예제 #1
void QDirectFbBlitter::drawPixmap(const QRectF &rect, const QPixmap &pixmap, const QRectF &srcRect)
    QPixmapData *data = pixmap.pixmapData();
    Q_ASSERT(data->width() && data->height());
    Q_ASSERT(data->classId() == QPixmapData::BlitterClass);
    QBlittablePixmapData *blitPm = static_cast<QBlittablePixmapData*>(data);
    QDirectFbBlitter *dfbBlitter = static_cast<QDirectFbBlitter *>(blitPm->blittable());

    IDirectFBSurface *s = dfbBlitter->m_surface.data();

    DFBSurfaceBlittingFlags blittingFlags = DSBLIT_NOFX;
    DFBSurfacePorterDuffRule porterDuff = DSPD_SRC;
    if (pixmap.hasAlpha()) {
        blittingFlags = DSBLIT_BLEND_ALPHACHANNEL;
        porterDuff = DSPD_SRC_OVER;

    m_surface->SetBlittingFlags(m_surface.data(), DFBSurfaceBlittingFlags(blittingFlags));
    m_surface->SetPorterDuff(m_surface.data(), porterDuff);
    m_surface->SetDstBlendFunction(m_surface.data(), DSBF_INVSRCALPHA);

    const DFBRectangle sRect = { srcRect.x(), srcRect.y(), srcRect.width(), srcRect.height() };

    DFBResult result;
    if (rect.width() == srcRect.width() && rect.height() == srcRect.height())
        result = m_surface->Blit(m_surface.data(), s, &sRect, rect.x(), rect.y());
    else {
        const DFBRectangle dRect = { rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height() };
        result = m_surface->StretchBlit(m_surface.data(), s, &sRect, &dRect);
    if (result != DFB_OK)
        DirectFBError("QDirectFBBlitter::drawPixmap()", result);
예제 #2
QPixmap rasterPixmap(const QImage &image)
    QPixmapData *data =
        new QRasterPixmapData(QPixmapData::PixmapType);

    data->fromImage(image, Qt::AutoColor);

    return QPixmap(data);
예제 #3
QPixmap rasterPixmap(int width, int height)
    QPixmapData *data =
        new QRasterPixmapData(QPixmapData::PixmapType);

    data->resize(width, height);

    return QPixmap(data);
예제 #4
파일: qpixmap_win.cpp 프로젝트: phen89/rtqt
HBITMAP QPixmap::toWinHBITMAP(HBitmapFormat format) const
    if (isNull())
        return 0;

    HBITMAP bitmap = 0;
    if (data->classId() == QPixmapData::RasterClass) {
        QRasterPixmapData* d = static_cast<QRasterPixmapData*>(data.data());
        int w = d->image.width();
        int h = d->image.height();

        HDC display_dc = GetDC(0);

        // Define the header
        BITMAPINFO bmi;
        memset(&bmi, 0, sizeof(bmi));
        bmi.bmiHeader.biSize        = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
        bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth       = w;
        bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight      = -h;
        bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes      = 1;
        bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount    = 32;
        bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
        bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage   = w * h * 4;

        // Create the pixmap
        uchar *pixels = 0;
        bitmap = CreateDIBSection(display_dc, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void **) &pixels, 0, 0);
        ReleaseDC(0, display_dc);
        if (!bitmap) {
            qErrnoWarning("QPixmap::toWinHBITMAP(), failed to create dibsection");
            return 0;
        if (!pixels) {
            qErrnoWarning("QPixmap::toWinHBITMAP(), did not allocate pixel data");
            return 0;

        // Copy over the data
        QImage::Format imageFormat = QImage::Format_ARGB32;
        if (format == NoAlpha)
            imageFormat = QImage::Format_RGB32;
        else if (format == PremultipliedAlpha)
            imageFormat = QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied;
        const QImage image = d->image.convertToFormat(imageFormat);
        int bytes_per_line = w * 4;
        for (int y=0; y<h; ++y)
            memcpy(pixels + y * bytes_per_line, image.scanLine(y), bytes_per_line);

    } else {
        QPixmapData *data = new QRasterPixmapData(depth() == 1 ?
                                                  QPixmapData::BitmapType : QPixmapData::PixmapType);
        data->fromImage(toImage(), Qt::AutoColor);
        return QPixmap(data).toWinHBITMAP(format);
    return bitmap;
예제 #5

    Returns the VGImage that is storing the contents of \a pixmap.
    Returns VG_INVALID_HANDLE if \a pixmap is not owned by the OpenVG
    graphics system or \a pixmap is invalid.

    This function is typically used to access the backing store
    for a pixmap when executing raw OpenVG calls.  It must only
    be used when a QPainter is active and the OpenVG paint engine
    is in use by the QPainter.

    \sa {QtOpenVG Module}
Q_OPENVG_EXPORT VGImage qPixmapToVGImage(const QPixmap& pixmap)
    QPixmapData *pd = pixmap.pixmapData();
    if (!pd)
        return VG_INVALID_HANDLE; // null QPixmap
    if (pd->classId() == QPixmapData::OpenVGClass) {
        QVGPixmapData *vgpd = static_cast<QVGPixmapData *>(pd);
        if (vgpd->isValid())
            return vgpd->toVGImage();
예제 #6
// returns the QGLPaintDevice for the given QPaintDevice
QGLPaintDevice* QGLPaintDevice::getDevice(QPaintDevice* pd)
    QGLPaintDevice* glpd = 0;

    switch(pd->devType()) {
        case QInternal::Widget:
            // Should not be called on a non-gl widget:
            glpd = &(static_cast<QGLWidget*>(pd)->d_func()->glDevice);
        case QInternal::Pbuffer:
            glpd = &(static_cast<QGLPixelBuffer*>(pd)->d_func()->glDevice);
        case QInternal::FramebufferObject:
            glpd = &(static_cast<QGLFramebufferObject*>(pd)->d_func()->glDevice);
        case QInternal::Pixmap: {
#if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_1)
            QPixmapData* pmd = static_cast<QPixmap*>(pd)->pixmapData();
            if (pmd->classId() == QPixmapData::OpenGLClass)
                glpd = static_cast<QGLPixmapData*>(pmd)->glDevice();
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
            else if (pmd->classId() == QPixmapData::X11Class)
                glpd = static_cast<QX11GLPixmapData*>(pmd);
                qWarning("Pixmap type not supported for GL rendering");
            qWarning("Pixmap render targets not supported on OpenGL ES 1.x");
            qWarning("QGLPaintDevice::getDevice() - Unknown device type %d", pd->devType());

    return glpd;
EGLSurface QGLContextPrivate::eglSurfaceForDevice() const
    // If a QPixmapData had to create the QGLContext, we don't have a paintDevice
    if (!paintDevice)
        return eglSurface;

#ifdef Q_WS_X11
    if (paintDevice->devType() == QInternal::Pixmap) {
        QPixmapData *pmd = static_cast<QPixmap*>(paintDevice)->data_ptr().data();
        if (pmd->classId() == QPixmapData::X11Class) {
            QX11PixmapData* x11PixmapData = static_cast<QX11PixmapData*>(pmd);
            return (EGLSurface)x11PixmapData->gl_surface;

    if (paintDevice->devType() == QInternal::Pbuffer) {
        QGLPixelBuffer* pbuf = static_cast<QGLPixelBuffer*>(paintDevice);
        return pbuf->d_func()->pbuf;

    return eglSurface;
예제 #8
파일: qegl_x11.cpp 프로젝트: husninazer/qt
// NOTE: The X11 version of createSurface will re-create the native drawable if it's visual doesn't
// match the one for the passed in EGLConfig
EGLSurface QEgl::createSurface(QPaintDevice *device, EGLConfig config, const QEglProperties *unusedProperties)

    int devType = device->devType();

    if (devType == QInternal::Pbuffer) {
        // TODO
        return EGL_NO_SURFACE;

    QX11PixmapData *x11PixmapData = 0;
    if (devType == QInternal::Pixmap) {
        QPixmapData *pmd = static_cast<QPixmap*>(device)->data_ptr().data();
        if (pmd->classId() == QPixmapData::X11Class)
            x11PixmapData = static_cast<QX11PixmapData*>(pmd);
        else {
            // TODO: Replace the pixmap's data with a new QX11PixmapData
            qWarning("WARNING: Creating an EGL surface on a QPixmap is only supported for QX11PixmapData");
            return EGL_NO_SURFACE;
    } else if ((devType != QInternal::Widget) && (devType != QInternal::Pbuffer)) {
        qWarning("WARNING: Creating an EGLSurface for device type %d isn't supported", devType);
        return EGL_NO_SURFACE;

    VisualID visualId = QEgl::getCompatibleVisualId(config);
    EGLint alphaSize;
    eglGetConfigAttrib(QEgl::display(), config, EGL_ALPHA_SIZE, &alphaSize);

    if (devType == QInternal::Widget) {
        QWidget *widget = static_cast<QWidget*>(device);

        VisualID currentVisualId = 0;
        if (widget->testAttribute(Qt::WA_WState_Created))
            currentVisualId = XVisualIDFromVisual((Visual*)widget->x11Info().visual());

        if (currentVisualId != visualId) {
            // The window is either not created or has the wrong visual. Either way, we need
            // to create a window with the correct visual and call create() on the widget:

            bool visible = widget->isVisible();
            if (visible)

            XVisualInfo visualInfo;
            visualInfo.visualid = visualId;
                XVisualInfo *visualInfoPtr;
                int matchingCount = 0;
                visualInfoPtr = XGetVisualInfo(widget->x11Info().display(), VisualIDMask,
                                               &visualInfo, &matchingCount);
                Q_ASSERT(visualInfoPtr); // visualId really should be valid!
                visualInfo = *visualInfoPtr;

            Window parentWindow = RootWindow(widget->x11Info().display(), widget->x11Info().screen());
            if (widget->parentWidget())
                parentWindow = widget->parentWidget()->winId();

            XSetWindowAttributes windowAttribs;
            QColormap colmap = QColormap::instance(widget->x11Info().screen());
            windowAttribs.background_pixel = colmap.pixel(widget->palette().color(widget->backgroundRole()));
            windowAttribs.border_pixel = colmap.pixel(Qt::black);

            unsigned int valueMask = CWBackPixel|CWBorderPixel;
            if (alphaSize > 0) {
                windowAttribs.colormap = XCreateColormap(widget->x11Info().display(), parentWindow,
                                                         visualInfo.visual, AllocNone);
                valueMask |= CWColormap;

            Window window = XCreateWindow(widget->x11Info().display(), parentWindow,
                                          widget->x(), widget->y(), widget->width(), widget->height(),
                                          0, visualInfo.depth, InputOutput, visualInfo.visual,
                                          valueMask, &windowAttribs);

            // This is a nasty hack to get round the fact that we can't be a friend of QWidget:
            qt_set_winid_on_widget(widget, window);

            if (visible)

        // At this point, the widget's window should be created and have the correct visual. Now we
        // just need to create the EGL surface for it:
        EGLSurface surf = eglCreateWindowSurface(QEgl::display(), config, (EGLNativeWindowType)widget->winId(), 0);
        if (surf == EGL_NO_SURFACE)
            qWarning("QEglContext::createSurface(): Unable to create EGL surface, error = 0x%x", eglGetError());
        return surf;

    if (x11PixmapData) {
        // X11 Pixmaps are only created with a depth, so that's all we need to check
        EGLint configDepth;
        eglGetConfigAttrib(QEgl::display(), config, EGL_BUFFER_SIZE , &configDepth);
        if (x11PixmapData->depth() != configDepth) {
            // The bit depths are wrong which means the EGLConfig isn't compatable with
            // this pixmap. So we need to replace the pixmap's existing data with a new
            // one which is created with the correct depth:

            if (configDepth == 32) {
                qWarning("Warning: EGLConfig's depth (32) != pixmap's depth (%d), converting to ARGB32",
            } else
                qWarning("Warning: EGLConfig's depth (%d) != pixmap's depth (%d)",
                         configDepth, x11PixmapData->depth());

        QEglProperties surfaceAttribs;

        // If the pixmap can't be bound to a texture, it's pretty useless
        surfaceAttribs.setValue(EGL_TEXTURE_TARGET, EGL_TEXTURE_2D);
        if (alphaSize > 0)
            surfaceAttribs.setValue(EGL_TEXTURE_FORMAT, EGL_TEXTURE_RGBA);
            surfaceAttribs.setValue(EGL_TEXTURE_FORMAT, EGL_TEXTURE_RGB);

        EGLSurface surf = eglCreatePixmapSurface(QEgl::display(), config,
                                                 (EGLNativePixmapType) x11PixmapData->handle(),
        x11PixmapData->gl_surface = (void*)surf;
        return surf;

    return EGL_NO_SURFACE;
예제 #9
// Chooses the EGL config and creates the EGL context
bool QGLContext::chooseContext(const QGLContext* shareContext)

    if (!device())
        return false;

    int devType = device()->devType();

    QX11PixmapData *x11PixmapData = 0;
    if (devType == QInternal::Pixmap) {
        QPixmapData *pmd = static_cast<QPixmap*>(device())->data_ptr().data();
        if (pmd->classId() == QPixmapData::X11Class)
            x11PixmapData = static_cast<QX11PixmapData*>(pmd);
        else {
            // TODO: Replace the pixmap's data with a new QX11PixmapData
            qWarning("WARNING: Creating a QGLContext on a QPixmap is only supported for X11 pixmap backend");
            return false;
    } else if ((devType != QInternal::Widget) && (devType != QInternal::Pbuffer)) {
        qWarning("WARNING: Creating a QGLContext not supported on device type %d", devType);
        return false;

    // Only create the eglContext if we don't already have one:
    if (d->eglContext == 0) {
        d->eglContext = new QEglContext();
        d->ownsEglContext = true;

        // If the device is a widget with WA_TranslucentBackground set, make sure the glFormat
        // has the alpha channel option set:
        if (devType == QInternal::Widget) {
            QWidget* widget = static_cast<QWidget*>(device());
            if (widget->testAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground))

        // Construct the configuration we need for this surface.
        QEglProperties configProps;
        qt_eglproperties_set_glformat(configProps, d->glFormat);

        // Set buffer preserved for regular QWidgets, QGLWidgets are ok with either preserved or destroyed:
        if ((devType == QInternal::Widget) && qobject_cast<QGLWidget*>(static_cast<QWidget*>(device())) == 0)
            configProps.setValue(EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR, EGL_BUFFER_PRESERVED);

        if (!d->eglContext->chooseConfig(configProps, QEgl::BestPixelFormat)) {
            delete d->eglContext;
            d->eglContext = 0;
            return false;

        // Create a new context for the configuration.
        QEglContext* eglSharedContext = shareContext ? shareContext->d_func()->eglContext : 0;
        if (!d->eglContext->createContext(eglSharedContext)) {
            delete d->eglContext;
            d->eglContext = 0;
            return false;
        d->sharing = d->eglContext->isSharing();
        if (d->sharing && shareContext)
            const_cast<QGLContext *>(shareContext)->d_func()->sharing = true;

    // Inform the higher layers about the actual format properties
    qt_glformat_from_eglconfig(d->glFormat, d->eglContext->config());

    // Do don't create the EGLSurface for everything.
    //    QWidget - yes, create the EGLSurface and store it in QGLContextPrivate::eglSurface
    //    QGLWidget - yes, create the EGLSurface and store it in QGLContextPrivate::eglSurface
    //    QPixmap - yes, create the EGLSurface but store it in QX11PixmapData::gl_surface
    //    QGLPixelBuffer - no, it creates the surface itself and stores it in QGLPixelBufferPrivate::pbuf

    if (devType == QInternal::Widget) {
        if (d->eglSurface != EGL_NO_SURFACE)
            eglDestroySurface(d->eglContext->display(), d->eglSurface);
        // extraWindowSurfaceCreationProps default to NULL unless were specifically set before
        d->eglSurface = QEgl::createSurface(device(), d->eglContext->config(), d->extraWindowSurfaceCreationProps);

    if (x11PixmapData) {
        // TODO: Actually check to see if the existing surface can be re-used
        if (x11PixmapData->gl_surface)
            eglDestroySurface(d->eglContext->display(), (EGLSurface)x11PixmapData->gl_surface);

        x11PixmapData->gl_surface = (void*)QEgl::createSurface(device(), d->eglContext->config());

    return true;
예제 #10
    Creates a \c HBITMAP equivalent to the QPixmap. Returns the \c HBITMAP

    If \a mask is not NULL, the mask mode is turned on. In this mode, the bitmap
    mask is also created from the QPixmap's mask and returned in the given
    variable. This bitmap mask will contain two vertically adjacent sections,
    the first of which is the AND mask and the second one is the XOR mask
    (according to WinCreatePointer() specification). Also, in mask mode, the
    HBITMAP returned for the pixmap itself will be prepared for masking (with
    transparent pixels made black). This mode is useful for creating system
    icons and pointers (\sa toPmHPOINTER()).

    if \a embedRealAlpha is \c true, the real alpha chennel (not the 1bpp mask)
    will be embedded in the high 8 bits of the 32-bit pixel value for each pixel
    in the created bitmap (which always has 1 plane and the 32-bit depth). This
    extra information isn't touched by PM/GPI but may be used by custom drawing
    routines to do real alpha blending.

    Note that if \a mask is not NULL but the pixmap does neither have a mask nor
    the alpha channel, an emptpy bitmap mask with no transparency (zeroed AND
    and XOR parts) will be created and returned.

    It is the caller's responsibility to free both returned \c HBITMAP handes
    after use.

    \warning This function is only available on OS/2.

    \sa fromPmHBITMAP(), toPmHPOINTER()
HBITMAP QPixmap::toPmHBITMAP(HBITMAP *mask, bool embedRealAlpha) const
    if (data->classId() != QPixmapData::RasterClass) {
        QPixmapData *data = new QRasterPixmapData(depth() == 1 ?
                                                  QPixmapData::BitmapType :
        data->fromImage(toImage(), Qt::AutoColor);
        return QPixmap(data).toPmHBITMAP(mask, embedRealAlpha);

    QRasterPixmapData* d = static_cast<QRasterPixmapData*>(data.data());
    int w = d->image.width();
    int h = d->image.height();

    HPS hps = qt_alloc_mem_ps(w, h * 2);
    if (hps == NULLHANDLE)
        return NULLHANDLE;


    // Note that we always use ARGB32 even if embedRealAlpha is false because
    // in this case we will use the alpha channel to dither the 1bpp mask
    QImage image = d->image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32);
    // flip the bitmap top to bottom for PM
    image = image.mirrored();

    // bitmap header + 2 palette entries (for the mask)
    char bmi[sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER2) + 4 * 2];
    memset(bmi, 0, sizeof(bmi));
    bmh->cbFix = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER2);
    PULONG pal = (PULONG)(bmi + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER2));

    // create the normal bitmap from the pixmap data
    bmh->cx = w;
    bmh->cy = h;
    bmh->cPlanes = 1;
    bmh->cBitCount = 32;
    hbm = GpiCreateBitmap(hps, bmh, CBM_INIT, (PBYTE)(const uchar *)image.bits(),

    if (mask) {
        // get the mask
        QImage mask;
        if (hasAlpha()) {
            if (!embedRealAlpha) {
                // We prefer QImage::createAlphaMask() over QPixmap::mask()
                // since the former will dither while the latter will convert any
                // non-zero alpha value to an opaque pixel
                mask = image.createAlphaMask().convertToFormat(QImage::Format_Mono);

                // note: for some strange reason, createAlphaMask() (as opposed to
                // mask().toImage()) returns an image already flipped top to bottom,
                // so take it into account

                // create the AND mask
                // add the XOR mask (and leave it zeroed)
                mask = mask.copy(0, -h, w, h * 2);
            } else {
                // if we embedded real alpha, we still need a mask if we are going
                // to create a pointer out of this pixmap (WinCreatePointerIndirect()
                // requirement), but we will use QPixmap::mask() because it won't be
                // able to destroy the alpha channel of non-fully transparent pixels
                // when preparing the color bitmap for masking later. We could also
                // skip this prepare step, but well, let's go this way, it won't hurt.
                mask = this->mask().toImage().convertToFormat(QImage::Format_Mono);

                // create the AND mask
                // add the XOR mask (and leave it zeroed)
                mask = mask.copy(0, 0, w, h * 2);
                // flip the bitmap top to bottom for PM
                mask = mask.mirrored(false, true);
        } else {
            mask = QImage(w, h * 2, QImage::Format_Mono);

        // create the mask bitmap
        bmh->cbFix = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER2);
        bmh->cx = w;
        bmh->cy = h * 2;
        bmh->cPlanes = 1;
        bmh->cBitCount = 1;
        bmh->cclrUsed = 2;
        pal[0] = 0;
        pal[1] = 0x00FFFFFF;
        hbmMask = GpiCreateBitmap(hps, bmh, CBM_INIT,
                                  (PBYTE)(const uchar *)mask.bits(),

        // prepare the bitmap for masking by setting transparent pixels to black
        GpiSetBitmap(hps, hbm);

        POINTL ptls[] = {
            { 0, 0 }, { w - 1, h - 1 },     // dst: inclusive-inclusive
            { 0, h }, { w, h * 2 },         // src: inclusive-exclusive
        ptls[0].y -= h;
        ptls[1].y -= h;
        enum { AllImageAttrs = IBB_COLOR | IBB_BACK_COLOR |
                               IBB_MIX_MODE | IBB_BACK_MIX_MODE };
        GpiSetAttrs(hps, PRIM_IMAGE, AllImageAttrs, 0, (PBUNDLE)&ib);
        GpiDrawBits(hps, (PBYTE)(const uchar *)mask.bits(), (PBITMAPINFO2)&bmi,
                    4, ptls, ROP_SRCAND, BBO_IGNORE);


    if (mask)
        *mask = hbmMask;

    return hbm;