예제 #1
void QCursor::setBitmap( const QBitmap &bitmap, const QBitmap &mask,
			 int hotX, int hotY )
    if ( !initialized )
    if ( bitmap.depth() != 1 || mask.depth() != 1 ||
	 bitmap.size() != mask.size() ) {
#if defined(QT_CHECK_NULL)
	qWarning( "QCursor: Cannot create bitmap cursor; invalid bitmap(s)" );
	QCursor *c = &cursorTable[arrowCursorIdx];
	data = c->data;
    data = new QCursorData;
    Q_CHECK_PTR( data );
    data->bm  = new QBitmap( bitmap );
    data->bmm = new QBitmap( mask );
    data->hcurs = 0;
    data->cshape = BitmapCursor;
    data->hx = hotX >= 0 ? hotX : bitmap.width()/2;
    data->hy = hotY >= 0 ? hotY : bitmap.height()/2;
    data->fg.red   = 0 << 8;
    data->fg.green = 0 << 8;
    data->fg.blue  = 0 << 8;
    data->bg.red   = 255 << 8;
    data->bg.green = 255 << 8;
    data->bg.blue  = 255 << 8;
    update(); // Xcursor's backward compatibility hack needs the cursor to be created
              // right after the bitmaps are created and filled with data
예제 #2
void QCursor::setBitmap( const QBitmap &bitmap, const QBitmap &mask,
			 int hotX, int hotY )
    if ( !initialized )
    if ( bitmap.depth() != 1 || mask.depth() != 1 ||
	 bitmap.size() != mask.size() ) {
#if defined(QT_CHECK_NULL)
	qWarning( "QCursor: Cannot create bitmap cursor; invalid bitmap(s)" );
	QCursor *c = &cursorTable[arrowCursorIdx];
	data = c->data;
    data = new QCursorData;
    Q_CHECK_PTR( data );
    data->bm  = new QBitmap( bitmap );
    data->bmm = new QBitmap( mask );
    data->cshape = BitmapCursor;
    data->id = nextCursorId++;
    data->hx = hotX >= 0 ? hotX : bitmap.width()/2;
    data->hy = hotY >= 0 ? hotY : bitmap.height()/2;

    QPaintDevice::qwsDisplay()->defineCursor(data->id, *data->bm,
					    *data->bmm, data->hx, data->hy);