예제 #1
KCalCore::Event::List TestBirthdayPlugin::findCalendarEvents(const KCalCore::Event::List &eventList,
                                                             const QContact &contact) const
    KCalCore::Event::List matches;

    Q_FOREACH(const KCalCore::Event::Ptr event, eventList) {
        if(event->dtStart().date() == contact.detail<QContactBirthday>().date()) {
            if(event->summary() == contact.detail<QContactDisplayLabel>().label()) {
            if(event->summary() == contact.displayLabel()) {
                matches += event;

    return matches;

bool TestBirthdayPlugin::saveContact(QContact &contact)
    const bool success = mManager->saveContact(&contact);

    if (success) {

    return success;

예제 #2
/*! Adds QContactTag details to the \a contacts, based on the \a relationships.

  Tags are created such that if a group contact, B with display label "b", has a HasMember
  relationship with a contact, A, then a QContactTag, "b", is added to A.

  Group contacts can be passed in with the \a contacts list.  If a contact is part of a group which
  is not in \a contacts, the \a manager is queried to find them.
void createTagsFromGroups(QList<QContact>* contacts,
                          const QList<QContactRelationship>& relationships,
                          const QContactManager* manager)
    // Map from QContactIds to group names
    QMap<QContactId, QString> groupMap;

    // Map from QContactIds to indices into the contacts list
    QMap<QContactId, int> indexMap;
    // Build up groupMap and indexMap
    for (int i = 0; i < contacts->size(); ++i) {
        QContact contact = contacts->at(i);
        if (contact.type() == QContactType::TypeGroup) {
            // In practice, you may want to check that there aren't two distinct groups with the
            // same name, and you may want to use a field other than display label.
            groupMap.insert(contact.id(), contact.displayLabel());
        indexMap.insert(contact.id(), i);

    // Now add all the tags specified by the group relationships
    foreach (const QContactRelationship& rel, relationships) {
        if (rel.relationshipType() == QContactRelationship::HasMember
            && indexMap.contains(rel.second())) {
            QString groupName = groupMap.value(rel.first()); // Have we seen the group before?
            if (groupName.isEmpty()) {
                // Try and find the group in the manager
                QContactId groupId = rel.second();
                QContactFetchHint fetchHint;
                QContact contact = manager->contact(groupId.localId(), fetchHint);
                if (!contact.isEmpty()) {
                    groupName = contact.displayLabel();
                    groupMap.insert(groupId, groupName); // Cache the group id/name
            if (!groupName.isEmpty()) {
                // Add the tag
                QContactTag tag;
예제 #3
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_3_clicked()

//    qDebug() << "The default manager for the platform is:" << cm.managerName();
//    qDebug() << "It" << (cm.isRelationshipTypeSupported(QContactRelationship::HasAssistant) ? "supports" : "does not support") << "assistant relationships.";
//    qDebug() << "It" << (cm.supportedContactTypes().contains(QContactType::TypeGroup) ? "supports" : "does not support") << "groups.";
//    qDebug() << "It" << (cm.hasFeature(QContactManager::MutableDefinitions) ? "supports" : "does not support") << "mutable detail definitions.";

    QList<QContactLocalId> contactIds = cm.contactIds();
    QContact a = cm.contact(contactIds.first());
    qDebug() << "Viewing the details of" << a.displayLabel();

    QList<QContactDetail> allDetails = a.details();
    for (int i = 0; i < allDetails.size(); i++) {
        QContactDetail detail = allDetails.at(i);
        QContactDetailDefinition currentDefinition = cm.detailDefinition(detail.definitionName());
        QMap<QString, QContactDetailFieldDefinition> fields = currentDefinition.fields();

        qDebug("\tDetail #%d (%s):", i, detail.definitionName().toAscii().constData());
        foreach (const QString& fieldKey, fields.keys()) {
            qDebug() << "\t\t" << fieldKey << "(" << fields.value(fieldKey).dataType() << ") =" << detail.value(fieldKey);

    QContact b;
    QContactDetail de;
    foreach (const QContactLocalId& ids, contactIds )
            b =  cm.contact(ids);
            de = b.detail("PhoneNumber");
            bool s = de.hasValue("PhoneNumber");
            qDebug()<< " has Value PhoneNumber key"<<s<<"|"<<de.value("PhoneNumber");
            QString show;
            show = b.displayLabel();