예제 #1
static bool orientationMediaFeatureEval(CSSValueImpl *value, RenderStyle *, KHTMLPart *part,  MediaFeaturePrefix /*op*/)
    if (value) {
        CSSPrimitiveValueImpl *pv = static_cast<CSSPrimitiveValueImpl *>(value);
        if (!value->isPrimitiveValue() || pv->primitiveType() != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT ||
                (pv->getIdent() != CSS_VAL_PORTRAIT && pv->getIdent() != CSS_VAL_LANDSCAPE)) {
            return false;

        KHTMLPart *rootPart = part;
        while (rootPart->parentPart()) {
            rootPart = rootPart->parentPart();
        DOM::DocumentImpl *doc =  static_cast<DOM::DocumentImpl *>(rootPart->document().handle());
        QPaintDevice *pd = doc->paintDevice();
        bool printing = pd ? (pd->devType() == QInternal::Printer) : false;
        if (printing) {
            if (pd->width() > pd->height()) {
                return (pv->getIdent() == CSS_VAL_LANDSCAPE);
        } else {
            if (part->view()->visibleWidth() > part->view()->visibleHeight()) {
                return (pv->getIdent() == CSS_VAL_LANDSCAPE);
        return (pv->getIdent() == CSS_VAL_PORTRAIT);
    return false;
예제 #2
void QgsComposition::renderPage( QPainter* p, int page )
  if ( mPages.size() <= page )

  QgsPaperItem* paperItem = mPages[page];
  if ( !paperItem )

  QPaintDevice* paintDevice = p->device();
  if ( !paintDevice )

  QRectF paperRect = QRectF( paperItem->transform().dx(), paperItem->transform().dy(), paperItem->rect().width(), paperItem->rect().height() );

  QgsComposition::PlotStyle savedPlotStyle = mPlotStyle;
  mPlotStyle = QgsComposition::Print;

  render( p, QRectF( 0, 0, paintDevice->width(), paintDevice->height() ), paperRect );

  mPlotStyle = savedPlotStyle;
예제 #3
static bool device_aspect_ratioMediaFeatureEval(CSSValueImpl *value, RenderStyle *, KHTMLPart *part,  MediaFeaturePrefix op)
    if (value) {
        KHTMLPart *rootPart = part;
        while (rootPart->parentPart()) {
            rootPart = rootPart->parentPart();
        DOM::DocumentImpl *doc =  static_cast<DOM::DocumentImpl *>(rootPart->document().handle());
        QPaintDevice *pd = doc->paintDevice();
        bool printing = pd ? (pd->devType() == QInternal::Printer) : false;
        QRect sg;
        int h = 0, v = 0;
        if (printing) {
            sg = QRect(0, 0, pd->width(), pd->height());
        } else {
            sg = QApplication::desktop()->screen(QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(rootPart->view()))->rect();
        if (parseAspectRatio(value, h, v)) {
            return v != 0  && compareValue(sg.width() * v, sg.height() * h, op);
        return false;

    // ({,min-,max-}device-aspect-ratio)
    // assume if we have a device, its aspect ratio is non-zero
    return true;
예제 #4
static bool aspect_ratioMediaFeatureEval(CSSValueImpl *value, RenderStyle *, KHTMLPart *part,  MediaFeaturePrefix op)
    if (value) {
        KHTMLPart *rootPart = part;
        while (rootPart->parentPart()) {
            rootPart = rootPart->parentPart();
        DOM::DocumentImpl *doc =  static_cast<DOM::DocumentImpl *>(rootPart->document().handle());
        QPaintDevice *pd = doc->paintDevice();
        bool printing = pd ? (pd->devType() == QInternal::Printer) : false;
        QSize vs;
        int h = 0, v = 0;
        if (printing) {
            vs = QSize(pd->width(), pd->height());
        } else {
            vs = QSize(part->view()->visibleWidth(), part->view()->visibleHeight());
        if (parseAspectRatio(value, h, v)) {
            return v != 0  && compareValue(vs.width() * v, vs.height() * h, op);
        return false;
    // ({,min-,max-}aspect-ratio)
    // assume if we have a viewport, its aspect ratio is non-zero
    return true;
void ProjectWidgetItemDelegate::paint ( QPainter * painter,
                                        const QStyleOptionViewItem & option,
                                        const QModelIndex & index ) const

    if (index.isValid() && !index.parent().isValid())
        QModelIndex modifiedIndex = index.sibling(index.row(), ProjectWidget::TAG_COLUMN);

        QStyleOptionViewItemV4 modifiedOption(option);
        int width = option.fontMetrics.width(modifiedIndex.data().toString())
                    + option.decorationSize.width();
        QPaintEngine* paintEngine = painter->paintEngine();
        if (paintEngine != 0)
            QPaintDevice* paintDevice = paintEngine->paintDevice();
            width = paintDevice->width();

        QItemDelegate::paint(painter, modifiedOption, modifiedIndex);

    QItemDelegate::paint(painter, option, index);
예제 #6
void QSvgTinyDocument::mapSourceToTarget(QPainter *p, const QRectF &targetRect, const QRectF &sourceRect)
    QRectF target = targetRect;
    if (target.isNull()) {
        QPaintDevice *dev = p->device();
        QRectF deviceRect(0, 0, dev->width(), dev->height());
        if (deviceRect.isNull()) {
            if (sourceRect.isNull())
                target = QRectF(QPointF(0, 0), size());
                target = QRectF(QPointF(0, 0), sourceRect.size());
        } else {
            target = deviceRect;

    QRectF source = sourceRect;
    if (source.isNull())
        source = viewBox();

    if (source != target && !source.isNull()) {
        QTransform transform;
        transform.scale(target.width() / source.width(),
                  target.height() / source.height());
        QRectF c2 = transform.mapRect(source);
        p->translate(target.x() - c2.x(),
                     target.y() - c2.y());
        p->scale(target.width() / source.width(),
                 target.height() / source.height());
예제 #7
void MultiLayer::exportPainter(QPaintDevice &paintDevice, bool keepAspect,
                               QRect rect) {
  QPainter p(&paintDevice);
  exportPainter(p, keepAspect, rect,
                QSize(paintDevice.width(), paintDevice.height()));
예제 #8
QPaintDevice *extractPaintDevice(KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::JSValue *arg)
    QPaintDevice *device = 0;

    ObjectBinding *imp = extractBindingImp<ObjectBinding>(exec, arg);
    if (imp) {
#ifdef __GNUC__
#warning There be dragons here...
         * Because of something odd with multiple inheritence and qobject cast
         * we need to first cast it to a QObject, then cast it to a QWidget.
         * All other paint devices in Qt that are objects are single inheritence
         * so dynamic_cast will work properly.
        QObject *qobject = imp->object<QObject>();
        if (qobject) {
            device = qobject_cast<QWidget *>(qobject);
        } else {
            device = imp->object<QPaintDevice>();

        if (device) {
            qDebug("Height = %d Width = %d", device->height(), device->width());
    } else {
        VariantBinding *valueImp = extractBindingImp<VariantBinding>(exec, arg);
        if (valueImp && (valueImp->variant().type() == QVariant::Pixmap ||
                         valueImp->variant().type() == QVariant::Image)) {
            device = static_cast<QPaintDevice *>(valueImp->pointer());
    return device;
예제 #9
void QwtPolarRenderer::renderTo(
    QwtPolarPlot *plot, QPaintDevice &paintDevice ) const
    int w = paintDevice.width();
    int h = paintDevice.height();

    QPainter p( &paintDevice );
    render( plot, &p, QRectF( 0, 0, w, h ) );
예제 #10
void printerStream::printPixmap(const QPixmap &pm, bool newLine)
#if 0
    QPaintDevice *dev = pr.device();
    if (fwbdebug)
        qDebug("printPixmap: width=%d height=%d", pm.width(), pm.height());
        qDebug("printPixmap: printer->resolution()=%d", printer->resolution());
        if (dev)
            qDebug("printPixmap: device parameters:");
            qDebug("             height=%d width=%d",
                   dev->height(), dev->width());
            qDebug("             logicalDpiY=%d logicalDpiX=%d",
                   dev->logicalDpiY(), dev->logicalDpiX());
            qDebug("             physicalDpiY=%d physicalDpiX=%d",
                   dev->physicalDpiY(), dev->physicalDpiX());

    int target_w = (int)(pm.width() * pixmap_scaling_ratio);
    int target_h = (int)(pm.height() * pixmap_scaling_ratio);

    int pmYOffset = 0;
    while ( getYSpace()<(pm.height()-pmYOffset) )
        int yFrag = pageBody.height() - yPos;
        if (pageNo>=fromPage && pageNo<=toPage)
            if (fwbdebug)
                qDebug("Print pixmap 1: yPos=%d pmYOffset=%d "
                       "yFrag=%d target_w=%d target_h=%d",
                       yPos, pmYOffset, yFrag, target_w, target_h);
            pr.drawPixmap(xmargin, yPos, target_w, target_h,
                          0, pmYOffset, -1, yFrag);
        pmYOffset = pmYOffset + yFrag;
        beginPage();   // resets yPos
    if (pageNo>=fromPage && pageNo<=toPage)
        if (fwbdebug)
            qDebug("Print pixmap 2: yPos=%d pmYOffset=%d target_w=%d target_h=%d",
                   yPos, pmYOffset, target_w, target_h);
        pr.drawPixmap(xmargin, yPos, target_w, target_h,
                      0, pmYOffset, -1, -1);

    if (newLine) yPos = yPos + (target_h - pmYOffset);
예제 #11
   \brief Render the plot to a paint device ( f.e a QPrinter )

   A convenience method, that calculates the target rectangle
   from the paintdevice metrics.

   \sa renderTo(QPainter *, const QRect &)
void QwtPolarPlot::renderTo( QPaintDevice &paintDev ) const
#if QT_VERSION < 0x040000
  QPaintDeviceMetrics mpr( &paintDev );
  int w = mpr.width();
  int h = mpr.height();
  int w = paintDev.width();
  int h = paintDev.height();

  const QRect rect( 0, 0, w, h );

  QPainter p( &paintDev );
  renderTo( &p, rect );

예제 #12
static bool widthMediaFeatureEval(CSSValueImpl* value, RenderStyle* style, KHTMLPart* part,  MediaFeaturePrefix op)
    KHTMLPart* rootPart = part;
    while (rootPart->parentPart()) rootPart = rootPart->parentPart();
    DOM::DocumentImpl *doc =  static_cast<DOM::DocumentImpl*>(rootPart->document().handle());
    QPaintDevice *pd = doc->paintDevice(); 
    bool printing = pd ? (pd->devType() == QInternal::Printer) : false;
    int width;
    if (printing)
        width = pd->width();
    else {
        width = part->view()->visibleWidth();
        doc = static_cast<DOM::DocumentImpl*>(part->document().handle());
    int logicalDpiY = doc->logicalDpiY();
    if (value)
        return value->isPrimitiveValue() && compareValue(width, static_cast<CSSPrimitiveValueImpl*>(value)->computeLength(style, logicalDpiY), op);

    return width > 0;
예제 #13
void QwtPlot::print(QPaintDevice &paintDev,
                    const QwtPlotPrintFilter &pfilter) const
#if QT_VERSION < 0x040000
    QPaintDeviceMetrics mpr(&paintDev);
    int w = mpr.width();
    int h = mpr.height();
    int w = paintDev.width();
    int h = paintDev.height();

    QRect rect(0, 0, w, h);
    double aspect = double(rect.width())/double(rect.height());
    if ((aspect < 1.0))

    QPainter p(&paintDev);
    print(&p, rect, pfilter);
예제 #14
static bool device_widthMediaFeatureEval(CSSValueImpl* value, RenderStyle* style, KHTMLPart* part,  MediaFeaturePrefix op)
    if (value) {
        KHTMLPart* rootPart = part;
        while (rootPart->parentPart()) rootPart = rootPart->parentPart();
        DOM::DocumentImpl *doc =  static_cast<DOM::DocumentImpl*>(rootPart->document().handle());
        QPaintDevice *pd = doc->paintDevice(); 
        bool printing = pd ? (pd->devType() == QInternal::Printer) : false;
        int width;
        if (printing)
            width = pd->width();
        else {
            width = QApplication::desktop()->screen(QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber( rootPart->view() ))->rect().width();
            doc = static_cast<DOM::DocumentImpl*>(part->document().handle());
        int logicalDpiY = doc->logicalDpiY();
        return value->isPrimitiveValue() && compareValue(width, static_cast<CSSPrimitiveValueImpl*>(value)->computeLength(style,logicalDpiY), op);
    // ({,min-,max-}device-width)
    // assume if we have a device, assume non-zero
    return true;
예제 #15
파일: dc.cpp 프로젝트: catalinr/wxWidgets
void wxQtDCImpl::DoGetSize(int *width, int *height) const
    QPaintDevice *pDevice = m_qtPainter->device();

    int deviceWidth;
    int deviceHeight;

    if ( pDevice )
        deviceWidth = pDevice->width();
        deviceHeight = pDevice->height();
        deviceWidth = 0;
        deviceHeight = 0;

    if ( width )
        *width = deviceWidth;
    if ( height )
        *height = deviceHeight;
예제 #16
void DrawWidget::drawChannel(QPaintDevice &pd, Channel *ch, QPainter &p, double leftTime, double currentTime, double zoomX, double viewBottom, double zoomY, int viewType)
  ZoomLookup *z;
  if(viewType == DRAW_VIEW_SUMMARY) z = &ch->summaryZoomLookup;
  else z = &ch->normalZoomLookup;

  ChannelLocker channelLocker(ch);

  QColor current = ch->color;
 	QColor invert(255 - current.red(), 255 - current.green(), 255 - current.blue());

 	int viewBottomOffset = toInt(viewBottom / zoomY);
  printf("viewBottomOffset=%d, %f, %f\n", viewBottomOffset, viewBottom, zoomY);
  viewBottom = double(viewBottomOffset) * zoomY;
  // baseX is the no. of chunks a pixel must represent.
 	double baseX = zoomX / ch->timePerChunk();

  double currentChunk = ch->chunkFractionAtTime(currentTime);
  double leftFrameTime = currentChunk - ((currentTime - leftTime) / ch->timePerChunk());
  //double leftFrameTime = leftTime / ch->timePerChunk();

 	double frameTime = leftFrameTime;
  //if(frameTime < 0.0) frameTime = 0.0;
  int n = 0;
  int baseElement = int(floor(frameTime / baseX));
  if(baseElement < 0) { n -= baseElement; baseElement = 0; }
  int lastBaseElement = int(floor(double(ch->totalChunks()) / baseX));
  Q3PointArray pointArray(pd.width()*2);
  //QPointArray topPoints(width()*2);
  //QPointArray bottomPoints(width()*2);
  //int pointIndex = 0;
  //int pointIndex = 0;
 	if (baseX > 1) { // More samples than pixels
    int theWidth = pd.width();
    //if(baseElement + theWidth > z->size()) z->setSize(baseElement + theWidth);
    if(lastBaseElement > z->size()) z->setSize(lastBaseElement);
    for(; n < theWidth && baseElement < lastBaseElement; n++, baseElement++) {
      myassert(baseElement >= 0);
      ZoomElement &ze = z->at(baseElement);
      if(!ze.isValid()) {
        if(calcZoomElement(ch, ze, baseElement, baseX)) continue;
      if(ze.high() != 0.0f && ze.high() - ze.low() < 1.0) { //if range is closer than one semi-tone then draw a line between them
      //if(ze.noteLow > 0) {
        //p.setPen(QPen(ze.color(), lineWidth));
        //Note: lineTo doen't draw a pixel on the last point of the line
        p.drawLine(n, pd.height() - lineTopHalfWidth - toInt(ze.high() / zoomY) + viewBottomOffset, n, pd.height() + lineBottomHalfWidth - toInt(ze.low() / zoomY) + viewBottomOffset);
        //pointArray.setPoint(pointIndex++, n, height() - lineTopHalfWidth    - toInt(ze.high / zoomY) + viewBottomOffset);
        //pointArray.setPoint(pointIndex++, n, height() + lineBottomHalfWidth - toInt(ze.low  / zoomY) + viewBottomOffset);
    //myassert(pointIndex <= width()*2);
    //p.drawLineSegments(pointArray, 0, pointIndex/2);

 	} else { // More pixels than samples
    float err = 0.0, pitch = 0.0, prevPitch = 0.0, vol;
    int intChunk = (int) floor(frameTime); // Integer version of frame time
    if(intChunk < 0) intChunk = 0;
    double stepSize = 1.0 / baseX; // So we skip some pixels
    int x = 0, y;
    //double start = 0 - stepSize;
    double start = (double(intChunk) - frameTime) * stepSize;
    double stop = pd.width() + (2 * stepSize);
    int squareSize = (int(sqrt(stepSize)) / 2) * 2 + 1; //make it an odd number
    int halfSquareSize = squareSize/2;
    int penX=0, penY=0;
    //topPoints.setPoint(pointIndex, toInt(start), 0);
    //bottomPoints.setPoint(pointIndex++, toInt(start), height());
    for (double n = start; n < stop && intChunk < (int)ch->totalChunks(); n += stepSize, intChunk++) {
      myassert(intChunk >= 0);
      //if (intChunk < 0) continue; // So we don't go off the beginning of the array
      AnalysisData *data = ch->dataAtChunk(intChunk);
      err = data->getCorrelation();
      //vol = dB2ViewVal(data->logrms(), ch->rmsCeiling, ch->rmsFloor);
      vol = dB2Normalised(data->getLogRms(), ch->rmsCeiling, ch->rmsFloor);
      //if (err >= CERTAIN_THRESHOLD) {
      //float val = MIN(ch->dataAtChunk(intChunk)->volumeValue, 1.0);
      if(gdata->pitchContourMode() == 0)
        //p.setPen(QPen(colorBetween(colorGroup().background(), ch->color, err*2.0-1.0), lineWidth));
        //p.setPen(QPen(colorBetween(gdata->backgroundColor(),  ch->color, err*sqrt(data->rms)*10.0), lineWidth));
        if(viewType == DRAW_VIEW_PRINT)
          p.setPen(QPen(colorBetween(QColor(255, 255, 255), ch->color, err*vol), lineWidth));
          p.setPen(QPen(colorBetween(gdata->backgroundColor(), ch->color, err*vol), lineWidth));
        p.setPen(QPen(ch->color, lineWidth));
      x = toInt(n);
      //note = (data->isValid()) ? data->note : 0.0f;
      //note = (ch->isVisibleNote(data->noteIndex)) ? data->note : 0.0f;
      pitch = (ch->isVisibleChunk(data)) ? data->getPitch() : 0.0f;
      myassert(pitch >= 0.0 && pitch <= gdata->topPitch());
      //pitch = bound(pitch, 0, gdata->topPitch());
      y = pd.height() - 1 - toInt(pitch / zoomY) + viewBottomOffset;
      //y = height() - 1 - int((note / zoomY) - (viewBottom / zoomY));
      if(pitch > 0.0f) {
        if(fabs(prevPitch - pitch) < 1.0 && n != start) { //if closer than one semi-tone from previous then draw a line between them
          //p.lineTo(x, y);
          p.drawLine(penX, penY, x, y);
          penX = x; penY = y;
        } else {
          p.drawPoint(x, y);
          //p.moveTo(x, y);
          penX = x; penY = y;
        if(stepSize > 10) { //draw squares on the data points
          p.drawRect(x - halfSquareSize, y - halfSquareSize, squareSize, squareSize);
          //p.setPen(QPen(current, 2));
        //} else {
        //  p.moveTo(x, height()-1-int(((note-viewBottom) / zoomY)));
      prevPitch = pitch;
예제 #17
/// \brief Print the document (May be a file too)
bool Exporter::doExport() {
	if(this->format < EXPORT_FORMAT_CSV) {
		// Choose the color values we need
		DsoSettingsColorValues *colorValues;
		if(this->format == EXPORT_FORMAT_IMAGE && this->settings->view.screenColorImages)
			colorValues = &(this->settings->view.color.screen);
			colorValues = &(this->settings->view.color.print);
		QPaintDevice *paintDevice;
		if(this->format < EXPORT_FORMAT_IMAGE) {
			// We need a QPrinter for printing, pdf- and ps-export
			paintDevice = new QPrinter(QPrinter::HighResolution);
			static_cast<QPrinter *>(paintDevice)->setOrientation(this->settings->view.zoom ? QPrinter::Portrait : QPrinter::Landscape);
			static_cast<QPrinter *>(paintDevice)->setPageMargins(20, 20, 20, 20, QPrinter::Millimeter);
			if(this->format == EXPORT_FORMAT_PRINTER) {
				// Show the printing dialog
				QPrintDialog dialog(static_cast<QPrinter *>(paintDevice), static_cast<QWidget *>(this->parent()));
				dialog.setWindowTitle(tr("Print oscillograph"));
				if(dialog.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) {
					delete paintDevice;
					return false;
			else {
				// Configure the QPrinter
				static_cast<QPrinter *>(paintDevice)->setOutputFileName(this->filename);
				static_cast<QPrinter *>(paintDevice)->setOutputFormat((this->format == EXPORT_FORMAT_PDF) ? QPrinter::PdfFormat : QPrinter::PostScriptFormat);
		else {
			// We need a QPixmap for image-export
			paintDevice = new QPixmap(this->settings->options.imageSize);
			static_cast<QPixmap *>(paintDevice)->fill(colorValues->background);
		// Create a painter for our device
		QPainter painter(paintDevice);
		// Get line height
		QFont font;
		QFontMetrics fontMetrics(font, paintDevice);
		double lineHeight = fontMetrics.height();
		// Draw the settings table
		double stretchBase = (double) (paintDevice->width() - lineHeight * 10) / 4;
		// Print trigger details
		QString levelString = Helper::valueToString(this->settings->scope.voltage[this->settings->scope.trigger.source].trigger, Helper::UNIT_VOLTS, 3);
		QString pretriggerString = tr("%L1%").arg((int) (this->settings->scope.trigger.position * 100 + 0.5));
		painter.drawText(QRectF(0, 0, lineHeight * 10, lineHeight), tr("%1  %2  %3  %4").arg(this->settings->scope.voltage[this->settings->scope.trigger.source].name, Dso::slopeString(this->settings->scope.trigger.slope), levelString, pretriggerString));
		// Print sample count
		painter.drawText(QRectF(lineHeight * 10, 0, stretchBase, lineHeight), tr("%1 S").arg(this->dataAnalyzer->sampleCount()), QTextOption(Qt::AlignRight));
		// Print samplerate
		painter.drawText(QRectF(lineHeight * 10 + stretchBase, 0, stretchBase, lineHeight), Helper::valueToString(this->settings->scope.horizontal.samplerate, Helper::UNIT_SAMPLES) + tr("/s"), QTextOption(Qt::AlignRight));
		// Print timebase
		painter.drawText(QRectF(lineHeight * 10 + stretchBase * 2, 0, stretchBase, lineHeight), Helper::valueToString(this->settings->scope.horizontal.timebase, Helper::UNIT_SECONDS, 0) + tr("/div"), QTextOption(Qt::AlignRight));
		// Print frequencybase
		painter.drawText(QRectF(lineHeight * 10 + stretchBase * 3, 0, stretchBase, lineHeight), Helper::valueToString(this->settings->scope.horizontal.frequencybase, Helper::UNIT_HERTZ, 0) + tr("/div"), QTextOption(Qt::AlignRight));
		// Draw the measurement table
		stretchBase = (double) (paintDevice->width() - lineHeight * 6) / 10;
		int channelCount = 0;
		for(int channel = this->settings->scope.voltage.count() - 1; channel >= 0; channel--) {
			if((this->settings->scope.voltage[channel].used || this->settings->scope.spectrum[channel].used) && this->dataAnalyzer->data(channel)) {
				double top = (double) paintDevice->height() - channelCount * lineHeight;
				// Print label
				painter.drawText(QRectF(0, top, lineHeight * 4, lineHeight), this->settings->scope.voltage[channel].name);
				// Print coupling/math mode
				if((unsigned int) channel < this->settings->scope.physicalChannels)
					painter.drawText(QRectF(lineHeight * 4, top, lineHeight * 2, lineHeight), Dso::couplingString((Dso::Coupling) this->settings->scope.voltage[channel].misc));
					painter.drawText(QRectF(lineHeight * 4, top, lineHeight * 2, lineHeight), Dso::mathModeString((Dso::MathMode) this->settings->scope.voltage[channel].misc));
				// Print voltage gain
				painter.drawText(QRectF(lineHeight * 6, top, stretchBase * 2, lineHeight), Helper::valueToString(this->settings->scope.voltage[channel].gain, Helper::UNIT_VOLTS, 0) + tr("/div"), QTextOption(Qt::AlignRight));
				// Print spectrum magnitude
				painter.drawText(QRectF(lineHeight * 6 + stretchBase * 2, top, stretchBase * 2, lineHeight), Helper::valueToString(this->settings->scope.spectrum[channel].magnitude, Helper::UNIT_DECIBEL, 0) + tr("/div"), QTextOption(Qt::AlignRight));
				// Amplitude string representation (4 significant digits)
				painter.drawText(QRectF(lineHeight * 6 + stretchBase * 4, top, stretchBase * 3, lineHeight), Helper::valueToString(this->dataAnalyzer->data(channel)->amplitude, Helper::UNIT_VOLTS, 4), QTextOption(Qt::AlignRight));
				// Frequency string representation (5 significant digits)
				painter.drawText(QRectF(lineHeight * 6 + stretchBase * 7, top, stretchBase * 3, lineHeight), Helper::valueToString(this->dataAnalyzer->data(channel)->frequency, Helper::UNIT_HERTZ, 5), QTextOption(Qt::AlignRight));
		// Draw the marker table
		double scopeHeight;
		stretchBase = (double) (paintDevice->width() - lineHeight * 10) / 4;
		// Calculate variables needed for zoomed scope
		double divs = fabs(this->settings->scope.horizontal.marker[1] - this->settings->scope.horizontal.marker[0]);
		double time = divs * this->settings->scope.horizontal.timebase;
		double zoomFactor = DIVS_TIME / divs;
		double zoomOffset = (this->settings->scope.horizontal.marker[0] + this->settings->scope.horizontal.marker[1]) / 2;
		if(this->settings->view.zoom) {
			scopeHeight = (double) (paintDevice->height() - (channelCount + 5) * lineHeight) / 2;
			double top = 2.5 * lineHeight + scopeHeight;
			painter.drawText(QRectF(0, top, stretchBase, lineHeight), tr("Zoom x%L1").arg(DIVS_TIME / divs, -1, 'g', 3));
			painter.drawText(QRectF(lineHeight * 10, top, stretchBase, lineHeight), Helper::valueToString(time, Helper::UNIT_SECONDS, 4), QTextOption(Qt::AlignRight));
			painter.drawText(QRectF(lineHeight * 10 + stretchBase, top, stretchBase, lineHeight), Helper::valueToString(1.0 / time, Helper::UNIT_HERTZ, 4), QTextOption(Qt::AlignRight));
			painter.drawText(QRectF(lineHeight * 10 + stretchBase * 2, top, stretchBase, lineHeight), Helper::valueToString(time / DIVS_TIME, Helper::UNIT_SECONDS, 3) + tr("/div"), QTextOption(Qt::AlignRight));
			painter.drawText(QRectF(lineHeight * 10 + stretchBase * 3, top, stretchBase, lineHeight), Helper::valueToString(divs  * this->settings->scope.horizontal.frequencybase / DIVS_TIME, Helper::UNIT_HERTZ, 3) + tr("/div"), QTextOption(Qt::AlignRight));
		else {
			scopeHeight = (double) paintDevice->height() - (channelCount + 4) * lineHeight;
			double top = 2.5 * lineHeight + scopeHeight;
			painter.drawText(QRectF(0, top, stretchBase, lineHeight), tr("Marker 1/2"));
			painter.drawText(QRectF(lineHeight * 10, top, stretchBase * 2, lineHeight), Helper::valueToString(time, Helper::UNIT_SECONDS, 4), QTextOption(Qt::AlignRight));
			painter.drawText(QRectF(lineHeight * 10 + stretchBase * 2, top, stretchBase * 2, lineHeight), Helper::valueToString(1.0 / time, Helper::UNIT_HERTZ, 4), QTextOption(Qt::AlignRight));
		// Set DIVS_TIME x DIVS_VOLTAGE matrix for oscillograph
		painter.setMatrix(QMatrix((paintDevice->width() - 1) / DIVS_TIME, 0, 0, -(scopeHeight - 1) / DIVS_VOLTAGE, (double) (paintDevice->width() - 1) / 2, (scopeHeight - 1) / 2 + lineHeight * 1.5), false);
		// Draw the graphs
		for(int zoomed = 0; zoomed < (this->settings->view.zoom ? 2 : 1); ++zoomed) {
			switch(this->settings->scope.horizontal.format) {
				case Dso::GRAPHFORMAT_TY:
					// Add graphs for channels
					for(int channel = 0 ; channel < this->settings->scope.voltage.count(); ++channel) {
						if(this->settings->scope.voltage[channel].used && this->dataAnalyzer->data(channel)) {
							// What's the horizontal distance between sampling points?
							double horizontalFactor = this->dataAnalyzer->data(channel)->samples.voltage.interval / this->settings->scope.horizontal.timebase;
							// How many samples are visible?
							double centerPosition, centerOffset;
							if(zoomed) {
								centerPosition = (zoomOffset + DIVS_TIME / 2) / horizontalFactor;
								centerOffset = DIVS_TIME / horizontalFactor / zoomFactor / 2;
							else {
								centerPosition = DIVS_TIME / 2 / horizontalFactor;
								centerOffset = DIVS_TIME / horizontalFactor / 2;
							unsigned int firstPosition = qMax((int) (centerPosition - centerOffset), 0);
							unsigned int lastPosition = qMin((int) (centerPosition + centerOffset), (int) this->dataAnalyzer->data(channel)->samples.voltage.sample.size() - 1);
							// Draw graph
							QPointF *graph = new QPointF[lastPosition - firstPosition + 1];
							for(unsigned int position = firstPosition; position <= lastPosition; ++position)
								graph[position - firstPosition] = QPointF(position * horizontalFactor - DIVS_TIME / 2, this->dataAnalyzer->data(channel)->samples.voltage.sample[position] / this->settings->scope.voltage[channel].gain + this->settings->scope.voltage[channel].offset);
							painter.drawPolyline(graph, lastPosition - firstPosition + 1);
							delete[] graph;
					// Add spectrum graphs
					for (int channel = 0; channel < this->settings->scope.spectrum.count(); ++channel) {
						if(this->settings->scope.spectrum[channel].used && this->dataAnalyzer->data(channel)) {
							// What's the horizontal distance between sampling points?
							double horizontalFactor = this->dataAnalyzer->data(channel)->samples.spectrum.interval / this->settings->scope.horizontal.frequencybase;
							// How many samples are visible?
							double centerPosition, centerOffset;
							if(zoomed) {
								centerPosition = (zoomOffset + DIVS_TIME / 2) / horizontalFactor;
								centerOffset = DIVS_TIME / horizontalFactor / zoomFactor / 2;
							else {
								centerPosition = DIVS_TIME / 2 / horizontalFactor;
								centerOffset = DIVS_TIME / horizontalFactor / 2;
							unsigned int firstPosition = qMax((int) (centerPosition - centerOffset), 0);
							unsigned int lastPosition = qMin((int) (centerPosition + centerOffset), (int) this->dataAnalyzer->data(channel)->samples.spectrum.sample.size() - 1);
							// Draw graph
							QPointF *graph = new QPointF[lastPosition - firstPosition + 1];
							for(unsigned int position = firstPosition; position <= lastPosition; ++position)
								graph[position - firstPosition] = QPointF(position * horizontalFactor - DIVS_TIME / 2, this->dataAnalyzer->data(channel)->samples.spectrum.sample[position] / this->settings->scope.spectrum[channel].magnitude + this->settings->scope.spectrum[channel].offset);
							painter.drawPolyline(graph, lastPosition - firstPosition + 1);
							delete[] graph;
				case Dso::GRAPHFORMAT_XY:
			// Set DIVS_TIME / zoomFactor x DIVS_VOLTAGE matrix for zoomed oscillograph
			painter.setMatrix(QMatrix((paintDevice->width() - 1) / DIVS_TIME * zoomFactor, 0, 0, -(scopeHeight - 1) / DIVS_VOLTAGE, (double) (paintDevice->width() - 1) / 2 - zoomOffset * zoomFactor * (paintDevice->width() - 1) / DIVS_TIME, (scopeHeight - 1) * 1.5 + lineHeight * 4), false);
		// Draw grids
		painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false);
		for(int zoomed = 0; zoomed < (this->settings->view.zoom ? 2 : 1); ++zoomed) {
			// Set DIVS_TIME x DIVS_VOLTAGE matrix for oscillograph
			painter.setMatrix(QMatrix((paintDevice->width() - 1) / DIVS_TIME, 0, 0, -(scopeHeight - 1) / DIVS_VOLTAGE, (double) (paintDevice->width() - 1) / 2, (scopeHeight - 1) * (zoomed + 0.5) + lineHeight * 1.5 + lineHeight * 2.5 * zoomed), false);
			// Grid lines
			if(this->format < EXPORT_FORMAT_IMAGE) {
				// Draw vertical lines
				for(int div = 1; div < DIVS_TIME / 2; ++div) {
					for(int dot = 1; dot < DIVS_VOLTAGE / 2 * 5; ++dot) {
						painter.drawLine(QPointF((double) -div - 0.02, (double) -dot / 5), QPointF((double) -div + 0.02, (double) -dot / 5));
						painter.drawLine(QPointF((double) -div - 0.02, (double) dot / 5), QPointF((double) -div + 0.02, (double) dot / 5));
						painter.drawLine(QPointF((double) div - 0.02, (double) -dot / 5), QPointF((double) div + 0.02, (double) -dot / 5));
						painter.drawLine(QPointF((double) div - 0.02, (double) dot / 5), QPointF((double) div + 0.02, (double) dot / 5));
				// Draw horizontal lines
				for(int div = 1; div < DIVS_VOLTAGE / 2; ++div) {
					for(int dot = 1; dot < DIVS_TIME / 2 * 5; ++dot) {
						painter.drawLine(QPointF((double) -dot / 5, (double) -div - 0.02), QPointF((double) -dot / 5, (double) -div + 0.02));
						painter.drawLine(QPointF((double) dot / 5, (double) -div - 0.02), QPointF((double) dot / 5, (double) -div + 0.02));
						painter.drawLine(QPointF((double) -dot / 5, (double) div - 0.02), QPointF((double) -dot / 5, (double) div + 0.02));
						painter.drawLine(QPointF((double) dot / 5, (double) div - 0.02), QPointF((double) dot / 5, (double) div + 0.02));
			else {
				// Draw vertical lines
				for(int div = 1; div < DIVS_TIME / 2; ++div) {
					for(int dot = 1; dot < DIVS_VOLTAGE / 2 * 5; ++dot) {
						painter.drawPoint(QPointF(-div, (double) -dot / 5));
						painter.drawPoint(QPointF(-div, (double) dot / 5));
						painter.drawPoint(QPointF(div, (double) -dot / 5));
						painter.drawPoint(QPointF(div, (double) dot / 5));
				// Draw horizontal lines
				for(int div = 1; div < DIVS_VOLTAGE / 2; ++div) {
					for(int dot = 1; dot < DIVS_TIME / 2 * 5; ++dot) {
						if(dot % 5 == 0)
							continue;                       // Already done by vertical lines
						painter.drawPoint(QPointF((double) -dot / 5, -div));
						painter.drawPoint(QPointF((double) dot / 5, -div));
						painter.drawPoint(QPointF((double) -dot / 5, div));
						painter.drawPoint(QPointF((double) dot / 5, div));
			// Axes
			painter.drawLine(QPointF(-DIVS_TIME / 2, 0), QPointF(DIVS_TIME / 2, 0));
			painter.drawLine(QPointF(0, -DIVS_VOLTAGE / 2), QPointF(0, DIVS_VOLTAGE / 2));
			for(double div = 0.2; div <= DIVS_TIME / 2; div += 0.2) {
				painter.drawLine(QPointF(div, -0.05), QPointF(div, 0.05));
				painter.drawLine(QPointF(-div, -0.05), QPointF(-div, 0.05));
			for(double div = 0.2; div <= DIVS_VOLTAGE / 2; div += 0.2) {
				painter.drawLine(QPointF(-0.05, div), QPointF(0.05, div));
				painter.drawLine(QPointF(-0.05, -div), QPointF(0.05, -div));
			// Borders
			painter.drawRect(QRectF(-DIVS_TIME / 2, -DIVS_VOLTAGE / 2, DIVS_TIME, DIVS_VOLTAGE));
		if(this->format == EXPORT_FORMAT_IMAGE)
			static_cast<QPixmap *>(paintDevice)->save(this->filename);
		delete paintDevice;
		return true;
	else {
		QFile csvFile(this->filename);
		if(!csvFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text))
			return false;
		QTextStream csvStream(&csvFile);
		for(int channel = 0 ; channel < this->settings->scope.voltage.count(); ++channel) {
			if(this->dataAnalyzer->data(channel)) {
				if(this->settings->scope.voltage[channel].used) {
					// Start with channel name and the sample interval
					csvStream << "\"" << this->settings->scope.voltage[channel].name << "\"," << this->dataAnalyzer->data(channel)->samples.voltage.interval;
					// And now all sample values in volts
					for(unsigned int position = 0; position < this->dataAnalyzer->data(channel)->samples.voltage.sample.size(); ++position)
						csvStream << "," << this->dataAnalyzer->data(channel)->samples.voltage.sample[position];
					// Finally a newline
					csvStream << '\n';
				if(this->settings->scope.spectrum[channel].used) {
					// Start with channel name and the sample interval
					csvStream << "\"" << this->settings->scope.spectrum[channel].name << "\"," << this->dataAnalyzer->data(channel)->samples.spectrum.interval;
					// And now all magnitudes in dB
					for(unsigned int position = 0; position < this->dataAnalyzer->data(channel)->samples.spectrum.sample.size(); ++position)
						csvStream << "," << this->dataAnalyzer->data(channel)->samples.spectrum.sample[position];
					// Finally a newline
					csvStream << '\n';
		return true;
예제 #18
bool printerStream::begin()
    if( !pr.begin(printer) )               // paint on printer
        return false;

    pageWidth = printer->width();
    pageHeight = printer->height();

    if (fwbdebug)
        qDebug("printer dimensions: %dx%d",pageWidth,pageHeight);
        qDebug("Margin: %.1f", margin);

    dpiy = printer->logicalDpiY();
    ymargin = (int) ( (margin/2.54)*dpiy );
// assuming printer's resolutions by X and Y axes are the same
    xmargin = ymargin;
    pageBody = QRect( xmargin,
                      printer->width() - 2 * xmargin,
                      printer->height() - 2 * ymargin );

    yHeaderHeight = int((headerHeight / 2.54) * dpiy);
    yHeaderLine = int(((headerHeight - 0.5) / 2.54) * dpiy);

    QFontMetrics fm = pr.fontMetrics();
    QRect br = fm.boundingRect("Page 999");

    headerTextBox = QRect(xmargin,
                          ymargin + yHeaderLine - fm.lineSpacing() - 1,
                          printer->width() - 2 * xmargin,
                          fm.lineSpacing() + 1);

    headerBox = QRect(xmargin,
                      printer->width() - 2 * xmargin,

    if (fwbdebug)
        qDebug("dpiy=%d", dpiy);
        qDebug("yHeaderHeight=%d", yHeaderHeight);
        qDebug("yHeaderLine=%d", yHeaderLine);
        qDebug("fm.lineSpacing()=%d", fm.lineSpacing());
        qDebug("bounding rect for the header text: l=%d,t=%d,w=%d,h=%d",
               br.left(), br.top(), br.width(), br.height());
        qDebug("headerBox: l=%d,t=%d,w=%d,h=%d",
               headerBox.left(), headerBox.top(),
               headerBox.width(), headerBox.height());
        qDebug("headerTextBox: l=%d,t=%d,w=%d,h=%d",
               headerTextBox.left(), headerTextBox.top(),
               headerTextBox.width(), headerTextBox.height());

    yPos = 0;
    pageNo = 1;

    QPaintDevice *dev = pr.device();
    // lets table with width 1000 pixels be drawn 80% of the page width
    pixmap_scaling_ratio = float(dev->width()) * 0.8 / 1000 * table_scaling;

    return true;
void QgsDecorationCopyright::render( const QgsMapSettings &mapSettings, QgsRenderContext &context )
  Q_UNUSED( mapSettings );
  if ( !enabled() )

  context.painter()->setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing, true );

  QString displayString = QgsExpression::replaceExpressionText( mLabelText, &context.expressionContext() );
  QStringList displayStringList = displayString.split( QStringLiteral( "\n" ) );

  QFontMetricsF fm( mTextFormat.scaledFont( context ) );
  double textWidth = QgsTextRenderer::textWidth( context, mTextFormat, displayStringList, &fm );
  double textHeight = QgsTextRenderer::textHeight( context, mTextFormat, displayStringList, QgsTextRenderer::Point, &fm );

  QPaintDevice *device = context.painter()->device();
  int deviceHeight = device->height() / device->devicePixelRatioF();
  int deviceWidth = device->width() / device->devicePixelRatioF();

  float xOffset( 0 ), yOffset( 0 );

  // Set  margin according to selected units
  switch ( mMarginUnit )
    case QgsUnitTypes::RenderMillimeters:
      int pixelsInchX = context.painter()->device()->logicalDpiX();
      int pixelsInchY = context.painter()->device()->logicalDpiY();
      xOffset = pixelsInchX * INCHES_TO_MM * mMarginHorizontal;
      yOffset = pixelsInchY * INCHES_TO_MM * mMarginVertical;
    case QgsUnitTypes::RenderPixels:
      xOffset = mMarginHorizontal;
      yOffset = mMarginVertical;
    case QgsUnitTypes::RenderPercentage:
      xOffset = ( ( deviceWidth - textWidth ) / 100. ) * mMarginHorizontal;
      yOffset = ( ( deviceHeight - textHeight ) / 100. ) * mMarginVertical;
    case QgsUnitTypes::RenderMapUnits:
    case QgsUnitTypes::RenderPoints:
    case QgsUnitTypes::RenderInches:
    case QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnknownUnit:
    case QgsUnitTypes::RenderMetersInMapUnits:

  // Determine placement of label from form combo box
  QgsTextRenderer::HAlignment horizontalAlignment = QgsTextRenderer::AlignLeft;
  switch ( mPlacement )
    case BottomLeft: // Bottom Left, xOffset is set above
      yOffset = deviceHeight - yOffset;
    case TopLeft: // Top left, xOffset is set above
      yOffset = yOffset + textHeight;
    case TopRight: // Top Right
      yOffset = yOffset + textHeight;
      xOffset = deviceWidth - xOffset;
      horizontalAlignment = QgsTextRenderer::AlignRight;
    case BottomRight: // Bottom Right
      yOffset = deviceHeight - yOffset;
      xOffset = deviceWidth - xOffset;
      horizontalAlignment = QgsTextRenderer::AlignRight;
      QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Unknown placement index of %1" ).arg( static_cast<int>( mPlacement ) ) );

  //Paint label to canvas
  QgsTextRenderer::drawText( QPointF( xOffset, yOffset ), 0.0, horizontalAlignment, displayStringList, context, mTextFormat );

예제 #20
QRect QGLPainterSurface::viewportGL() const
    QPaintDevice *device = m_painter->device();
    return QRect(0, 0, device->width(), device->height());