bool QFileStream::_OpenPlatformImplementation(const QPath &filePath, const EQFileOpenMode &eOpenMode, const bool bIsWritingAllowed, QFileStream::NativeHandle &handle, EQFileSystemError &eErrorInfo) { bool bSuccess = true; using Kinesis::QuimeraEngine::Common::DataTypes::QArrayResult; using Kinesis::QuimeraEngine::Common::DataTypes::i8_q; using Kinesis::QuimeraEngine::Common::DataTypes::EQTextEncoding; QArrayResult<i8_q> szPath = filePath.ToString().ToBytes(EQTextEncoding::E_UTF8); int nAccess = bIsWritingAllowed ? O_RDWR: O_RDONLY; int nPermissions = S_IRWXU; // Read, write and execution permissions for the owner int nOpenMode = 0; switch(eOpenMode) { case EQFileOpenMode::E_Append: case EQFileOpenMode::E_Open: nOpenMode = 0; break; case EQFileOpenMode::E_Create: nOpenMode = O_CREAT | O_EXCL; break; case EQFileOpenMode::E_CreateOrOverwrite: nOpenMode = O_CREAT | O_TRUNC; break; case EQFileOpenMode::E_OpenOrCreate: nOpenMode = O_CREAT; break; default: break; } handle = open(szPath.Get(), nAccess | nOpenMode, nPermissions); const bool FILE_OPENED_SUCCESSFULLY = handle >= 0; if(!FILE_OPENED_SUCCESSFULLY) { bSuccess = false; error_t lastError = errno; QE_ASSERT_ERROR(handle >= 0, string_q("An unexpected error occurred when opening the file \"") + filePath.GetAbsolutePath() + "\". The error code was: " + string_q::FromInteger(lastError) + "."); if(lastError == EACCES) eErrorInfo = EQFileSystemError::E_NoPermissions; else eErrorInfo = EQFileSystemError::E_Unknown; } return bSuccess; }
bool QFileStream::_ClosePlarformImplementation(const QFileStream::NativeHandle &handle, const QPath &filePath) { bool bSuccess = true; int nResult = close(handle); if(nResult < 0) { bSuccess = false; error_t lastError = errno; QE_ASSERT_ERROR(nResult >= 0, string_q("An unexpected error occurred when closing the file \"") + filePath.GetAbsolutePath() + "\". The error code was: " + string_q::FromInteger(lastError) + "."); } return bSuccess; }
bool QFileStream::_WritePlatformImplementation(const void* pInputBuffer, const pointer_uint_q uNumberOfBytes, const pointer_uint_q uFileOffset, const QFileStream::NativeHandle &handle, const QPath &filePath) { bool bSuccess = true; ssize_t nResult = pwrite(handle, pInputBuffer, uNumberOfBytes, uFileOffset); if(nResult < 0) { bSuccess = false; error_t lastError = errno; QE_ASSERT_ERROR(nResult >= 0, string_q("An unexpected error occurred when writing to the file \"") + filePath.GetAbsolutePath() + "\". The error code was: " + string_q::FromInteger(lastError) + "."); } return bSuccess; }
bool QFileStream::_ClosePlarformImplementation(const QFileStream::NativeHandle &handle, const QPath &filePath) { bool bSuccess = true; static const BOOL CLOSE_OPERATION_FAILED = 0; BOOL uCloseHandleResult = ::CloseHandle(handle); if(uCloseHandleResult == CLOSE_OPERATION_FAILED) { bSuccess = false; DWORD uCloseHandleLastError = ::GetLastError(); QE_ASSERT_ERROR(uCloseHandleResult != 0, string_q("An unexpected error occurred when closing the file \"") + filePath.GetAbsolutePath() + "\". The error code was: " + string_q::FromInteger(uCloseHandleLastError) + "."); } return bSuccess; }
bool QFileStream::_OpenPlatformImplementation(const QPath &filePath, const EQFileOpenMode &eOpenMode, const bool bIsWritingAllowed, QFileStream::NativeHandle &handle, EQFileSystemError &eErrorInfo) { bool bSuccess = true; using Kinesis::QuimeraEngine::Common::DataTypes::QArrayResult; using Kinesis::QuimeraEngine::Common::DataTypes::i8_q; QArrayResult<i8_q> arPath = filePath.ToString().ToBytes(string_q::GetLocalEncodingUTF16()); const wchar_t* szPath = rcast_q(arPath.Get(), wchar_t*); DWORD uAccess = bIsWritingAllowed ? GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE : GENERIC_READ; DWORD uOpenMode = 0; switch(eOpenMode) { case EQFileOpenMode::E_Append: case EQFileOpenMode::E_Open: uOpenMode = OPEN_EXISTING; break; case EQFileOpenMode::E_Create: uOpenMode = CREATE_NEW; break; case EQFileOpenMode::E_CreateOrOverwrite: uOpenMode = CREATE_ALWAYS; break; case EQFileOpenMode::E_OpenOrCreate: uOpenMode = OPEN_ALWAYS; break; default: break; } handle = ::CreateFileW(szPath, uAccess, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, uOpenMode, FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS, NULL); const bool FILE_OPENED_SUCCESSFULLY = handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if(!FILE_OPENED_SUCCESSFULLY) { bSuccess = false; DWORD uCreateFileWLastError = ::GetLastError(); QE_ASSERT_ERROR(handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, string_q("An unexpected error occurred when opening the file \"") + filePath.GetAbsolutePath() + "\". The error code was: " + string_q::FromInteger(uCreateFileWLastError) + "."); if(uCreateFileWLastError == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) eErrorInfo = EQFileSystemError::E_NoPermissions; else eErrorInfo = EQFileSystemError::E_Unknown; } return bSuccess; }
bool QFileStream::_WritePlatformImplementation(const void* pInputBuffer, const pointer_uint_q uNumberOfBytes, const pointer_uint_q uFileOffset, const QFileStream::NativeHandle &handle, const QPath &filePath) { bool bSuccess = true; OVERLAPPED offsets; memset(&offsets, 0, sizeof(OVERLAPPED)); // The structure MUST be zero-initialized // Sets the offset from where to start reading #if QE_OS_WINDOWS == 32 offsets.Offset = uFileOffset; offsets.OffsetHigh = 0; #elif QE_OS_WINDOWS == 64 const u32_q* pPosition = rcast_q(&uFileOffset, const u32_q*); #if QE_ENDIANNESS == QE_ENDIANNESS_LITTLEENDIAN offsets.Offset = pPosition[1]; offsets.OffsetHigh = pPosition[0]; #elif QE_ENDIANNESS == QE_ENDIANNESS_BIGENDIAN offsets.Offset = pPosition[0]; offsets.OffsetHigh = pPosition[1]; #endif #endif static const BOOL WRITE_OPERATION_FAILED = 0; BOOL uWriteFileResult = ::WriteFile(handle, pInputBuffer, uNumberOfBytes, NULL, &offsets); if(uWriteFileResult == WRITE_OPERATION_FAILED) { bSuccess = false; DWORD uWriteFileLastError = ::GetLastError(); QE_ASSERT_WARNING(uWriteFileResult != WRITE_OPERATION_FAILED, string_q("An unexpected error occurred when writing to the file \"") + filePath.GetAbsolutePath() + "\". The error code was: " + string_q::FromInteger(uWriteFileLastError) + "."); } return bSuccess; }
EQFileSystemError QFileStream::Open(const QPath &filePath, const EQFileOpenMode &eOpenMode) { QE_ASSERT_ERROR(m_bIsOpen != true, "The file stream is already open."); EQFileSystemError eErrorInfo = EQFileSystemError::E_Unknown; const bool FILE_EXISTS = SQFile::Exists(filePath, eErrorInfo); if((FILE_EXISTS && (eOpenMode == EQFileOpenMode::E_Append || eOpenMode == EQFileOpenMode::E_Open)) || (!FILE_EXISTS && eOpenMode == EQFileOpenMode::E_Create) || eOpenMode == EQFileOpenMode::E_CreateOrOverwrite || eOpenMode == EQFileOpenMode::E_OpenOrCreate) { if(FILE_EXISTS) { QFileInfo fileInfo = SQFile::GetFileInfo(filePath, eErrorInfo); m_uFileSize = scast_q(fileInfo.GetSize(), pointer_uint_q); m_bWritingIsAllowed = !fileInfo.IsReadOnly(); QE_ASSERT_ERROR(!(fileInfo.IsReadOnly() && eOpenMode == EQFileOpenMode::E_CreateOrOverwrite), string_q("The current user does not have permissions to overwrite the file \"") + filePath.GetAbsolutePath() + "\"."); } else { m_uFileSize = 0; m_bWritingIsAllowed = true; } m_path = filePath; bool bOperationSuccessful = QFileStream::_OpenPlatformImplementation(m_path, eOpenMode, m_bWritingIsAllowed, m_nativeHandle, eErrorInfo); if(bOperationSuccessful) { m_bIsOpen = true; eErrorInfo = EQFileSystemError::E_Success; if(eOpenMode == EQFileOpenMode::E_Append) this->SetPosition(m_uFileSize); else this->SetPosition(0); QE_ASSERT_WARNING(m_uFileSize <= pointer_uint_q(-1), "The the file is too large, this class cannot access file offsets over 2^32 - 1 when it is compiled for x86 architecture."); if(m_uFileSize > pointer_uint_q(-1)) { eErrorInfo = EQFileSystemError::E_FileIsTooLarge; } } } else if(FILE_EXISTS && eOpenMode == EQFileOpenMode::E_Create) { eErrorInfo = EQFileSystemError::E_AlreadyExists; } else { eErrorInfo = EQFileSystemError::E_DoesNotExist; } return eErrorInfo; }