if( id < 0 )
	throw PropListIException(inMemFunc("copy"), "H5Pcopy failed");
예제 #9
// Function:	PropList copy constructor
///\brief	Copy constructor
///\param	original - IN: The original property list to copy
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
PropList::PropList(const PropList& original) : IdComponent()
    id = original.getId();
    incRefCount(); // increment number of references to this id