예제 #1
SegmentNoaa::SegmentNoaa(QFile *filesegment, SatelliteList *satl, QObject *parent) :
    bool ok;
    satlist = satl;
    segment_type = "Noaa";
    segtype = eSegmentType::SEG_NOAA;

    int sensing_start_year = fileInfo.fileName().mid(6, 4).toInt( &ok , 10);
    int sensing_start_month = fileInfo.fileName().mid(10, 2).toInt( &ok, 10);
    int sensing_start_day = fileInfo.fileName().mid(12, 2).toInt( &ok, 10);
    int sensing_start_hour = fileInfo.fileName().mid(15, 2).toInt( &ok, 10);
    int sensing_start_minute = fileInfo.fileName().mid(17, 2).toInt( &ok, 10);
    int sensing_start_second = fileInfo.fileName().mid(19, 2).toInt( &ok, 10);
    //this->sensing_start_year = sensing_start_year;
    qdatetime_start.setDate(QDate(sensing_start_year, sensing_start_month, sensing_start_day));
    qdatetime_start.setTime(QTime(sensing_start_hour,sensing_start_minute, sensing_start_second));

    qsensingstart = QSgp4Date(sensing_start_year, sensing_start_month, sensing_start_day, sensing_start_hour, sensing_start_minute, sensing_start_second);
    qsensingend = qsensingstart;

    julian_sensing_start = qsensingstart.Julian();
    julian_sensing_end = qsensingend.Julian();

    this->earth_views_per_scanline = 2048;

    Satellite noaa19;
    ok = satlist->GetSatellite(33591, &noaa19);
    line1 = noaa19.line1;
    line2 = noaa19.line2;

    //line1 = "1 33591U 09005A   11039.40718334  .00000086  00000-0  72163-4 0  8568";
    //line2 = "2 33591  98.8157 341.8086 0013952 344.4168  15.6572 14.11126791103228";

    qtle.reset(new QTle(noaa19.sat_name, line1, line2, QTle::wgs72));
    qsgp4.reset(new QSgp4( *qtle ));

    julian_state_vector = qtle->Epoch();

    minutes_since_state_vector = ( julian_sensing_start - julian_state_vector ) * MIN_PER_DAY; //  + (1.0/12.0) / 60.0;
    minutes_sensing = 1;

    QEci eci;

    qsgp4->getPosition(minutes_since_state_vector, eci);
    QGeodetic geo = eci.ToGeo();

    lon_start_rad = geo.longitude;
    lat_start_rad = geo.latitude;
    lon_start_deg = lon_start_rad * 180.0 / PI;
    lat_start_deg = lat_start_rad * 180.0 /PI;

    NbrOfLines = 360;


예제 #2
void SatGL::RenderTrail(Satellite *sat, QMatrix4x4 projection, float distance, QQuaternion quat, bool trackon) // QMatrix4x4 modelview, bool trackon)
    QVector<GLfloat> postrail;

            tsince,            // Time since epoch (in minutes)
            jul_epoch,         // Julian date of epoch
            jul_utc;           // Julian UTC date

    QSgp4Date nowutc = QSgp4Date::NowUTC();
    jul_utc = nowutc.Julian();
    jul_epoch = Julian_Date_of_Epoch(sat->GetEpoch());

    QMatrix4x4 model;
    model.translate(0.0, 0.0, distance);

    QMatrix4x4 modelview;
    modelview = model;
    QMatrix4x4 modelocta;
    QColor col(0,255,255);

    QEci qeci;
    QVector3D pos;
    double id;
    int nbrVertices = 0;

    tsince = (jul_utc - jul_epoch) * MIN_PER_DAY; // in minutes

    for( id = tsince - 5; id < tsince; id++ )
        (*sat).qsgp4->getPosition(id, qeci);
        QGeodetic qgeo = qeci.ToGeo();
        LonLat2PointRad(qgeo.latitude, qgeo.longitude, &pos, 1.001f);
        if(id < tsince && id >= tsince - 5 )
            modelocta = model;
            modelocta.translate(pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z());
            octa->render(projection, modelocta, col);

        for( id = tsince - opts.realminutesshown + 1; id <= tsince + opts.realminutesshown; id++ )  // nbr of id's = 2 * opts.realminutesshown
            (*sat).qsgp4->getPosition(id, qeci);
            QGeodetic qgeo = qeci.ToGeo();
            LonLat2PointRad(qgeo.latitude, qgeo.longitude, &pos, 1.001f);


        if(tdiff != opts.realminutesshown)
            tdiff = opts.realminutesshown;
            positionsTrail.allocate(postrail.data(), postrail.size() * sizeof(GLfloat));

            positionsTrail.write(0, postrail.data(), postrail.size() * sizeof(GLfloat));

        nbrVertices = positionsTrail.size() / (3 * sizeof(GLfloat));


        QOpenGLVertexArrayObject::Binder vaoBinder(&vaotrail);


        program->setUniformValue("MVP", projection * modelview);
        QMatrix3x3 norm = modelview.normalMatrix();
        program->setUniformValue("NormalMatrix", norm);

        QColor rendercolor(opts.sattrackcolor);
        program->setUniformValue("outcolor", QVector4D(rendercolor.redF(), rendercolor.greenF(), rendercolor.blueF(), 1.0f));

        glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_STRIP, 0, nbrVertices);

예제 #3
void SegmentNoaa::RenderSegmentlineInProjectionAlternative( int channel, int nbrLine, int heightintotalimage, QEci eciref, double ang_vel, eProjections proj)

    QRgb *row_col;
    double map_x, map_y;
    QRgb rgbvalue = qRgb(0,0,0);

    if (channel == 6)
        row_col = (QRgb*)imageptrs->ptrimagecomp_col->scanLine(heightintotalimage);
    else if (channel == 1)
        row_col = (QRgb*)imageptrs->ptrimagecomp_ch[0]->scanLine(heightintotalimage);
    else if (channel == 2)
        row_col = (QRgb*)imageptrs->ptrimagecomp_ch[1]->scanLine(heightintotalimage);
    else if (channel == 3)
        row_col = (QRgb*)imageptrs->ptrimagecomp_ch[2]->scanLine(heightintotalimage);
    else if (channel == 4)
        row_col = (QRgb*)imageptrs->ptrimagecomp_ch[3]->scanLine(heightintotalimage);
    else if (channel == 5)
        row_col = (QRgb*)imageptrs->ptrimagecomp_ch[4]->scanLine(heightintotalimage);

    QSgp4Date dateref = eciref.GetDate();
    Vector3 posref = eciref.GetPos();
    Vector3 velref = eciref.GetVel();

    for ( int nbrPoint = 0; nbrPoint < this->earth_views_per_scanline; nbrPoint++ )
        double deltat = (double)nbrPoint/(6.0 * this->earth_views_per_scanline); // in seconden
        double deltax = NEW_NOAA_SWATH / ((this->earth_views_per_scanline / 2) - 0.5);
        //double deltax = (double)FOV_STEP_ANGLE;
        //double deltax = 0.0009439882; // * 1023.5; //0.0009439882 * 1023.5;
        //double deltax = 0.0009400;
        QEci eciaprox = eciref.CircularApprox(deltat, ang_vel);
        double Off_Nadir_Angle = deltax * ((nbrPoint - (this->earth_views_per_scanline/2))+0.5); // in rad
        Vector3 pos = eciaprox.GetPos();
        Vector3 vel = eciaprox.GetVel();
        QSgp4Date dat = eciaprox.GetDate();
        Vector3 posnorm = pos;
        posnorm = posnorm.normalize();
        Vector3 scan = pos.cross(vel);
        Vector3 scannorm = scan;
        scannorm = scannorm.normalize();

        double posmag = pos.length();

        // range vector from satellite for a spherical earth
        double cosoffnadir = cos(Off_Nadir_Angle);
        double sinoffnadir = sin(Off_Nadir_Angle);

        Vector3 rangevectornorm = - posnorm * cosoffnadir + scannorm * sinoffnadir;
        double squareradiusearthkm = this->qtle->radiusearthkm * this->qtle->radiusearthkm;
        double squareradiusearthkmminor = this->qtle->radiusearthkmminor * this->qtle->radiusearthkmminor;
        double epsilon = ( squareradiusearthkm / squareradiusearthkmminor) - 1;

        //double firstterm = sqrt(this->qtle->radiusearthkm * this->qtle->radiusearthkm - posmag * posmag * sinoffnadir * sinoffnadir);
        //double range_distance = posmag * cosoffnadir - firstterm;

        double firstterm = 1 + (epsilon * rangevectornorm.z * rangevectornorm.z);
        double secterm = posmag * cosoffnadir - epsilon * pos.z * rangevectornorm.z;
        double thirdterm = squareradiusearthkm - posmag * posmag - epsilon * pos.z * pos.z + secterm * secterm;
        double range_distance = (secterm / firstterm) - sqrt( thirdterm / firstterm ) ;

/*        double firstterm = 1 + (epsilon * rangevectornorm.z * rangevectornorm.z);
        double secterm = epsilon * pos.z * rangevectornorm.z - posmag * cosoffnadir;
        double thirdterm = posmag * posmag - squareradiusearthkm + epsilon * pos.z * pos.z;
        double determinant = secterm * secterm - firstterm * thirdterm;
        double fourthterm = posmag * cosoffnadir - epsilon * pos.z * rangevectornorm.z - sqrt(determinant);
        double range_distance = fourthterm / firstterm;
        Vector3 rangevector = rangevectornorm * range_distance;
        Vector3 location = pos + rangevector;

        //const double theta = Util::AcTan(location.y, location.x);
        //double lonpos   = fmod(theta - dat.ToGreenwichSiderealTime(), TWOPI);

        //double r   = sqrt(location.x * location.x + location.y * location.y);
        //double latpos = Util::AcTan(location.z, r);

        QEci ecilocation(location, vel, dat );
        QGeodetic geolocation = ecilocation.ToGeo();

        double lonpos = geolocation.longitude;
        double latpos = geolocation.latitude;

        if(proj == LCC)
            if(imageptrs->lcc->map_forward(lonpos, latpos, map_x, map_y))
                if (map_x > 0 && map_x < imageptrs->ptrimageProjection->width() && map_y > 0 && map_y < imageptrs->ptrimageProjection->height())
                        if( nbrPoint == 1023 || nbrPoint == 1024)
                            rgbvalue = qRgb(255, 0, 0);
                            rgbvalue =qRgb(qRed(row_col[nbrPoint]), qGreen(row_col[nbrPoint]), qBlue(row_col[nbrPoint]));
                        rgbvalue =qRgb(qRed(row_col[nbrPoint]), qGreen(row_col[nbrPoint]), qBlue(row_col[nbrPoint]));

                    imageptrs->ptrimageProjection->setPixel((int)map_x, (int)map_y, rgbvalue);
                    // qDebug() << QString("map_x = %1 map_y = %2").arg(map_x).arg(map_y);
        else if(proj == GVP)
            if(imageptrs->gvp->map_forward(lonpos, latpos, map_x, map_y))
                if (map_x > 0 && map_x < imageptrs->ptrimageProjection->width() && map_y > 0 && map_y < imageptrs->ptrimageProjection->height())
                        if( nbrPoint == 1023 || nbrPoint == 1024)
                            rgbvalue = qRgb(255, 0, 0);
                            rgbvalue =qRgb(qRed(row_col[nbrPoint]), qGreen(row_col[nbrPoint]), qBlue(row_col[nbrPoint]));
                        rgbvalue =qRgb(qRed(row_col[nbrPoint]), qGreen(row_col[nbrPoint]), qBlue(row_col[nbrPoint]));

                    imageptrs->ptrimageProjection->setPixel((int)map_x, (int)map_y, rgbvalue);
                    // qDebug() << QString("map_x = %1 map_y = %2").arg(map_x).arg(map_y);

        else if(proj == SG)
            if(imageptrs->sg->map_forward(lonpos, latpos, map_x, map_y))
                if (map_x > 0 && map_x < imageptrs->ptrimageProjection->width() && map_y > 0 && map_y < imageptrs->ptrimageProjection->height())
                        if( nbrPoint == 1023 || nbrPoint == 1024)
                            rgbvalue = qRgb(255, 0, 0);
                            rgbvalue =qRgb(qRed(row_col[nbrPoint]), qGreen(row_col[nbrPoint]), qBlue(row_col[nbrPoint]));
                        rgbvalue =qRgb(qRed(row_col[nbrPoint]), qGreen(row_col[nbrPoint]), qBlue(row_col[nbrPoint]));

                    imageptrs->ptrimageProjection->setPixel((int)map_x, (int)map_y, rgbvalue);
                    // qDebug() << QString("map_x = %1 map_y = %2").arg(map_x).arg(map_y);

        //qDebug() << QString("lonpos = %1 latpos = %2 Angle = %3 posmag = %4 rangvector = %5 firstterm = %6 secterm = %7 posnorm = %8 scan x = %9 y = %10 z = %11").arg(Util::RadiansToDegrees(lonpos)).arg(Util::RadiansToDegrees(latpos))
        //            .arg(Off_Nadir_Angle).arg(posmag).arg(rangevector.Magnitude()).arg(firstterm).arg(secterm).arg(posnorm.Magnitude()).arg(scan.x).arg(scan.y).arg(scan.z);
        //double dotprod = pos.Dot(location);
        //double phi = acos(dotprod / ( pos.Magnitude()*location.Magnitude()));
        //qDebug() << QString("nbrLine = %1 nbrPoint = %2 off_nadir angle = %3 phi = %4 range_disctance = %5").arg(nbrLine).arg(nbrPoint).arg(Util::RadiansToDegrees(Off_Nadir_Angle)).arg(Util::RadiansToDegrees(phi))
        //            .arg(range_distance);

예제 #4
void SegmentNoaa::RenderSegmentlineInProjection( int channel, int nbrLine, int heightintotalimage, QEci eciref, double ang_vel, eProjections proj)

    QRgb *row_col;

    if (channel == 6)
        row_col = (QRgb*)imageptrs->ptrimagecomp_col->scanLine(heightintotalimage);
    else if (channel == 1)
        row_col = (QRgb*)imageptrs->ptrimagecomp_ch[0]->scanLine(heightintotalimage);
    else if (channel == 2)
        row_col = (QRgb*)imageptrs->ptrimagecomp_ch[1]->scanLine(heightintotalimage);
    else if (channel == 3)
        row_col = (QRgb*)imageptrs->ptrimagecomp_ch[2]->scanLine(heightintotalimage);
    else if (channel == 4)
        row_col = (QRgb*)imageptrs->ptrimagecomp_ch[3]->scanLine(heightintotalimage);
    else if (channel == 5)
        row_col = (QRgb*)imageptrs->ptrimagecomp_ch[4]->scanLine(heightintotalimage);

    QSgp4Date dateref = eciref.GetDate();
    Vector3 posref = eciref.GetPos();
    Vector3 velref = eciref.GetVel();

    QGeodetic georef = eciref.ToGeo();

    Vector3 scan = posref.cross(velref);
    Vector3 posrefnorm = posref;
    posrefnorm = posrefnorm.normalize();

    Vector3 scannorm = scan;
    scannorm = scannorm.normalize();

    //double delta = 0.0009457 * 1023.5; //0.0009439882 * 1023.5;
    double delta = 0.0009480 * 1023.5;

    double r = posref.length();
    double sindelta = sin(-delta);
    double dd = r * cos(-delta) - sqrt(this->qtle->radiusearthkm * this->qtle->radiusearthkm - r * r * sindelta * sindelta);
    Vector3 d3d = - posrefnorm * cos(-delta) * dd + scannorm * sin(-delta) * dd;

    //qDebug() << QString("a = %1 b = %2").arg(XKMPER * XKMPER).arg( r * r * sindelta * sindelta);
    Vector3 d3earthposfirst = posref + d3d;

    QEci ecifirst(d3earthposfirst, velref, dateref, QTle::wgs72);
    QGeodetic geofirst = ecifirst.ToGeo();

    sindelta = sin(delta);
    dd = r * cos(delta) - sqrt(this->qtle->radiusearthkm * this->qtle->radiusearthkm - r * r * sindelta * sindelta);
    d3d = - posrefnorm * cos(delta) * dd + scannorm * sin(delta) * dd;

    Vector3 d3earthposlast = posref + d3d;

    QSgp4Date newdate;

    newdate.Set(dateref.Julian() + (1/6) * (1.0/ (24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0)), false);

    QEci ecilast(d3earthposlast, velref, newdate, QTle::wgs72);
    QGeodetic geolast = ecilast.ToGeo();

    RenderSegmentlineInProjectionCirc(row_col, nbrLine, geofirst.latitude, geofirst.longitude, geolast.latitude, geolast.longitude, georef.altitude, proj);

예제 #5
void SegmentGL::RenderContour(Segment *seg, QMatrix4x4 projection, QMatrix4x4 modelview, int width, int height)

    QVector3D vec;
    QVector3D pos;
    QVector<GLfloat> positions;
    QEci qeci;

    CalculateSegmentContour(&positions, seg->cornerpointfirst1.latitude, seg->cornerpointfirst1.longitude, seg->cornerpointlast1.latitude, seg->cornerpointlast1.longitude);
    CalculateSegmentContour(&positions,seg->cornerpointlast1.latitude, seg->cornerpointlast1.longitude, seg->cornerpointlast2.latitude, seg->cornerpointlast2.longitude);
    CalculateSegmentContour(&positions, seg->cornerpointlast2.latitude, seg->cornerpointlast2.longitude, seg->cornerpointfirst2.latitude, seg->cornerpointfirst2.longitude);
    CalculateSegmentContour(&positions,seg->cornerpointfirst2.latitude, seg->cornerpointfirst2.longitude, seg->cornerpointfirst1.latitude, seg->cornerpointfirst1.longitude);

    seg->qsgp4->getPosition(seg->minutes_since_state_vector, qeci);
    QGeodetic qgeo = qeci.ToGeo();
    double lat1 = qgeo.latitude;
    double lon1 = qgeo.longitude;

    seg->qsgp4->getPosition(seg->minutes_since_state_vector + seg->minutes_sensing, qeci);
    qgeo = qeci.ToGeo();
    double lat2 = qgeo.latitude;
    double lon2 = qgeo.longitude;

    CalculateSegmentContour(&positions, lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2);

    positionsBuf.write(0, positions.data(), positions.size() * sizeof(GLfloat));

    QOpenGLVertexArrayObject::Binder vaoBinder(&vao);

    program->setUniformValue("MVP", projection * modelview);
    QColor rendercolor(opts.satsegmentcolor);
    QColor rendercolorsel(opts.satsegmentcolorsel);

        program->setUniformValue("outcolor", QVector4D(rendercolorsel.redF(), rendercolorsel.greenF(), rendercolorsel.blueF(), 1.0f));
        program->setUniformValue("outcolor", QVector4D(rendercolor.redF(), rendercolor.greenF(), rendercolor.blueF(), 1.0f));

    QMatrix3x3 norm = modelview.normalMatrix();
    program->setUniformValue("NormalMatrix", norm);

    glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_LOOP, 0, nbrOfVertices - 10);
    glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_STRIP, nbrOfVertices - 10, 10);

    float mvmatrix[16], projmatrix[16];
    QMatrix4x4 MVP;
    MVP = projection * modelview;

    float *ptr = modelview.data();
    for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        mvmatrix[i] = *(ptr + i);

    ptr = projection.data();
    for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        projmatrix[i] = *(ptr + i);

    QVector2D win;

    LonLat2PointRad((float)seg->cornerpointfirst1.latitude, (float)seg->cornerpointfirst1.longitude, &vec, 1.0);
    win = glhProjectf (vec, mvmatrix, projmatrix, width, height);
    seg->winvecend1 = win;

    LonLat2PointRad((float)seg->cornerpointfirst2.latitude, (float)seg->cornerpointfirst2.longitude, &vec, 1.0);
    win = glhProjectf (vec, mvmatrix, projmatrix, width, height);
    seg->winvecend2 = win;

    LonLat2PointRad((float)seg->cornerpointlast1.latitude, (float)seg->cornerpointlast1.longitude, &vec, 1.0);
    win = glhProjectf (vec, mvmatrix, projmatrix, width, height);
    seg->winvecend3 = win;

    LonLat2PointRad((float)seg->cornerpointlast2.latitude, (float)seg->cornerpointlast2.longitude, &vec, 1.0);
    win = glhProjectf (vec, mvmatrix, projmatrix, width, height);
    seg->winvecend4 = win;

    win = glhProjectf (seg->vec1, mvmatrix, projmatrix, width, height);
    seg->winvec1 = win;

    win = glhProjectf (seg->vec2, mvmatrix, projmatrix, width, height);
    seg->winvec2 = win;
