예제 #1
QDomComment QDomDocumentProto::createComment(const QString& data)
    QDomDocument *item = qscriptvalue_cast<QDomDocument*>(thisObject());
    if (item)
        return item->createComment(data);
    return QDomComment();
예제 #2
bool XmlNotation::write(const std::vector<Moves> &mv)
    QDomDocument doc;

    auto proc = doc.createProcessingInstruction(
            u8"xml", u8"version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"");

    auto cAuthors = doc.createComment(fromU8Str(impl::comment));
    doc.appendChild(cAuthors), doc.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("\n"));

    auto eRoot = doc.createElementNS(fromU8Str(impl::xmlns),

    for (auto &i : mv) {
        auto eTurn = doc.createElement(fromU8Str(impl::eTurn));



    QByteArray raw = doc.toByteArray(4);

    std::ofstream f(_pImpl->fileName,
                    std::ios_base::binary |
    f.write(raw.data(), raw.count());

    return true;
void QgsSVGFillSymbolLayer::toSld( QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &element, QgsStringMap props ) const
  QDomElement symbolizerElem = doc.createElement( "se:PolygonSymbolizer" );
  if ( !props.value( "uom", "" ).isEmpty() )
    symbolizerElem.setAttribute( "uom", props.value( "uom", "" ) );
  element.appendChild( symbolizerElem );

  QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::createGeometryElement( doc, symbolizerElem, props.value( "geom", "" ) );

  QDomElement fillElem = doc.createElement( "se:Fill" );
  symbolizerElem.appendChild( fillElem );

  QDomElement graphicFillElem = doc.createElement( "se:GraphicFill" );
  fillElem.appendChild( graphicFillElem );

  QDomElement graphicElem = doc.createElement( "se:Graphic" );
  graphicFillElem.appendChild( graphicElem );

  if ( !mSvgFilePath.isEmpty() )
    QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::externalGraphicToSld( doc, graphicElem, mSvgFilePath, "image/svg+xml", mSvgFillColor, mPatternWidth );
    // TODO: create svg from data
    // <se:InlineContent>
    symbolizerElem.appendChild( doc.createComment( "SVG from data not implemented yet" ) );

  if ( mSvgOutlineColor.isValid() || mSvgOutlineWidth >= 0 )
    QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::lineToSld( doc, graphicElem, Qt::SolidLine, mSvgOutlineColor, mSvgOutlineWidth );

  // <Rotation>
  QString angleFunc;
  bool ok;
  double angle = props.value( "angle", "0" ).toDouble( &ok );
  if ( !ok )
    angleFunc = QString( "%1 + %2" ).arg( props.value( "angle", "0" ) ).arg( mAngle );
  else if ( angle + mAngle != 0 )
    angleFunc = QString::number( angle + mAngle );
  QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::createRotationElement( doc, graphicElem, angleFunc );

  if ( mOutline )
    // the outline sub symbol should be stored within the Stroke element,
    // but it will be stored in a separated LineSymbolizer because it could
    // have more than one layer
    mOutline->toSld( doc, element, props );
예제 #4
파일: toc.cpp 프로젝트: KDE/kde-runtime
void TOC::meinprocExited( int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus)
    KProcess *meinproc = static_cast<KProcess *>(sender());
    KXmlGuiWindow *mainWindow = dynamic_cast<KXmlGuiWindow *>( kapp->activeWindow() );

    if ( exitStatus == QProcess::CrashExit || exitCode != 0 ) {
        kError() << "running" << meinproc->program() << "failed with exitCode" << exitCode;
        kError() << "stderr output:" << meinproc->readAllStandardError(); 
        if (mainWindow && !m_alreadyWarned) {
            ; // add warning message box with don't display again option 
              // http://api.kde.org/4.0-api/kdelibs-apidocs/kdeui/html/classKDialog.html
            m_alreadyWarned = true;
        delete meinproc;

    delete meinproc;

    // add a timestamp to the meinproc4 created xml file
    QFile f( m_cacheFile );
    if ( !f.open( QIODevice::ReadWrite ) )

    QDomDocument doc;
    if ( !doc.setContent( &f ) )

    QDomComment timestamp = doc.createComment( QString::number( sourceFileCTime() ) );
    doc.documentElement().appendChild( timestamp );

    // write back updated xml content 
    f.seek( 0 );
    QTextStream stream( &f );
    stream.setCodec( "UTF-8" );
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
      the problem that on german systems umlauts are displayed as '?' for unknown (Qt'r related ?) reasons
      is caused by wrong encoding type conversations and has been fixed in kdelibs/kdoctools
      To have propper encoding tags in the xml file, QXmlDocument::save() is used. 
    doc.save(stream, 1, QDomNode::EncodingFromTextStream);

    stream << doc.toString();
예제 #5
 * @details
 * Imports and appends a file to the given \p parent XML node.
 * All element nodes under (but not including) the root node of the
 * file are copied to the \p document.
 * If not an absolute path, the name of the file to import must be relative
 * to the executable.
 * @param[in] document A reference to the XML document.
 * @param[in] parent   A reference to the parent XML node.
 * @param[in] name     Name of the file to import.
void Config::importFile(QDomDocument& document,
        QDomNode& parent, const QString& name)
    // Return if name is empty.
    if (name.isEmpty()) return;

    // find the file
    QString filename = searchFile(name);

    // Write comment.
            "% Imported file " + filename) );

    // Import the file.
    QDomDocument newDoc = read(filename);

    // Loop over each child under the root node of the file, and append it.
    QDomNodeList list = newDoc.documentElement().childNodes();
    for (int j = 0; j < list.size(); j++) {
예제 #6
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
    // Prepare the XML file
    QFile file("list.xml");
    QDomDocument xml;
    QDomNode declaration = xml.createProcessingInstruction("xml",QString("version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\""));
    QDomComment comment = xml.createComment("Do not edit this file, it is regenerated automatically!");
    QDomNode root = xml.createElement("files");

    // Liste tous les fichiers
    QStringList liste;
    QDirIterator it(".", QDir::Files, QDirIterator::Subdirectories);
    while (it.hasNext()) {
            // Add the file to the list
            QDomElement entity = xml.createElement("file");
            entity.setAttribute("md5", checkMd5(it.next()));

    // Save the file
    file.open(QIODevice::Truncate | QIODevice::WriteOnly);
    QTextStream ts(&file);
    xml.save(ts, 4);

    return a.exec();
void QgsPointPatternFillSymbolLayer::toSld( QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &element, QgsStringMap props ) const
  for ( int i = 0; i < mMarkerSymbol->symbolLayerCount(); i++ )
    QDomElement symbolizerElem = doc.createElement( "se:PolygonSymbolizer" );
    if ( !props.value( "uom", "" ).isEmpty() )
      symbolizerElem.setAttribute( "uom", props.value( "uom", "" ) );
    element.appendChild( symbolizerElem );

    // <Geometry>
    QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::createGeometryElement( doc, symbolizerElem, props.value( "geom", "" ) );

    QDomElement fillElem = doc.createElement( "se:Fill" );
    symbolizerElem.appendChild( fillElem );

    QDomElement graphicFillElem = doc.createElement( "se:GraphicFill" );
    fillElem.appendChild( graphicFillElem );

    // store distanceX, distanceY, displacementX, displacementY in a <VendorOption>
    QString dist =  QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::encodePoint( QPointF( mDistanceX, mDistanceY ) );
    QDomElement distanceElem = QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::createVendorOptionElement( doc, "distance", dist );
    symbolizerElem.appendChild( distanceElem );

    QgsSymbolLayerV2 *layer = mMarkerSymbol->symbolLayer( i );
    QgsMarkerSymbolLayerV2 *markerLayer = static_cast<QgsMarkerSymbolLayerV2 *>( layer );
    if ( !markerLayer )
      QString errorMsg = QString( "MarkerSymbolLayerV2 expected, %1 found. Skip it." ).arg( layer->layerType() );
      graphicFillElem.appendChild( doc.createComment( errorMsg ) );
      markerLayer->writeSldMarker( doc, graphicFillElem, props );
예제 #8
void QgsMarkerLineSymbolLayerV2::toSld( QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &element, QgsStringMap props ) const
  for ( int i = 0; i < mMarker->symbolLayerCount(); i++ )
    QDomElement symbolizerElem = doc.createElement( "se:LineSymbolizer" );
    if ( !props.value( "uom", "" ).isEmpty() )
      symbolizerElem.setAttribute( "uom", props.value( "uom", "" ) );
    element.appendChild( symbolizerElem );

    // <Geometry>
    QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::createGeometryElement( doc, symbolizerElem, props.value( "geom", "" ) );

    QString gap;
    switch ( mPlacement )
      case FirstVertex:
        symbolizerElem.appendChild( QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::createVendorOptionElement( doc, "placement", "firstPoint" ) );
      case LastVertex:
        symbolizerElem.appendChild( QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::createVendorOptionElement( doc, "placement", "lastPoint" ) );
      case CentralPoint:
        symbolizerElem.appendChild( QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::createVendorOptionElement( doc, "placement", "centralPoint" ) );
      case Vertex:
        // no way to get line/polygon's vertices, use a VendorOption
        symbolizerElem.appendChild( QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::createVendorOptionElement( doc, "placement", "points" ) );
        gap = QString::number( mInterval );

    if ( !mRotateMarker )
      // markers in LineSymbolizer must be drawn following the line orientation,
      // use a VendorOption when no marker rotation
      symbolizerElem.appendChild( QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::createVendorOptionElement( doc, "rotateMarker", "0" ) );

    // <Stroke>
    QDomElement strokeElem = doc.createElement( "se:Stroke" );
    symbolizerElem.appendChild( strokeElem );

    // <GraphicStroke>
    QDomElement graphicStrokeElem = doc.createElement( "se:GraphicStroke" );
    strokeElem.appendChild( graphicStrokeElem );

    QgsSymbolLayerV2 *layer = mMarker->symbolLayer( i );
    QgsMarkerSymbolLayerV2 *markerLayer = static_cast<QgsMarkerSymbolLayerV2 *>( layer );
    if ( !markerLayer )
      graphicStrokeElem.appendChild( doc.createComment( QString( "MarkerSymbolLayerV2 expected, %1 found. Skip it." ).arg( markerLayer->layerType() ) ) );
      markerLayer->writeSldMarker( doc, graphicStrokeElem, props );

    if ( !gap.isEmpty() )
      QDomElement gapElem = doc.createElement( "se:Gap" );
      QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::createFunctionElement( doc, gapElem, gap );
      graphicStrokeElem.appendChild( gapElem );

    if ( !qgsDoubleNear( mOffset, 0.0 ) )
      QDomElement perpOffsetElem = doc.createElement( "se:PerpendicularOffset" );
      perpOffsetElem.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( QString::number( mOffset ) ) );
      symbolizerElem.appendChild( perpOffsetElem );
void QgsAbstractVectorLayerLabeling::writeTextSymbolizer( QDomNode &parent, QgsPalLayerSettings &settings, const QgsStringMap &props ) const
  QDomDocument doc = parent.ownerDocument();

  // text symbolizer
  QDomElement textSymbolizerElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "se:TextSymbolizer" ) );
  parent.appendChild( textSymbolizerElement );

  // label
  QgsTextFormat format = settings.format();
  QFont font = format.font();
  QDomElement labelElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "se:Label" ) );
  textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( labelElement );
  if ( settings.isExpression )
    labelElement.appendChild( doc.createComment( QStringLiteral( "SE Export for %1 not implemented yet" ).arg( settings.getLabelExpression()->dump() ) ) );
    labelElement.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( "Placeholder" ) );
    if ( font.capitalization() == QFont::AllUppercase )
      appendSimpleFunction( doc, labelElement, QStringLiteral( "strToUpperCase" ), settings.fieldName );
    else if ( font.capitalization() == QFont::AllLowercase )
      appendSimpleFunction( doc, labelElement, QStringLiteral( "strToLowerCase" ), settings.fieldName );
    else if ( font.capitalization() == QFont::Capitalize )
      appendSimpleFunction( doc, labelElement, QStringLiteral( "strCapitalize" ), settings.fieldName );
      QDomElement propertyNameElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "ogc:PropertyName" ) );
      propertyNameElement.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( settings.fieldName ) );
      labelElement.appendChild( propertyNameElement );

  // font
  QDomElement fontElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "se:Font" ) );
  textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( fontElement );
  fontElement.appendChild( QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createSvgParameterElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "font-family" ), font.family() ) );
  double fontSize = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::rescaleUom( format.size(), format.sizeUnit(), props );
  fontElement.appendChild( QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createSvgParameterElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "font-size" ), QString::number( fontSize ) ) );
  if ( format.font().italic() )
    fontElement.appendChild( QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createSvgParameterElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "font-style" ), QStringLiteral( "italic" ) ) );
  if ( format.font().bold() )
    fontElement.appendChild( QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createSvgParameterElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "font-weight" ), QStringLiteral( "bold" ) ) );

  // label placement
  QDomElement labelPlacement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "se:LabelPlacement" ) );
  textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( labelPlacement );
  double maxDisplacement = 0;
  double repeatDistance = 0;
  switch ( settings.placement )
    case QgsPalLayerSettings::OverPoint:
      QDomElement pointPlacement = doc.createElement( "se:PointPlacement" );
      labelPlacement.appendChild( pointPlacement );
      // anchor point
      QPointF anchor = quadOffsetToSldAnchor( settings.quadOffset );
      QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createAnchorPointElement( doc, pointPlacement, anchor );
      // displacement
      if ( settings.xOffset > 0 || settings.yOffset > 0 )
        QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit offsetUnit =  settings.offsetUnits;
        double dx = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::rescaleUom( settings.xOffset, offsetUnit, props );
        double dy = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::rescaleUom( settings.yOffset, offsetUnit, props );
        QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createDisplacementElement( doc, pointPlacement, QPointF( dx, dy ) );
      // rotation
      if ( settings.angleOffset != 0 )
        QDomElement rotation = doc.createElement( "se:Rotation" );
        pointPlacement.appendChild( rotation );
        rotation.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( QString::number( settings.angleOffset ) ) );
    case QgsPalLayerSettings::AroundPoint:
    case QgsPalLayerSettings::OrderedPositionsAroundPoint:
      QDomElement pointPlacement = doc.createElement( "se:PointPlacement" );
      labelPlacement.appendChild( pointPlacement );

      // SLD cannot do either, but let's do a best effort setting the distance using
      // anchor point and displacement
      QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createAnchorPointElement( doc, pointPlacement, QPointF( 0, 0.5 ) );
      QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit distUnit = settings.distUnits;
      double radius = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::rescaleUom( settings.dist, distUnit, props );
      double offset = std::sqrt( radius * radius / 2 ); // make it start top/right
      maxDisplacement = radius + 1; // lock the distance
      QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createDisplacementElement( doc, pointPlacement, QPointF( offset, offset ) );
    case QgsPalLayerSettings::Horizontal:
    case QgsPalLayerSettings::Free:
      // still a point placement (for "free" it's a fallback, there is no SLD equivalent)
      QDomElement pointPlacement = doc.createElement( "se:PointPlacement" );
      labelPlacement.appendChild( pointPlacement );
      QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createAnchorPointElement( doc, pointPlacement, QPointF( 0.5, 0.5 ) );
      QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit distUnit = settings.distUnits;
      double dist = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::rescaleUom( settings.dist, distUnit, props );
      QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createDisplacementElement( doc, pointPlacement, QPointF( 0, dist ) );
    case QgsPalLayerSettings::Line:
    case QgsPalLayerSettings::Curved:
    case QgsPalLayerSettings::PerimeterCurved:
      QDomElement linePlacement = doc.createElement( "se:LinePlacement" );
      labelPlacement.appendChild( linePlacement );

      // perpendicular distance if required
      if ( settings.dist > 0 )
        QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnit distUnit = settings.distUnits;
        double dist = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::rescaleUom( settings.dist, distUnit, props );
        QDomElement perpendicular = doc.createElement( "se:PerpendicularOffset" );
        linePlacement.appendChild( perpendicular );
        perpendicular.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( qgsDoubleToString( dist, 2 ) ) );

      // repeat distance if required
      if ( settings.repeatDistance > 0 )
        QDomElement repeat = doc.createElement( "se:Repeat" );
        linePlacement.appendChild( repeat );
        repeat.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( QStringLiteral( "true" ) ) );
        QDomElement gap = doc.createElement( "se:Gap" );
        linePlacement.appendChild( gap );
        repeatDistance = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::rescaleUom( settings.repeatDistance, settings.repeatDistanceUnit, props );
        gap.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( qgsDoubleToString( repeatDistance, 2 ) ) );

      // always generalized
      QDomElement generalize = doc.createElement( "se:GeneralizeLine" );
      linePlacement.appendChild( generalize );
      generalize.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( QStringLiteral( "true" ) ) );

  // halo
  QgsTextBufferSettings buffer = format.buffer();
  if ( buffer.enabled() )
    QDomElement haloElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "se:Halo" ) );
    textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( haloElement );

    QDomElement radiusElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "se:Radius" ) );
    haloElement.appendChild( radiusElement );
    // the SLD uses a radius, which is actually half of the link thickness the buffer size specifies
    double radius = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::rescaleUom( buffer.size(), buffer.sizeUnit(), props ) / 2;
    radiusElement.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( qgsDoubleToString( radius ) ) );

    QDomElement fillElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "se:Fill" ) );
    haloElement.appendChild( fillElement );
    fillElement.appendChild( QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createSvgParameterElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "fill" ), buffer.color().name() ) );
    if ( buffer.opacity() != 1 )
      fillElement.appendChild( QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createSvgParameterElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "fill-opacity" ), QString::number( buffer.opacity() ) ) );

  // fill
  QDomElement fillElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "se:Fill" ) );
  textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( fillElement );
  fillElement.appendChild( QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createSvgParameterElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "fill" ), format.color().name() ) );
  if ( format.opacity() != 1 )
    fillElement.appendChild( QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createSvgParameterElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "fill-opacity" ), QString::number( format.opacity() ) ) );

  // background graphic (not supported by SE 1.1, but supported by the GeoTools ecosystem as an extension)
  QgsTextBackgroundSettings background = format.background();
  if ( background.enabled() )
    std::unique_ptr<QgsMarkerSymbolLayer> layer = backgroundToMarkerLayer( background );
    layer->writeSldMarker( doc, textSymbolizerElement, props );

  // priority and zIndex, the default values are 0 and 5 in qgis (and between 0 and 10),
  // in the GeoTools ecosystem there is a single priority value set at 1000 by default
  if ( settings.priority != 5 || settings.zIndex > 0 )
    QDomElement priorityElement = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "se:Priority" ) );
    textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( priorityElement );
    int priority = 500 + 1000 * settings.zIndex + ( settings.priority - 5 ) * 100;
    if ( settings.priority == 0 && settings.zIndex > 0 )
      // small adjustment to make sure labels in z index n+1 are all above level n despite the priority value
      priority += 1;
    priorityElement.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( QString::number( priority ) ) );

  // vendor options for text appearance
  if ( font.underline() )
    QDomElement vo = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createVendorOptionElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "underlineText" ), QStringLiteral( "true" ) );
    textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( vo );
  if ( font.strikeOut() )
    QDomElement vo =  QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createVendorOptionElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "strikethroughText" ), QStringLiteral( "true" ) );
    textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( vo );
  // vendor options for text positioning
  if ( maxDisplacement > 0 )
    QDomElement vo =  QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createVendorOptionElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "maxDisplacement" ), qgsDoubleToString( maxDisplacement, 2 ) );
    textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( vo );
  if ( settings.placement == QgsPalLayerSettings::Curved || settings.placement == QgsPalLayerSettings::PerimeterCurved )
    QDomElement vo =  QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createVendorOptionElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "followLine" ), QStringLiteral( "true" ) );
    textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( vo );
    if ( settings.maxCurvedCharAngleIn > 0 || settings.maxCurvedCharAngleOut > 0 )
      // SLD has no notion for this, the GeoTools ecosystem can only do a single angle
      double angle = std::min( std::fabs( settings.maxCurvedCharAngleIn ), std::fabs( settings.maxCurvedCharAngleOut ) );
      QDomElement vo =  QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createVendorOptionElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "maxAngleDelta" ), qgsDoubleToString( angle ) );
      textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( vo );
  if ( repeatDistance > 0 )
    QDomElement vo =  QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createVendorOptionElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "repeat" ), qgsDoubleToString( repeatDistance, 2 ) );
    textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( vo );
  // miscellaneous options
  if ( settings.displayAll )
    QDomElement vo =  QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createVendorOptionElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "conflictResolution" ), QStringLiteral( "false" ) );
    textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( vo );
  if ( settings.upsidedownLabels == QgsPalLayerSettings::ShowAll )
    QDomElement vo =  QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createVendorOptionElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "forceLeftToRight" ), QStringLiteral( "false" ) );
    textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( vo );
  if ( settings.mergeLines )
    QDomElement vo =  QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createVendorOptionElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "group" ), QStringLiteral( "yes" ) );
    textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( vo );
    if ( settings.labelPerPart )
      QDomElement vo =  QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createVendorOptionElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "labelAllGroup" ), QStringLiteral( "true" ) );
      textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( vo );
  // background symbol resize handling
  if ( background.enabled() )
    // enable resizing if needed
    switch ( background.sizeType() )
      case QgsTextBackgroundSettings::SizeBuffer:
        QString resizeType;
        if ( background.type() == QgsTextBackgroundSettings::ShapeRectangle || background.type() == QgsTextBackgroundSettings::ShapeEllipse )
          resizeType = QStringLiteral( "stretch" );
          resizeType = QStringLiteral( "proportional" );
        QDomElement voResize =  QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createVendorOptionElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "graphic-resize" ), resizeType );
        textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( voResize );

        // now hadle margin
        QSizeF size = background.size();
        if ( size.width() > 0 || size.height() > 0 )
          double x = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::rescaleUom( size.width(), background.sizeUnit(), props );
          double y = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::rescaleUom( size.height(), background.sizeUnit(), props );
          // in case of ellipse qgis pads the size generously to make sure the text is inside the ellipse
          // the following seems to do the trick and keep visual output similar
          if ( background.type() == QgsTextBackgroundSettings::ShapeEllipse )
            x += fontSize / 2;
            y += fontSize;
          QString resizeSpec = QString( "%1 %2" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( x, 2 ), qgsDoubleToString( y, 2 ) );
          QDomElement voMargin =  QgsSymbolLayerUtils::createVendorOptionElement( doc, QStringLiteral( "graphic-margin" ), resizeSpec );
          textSymbolizerElement.appendChild( voMargin );
      case QgsTextBackgroundSettings::SizeFixed:
      case QgsTextBackgroundSettings::SizePercent:
        // nothing to do here
예제 #10
void QgsVectorFieldSymbolLayer::toSld( QDomDocument& doc, QDomElement &element, QgsStringMap props ) const
  element.appendChild( doc.createComment( "VectorField not implemented yet..." ) );
  mLineSymbol->toSld( doc, element, props );
예제 #11
QDomDocument  M_PageSize::fopMeta()
    QDomDocument dom;
    ////QString FopColor::foName( const QColor e )
    FopColor hc = FopColor();   ////  hc.foName( const QColor e )
    QDomProcessingInstruction header = dom.createProcessingInstruction( "xml",QString("version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"" ));
	dom.appendChild( header );
	//////QDateTime timer1( QDateTime::currentDateTime() );  /* time root */
	QDomElement basexslforoot = dom.createElement("fo:root");
                basexslforoot.setAttribute ("xmlns:fo","http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format");
                basexslforoot.setAttribute ("xmlns:svg","http://www.w3.org/2000/svg");
                basexslforoot.setAttribute ("xmlns:cms","http://www.pulitzer.ch/2007/CMSFormat");
                basexslforoot.setAttribute ("xmlns:fox","http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/extensions");
    dom.appendChild( basexslforoot );
    const int blocks = 10;
    ////////////  fox:outline
    QDomElement layout = dom.createElement("fo:layout-master-set");
    layout.setAttribute ("writing-mode","lr-tb");
    layout.setAttribute ("master-name","scribe");
	basexslforoot.appendChild( layout );

	QDomElement pmaster = dom.createElement("fo:simple-page-master");
    pmaster.setAttribute ("master-name","scribe");
    pmaster.setAttribute ("page-width",metrics(pageBoundingRect().width()));
    pmaster.setAttribute ("page-height",metrics(pageBoundingRect().height()));
    layout.appendChild( pmaster );
    QDomElement rbody = dom.createElement("fo:region-body");
	rbody.setAttribute ("region-name","xsl-region-body");
    rbody.setAttribute ("background-color",hc.foName(body.bg));
    rbody.setAttribute ("margin-top",metrics(body.margin_top));
    rbody.setAttribute ("margin-bottom",metrics(body.margin_bottom));
    rbody.setAttribute ("margin-left",metrics(body.margin_left));
    rbody.setAttribute ("margin-right",metrics(body.margin_right));
    if ( body.rpen.widthF() > 0 ) {
        /* make border */
        ////rbody.setAttribute ("background-color",body.penString());
	pmaster.appendChild( rbody );
    /* bookmark here ..........   */
    QDomElement bbtree = dom.createElement("fo:bookmark-tree");
    QDomElement root_bookmark = dom.createElement("fo:bookmark");
    bbtree.appendChild( root_bookmark);
    root_bookmark.setAttribute ("internal-destination","sec0");
    QDomElement tree_a = dom.createElement("fo:bookmark-title");
    tree_a .appendChild( dom.createTextNode ( "Internal dest.0" )  );
    root_bookmark.appendChild( tree_a );
       for (int i = 1; i < blocks; ++i) {
           QDomElement sub = dom.createElement("fo:bookmark");
           sub.setAttribute ("internal-destination",QString("sec%1").arg(i));
           QDomElement label= dom.createElement("fo:bookmark-title");
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