void MigrateDialog::ask() { QAbstractButton *btn = button( QWizard::CancelButton ); QPoint p = btn->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0)); QRect rc(p.x(), p.y(), btn->width(), btn->height()); BalloonMsg::ask(NULL, i18n("Cancel convert?"), this, SLOT(cancel(void*)), NULL, &rc); }
void BleMainWindow::onMenu() { QMenu menu(this); menu.addAction(tr("&Quit"), this, SLOT(onClose())); menu.addAction(tr("&Settings"), this, SLOT(onSettins())); QAbstractButton *menuButton = ui->titleWidget->button(TitleWidget::MENU_HINT); menu.exec(menuButton->mapToGlobal(menu.rect().bottomLeft())); }
void AMScanViewScanBar::onDataSourceButtonRightClicked(const QPoint& location) { QAbstractButton* button = qobject_cast<QAbstractButton*>(sender()); if(!button) return; int dataSourceIndex = sourceButtons_.id(button); AMScanViewScanBarContextMenu* cm = new AMScanViewScanBarContextMenu(model_, scanIndex_, dataSourceIndex, button); cm->popup(button->mapToGlobal(location)); }
void QAbstractButtonPrivate::moveFocus(int key) { QList<QAbstractButton *> buttonList = queryButtonList();; #ifndef QT_NO_BUTTONGROUP bool exclusive = group ? group->d_func()->exclusive : autoExclusive; #else bool exclusive = autoExclusive; #endif QWidget *f = QApplication::focusWidget(); QAbstractButton *fb = qobject_cast<QAbstractButton *>(f); if (!fb || !buttonList.contains(fb)) return; QAbstractButton *candidate = 0; int bestScore = -1; QRect target = f->rect().translated(f->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0,0))); QPoint goal = target.center(); uint focus_flag = qt_tab_all_widgets ? Qt::TabFocus : Qt::StrongFocus; for (int i = 0; i < buttonList.count(); ++i) { QAbstractButton *button = buttonList.at(i); if (button != f && button->window() == f->window() && button->isEnabled() && !button->isHidden() && (autoExclusive || (button->focusPolicy() & focus_flag) == focus_flag)) { QRect buttonRect = button->rect().translated(button->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0,0))); QPoint p = buttonRect.center(); //Priority to widgets that overlap on the same coordinate. //In that case, the distance in the direction will be used as significant score, //take also in account orthogonal distance in case two widget are in the same distance. int score; if ((buttonRect.x() < target.right() && target.x() < buttonRect.right()) && (key == Qt::Key_Up || key == Qt::Key_Down)) { //one item's is at the vertical of the other score = (qAbs(p.y() - goal.y()) << 16) + qAbs(p.x() - goal.x()); } else if ((buttonRect.y() < target.bottom() && target.y() < buttonRect.bottom()) && (key == Qt::Key_Left || key == Qt::Key_Right) ) { //one item's is at the horizontal of the other score = (qAbs(p.x() - goal.x()) << 16) + qAbs(p.y() - goal.y()); } else { score = (1 << 30) + (p.y() - goal.y()) * (p.y() - goal.y()) + (p.x() - goal.x()) * (p.x() - goal.x()); } if (score > bestScore && candidate) continue; switch(key) { case Qt::Key_Up: if (p.y() < goal.y()) { candidate = button; bestScore = score; } break; case Qt::Key_Down: if (p.y() > goal.y()) { candidate = button; bestScore = score; } break; case Qt::Key_Left: if (p.x() < goal.x()) { candidate = button; bestScore = score; } break; case Qt::Key_Right: if (p.x() > goal.x()) { candidate = button; bestScore = score; } break; } } } if (exclusive #ifdef QT_KEYPAD_NAVIGATION && !QApplication::keypadNavigationEnabled() #endif && candidate && fb->d_func()->checked && candidate->d_func()->checkable) candidate->click(); if (candidate) { if (key == Qt::Key_Up || key == Qt::Key_Left) candidate->setFocus(Qt::BacktabFocusReason); else candidate->setFocus(Qt::TabFocusReason); } }