QString QDomNodeProto:: nodeName() const { QDomNode *item = qscriptvalue_cast<QDomNode*>(thisObject()); if (item) return item->nodeName(); return QString(); }
void fileVpzView::onUndoRedoVpz(QDomNode oldValVpz, QDomNode newValVpz, QDomNode oldValVpm, QDomNode newValVpm) { if (newValVpz.nodeName() == "vle_project") { setVpz(mVpz); return; } QString tab = getCurrentTab(); if (tab == "Diagram") { mScene.onUndoRedoVpz(oldValVpz, newValVpz, oldValVpm, newValVpm); } else if (tab == "Conditions") { mExpCondTab->onUndoRedoVpz(oldValVpz, newValVpz, oldValVpm, newValVpm); } else if (tab == "Dynamics") { mDynamicsTab->onUndoRedoVpz( oldValVpz, newValVpz, oldValVpm, newValVpm); } else if (tab == "Observables") { mObservablesTab->onUndoRedoVpz( oldValVpz, newValVpz, oldValVpm, newValVpm); } else if (tab == "Views") { mExpViewTab->onUndoRedoVpz(oldValVpz, newValVpz, oldValVpm, newValVpm); } else if (tab == "Classes") { mClassesTab->onUndoRedoVpz(oldValVpz, newValVpz, oldValVpm, newValVpm); } else if (tab == "Simulation") { // mSimTab->onUndoRedoVpz(oldValVpz, newValVpz, // oldValVpm, newValVpm); } else if (tab == "Project") { mProjectTab->onUndoRedoVpz(oldValVpz, newValVpz, oldValVpm, newValVpm); } }
void QInstallerTools::copyMetaData(const QString &_targetDir, const QString &metaDataDir, const PackageInfoVector &packages, const QString &appName, const QString &appVersion) { const QString targetDir = makePathAbsolute(_targetDir); if (!QFile::exists(targetDir)) QInstaller::mkpath(targetDir); QDomDocument doc; QDomElement root; QFile existingUpdatesXml(QFileInfo(metaDataDir, QLatin1String("Updates.xml")).absoluteFilePath()); if (existingUpdatesXml.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly) && doc.setContent(&existingUpdatesXml)) { root = doc.documentElement(); // remove entry for this component from existing Updates.xml, if found foreach (const PackageInfo &info, packages) { const QDomNodeList packageNodes = root.childNodes(); for (int i = packageNodes.count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const QDomNode node = packageNodes.at(i); if (node.nodeName() != QLatin1String("PackageUpdate")) continue; if (node.firstChildElement(QLatin1String("Name")).text() != info.name) continue; root.removeChild(node); } } existingUpdatesXml.close(); } else {
void PcbXML::drawNode(QDomNode node){ DebugDialog::debug("drawing node:"); QString tag = node.nodeName().toLower(); if(tag=="pin"){ DebugDialog::debug("\tPin"); drawPin(node); } else if(tag=="pad"){ DebugDialog::debug("\tPad"); drawPad(node); } else if(tag=="elementline"){ DebugDialog::debug("\tElementLine"); drawElementLine(node); } else if(tag=="elementarc"){ DebugDialog::debug("\tElementArc"); drawElementArc(node); } else if(tag=="mark"){ DebugDialog::debug("\tMark"); drawMark(node); } else { DebugDialog::debug("cannot draw - unrecognized tag"); } }
/************************************************************ * 功能 : 从type_property.xml中读取type和property的配置信息 * 输入 : * 返回值 : void *************************************************************/ void CreatModel::readTypeInfo() { openXml(QDir::currentPath() + "/Config/type_property.xml"); QDomNode n = m_root.firstChild(); while(!n.isNull()) { QString nodeName = n.nodeName(); if (nodeName == "typelist") { QDomNode m = n.toElement().firstChild(); while (m.isElement()) { QString nameValue = m.toElement().attributeNode("name").value(); m_typeList.append(nameValue); m = m.nextSibling(); } } if (nodeName == "propertylist") { QDomNode m = n.toElement().firstChild(); while (m.isElement()) { QString nameValue = m.toElement().attributeNode("name").value(); m_propertyList.append(nameValue); m = m.nextSibling(); } } n = n.nextSibling(); } }
bool CAnm2DXml::loadLayers(QDomNode node, AnmLayer *pParent) { while ( !node.isNull() ) { if ( node.nodeName() == kAnmXML_ID_Layer ) { QDomNamedNodeMap nodeMap = node.attributes() ; if ( nodeMap.namedItem(kAnmXML_Attr_Name).isNull() || nodeMap.namedItem(kAnmXML_Attr_FrameNum).isNull() || nodeMap.namedItem(kAnmXML_Attr_ChildNum).isNull() ) { return false ; } QString name ; int frameDataNum = 0 ; int childNum = 0 ; name = nodeMap.namedItem(kAnmXML_Attr_Name).toAttr().value() ; frameDataNum = nodeMap.namedItem(kAnmXML_Attr_FrameNum).toAttr().value().toInt() ; childNum = nodeMap.namedItem(kAnmXML_Attr_ChildNum).toAttr().value().toInt() ; AnmLayer *pLayer = new AnmLayer ; pLayer->pParentLayer = pParent ; pParent->childPtrs.append(pLayer) ; QDomNode child = node.firstChild() ; if ( !loadFrameData(child, pLayer, frameDataNum) ) { return false ; } QDomNode layers = node.firstChild() ; if ( !loadLayers(layers, pLayer) ) { return false ; } } node = node.nextSibling() ; } return true ; }
void XBELImportCommand::doExecute(const KBookmarkGroup &/*bkGroup*/) { // check if already open first??? KBookmarkManager *pManager = KBookmarkManager::managerForFile(m_fileName, QString()); QDomDocument doc = GlobalBookmarkManager::self()->mgr()->internalDocument(); // get the xbel QDomNode subDoc = pManager->internalDocument().namedItem("xbel").cloneNode(); if (subDoc.isProcessingInstruction()) subDoc = subDoc.nextSibling(); if (subDoc.isDocumentType()) subDoc = subDoc.nextSibling(); if (subDoc.nodeName() != "xbel") return; if (!folder().isEmpty()) { // transform into folder subDoc.toElement().setTagName("folder"); // clear attributes QStringList tags; for (int i = 0; i < subDoc.attributes().count(); i++) tags << subDoc.attributes().item(i).toAttr().name(); for (QStringList::const_iterator it = tags.constBegin(); it != tags.constEnd(); ++it) subDoc.attributes().removeNamedItem((*it)); subDoc.toElement().setAttribute("icon", m_icon); // give the folder a name QDomElement textElem = doc.createElement("title"); subDoc.insertBefore(textElem, subDoc.firstChild()); textElem.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(folder())); } // import and add it QDomNode node = doc.importNode(subDoc, true); if (!folder().isEmpty()) { GlobalBookmarkManager::self()->root().internalElement().appendChild(node); m_group = KBookmarkGroup(node.toElement()).address(); } else { QDomElement root = GlobalBookmarkManager::self()->root().internalElement(); QList<QDomElement> childList; QDomNode n = subDoc.firstChild().toElement(); while (!n.isNull()) { QDomElement e = n.toElement(); if (!e.isNull()) childList.append(e); n = n.nextSibling(); } QList<QDomElement>::Iterator it = childList.begin(); QList<QDomElement>::Iterator end = childList.end(); for (; it!= end ; ++it) root.appendChild((*it)); } }
/** * \en * insert new row in table and replace tag to value * \_en * \ru * Вставляет новую строку в таблицу, заменяет теги на значения, удаляет тег секции из строки таблицы. * Выполняет рекурсивный поиск узла, содержащего строку таблицы. У этого узла есть * специальное имя(w:r), которое распознается функцией. После того, как узел найден, строка строка дублируется, * а из текущей строки удаляются все теги секции, чтобы избежать мнократного размножения строк таблицы. * \_ru * \param node - \en context for inserting \_en \ru узел, в который происходит вставка \_ru * \see searchTags() */ void aMSOTemplate::insertRowValues(QDomNode node) { QDomNode n = node; while(!n.parentNode().isNull()) { n = n.parentNode(); QDomElement e = n.toElement(); if( n.nodeName()=="Row" ) { QDomAttr a = n.toElement().attributeNode( "ss:Index" ); n.parentNode().insertAfter(n.cloneNode(true),n); clearTags(n,true); QMap<QString,QString>::Iterator it; for ( it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); ++it ) { searchTags(n,it.key()); } int rowIndex = a.value().toInt(); if (rowIndex == 0) { rowIndex = getRowIndex(n); n.toElement().setAttribute("ss:Index",rowIndex); } n.nextSibling().toElement().setAttribute("ss:Index",rowIndex+1); } } }
/** * \en * Deletes row, having section tag * \_en * \ru * Рекурсивная функция. Удаляет строки, содержащие тег секции * \_ru * \param node - \en context \_en \ru узел из которого нужно удалить строки \_ru */ void aMSOTemplate::clearRow(QDomNode node) { QDomNode n = node.lastChild(); while( !n.isNull() ) { if(n.isText()) { QString str = n.nodeValue(); QRegExp re; re.setPattern(QString("%1.*%2").arg(open_token_section).arg(close_token_section)); re.setMinimal(true); int pos = re.search(str,0); if(pos!=-1) { QDomNode tmp = n; while(!tmp.parentNode().isNull()) { tmp = tmp.parentNode(); if( tmp.nodeName()=="Row" ) { tmp.parentNode().removeChild(tmp); break; } } } } else { clearRow(n); } n = n.previousSibling(); } }
ReportBands OOoReportBuilder::reportBand(QDomNode row) { if (row.nodeName() != "table:table-row") return None; QString text = cellText(row.firstChild().toElement()); QRegExp rx("\\{\\w+\\}"); int pos = rx.indexIn(text); if (pos != -1) { text = text.mid(pos + 1,rx.matchedLength() - 2); if (!QString::compare(text,"rep_header",Qt::CaseInsensitive)) return ReportHeader; else if (!QString::compare(text,"rep_footer",Qt::CaseInsensitive)) return ReportFooter; else { text = text.remove(QRegExp("\\d+")); if (!QString::compare(text,"header",Qt::CaseInsensitive)) return DetailHeader; else if (!QString::compare(text,"footer",Qt::CaseInsensitive)) return DetailFooter; else if (!QString::compare(text,"detail",Qt::CaseInsensitive)) return Detail; } } return None; }
void ImageshackTalker::parseUploadPhotoDone(QByteArray data) { int errCode = -1; QString errMsg = ""; QDomDocument doc("addPhoto"); if (!doc.setContent(data)) return; QDomElement elem = doc.documentElement(); kDebug() << "-------------" << elem.tagName() << "------------"; kDebug() << data; if (elem.tagName() == "imginfo") { errCode = 0; } else { kDebug() << elem.tagName(); QDomNode node = elem.firstChild(); if (node.nodeName() == "error") { errCode = parseErrorResponse(elem, errMsg); } } emit signalBusy(false); emit signalAddPhotoDone(errCode, errMsg); }
QDomElement OOoReportBuilder::parseRow(QDomNode row) { QDomElement lastElement = row.toElement(); if (reportBand(row) == Detail) { lastElement = processDetail(row.toElement()); } else { QDomNode child = row.firstChild(); while (!child.isNull()) { if (child.nodeName() == "table:table-cell") { QString str = processString(cellText(child.toElement())); bool ok; double value = str.toDouble(&ok); if (ok) { setText(child.toElement(), value); } else setText(child.toElement(), str); } child = child.nextSibling(); } } return lastElement; }
void InternetServerPlatform::readVariables( QDomNode node ) { Logging::logInfo( this, "readVariables()" ); if( node.isNull() ) return; QDomNode variable = node.firstChild(); while( false == variable.isNull() ) { if( QDomNode::CommentNode != variable.nodeType() ) { QString variableName = variable.nodeName(); if( _variableList.contains(variableName) ) continue; QString variableValue = variable.attributes().namedItem("value").nodeValue(); replaceVariables( variableValue ); _variableList.insert( variableName, variableValue ); Logging::logInfo( this, QString("%1 = %2").arg(variableName).arg(variableValue) ); variable = variable.nextSibling(); } } }
QDomNode findChild( QDomNode &parent, const QString &name ) { for ( QDomNode n = parent.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling() ) if ( n.nodeName() == name ) return n; return QDomNode(); }
QTreeWidget* ReadAndWriteXML::parseXMLToQTreeWidget(const QDomDocument *doc, QTreeWidget * treeWidget) { //VERIFYING IS A NODE if (doc==NULL) { QMessageBox::warning(0, "parseXMLToQTreeWidget","NULL POINTER"); Q_ASSERT(FALSE); } if (doc->isNull()){ QMessageBox::warning(0, "parseXMLToQTreeWidget","QDomDocument is null"); Q_ASSERT(FALSE); } if (!doc->isDocument()) { QMessageBox::warning(0, "parseXMLToQTreeWidget",QObject::tr("QDomDocument is not a document is %1 ").arg(doc->nodeType())); Q_ASSERT(FALSE); } if (treeWidget==NULL) treeWidget=new QTreeWidget(); else treeWidget->clear(); qDebug() << "DomParser::parseXMLToQTreeWidget start parsing " << doc->nodeName() ; QDomNode node = doc->firstChild(); qDebug() << "DomParser::parseXMLToQTreeWidget first child is " << node.nodeName() ; QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem(treeWidget,QStringList(QString("Type: %1").arg(node.nodeName()))); treeWidget->addTopLevelItem(item); treeWidget->setColumnCount(1); while (!node.isNull()) { parseEntry(node.toElement(), item); node = node.nextSibling(); } return treeWidget; }
KReportItemCheckBox::KReportItemCheckBox(const QDomNode &element) { createProperties(); QDomNodeList nl = element.childNodes(); QString n; QDomNode node; nameProperty()->setValue(element.toElement().attribute(QLatin1String("report:name"))); m_controlSource->setValue(element.toElement().attribute(QLatin1String("report:item-data-source"))); setZ(element.toElement().attribute(QLatin1String("report:z-index")).toDouble()); m_foregroundColor->setValue(QColor(element.toElement().attribute(QLatin1String("fo:foreground-color")))); m_checkStyle->setValue(element.toElement().attribute(QLatin1String("report:check-style"))); m_staticValue->setValue(QVariant(element.toElement().attribute(QLatin1String("report:value"))).toBool()); parseReportRect(element.toElement()); for (int i = 0; i < nl.count(); i++) { node = nl.item(i); n = node.nodeName(); if (n == QLatin1String("report:line-style")) { KReportLineStyle ls; if (parseReportLineStyleData(node.toElement(), &ls)) { m_lineWeight->setValue(ls.width()); m_lineColor->setValue(ls.color()); m_lineStyle->setValue(QPen(ls.penStyle())); } } else { kreportpluginWarning() << "while parsing check element encountered unknow element: " << n; } } }
QString TextFormatter::getFormattedSection(QDomNode sectionNode) { QDomNodeList itemChildNodes = sectionNode.childNodes(); QString formattedSection = ""; for(int i = 0; i < itemChildNodes.length(); i++) { QDomNode currentNode = itemChildNodes.at(i); QString nodeName = currentNode.nodeName(); if(nodeName.compare("header") == 0) { formattedSection += getFormattedHeader(currentNode); } else if(nodeName.compare("description") == 0) { formattedSection += getFormattedDescription(currentNode); } else if(nodeName.compare("list") == 0) { formattedSection += getFormattedList(currentNode); } } formattedSection.append("<br/>"); return formattedSection; }
bool CGraphicsBanks::deserialize(QDomDocument& doc, QDomNode& node, QString& errors) { QDomNode childNode = node.firstChild(); if (!childNode.isNull()) { do { if (childNode.nodeName() == "graphicsbank") { CGraphicsBank* pGraphicsBank = new CGraphicsBank(this); m_graphicsBanks.append(pGraphicsBank); appendChild(pGraphicsBank); if (!pGraphicsBank->deserialize(doc,childNode,errors)) { return false; } } else { return false; } } while (!(childNode = childNode.nextSibling()).isNull()); } return true; }
bool CAttributeTables::deserialize(QDomDocument& doc, QDomNode& node, QString& errors) { QDomNode childNode = node.firstChild(); if (!childNode.isNull()) { do { if (childNode.nodeName() == "attributetable") { CAttributeTable* pNewAttributeTable = new CAttributeTable(this); m_attributeTables.append(pNewAttributeTable); appendChild(pNewAttributeTable); if (!pNewAttributeTable->deserialize(doc,childNode,errors)) { return false; } } else { return false; } } while (!(childNode = childNode.nextSibling()).isNull()); } return true; }
void ReportSection::initFromXML(QDomNode & section) { QDomNodeList nl = section.childNodes(); QDomNode node; QString n; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nl.count(); i++) { node = nl.item(i); n = node.nodeName(); if(n == "height") { double h = node.firstChild().nodeValue().toDouble() / 100.0; h *= dpiY; canvas->resize(canvas->width(),(int)h); } else if(n == "label") { (new ReportEntityLabel(node, canvasview->document(), canvas))->setVisible(TRUE); } else if(n == "field") { (new ReportEntityField(node, canvasview->document(), canvas))->setVisible(TRUE); } else if(n == "text") { (new ReportEntityText(node, canvasview->document(), canvas))->setVisible(TRUE); } else if(n == "line") { (new ReportEntityLine(node, canvasview->document(), canvas))->setVisible(TRUE); } else if(n == "barcode") { (new ReportEntityBarcode(node, canvasview->document(), canvas))->setVisible(TRUE); } else if(n == "image") { (new ReportEntityImage(node, canvasview->document(), canvas))->setVisible(TRUE); } else if(n == "graph") { (new ReportEntityGraph(node, canvasview->document(), canvas))->setVisible(TRUE); } else if(n == "key" || n == "firstpage" || n == "lastpage" || n == "odd" || n == "even") { // these are all handled elsewhere but we don't want to show errors // because they are expected sometimes } else { qDebug("Encountered unknown node while parsing section: %s", n.latin1()); } } }
ImgSource* ColorSchemeParser::parseFilters(QDomNode filt) { // TODO: Move this code into ImgSource if (!filt.hasChildNodes()) { return 0; } ImgSource * ret = new ImgLoader(); QDomNode f = filt.firstChild(); while (!f.isNull()) { QString name = f.nodeName().toLower(); if (name == "invert") { ret = new ImgInvert(ret); } else if (name == "hueinv") { ret = new ImgHueInv(ret); } else if (name == "add") { ret = new ImgAdd(ret, XmlParse::selectNodeInt(f, "Amount")); } else if (name == "scalewhite") { ret = new ImgScaleWhite(ret, XmlParse::selectNodeFloat(f, "Amount")); } else if (name == "hsvtweak") { int hmin = 0; int hmax = 359; int smin = 0; int smax = 255; int vmin = 0; int vmax = 255; float hfact = 1.0f; float sfact = 1.0f; float vfact = 1.0f; int hconst = 0; int sconst = 0; int vconst = 0; if (!f.namedItem("HMin").isNull()) { hmin = XmlParse::selectNodeInt(f, "HMin"); } if (!f.namedItem("HMax").isNull()) { hmax = XmlParse::selectNodeInt(f, "HMax"); } if (!f.namedItem("SMin").isNull()) { smin = XmlParse::selectNodeInt(f, "SMin"); } if (!f.namedItem("SMax").isNull()) { smax = XmlParse::selectNodeInt(f, "SMax"); } if (!f.namedItem("VMin").isNull()) { vmin = XmlParse::selectNodeInt(f, "VMin"); } if (!f.namedItem("VMax").isNull()) { vmax = XmlParse::selectNodeInt(f, "VMax"); } if (!f.namedItem("HConst").isNull()) { hconst = XmlParse::selectNodeInt(f, "HConst"); } if (!f.namedItem("SConst").isNull()) { sconst = XmlParse::selectNodeInt(f, "SConst"); } if (!f.namedItem("VConst").isNull()) { vconst = XmlParse::selectNodeInt(f, "VConst"); } if (!f.namedItem("HFact").isNull()) { hfact = XmlParse::selectNodeFloat(f, "HFact"); } if (!f.namedItem("SFact").isNull()) { sfact = XmlParse::selectNodeFloat(f, "SFact"); } if (!f.namedItem("VFact").isNull()) { vfact = XmlParse::selectNodeFloat(f, "VFact"); } ret = new ImgHSVTweak(ret, hmin, hmax, smin, smax, vmin, vmax, hfact, hconst, sfact, sconst, vfact, vconst); } else { qDebug() << "Unknown image filter:" << name; } f = f.nextSibling(); } return ret; }
bool XmlHelper::SetChildNodeValue(const QString &parent_tag, const QString &child_tag, QString &text) { QDomElement root = doc_.documentElement(); QDomNodeList nodelist = root.elementsByTagName(parent_tag); if (nodelist.count() == 0) { return false; } QDomNodeList childs = nodelist.at(0).childNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < childs.count(); i++) { QDomNode child = childs.at(i); if (child.nodeName() == child_tag) { QDomElement elems = child.toElement(); if (elems.firstChild().isText()) { elems.firstChild().setNodeValue(text); } else { QDomText text_node; text_node.setNodeValue(text); elems.replaceChild(text_node, elems.firstChild()); } return true; } } return false; }
bool Configurator::loadSectionItem( QDomNode sectionItem, QListWidget& listWidget ) { if( false == sectionItem.hasChildNodes() ) return false; if( sectionItem.nodeName() != c_sectionItemNodeName ) return false; QDomNamedNodeMap sectionItemAttributes = sectionItem.attributes(); if( false == sectionItemAttributes.contains(c_attributeName) ) return false; if( false == sectionItemAttributes.contains(c_attributeText) ) return false; // add the item to the section QString sectionItemName = sectionItemAttributes.namedItem(c_attributeName).nodeValue(); QString sectionItemText = sectionItemAttributes.namedItem(c_attributeText).nodeValue(); QListWidgetItem* listWidgetItem = new QListWidgetItem(); listWidgetItem->setText( sectionItemText ); listWidgetItem->setData( Qt::UserRole, sectionItemName ); listWidget.addItem( listWidgetItem ); return true; }
bool Lvk::Clue::ScriptParser::parseHeader(QDomElement &header, Clue::Script &script) { bool hasCharacter = false; for (int i = 0; i < header.childNodes().size(); ++i) { QDomNode node = header.childNodes().item(i); if (node.childNodes().isEmpty()) { continue; } QString name = node.nodeName().toLower(); QString value = node.childNodes().at(0).nodeValue().trimmed(); if (name == "character") { script.character = value; hasCharacter = true; } else if (name == "scriptnumber") { script.number = value.toInt(); } else { m_errMsg = QObject::tr("Unknown tag '%1'").arg(name); return false; } } return hasCharacter; }
void ScrobblerSubmitter::readSubmitQueue() { m_savePath = Amarok::saveLocation() + "submit.xml"; QFile file( m_savePath ); if ( !file.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { debug() << "Couldn't open file: " << m_savePath << endl; return; } QTextStream stream( &file ); stream.setEncoding( QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 ); QDomDocument d; if( !d.setContent( stream.read() ) ) { debug() << "Couldn't read file: " << m_savePath << endl; return; } uint last = 0; if( d.namedItem( "submit" ).isElement() ) last = d.namedItem( "submit" ).toElement().attribute( "lastSubmissionFinishTime" ).toUInt(); if(last && last > m_lastSubmissionFinishTime) m_lastSubmissionFinishTime = last; const QString ITEM( "item" ); //so we don't construct these QStrings all the time for( QDomNode n = d.namedItem( "submit" ).firstChild(); !n.isNull() && n.nodeName() == ITEM; n = n.nextSibling() ) enqueueItem( new SubmitItem( n.toElement() ) ); m_submitQueue.first(); }
bool KivioBaseTargetStencil::loadTargets( const QDomElement &e ) { KivioConnectorTarget *p; QDomNode node; QDomElement targetE; QString nodeName; m_pTargets->clear(); node = e.firstChild(); while( !node.isNull() ) { nodeName = node.nodeName(); targetE = node.toElement(); if( nodeName == "KivioConnectorTarget" ) { p = new KivioConnectorTarget(); p->loadXML( targetE ); m_pTargets->append(p); p = NULL; } node = node.nextSibling(); } return true; }
void AView::read(QDomNode &element) { QDomNodeList nodeList = element.childNodes(); for(int i = 0; i < nodeList.count(); ++i) { QDomNode node = nodeList.item(i); if(!node.isElement()) continue; QDomElement element = node.toElement(); QString name = node.nodeName(); AView* newView = createView(name, this); if(!newView) continue; childs.append(newView); newView->read(element); } QDomElement e = element.toElement(); id = e.attribute("android:id"); id = explodeName(id); id = captializeName(id); width = QString::number(atof(qPrintable(e.attribute("android:layout_width")))); height = QString::number(atof(qPrintable(e.attribute("android:layout_height")))); }
void InstrumentSoundShaping::loadSettings( const QDomElement & _this ) { m_filterModel.loadSettings( _this, "ftype" ); m_filterCutModel.loadSettings( _this, "fcut" ); m_filterResModel.loadSettings( _this, "fres" ); m_filterEnabledModel.loadSettings( _this, "fwet" ); QDomNode node = _this.firstChild(); while( !node.isNull() ) { if( node.isElement() ) { for( int i = 0; i < NumTargets; ++i ) { if( node.nodeName() == m_envLfoParameters[i]->nodeName() + QString( targetNames[i][1] ). toLower() ) { m_envLfoParameters[i]->restoreState( node.toElement() ); } } } node = node.nextSibling(); } }
static QStringList copyFilesFromNode(const QString &parentNode, const QString &childNode, const QString &attr, const QString &kind, const QDomNode &package, const PackageInfo &info, const QString &targetDir) { QStringList copiedFiles; const QDomNodeList nodes = package.firstChildElement(parentNode).childNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.count(); ++i) { const QDomNode node = nodes.at(i); if (node.nodeName() != childNode) continue; const QDir dir(QString::fromLatin1("%1/meta").arg(info.directory)); const QString filter = attr.isEmpty() ? node.toElement().text() : node.toElement().attribute(attr); const QStringList files = dir.entryList(QStringList(filter), QDir::Files); if (files.isEmpty()) { throw QInstaller::Error(QString::fromLatin1("Cannot find any %1 matching \"%2\" " "while copying %1 of \"%3\".").arg(kind, filter, info.name)); } foreach (const QString &file, files) { const QString source(QString::fromLatin1("%1/meta/%2").arg(info.directory, file)); const QString target(QString::fromLatin1("%1/%2/%3").arg(targetDir, info.name, file)); copyWithException(source, target, kind); copiedFiles.append(file); } } return copiedFiles; }
QVariant MetricDomModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!index.isValid()) return QVariant(); if (role != Qt::DisplayRole) return QVariant(); DomItem *item = static_cast<DomItem*>(index.internalPointer()); QDomNode node = item->node(); QStringList attributes; QDomNamedNodeMap attributeMap = node.attributes(); switch (index.column()) { case 0: return node.nodeName(); case 1: if( !attributeMap.contains("Type") ) { return QVariant(); } return attributeMap.namedItem("Type").nodeValue(); case 2: if( !attributeMap.contains("Format") ) { return QVariant(); } return attributeMap.namedItem("Format").nodeValue(); default: return QVariant(); } }