예제 #1
void OwncloudPropagator::start(const SyncFileItemVector& items)
    Q_ASSERT(std::is_sorted(items.begin(), items.end()));

    /* Check and log the transmission checksum type */
    ConfigFile cfg;
    const QString checksumType = cfg.transmissionChecksum().toUpper();

    /* if the checksum type is empty, it is not send. No error */
    if( !checksumType.isEmpty() ) {
        if( checksumType == checkSumAdlerUpperC ||
                checksumType == checkSumMD5C    ||
                checksumType == checkSumSHA1C ) {
            qDebug() << "Client sends and expects transmission checksum type" << checksumType;
        } else {
            qWarning() << "Unknown transmission checksum type from config" << checksumType;

    /* This builds all the job needed for the propagation.
     * Each directories is a PropagateDirectory job, which contains the files in it.
     * In order to do that we loop over the items. (which are sorted by destination)
     * When we enter adirectory, we can create the directory job and push it on the stack. */

    _rootJob.reset(new PropagateDirectory(this));
    QStack<QPair<QString /* directory name */, PropagateDirectory* /* job */> > directories;
    directories.push(qMakePair(QString(), _rootJob.data()));
    QVector<PropagatorJob*> directoriesToRemove;
    QString removedDirectory;
    foreach(const SyncFileItemPtr &item, items) {

        if (!removedDirectory.isEmpty() && item->_file.startsWith(removedDirectory)) {
            // this is an item in a directory which is going to be removed.
            PropagateDirectory *delDirJob = dynamic_cast<PropagateDirectory*>(directoriesToRemove.last());

            if (item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_REMOVE) {
                //already taken care of.  (by the removal of the parent directory)

                // increase the number of subjobs that would be there.
                if( delDirJob ) {
            } else if (item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW && item->_isDirectory) {
                // create a new directory within a deleted directory? That can happen if the directory
                // etag were not fetched properly on the previous sync because the sync was aborted
                // while uploading this directory (which is now removed).  We can ignore it.
                if( delDirJob ) {
            } else if (item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE) {

            qWarning() << "WARNING:  Job within a removed directory?  This should not happen!"
                       << item->_file << item->_instruction;

        while (!item->destination().startsWith(directories.top().first)) {

        if (item->_isDirectory) {
            PropagateDirectory *dir = new PropagateDirectory(this, item);
            if (item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_REMOVE) {
                //We do the removal of directories at the end, because there might be moves from
                // this directories that will happen later.
                removedDirectory = item->_file + "/";

                // We should not update the etag of parent directories of the removed directory
                // since it would be done before the actual remove (issue #1845)
                // NOTE: Currently this means that we don't update those etag at all in this sync,
                //       but it should not be a problem, they will be updated in the next sync.
                for (int i = 0; i < directories.size(); ++i) {
                    directories[i].second->_item->_should_update_metadata = false;
            } else {
                PropagateDirectory* currentDirJob = directories.top().second;
            directories.push(qMakePair(item->destination() + "/" , dir));
        } else if (PropagateItemJob* current = createJob(item)) {

    foreach(PropagatorJob* it, directoriesToRemove) {
예제 #2
void OwncloudPropagator::start(const SyncFileItemVector& _syncedItems)
    /* This builds all the job needed for the propagation.
     * Each directories is a PropagateDirectory job, which contains the files in it.
     * In order to do that we sort the items by destination. and loop over it. When we enter a
     * directory, we can create the directory job and push it on the stack. */
    SyncFileItemVector items = _syncedItems;
    std::sort(items.begin(), items.end());
    _rootJob.reset(new PropagateDirectory(this));
    QStack<QPair<QString /* directory name */, PropagateDirectory* /* job */> > directories;
    directories.push(qMakePair(QString(), _rootJob.data()));
    QVector<PropagatorJob*> directoriesToRemove;
    QString removedDirectory;
    foreach(const SyncFileItem &item, items) {

        if (!removedDirectory.isEmpty() && item._file.startsWith(removedDirectory)) {
            // this is an item in a directory which is going to be removed.
            if (item._instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_REMOVE) {
                //already taken care of.  (by the removal of the parent directory)
            } else if (item._instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW && item._isDirectory) {
                // create a new directory within a deleted directory? That can happen if the directory
                // etag were not fetched properly on the previous sync because the sync was aborted
                // while uploading this directory (which is now removed).  We can ignore it.
            } else if (item._instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE) {

            qWarning() << "WARNING:  Job within a removed directory?  This should not happen!"
                       << item._file << item._instruction;

        while (!item.destination().startsWith(directories.top().first)) {

        if (item._isDirectory) {
            PropagateDirectory *dir = new PropagateDirectory(this, item);
            if (item._instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_REMOVE) {
                //We do the removal of directories at the end, because there might be moves from
                // this directories that will happen later.
                removedDirectory = item._file + "/";

                // We should not update the etag of parent directories of the removed directory
                // since it would be done before the actual remove (issue #1845)
                // NOTE: Currently this means that we don't update those etag at all in this sync,
                //       but it should not be a problem, they will be updated in the next sync.
                for (int i = 0; i < directories.size(); ++i) {
                    directories[i].second->_item._should_update_etag = false;
            } else {
                PropagateDirectory* currentDirJob = directories.top().second;
            directories.push(qMakePair(item.destination() + "/" , dir));
        } else if (PropagateItemJob* current = createJob(item)) {

    foreach(PropagatorJob* it, directoriesToRemove) {
예제 #3
void OwncloudPropagator::start(const SyncFileItemVector& items)
    Q_ASSERT(std::is_sorted(items.begin(), items.end()));

    /* This builds all the jobs needed for the propagation.
     * Each directory is a PropagateDirectory job, which contains the files in it.
     * In order to do that we loop over the items. (which are sorted by destination)
     * When we enter a directory, we can create the directory job and push it on the stack. */

    _rootJob.reset(new PropagateDirectory(this));
    QStack<QPair<QString /* directory name */, PropagateDirectory* /* job */> > directories;
    directories.push(qMakePair(QString(), _rootJob.data()));
    QVector<PropagatorJob*> directoriesToRemove;
    QString removedDirectory;
    foreach(const SyncFileItemPtr &item, items) {

        if (!removedDirectory.isEmpty() && item->_file.startsWith(removedDirectory)) {
            // this is an item in a directory which is going to be removed.
            PropagateDirectory *delDirJob = dynamic_cast<PropagateDirectory*>(directoriesToRemove.first());

            if (item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_REMOVE) {
                // already taken care of. (by the removal of the parent directory)

                // increase the number of subjobs that would be there.
                if( delDirJob ) {
            } else if (item->_isDirectory
                       && (item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW
                           || item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_TYPE_CHANGE)) {
                // create a new directory within a deleted directory? That can happen if the directory
                // etag was not fetched properly on the previous sync because the sync was aborted
                // while uploading this directory (which is now removed).  We can ignore it.
                if( delDirJob ) {
            } else if (item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE) {
            } else if (item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_RENAME) {
                // all is good, the rename will be executed before the directory deletion
            } else {
                qWarning() << "WARNING:  Job within a removed directory?  This should not happen!"
                           << item->_file << item->_instruction;

        while (!item->destination().startsWith(directories.top().first)) {

        if (item->_isDirectory) {
            PropagateDirectory *dir = new PropagateDirectory(this, item);

            if (item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_TYPE_CHANGE
                    && item->_direction == SyncFileItem::Up) {
                // Skip all potential uploads to the new folder.
                // Processing them now leads to problems with permissions:
                // checkForPermissions() has already run and used the permissions
                // of the file we're about to delete to decide whether uploading
                // to the new dir is ok...
                foreach(const SyncFileItemPtr &item2, items) {
                    if (item2->destination().startsWith(item->destination() + "/")) {
                        item2->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NONE;
                        _anotherSyncNeeded = true;

            if (item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_REMOVE) {
                // We do the removal of directories at the end, because there might be moves from
                // these directories that will happen later.
                removedDirectory = item->_file + "/";

                // We should not update the etag of parent directories of the removed directory
                // since it would be done before the actual remove (issue #1845)
                // NOTE: Currently this means that we don't update those etag at all in this sync,
                //       but it should not be a problem, they will be updated in the next sync.
                for (int i = 0; i < directories.size(); ++i) {
                    if (directories[i].second->_item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_UPDATE_METADATA)
                        directories[i].second->_item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NONE;
            } else {
                PropagateDirectory* currentDirJob = directories.top().second;
            directories.push(qMakePair(item->destination() + "/" , dir));
        } else if (PropagateItemJob* current = createJob(item)) {