void TEDemo::addSession(TESession* s) { session_no += 1; no2session.insert(session_no,s); session2no.insert(s,(void*)session_no); m_sessions->insertItem(s->Title(), session_no); }
void GadWorkspace::load(const ClassDict & classDict, const QString & filename) { qDebug("GadWorkspace::load\n"); classDict_ = &classDict; genMenu(); QFile fp(filename); if (!fp.open(IO_ReadOnly)) return; MLParser parser(&fp); QString keywords[] = { "OBJECT", "" }; MLTagTable tagtable(keywords); int tag; QIntDict < GadObject > dict; while ((tag = parser.tag(tagtable)) != MLParser::END_OF_FILE) { GadObject *obj; qDebug("tag=%d\n", tag); switch (tag) { case 1: obj = new GadObject(classDict, parser.args(), this); dict.insert(obj->id(), obj); break; default: delete parser.args(); } } qDebug("GadWorkspace::load: connecting\n"); QIntDictIterator < GadObject > it(dict); for (; it.current(); ++it) { it.current()->connectObject(dict); } resize(); qDebug("GadWorkspace::load: connecting done\n"); }
QIntDict<QString> EventItem::actions() { QIntDict<QString> result; result.insert( 0, new QString( QObject::tr("show") ) ); result.insert( 1, new QString( QObject::tr("edit") ) ); return result; }
QIntDict<QString>* ConfigHelper::stringList2intDict(QStringList stringList) { QIntDict<QString>* filterDict = new QIntDict<QString>; // loop over all entries in the stringlist for (QStringList::Iterator it = stringList.begin(); it != stringList.end(); ++it) { tracer->sdebug(__func__) << "Handling entry: '" << *it << "'" << endl; // split the current entry into key and value and put them into the intdict int delimitorPos = (*it).find(':'); if (delimitorPos > 0) { QString keyStr = (*it).mid(0, delimitorPos); QString value = (*it).mid(delimitorPos + 1); tracer->sdebug(__func__) << "key-->value: '" << keyStr << "-->" << value << "'" << endl; bool ok; int key = keyStr.toInt(&ok); if (ok) { filterDict->insert(key, new QString(value)); } else { tracer->swarning(__func__) << "Key '" << *it << "' is invalid! It is not a number. (Valid format: 'key:value')" << endl; } } else { tracer->swarning(__func__) << "KeyValue pair '" << *it << "' is invalid! (Valid format: 'key:value')" << endl; } } return filterDict; }
void TEDemo::addSessionCommand(const char* path) { KSimpleConfig* co = new KSimpleConfig(path,TRUE); co->setGroup("KDE Desktop Entry"); QString typ = co->readEntry("Type"); QString txt = co->readEntry("Comment"); QString cmd = co->readEntry("Exec"); QString nam = co->readEntry("Name"); if (typ.isEmpty() || txt.isEmpty() || cmd.isEmpty() || nam.isEmpty() || strcmp(typ.data(),"KonsoleApplication")) { delete co; return; // ignore } m_file->insertItem(txt, ++cmd_serial); no2command.insert(cmd_serial,co); }
bool Server::setKeyboardLayout( const QString &kb ) { //quick demo version that can be extended QIntDict<QWSServer::KeyMap> *om = 0; if ( kb == "us101" ) { // No tr om = 0; } else if ( kb == "jp109" ) { om = new QIntDict<QWSServer::KeyMap>(37); const KeyOverride *k = jp109keys; while ( k->scan_code ) { om->insert( k->scan_code, &k->map ); k++; } } QWSServer::setOverrideKeys( om ); return TRUE; }
void Scribble::slotSave() { QPopupMenu *menu = new QPopupMenu( 0 ); QIntDict<QString> formats; formats.setAutoDelete( TRUE ); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < QImageIO::outputFormats().count(); i++ ) { QString str = QString( QImageIO::outputFormats().at( i ) ); formats.insert( menu->insertItem( QString( "%1..." ).arg( str ) ), new QString( str ) ); } menu->setMouseTracking( TRUE ); int id = menu->exec( bSave->mapToGlobal( QPoint( 0, bSave->height() + 1 ) ) ); if ( id != -1 ) { QString format = *formats[ id ]; QString filename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( QString::null, QString( "*.%1" ).arg( format.lower() ), this ); if ( !filename.isEmpty() ) canvas->save( filename, format ); } delete menu; }
static void read_bodies(const char * path, QIntDict<char> & bodies) { char * s = read_file(path); if (s != 0) { char * p1 = s; char * p2; while ((p2 = strstr(p1, BodyPrefix)) != 0) { p2 += BodyPrefixLength; char * body; long id = strtol(p2, &body, 16); if (body != (p2 + 8)) { UmlCom::trace(QCString("<font color =\"red\"> Error in ") + path + " : invalid preserve body identifier</font><br>"); UmlCom::bye(n_errors() + 1); UmlCom::fatal_error("read_bodies 1"); } if (bodies.find(id) != 0) { UmlCom::trace(QCString("<font color =\"red\"> Error in ") + path + " : preserve body identifier used twice</font><br>"); UmlCom::bye(n_errors() + 1); UmlCom::fatal_error("read_bodies 2"); } if (*body == '\r') body += 1; if (*body == '\n') body += 1; else { UmlCom::trace(QCString("<font color =\"red\"> Error in ") + path + " : invalid preserve body block, end of line expected</font><br>"); UmlCom::bye(n_errors() + 1); UmlCom::fatal_error("read_bodies 3"); } if (((p1 = strstr(body, BodyPostfix)) == 0) || (strncmp(p1 + BodyPostfixLength, p2, 8) != 0)) { UmlCom::trace(QCString("<font color =\"red\"> Error in ") + path + " : invalid preserve body block, wrong balanced</font><br>"); UmlCom::bye(n_errors() + 1); UmlCom::fatal_error("read_bodies 4"); } p2 = p1; while ((p2 != body) && (p2[-1] != '\n')) p2 -= 1; *p2 = 0; int len = p2 - body + 1; char * b = new char[len]; memcpy(b, body, len); bodies.insert(id, b); p1 += BodyPostfixLength + 8; } delete [] s; } }
bool KeyMappings::apply(int unicode, int keycode, int modifiers, int keymask, bool isPress) { CodeMaps* map; m_isMapped = false; if(m_keymaps.contains(keycode)){ map = m_keymaps[keycode]; if(map->contains(keymask)){ m_isMapped = true; m_keyinfo = (*map)[keymask]; } else { int mask = -1; for(CodeMaps::Iterator it=map->begin(); it!=map->end(); ++it){ if((keymask & it.key()) == it.key() && it.key() > mask){ mask = it.key(); } } if(mask != -1){ m_isMapped = true; m_keyinfo = (*map)[mask]; } } } if(m_isMapped == false){ QWSServer::KeyMap* cache = g_mapCache[keycode]; if(cache == NULL){ cache = new QWSServer::KeyMap(); g_mapCache.insert(keycode, cache); cache->unicode = cache->shift_unicode = cache->ctrl_unicode = 0; } if(cache->unicode == 0 || cache->shift_unicode == 0 || cache->ctrl_unicode == 0){ QChar ch(unicode); if(modifiers & Qt::ControlButton){ cache->ctrl_unicode = unicode; } else if(modifiers & Qt::ShiftButton){ cache->shift_unicode = ch.upper().unicode(); } else { cache->unicode = ch.lower().unicode(); } } m_keyinfo = MapInfo(keycode, 0, cache->unicode, cache->shift_unicode, cache->ctrl_unicode); if(m_keyinfo.isDefined){ setOriginal(unicode, modifiers); } else { setUnicode(unicode); } } #if 1 if(isPress){ if(m_keyinfo.keycode == Qt::Key_CapsLock){ m_capslock = !m_capslock; } } #endif return(m_isMapped); }
void ColorSchema::addSchema() { numb2schema.insert(numb,this); path2schema.insert(path.data(),this); }