/*! Requests virtual keyboard to close. Normally applications should not need to call this function, keyboard should automatically close when the text editor loses focus, for example when the parent view is closed. */ void QInputMethod::hide() { Q_D(QInputMethod); QPlatformInputContext *ic = d->platformInputContext(); if (ic) ic->hideInputPanel(); }
static void aboutToStopCallback(UApplicationArchive *archive, void* context) { Q_UNUSED(archive) DASSERT(context != NULL); QMirClientClientIntegration* integration = static_cast<QMirClientClientIntegration*>(context); QPlatformInputContext *inputContext = integration->inputContext(); if (inputContext) { inputContext->hideInputPanel(); } else { qWarning("QMirClientClientIntegration aboutToStopCallback(): no input context"); } QWindowSystemInterface::handleApplicationStateChanged(Qt::ApplicationSuspended); }