예제 #1
bool QXcbGlxIntegration::handleXcbEvent(xcb_generic_event_t *event, uint responseType)
    bool handled = false;
    // Check if a custom XEvent constructor was registered in xlib for this event type, and call it discarding the constructed XEvent if any.
    // XESetWireToEvent might be used by libraries to intercept messages from the X server e.g. the OpenGL lib waiting for DRI2 events.
    Display *xdisplay = static_cast<Display *>(m_connection->xlib_display());
    bool locked = true;
    Bool (*proc)(Display*, XEvent*, xEvent*) = XESetWireToEvent(xdisplay, responseType, 0);
    if (proc) {
        XESetWireToEvent(xdisplay, responseType, proc);
        XEvent dummy;
        event->sequence = LastKnownRequestProcessed(xdisplay);
        if (proc(xdisplay, &dummy, (xEvent*)event)) {
            // DRI2 clients don't receive GLXBufferSwapComplete events on the wire.
            // Instead the GLX event is synthesized from the DRI2BufferSwapComplete event
            // by DRI2WireToEvent(). For an application to be able to see the event
            // we have to convert it to an xcb_glx_buffer_swap_complete_event_t and
            // pass it to the native event filter.
            const uint swap_complete = m_glx_first_event + XCB_GLX_BUFFER_SWAP_COMPLETE;
            QAbstractEventDispatcher* dispatcher = QAbstractEventDispatcher::instance();
            if (dispatcher && uint(dummy.type) == swap_complete && responseType != swap_complete) {
                QGLXBufferSwapComplete *xev = reinterpret_cast<QGLXBufferSwapComplete *>(&dummy);
                xcb_glx_buffer_swap_complete_event_t ev;
                memset(&ev, 0, sizeof(xcb_glx_buffer_swap_complete_event_t));
                ev.response_type = xev->type;
                ev.sequence = xev->serial;
                ev.event_type = xev->event_type;
                ev.drawable = xev->drawable;
                ev.ust_hi = xev->ust >> 32;
                ev.ust_lo = xev->ust & 0xffffffff;
                ev.msc_hi = xev->msc >> 32;
                ev.msc_lo = xev->msc & 0xffffffff;
                ev.sbc = xev->sbc & 0xffffffff;
                // Unlock the display before calling the native event filter
                locked = false;
                QByteArray genericEventFilterType = m_connection->nativeInterface()->genericEventFilterType();
                long result = 0;
                handled = dispatcher->filterNativeEvent(genericEventFilterType, &ev, &result);
예제 #2
bool QWindowsContext::windowsProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message,
                                  QtWindows::WindowsEventType et,
                                  WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *result)
    *result = 0;

    MSG msg;
    msg.hwnd = hwnd;         // re-create MSG structure
    msg.message = message;   // time and pt fields ignored
    msg.wParam = wParam;
    msg.lParam = lParam;
    msg.pt.x = msg.pt.y = 0;
    if (et != QtWindows::CursorEvent && (et & (QtWindows::MouseEventFlag | QtWindows::NonClientEventFlag))) {
        msg.pt.x = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam);
        msg.pt.y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam);
        // For non-client-area messages, these are screen coordinates (as expected
        // in the MSG structure), otherwise they are client coordinates.
        if (!(et & QtWindows::NonClientEventFlag)) {
            ClientToScreen(msg.hwnd, &msg.pt);
    } else {
#ifndef Q_OS_WINCE

    // Run the native event filters.
    long filterResult = 0;
    QAbstractEventDispatcher* dispatcher = QAbstractEventDispatcher::instance();
    if (dispatcher && dispatcher->filterNativeEvent(d->m_eventType, &msg, &filterResult)) {
        *result = LRESULT(filterResult);
        return true;

    QWindowsWindow *platformWindow = findPlatformWindow(hwnd);
    if (platformWindow) {
        filterResult = 0;
        if (QWindowSystemInterface::handleNativeEvent(platformWindow->window(), d->m_eventType, &msg, &filterResult)) {
            *result = LRESULT(filterResult);
            return true;

    switch (et) {
    case QtWindows::InputMethodStartCompositionEvent:
        return QWindowsInputContext::instance()->startComposition(hwnd);
    case QtWindows::InputMethodCompositionEvent:
        return QWindowsInputContext::instance()->composition(hwnd, lParam);
    case QtWindows::InputMethodEndCompositionEvent:
        return QWindowsInputContext::instance()->endComposition(hwnd);
    case QtWindows::InputMethodRequest:
        return QWindowsInputContext::instance()->handleIME_Request(wParam, lParam, result);
    case QtWindows::InputMethodOpenCandidateWindowEvent:
    case QtWindows::InputMethodCloseCandidateWindowEvent:
        // TODO: Release/regrab mouse if a popup has mouse grab.
        return false;
    case QtWindows::DestroyEvent:
        if (platformWindow && !platformWindow->testFlag(QWindowsWindow::WithinDestroy)) {
            qWarning() << "External WM_DESTROY received for " << platformWindow->window()
                       << ", parent: " << platformWindow->window()->parent()
                       << ", transient parent: " << platformWindow->window()->transientParent();
        return false;
    case QtWindows::ClipboardEvent:
        return false;
    case QtWindows::UnknownEvent:
        return false;
    case QtWindows::AccessibleObjectFromWindowRequest:
        return QWindowsAccessibility::handleAccessibleObjectFromWindowRequest(hwnd, wParam, lParam, result);
        return false;
    case QtWindows::DisplayChangedEvent:
        return d->m_screenManager.handleDisplayChange(wParam, lParam);
    case QtWindows::SettingChangedEvent:
        return d->m_screenManager.handleScreenChanges();

    // Before CreateWindowEx() returns, some events are sent,
    // for example WM_GETMINMAXINFO asking for size constraints for top levels.
    // Pass on to current creation context
    if (!platformWindow && !d->m_creationContext.isNull()) {
        switch (et) {
#ifndef Q_OS_WINCE // maybe available on some SDKs revisit WM_GETMINMAXINFO
        case QtWindows::QuerySizeHints:
            d->m_creationContext->applyToMinMaxInfo(reinterpret_cast<MINMAXINFO *>(lParam));
            return true;
        case QtWindows::ResizeEvent:
            d->m_creationContext->obtainedGeometry.setSize(QSize(GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam)));
            return true;
        case QtWindows::MoveEvent:
            d->m_creationContext->obtainedGeometry.moveTo(GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam));
            return true;
        case QtWindows::CalculateSize:
            return QWindowsGeometryHint::handleCalculateSize(d->m_creationContext->customMargins, msg, result);
        case QtWindows::GeometryChangingEvent:
            return QWindowsWindow::handleGeometryChangingMessage(&msg, d->m_creationContext->window,
                                                                 d->m_creationContext->margins + d->m_creationContext->customMargins);
    if (platformWindow) {
        // Suppress events sent during DestroyWindow() for native children.
        if (platformWindow->testFlag(QWindowsWindow::WithinDestroy))
            return false;
        if (QWindowsContext::verbose > 1)
            qCDebug(lcQpaEvents) << "Event window: " << platformWindow->window();
    } else {
        qWarning("%s: No Qt Window found for event 0x%x (%s), hwnd=0x%p.",
                 __FUNCTION__, message,
                 QWindowsGuiEventDispatcher::windowsMessageName(message), hwnd);
        return false;

    switch (et) {
    case QtWindows::KeyDownEvent:
    case QtWindows::KeyEvent:
    case QtWindows::InputMethodKeyEvent:
    case QtWindows::InputMethodKeyDownEvent:
    case QtWindows::KeyboardLayoutChangeEvent:
    case QtWindows::AppCommandEvent:
#if !defined(Q_OS_WINCE) && !defined(QT_NO_SESSIONMANAGER)
        return platformSessionManager()->isInteractionBlocked() ? true : d->m_keyMapper.translateKeyEvent(platformWindow->window(), hwnd, msg, result);
        return d->m_keyMapper.translateKeyEvent(platformWindow->window(), hwnd, msg, result);
    case QtWindows::MoveEvent:
        return true;
    case QtWindows::ResizeEvent:
        return true;
#ifndef Q_OS_WINCE // maybe available on some SDKs revisit WM_GETMINMAXINFO
    case QtWindows::QuerySizeHints:
        platformWindow->getSizeHints(reinterpret_cast<MINMAXINFO *>(lParam));
        return true;// maybe available on some SDKs revisit WM_NCCALCSIZE
    case QtWindows::CalculateSize:
        return QWindowsGeometryHint::handleCalculateSize(platformWindow->customMargins(), msg, result);
    case QtWindows::NonClientHitTest:
        return platformWindow->handleNonClientHitTest(QPoint(msg.pt.x, msg.pt.y), result);
    case QtWindows::GeometryChangingEvent:
        return platformWindow->QWindowsWindow::handleGeometryChanging(&msg);
#endif // !Q_OS_WINCE
    case QtWindows::ExposeEvent:
        return platformWindow->handleWmPaint(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);
    case QtWindows::NonClientMouseEvent:
        if (platformWindow->frameStrutEventsEnabled())
#if !defined(Q_OS_WINCE) && !defined(QT_NO_SESSIONMANAGER)
            return platformSessionManager()->isInteractionBlocked() ? true : d->m_mouseHandler.translateMouseEvent(platformWindow->window(), hwnd, et, msg, result);
            return d->m_mouseHandler.translateMouseEvent(platformWindow->window(), hwnd, et, msg, result);
/* the mouse tracking on windows already handles the reset of the cursor
 * and does not like somebody else handling it.
 * on WINCE its necessary to handle this event to get the correct cursor
#ifdef Q_OS_WINCE
    case QtWindows::CursorEvent:
            return true;
    case QtWindows::MouseWheelEvent:
    case QtWindows::MouseEvent:
    case QtWindows::LeaveEvent:
#if !defined(Q_OS_WINCE) && !defined(QT_NO_SESSIONMANAGER)
        return platformSessionManager()->isInteractionBlocked() ? true : d->m_mouseHandler.translateMouseEvent(platformWindow->window(), hwnd, et, msg, result);
        return d->m_mouseHandler.translateMouseEvent(platformWindow->window(), hwnd, et, msg, result);
    case QtWindows::TouchEvent:
#if !defined(Q_OS_WINCE) && !defined(QT_NO_SESSIONMANAGER)
        return platformSessionManager()->isInteractionBlocked() ? true : d->m_mouseHandler.translateTouchEvent(platformWindow->window(), hwnd, et, msg, result);
        return d->m_mouseHandler.translateTouchEvent(platformWindow->window(), hwnd, et, msg, result);
    case QtWindows::FocusInEvent: // see QWindowsWindow::requestActivateWindow().
    case QtWindows::FocusOutEvent:
        handleFocusEvent(et, platformWindow);
        return true;
    case QtWindows::ShowEventOnParentRestoring: // QTBUG-40696, prevent Windows from re-showing hidden transient children (dialogs).
        if (!platformWindow->window()->isVisible()) {
            *result = 0;
            return true;
    case QtWindows::HideEvent:
        return false;// Indicate transient children should be hidden by windows (SW_PARENTCLOSING)
    case QtWindows::CloseEvent:
        return true;
    case QtWindows::ThemeChanged: {
        // Switch from Aero to Classic changes margins.
        const Qt::WindowFlags flags = platformWindow->window()->flags();
        if ((flags & Qt::WindowType_Mask) != Qt::Desktop && !(flags & Qt::FramelessWindowHint))
        if (QWindowsTheme *theme = QWindowsTheme::instance())
        return true;
    case QtWindows::CompositionSettingsChanged:
        return true;
#ifndef Q_OS_WINCE
    case QtWindows::ActivateWindowEvent:
        if (platformWindow->window()->flags() & Qt::WindowDoesNotAcceptFocus) {
            *result = LRESULT(MA_NOACTIVATE);
            return true;
        if (!d->m_tabletSupport.isNull())
        if (platformWindow->testFlag(QWindowsWindow::BlockedByModal))
            if (const QWindow *modalWindow = QGuiApplication::modalWindow())
    case QtWindows::MouseActivateWindowEvent:
        if (platformWindow->window()->flags() & Qt::WindowDoesNotAcceptFocus) {
            *result = LRESULT(MA_NOACTIVATE);
            return true;
    case QtWindows::ContextMenu:
        return handleContextMenuEvent(platformWindow->window(), msg);
    case QtWindows::WhatsThisEvent: {
        return true;
    }   break;
#if !defined(Q_OS_WINCE) && !defined(QT_NO_SESSIONMANAGER)
    case QtWindows::QueryEndSessionApplicationEvent: {
        QWindowsSessionManager *sessionManager = platformSessionManager();
        if (sessionManager->isActive()) { // bogus message from windows
            *result = sessionManager->wasCanceled() ? 0 : 1;
            return true;


        QGuiApplicationPrivate *qGuiAppPriv = static_cast<QGuiApplicationPrivate*>(QObjectPrivate::get(qApp));

        if (lParam & ENDSESSION_LOGOFF)

        *result = sessionManager->wasCanceled() ? 0 : 1;
        return true;
    case QtWindows::EndSessionApplicationEvent: {
        QWindowsSessionManager *sessionManager = platformSessionManager();

        bool endsession = (bool) wParam;

        // we receive the message for each toplevel window included internal hidden ones,
        // but the aboutToQuit signal should be emitted only once.
        QGuiApplicationPrivate *qGuiAppPriv = static_cast<QGuiApplicationPrivate*>(QObjectPrivate::get(qApp));
        if (endsession && !qGuiAppPriv->aboutToQuitEmitted) {
            qGuiAppPriv->aboutToQuitEmitted = true;
            int index = QGuiApplication::staticMetaObject.indexOfSignal("aboutToQuit()");
            qApp->qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, index,0);
            // since the process will be killed immediately quit() has no real effect
        return true;
#endif // !defined(Q_OS_WINCE) && !defined(QT_NO_SESSIONMANAGER)
    return false;
예제 #3
bool QWindowsContext::windowsProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message,
                                  QtWindows::WindowsEventType et,
                                  WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *result)
    *result = 0;

    MSG msg;
    msg.hwnd = hwnd;         // re-create MSG structure
    msg.message = message;   // time and pt fields ignored
    msg.wParam = wParam;
    msg.lParam = lParam;
    msg.pt.x = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam);
    msg.pt.y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam);

    // Run the native event filters.
    long filterResult = 0;
    QAbstractEventDispatcher* dispatcher = QAbstractEventDispatcher::instance();
    if (dispatcher && dispatcher->filterNativeEvent(d->m_eventType, &msg, &filterResult)) {
        *result = LRESULT(filterResult);
        return true;

    QWindowsWindow *platformWindow = findPlatformWindow(hwnd);
    if (platformWindow) {
        filterResult = 0;
        if (QWindowSystemInterface::handleNativeEvent(platformWindow->window(), d->m_eventType, &msg, &filterResult)) {
            *result = LRESULT(filterResult);
            return true;

    switch (et) {
    case QtWindows::InputMethodStartCompositionEvent:
        return QWindowsInputContext::instance()->startComposition(hwnd);
    case QtWindows::InputMethodCompositionEvent:
        return QWindowsInputContext::instance()->composition(hwnd, lParam);
    case QtWindows::InputMethodEndCompositionEvent:
        return QWindowsInputContext::instance()->endComposition(hwnd);
    case QtWindows::InputMethodRequest:
        return QWindowsInputContext::instance()->handleIME_Request(wParam, lParam, result);
    case QtWindows::InputMethodOpenCandidateWindowEvent:
    case QtWindows::InputMethodCloseCandidateWindowEvent:
        // TODO: Release/regrab mouse if a popup has mouse grab.
        return false;
    case QtWindows::ClipboardEvent:
    case QtWindows::DestroyEvent:

    case QtWindows::UnknownEvent:
        return false;
    case QtWindows::AccessibleObjectFromWindowRequest:
        return QWindowsAccessibility::handleAccessibleObjectFromWindowRequest(hwnd, wParam, lParam, result);
        return false;
    case QtWindows::DisplayChangedEvent:
        return d->m_screenManager.handleDisplayChange(wParam, lParam);
    case QtWindows::SettingChangedEvent:
        return d->m_screenManager.handleScreenChanges();

    // Before CreateWindowEx() returns, some events are sent,
    // for example WM_GETMINMAXINFO asking for size constraints for top levels.
    // Pass on to current creation context
    if (!platformWindow && !d->m_creationContext.isNull()) {
        switch (et) {
#ifndef Q_OS_WINCE // maybe available on some SDKs revisit WM_GETMINMAXINFO
        case QtWindows::QuerySizeHints:
            d->m_creationContext->applyToMinMaxInfo(reinterpret_cast<MINMAXINFO *>(lParam));
            return true;
        case QtWindows::ResizeEvent:
            d->m_creationContext->obtainedGeometry.setSize(QSize(GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam)));
            return true;
        case QtWindows::MoveEvent:
            d->m_creationContext->obtainedGeometry.moveTo(GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam));
            return true;
        case QtWindows::CalculateSize:
            return false;
    if (platformWindow) {
        // Suppress events sent during DestroyWindow() for native children.
        if (platformWindow->testFlag(QWindowsWindow::WithinDestroy))
            return false;
        if (QWindowsContext::verboseEvents > 1)
            qDebug().nospace() << "Event window: " << platformWindow->window();
    } else {
        qWarning("%s: No Qt Window found for event 0x%x (%s), hwnd=0x%p.",
                 __FUNCTION__, message,
                 QWindowsGuiEventDispatcher::windowsMessageName(message), hwnd);
        return false;

    switch (et) {
    case QtWindows::KeyDownEvent:
    case QtWindows::KeyEvent:
    case QtWindows::InputMethodKeyEvent:
    case QtWindows::InputMethodKeyDownEvent:
        return d->m_keyMapper.translateKeyEvent(platformWindow->window(), hwnd, msg, result);
    case QtWindows::MoveEvent:
        return true;
    case QtWindows::ResizeEvent:
        return true;
#ifndef Q_OS_WINCE // maybe available on some SDKs revisit WM_GETMINMAXINFO
    case QtWindows::QuerySizeHints:
        platformWindow->getSizeHints(reinterpret_cast<MINMAXINFO *>(lParam));
        return true;// maybe available on some SDKs revisit WM_NCCALCSIZE
    case QtWindows::CalculateSize:
        // NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS structure if wParam==TRUE
        if (wParam && QWindowsContext::verboseWindows) {
            const NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS *ncp = reinterpret_cast<NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS *>(lParam);
            qDebug() << platformWindow->window() << *ncp;
    case QtWindows::ExposeEvent:
        return platformWindow->handleWmPaint(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);
    case QtWindows::NonClientMouseEvent:
        if (platformWindow->frameStrutEventsEnabled())
            return d->m_mouseHandler.translateMouseEvent(platformWindow->window(), hwnd, et, msg, result);
/* the mouse tracking on windows already handles the reset of the cursor
 * and does not like somebody else handling it.
 * on WINCE its necessary to handle this event to get the correct cursor
#ifdef Q_OS_WINCE
    case QtWindows::CursorEvent:
            return true;
    case QtWindows::MouseWheelEvent:
    case QtWindows::MouseEvent:
    case QtWindows::LeaveEvent:
        return d->m_mouseHandler.translateMouseEvent(platformWindow->window(), hwnd, et, msg, result);
    case QtWindows::TouchEvent:
        return d->m_mouseHandler.translateTouchEvent(platformWindow->window(), hwnd, et, msg, result);
    case QtWindows::FocusInEvent: // see QWindowsWindow::requestActivateWindow().
    case QtWindows::FocusOutEvent:
        handleFocusEvent(et, platformWindow);
        return true;
    case QtWindows::ShowEvent:
        return true;
    case QtWindows::HideEvent:
        return true;
    case QtWindows::CloseEvent:
        return true;
    case QtWindows::ThemeChanged: // ### fixme: Compress these events?
        if (QWindowsTheme *theme = QWindowsTheme::instance())
        return true;
#ifndef Q_OS_WINCE
    case QtWindows::ActivateWindowEvent:
        if (platformWindow->testFlag(QWindowsWindow::BlockedByModal))
            if (const QWindow *modalWindow = QGuiApplication::modalWindow())
    case QtWindows::ContextMenu:
        handleContextMenuEvent(platformWindow->window(), msg);
        return true;
    return false;
예제 #4
LRESULT QT_WIN_CALLBACK qt_internal_proc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp)
    if (message == WM_NCCREATE)
        return true;

    MSG msg;
    msg.hwnd = hwnd;
    msg.message = message;
    msg.wParam = wp;
    msg.lParam = lp;
    QAbstractEventDispatcher* dispatcher = QAbstractEventDispatcher::instance();
    long result;
    if (!dispatcher) {
        if (message == WM_TIMER)
            KillTimer(hwnd, wp);
        return 0;
    } else if (dispatcher->filterNativeEvent(QByteArrayLiteral("windows_dispatcher_MSG"), &msg, &result)) {
        return result;

    QEventDispatcherWin32 *q = (QEventDispatcherWin32 *) GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA);
    QEventDispatcherWin32 *q = (QEventDispatcherWin32 *) GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_USERDATA);
    QEventDispatcherWin32Private *d = 0;
    if (q != 0)
        d = q->d_func();

    if (message == WM_QT_SOCKETNOTIFIER) {
        // socket notifier message
        int type = -1;
        switch (WSAGETSELECTEVENT(lp)) {
        case FD_READ:
        case FD_ACCEPT:
            type = 0;
        case FD_WRITE:
        case FD_CONNECT:
            type = 1;
        case FD_OOB:
            type = 2;
        case FD_CLOSE:
            type = 3;
        if (type >= 0) {
            Q_ASSERT(d != 0);
            QSNDict *sn_vec[4] = { &d->sn_read, &d->sn_write, &d->sn_except, &d->sn_read };
            QSNDict *dict = sn_vec[type];

            QSockNot *sn = dict ? dict->value(wp) : 0;
            if (sn) {
                if (type < 3) {
                    QEvent event(QEvent::SockAct);
                    QCoreApplication::sendEvent(sn->obj, &event);
                } else {
                    QEvent event(QEvent::SockClose);
                    QCoreApplication::sendEvent(sn->obj, &event);
        return 0;
    } else if (message == WM_QT_SENDPOSTEDEVENTS
               // we also use a Windows timer to send posted events when the message queue is full
               || (message == WM_TIMER
                   && d->sendPostedEventsWindowsTimerId != 0
                   && wp == (uint)d->sendPostedEventsWindowsTimerId)) {
        const int localSerialNumber = d->serialNumber.load();
        if (localSerialNumber != d->lastSerialNumber) {
            d->lastSerialNumber = localSerialNumber;
        return 0;
    } else if (message == WM_TIMER) {
        Q_ASSERT(d != 0);
        return 0;

    return DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wp, lp);