CColorDialog::CColorDialog (QWidget * parent, const char *name, F4lmApp * p): QWidget (parent, name) { //QColor renk; //renk=QColorDialog::getColor(renk,this); realp = p; Q3VBoxLayout *topLayout = new Q3VBoxLayout (this); Q3ButtonGroup *ToolsButtonGroup =new Q3ButtonGroup (this, "ToolsButtonGroup"); ToolsButtonGroup->setGeometry (QRect (150, 70, 71, 291)); ToolsButtonGroup->setLineWidth (0); ToolsButtonGroup->setTitle (trUtf8 ("")); QToolButton *ToolButton1 =new QToolButton (ToolsButtonGroup, "ToolButton1"); ToolButton1->setGeometry (QRect (0, 10, 30, 30)); ToolButton1->setText (trUtf8 ("CC")); connect (ToolButton1, SIGNAL (clicked ()), this,SLOT (slotColorChooser ())); QToolButton *ToolButton2 =new QToolButton (ToolsButtonGroup, "ToolButton2"); ToolButton2->setGeometry (QRect (30, 10, 30, 30)); ToolButton2->setText (trUtf8 ("...")); //CColorSwatches* s=new CColorSwatches(this,"color_swatches",p); topLayout->addWidget (ToolsButtonGroup); //topLayout->addWidget(s); }
QWidget *Q3ButtonGroupPlugin::createWidget(QWidget *parent) { Q3ButtonGroup *g = new Q3ButtonGroup(parent); g->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical); g->setInsideMargin(0); g->layout()->setSpacing(-1); return g; }
void tst_q3buttongroup::buttonId() { Q3ButtonGroup bg; QPushButton *button = new QPushButton("Foo", &bg); int id = bg.insert(button, 1); QApplication::instance()->processEvents(); QCOMPARE(id,; }
void tst_q3buttongroup::task198864_insert() { #if 0 Q3ButtonGroup *group = new Q3ButtonGroup; QWidget *parent = new QWidget; const int id1 = group->insert(new QPushButton(parent)); QCOMPARE(id1, 0); const int id2 = group->insert(new QPushButton(parent)); QCOMPARE(id2, 1); delete parent; parent = new QWidget; const int id3 = group->insert(new QPushButton(parent)); QCOMPARE(id3, 0); #endif Q3ButtonGroup *group = new Q3ButtonGroup; QPushButton *button1 = new QPushButton; const int id1 = group->insert(button1); QCOMPARE(id1, 0); QPushButton *button2 = new QPushButton; const int id2 = group->insert(button2); QCOMPARE(id2, 1); delete button1; delete button2; QPushButton *button3 = new QPushButton; const int id3 = group->insert(button3); QCOMPARE(id3, 0); }
//*********************************************** void Options::set_general() { QWidget *general = new QWidget(this); Q3BoxLayout *all = new Q3VBoxLayout(general,10); Q3GroupBox *b1 = new Q3GroupBox(2,Horizontal,"",general); QLabel *l = new QLabel("Default resource type",b1); l->setText("Default resource type"); //to avoid compilation warning type = new QComboBox(false,b1,"type"); type->insertItem( "LOGIC" ); type->insertItem( "PICTURE" ); type->insertItem( "VIEW" ); type->insertItem( "SOUND" ); QLabel *l2 = new QLabel("Picedit style",b1); l2->setText("Picedit style"); //to avoid compilation warning picstyle = new QComboBox(false,b1,"picstyle"); picstyle->insertItem( "One window" ); picstyle->insertItem( "Two windows" ); all->addWidget(b1); Q3ButtonGroup *extract = new Q3ButtonGroup(2,Horizontal,"Extract logic as",general); extract->setMaximumSize(200,100); extract->setExclusive(true); text = new QRadioButton("Text",extract); binary = new QRadioButton("Binary",extract); all->addWidget(extract); addTab(general,"General"); }
BrowserSearchDialog::BrowserSearchDialog() : QDialog(0, "Browser search", FALSE, Qt::WDestructiveClose) { the = this; setCaption(TR("Browser search")); Q3VBoxLayout * vbox = new Q3VBoxLayout(this); vbox->setMargin(5); Q3GridLayout * gl = new Q3GridLayout(vbox, 4, 2, 5/*space*/); gl->addWidget(new QLabel(TR("Kind"), this), 0, 0, Qt::AlignLeft); kind = new Q3ComboBox(FALSE, this); for (int index = 0; index != sizeof(Kinds) / sizeof(*Kinds); index += 1) kind->insertItem(TR(Kinds[index].lbl)); kind->setCurrentItem(saved_kind); gl->addWidget(kind, 0, 1); ed = new LineEdit(this); ed->setText(saved_ed); gl->addWidget(new QLabel(TR("Containing"), this), 1, 0, Qt::AlignLeft); gl->addWidget(ed, 1, 1); ed->setFocus(); Q3HBox * hb = new Q3HBox(this); gl->addWidget(hb, 2, 1); Q3GroupBox * gb = new Q3GroupBox(2, Qt::Horizontal, hb); case_sensitive = new QCheckBox(TR("case sensitive"), gb); case_sensitive->setChecked(saved_case_sensitive); even_deleted = new QCheckBox(TR("even deleted"), gb); even_deleted->setChecked(saved_even_deleted); Q3ButtonGroup * bg = new Q3ButtonGroup(4, Qt::Horizontal, hb); bg->setExclusive(TRUE); for_name = new QRadioButton(TR("name"), bg); for_name->setChecked(saved_name); for_stereotype = new QRadioButton(TR("stereotype"), bg); for_stereotype->setChecked(saved_stereotype); for_comment = new QRadioButton(TR("description"), bg); for_comment->setChecked(saved_comment); for_decldefbody = new QRadioButton(TR("declaration/definition/body"), bg); for_decldefbody->setChecked(saved_decldefbody); gl->addWidget(new QLabel(TR("Result"), this), 3, 0, Qt::AlignLeft); results = new Q3ComboBox(FALSE, this); gl->addWidget(results, 3, 1); Q3HBoxLayout * hbox = new Q3HBoxLayout(vbox); QPushButton * search_b = new QPushButton(TR("Search"), this); QPushButton * close_b = new QPushButton(TR("Close"), this); hbox->setMargin(5); hbox->addWidget(search_b); hbox->addWidget(select_b = new QPushButton(TR("Select"), this)); hbox->addWidget(mark_unmark_b = new QPushButton(TR("Unmark"), this)); hbox->addWidget(mark_them_b = new QPushButton(TR("Mark them"), this)); hbox->addWidget(unmark_all_b = new QPushButton(TR("Unmark all"), this)); hbox->addWidget(close_b); search_b->setDefault(TRUE); connect(search_b, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(search())); connect(select_b, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(select())); connect(close_b, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reject())); connect(mark_unmark_b, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(mark_unmark())); connect(mark_them_b, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(mark_them())); connect(unmark_all_b, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(unmark_all())); connect(results, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(selected(int))); if ((saved_kind != 0) || !saved_ed.isEmpty()) search(); else selected(-1); open_dialog(this); }
AttributeDialog::AttributeDialog(AttributeData * a, bool new_st_attr) : Q3TabDialog(0, 0, FALSE, Qt::WDestructiveClose), new_in_st(new_st_attr), att(a) { a->browser_node->edit_start(); if (a->browser_node->is_writable()) { setOkButton(TR("OK")); setCancelButton(TR("Cancel")); } else { setOkButton(QString::null); setCancelButton(TR("Close")); } visit = !hasOkButton(); ClassData * cld = (ClassData *) ((BrowserNode *) a->browser_node->parent())->get_data(); QString stereotype = cld->get_stereotype(); QString lang_st; in_enum = (stereotype == "enum"); lang_st = GenerationSettings::cpp_class_stereotype(stereotype); cpp_in_enum = in_enum || (lang_st == "enum"); cpp_ignored = !cpp_in_enum && ((lang_st == "typedef") || (lang_st == "ignored")); lang_st = GenerationSettings::java_class_stereotype(stereotype); java_in_enum = in_enum || (lang_st == "enum"); java_in_enum_pattern = !java_in_enum && (lang_st == "enum_pattern"); java_ignored = (lang_st == "ignored"); lang_st = GenerationSettings::php_class_stereotype(stereotype); php_in_enum = in_enum || (lang_st == "enum"); php_ignored = !php_in_enum && (lang_st == "ignored"); lang_st = GenerationSettings::python_class_stereotype(stereotype); python_in_enum = in_enum || (lang_st == "enum"); python_ignored = !python_in_enum && (lang_st == "ignored"); lang_st = GenerationSettings::idl_class_stereotype(stereotype); idl_in_enum = in_enum || (lang_st == "enum"); idl_in_typedef = !idl_in_enum && (lang_st == "typedef"); idl_in_struct = !idl_in_enum && ((lang_st == "struct") || (lang_st == "exception")); idl_in_union = !idl_in_enum && (lang_st == "union"); setCaption((in_enum || java_in_enum_pattern) ? TR("Enum item dialog") : TR("Attribute dialog")); Q3Grid * grid; Q3HBox * htab; QString s; // general tab grid = new Q3Grid(2, this); umltab = grid; grid->setMargin(5); grid->setSpacing(5); new QLabel(TR("class : "), grid); new QLabel(((BrowserNode *) a->get_browser_node()->parent())->full_name(TRUE), grid); new QLabel(TR("name :"), grid); edname = new LineEdit(a->name(), grid); edname->setReadOnly(visit); QFont font = edname->font(); if (! hasCodec()) font.setFamily("Courier"); font.setFixedPitch(TRUE); if (!java_in_enum_pattern) { new QLabel(TR("stereotype :"), grid); htab = new Q3HBox(grid); edstereotype = new Q3ComboBox(!visit, htab); edstereotype->insertItem(toUnicode(a->get_stereotype())); if (!visit) { edstereotype->insertStringList(BrowserAttribute::default_stereotypes()); edstereotype->insertStringList(ProfiledStereotypes::defaults(UmlAttribute)); if (java_in_enum) { int n = edstereotype->count(); for (attribute_st_rank = 0; attribute_st_rank != n; attribute_st_rank += 1) if (edstereotype->text(attribute_st_rank) == "attribute") break; if (attribute_st_rank == n) { edstereotype->insertItem("attribute"); n += 1; } for (empty_st_rank = 0; empty_st_rank != n; empty_st_rank += 1) if (edstereotype->text(empty_st_rank).isEmpty()) break; if (empty_st_rank == n) edstereotype->insertItem(""); } edstereotype->setAutoCompletion(completion()); } edstereotype->setCurrentItem(0); QSizePolicy sp = edstereotype->sizePolicy(); sp.setHorData(QSizePolicy::Expanding); edstereotype->setSizePolicy(sp); new QLabel(TR(" multiplicity : "), htab); multiplicity = new Q3ComboBox(!visit, htab); multiplicity->setSizePolicy(sp); previous_multiplicity = a->get_multiplicity(); multiplicity->insertItem(previous_multiplicity); if (!visit) { multiplicity->insertItem("1"); multiplicity->insertItem("0..1"); multiplicity->insertItem("*"); multiplicity->insertItem("1..*"); } connect(new SmallPushButton(TR("type :"), grid), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(menu_type())); edtype = new Q3ComboBox(!visit, grid); edtype->insertItem(a->get_type().get_full_type()); BrowserClass::instances(nodes); nodes.full_names(list); if (!visit) { QStringList l = GenerationSettings::basic_types(); cld->addFormals(l); edtype->insertStringList(l); offset = edtype->count(); edtype->insertStringList(list); edtype->setAutoCompletion(completion()); view = a->browser_node->container(UmlClass); } edtype->setCurrentItem(0); edtype->setSizePolicy(sp); new QLabel(TR("initial value :"), grid); } else { multiplicity = 0; new QLabel(TR("value :"), grid); } htab = new Q3HBox(grid); edinit = new LineEdit(a->get_init_value(), htab); if (visit) edinit->setReadOnly(TRUE); else connect(new SmallPushButton(TR("Editor"), htab), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(edit_init())); Q3ButtonGroup * bg; if (!java_in_enum_pattern) { new QLabel(grid); htab = new Q3HBox(grid); bg = uml_visibility.init(htab, a->get_uml_visibility(), TRUE); if (visit) bg->setEnabled(FALSE); bg = new Q3ButtonGroup(7, Qt::Horizontal, QString::null, htab); bg->setExclusive(FALSE); classattribute_cb = new QCheckBox("static", bg); if (a->get_isa_class_attribute()) classattribute_cb->setChecked(TRUE); classattribute_cb->setDisabled(visit); volatile_cb = new QCheckBox("volatile", bg); if (a->isa_volatile_attribute) volatile_cb->setChecked(TRUE); volatile_cb->setDisabled(visit); constattribute_cb = new QCheckBox(TR("read-only"), bg); if (a->get_isa_const_attribute()) constattribute_cb->setChecked(TRUE); constattribute_cb->setDisabled(visit); derived_cb = new QCheckBox(TR("derived"), bg); if (a->get_is_derived()) derived_cb->setChecked(TRUE); derived_cb->setDisabled(visit); connect(derived_cb, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(derived_changed(bool))); derivedunion_cb = new QCheckBox("union", bg); if (a->get_is_derivedunion()) derivedunion_cb->setChecked(TRUE); derivedunion_cb->setDisabled(visit || !derived_cb->isChecked()); ordered_cb = new QCheckBox(TR("ordered"), bg); if (a->get_is_ordered()) ordered_cb->setChecked(TRUE); ordered_cb->setDisabled(visit); unique_cb = new QCheckBox("unique", bg); if (a->get_is_unique()) unique_cb->setChecked(TRUE); unique_cb->setDisabled(visit); } Q3VBox * vtab = new Q3VBox(grid); new QLabel(TR("description :"), vtab); if (! visit) { connect(new SmallPushButton(TR("Editor"), vtab), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(edit_description())); connect(new SmallPushButton(TR("Default"), vtab), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(default_description())); } comment = new MultiLineEdit(grid); comment->setReadOnly(visit); comment->setText(a->browser_node->get_comment()); comment->setFont(font); vtab = new Q3VBox(grid); new QLabel(TR("constraint :"), vtab); if (! visit) { connect(new SmallPushButton(TR("Editor"), vtab), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(edit_constraint())); } constraint = new MultiLineEdit(grid); constraint->setReadOnly(visit); constraint->setText(a->constraint); constraint->setFont(font); addTab(grid, "Uml"); // C++ if (! cpp_ignored) { grid = new Q3Grid(2, this); cpptab = grid; grid->setMargin(5); grid->setSpacing(5); if (!cpp_in_enum) { new QLabel(TR("Visibility :"), grid); htab = new Q3HBox(grid); Q3ButtonGroup * bg = cpp_visibility.init(htab, a->get_cpp_visibility(), FALSE, 0, TR("follow uml")); if (visit) bg->setEnabled(FALSE); new QLabel(" ", htab); mutable_cb = new QCheckBox("mutable", htab); if (a->cpp_mutable) mutable_cb->setChecked(TRUE); if (visit) mutable_cb->setDisabled(TRUE); else connect(mutable_cb, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(cpp_update())); }
PinDialog::PinDialog(PinData * pi) : Q3TabDialog(0, 0, FALSE, Qt::WDestructiveClose), pin(pi) { pi->browser_node->edit_start(); if (pi->browser_node->is_writable()) { setOkButton(TR("OK")); setCancelButton(TR("Cancel")); } else { setOkButton(QString::null); setCancelButton(TR("Close")); } visit = !hasOkButton(); setCaption(TR("Pin dialog")); Q3Grid * grid; Q3HBox * htab; QString s; // general tab grid = new Q3Grid(2, this); umltab = grid; grid->setMargin(5); grid->setSpacing(5); new QLabel(TR("name :"), grid); edname = new LineEdit(pi->name(), grid); edname->setReadOnly(visit); QFont font = edname->font(); if (! hasCodec()) font.setFamily("Courier"); font.setFixedPitch(TRUE); new QLabel(TR("stereotype : "), grid); edstereotype = new Q3ComboBox(!visit, grid); edstereotype->insertItem(toUnicode(pi->stereotype)); if (! visit) { edstereotype->insertStringList(BrowserPin::default_stereotypes()); edstereotype->insertStringList(ProfiledStereotypes::defaults(UmlActivityPin)); edstereotype->setAutoCompletion(completion()); } edstereotype->setCurrentItem(0); QSizePolicy sp = edstereotype->sizePolicy(); sp.setHorData(QSizePolicy::Expanding); edstereotype->setSizePolicy(sp); connect(new SmallPushButton(TR("type :"), grid), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(menu_type())); edtype = new Q3ComboBox(!visit, grid); edtype->insertItem(pi->get_type().get_full_type()); if (!visit) { BrowserClass::instances(nodes); nodes.full_names(list); edtype->insertStringList(GenerationSettings::basic_types()); offset = edtype->count(); edtype->insertStringList(list); edtype->setAutoCompletion(completion()); view = pi->browser_node->container(UmlClass); } edtype->setCurrentItem(0); edtype->setSizePolicy(sp); new QLabel(TR("direction :"), grid); htab = new Q3HBox(grid); eddir = new Q3ComboBox(FALSE, htab); UmlParamDirection dir = pi->get_dir(); eddir->insertItem(stringify(dir)); if (! visit) { // note : inout not allowed if (dir != UmlIn) eddir->insertItem(stringify(UmlIn)); if (dir != UmlOut) eddir->insertItem(stringify(UmlOut)); if (dir != UmlReturn) eddir->insertItem(stringify(UmlReturn)); } new QLabel(TR(" multiplicity : "), htab); edmultiplicity = new Q3ComboBox(!visit, htab); edmultiplicity->setSizePolicy(sp); edmultiplicity->insertItem(pi->get_multiplicity()); if (!visit) { edmultiplicity->insertItem("1"); edmultiplicity->insertItem("0..1"); edmultiplicity->insertItem("*"); edmultiplicity->insertItem("1..*"); } new QLabel(TR(" ordering : "), htab); edordering = new Q3ComboBox(FALSE, htab); UmlOrderingKind o = pi->get_ordering(); edordering->insertItem(stringify(o)); if (!visit) { if (o != UmlUnordered) edordering->insertItem(stringify(UmlUnordered)); if (o != UmlOrdered) edordering->insertItem(stringify(UmlOrdered)); if (o != UmlLifo) edordering->insertItem(stringify(UmlLifo)); if (o != UmlFifo) edordering->insertItem(stringify(UmlFifo)); } new QLabel(TR(" effect : "), htab); edeffect = new Q3ComboBox(FALSE, htab); UmlParamEffect e = pi->get_effect(); edeffect->insertItem(stringify(e)); if (!visit) { if (e != UmlNoEffect) edeffect->insertItem(stringify(UmlNoEffect)); if (e != UmlCreate) edeffect->insertItem(stringify(UmlCreate)); if (e != UmlRead) edeffect->insertItem(stringify(UmlRead)); if (e != UmlUpdate) edeffect->insertItem(stringify(UmlUpdate)); if (e != UmlDelete) edeffect->insertItem(stringify(UmlDelete)); } new QLabel(TR("in state : "), grid); edin_state = new LineEdit(pi->in_state, grid); edin_state->setReadOnly(visit); new QLabel(grid); htab = new Q3HBox(grid); Q3ButtonGroup * bg = new Q3ButtonGroup(2, Qt::Horizontal, QString::null, htab); is_control_cb = new QCheckBox(TR("is_control"), bg); if (pi->is_control) is_control_cb->setChecked(TRUE); is_control_cb->setDisabled(visit); unique_cb = new QCheckBox(TR("unique"), bg); if (pi->unique) unique_cb->setChecked(TRUE); unique_cb->setDisabled(visit); bg = new Q3ButtonGroup(3, Qt::Horizontal, QString::null, htab); bg->setExclusive(TRUE); standard_rb = new QRadioButton(TR("standard"), bg); exception_rb = new QRadioButton(TR("exception"), bg); stream_rb = new QRadioButton(TR("stream"), bg); if (pi->exception) exception_rb->setChecked(TRUE); else if (pi->stream) stream_rb->setChecked(TRUE); else standard_rb->setChecked(TRUE); Q3VBox * vtab = new Q3VBox(grid); new QLabel(TR("description :"), vtab); if (! visit) { connect(new SmallPushButton(TR("Editor"), vtab), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(edit_description())); } comment = new MultiLineEdit(grid); comment->setReadOnly(visit); comment->setText(pi->browser_node->get_comment()); comment->setFont(font); addTab(grid, "Uml"); init_tab(ocltab, eduml_selection, pin->uml_selection, "Ocl", SLOT(edit_uml_selection()), TRUE); // C++ init_tab(cpptab, edcpp_selection, pin->cpp_selection, "C++", SLOT(edit_cpp_selection()), GenerationSettings::cpp_get_default_defs()); // Java init_tab(javatab, edjava_selection, pin->java_selection, "Java", SLOT(edit_java_selection()), GenerationSettings::java_get_default_defs()); // USER : list key - value grid = new Q3Grid(2, this); grid->setMargin(5); grid->setSpacing(5); kvtable = new KeyValuesTable(pi->browser_node, grid, visit); addTab(grid, TR("Properties")); // connect(this, SIGNAL(currentChanged(QWidget *)), this, SLOT(change_tabs(QWidget *))); open_dialog(this); }
void GPConfigDlg::appendWidget(QWidget* parent, CameraWidget* widget) { QWidget* newParent = parent; CameraWidgetType widget_type; const char* widget_name; const char* widget_info; const char* widget_label; float widget_value_float; int widget_value_int; const char* widget_value_string; gp_widget_get_type(widget, &widget_type); gp_widget_get_label(widget, &widget_label); gp_widget_get_info(widget, &widget_info); gp_widget_get_name(widget, &widget_name); // gphoto2 doesn't seem to have any standard for i18n QString whats_this = QString::fromLocal8Bit(widget_info); // Add this widget to parent switch (widget_type) { case GP_WIDGET_WINDOW: { setCaption(widget_label); break; } case GP_WIDGET_SECTION: { if (!d->tabWidget) { d->tabWidget = new QTabWidget(parent); parent->layout()->addWidget(d->tabWidget); } QWidget* tab = new QWidget(d->tabWidget); // widgets are to be aligned vertically in the tab QVBoxLayout* tabLayout = new QVBoxLayout(tab, marginHint(), spacingHint()); d->tabWidget->insertTab(tab, widget_label); KVBox* tabContainer = new KVBox(tab); tabContainer->setSpacing(spacingHint()); tabLayout->addWidget(tabContainer); newParent = tabContainer; tabLayout->addStretch(); break; } case GP_WIDGET_TEXT: { gp_widget_get_value(widget, &widget_value_string); Q3Grid* grid = new Q3Grid(2, Qt::Horizontal, parent); parent->layout()->addWidget(grid); grid->setSpacing(spacingHint()); new QLabel(QString::fromLocal8Bit(widget_label) + ':', grid); QLineEdit* lineEdit = new QLineEdit(widget_value_string, grid); d->wmap.insert(widget, lineEdit); if (!whats_this.isEmpty()) { grid->setWhatsThis(whats_this); } break; } case GP_WIDGET_RANGE: { float widget_low; float widget_high; float widget_increment; gp_widget_get_range(widget, &widget_low, &widget_high, &widget_increment); gp_widget_get_value(widget, &widget_value_float); Q3GroupBox* groupBox = new Q3GroupBox(1, Qt::Horizontal, widget_label, parent); parent->layout()->addWidget(groupBox); QSlider* slider = new QSlider( (int)widget_low, (int)widget_high, (int)widget_increment, (int)widget_value_float, Qt::Horizontal, groupBox); d->wmap.insert(widget, slider); if (!whats_this.isEmpty()) { groupBox->setWhatsThis(whats_this); } break; } case GP_WIDGET_TOGGLE: { gp_widget_get_value(widget, &widget_value_int); QCheckBox* checkBox = new QCheckBox(widget_label, parent); parent->layout()->addWidget(checkBox); checkBox->setChecked(widget_value_int); d->wmap.insert(widget, checkBox); if (!whats_this.isEmpty()) { checkBox->setWhatsThis(whats_this); } break; } case GP_WIDGET_RADIO: { gp_widget_get_value(widget, &widget_value_string); int count = gp_widget_count_choices(widget); // for less than 5 options, align them horizontally Q3ButtonGroup* buttonGroup; if (count > 4) { buttonGroup = new Q3VButtonGroup(widget_label, parent); } else { buttonGroup = new Q3HButtonGroup(widget_label, parent); } parent->layout()->addWidget(buttonGroup); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { const char* widget_choice; gp_widget_get_choice(widget, i, &widget_choice); new QRadioButton(widget_choice, buttonGroup); if (!strcmp(widget_value_string, widget_choice)) { buttonGroup->setButton(i); } } d->wmap.insert(widget, buttonGroup); if (!whats_this.isEmpty()) { buttonGroup->setWhatsThis(whats_this); } break; } case GP_WIDGET_MENU: { gp_widget_get_value(widget, &widget_value_string); QComboBox* comboBox = new KComboBox(parent); parent->layout()->addWidget(comboBox); comboBox->clear(); for (int i = 0; i < gp_widget_count_choices(widget); ++i) { const char* widget_choice; gp_widget_get_choice(widget, i, &widget_choice); comboBox->insertItem(widget_choice); if (!strcmp(widget_value_string, widget_choice)) { comboBox->setCurrentItem(i); } } d->wmap.insert(widget, comboBox); if (!whats_this.isEmpty()) { comboBox->setWhatsThis(whats_this); } break; } case GP_WIDGET_BUTTON: { // TODO // I can't see a way of implementing this. Since there is // no way of telling which button sent you a signal, we // can't map to the appropriate widget->callback QLabel* label = new QLabel(i18n("Button (not supported by KControl)"), parent); parent->layout()->addWidget(label); break; } case GP_WIDGET_DATE: { // TODO QLabel* label = new QLabel(i18n("Date (not supported by KControl)"), parent); parent->layout()->addWidget(label); break; } default: return; } // Append all this widgets children for (int i = 0; i < gp_widget_count_children(widget); ++i) { CameraWidget* widget_child; gp_widget_get_child(widget, i, &widget_child); appendWidget(newParent, widget_child); } // Things that must be done after all children were added /* switch (widget_type) { case GP_WIDGET_SECTION: { tabLayout->addItem( new QSpacerItem(0, 0, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding) ); break; } } */ }
void GPConfigDlg::updateWidgetValue(CameraWidget* widget) { CameraWidgetType widget_type; gp_widget_get_type(widget, &widget_type); switch (widget_type) { case GP_WIDGET_WINDOW: // nothing to do break; case GP_WIDGET_SECTION: // nothing to do break; case GP_WIDGET_TEXT: { QLineEdit* lineEdit = static_cast<QLineEdit*>(d->wmap[widget]); gp_widget_set_value(widget, (void*)lineEdit->text().toLocal8Bit().data()); break; } case GP_WIDGET_RANGE: { QSlider* slider = static_cast<QSlider*>(d->wmap[widget]); float value_float = slider->value(); gp_widget_set_value(widget, (void*)&value_float); break; } case GP_WIDGET_TOGGLE: { QCheckBox* checkBox = static_cast<QCheckBox*>(d->wmap[widget]); int value_int = checkBox->isChecked() ? 1 : 0; gp_widget_set_value(widget, (void*)&value_int); break; } case GP_WIDGET_RADIO: { Q3ButtonGroup* buttonGroup = static_cast<Q3VButtonGroup*>(d->wmap[widget]); gp_widget_set_value(widget, (void*)buttonGroup->selected()->text().toLocal8Bit().data()); break; } case GP_WIDGET_MENU: { QComboBox* comboBox = static_cast<QComboBox*>(d->wmap[widget]); gp_widget_set_value(widget, (void*)comboBox->currentText().toLocal8Bit().data()); break; } case GP_WIDGET_BUTTON: // nothing to do break; case GP_WIDGET_DATE: { // not implemented break; } } // Copy child widget values for (int i = 0; i < gp_widget_count_children(widget); ++i) { CameraWidget* widget_child; gp_widget_get_child(widget, i, &widget_child); updateWidgetValue(widget_child); } }
DeviceConfigureDialog::DeviceConfigureDialog( MediaDevice *device ) : KDialog( Amarok::mainWindow() ) , m_device( device ) { setCaption( i18n("Select Plugin for %1", m_device->name() ) ); setModal( true ); setButtons( Ok | Cancel ); showButtonSeparator( true ); kapp->setTopWidget( this ); setCaption( KDialog::makeStandardCaption( i18n( "Configure Media Device" ) ) ); showButton( KDialog::Apply, false ); KVBox* vbox = new KVBox( this ); setMainWidget( vbox ); vbox->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() ); QLabel *connectLabel = 0; m_connectEdit = 0; QLabel *disconnectLabel = 0; m_disconnectEdit = 0; m_transcodeCheck = 0; Q3ButtonGroup *transcodeGroup = 0; m_transcodeAlways = 0; m_transcodeWhenNecessary = 0; m_transcodeRemove = 0; if( device ) { device->loadConfig(); // pre-connect/post-disconnect (mount/umount) connectLabel = new QLabel( vbox ); connectLabel->setText( i18n( "Pre-&connect command:" ) ); m_connectEdit = new HintLineEdit( device->m_preconnectcmd, vbox ); m_connectEdit->setHint( i18n( "Example: mount %d" ) ); connectLabel->setBuddy( m_connectEdit ); m_connectEdit->setToolTip( i18n( "Set a command to be run before connecting to your device (e.g. a mount command) here.\n%d is replaced by the device node, %m by the mount point.\nEmpty commands are not executed." ) ); disconnectLabel = new QLabel( vbox ); disconnectLabel->setText( i18n( "Post-&disconnect command:" ) ); m_disconnectEdit = new HintLineEdit( device->m_postdisconnectcmd, vbox ); disconnectLabel->setBuddy( m_disconnectEdit ); m_disconnectEdit->setHint( i18n( "Example: eject %d" ) ); m_disconnectEdit->setToolTip( i18n( "Set a command to be run after disconnecting from your device (e.g. an eject command) here.\n%d is replaced by the device node, %m by the mount point.\nEmpty commands are not executed." ) ); // transcode m_transcodeCheck = new QCheckBox( vbox ); m_transcodeCheck->setText( i18n( "&Transcode before transferring to device" ) ); m_transcodeCheck->setChecked( device->m_transcode ); transcodeGroup = new Q3VButtonGroup( vbox ); QString format = "mp3"; if( !device->supportedFiletypes().isEmpty() ) format = device->supportedFiletypes().first(); transcodeGroup->setTitle( i18n( "Transcode to preferred format (%1) for device", format ) ); m_transcodeAlways = new QRadioButton( transcodeGroup ); m_transcodeAlways->setText( i18n( "Whenever possible" ) ); m_transcodeAlways->setChecked( device->m_transcodeAlways ); m_transcodeWhenNecessary = new QRadioButton( transcodeGroup ); m_transcodeWhenNecessary->setText( i18n( "When necessary" ) ); m_transcodeWhenNecessary->setChecked( !device->m_transcodeAlways ); connect( m_transcodeCheck, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), transcodeGroup, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)) ); transcodeGroup->insert( m_transcodeAlways ); transcodeGroup->insert( m_transcodeWhenNecessary ); m_transcodeRemove = new QCheckBox( transcodeGroup ); m_transcodeRemove->setText( i18n( "Remove transcoded files after transfer" ) ); m_transcodeRemove->setChecked( device->m_transcodeRemove ); const ScriptManager *sm = ScriptManager::instance(); m_transcodeCheck->setEnabled( !sm->transcodeScriptRunning().isEmpty() ); transcodeGroup->setEnabled( !sm->transcodeScriptRunning().isEmpty() && device->m_transcode ); if( sm->transcodeScriptRunning().isNull() ) { m_transcodeCheck->setToolTip( i18n( "For this feature, a script of type \"Transcode\" has to be running" ) ); transcodeGroup->setToolTip( i18n( "For this feature, a script of type \"Transcode\" has to be running" ) ); } device->addConfigElements( vbox ); } m_accepted = false; }
void ShortcutsModule::initGUI() { kDebug(125) << "A-----------"; KActionCollection* actionCollection = m_actionsGeneral; // see also KShortcutsModule::init() below !!! QAction* a = 0L; #define NOSLOTS //#define KICKER_ALL_BINDINGS #include "../../kwin/kwinbindings.cpp" //#include "../../kicker/kicker/core/kickerbindings.cpp" //#include "../../kicker/taskbar/taskbarbindings.cpp" //#include "../../kdesktop/kdesktopbindings.cpp" #include "../../klipper/klipperbindings.cpp" #include "../kxkb/kxkbbindings.cpp" kDebug(125) << "B-----------"; kDebug(125) << "C-----------"; createActionsGeneral(); kDebug(125) << "D-----------"; createActionsSequence(); kDebug(125) << "E-----------"; kDebug(125) << "F-----------"; QVBoxLayout* pVLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this ); pVLayout->addSpacing( KDialog::marginHint() ); // (o) [Current ] <Remove> ( ) New <Save> QHBoxLayout *pHLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); pVLayout->addItem( pHLayout ); Q3ButtonGroup* pGroup = new Q3ButtonGroup( this ); pGroup->hide(); m_prbPre = new QRadioButton( "", this ); connect( m_prbPre, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotSchemeCur()) ); pGroup->insert( m_prbPre ); pHLayout->addWidget( m_prbPre ); m_pcbSchemes = new QComboBox( this ); m_pcbSchemes->setMinimumWidth( 100 ); m_pcbSchemes->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Fixed ); connect( m_pcbSchemes, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(slotSelectScheme(int)) ); pHLayout->addWidget( m_pcbSchemes ); pHLayout->addSpacing( KDialog::marginHint() ); m_pbtnRemove = new QPushButton( i18n("&Remove"), this ); m_pbtnRemove->setEnabled( false ); connect( m_pbtnRemove, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotRemoveScheme()) ); m_pbtnRemove->setWhatsThis( i18n("Click here to remove the selected key bindings scheme. You cannot" " remove the standard system-wide schemes 'Current scheme' and 'KDE default'.") ); pHLayout->addWidget( m_pbtnRemove ); pHLayout->addSpacing( KDialog::marginHint() * 3 ); m_prbNew = new QRadioButton( i18n("New scheme"), this ); m_prbNew->setEnabled( false ); pGroup->insert( m_prbNew ); pHLayout->addWidget( m_prbNew ); m_pbtnSave = new QPushButton( i18n("&Save..."), this ); m_pbtnSave->setEnabled( false ); m_pbtnSave->setWhatsThis( i18n("Click here to add a new key bindings scheme. You will be prompted for a name.") ); connect( m_pbtnSave, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotSaveSchemeAs()) ); pHLayout->addWidget( m_pbtnSave ); pHLayout->addStretch( 1 ); m_pTab = new QTabWidget( this ); pVLayout->addWidget( m_pTab ); m_listGeneral = new KActionCollection( this ); //m_listGeneral->addActions(m_actionsGeneral); m_pseGeneral = new KShortcutsEditor( m_listGeneral, this, false ); m_pTab->addTab( m_pseGeneral, i18n("&Global Shortcuts") ); //connect( m_pseGeneral, SIGNAL(keyChange()), SLOT(slotKeyChange()) ); m_listSequence = new KActionCollection( this ); m_pseSequence = new KShortcutsEditor( m_listSequence, this, false ); m_pTab->addTab( m_pseSequence, i18n("Shortcut Se&quences") ); //connect( m_pseSequence, SIGNAL(keyChange()), SLOT(slotKeyChange()) ); m_listApplication = new KActionCollection( this ); m_pseApplication = new KShortcutsEditor( m_listApplication, this, false ); m_pTab->addTab( m_pseApplication, i18n("App&lication Shortcuts") ); //connect( m_pseApplication, SIGNAL(keyChange()), SLOT(slotKeyChange()) ); kDebug(125) << "G-----------"; readSchemeNames(); kDebug(125) << "I-----------"; slotSchemeCur(); kDebug(125) << "J-----------"; }