bool XmlDataLayer::productsInsertData(ProductData& prodData, int type) { QDomDocument doc(sett().getProdutcsDocName()); QDomElement root; QDomElement products, services; QFile file(sett().getProductsXml()); if (! { qDebug() << "New products file created"; root = doc.createElement(sett().getProdutcsDocName()); int lastId = root.attribute("last", "0").toInt(); lastId++; root.setAttribute("last", sett().numberToString(lastId)); doc.appendChild(root); products = doc.createElement(sett().getNameWithData(sett().getProductName())); root.appendChild(products); services = doc.createElement(sett().getNameWithData(sett().getServiceName())); root.appendChild(services); } else { QTextStream stream(&file); if (!doc.setContent(stream.readAll())) { qDebug("can not set content "); file.close(); return false; } else { root = doc.documentElement(); int lastId = root.attribute("last", "0").toInt(); lastId++; root.setAttribute("last", sett().numberToString(lastId)); products = root.firstChild().toElement(); services = root.lastChild().toElement(); } } root.lastChild(); if (type == 0) { QDomElement elem = doc.createElement(sett().getProductName()); productsDataToElem(prodData, elem); products.appendChild(elem); } if (type == 1) { QDomElement elem = doc.createElement(sett().getServiceName()); productsDataToElem(prodData, elem); services.appendChild(elem); } QString xml = doc.toString(); file.close();; QTextStream ts(&file); ts.setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName(sett().getCodecName())); ts << xml; file.close(); return true; }
bool XmlDataLayer::kontrahenciInsertData(KontrData& kontrData, int type) { QDomDocument doc(sett().getCustomersDocName()); QDomElement root; QDomElement office; QDomElement company; QFile file(sett().getCustomersXml()); if (! { qDebug("can not open "); root = doc.createElement(sett().getCustomersDocName()); doc.appendChild(root); office = doc.createElement(sett().getOfficeName()); root.appendChild(office); company = doc.createElement(sett().getCompanyName()); root.appendChild(company); } else { QTextStream stream(&file); if (!doc.setContent(stream.readAll())) { qDebug("can not set content "); file.close(); // return; } else { root = doc.documentElement(); office = root.firstChild().toElement(); company = root.lastChild().toElement(); } } root.lastChild(); // firma = 0; urzad = 1; if (type == 0) { QDomElement elem = doc.createElement(sett().getCompanyName()); kontrahenciDataToElem(kontrData, elem); company.appendChild(elem); } if (type == 1) { QDomElement elem = doc.createElement(sett().getOfficeName()); kontrahenciDataToElem(kontrData, elem); office.appendChild(elem); } QString xml = doc.toString(); file.close();; QTextStream ts(&file); ts << xml; file.close(); return true; }
// 将销售记录写入文档 void Widget::writeXml() { // 先从文件读取 if (docRead()) { QString currentDate = getDateTime(Date); QDomElement root = doc.documentElement(); // 根据是否有日期节点进行处理 if (!root.hasChildNodes()) { QDomElement date = doc.createElement(QString("日期")); QDomAttr curDate = doc.createAttribute("date"); curDate.setValue(currentDate); date.setAttributeNode(curDate); root.appendChild(date); createNodes(date); } else { QDomElement date = root.lastChild().toElement(); // 根据是否已经有今天的日期节点进行处理 if (date.attribute("date") == currentDate) { createNodes(date); } else { QDomElement date = doc.createElement(QString("日期")); QDomAttr curDate = doc.createAttribute("date"); curDate.setValue(currentDate); date.setAttributeNode(curDate); root.appendChild(date); createNodes(date); } } // 写入到文件 docWrite(); } }
bool XmlDataLayer::productsDeleteData(QString name) { QDomDocument doc(sett().getProdutcsDocName()); QDomElement root; QDomElement products; QDomElement services; QFile file(sett().getProductsXml()); if (! { qDebug() << "File" << file.fileName() << "doesn't exists"; return false; } else { QTextStream stream(&file); if (!doc.setContent(stream.readAll())) { qDebug("can not set content "); file.close(); return false; } else { root = doc.documentElement(); products = root.firstChild().toElement(); services = root.lastChild().toElement(); } QString text; for (QDomNode n = services.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { if (n.toElement().attribute("idx"). compare(name) == 0) { services.removeChild(n); break; } } for (QDomNode n = products.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { if (n.toElement().attribute("idx"). compare(name) == 0) { products.removeChild(n); break; } } QString xml = doc.toString(); file.close();; QTextStream ts(&file); ts << xml; file.close(); } return true; }
bool XmlDataLayer::kontrahenciDeleteData(QString name) { QDomDocument doc(sett().getCustomersDocName()); QDomElement root; QDomElement urzad; QDomElement firma; QFile file(sett().getCustomersXml()); if (! { qDebug() << "File" << file.fileName() << "doesn't exists"; return false; } else { QTextStream stream(&file); if (!doc.setContent(stream.readAll())) { qDebug("can not set content "); file.close(); return false; } else { root = doc.documentElement(); urzad = root.firstChild().toElement(); firma = root.lastChild().toElement(); } QString text; for (QDomNode n = firma.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { if (n.toElement().attribute("name"). compare(name) == 0) { firma.removeChild(n); break; } } for (QDomNode n = urzad.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { if (n.toElement().attribute("name"). compare(name) == 0) { urzad.removeChild(n); break; } } QString xml = doc.toString(); file.close();; QTextStream ts(&file); ts << xml; file.close(); } return true; }
//显示日销售清单 // 显示日销售清单 void Widget::showDailyList() { ui->dailyList->clear(); if (docRead()) { QDomElement root = doc.documentElement(); QString title = root.tagName(); QListWidgetItem *titleItem = new QListWidgetItem; titleItem->setText(QString("-----%1-----").arg(title)); titleItem->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); ui->dailyList->addItem(titleItem); if (root.hasChildNodes()) { QString currentDate = getDateTime(Date); QDomElement dateElement = root.lastChild().toElement(); QString date = dateElement.attribute("date"); if (date == currentDate) { ui->dailyList->addItem(""); ui->dailyList->addItem(QString("日期:%1").arg(date)); ui->dailyList->addItem(""); QDomNodeList children = dateElement.childNodes(); // 遍历当日销售的所有商品 for (int i=0; i<children.count(); i++) { QDomNode node =; QString time = node.toElement().attribute("time"); QDomNodeList list = node.childNodes(); QString type =; QString brand =; QString price =; QString num =; QString sum =; QString str = time + " 出售 " + brand + type + " " + num + "台, " + "单价:" + price + "元, 共" + sum + "元"; QListWidgetItem *tempItem = new QListWidgetItem; tempItem->setText("**************************"); tempItem->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); ui->dailyList->addItem(tempItem); ui->dailyList->addItem(str); } } } } }
void MainWindow::on_btn_select_clicked() { ui->listWidget->clear(); ui->listWidget->addItem(tr("无法添加")); QFile file("my.xml"); if(! { return; } QDomDocument doc; if(!doc.setContent(&file)) { file.close(); return ; } file.close(); QDomElement root = doc.documentElement(); QDomElement book = doc.documentElement(tr("图书")); QDomAttr id = doc.createAttribute(tr("编号")); QDomElement title = doc.documentElement(tr("书名")); QDomElement author = doc.documentElement(tr("作者")); QDomText text; QString num = root.lastChild().toElement().attribute(tr("编号")); int count = num.toInt() +1; id.setValue(QString::number(count)); book.setAttributeNode(id); text = doc.createTextNode(ui->lineEdit_name->text()); title.appendChild(text); text = doc.createTextNode(ui->lineEdit_author->text()); author.appendChild(text); book.appendChild(title); book.appendChild(author); root.appendChild(book); if(! | QIODevice::Truncate)) { return; } QTextStream out(&file);, 4); file.close(); ui->listWidget->clear(); ui->listWidget->addItem(tr("添加成功")); }
ProductData XmlDataLayer::productsSelectData(QString name, int type) { ProductData o_prodData; QDomDocument doc(sett().getProdutcsDocName()); QDomElement root; QDomElement towar; QDomElement usluga; QFile file(sett().getProductsXml()); if (! { qDebug() << "File" << file.fileName() << "doesn't exists"; return o_prodData; } else { QTextStream stream(&file); if (!doc.setContent(stream.readAll())) { qDebug("can not set content "); file.close(); return o_prodData; } else { root = doc.documentElement(); o_prodData.lastProdId = root.attribute("last", "1").toInt(); towar = root.firstChild().toElement(); usluga = root.lastChild().toElement(); } if (type == 0) { for (QDomNode n = towar.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { if (n.toElement().attribute("idx").compare(name) == 0) { productsElemToData(o_prodData, n.toElement()); } } } else { for (QDomNode n = usluga.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { if (n.toElement().attribute("idx").compare(name) == 0) { productsElemToData(o_prodData, n.toElement()); } } } } return o_prodData; }
static bool parseVerifyIq(const QString cmd,QString &code, QString &tojid) { QDomDocument dom; QDomElement elem; //QString scmd = QString("<iq from =\"\",to=\"123\" type=\"result\"><xmlns=\"123\"/><code>xuojfoamdfoaysdYQOEWJN232</code></iq>"); if ( !dom.setContent(cmd)) { return false; } elem = dom.firstChildElement(QString("iq")); tojid = elem.attribute(QString("from"),QString("")); if (elem.isNull()) return false; elem = elem.firstChildElement(QString("code")); if (elem.isNull()) return false; code = elem.lastChild().nodeValue(); return true; }
QVector<ProductData> XmlDataLayer::productsSelectAllData() { QVector<ProductData> prodVec; QDomDocument doc(sett().getProdutcsDocName()); QDomElement root; QDomElement products; QDomElement services; QFile file(sett().getProductsXml()); if (! { qDebug() << "File" << file.fileName() << "doesn't exists"; return prodVec; } else { QTextStream stream(&file); if (!doc.setContent(stream.readAll())) { qDebug("can't set content "); file.close(); return prodVec; } else { root = doc.documentElement(); products = root.firstChild().toElement(); services = root.lastChild().toElement(); } for (QDomNode n = products.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { ProductData prodData; productsElemToData(prodData, n.toElement()); prodData.type = QObject::trUtf8("Towar"); prodVec.push_front(prodData); } for (QDomNode n = services.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { ProductData prodData; productsElemToData(prodData, n.toElement()); prodData.type = QObject::trUtf8("Usługa"); prodVec.push_front(prodData); } } return prodVec; }
QVector<KontrData> XmlDataLayer::XmlDataLayer::kontrahenciSelectAllData() { QVector<KontrData> kontrVec; QDomDocument doc(sett().getCustomersDocName()); QDomElement root; QDomElement office; QDomElement company; QFile file(sett().getCustomersXml()); if (! { qDebug() << "File" << file.fileName() << "doesn't exists"; return kontrVec; } else { QTextStream stream(&file); if (!doc.setContent(stream.readAll())) { qDebug("can not set content "); file.close(); return kontrVec; } else { root = doc.documentElement(); office = root.firstChild().toElement(); company = root.lastChild().toElement(); } for (QDomNode n = company.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { KontrData kontrData; kontrahenciElemToData(kontrData, n.toElement()); kontrData.type = QObject::trUtf8("Firma"); kontrVec.push_front(kontrData); } for (QDomNode n = office.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { KontrData kontrData; kontrahenciElemToData(kontrData, n.toElement()); kontrData.type = QObject::trUtf8("Urząd"); kontrVec.push_front(kontrData); } } return kontrVec; }
KontrData XmlDataLayer::kontrahenciSelectData(QString name, int type) { KontrData o_kontrData; QDomDocument doc(sett().getCustomersDocName()); QDomElement root; QDomElement office; QDomElement company; QFile file(sett().getCustomersXml()); if (! { qDebug() << "File" << file.fileName() << "doesn't exists"; return o_kontrData; } else { QTextStream stream(&file); if (!doc.setContent(stream.readAll())) { qDebug("can not set content "); file.close(); return o_kontrData; } else { root = doc.documentElement(); office = root.firstChild().toElement(); company = root.lastChild().toElement(); } if (type == 0) { for (QDomNode n = company.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { if (n.toElement().attribute("name").compare(name) == 0) { kontrahenciElemToData(o_kontrData, n.toElement()); } } } else { for (QDomNode n = office.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { if (n.toElement().attribute("name").compare(name) == 0) { kontrahenciElemToData(o_kontrData, n.toElement()); } } } } return o_kontrData; }
QStringList XmlDataLayer::kontrahenciGetFirmList() { QStringList allNames; QDomDocument doc(sett().getCustomersDocName()); QDomElement root; QDomElement office; QDomElement company; QFile file(sett().getCustomersXml()); if (! { qDebug() << "File" << file.fileName() << "doesn't exists"; return allNames; } else { QTextStream stream(&file); if (!doc.setContent(stream.readAll())) { qDebug("can not set content "); file.close(); return allNames; } else { root = doc.documentElement(); office = root.firstChild().toElement(); company = root.lastChild().toElement(); } QString text; for (QDomNode n = company.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { text = n.toElement().attribute("name"); allNames << text; } for (QDomNode n = office.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { text = n.toElement().attribute("name"); allNames << text; } } return allNames; }
/** * The data is returned from Open Street Map in a XML. This function translates the XML into a QMap. * @param xmlData The returned XML. */ QMap<QString,QString> BackendOsmRG::makeQMapFromXML(const QString& xmlData) { QString resultString; QMap<QString, QString> mappedData; QDomDocument doc; doc.setContent(xmlData); QDomElement docElem = doc.documentElement(); QDomNode n = docElem.lastChild().firstChild(); while (!n.isNull()) { QDomElement e = n.toElement(); if (!e.isNull()) { if ( (e.tagName() == QString("country")) || (e.tagName() == QString("state")) || (e.tagName() == QString("state_district")) || (e.tagName() == QString("county")) || (e.tagName() == QString("city")) || (e.tagName() == QString("city_district")) || (e.tagName() == QString("suburb")) || (e.tagName() == QString("town")) || (e.tagName() == QString("village")) || (e.tagName() == QString("hamlet")) || (e.tagName() == QString("place")) || (e.tagName() == QString("road")) || (e.tagName() == QString("house_number"))) { mappedData.insert(e.tagName(), e.text()); resultString.append(e.tagName() + ':' + e.text() + '\n'); } } n = n.nextSibling(); } return mappedData; }
bool XmlDataLayer::kontrahenciUpdateData(KontrData& kontrData, int type, QString name) { QDomDocument doc(sett().getCustomersDocName()); QDomElement root; QDomElement office; QDomElement company; QFile file(sett().getCustomersXml()); if (! { qDebug() << "File" << file.fileName() << "doesn't exists"; root = doc.createElement(sett().getCustomersDocName()); doc.appendChild(root); office = doc.createElement(sett().getOfficeName()); root.appendChild(office); company = doc.createElement(sett().getCompanyName()); root.appendChild(company); } else { QTextStream stream(&file); if (!doc.setContent(stream.readAll())) { qDebug("can not set content "); file.close(); return false; } else { root = doc.documentElement(); office = root.firstChild().toElement(); company = root.lastChild().toElement(); } } root.lastChild(); QString text; // firma = 0; urzad = 1; if (type == 0) { QDomElement elem; // = doc.createElement ("firma"); for (QDomNode n = company.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { if (n.toElement().attribute("name").compare(name) == 0) { elem = n.toElement(); break; } } kontrahenciDataToElem(kontrData, elem); company.appendChild(elem); } if (type == 1) { QDomElement elem; // = doc.createElement ("urzad"); for (QDomNode n = office.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { if (n.toElement().attribute("name").compare(name) == 0) { elem = n.toElement(); break; } } kontrahenciDataToElem(kontrData, elem); office.appendChild(elem); } QString xml = doc.toString(); file.close();; QTextStream ts(&file); ts << xml; file.close(); return true; }
void QERecipe::buttonSaveClicked() { QDomElement rootElement; QDomElement recipeElement; QDomElement processVariableElement; QDomNode rootNode; _Field *fieldInfo; QString currentName; QString name; int count; int i; currentName = qComboBoxRecipeList->currentText(); if (QMessageBox::question(this, "Info", "Do you want to save the values in recipe '" + currentName + "'?", QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No) == QMessageBox::Yes) { count = 0; rootElement = document.documentElement(); if (rootElement.tagName() == "epicsqt") { rootNode = rootElement.firstChild(); while (rootNode.isNull() == false) { recipeElement = rootNode.toElement(); if (recipeElement.tagName() == "recipe") { if (recipeElement.attribute("name").isEmpty()) { name= "Recipe #" + QString::number(count); count++; } else { name = recipeElement.attribute("name"); } if ( == 0) { break; } } rootNode = rootNode.nextSibling(); } } while (recipeElement.hasChildNodes()) { recipeElement.removeChild(recipeElement.lastChild()); } for(i = 0; i < qEConfiguredLayoutRecipeFields->currentFieldList.size(); i++) { fieldInfo = qEConfiguredLayoutRecipeFields->; processVariableElement = document.createElement("processvariable"); processVariableElement.setAttribute("name", fieldInfo->getProcessVariable()); if (fieldInfo->getType() == BUTTON) { } else if (fieldInfo->getType() == LABEL) { } else if (fieldInfo->getType() == SPINBOX) { processVariableElement.setAttribute("value", ((QESpinBox *) fieldInfo->qeWidget)->text()); } else if (fieldInfo->getType() == COMBOBOX) { processVariableElement.setAttribute("value", ((QEComboBox *) fieldInfo->qeWidget)->currentText()); } else { processVariableElement.setAttribute("value", ((QELineEdit *) fieldInfo->qeWidget)->text()); } recipeElement.appendChild(processVariableElement); } if (saveRecipeList()) { QMessageBox::information(this, "Info", "The recipe '" + currentName + "' was successfully saved!"); } else { // TODO: restore original document if there is an error QMessageBox::critical(this, "Error", "Unable to save recipe '" + currentName + "' in file '" + filename + "'!"); } } }
/** * @brief parseRandCodeIq * @param cmd * @param identity * @return * * 解析随机码验证IQ,并返回认证结果 */ static bool parseRandCodeIq(const QString cmd,QString &result, int &ret,QString &result2) { QDomDocument dom; QDomElement elem; QString tojid,xmlns,authcode,id; QString data; ret = -1; if ( !dom.setContent(cmd )){ ret = 2; return false; } //不是符合要求的IQ报文,直接丢弃 elem = dom.firstChildElement("iq"); ret = 3; if (elem.isNull()) return false; tojid = elem.attribute("from"); id = elem.attribute("id"); QString myjid = elem.attribute("to"); //Session::Instance()->setWholeJid(myjid); //Session::Instance()->setjid(QString::fromStdString(JID(myjid.toStdString()).toBare().toString())); Session::Instance()->setJID(myjid); /* *将JID中的用户名提取出来,返回给认证端 */ myjid = QXmppUtils::jidToUser(myjid); ret = 4; if (elem.isNull()) return false; ret = 5; elem = elem.firstChildElement("CZXP"); if (elem.isNull()) return false; ret = 6; xmlns = elem.attribute("xmlns"); elem = elem.firstChildElement("userAuth"); if(elem.isNull()) return false; ret = 7; authcode = elem.lastChild().nodeValue(); QString realCode = Session::Instance()->getCode("app"); ret = 0; data = QString("<iq to=\"") + tojid + QString("\" "); data += QString(" id=\"")+id + QString("\" type=\"result\">"); data += QString("<CZXP xmlns=\"") + xmlns + QString("\">"); data += QString("<userAuth>") + myjid + QString("</userAuth>"); data += QString("</CZXP>"); data += QString("</iq>"); result2 = data; if( != 0) { data = QString("<iq to=\"") + tojid + QString("\" "); data += QString(" id=\"")+id + QString("\" type=\"result\">"); data += QString("<CZXP xmlns=\"") + xmlns + QString("\">"); data += QString("<userAuth>") + QString("error</userAuth>"); data += QString("</CZXP>"); data += QString("</iq>"); result = data; return false; } data = QString("<iq to=\"") + tojid + QString("\" "); data += QString(" id=\"")+id + QString("\" type=\"result\">"); data += QString("<CZXP xmlns=\"") + xmlns + QString("\">"); data += QString("<userAuth>") + myjid + QString("</userAuth>"); data += QString("</CZXP>"); data += QString("</iq>"); result = data; return true; }
bool ChartTableGen::saveChartTableToXML(QVector<LayerVisualInfo*> data, QString fileName) { XMLFile = new QFile(fileName); if (!XMLFile->exists()) this->createXML(); QString xml; QDomElement root = this->getXMLRoot(); QDomNode n = root.firstChild(); bool found = false; while(!n.isNull()) { QDomElement e = n.toElement(); // try to convert the node to an element. if(!e.isNull()&&e.tagName()=="charttable") { found = true; break; } n = n.nextSibling(); } // remove old layer visual info nodes QDomNode rn; do { rn = root.removeChild(root.lastChild()); } while (!rn.isNull()); QVectorIterator<LayerVisualInfo*> lviIt(data); LayerVisualInfo* lvi; while (lviIt.hasNext()) { lvi =; QDomElement lviElem = XMLDoc.createElement("layervisualinfo"); root.appendChild(lviElem); QDomElement layerId = XMLDoc.createElement("layerid"); lviElem.appendChild(layerId); layerId.appendChild(XMLDoc.createTextNode(lvi->getLayerId())); QDomElement minZoom = XMLDoc.createElement("minzoom"); lviElem.appendChild(minZoom); minZoom.appendChild(XMLDoc.createTextNode(QString::number(lvi->getZoomMin()))); QDomElement maxZoom = XMLDoc.createElement("maxzoom"); lviElem.appendChild(maxZoom); maxZoom.appendChild(XMLDoc.createTextNode(QString::number(lvi->getZoomMax()))); QDomElement styleId = XMLDoc.createElement("styleid"); lviElem.appendChild(styleId); styleId.appendChild(XMLDoc.createTextNode(QString::number(lvi->getStyleId()))); QDomElement simpLevel = XMLDoc.createElement("simplevel"); lviElem.appendChild(simpLevel); simpLevel.appendChild(XMLDoc.createTextNode(QString::number(lvi->getSimpLevel()))); QDomElement epsilon = XMLDoc.createElement("epsilon"); lviElem.appendChild(epsilon); epsilon.appendChild(XMLDoc.createTextNode(QString::number(lvi->getEpsilon()))); QDomElement srcTable = XMLDoc.createElement("srctable"); lviElem.appendChild(srcTable); srcTable.appendChild(XMLDoc.createTextNode(lvi->getSrcTableName())); } xml = XMLDoc.toString(4); if (XMLFile->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QTextStream out(XMLFile); out << xml; XMLFile->close(); } return true; }
void StatusDialog::savePreset(const QString &preset_caption) { QFile presets_file(m_preset_file); if ( presets_file.exists() ) { if ( ) { QDomDocument doc; if ( doc.setContent(&presets_file) ) { QDomElement rootElement = doc.documentElement(); QDomElement preset_element = doc.createElement("preset"); QDomElement caption_element = doc.createElement("caption"); QDomText caption_text = doc.createTextNode(preset_caption); caption_element.appendChild(caption_text); QDomElement message_element = doc.createElement("message"); QDomText message_text = doc.createTextNode(ui.statusTextEdit->toPlainText()); message_element.appendChild(message_text); preset_element.appendChild(caption_element); preset_element.appendChild(message_element); rootElement.insertAfter(preset_element, rootElement.lastChild()); presets_file.close(); if ( ) { QTextStream preset_stream(&presets_file); preset_stream.setCodec("UTF-8"); preset_stream<<doc.toString(); presets_file.close(); } } } } else { if ( ) { QDomDocument doc("stauspresets"); QDomProcessingInstruction process = doc.createProcessingInstruction( "xml", "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\""); doc.appendChild(process); QDomElement rootElement = doc.createElement("stauspresets"); doc.appendChild(rootElement); QDomElement preset_element = doc.createElement("preset"); QDomElement caption_element = doc.createElement("caption"); QDomText caption_text = doc.createTextNode(preset_caption); caption_element.appendChild(caption_text); QDomElement message_element = doc.createElement("message"); QDomText message_text = doc.createTextNode(ui.statusTextEdit->toPlainText()); message_element.appendChild(message_text); preset_element.appendChild(caption_element); preset_element.appendChild(message_element); rootElement.appendChild(preset_element); doc.appendChild(rootElement); QTextStream presets_stream(&presets_file); presets_stream.setCodec("UTF-8"); presets_stream<<doc.toString(); presets_file.close(); } } ui.presetComboBox->addItem(preset_caption,ui.statusTextEdit->toPlainText()); }
bool XmlDataLayer::productsUpdateData(ProductData& prodData, int type, QString name) { QDomDocument doc(sett().getProdutcsDocName()); QDomElement root; QDomElement towary; QDomElement uslugi; QFile file(sett().getProductsXml()); if (! { root = doc.createElement(sett().getProdutcsDocName()); doc.appendChild(root); towary = doc.createElement(sett().getProductName()); root.appendChild(towary); uslugi = doc.createElement(sett().getServiceName()); root.appendChild(uslugi); } else { QTextStream stream(&file); if (!doc.setContent(stream.readAll())) { qDebug("can not set content "); file.close(); return false; } else { root = doc.documentElement(); towary = root.firstChild().toElement(); uslugi = root.lastChild().toElement(); } } root.lastChild(); if (type == 0) { QDomElement elem; for (QDomNode n = towary.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { if (n.toElement().attribute("idx").compare(name) == 0) { elem = n.toElement(); break; } } productsDataToElem(prodData, elem); towary.appendChild(elem); } if (type == 1) { QDomElement elem; for (QDomNode n = uslugi.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { if (n.toElement().attribute("idx").compare(name) == 0) { elem = n.toElement(); break; } } productsDataToElem(prodData, elem); uslugi.appendChild(elem); } QString xml = doc.toString(); file.close();; QTextStream ts(&file); ts.setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName(sett().getCodecName())); ts << xml; file.close(); return true; }
bool NetWorkEnviromentVariable::saveParametersToXMLDoc(const QMap <QString, QVariant> ¶meters) { if(!networkSettingFileIsSet) { return false; } if(networkSettingFile.isOpen()) networkSettingFile.close(); if(! | QIODevice::Truncate)) { return false; } QDomNodeList list = networkSettingXMLDoc->elementsByTagName("Parameters"); if(list.count() == 0) { return false; } // print out the element names of all elements that are direct children // of the outermost element. QDomElement parameterElements =; QMapIterator<QString, QVariant> i(parameters); while (i.hasNext()) {; QDomElement aparameter; QDomNodeList matchingList = parameterElements.elementsByTagName(i.key()); if(matchingList.count()>0) aparameter =; else aparameter = networkSettingXMLDoc->createElement(i.key()); parameterElements.appendChild(aparameter); while(aparameter.childNodes().count() > 0) { aparameter.removeChild(aparameter.lastChild()); } if(i.value().type() == QVariant::List) { QList<QVariant> valuelist = i.value().toList(); for(int j = 0; j < valuelist.count(); j ++) { QDomElement listitemx = networkSettingXMLDoc->createElement("valuelistx"); aparameter.appendChild(listitemx); QPointF apoint =; QDomText xvalue = networkSettingXMLDoc->createTextNode(QVariant(apoint.x()).toString()); listitemx.appendChild(xvalue); QDomElement listitemy = networkSettingXMLDoc->createElement("valuelisty"); aparameter.appendChild(listitemy); QDomText yvalue = networkSettingXMLDoc->createTextNode(QVariant(apoint.y()).toString()); listitemy.appendChild(yvalue); } } else { QDomText value = networkSettingXMLDoc->createTextNode(i.value().toString()); aparameter.appendChild(value); } } // qDebug() << networkSettingXMLDoc->toString(); QTextStream out(&networkSettingFile); networkSettingXMLDoc->save(out,IndentSize); networkSettingFile.close(); return true; }
// Author & Date: Ehsan Azar 3 April 2012 // Purpose: Begin a new Xml group or navigate to it if it exists // Inputs: // nodeName - the node tag (it can be in the form of relative/path/to/node) // node index (0-based) is enclosed (relative/path/to/node<2>/subnode) // Note: nodeName tags are always created if they do not exist // attribs - attribute name, attribute value pairs // value - new node value, if non-empty // Outputs: // Returns true if nodeName is created bool XmlFile::beginGroup(QString nodeName, const QMap<QString, QVariant> attribs, const QVariant & value) { bool bRet = false; QDomElement set; if (nodeName.isEmpty()) nodeName = firstChildKey(); if (nodeName.isEmpty()) nodeName = "XmlItem"; // Get the node path QStringList nodepath = nodeName.split("/"); int level = nodepath.count(); m_levels.append(level); for (int i = 0; i < level; ++i) { QString strTagName = nodepath[i]; // Extract index int index = 0; { int idx = strTagName.indexOf("<"); if (idx >= 0) { index = strTagName.mid(idx + 1, strTagName.length() - idx - 2).toInt(); strTagName = strTagName.left(idx); nodepath[i] = strTagName; } } // Look if the element (with given index) exists then get it QDomNode parent; if (!m_nodes.isEmpty()) { // Get the current node parent = m_nodes.last(); } else { parent = m_doc; } int count = 0; for(QDomElement elem = parent.firstChildElement(strTagName); !elem.isNull(); elem = elem.nextSiblingElement(strTagName)) { count++; if (count == index + 1) { set = elem; break; } } // Create all new subnodes for (int j = 0; j < (index + 1 - count); ++j) { bRet = true; set = m_doc.createElement(strTagName); parent.appendChild(set); } // Add all the parent nodes without attribute or value if (i < level - 1) m_nodes.append(set); } // Now add the node to the end of the list m_nodes.append(set); // if there is some text/value to set if (value.isValid()) { bool bTextLeaf = false; QVariantList varlst; switch (value.type()) { case QVariant::StringList: case QVariant::List: varlst = value.toList(); if (AddList(varlst, nodepath.last())) set.setAttribute("Type", "Array"); break; default: QString text; if (value.type() == QVariant::UserType) { const XmlItem * item = static_cast<const XmlItem *>(; QVariant subval = item->XmlValue(); if (subval.type() == QVariant::UserType) { const XmlItem * subitem = static_cast<const XmlItem *>(; QString strSubKey = subitem->XmlName(); QMap<QString, QVariant> attribs = subitem->XmlAttribs(); // Recursively add this item beginGroup(strSubKey, attribs, subval); endGroup(); } else if (subval.type() == QVariant::List || subval.type() == QVariant::StringList) { varlst = subval.toList(); if (AddList(varlst, nodepath.last())) set.setAttribute("Type", "Array"); } else { text = subval.toString(); bTextLeaf = true; } } else { text = value.toString(); bTextLeaf = true; } if (bTextLeaf) { // Remove all the children while (set.hasChildNodes()) set.removeChild(set.lastChild()); // See if this is Xml fragment string XmlFile xml; if (!xml.setContent(text)) { QDomNode frag = m_doc.importNode(xml.getFragment(), true); set.appendChild(frag); } else { QDomText domText = m_doc.createTextNode(text); set.appendChild(domText); } } } } // Add all the additional attributes QMap<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator iterator; for (iterator = attribs.begin(); iterator != attribs.end(); ++iterator) { QString attrName = iterator.key(); QVariant attrValue = iterator.value(); switch (attrValue.type()) { case QVariant::String: set.setAttribute(attrName, attrValue.toString()); break; case QVariant::Int: set.setAttribute(attrName, attrValue.toInt()); break; case QVariant::UInt: set.setAttribute(attrName, attrValue.toUInt()); break; case QVariant::LongLong: set.setAttribute(attrName, attrValue.toLongLong()); break; case QVariant::ULongLong: set.setAttribute(attrName, attrValue.toULongLong()); break; default: // everything else is treated as double floating point set.setAttribute(attrName, attrValue.toDouble()); break; } } return bRet; }
void PhonemeEditorWidget::parseXmlFile() { // Clear old text boxes QList<TimeLineTextEdit *> oldText= m_text->findChildren<TimeLineTextEdit *>(); while(!oldText.isEmpty()) delete oldText.takeFirst(); // Clear old phoneme comboboxes QList<TimeLineComboBox *> oldPhoneme = m_phonemes->findChildren<TimeLineComboBox *>(); while(!oldPhoneme.isEmpty()) delete oldPhoneme.takeFirst(); // Get new items from phoneme xml QDomElement timings = m_phonemeXml.firstChildElement("PhonemeTimings"); // Get length of phoneme timings QDomElement last = timings.lastChildElement("word"); int sentenceLength = 0; if(!last.isNull()) sentenceLength = last.attribute("end", "0").toInt(); last = timings.lastChildElement("phn"); if( !last.isNull() ) sentenceLength = max(sentenceLength, last.attribute("end", "0").toInt() ); // Get minimal phoneme width QDomNodeList phnlist = timings.elementsByTagName("phn"); int minPhnWidth = 999999; for(unsigned int i=0; i<phnlist.length(); i++) { QDomElement phn = phnlist.item(i).toElement(); // Skip silence if( phn.attribute("value").compare("x") == 0 ) continue; int start = phn.attribute("start", "0").toInt(); int end = phn.attribute("end", "999999").toInt(); if( end-start < minPhnWidth ) minPhnWidth = end-start; } int minWidth = (int)( 39.5f / minPhnWidth * sentenceLength ); // Get length of panels and enlarge them if too small if( m_text->width()-2 < minWidth) { m_text->setFixedWidth(minWidth+2); m_phonemes->setFixedWidth(minWidth+2); m_phonemeScrollArea->setFixedWidth(m_text->x()+minWidth+2); } // Add wordBoxes in reverse direction, because first nodes have higher priority // and should be printed above of the others QDomNode wordNode = timings.lastChild(); while(!wordNode.isNull()) { // Get words if( wordNode.nodeName().compare("word") == 0) { QDomElement word = wordNode.toElement(); TimeLineTextEdit* wordBox = new TimeLineTextEdit(word, sentenceLength, m_text); connect(wordBox, SIGNAL(xmlNodeChanged()), this, SLOT(enableSaveButton()) ); wordBox->setVisible(true); // Get phonemes of a word QDomNodeList phonemeList = word.elementsByTagName("phn"); // also reverse direction for(int i = phonemeList.size()-1; i >=0; i--) { QDomElement phoneme = phonemeList.item(i).toElement(); // Skip silence if( phoneme.attribute("value").compare("x") == 0 ) continue; TimeLineComboBox* phonemeBox = new TimeLineComboBox(phoneme, sentenceLength, m_phonemeList, m_phonemes); connect(phonemeBox, SIGNAL(xmlNodeChanged()), this, SLOT(enableSaveButton()) ); connect(phonemeBox, SIGNAL(xmlNodeChanged()), wordBox, SLOT(updateFromXml())); phonemeBox->setVisible(true); } } // Get phonemes which don't belong to words else if( wordNode.nodeName().compare("phn") == 0 ) { QDomElement phoneme = wordNode.toElement(); // Skip silence if( phoneme.attribute("value").compare("x") != 0 ) { TimeLineComboBox* phonemeBox = new TimeLineComboBox(phoneme, sentenceLength, m_phonemeList, m_phonemes); connect(phonemeBox, SIGNAL(xmlNodeChanged()), this, SLOT(enableSaveButton()) ); phonemeBox->setVisible(true); } } wordNode = wordNode.previousSibling(); } }
bool KXMLGUIClient::mergeXML( QDomElement &base, const QDomElement &additive, KActionCollection *actionCollection ) { static const QString &tagAction = KGlobal::staticQString( "Action" ); static const QString &tagMerge = KGlobal::staticQString( "Merge" ); static const QString &tagSeparator = KGlobal::staticQString( "Separator" ); static const QString &attrName = KGlobal::staticQString( "name" ); static const QString &attrAppend = KGlobal::staticQString( "append" ); static const QString &attrWeakSeparator = KGlobal::staticQString( "weakSeparator" ); static const QString &tagMergeLocal = KGlobal::staticQString( "MergeLocal" ); static const QString &tagText = KGlobal::staticQString( "text" ); static const QString &attrAlreadyVisited = KGlobal::staticQString( "alreadyVisited" ); static const QString &attrNoMerge = KGlobal::staticQString( "noMerge" ); static const QString &attrOne = KGlobal::staticQString( "1" ); // there is a possibility that we don't want to merge in the // additive.. rather, we might want to *replace* the base with the // additive. this can be for any container.. either at a file wide // level or a simple container level. we look for the 'noMerge' // tag, in any event and just replace the old with the new if ( additive.attribute(attrNoMerge) == attrOne ) // ### use toInt() instead? (Simon) { base.parentNode().replaceChild(additive, base); return true; } QString tag; // iterate over all elements in the container (of the global DOM tree) QDomNode n = base.firstChild(); while ( !n.isNull() ) { QDomElement e = n.toElement(); n = n.nextSibling(); // Advance now so that we can safely delete e if (e.isNull()) continue; tag = e.tagName(); // if there's an action tag in the global tree and the action is // not implemented, then we remove the element if ( tag == tagAction ) { QCString name = e.attribute( attrName ).utf8(); // WABA if ( !actionCollection->action( name ) || (kapp && !kapp->authorizeKAction(name))) { // remove this child as we aren't using it base.removeChild( e ); continue; } } // if there's a separator defined in the global tree, then add an // attribute, specifying that this is a "weak" separator else if ( tag == tagSeparator ) { e.setAttribute( attrWeakSeparator, (uint)1 ); // okay, hack time. if the last item was a weak separator OR // this is the first item in a container, then we nuke the // current one QDomElement prev = e.previousSibling().toElement(); if ( prev.isNull() || ( prev.tagName() == tagSeparator && !prev.attribute( attrWeakSeparator ).isNull() ) || ( prev.tagName() == tagText ) ) { // the previous element was a weak separator or didn't exist base.removeChild( e ); continue; } } // the MergeLocal tag lets us specify where non-standard elements // of the local tree shall be merged in. After inserting the // elements we delete this element else if ( tag == tagMergeLocal ) { QDomNode it = additive.firstChild(); while ( !it.isNull() ) { QDomElement newChild = it.toElement(); it = it.nextSibling(); if (newChild.isNull() ) continue; if ( newChild.tagName() == tagText ) continue; if ( newChild.attribute( attrAlreadyVisited ) == attrOne ) continue; QString itAppend( newChild.attribute( attrAppend ) ); QString elemName( e.attribute( attrName ) ); if ( ( itAppend.isNull() && elemName.isEmpty() ) || ( itAppend == elemName ) ) { // first, see if this new element matches a standard one in // the global file. if it does, then we skip it as it will // be merged in, later QDomElement matchingElement = findMatchingElement( newChild, base ); if ( matchingElement.isNull() || newChild.tagName() == tagSeparator ) base.insertBefore( newChild, e ); } } base.removeChild( e ); continue; } // in this last case we check for a separator tag and, if not, we // can be sure that its a container --> proceed with child nodes // recursively and delete the just proceeded container item in // case its empty (if the recursive call returns true) else if ( tag != tagMerge ) { // handle the text tag if ( tag == tagText ) continue; QDomElement matchingElement = findMatchingElement( e, additive ); if ( !matchingElement.isNull() ) { matchingElement.setAttribute( attrAlreadyVisited, (uint)1 ); if ( mergeXML( e, matchingElement, actionCollection ) ) { base.removeChild( e ); continue; } // Merge attributes const QDomNamedNodeMap attribs = matchingElement.attributes(); const uint attribcount = attribs.count(); for(uint i = 0; i < attribcount; ++i) { const QDomNode node = attribs.item(i); e.setAttribute(node.nodeName(), node.nodeValue()); } continue; } else { // this is an important case here! We reach this point if the // "local" tree does not contain a container definition for // this container. However we have to call mergeXML recursively // and make it check if there are actions implemented for this // container. *If* none, then we can remove this container now if ( mergeXML( e, QDomElement(), actionCollection ) ) base.removeChild( e ); continue; } } } //here we append all child elements which were not inserted //previously via the LocalMerge tag n = additive.firstChild(); while ( !n.isNull() ) { QDomElement e = n.toElement(); n = n.nextSibling(); // Advance now so that we can safely delete e if (e.isNull()) continue; QDomElement matchingElement = findMatchingElement( e, base ); if ( matchingElement.isNull() ) { base.appendChild( e ); } } // do one quick check to make sure that the last element was not // a weak separator QDomElement last = base.lastChild().toElement(); if ( (last.tagName() == tagSeparator) && (!last.attribute( attrWeakSeparator ).isNull()) ) { base.removeChild( last ); } // now we check if we are empty (in which case we return "true", to // indicate the caller that it can delete "us" (the base element // argument of "this" call) bool deleteMe = true; n = base.firstChild(); while ( !n.isNull() ) { QDomElement e = n.toElement(); n = n.nextSibling(); // Advance now so that we can safely delete e if (e.isNull()) continue; tag = e.tagName(); if ( tag == tagAction ) { // if base contains an implemented action, then we must not get // deleted (note that the actionCollection contains both, // "global" and "local" actions if ( actionCollection->action( e.attribute( attrName ).utf8() ) ) { deleteMe = false; break; } } else if ( tag == tagSeparator ) { // if we have a separator which has *not* the weak attribute // set, then it must be owned by the "local" tree in which case // we must not get deleted either QString weakAttr = e.attribute( attrWeakSeparator ); if ( weakAttr.isEmpty() || weakAttr.toInt() != 1 ) { deleteMe = false; break; } } // in case of a merge tag we have unlimited lives, too ;-) else if ( tag == tagMerge ) { // deleteMe = false; // break; continue; } // a text tag is NOT enough to spare this container else if ( tag == tagText ) { continue; } // what's left are non-empty containers! *don't* delete us in this // case (at this position we can be *sure* that the container is // *not* empty, as the recursive call for it was in the first loop // which deleted the element in case the call returned "true" else { deleteMe = false; break; } } return deleteMe; }