QSslConfiguration QNetworkReplyProto::sslConfiguration() const
  QNetworkReply *item = qscriptvalue_cast<QNetworkReply*>(thisObject());
  if (item)
    return item->sslConfiguration();
  return QSslConfiguration();
예제 #2
// There have been problems with the finish-signal coming from the networkmanager.
// To avoid that, the reply-signals were connected and the data is taken from the
// sender() method.
void ownCloudInfo::slotReplyFinished()
    QNetworkReply *reply = qobject_cast<QNetworkReply *>(sender());
    QSslConfiguration sslConfig = reply->sslConfiguration();
    if (!sslConfig.isNull()) {
        QMutexLocker lock(&_certChainMutex);
        _certificateChain = sslConfig.peerCertificateChain();

    if( ! reply ) {
        qDebug() << "ownCloudInfo: Reply empty!";

    // Detect redirect url
    QUrl possibleRedirUrl = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute).toUrl();
    /* We'll deduct if the redirection is valid in the redirectUrl function */

    if (!possibleRedirUrl.isEmpty() && _redirectCount++  > 10) {
        // Are we in a redirect loop
        qDebug() << "Redirect loop while redirecting to" << possibleRedirUrl;

    if(!possibleRedirUrl.isEmpty()) {
        QString configHandle;

        qDebug() << "Redirected to " << possibleRedirUrl;

        // We'll do another request to the redirection url.
        // an empty config handle is ok for the default config.
        if( _configHandleMap.contains(reply) ) {
            configHandle = _configHandleMap[reply];
            qDebug() << "Redirect: Have a custom config handle: " << configHandle;

        QString path = _directories[reply];
        if (path.isEmpty()) {
            path = QLatin1String("status.php");
        } else {
            path.prepend( QLatin1String(WEBDAV_PATH) );
        qDebug() << "This path was redirected: " << path;

        QString newUrl = possibleRedirUrl.toString();
        if( !path.isEmpty() && newUrl.endsWith( path )) {
            // cut off the trailing path
            newUrl.chop( path.length() );
            _urlRedirectedTo = newUrl;
            qDebug() << "Updated url to" << newUrl;
            getRequest( possibleRedirUrl );
        } else {
            qDebug() << "WRN: Path is not part of the redirect URL. NO redirect.";

    // TODO: check if this is always the correct encoding
    const QString version = QString::fromUtf8( reply->readAll() );
    const QString url = reply->url().toString();
    QString plainUrl(url);
    plainUrl.remove( QLatin1String("/status.php"));

    QString info( version );

    if( url.endsWith( QLatin1String("status.php")) ) {
        // it was a call to status.php
        if( reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError && info.isEmpty() ) {
            // This seems to be a bit strange behaviour of QNetworkAccessManager.
            // It calls the finised slot multiple times but only the first read wins.
            // That happend when the code connected the finished signal of the manager.
            // It did not happen when the code connected to the reply finish signal.
            qDebug() << "WRN: NetworkReply with not content but also no error! " << reply;
        qDebug() << "status.php returns: " << info << " " << reply->error() << " Reply: " << reply;
        if( info.contains(QLatin1String("installed"))
                && info.contains(QLatin1String("version"))
                && info.contains(QLatin1String("versionstring")) ) {
            info.remove(0,1); // remove first char which is a "{"
            info.remove(-1,1); // remove the last char which is a "}"
            QStringList li = info.split( QLatin1Char(',') );

            QString versionStr;
            QString version;
            QString edition;

            foreach ( const QString& infoString, li ) {
                QStringList touple = infoString.split( QLatin1Char(':'));
                QString key = touple[0];
                QString val = touple[1];

                if( key == QLatin1String("versionstring") ) {
                    // get the versionstring out.
                    versionStr = val;
                } else if( key == QLatin1String( "version") ) {
                    // get version out
                    version = val;
                } else if( key == QLatin1String( "edition") ) {
                    // get version out
                    edition = val;
                } else if(key == QLatin1String("installed")) {
		    // Silently ignoring "installed = true" information
		} else {
                    qDebug() << "Unknown info from ownCloud status.php: "<< key << "=" << val;
            emit ownCloudInfoFound( plainUrl, versionStr, version, edition );
        } else {