예제 #1
QGeoSearchReply* QGeoSearchManagerEngineNokia::reverseGeocode(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate,
        QGeoBoundingArea *bounds)
    if (!supportsReverseGeocoding()) {
        QGeoSearchReply *reply = new QGeoSearchReply(QGeoSearchReply::UnsupportedOptionError, "Reverse geocoding is not supported by this service provider.", this);
        emit error(reply, reply->error(), reply->errorString());
        return reply;

    QString requestString = "http://";
    requestString += m_host;
    requestString += "/geocoder/rgc/2.0?referer=" + m_referer;
    if (!m_token.isNull())
        requestString += "&token=" + m_token;

    if (!m_applicationId.isEmpty()) {
        requestString += "&app_id=";
        requestString += m_applicationId;

    requestString += "&long=";
    requestString += trimDouble(coordinate.longitude());
    requestString += "&lat=";
    requestString += trimDouble(coordinate.latitude());

    requestString += "&lg=";
    requestString += languageToMarc(locale().language());

    return search(requestString, bounds);
예제 #2
QGeoSearchReply* QGeoSearchManagerEngineNokia::geocode(const QGeoAddress &address,
        QGeoBoundingArea *bounds)
    if (!supportsGeocoding()) {
        QGeoSearchReply *reply = new QGeoSearchReply(QGeoSearchReply::UnsupportedOptionError, "Geocoding is not supported by this service provider.", this);
        emit error(reply, reply->error(), reply->errorString());
        return reply;

    QString requestString = "http://";
    requestString += m_host;
    requestString += "/geocoder/gc/2.0?referer=" + m_referer;

    if (!m_token.isNull())
        requestString += "&token=" + m_token;

    if (!m_applicationId.isEmpty()) {
        requestString += "&app_id=";
        requestString += m_applicationId;

    requestString += "&lg=";
    requestString += languageToMarc(locale().language());

    requestString += "&country=";
    requestString += address.country();

    if (!address.state().isEmpty()) {
        requestString += "&state=";
        requestString += address.state();

    if (!address.city().isEmpty()) {
        requestString += "&city=";
        requestString += address.city();

    if (!address.postcode().isEmpty()) {
        requestString += "&zip=";
        requestString += address.postcode();

    if (!address.street().isEmpty()) {
        requestString += "&street=";
        requestString += address.street();

    // TODO?
    // street number has been removed from QGeoAddress
    // do we need to try to split it out from QGeoAddress::street
    // in order to geocode properly

    // Old code:
//    if (!address.streetNumber().isEmpty()) {
//        requestString += "&number=";
//        requestString += address.streetNumber();
//    }

    return search(requestString, bounds);
예제 #3
void MarkerManager::search(QString query, qreal radius)
    QGeoSearchReply *reply;
    if (radius > 0) {
        QGeoBoundingCircle *boundingCircle = new QGeoBoundingCircle(
                    d->myLocation->coordinate(), radius);
        reply = d->searchManager->search(query,
                                        -1, 0,
    } else {
        reply = d->searchManager->search(query);


    if (d->status) {

    if (reply->isFinished()) {
    } else {
        connect(reply, SIGNAL(error(QGeoSearchReply::Error,QString)),
                this, SIGNAL(searchError(QGeoSearchReply::Error,QString)));
QGeoSearchReply* QGeoSearchManagerEngineCm::geocode(const QGeoAddress &address,
        QGeoBoundingArea *bounds)
    if (!supportsGeocoding()) {
        QGeoSearchReply *reply = new QGeoSearchReply(QGeoSearchReply::UnsupportedOptionError, "Geocoding is not supported by this service provider.", this);
        emit error(reply, reply->error(), reply->errorString());
        return reply;
    QString searchString;

    if(!address.street().isEmpty()) {
        searchString += address.street();
        searchString += ",";
    if(!address.city().isEmpty()) {
        searchString += address.city();
        searchString += ",";
    if(!address.postcode().isEmpty()) {
        searchString += address.postcode();
        searchString += ",";
    if(!address.district().isEmpty()) {
        searchString += address.district();
        searchString += ",";
    if(!address.county().isEmpty()) {
        searchString += address.county();
        searchString += ",";
    if(!address.state().isEmpty()) {
        searchString += address.state();
        searchString += ",";
    if(!address.country().isEmpty()) {
        searchString += address.country();
        searchString += ",";
    if(!address.countryCode().isEmpty()) {
        searchString += address.countryCode();
        searchString += ",";

	// Note:  this code is not called?
	DBG_CM(SEARCH_M, INFO_L, "Warning - geocode() method is called\n");

    QString cmSearchUrl = "http://" + m_host + "/" + m_token +"/geocoding/v2/find.js?query=";
    cmSearchUrl += searchString;

	// return location information like road, city, county, country, postcode in returned results:
    cmSearchUrl += "&return_location=true";

    return search(cmSearchUrl, QGeoSearchManager::SearchGeocode, -1, 0,bounds);
예제 #5
void QGeoSearchManagerEngineNokia::placesError(QGeoSearchReply::Error error, const QString &errorString)
    QGeoSearchReply *reply = qobject_cast<QGeoSearchReply*>(sender());

    if (!reply)

    if (receivers(SIGNAL(error(QGeoSearchReply*, QGeoSearchReply::Error, QString))) == 0) {

    emit this->error(reply, error, errorString);
예제 #6
void QGeoSearchManagerEngineNokia::placesFinished()
    QGeoSearchReply *reply = qobject_cast<QGeoSearchReply*>(sender());

    if (!reply)

    if (receivers(SIGNAL(finished(QGeoSearchReply*))) == 0) {

    emit finished(reply);
예제 #7
QGeoSearchReply* QGeoSearchManagerEngineNokia::search(const QString &searchString,
        QGeoSearchManager::SearchTypes searchTypes,
        int limit,
        int offset,
        QGeoBoundingArea *bounds)
    // NOTE this will eventually replaced by a much improved implementation
    // which will make use of the additionLandmarkManagers()
    if ((searchTypes != QGeoSearchManager::SearchTypes(QGeoSearchManager::SearchAll))
            && ((searchTypes & supportedSearchTypes()) != searchTypes)) {

        QGeoSearchReply *reply = new QGeoSearchReply(QGeoSearchReply::UnsupportedOptionError, "The selected search type is not supported by this service provider.", this);
        emit error(reply, reply->error(), reply->errorString());
        return reply;

    QString requestString = "http://";
    requestString += m_host;
    requestString += "/geocoder/gc/2.0?referer=" + m_referer;

    if (!m_token.isNull())
        requestString += "&token=" + m_token;

    if (!m_applicationId.isEmpty()) {
        requestString += "&app_id=";
        requestString += m_applicationId;

    requestString += "&lg=";
    requestString += languageToMarc(locale().language());

    requestString += "&obloc=";
    requestString += searchString;

    if (limit > 0) {
        requestString += "&total=";
        requestString += QString::number(limit);

    if (offset > 0) {
        requestString += "&offset=";
        requestString += QString::number(offset);

    return search(requestString, bounds, limit, offset);
QGeoSearchReply* QGeoSearchManagerEngineCm::reverseGeocode(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate,
        QGeoBoundingArea *bounds)
    if (!supportsReverseGeocoding()) {
        QGeoSearchReply *reply = new QGeoSearchReply(QGeoSearchReply::UnsupportedOptionError, "Reverse geocoding is not supported by this service provider.", this);
        emit error(reply, reply->error(), reply->errorString());
        return reply;

	// Prepare request url for ReverseGeocoding:

//	QString requestString = "http://" + m_host + "/" + m_token +"/geocoding/v2/find.js?around=51.51384,-0.10952&distance=closest";
	QString requestString = "http://" + m_host + "/" + m_token +"/geocoding/v2/find.js?around=";
	requestString += QString::number(coordinate.latitude());
	requestString += ",";
	requestString += QString::number(coordinate.longitude());
	//requestString += "&zoom=18";
	requestString += "&distance=closest";
	requestString += "&return_location=true";

    return search(requestString, bounds);