예제 #1
void KDModule::propagateUsers()
    emit clearUsers();
    QMap< QString, int > lusers;
    QMapConstIterator< QString, QPair< int, QStringList > > it;
    QStringList::ConstIterator jt;
    QMap< QString, int >::Iterator gmapi;
    for(it = usermap.begin(); it != usermap.end(); ++it)
        int uid = it.data().first;
        if(!uid || (uid >= minshowuid && uid <= maxshowuid))
            lusers[it.key()] = uid;
            for(jt = it.data().second.begin(); jt != it.data().second.end(); ++jt)
                if((gmapi = groupmap.find(*jt)) == groupmap.end())
                    groupmap[*jt] = 1;
                    lusers['@' + *jt] = -uid;
    emit addUsers(lusers);
    updateOK = true;
void ODateBookAccessBackend_SQL::initFields()

	// This map contains the translation of the fieldtype id's to
	// the names of the table columns
	m_fieldMap.insert( OEvent::FUid, "uid" );
	m_fieldMap.insert( OEvent::FCategories, "Categories" );
	m_fieldMap.insert( OEvent::FDescription, "Description" );
	m_fieldMap.insert( OEvent::FLocation, "Location" );
	m_fieldMap.insert( OEvent::FType, "Type" );
	m_fieldMap.insert( OEvent::FAlarm, "Alarm" );
	m_fieldMap.insert( OEvent::FSound, "Sound" );
	m_fieldMap.insert( OEvent::FRType, "RType" );
	m_fieldMap.insert( OEvent::FRWeekdays, "RWeekdays" );
	m_fieldMap.insert( OEvent::FRPosition, "RPosition" );
	m_fieldMap.insert( OEvent::FRFreq, "RFreq" );
	m_fieldMap.insert( OEvent::FRHasEndDate, "RHasEndDate" );
	m_fieldMap.insert( OEvent::FREndDate, "REndDate" );
	m_fieldMap.insert( OEvent::FRCreated, "RCreated" );
	m_fieldMap.insert( OEvent::FRExceptions, "RExceptions" );
	m_fieldMap.insert( OEvent::FStart, "Start" );
	m_fieldMap.insert( OEvent::FEnd, "End" );
	m_fieldMap.insert( OEvent::FNote, "Note" );
	m_fieldMap.insert( OEvent::FTimeZone, "TimeZone" );
	m_fieldMap.insert( OEvent::FRecParent, "RecParent" );
	m_fieldMap.insert( OEvent::FRecChildren, "Recchildren" );

	// Create a map that maps the column name to the id
	QMapConstIterator<int, QString> it;
	for ( it = ++m_fieldMap.begin(); it != m_fieldMap.end(); ++it ){
		m_reverseFieldMap.insert( it.data(), it.key() );

예제 #3
const void * KFileItem::extraData( const void *key ) const
    QMapConstIterator<const void*,void*> it = m_extra.find( key );
    if ( it != m_extra.end() )
        return it.data();
    return 0L;
예제 #4
QString ParserData::keywordToString(Parse::Keyword k) const
  for (QMapConstIterator<QString, Keyword> it = m_keywords.begin(); it != m_keywords.end(); ++it) 
    if (it.data() == k)
      return it.key();
  return QString();
예제 #5
KMacroMapExpander<QString,VT>::expandEscapedMacro( const QString &str, uint pos, QStringList &ret )
    if (str[pos + 1] == escapeChar()) {
        ret += QString( escapeChar() );
        return 2;
    uint sl, rsl, rpos;
    if (str[pos + 1] == '{') {
        rpos = pos + 2;
        for (sl = 0; str[rpos + sl] != '}'; sl++)
            if (rpos + sl >= str.length())
                return 0;
        rsl = sl + 3;
    } else {
        rpos = pos + 1;
        for (sl = 0; isIdentifier( str[rpos + sl].unicode() ); sl++);
        rsl = sl + 1;
    if (!sl)
        return 0;
    QMapConstIterator<QString,VT> it =
        macromap.find( QConstString( str.unicode() + rpos, sl ).string() );
    if (it != macromap.end()) {
        ret += it.data();
        return rsl;
    return 0;
예제 #6
void KDModule::slotMinMaxUID(int min, int max)
        QMap< QString, int > alusers, dlusers;
        QMapConstIterator< QString, QPair< int, QStringList > > it;
        QStringList::ConstIterator jt;
        QMap< QString, int >::Iterator gmapi;
        for(it = usermap.begin(); it != usermap.end(); ++it)
            int uid = it.data().first;
            if((uid >= minshowuid && uid <= maxshowuid) && !(uid >= min && uid <= max))
                dlusers[it.key()] = uid;
                for(jt = it.data().second.begin(); jt != it.data().second.end(); ++jt)
                    gmapi = groupmap.find(*jt);
                        dlusers['@' + *jt] = -uid;
            else if((uid >= min && uid <= max) && !(uid >= minshowuid && uid <= maxshowuid))
                alusers[it.key()] = uid;
                for(jt = it.data().second.begin(); jt != it.data().second.end(); ++jt)
                    if((gmapi = groupmap.find(*jt)) == groupmap.end())
                        groupmap[*jt] = 1;
                        alusers['@' + *jt] = -uid;
        emit delUsers(dlusers);
        emit addUsers(alusers);
    minshowuid = min;
    maxshowuid = max;
예제 #7
KMacroMapExpander<QChar,VT>::expandPlainMacro( const QString &str, uint pos, QStringList &ret )
    QMapConstIterator<QChar,VT> it = macromap.find(str[pos]);
    if (it != macromap.end()) {
       ret += it.data();
       return 1;
    return 0;
예제 #8
void KTouchStatistics::run(const KURL& currentLecture, const KTouchStatisticsData& stats,
	const KTouchLevelStats& currLevelStats,
	const KTouchSessionStats& currSessionStats)
//	kdDebug() << "[KTouchStatistics::run]" << endl;
//	kdDebug() << "  currentLecture = '" << currentLecture << "'" << endl;

	// fill lecture combo with data
	// loop over all lecturestatistics
	QMapConstIterator<KURL, KTouchLectureStats> it = stats.m_lectureStats.begin();
	m_currentIndex = 0;
	while (it != stats.m_lectureStats.end()) {
		QString t = it.data().m_lectureTitle;
		// if current lecture, remember index and adjust text
		if (it.key() == currentLecture ||
			currentLecture.isEmpty() && it.key().url()=="default")
			m_currentIndex = lectureCombo->count();
			if (t == "default")   t = i18n("Default level...");
			t = i18n("***current***  ") + t;
	if (lectureCombo->count()==0) {
		// this shouldn't happen if the dialog is run with proper data
		KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("No statistics data available yet!"));

	// remember stats
	m_allStats = stats;
	m_currLevelStats = currLevelStats;
	m_currSessionStats = currSessionStats;
	// modify current lecture entry
	m_lectureIndex = m_currentIndex;
	// update the current tabs with current session/level data
	// set current session as current tab
예제 #9
KMacroMapExpander<QChar,VT>::expandEscapedMacro( const QString &str, uint pos, QStringList &ret )
    if (str[pos + 1] == escapeChar()) {
        ret += QString( escapeChar() );
        return 2;
    QMapConstIterator<QChar,VT> it = macromap.find(str[pos+1]);
    if (it != macromap.end()) {
       ret += it.data();
       return 2;

    return 0;
예제 #10
KMacroMapExpander<QString,VT>::expandPlainMacro( const QString &str, uint pos, QStringList &ret )
    if (isIdentifier( str[pos - 1].unicode() ))
        return 0;
    uint sl;
    for (sl = 0; isIdentifier( str[pos + sl].unicode() ); sl++);
    if (!sl)
        return 0;
    QMapConstIterator<QString,VT> it =
        macromap.find( QConstString( str.unicode() + pos, sl ).string() );
    if (it != macromap.end()) {
        ret += it.data();
        return sl;
    return 0;
예제 #11
void Template::compose( const TemplateManager & tm )

    QMapConstIterator <QString, QString> i =
        const_cast<QMap<QString, QString> &>(

    for( ; i != const_cast<QMap<QString, QString> &>(
                d->requestedNestedTemplates).end(); ++i ) {

        //try to acquire template of a given type
        Template * t = tm.instantiate( i.data(), getLoggerPtr(),
                d->requestedNestedTemplateLibs[ i.key() ] );

        if( t != NULL ) {
            // recursively compose even our nested templates
            t->compose( tm );
            // and put our template to our internal hash
            registerNestedTemplate( i.key(), t );
예제 #12
void K3bVideoDVDRippingDialog::slotStartClicked()
  // check if the selected audio codec is usable for all selected audio streams
  // We can only use the AC3 pass-through mode for AC3 streams
  if( m_w->selectedAudioCodec() == K3bVideoDVDTitleTranscodingJob::AUDIO_CODEC_AC3_PASSTHROUGH ) {
    for( QMap<QCheckListItem*, K3bVideoDVDRippingJob::TitleRipInfo>::iterator it = m_titleRipInfos.begin();
	 it != m_titleRipInfos.end(); ++it ) {
      if( m_dvd[it.data().title-1].numAudioStreams() > 0 &&
          m_dvd[it.data().title-1].audioStream(it.data().audioStream).format() != K3bVideoDVD::AUDIO_FORMAT_AC3 ) {
	KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n("<p>When using the <em>AC3 pass-through</em> audio codec all selected audio "
				       "streams need to be in AC3 format. Please select another audio codec or "
				       "choose AC3 audio streams for all ripped titles."),
			    i18n("AC3 Pass-through") );

  // check if we need to overwrite some files...
  QStringList filesToOverwrite;
  for( QMap<QCheckListItem*, K3bVideoDVDRippingJob::TitleRipInfo>::iterator it = m_titleRipInfos.begin();
       it != m_titleRipInfos.end(); ++it ) {
    if( QFile::exists( it.data().filename ) )
      filesToOverwrite.append( it.data().filename );

  if( !filesToOverwrite.isEmpty() )
    if( KMessageBox::questionYesNoList( this,
					i18n("Do you want to overwrite these files?"),
					i18n("Files Exist"), i18n("Overwrite"), KStdGuiItem::cancel() ) == KMessageBox::No )

  QSize videoSize = m_w->selectedPictureSize();
  int i = 0;
  QValueVector<K3bVideoDVDRippingJob::TitleRipInfo> titles( m_titleRipInfos.count() );
  for( QMapConstIterator<QCheckListItem*, K3bVideoDVDRippingJob::TitleRipInfo> it = m_titleRipInfos.begin();
       it != m_titleRipInfos.end(); ++it ) {
    titles[i] = it.data();
    titles[i].videoBitrate = 0; // use the global bitrate set below
    titles[i].width = videoSize.width();
    titles[i].height = videoSize.height();

  // sort the titles which come from a map and are thus not sorted properly
  // simple bubble sort for these small arrays is sufficient
  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < titles.count(); ++i ) {
    for( unsigned int j = i+1; j < titles.count(); ++j ) {
      if( titles[i].title > titles[j].title ) {
	K3bVideoDVDRippingJob::TitleRipInfo tmp = titles[i];
	titles[i] = titles[j];
	titles[j] = tmp;

  // start the job
  K3bJobProgressDialog dlg( parentWidget() );
  K3bVideoDVDRippingJob* job = new K3bVideoDVDRippingJob( &dlg, &dlg );
  job->setVideoDVD( m_dvd );
  job->setTitles( titles );

  job->setVideoBitrate( m_w->m_spinVideoBitrate->value() );
  job->setTwoPassEncoding( m_w->m_checkTwoPassEncoding->isChecked() );
  job->setResampleAudioTo44100( m_w->m_checkAudioResampling->isChecked() );
  job->setAutoClipping( m_w->m_checkAutoClipping->isChecked() );
  job->setVideoCodec( m_w->selectedVideoCodec() );
  job->setAudioCodec( m_w->selectedAudioCodec() );
  job->setLowPriority( m_w->m_checkLowPriority->isChecked() );
  job->setAudioBitrate( m_w->selectedAudioBitrate() );
  job->setAudioVBR( m_w->m_checkAudioVBR->isChecked() );

  dlg.startJob( job );