/* Scribble::Scribble( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QMainWindow( parent, name ) { canvas = new Canvas( this ); setCentralWidget( canvas ); QToolBar *tools = new QToolBar( this ); bSave = new QPushButton( "Save as...", tools ); tools->addSeparator(); bPColor = new QPushButton( "Choose Pen Color...", tools ); // bPColor->setText( "Choose Pen Color..." ); tools->addSeparator(); bPWidth = new QSpinBox( 1, 20, 1, tools ); QToolTip::add( bPWidth, "Choose Pen Width" ); connect( bPWidth, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( slotWidth( int ) ) ); bPWidth->setValue( 3 ); tools->addSeparator(); bClear = new QPushButton( "Clear Screen", tools ); QObject::connect( bSave, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotSave() ) ); QObject::connect( bPColor, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotColor() ) ); QObject::connect( bClear, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotClear() ) ); } */ void Scribble::slotSave() { QPopupMenu *menu = new QPopupMenu( 0 ); QIntDict<QString> formats; formats.setAutoDelete( TRUE ); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < QImageIO::outputFormats().count(); i++ ) { QString str = QString( QImageIO::outputFormats().at( i ) ); formats.insert( menu->insertItem( QString( "%1..." ).arg( str ) ), new QString( str ) ); } menu->setMouseTracking( TRUE ); int id = menu->exec( bSave->mapToGlobal( QPoint( 0, bSave->height() + 1 ) ) ); if ( id != -1 ) { QString format = *formats[ id ]; QString filename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( QString::null, QString( "*.%1" ).arg( format.lower() ), this ); if ( !filename.isEmpty() ) canvas->save( filename, format ); } delete menu; }
void KOEditorFreeBusy::showAttendeeStatusMenu() { if ( mGanttView->mapFromGlobal( QCursor::pos() ).x() > 22 ) return; QPopupMenu popup; popup.insertItem( SmallIcon( "help" ), Attendee::statusName( Attendee::NeedsAction ), Attendee::NeedsAction ); popup.insertItem( KOGlobals::self()->smallIcon( "ok" ), Attendee::statusName( Attendee::Accepted ), Attendee::Accepted ); popup.insertItem( KOGlobals::self()->smallIcon( "no" ), Attendee::statusName( Attendee::Declined ), Attendee::Declined ); popup.insertItem( KOGlobals::self()->smallIcon( "apply" ), Attendee::statusName( Attendee::Tentative ), Attendee::Tentative ); popup.insertItem( KOGlobals::self()->smallIcon( "mail_forward" ), Attendee::statusName( Attendee::Delegated ), Attendee::Delegated ); popup.insertItem( Attendee::statusName( Attendee::Completed ), Attendee::Completed ); popup.insertItem( KOGlobals::self()->smallIcon( "help" ), Attendee::statusName( Attendee::InProcess ), Attendee::InProcess ); popup.setItemChecked( currentAttendee()->status(), true ); int status = popup.exec( QCursor::pos() ); if ( status >= 0 ) { currentAttendee()->setStatus( (Attendee::PartStat)status ); updateCurrentItem(); updateAttendeeInput(); } }
void InterfaceDuel::initMenuBar() { QPopupMenu * menuFile = new QPopupMenu(); CHECK_PTR( menuFile ); menuFile->insertItem( "Load Game", FIL_LOAD ); menuFile->insertItem( "Save Game", FIL_SAVE ); menuFile->insertItem( "Start Game", FIL_START ); menuFile->insertItem( "End Game", FIL_END ); menuFile->insertItem( "Quit", FIL_QUIT ); connect( menuFile, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( slot_menuFileActivated( int ) ) ); QPopupMenu * menuGame = new QPopupMenu(); CHECK_PTR( menuGame ); menuGame->insertItem( "Fight", GAM_FIG ); menuGame->insertItem( "End Fight", GAM_END ); connect( menuGame, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( slot_menuGameActivated( int ) ) ); menuBar()->insertItem( "&File", menuFile ); menuBar()->insertItem( "&Game", menuGame ); }
void VirtualConsole::initMenuBar() { QString dir; _app->settings()->get(KEY_SYSTEM_DIR, dir); dir += QString("/") + PIXMAPPATH; setIcon(dir + QString("/virtualconsole.xpm")); m_layout = new QHBoxLayout(this); m_layout->setAutoAdd(false); m_menuBar = new QMenuBar(this); m_layout->setMenuBar(m_menuBar); // // Add menu // m_addMenu = new QPopupMenu(); m_addMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(dir + "/button.xpm"), "&Button", this, SLOT(slotAddButton()), 0, KVCMenuAddButton); m_addMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(dir + "/slider.xpm"), "&Slider", this, SLOT(slotAddSlider()), 0, KVCMenuAddSlider); m_addMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(dir + "/frame.xpm"), "&Frame", this, SLOT(slotAddFrame()), 0, KVCMenuAddFrame); m_addMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(dir + "/frame.xpm"), "&XY-Pad", this, SLOT(slotAddXYPad()), 0, KVCMenuAddXYPad); m_addMenu->setItemEnabled(KVCMenuAddXYPad, false); m_addMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(dir + "/rename.xpm"), "L&abel", this, SLOT(slotAddLabel()), 0, KVCMenuAddLabel); // // Tools menu // m_toolsMenu = new QPopupMenu(); m_toolsMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(dir + "/settings.xpm"), "&Settings...", this, SLOT(slotToolsSettings()), 0, KVCMenuToolsSettings); m_toolsMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(dir + "/slider.xpm"), "&Default Sliders", this, SLOT(slotToolsSliders()), 0, KVCMenuToolsSliders); m_toolsMenu->insertSeparator(); m_toolsMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(dir + "/panic.xpm"), "&Panic!", this, SLOT(slotToolsPanic()), 0, KVCMenuToolsPanic); // // Foreground menu // QPopupMenu* fgMenu = new QPopupMenu(); fgMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(dir + QString("/color.xpm")), "&Color...", this, SLOT(slotForegroundColor()), 0, KVCMenuForegroundColor); fgMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(dir + QString("/rename.xpm")), "&Font...", this, SLOT(slotForegroundFont()), 0, KVCMenuForegroundFont); fgMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(dir + QString("/fileclose.xpm")), "&Default", this, SLOT(slotForegroundNone()), 0, KVCMenuForegroundNone); // // Background Menu // QPopupMenu* bgMenu = new QPopupMenu(); bgMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(dir + QString("/color.xpm")), "&Color...", this, SLOT(slotBackgroundColor()), 0, KVCMenuBackgroundColor); bgMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(dir + QString("/image.xpm")), "&Image...", this, SLOT(slotBackgroundImage()), 0, KVCMenuBackgroundPixmap); bgMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(dir + QString("/fileclose.xpm")), "&Default", this, SLOT(slotBackgroundNone()), 0, KVCMenuBackgroundNone); bgMenu->insertSeparator(); bgMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(dir + QString("/frame.xpm")), "Toggle &Frame", this, SLOT(slotBackgroundFrame()), 0, KVCMenuBackgroundFrame); // // Stacking order menu // QPopupMenu* stackMenu = new QPopupMenu(); stackMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(dir + QString("/up.xpm")), "&Raise", this, SLOT(slotStackingRaise()), 0, KVCMenuStackingRaise); stackMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(dir + QString("/down.xpm")), "&Lower", this, SLOT(slotStackingLower()), 0, KVCMenuStackingLower); // // Edit menu // m_editMenu = new QPopupMenu(); m_editMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(dir + "/editcut.xpm"), "Cut", this, SLOT(slotEditCut()), 0, KVCMenuEditCut); m_editMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(dir + "/editcopy.xpm"), "Copy", this, SLOT(slotEditCopy()), 0, KVCMenuEditCopy); m_editMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(dir + "/editpaste.xpm"), "Paste", this, SLOT(slotEditPaste()), 0, KVCMenuEditPaste); m_editMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(dir + "/remove.xpm"), "Delete", this, SLOT(slotEditDelete()), 0, KVCMenuEditDelete); m_editMenu->insertSeparator(); m_editMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(dir + "/settings.xpm"), "&Properties...", this, SLOT(slotEditProperties()), 0, KVCMenuEditProperties); m_editMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(dir + QString("/rename.xpm")), "&Rename...", this, SLOT(slotEditRename()), 0, KVCMenuEditRename); m_editMenu->setItemEnabled(KVCMenuEditCut, false); m_editMenu->setItemEnabled(KVCMenuEditCopy, false); m_editMenu->setItemEnabled(KVCMenuEditPaste, false); m_editMenu->insertSeparator(); m_editMenu->insertItem("Foreground", fgMenu, KVCMenuForegroundMin); m_editMenu->insertItem("Background", bgMenu, KVCMenuBackgroundMin); m_editMenu->insertItem("Stacking Order", stackMenu, KVCMenuStackingMin); m_menuBar->insertItem("&Tools", m_toolsMenu); m_menuBar->insertItem("&Add", m_addMenu); m_menuBar->insertItem("&Edit", m_editMenu); }
void ItemXML::contextMenu(QPopupMenu& _menu) { _menu.insertItem("Set Name", this, SLOT(slotRename())); _menu.insertSeparator(); }
void NotifySubscribe::contextMenu(QPopupMenu& _menu) { _menu.insertItem("subscription change", this, SLOT(subscriptionChange())); }
/* In the constructor, we just pass the standard parameters on to QWidget. The menu uses a single slot to simplify the process of adding more items to the options menu. */ ImageViewer::ImageViewer( QWidget *parent, const char *name, int wFlags ) : QWidget( parent, name, wFlags ), conversion_flags( PreferDither ), helpmsg( 0 ) { pickx = -1; picky = -1; clickx = -1; clicky = -1; alloc_context = 0; menubar = new QMenuBar(this); menubar->setSeparator( QMenuBar::InWindowsStyle ); QStrList fmt = QImage::outputFormats(); saveimage = new QPopupMenu( menubar ); savepixmap = new QPopupMenu( menubar ); for (const char* f = fmt.first(); f; f = fmt.next()) { saveimage->insertItem( f ); savepixmap->insertItem( f ); } connect( saveimage, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(saveImage(int)) ); connect( savepixmap, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(savePixmap(int)) ); file = new QPopupMenu( menubar ); menubar->insertItem( "&File", file ); file->insertItem( "&New window", this, SLOT(newWindow()), CTRL+Key_N ); file->insertItem( "&Open...", this, SLOT(openFile()), CTRL+Key_O ); si = file->insertItem( "Save image", saveimage ); sp = file->insertItem( "Save pixmap", savepixmap ); file->insertSeparator(); file->insertItem( "E&xit", qApp, SLOT(quit()), CTRL+Key_Q ); edit = new QPopupMenu( menubar ); menubar->insertItem( "&Edit", edit ); edit->insertItem("&Copy", this, SLOT(copy()), CTRL+Key_C); edit->insertItem("&Paste", this, SLOT(paste()), CTRL+Key_V); edit->insertSeparator(); edit->insertItem("&Horizontal flip", this, SLOT(hFlip()), ALT+Key_H); edit->insertItem("&Vertical flip", this, SLOT(vFlip()), ALT+Key_V); edit->insertItem("&Rotate 180", this, SLOT(rot180()), ALT+Key_R); edit->insertSeparator(); edit->insertItem("&Text...", this, SLOT(editText())); edit->insertSeparator(); t1 = edit->insertItem( "Convert to &1 bit", this, SLOT(to1Bit()) ); t8 = edit->insertItem( "Convert to &8 bit", this, SLOT(to8Bit()) ); t32 = edit->insertItem( "Convert to &32 bit", this, SLOT(to32Bit()) ); options = new QPopupMenu( menubar ); menubar->insertItem( "&Options", options ); ac = options->insertItem( "AutoColor" ); co = options->insertItem( "ColorOnly" ); mo = options->insertItem( "MonoOnly" ); options->insertSeparator(); fd = options->insertItem( "DiffuseDither" ); bd = options->insertItem( "OrderedDither" ); td = options->insertItem( "ThresholdDither" ); options->insertSeparator(); ta = options->insertItem( "ThresholdAlphaDither" ); ba = options->insertItem( "OrderedAlphaDither" ); fa = options->insertItem( "DiffuseAlphaDither" ); options->insertSeparator(); ad = options->insertItem( "PreferDither" ); dd = options->insertItem( "AvoidDither" ); options->insertSeparator(); ss = options->insertItem( "Smooth scaling" ); cc = options->insertItem( "Use color context" ); if ( QApplication::colorSpec() == QApplication::ManyColor ) options->setItemEnabled( cc, FALSE ); options->setCheckable( TRUE ); setMenuItemFlags(); menubar->insertSeparator(); QPopupMenu* help = new QPopupMenu( menubar ); menubar->insertItem( "&Help", help ); help->insertItem( "Help!", this, SLOT(giveHelp()), CTRL+Key_H ); connect( options, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(doOption(int)) ); status = new QLabel(this); status->setFrameStyle( QFrame::WinPanel | QFrame::Sunken ); status->setFixedHeight( fontMetrics().height() + 4 ); setMouseTracking( TRUE ); }
MyWidget::MyWidget( EventChannel_ptr _ec, const std::string& _context, QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QWidget( parent, name ), supplier(_ec, _context), context( _context ) { QBoxLayout *topLayout = new QHBoxLayout(this, 5); // the menu QPopupMenu *fileMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); fileMenu->insertItem( "&Load", this, SLOT( load() ) ); fileMenu->insertItem( "&Quit", qApp, SLOT( quit() ) ); menuBar = new QMenuBar( this ); menuBar->insertItem( "&File", fileMenu ); // ... add to layout topLayout->setMenuBar(menuBar); // the widgets playButton = new QPushButton( "Play", this, "play" ); playButton->setMinimumSize(90, 30); stopButton = new QPushButton( "Stop", this, "stop" ); stopButton->setMinimumSize(90, 30); pauseButton = new QPushButton( "Pause", this, "pause" ); pauseButton->setMinimumSize(90, 30); nextButton = new QPushButton( "Next", this, "next" ); nextButton->setMinimumSize(90, 30); prevButton = new QPushButton( "Prev", this, "prev" ); prevButton->setMinimumSize(90, 30); secLabel = new QLCDNumber( 3, this, "sec" ); centiSecLabel = new QLCDNumber( 2, this, "sec" ); timeSlider = new QSlider( Horizontal, this, "time" ); timeSlider->setRange(0, 1000); timeSlider->setValue(0); speedDial = new QDial( 10, 200, 10, 10, this, "speed" ); speedDial->setWrapping(false); // ... add to the layout QBoxLayout *layout1 = new QVBoxLayout(topLayout, 5); QGridLayout *layout2 = new QGridLayout(layout1, 2, 3, 5); layout2->addWidget(playButton, 0, 0); layout2->addWidget(stopButton, 0, 1); layout2->addWidget(pauseButton, 0, 2); layout2->addWidget(prevButton, 1, 0); QBoxLayout *layout3 = new QHBoxLayout(layout2); layout2->addWidget(nextButton, 1, 2); layout3->addWidget(secLabel); layout3->addWidget(centiSecLabel); layout1->addSpacing(10); layout1->addWidget(timeSlider); topLayout->addWidget(speedDial); // signals n slots connect( timeSlider, SIGNAL( valueChanged(int) ), (MyWidget *)this, SLOT( changed(int) ) ); connect( timeSlider, SIGNAL( sliderPressed() ), (MyWidget *)this, SLOT( beginAction() ) ); connect( timeSlider, SIGNAL( sliderReleased() ), (MyWidget *)this, SLOT( endAction() ) ); connect( timeSlider, SIGNAL( sliderMoved( int ) ), (MyWidget *)this, SLOT( timeAction( int ) ) ); connect( &timer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), (MyWidget *)this, SLOT( step() ) ); connect( playButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), (MyWidget *)this, SLOT( play() ) ); connect( stopButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), (MyWidget *)this, SLOT( stop() ) ); connect( pauseButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), (MyWidget *)this, SLOT( pause() ) ); connect( prevButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), (MyWidget *)this, SLOT( prev() ) ); connect( nextButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), (MyWidget *)this, SLOT( next() ) ); connect( speedDial, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), (MyWidget *)this, SLOT( speed( int ) ) ); connect( speedDial, SIGNAL( dialPressed() ), (MyWidget *)this, SLOT( beginAction() ) ); connect( speedDial, SIGNAL( dialReleased() ), (MyWidget *)this, SLOT( endAction() ) ); action = false; timeSpeed = 10; }
// constructor MyWindow::MyWindow(int w, int h) : red_active(false), red_set(*(new Polygon_set)), blue_set(*(new Polygon_set)), res_set(*(new Polygon_set)) { widget = new CGAL::Qt_widget(this); //Constructs a widget which is a child of this window /* Sets the central widget for this main window to w. * The central widget is surrounded by the left, top, right and bottom dock areas. * The menu bar is above the top dock area */ setCentralWidget(widget); file_name= QString::null; //create a timer for checking if somthing changed QTimer *timer = new QTimer( this ); // constructs a timer whose parent is this window connect( timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(timer_done()) ); // connects the timer to the window timer->start( 200, FALSE ); // Starts the timer with a msec milliseconds timeout // file menu QPopupMenu * file = new QPopupMenu( this ); menuBar()->insertItem( "&File", file ); file->insertItem("&New", this, SLOT(new_instance()), CTRL+Key_N); file->insertItem("New &Window", this, SLOT(new_window()), CTRL+Key_W); file->insertSeparator(); file->insertItem("&Open Linear Polygon file", this, SLOT(open_linear_polygon_file()),CTRL+Key_O); file->insertItem("&Open DXF file", this, SLOT(open_dxf_file()),CTRL+Key_D); file->insertSeparator(); //file->insertItem("&Save",this ,SLOT(save_file()),CTRL+Key_S); //file->insertItem("&Save as",this ,SLOT(save_file_as())); file->insertSeparator(); file->insertItem("Print", widget, SLOT(print_to_ps()), CTRL+Key_P); file->insertSeparator(); file->insertItem( "&Close", this, SLOT(close()), CTRL+Key_X ); file->insertItem( "&Quit", qApp, SLOT( closeAllWindows() ), CTRL+Key_Q ); // help menu QPopupMenu * help = new QPopupMenu( this ); menuBar()->insertItem( "&Help", help ); help->insertItem("How To", this, SLOT(howto()), Key_F1); help->insertSeparator(); help->insertItem("&About", this, SLOT(about()), CTRL+Key_A ); help->insertItem("About &Qt", this, SLOT(aboutQt()) ); //the standard toolbar stoolbar = new CGAL::Qt_widget_standard_toolbar (widget, this, "ST"); radiotoolbar = new QToolBar(this, "polygon type"); blue_pgn = new QRadioButton ("Blue", radiotoolbar); blue_pgn->toggle(); red_pgn = new QRadioButton("Red", radiotoolbar); radio_group = new QVButtonGroup(this,"Radios"); radio_group->insert(blue_pgn); radio_group->insert(red_pgn); radio_group->setRadioButtonExclusive(true); connect(blue_pgn, SIGNAL(toggled (bool)), this, SLOT(radio_selected())); connect(red_pgn, SIGNAL(toggled (bool)), this, SLOT(radio_selected())); //layers //widget->attach(&testlayer); //the new tools toolbar newtoolbar = new Tools_toolbar(widget, this); // voronoi toolbar bops_toolbar = new QToolBar(this, "Boolean operations"); QIconSet set0(QPixmap( (const char**)intersection_xpm ), QPixmap( (const char**)intersection_xpm )); intersection_but = new QToolButton(bops_toolbar, "Boolean operations"); intersection_but->setAutoRaise(TRUE); intersection_but->setIconSet(set0); intersection_but->setTextLabel("Intersection "); connect(intersection_but,SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(perform_intersection())); QIconSet set1(QPixmap( (const char**)union_xpm ), QPixmap( (const char**)union_xpm )); bops_toolbar->addSeparator(); union_but = new QToolButton(bops_toolbar, "Boolean operations"); union_but->setAutoRaise(TRUE); union_but->setIconSet(set1); union_but->setTextLabel("Union "); connect(union_but,SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(perform_union())); QIconSet set2(QPixmap( (const char**)diff_PQ_xpm ), QPixmap( (const char**)diff_PQ_xpm )); bops_toolbar->addSeparator(); diff_but2 = new QToolButton(bops_toolbar, "Boolean operations"); diff_but2->setAutoRaise(TRUE); diff_but2->setIconSet(set2); diff_but2->setTextLabel("Difference between Blue and Red"); connect(diff_but2, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(perform_diff2())); QIconSet set3(QPixmap( (const char**)diff_QP_xpm ), QPixmap( (const char**)diff_QP_xpm )); bops_toolbar->addSeparator(); diff_but = new QToolButton(bops_toolbar, "Boolean operations"); diff_but->setAutoRaise(TRUE); diff_but->setIconSet(set3); diff_but->setTextLabel("Difference between Red and Blue"); connect(diff_but, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(perform_diff())); QIconSet set4(QPixmap( (const char**)symm_diff_xpm ), QPixmap( (const char**)symm_diff_xpm )); bops_toolbar->addSeparator(); symm_diff_but = new QToolButton(bops_toolbar, "Boolean operations"); symm_diff_but->setAutoRaise(TRUE); symm_diff_but->setIconSet(set4); symm_diff_but->setTextLabel("Symmetric Difference "); connect(symm_diff_but, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(perform_symm_diff())); QIconSet set12(QPixmap( (const char**)mink_sum_xpm ), QPixmap( (const char**)mink_sum_xpm )); bops_toolbar->addSeparator(); mink_sum_but = new QToolButton(bops_toolbar, "Boolean operations"); mink_sum_but->setAutoRaise(TRUE); mink_sum_but->setIconSet(set12); mink_sum_but->setTextLabel("Minkowski Sum "); connect(mink_sum_but, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(perform_mink_sum())); QIconSet set5(QPixmap( (const char**)comp_P_xpm ), QPixmap( (const char**)comp_P_xpm )); bops_toolbar->addSeparator(); blue_complement_but = new QToolButton(bops_toolbar, "Boolean operations"); blue_complement_but->setAutoRaise(TRUE); blue_complement_but->setIconSet(set5); blue_complement_but->setTextLabel("Blue Complement "); connect(blue_complement_but, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(perform_blue_complement())); QIconSet set6(QPixmap( (const char**)comp_Q_xpm ), QPixmap( (const char**)comp_Q_xpm )); bops_toolbar->addSeparator(); red_complement_but = new QToolButton(bops_toolbar, "Boolean operations"); red_complement_but->setAutoRaise(TRUE); red_complement_but->setIconSet(set6); red_complement_but->setTextLabel("Red Complement "); connect(red_complement_but, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(perform_red_complement())); QIconSet set7(QPixmap( (const char**)make_P_xpm ), QPixmap( (const char**)make_P_xpm )); bops_toolbar->addSeparator(); make_res_blue_but = new QToolButton(bops_toolbar, "Boolean operations"); make_res_blue_but->setAutoRaise(TRUE); make_res_blue_but->setIconSet(set7); make_res_blue_but->setTextLabel("Make Result Blue"); connect(make_res_blue_but,SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(make_res_blue())); QIconSet set8(QPixmap( (const char**)make_Q_xpm ), QPixmap( (const char**)make_Q_xpm )); bops_toolbar->addSeparator(); make_res_red_but = new QToolButton(bops_toolbar, "Boolean operations"); make_res_red_but->setAutoRaise(TRUE); make_res_red_but->setIconSet(set8); make_res_red_but->setTextLabel("Make Result Red"); connect(make_res_red_but,SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(make_res_red())); QIconSet set9(QPixmap( (const char**)refresh_xpm ), QPixmap( (const char**)refresh_xpm )); bops_toolbar->addSeparator(); refresh_but = new QToolButton(bops_toolbar, "Boolean operations"); refresh_but->setAutoRaise(TRUE); refresh_but->setIconSet(set9); refresh_but->setTextLabel("Refresh "); connect(refresh_but,SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(refresh())); QIconSet set10(QPixmap( (const char**)del_P_xpm ), QPixmap( (const char**)del_P_xpm )); bops_toolbar->addSeparator(); delete_blue_but = new QToolButton(bops_toolbar, "Boolean operations"); delete_blue_but->setAutoRaise(TRUE); delete_blue_but->setIconSet(set10); delete_blue_but->setTextLabel("Delete Blue Polygons"); connect(delete_blue_but,SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(delete_blue_polygons())); QIconSet set11(QPixmap( (const char**)del_Q_xpm ), QPixmap( (const char**)del_Q_xpm )); bops_toolbar->addSeparator(); delete_red_but = new QToolButton(bops_toolbar, "Boolean operations"); delete_red_but->setAutoRaise(TRUE); delete_red_but->setIconSet(set11); delete_red_but->setTextLabel("Delete Red Polygons"); connect(delete_red_but,SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(delete_red_polygons())); *widget << CGAL::LineWidth(2) << CGAL::BackgroundColor (CGAL::BLACK); resize(w,h); widget->set_window(-1, 1, -1, 1); widget->setMouseTracking(TRUE); //connect the widget to the main function that receives the objects connect(widget, SIGNAL(new_cgal_object(CGAL::Object)), this, SLOT(get_new_object(CGAL::Object))); //application flag stuff old_state = 0; current_state = 1; red_active = false; red_set.clear(); blue_set.clear(); res_set.clear(); }
FLHelpWindow::FLHelpWindow(const QString &home_, const QString &_path, QWidget *parent, const char *name) : QMainWindow(parent, name, WDestructiveClose), pathCombo(0), selectedURL() { readHistory(); readBookmarks(); browser = new QTextBrowser(this); browser->mimeSourceFactory() ->setFilePath(_path); browser->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken); connect(browser, SIGNAL(textChanged()), this, SLOT(textChanged())); setCentralWidget(browser); if (!home_.isEmpty()) browser->setSource(home_); connect(browser, SIGNAL(highlighted(const QString &)), statusBar(), SLOT(message(const QString &))); resize(640, 700); QPopupMenu *file = new QPopupMenu(this); file->insertItem(tr("&Imprimir"), this, SLOT(print()), CTRL + Key_I); file->insertSeparator(); file->insertItem(tr("&Cerrar"), this, SLOT(close()), Key_Escape); // The same three icons are used twice each. QIconSet icon_back(QPixmap::fromMimeSource("previous.png")); QIconSet icon_forward(QPixmap::fromMimeSource("next.png")); QIconSet icon_home(QPixmap::fromMimeSource("home.png")); QPopupMenu *go = new QPopupMenu(this); backwardId = go->insertItem(icon_back, tr("&Atrás"), browser, SLOT(backward()), CTRL + Key_Left); forwardId = go->insertItem(icon_forward, tr("&Adelante"), browser, SLOT(forward()), CTRL + Key_Right); go->insertItem(icon_home, tr("&Inicio"), browser, SLOT(home())); QPopupMenu *help = new QPopupMenu(this); help->insertItem(tr("&Acerca ..."), this, SLOT(about())); help->insertItem(tr("Acerca de &Qt ..."), this, SLOT(aboutQt())); hist = new QPopupMenu(this); QStringList::Iterator it = history.begin(); for (; it != history.end(); ++it) mHistory[ hist->insertItem(*it)] = *it; connect(hist, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(histChosen(int))); bookm = new QPopupMenu(this); bookm->insertItem(tr("Agregar Favorito"), this, SLOT(addBookmark())); bookm->insertSeparator(); QStringList::Iterator it2 = bookmarks.begin(); for (; it2 != bookmarks.end(); ++it2) mBookmarks[ bookm->insertItem(*it2)] = *it2; connect(bookm, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(bookmChosen(int))); menuBar() ->insertItem(tr("&Archivo"), file); menuBar() ->insertItem(tr("&Ir"), go); menuBar() ->insertItem(tr("Historial"), hist); menuBar() ->insertItem(tr("Favoritos"), bookm); menuBar() ->insertSeparator(); menuBar() ->insertItem(tr("&Ayuda"), help); menuBar() ->setItemEnabled(forwardId, FALSE); menuBar() ->setItemEnabled(backwardId, FALSE); connect(browser, SIGNAL(backwardAvailable(bool)), this, SLOT(setBackwardAvailable(bool))); connect(browser, SIGNAL(forwardAvailable(bool)), this, SLOT(setForwardAvailable(bool))); QToolBar *toolbar = new QToolBar(this); addToolBar(toolbar, "Toolbar"); QToolButton *button; button = new QToolButton(icon_back, tr("Atrás"), "", browser, SLOT(backward()), toolbar); connect(browser, SIGNAL(backwardAvailable(bool)), button, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); button->setEnabled(FALSE); button = new QToolButton(icon_forward, tr("Adelante"), "", browser, SLOT(forward()), toolbar); connect(browser, SIGNAL(forwardAvailable(bool)), button, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); button->setEnabled(FALSE); button = new QToolButton(icon_home, tr("Inicio"), "", browser, SLOT(home()), toolbar); toolbar->addSeparator(); pathCombo = new QComboBox(TRUE, toolbar); connect(pathCombo, SIGNAL(activated(const QString &)), this, SLOT(pathSelected(const QString &))); toolbar->setStretchableWidget(pathCombo); setRightJustification(TRUE); setDockEnabled(DockLeft, FALSE); setDockEnabled(DockRight, FALSE); pathCombo->insertItem(home_); browser->setFocus(); }
kernelinfo::kernelinfo() : QMainWindow( 0, "kernelinfo", WDestructiveClose ) { printer = new QPrinter; QPixmap openIcon, saveIcon, printIcon; QToolBar * fileTools = new QToolBar( this, "file operations" ); fileTools->setLabel( tr("File Operations") ); openIcon = QPixmap( fileopen ); QToolButton * fileOpen = new QToolButton( openIcon, tr("Open File"), QString::null, this, SLOT(choose()), fileTools, "open file" ); saveIcon = QPixmap( filesave ); QToolButton * fileSave = new QToolButton( saveIcon, tr("Save File"), QString::null, this, SLOT(save()), fileTools, "save file" ); printIcon = QPixmap( fileprint ); QToolButton * filePrint = new QToolButton( printIcon, tr("Print File"), QString::null, this, SLOT(print()), fileTools, "print file" ); (void)QWhatsThis::whatsThisButton( fileTools ); QString fileOpenText = tr("<p><img source=\"fileopen\"> " "Click this button to open a <em>new file</em>. <br>" "You can also select the <b>Open</b> command " "from the <b>File</b> menu.</p>"); QWhatsThis::add( fileOpen, fileOpenText ); QMimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory()->setPixmap( "fileopen", openIcon ); QString fileSaveText = tr("<p>Click this button to save the file you " "are editing. You will be prompted for a file name.\n" "You can also select the <b>Save</b> command " "from the <b>File</b> menu.</p>"); QWhatsThis::add( fileSave, fileSaveText ); QString filePrintText = tr("Click this button to print the file you " "are editing.\n You can also select the Print " "command from the File menu."); QWhatsThis::add( filePrint, filePrintText ); QPopupMenu * file = new QPopupMenu( this ); menuBar()->insertItem( tr("&File"), file ); file->insertItem( tr("&New"), this, SLOT(newDoc()), CTRL+Key_N ); int id; id = file->insertItem( openIcon, tr("&Open..."), this, SLOT(choose()), CTRL+Key_O ); file->setWhatsThis( id, fileOpenText ); id = file->insertItem( saveIcon, tr("&Save"), this, SLOT(save()), CTRL+Key_S ); file->setWhatsThis( id, fileSaveText ); id = file->insertItem( tr("Save &As..."), this, SLOT(saveAs()) ); file->setWhatsThis( id, fileSaveText ); file->insertSeparator(); id = file->insertItem( printIcon, tr("&Print..."), this, SLOT(print()), CTRL+Key_P ); file->setWhatsThis( id, filePrintText ); file->insertSeparator(); file->insertItem( tr("&Close"), this, SLOT(close()), CTRL+Key_W ); file->insertItem( tr("&Quit"), qApp, SLOT( closeAllWindows() ), CTRL+Key_Q ); menuBar()->insertSeparator(); QPopupMenu * help = new QPopupMenu( this ); menuBar()->insertItem( tr("&Help"), help ); help->insertItem( tr("&About"), this, SLOT(about()), Key_F1 ); help->insertItem( tr("About &Qt"), this, SLOT(aboutQt()) ); help->insertSeparator(); help->insertItem( tr("What's &This"), this, SLOT(whatsThis()), SHIFT+Key_F1 ); e = new QTextEdit( this, "editor" ); e->setFocus(); setCentralWidget( e ); statusBar()->message( tr("Ready"), 2000 ); resize( 450, 600 ); }
int HexWidget::initMenu() { windowList.append(this); CurrentFile=new HexFile(this); unsaved( false ); connect(CurrentFile, SIGNAL( unsaved(bool) ), SLOT( unsaved(bool) )); QPopupMenu *file = new QPopupMenu; file->insertItem( i18n("&New Window..."), ID_FILE_NEWWIN); file->insertSeparator(); file->insertItem( i18n("&Open..."), ID_FILE_OPEN ); file->insertItem( i18n("&Save"), ID_FILE_SAVE); file->insertItem( i18n("Save &As..."), ID_FILE_SAVEAS); file->insertItem( i18n("&Close"), ID_FILE_CLOSE); file->insertSeparator(); file->insertItem( i18n("&Quit"), ID_FILE_QUIT); QPopupMenu *edit = new QPopupMenu; edit->insertItem( i18n("&Copy"), ID_EDIT_COPY); edit->insertItem( i18n("&Paste"), ID_EDIT_PASTE); edit->insertItem( i18n("C&ut"), ID_EDIT_CUT); QPopupMenu *view = new QPopupMenu; view->insertItem( i18n("&Toggle Toolbar"), ID_VIEW_TOOLBAR); // view->insertItem( "Toggle Statusbar", ID_VIEW_STATUSBAR); QPopupMenu *help = kapp->getHelpMenu(true, QString(i18n("Hex Editor")) + " " + KHEXDIT_VERSION + i18n("\n\nby Stephan Kulow") + " ([email protected])"); connect (file, SIGNAL (activated (int)), SLOT (menuCallback (int))); connect (edit, SIGNAL (activated (int)), SLOT (menuCallback (int))); connect (help, SIGNAL (activated (int)), SLOT (menuCallback (int))); connect (view, SIGNAL (activated (int)), SLOT (menuCallback (int))); menu = new KMenuBar( this ); CHECK_PTR( menu ); menu->insertItem( i18n("&File"), file ); menu->insertItem( i18n("&Edit"), edit); menu->insertItem( i18n("&View"), view ); menu->insertSeparator(); menu->insertItem( i18n("&Help"), help ); menu->show(); setMenu(menu); KIconLoader *loader = kapp->getIconLoader(); toolbar = new KToolBar(this); toolbar->insertButton(loader->loadIcon("filenew.xpm"), ID_FILE_NEWWIN, true, i18n("New Window")); toolbar->insertButton(loader->loadIcon("fileopen.xpm"),ID_FILE_OPEN, true, i18n("Open a file")); toolbar->insertButton(loader->loadIcon("filefloppy.xpm"), ID_FILE_SAVE, true, i18n("Save the file")); toolbar->insertSeparator(); toolbar->insertButton(loader->loadIcon("editcut.xpm"),ID_EDIT_CUT, false, i18n("Not implemented")); toolbar->insertButton(loader->loadIcon("editcopy.xpm"),ID_EDIT_COPY, false, i18n("Not implemented")); toolbar->insertButton(loader->loadIcon("editpaste.xpm"),ID_EDIT_PASTE, false, i18n("Not implemented")); toolbar->insertSeparator(); toolbar->insertButton(loader->loadIcon("fileprint.xpm"),ID_FILE_PRINT, false, i18n("Not implemented")); addToolBar(toolbar); toolbar->setBarPos(KToolBar::Top); toolbar->show(); connect(toolbar, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), SLOT(menuCallback(int))); // KStatusBar *stat = new KStatusBar(this); // stat->show(); // setStatusBar(stat); kfm = 0L; setView(CurrentFile); dropZone = new KDNDDropZone( this , DndURL); connect( dropZone, SIGNAL( dropAction( KDNDDropZone *) ), SLOT( slotDropEvent( KDNDDropZone *) ) ); show(); return 0; }
/*! MyWindow constructor * \param w - window width * \param h - window hight */ MyWindow::MyWindow(int w, int h) : num_of_colors(18) { myBar = new QTabWidget(this); setCentralWidget(myBar); m_width = w; m_height = h; tab_number = 0; number_of_tabs = 0; testlayer = new Qt_layer( myBar ); colors_flag = true; statusBar(); m_scailing_factor = 2; // Traits Group QActionGroup *traitsGroup = new QActionGroup( this ); // Connected later traitsGroup->setExclusive( TRUE ); /*setSegmentTraits = new QAction("Segment Traits", QPixmap( (const char**)line_xpm ), "&Segment Traits", 0 ,traitsGroup, "Segment Traits" ); setSegmentTraits->setToggleAction( TRUE ); setPolylineTraits = new QAction("Polyline Traits", QPixmap( (const char**)polyline_xpm ), "&Polyline Traits", 0 , traitsGroup, "Polyline Traits" ); setPolylineTraits->setToggleAction( TRUE ); #ifdef CGAL_USE_CORE setConicTraits = new QAction("Conic Traits", QPixmap( (const char**)conic_xpm ), "&Conic Traits", 0 , traitsGroup, "Conic Traits" ); setConicTraits->setToggleAction( TRUE ); #endif */ // Snap Mode Group setSnapMode = new QAction("Snap Mode", QPixmap( (const char**)snapvertex_xpm ), "&Snap Mode", 0 , this, "Snap Mode" ); setSnapMode->setToggleAction( TRUE ); setGridSnapMode = new QAction("Grid Snap Mode", QPixmap( (const char**)snapgrid_xpm ), "&Grid Snap Mode", 0 , this, "Grid Snap Mode" ); setGridSnapMode->setToggleAction( TRUE ); // insert - delete - point_location Mode Group QActionGroup *modeGroup = new QActionGroup( this ); // Connected later modeGroup->setExclusive( TRUE ); insertMode = new QAction("Insert", QPixmap( (const char**)insert_xpm ), "&Insert", 0 , modeGroup, "Insert" ); insertMode->setToggleAction( TRUE ); deleteMode = new QAction("Delete", QPixmap( (const char**)delete_xpm ), "&Delete", 0 , modeGroup, "Delete" ); deleteMode->setToggleAction( TRUE ); pointLocationMode = new QAction("PointLocation", QPixmap( (const char**)pointlocation_xpm ), "&Point Location", 0 , modeGroup, "Point Location" ); pointLocationMode->setToggleAction( TRUE ); dragMode = new QAction("Drag", QPixmap( (const char**)hand_xpm ), "&Drag", 0 , modeGroup, "Drag" ); dragMode->setToggleAction( TRUE ); // zoom in zoominBt = new QAction("Zoom in", QPixmap( (const char**)zoomin_xpm ), "&Zoom in", 0 , this, "Zoom in" ); // zoom out zoomoutBt = new QAction("Zoom out", QPixmap( (const char**)zoomout_xpm ), "&Zoom out", 0 , this, "Zoom out" ); // color dialog color_dialog_bt = new QAction("Choose color", QPixmap( (const char**)demo_colors_xpm ), "&choose color", 0 , this, "choose color" ); // Cartograms carto_new = new QAction("New instance", QPixmap( (const char**)carto_new_xpm ), "&New instance", 0 , this, "New instance" ); carto_weights = new QAction("Set weights", QPixmap( (const char**)carto_weights_xpm ), "&Set weights", 0 , this, "Set weights" ); carto_start = new QAction("Start Cartogram", QPixmap( (const char**)carto_start_xpm ), "&Start Cartogram", 0 , this, "Start Cartogram" ); carto_it = new QAction("Next step", QPixmap( (const char**)carto_nextIt_xpm ), "&Next step", 0 , this, "Next step" ); /* #ifdef CGAL_USE_CORE // Conic Type Group QActionGroup *conicTypeGroup = new QActionGroup( this ); // Connected later conicTypeGroup->setExclusive( TRUE ); setCircle = new QAction("Circle", QPixmap( (const char**)demo_conic_circle_xpm ), "&Circle", 0 ,conicTypeGroup, "Circle" ); setCircle->setToggleAction( TRUE ); setSegment = new QAction("Segment", QPixmap( (const char**)demo_conic_segment_xpm ), "&Segment", 0 ,conicTypeGroup, "Segment" ); setSegment->setToggleAction( TRUE ); setEllipse = new QAction("Ellipse", QPixmap( (const char**)demo_conic_ellipse_xpm ), "&Ellipse", 0 ,conicTypeGroup, "Ellipse" ); setEllipse->setToggleAction( TRUE ); setParabola = new QAction("3 Points Arc", QPixmap( (const char**)demo_conic_3points_xpm ), "&3 Points Arc", 0 ,conicTypeGroup, "3 Points Arc" ); setParabola->setToggleAction( TRUE ); setHyperbola = new QAction("5 Points Arc", QPixmap( (const char**)demo_conic_5points_xpm ), "&5 Points Arc", 0 ,conicTypeGroup, "5 Points Arc" ); setHyperbola->setToggleAction( TRUE ); #endif */ //create a timer for checking if somthing changed QTimer *timer = new QTimer( this ); connect( timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(timer_done()) ); timer->start( 200, FALSE ); // file menu QPopupMenu * file = new QPopupMenu( this ); menuBar()->insertItem( "&File", file ); /* file->insertItem("&Open Segment File...", this, SLOT(fileOpenSegment())); file->insertItem("&Open Polyline File...", this, SLOT(fileOpenPolyline()));\ file->insertItem("&Open Segment Arr File...", this, SLOT(fileOpenSegmentPm())); file->insertItem("&Open Polyline Arr File...", this, SLOT(fileOpenPolylinePm())); file->insertItem("&Open Conic Pm File", this, SLOT(fileOpenConicPm())); */ file->insertItem("&Open Input File...", this, SLOT(fileOpenSegment())); file->insertItem("&Open Output File...", this, SLOT(fileOpenConic())); file->insertItem("&Save...", this, SLOT(fileSave())); file->insertItem("&Save As...", this, SLOT(fileSaveAs())); //file->insertItem("&Save to ps...", this, SLOT(fileSave_ps())); file->insertSeparator(); file->insertItem("&Print...", this , SLOT(print())); file->insertSeparator(); file->insertItem( "&Close", this, SLOT(close()), CTRL+Key_X ); file->insertItem( "&Quit", qApp, SLOT( closeAllWindows() ), CTRL+Key_Q ); menuBar()->insertSeparator(); // tab menu QPopupMenu * tab = new QPopupMenu( this ); menuBar()->insertItem( "&Tab", tab ); /* tab->insertItem("Add &Segment Tab", this, SLOT(add_segment_tab())); tab->insertItem("Add &Polyline Tab", this, SLOT(add_polyline_tab())); #ifdef CGAL_USE_CORE tab->insertItem("Add &Conic Tab", this, SLOT(add_conic_tab())); tab->insertSeparator(); #endif */ tab->insertItem("Remove &Tab", this, SLOT(remove_tab())); menuBar()->insertSeparator(); // mode menu QPopupMenu * mode = new QPopupMenu( this ); menuBar()->insertItem( "&Mode", mode ); insertMode->addTo( mode ); deleteMode->addTo( mode ); pointLocationMode->addTo( mode ); dragMode->addTo( mode ); menuBar()->insertSeparator(); // snap mode menu QPopupMenu * snap_mode = new QPopupMenu( this ); menuBar()->insertItem( "&Snap mode", snap_mode ); setSnapMode->addTo(snap_mode); setGridSnapMode->addTo(snap_mode); menuBar()->insertSeparator(); // traits menu /*QPopupMenu * traits = new QPopupMenu( this ); menuBar()->insertItem( "&Traits Type", traits ); setSegmentTraits->addTo(traits); setPolylineTraits->addTo(traits); #ifdef CGAL_USE_CORE setConicTraits->addTo(traits); #endif */ // options menu QPopupMenu * options = new QPopupMenu( this ); menuBar()->insertItem( "&Options", options ); options->insertSeparator(); //options->insertItem("Overlay...", this, SLOT(overlay_pm())); options->insertSeparator(); options->insertItem("Properties...", this, SLOT(properties())); options->insertSeparator(); options->insertItem("Show Grid", this, SLOT(showGrid())); options->insertItem("Hide Grid", this, SLOT(hideGrid())); options->insertSeparator(); //options->insertItem("Conic Type", this, SLOT(conicType())); //options->insertSeparator(); options->insertItem("Unbounded Face Color...", this, SLOT(backGroundColor())); options->insertSeparator(); options->insertItem("Edge Color...", this, SLOT(changeEdgeColor())); options->insertSeparator(); options->insertItem("Vertex Color...", this, SLOT(changeVertexColor())); options->insertSeparator(); /*options->insertItem("Point-Locaiton Strategy....", this , SLOT(pointLocationStrategy())); */ QToolBar *modeTools = new QToolBar( this, "mode operations" ); modeTools->setLabel( "Mode Operations" ); insertMode->addTo( modeTools ); deleteMode->addTo( modeTools ); pointLocationMode->addTo( modeTools ); dragMode->addTo( modeTools ); modeTools->addSeparator(); QToolBar *snapModeTools = new QToolBar( this, "snapMode operations" ); snapModeTools->setLabel( "Snap Mode Operations" ); snapModeTools->addSeparator(); setSnapMode->addTo( snapModeTools ); setGridSnapMode->addTo( snapModeTools ); snapModeTools->addSeparator(); /*QToolBar *traitsTool = new QToolBar( this, "traits type" ); traitsTool->setLabel( "Traits Type" ); traitsTool->addSeparator(); setSegmentTraits->addTo( traitsTool ); setPolylineTraits->addTo( traitsTool ); #ifdef CGAL_USE_CORE setConicTraits->addTo( traitsTool ); #endif traitsTool->addSeparator(); */ QToolBar *zoomTool = new QToolBar( this, "zoom" ); zoomTool->setLabel( "Zoom" ); zoomTool->addSeparator(); zoomoutBt->addTo( zoomTool ); zoominBt->addTo( zoomTool ); zoomTool->addSeparator(); QToolBar *colorTool = new QToolBar( this, "color" ); colorTool->addSeparator(); colorTool->setLabel("Choose color"); color_dialog_bt->addTo(colorTool); colorTool->addSeparator(); QToolBar *cartoTool = new QToolBar( this, "cartograms" ); cartoTool->addSeparator(); cartoTool->setLabel("Cartograms"); carto_new->addTo(cartoTool); carto_weights->addTo(cartoTool); carto_start->addTo(cartoTool); carto_it->addTo(cartoTool); cartoTool->addSeparator(); /* #ifdef CGAL_USE_CORE conicTypeTool = new QToolBar( this, "conic type" ); conicTypeTool->setLabel( "Conic Type" ); conicTypeTool->addSeparator(); setSegment->addTo( conicTypeTool ); setCircle->addTo( conicTypeTool ); setEllipse->addTo( conicTypeTool ); setParabola->addTo( conicTypeTool ); setHyperbola->addTo( conicTypeTool ); #endif */ connect( zoomoutBt, SIGNAL( activated () ) , this, SLOT( zoomout() ) ); connect( zoominBt, SIGNAL( activated () ) , this, SLOT( zoomin() ) ); connect (color_dialog_bt , SIGNAL( activated()) , this , SLOT(openColorDialog() ) ); // connect mode group connect( modeGroup, SIGNAL( selected(QAction*) ), this, SLOT( updateMode(QAction*) ) ); // connect Traits Group /* connect( traitsGroup, SIGNAL( selected(QAction*) ), this, SLOT( updateTraitsType(QAction*) ) ); #ifdef CGAL_USE_CORE // connect Conic Type Group connect( conicTypeGroup, SIGNAL( selected(QAction*) ), this, SLOT( updateConicType(QAction*) ) ); #endif */ // connect Snap Mode connect( setSnapMode, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ) , this, SLOT( updateSnapMode( bool ) ) ); connect( setGridSnapMode, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ) , this, SLOT( updateGridSnapMode( bool ) ) ); // connect the change of current tab connect( myBar, SIGNAL( currentChanged(QWidget * ) ), this, SLOT( update() ) ); // connect cartogram actions connect( carto_start, SIGNAL( activated () ) , this, SLOT( cartogram_start() ) ); connect( carto_weights, SIGNAL( activated () ) , this, SLOT( cartogram_weights() ) ); connect( carto_it, SIGNAL( activated () ) , this, SLOT( print_all_weights())); connect( carto_new, SIGNAL( activated () ) , this, SLOT( cartogram_balance() ) ); colors = new QColor[num_of_colors]; colors[0] = Qt::blue; colors[1] = Qt::gray; colors[2] = Qt::green; colors[3] = Qt::cyan; colors[4] = Qt::magenta; colors[5] = Qt::darkRed; colors[6] = Qt::darkGreen; colors[7] = Qt::darkBlue; colors[8] = Qt::darkMagenta; colors[9] = Qt::darkCyan; colors[10] = Qt::yellow; colors[11] = Qt::white; colors[12] = Qt::darkGray; colors[13] = Qt::gray; colors[14] = Qt::red; colors[15] = Qt::cyan; colors[16] = Qt::darkYellow; colors[17] = Qt::lightGray; //state flag old_state = 0; add_conic_tab(); resize(m_width,m_height); }
QPopupMenu* VCWidget::createMenu() { // Create edit menu here so that all submenus can be its children /* DO NOT set this as the menu's parent object. Otherwise deleting this thru the menu will crash the whole program. */ QPopupMenu* editMenu = new QPopupMenu(NULL); // Foreground menu QPopupMenu* fgMenu = new QPopupMenu(editMenu); fgMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(QString(PIXMAPS) + QString("/color.png")), "&Color...", KVCMenuForegroundColor); fgMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(QString(PIXMAPS) + QString("/undo.png")), "&Default", KVCMenuForegroundDefault); // Background menu QPopupMenu* bgMenu = new QPopupMenu(editMenu); bgMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(QString(PIXMAPS) + QString("/color.png")), "&Color...", KVCMenuBackgroundColor); bgMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(QString(PIXMAPS) + QString("/image.png")), "&Image...", KVCMenuBackgroundImage); bgMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(QString(PIXMAPS) + QString("/undo.png")), "&Default", KVCMenuBackgroundDefault); // Font menu QPopupMenu* fontMenu = new QPopupMenu(editMenu); fontMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(QString(PIXMAPS) + QString("/fonts.png")), "&Font...", KVCMenuFont); fontMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(QString(PIXMAPS) + QString("/undo.png")), "&Default", KVCMenuFontDefault); // Frame menu QPopupMenu* frameMenu = new QPopupMenu(editMenu); frameMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(QString(PIXMAPS) + QString("/framesunken.png")), "&Sunken", KVCMenuFrameSunken); frameMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(QString(PIXMAPS) + QString("/frameraised.png")), "&Raised", KVCMenuFrameRaised); frameMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(QString(PIXMAPS) + QString("/framenone.png")), "&None", KVCMenuFrameNone); // Stacking order menu QPopupMenu* stackMenu = new QPopupMenu(editMenu); stackMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(QString(PIXMAPS) + QString("/up.png")), "Bring to &Front", KVCMenuStackingRaise); stackMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(QString(PIXMAPS) + QString("/down.png")), "Send to &Back", KVCMenuStackingLower); // Edit menu editMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(QString(PIXMAPS) + QString("/editcut.png")), "Cut", KVCMenuEditCut); editMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(QString(PIXMAPS) + QString("/editcopy.png")), "Copy", KVCMenuEditCopy); editMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(QString(PIXMAPS) + QString("/editpaste.png")), "Paste", KVCMenuEditPaste); editMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(QString(PIXMAPS) + QString("/editdelete.png")), "Delete", KVCMenuEditDelete); editMenu->insertSeparator(); editMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(QString(PIXMAPS) + QString("/configure.png")), "&Properties...", KVCMenuEditProperties); editMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(QString(PIXMAPS) + QString("/editclear.png")), "&Rename...", KVCMenuEditRename); editMenu->setItemEnabled(KVCMenuEditCut, false); editMenu->setItemEnabled(KVCMenuEditCopy, false); editMenu->setItemEnabled(KVCMenuEditPaste, false); editMenu->insertSeparator(); editMenu->insertItem("Background", bgMenu); editMenu->insertItem("Foreground", fgMenu); editMenu->insertItem("Font", fontMenu); editMenu->insertItem("Frame", frameMenu); editMenu->insertItem("Stacking Order", stackMenu); connect(editMenu, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotMenuCallback(int))); connect(bgMenu, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotMenuCallback(int))); connect(fgMenu, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotMenuCallback(int))); connect(fontMenu, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotMenuCallback(int))); connect(frameMenu, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotMenuCallback(int))); connect(stackMenu, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotMenuCallback(int))); return editMenu; }
void ReportManager::showRMBMenu(QListViewItem* lvi, const QPoint& pos, int, bool& errors, bool& showReportTab) { ManagedReportInfo* mr = 0; for (std::list<ManagedReportInfo*>::const_iterator mri = reports.begin(); mri != reports.end(); ++mri) if ((*mri)->getBrowserEntry() == lvi) mr = *mri; // Generate a context popup menu. QPopupMenu menu; if (mr) { menu.insertItem(i18n("&Show Report"), 1); menu.insertItem(i18n("&Generate Report"), 2); menu.insertItem(i18n("&Edit Report Definition"), 3); // The XML reports cannot be be viewed, so we disable the entry. if (strncmp(mr->getProjectReport()->getType(), "XML", 3) == 0) menu.setItemEnabled(1, false); // The interactive reports can not be generated, so we disable the entry. if (strncmp(mr->getProjectReport()->getType(), "Qt", 2) == 0) menu.setItemEnabled(2, false); } menu.insertItem(i18n("E&xpand All"), 4); menu.insertItem(i18n("S&hrink All"), 5); menu.insertItem(i18n("&Generate Sub-Reports"), 6); if (!lvi->firstChild()) { menu.setItemEnabled(4, false); menu.setItemEnabled(5, false); } if (lvi == qtReports || !lvi->firstChild() || (mr && strncmp(mr->getProjectReport()->getType(), "Qt", 2) == 0)) { menu.setItemEnabled(6, false); } switch (menu.exec(pos)) { case 1: { bool dummy; errors = !showReport(lvi, dummy); break; } case 2: errors = !generateReport(lvi); showReportTab = false; break; case 3: editReport(mr->getProjectReport()); showReportTab = false; break; case 4: expandLVI(lvi, true); break; case 5: expandLVI(lvi, false); break; case 6: errors = generateReports(lvi); break; default: break; } }
HelpWindow::HelpWindow(const QString& home, const QString& path, QWidget* parent, const char* name) : QMainWindow(parent, name, WDestructiveClose) { setCaption(tr("Quasar Help")); _browser = new QTextBrowser(this); _browser->mimeSourceFactory()->setFilePath(path); _browser->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken); setCentralWidget(_browser); if (!home.isEmpty()) _browser->setSource(home); connect(_browser, SIGNAL(highlighted(const QString&)), statusBar(), SLOT(message(const QString&))); resize(800, 700); QPopupMenu* file = new QPopupMenu(this); file->insertItem(tr("&Print"), this, SLOT(print()), ALT | Key_P); file->insertSeparator(); file->insertItem(tr("&Close"), this, SLOT(close()), ALT | Key_Q ); QPopupMenu* go = new QPopupMenu(this); _backwardId = go->insertItem(QPixmap(back_image), tr("&Backward"), _browser, SLOT(backward()), ALT | Key_Left); _forwardId = go->insertItem(QPixmap(forward_image), tr("&Forward"), _browser, SLOT(forward()), ALT | Key_Right); _homeId = go->insertItem(QPixmap(home_image), tr("&Home"), _browser, SLOT(home())); menuBar()->insertItem(tr("&File"), file); menuBar()->insertItem(tr("&Go"), go); menuBar()->setItemEnabled(_forwardId, FALSE); menuBar()->setItemEnabled(_backwardId, FALSE); connect(_browser, SIGNAL(backwardAvailable(bool)), this, SLOT(setBackwardAvailable(bool))); connect(_browser, SIGNAL(forwardAvailable(bool)), this, SLOT(setForwardAvailable(bool))); QToolBar* toolbar = new QToolBar(this); QToolButton* button; button = new QToolButton(QPixmap(back_image), tr("Backward"), "", _browser, SLOT(backward()), toolbar); connect(_browser, SIGNAL(backwardAvailable(bool)), button, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); button->setEnabled(FALSE); button = new QToolButton(QPixmap(forward_image), tr("Forward"), "", _browser, SLOT(forward()), toolbar); connect(_browser, SIGNAL(forwardAvailable(bool)), button, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); button->setEnabled(FALSE); button = new QToolButton(QPixmap(home_image), tr("Home"), "", _browser, SLOT(home()), toolbar); toolbar->addSeparator(); _browser->setFocus(); }
void PaintMainWindow::CreateMenuBar() { //Create File Menu //File Menu Begin QPopupMenu* file = new QPopupMenu(this); //Create Image Section file->insertItem("&New image", this, SLOT(OnNewImage()), CTRL+Key_N); file->insertItem("&Load image", this, SLOT(OnLoadImage()), CTRL+Key_O); file->insertItem("&Save image", this, SLOT(OnSaveImage()), CTRL+Key_S); file->insertSeparator(); //Create Color Section file->insertItem("&Foreground color", this, SLOT(ChangeFGColor())); file->insertItem("&Background color", this, SLOT(ChangeBGColor())); file->insertSeparator(); //Create Exit Section file->insertItem("&Exit", this, SLOT(OnExit()), CTRL+Key_X); //Insert File Menu menuBar()->insertItem("&File", file); //File Menu End //Create Edit Menu //Edit Menu Begin QPopupMenu* edit = new QPopupMenu(this); //Create Edit items edit->insertItem("&Undo", canvas, SLOT(undo()), CTRL+Key_Z); edit->insertItem("&Redo", canvas, SLOT(redo()), CTRL+Key_Y); edit->insertItem("&Clear All", canvas, SLOT(clearAll())); edit->insertItem("Re&size", this, SLOT(OnResizeImage()), CTRL+Key_R); //Insert Edit Menu menuBar()->insertItem("&Edit", edit); //Edit Menu End //Create View Menu //View Menu Begin QPopupMenu* view = new QPopupMenu(this); //Create ToolBar toggler QAction *ToolBar_t = new QAction("&Tool Bar", 0, this); QObject::connect(ToolBar_t, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(ToggleToolBar())); //Set ToolBar toggler to be checkable ToolBar_t->setToggleAction(true); ToolBar_t->setOn(true); ToolBar_t->addTo(view); //Connect ToolBar state to ToolBar toggler QObject::connect(tools, SIGNAL(visibilityChanged(bool)), ToolBar_t, SLOT(toggle())); //Insert View Menu menuBar()->insertItem("&View", view); //View Menu End //Create Help Menu //Help Menu Begin QPopupMenu* help = new QPopupMenu(this); //Create Help items help->insertItem("&About", this, SLOT(ShowAbout())); //Insert Help Menu menuBar()->insertItem("&Help", help); //Help Menu End }
ExampleWidget::ExampleWidget( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QWidget( parent, name ) { // Make the top-level layout; a vertical box to contain all widgets // and sub-layouts. QBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this, 5 ); // Create a menubar... QMenuBar *menubar = new QMenuBar( this ); menubar->setSeparator( QMenuBar::InWindowsStyle ); QPopupMenu* popup; popup = new QPopupMenu( this ); popup->insertItem( "&Quit", qApp, SLOT(quit()) ); menubar->insertItem( "&File", popup ); // ...and tell the layout about it. topLayout->setMenuBar( menubar ); // Make an hbox that will hold a row of buttons. QBoxLayout *buttons = new QHBoxLayout( topLayout ); int i; for ( i = 1; i <= 4; i++ ) { QPushButton* but = new QPushButton( this ); QString s; s.sprintf( "Button %d", i ); but->setText( s ); // Set horizontal stretch factor to 10 to let the buttons // stretch horizontally. The buttons will not stretch // vertically, since bigWidget below will take up vertical // stretch. buttons->addWidget( but, 10 ); // (Actually, the result would have been the same with a // stretch factor of 0; if no items in a layout have non-zero // stretch, the space is divided equally between members.) } // Make another hbox that will hold a left-justified row of buttons. QBoxLayout *buttons2 = new QHBoxLayout( topLayout ); QPushButton* but = new QPushButton( "Button five", this ); buttons2->addWidget( but ); but = new QPushButton( "Button 6", this ); buttons2->addWidget( but ); // Fill up the rest of the hbox with stretchable space, so that // the buttons get their minimum width and are pushed to the left. buttons2->addStretch( 10 ); // Make a big widget that will grab all space in the middle. QMultiLineEdit *bigWidget = new QMultiLineEdit( this ); bigWidget->setText( "This widget will get all the remaining space" ); bigWidget->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Plain ); // Set vertical stretch factor to 10 to let the bigWidget stretch // vertically. It will stretch horizontally because there are no // widgets beside it to take up horizontal stretch. // topLayout->addWidget( bigWidget, 10 ); topLayout->addWidget( bigWidget ); // Make a grid that will hold a vertical table of QLabel/QLineEdit // pairs next to a large QMultiLineEdit. // Don't use hard-coded row/column numbers in QGridLayout, you'll // regret it when you have to change the layout. const int numRows = 3; const int labelCol = 0; const int linedCol = 1; const int multiCol = 2; // Let the grid-layout have a spacing of 10 pixels between // widgets, overriding the default from topLayout. QGridLayout *grid = new QGridLayout( topLayout, 0, 0, 10 ); int row; for ( row = 0; row < numRows; row++ ) { QLineEdit *ed = new QLineEdit( this ); // The line edit goes in the second column grid->addWidget( ed, row, linedCol ); // Make a label that is a buddy of the line edit QString s; s.sprintf( "Line &%d", row+1 ); QLabel *label = new QLabel( ed, s, this ); // The label goes in the first column. grid->addWidget( label, row, labelCol ); } // The multiline edit will cover the entire vertical range of the // grid (rows 0 to numRows) and stay in column 2. QMultiLineEdit *med = new QMultiLineEdit( this ); grid->addMultiCellWidget( med, 0, -1, multiCol, multiCol ); // The labels will take the space they need. Let the remaining // horizontal space be shared so that the multiline edit gets // twice as much as the line edit. grid->setColStretch( linedCol, 10 ); grid->setColStretch( multiCol, 20 ); // Add a widget at the bottom. QLabel* sb = new QLabel( this ); sb->setText( "Let's pretend this is a status bar" ); sb->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken ); // This widget will use all horizontal space, and have a fixed height. // we should have made a subclass and implemented sizePolicy there... sb->setFixedHeight( sb->sizeHint().height() ); sb->setAlignment( AlignVCenter | AlignLeft ); topLayout->addWidget( sb ); topLayout->activate(); }
ToolbarDemo::ToolbarDemo() : QMainWindow(0, "Toolbar Demo") { //主窗口本身是一个高级容器 //建立动作 QAction *fileNewAction, *fileOpenAction, *fileSaveAction, *fileSaveAsAction, *filePrintAction, *fileCloseAction, *fileQuitAction; fileNewAction = new QAction( "New", tr("新建(&N)"), CTRL+Key_N, this, "new" ); connect( fileNewAction, SIGNAL( activated() ) ,this, SLOT( newDoc())); fileOpenAction = new QAction( "Open File", QPixmap( fileopen ), tr("打开(&O)"), CTRL+Key_O, this, "open" ); connect( fileOpenAction, SIGNAL( activated() ) , this, SLOT( load() ) ); QMimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory()->setPixmap( "fileopen", QPixmap( fileopen ) ); fileOpenAction->setWhatsThis( tr(fileOpenText) ); fileSaveAction = new QAction( "Save File", QPixmap( filesave ), tr("保存(&S)"), CTRL+Key_S, this, "save" ); connect( fileSaveAction, SIGNAL( activated() ) , this, SLOT( save() ) ); fileSaveAction->setWhatsThis( tr(fileSaveText) ); fileSaveAsAction = new QAction( "Save File As", tr("保存为(&s)..."), 0, this, "save as" ); connect( fileSaveAsAction, SIGNAL(activated()),this,SLOT( saveAs() )); fileSaveAsAction->setWhatsThis( tr(fileSaveText) ); filePrintAction = new QAction( "Print File", QPixmap( fileprint ), tr("打印(&P)"), CTRL+Key_P, this, "print" ); connect( filePrintAction, SIGNAL(activated()) , this, SLOT(print())); filePrintAction->setWhatsThis( tr(filePrintText) ); fileCloseAction = new QAction( "Close", tr("关闭(&C)"), CTRL+Key_W, this, "close" ); connect( fileCloseAction, SIGNAL(activated()) , this, SLOT(close()) ); fileQuitAction = new QAction( "Quit", tr("退出(&Q)"), CTRL+Key_Q, this, "quit" ); connect(fileQuitAction,SIGNAL(activated()),qApp,SLOT(closeAllWindows())); //建立按钮条 QToolBar* fileTools = new QToolBar( this, "file operations" ); fileTools->setLabel( "File Operations" ); fileOpenAction->addTo( fileTools ); fileSaveAction->addTo( fileTools ); filePrintAction->addTo( fileTools ); (void)QWhatsThis::whatsThisButton( fileTools ); //建立文件菜单 QPopupMenu * file = new QPopupMenu( this ); menuBar()->insertItem( tr("文件(&F)"), file ); fileNewAction->addTo( file ); fileOpenAction->addTo( file ); fileSaveAction->addTo( file ); fileSaveAsAction->addTo( file ); file->insertSeparator(); filePrintAction->addTo( file ); file->insertSeparator(); fileCloseAction->addTo( file ); fileQuitAction->addTo( file ); //建立帮助菜单 QPopupMenu * help = new QPopupMenu( this ); menuBar()->insertSeparator(); menuBar()->insertItem( tr("帮助(&H)"), help ); help->insertItem( tr("关于(&A)"), this, SLOT(about()), Key_F1 ); help->insertItem( tr("关于 &Qt"), this, SLOT(aboutQt()) ); help->insertSeparator(); help->insertItem(tr("这是什么?"),this,SLOT(whatsThis()),SHIFT+Key_F1); QMultiLineEdit *e = new QMultiLineEdit( this, "editor" ); e->setFocus(); setCentralWidget( e ); statusBar()->message( tr("准备就绪"), 2000 ); resize( 400, 400 ); }
TinyKate::TinyKate( QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags f) : QMainWindow( parent, name, f ) { shutDown=false; nextUnnamed=0; currentView=0; viewCount=0; setCaption(tr("TinyKATE")); KGlobal::setAppName("TinyKATE"); QMenuBar *mb = new QMenuBar( this ); mb->setMargin( 0 ); tabwidget=new OTabWidget(this); setCentralWidget(tabwidget); connect(tabwidget,SIGNAL(currentChanged(QWidget*)),this,SLOT(slotCurrentChanged(QWidget*))); //FILE ACTIONS QPopupMenu *popup = new QPopupMenu( this ); // Action for creating a new document QAction *a = new QAction( tr( "New" ), Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap( "new", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); a->addTo( popup ); connect(a, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotNew())); // Action for opening an exisiting document a = new QAction( tr( "Open" ), Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap( "fileopen", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); a->addTo(popup); connect(a, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotOpen())); // Action for saving document a = new QAction( tr( "Save" ), Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap( "save", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); a->addTo(popup); connect(a, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotSave())); // Action for saving document to a new name a = new QAction( tr( "Save As" ), Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap( "save", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); a->addTo(popup); connect(a, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotSaveAs())); // Action for closing the currently active document a = new QAction( tr( "Close" ), Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap( "quit_icon", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); a->addTo(popup); connect(a, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotClose())); mb->insertItem(tr("File"),popup); //EDIT ACTIONS popup = new QPopupMenu( this ); bool useBigIcon = qApp->desktop()->size().width() > 330; // Action for cutting text editCut = new QToolButton( 0 ); editCut->setUsesBigPixmap( useBigIcon ); editCut->setAutoRaise( true ); editCut->setIconSet( Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap( "cut", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon ) ); // Action for Copying text editCopy = new QToolButton( 0 ); editCopy->setUsesBigPixmap( useBigIcon ); editCopy->setAutoRaise( true ); editCopy->setIconSet( Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap( "copy", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon ) ); // Action for pasting text editPaste = new QToolButton( 0 ); editPaste->setUsesBigPixmap( useBigIcon ); editPaste->setAutoRaise( true ); editPaste->setIconSet( Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap( "paste", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon ) ); // Action for finding text editFind = new QAction( tr( "Find..." ), Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap( "find", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); editFind->addTo(popup); // Action for replacing text editReplace = new QAction( tr( "Replace..." ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); editReplace->addTo(popup); // Action for going to a specific line editGotoLine = new QAction( tr( "Goto Line..." ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); editGotoLine->addTo(popup); // Action for undo editUndo = new QToolButton( 0 ); editUndo->setUsesBigPixmap( useBigIcon ); editUndo->setAutoRaise( true ); editUndo->setIconSet( Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap( "undo", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon ) ); // Action for redo editRedo = new QToolButton( 0 ); editRedo->setUsesBigPixmap( useBigIcon ); editRedo->setAutoRaise( true ); editRedo->setIconSet( Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap( "redo", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon ) ); mb->insertItem(tr("Edit"),popup); //VIEW ACITONS popup = new QPopupMenu( this ); viewIncFontSizes = new QAction( tr( "Font +" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); viewIncFontSizes->addTo( popup ); viewDecFontSizes = new QAction( tr( "Font -" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); viewDecFontSizes->addTo( popup ); mb->insertItem(tr("View"),popup); popup = new QPopupMenu( this ); mb->insertItem(tr("Utils"),popup); mb->insertItem( editCut ); mb->insertItem( editCopy ); mb->insertItem( editPaste ); mb->insertItem( editUndo ); mb->insertItem( editRedo ); //Highlight management hlmenu=new QPopupMenu(this); HlManager *hlm=HlManager::self(); for (int i=0;i<hlm->highlights();i++) { hlmenu->insertItem(hlm->hlName(i),i); } popup->insertItem(tr("Highlighting"),hlmenu); utilSettings = new QAction( tr( "Settings" ), Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap( "SettingsIcon", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); utilSettings->addTo( popup); if( qApp->argc() > 1) open(qApp->argv()[1]); else slotNew(); }
void QHTMLView::init() { QString qs; QString qs2; mpTextBrowser = new QTextBrowser(this); mpTextBrowser->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); setCentralWidget(mpTextBrowser); qs = xmlConfig->stringValue("HELP_INDEX"); qs2 = xmlConfig->stringValue("HELP_LAST_PAGE"); QFile qf1(qs); if(qf1.exists()) mpTextBrowser->setSource(qs); if(qs != qs2 ) { QFile qf2(qs2); if(qf2.exists()) mpTextBrowser->setSource(qs2); } QPopupMenu* file = new QPopupMenu( this ); file->insertItem( tr("&Open File"), this, SLOT( openFile() ), ALT | Key_O ); file->insertSeparator(); file->insertItem( tr("&Quit"), this, SLOT( close() ), ALT | Key_Q ); QPopupMenu* go = new QPopupMenu( this ); mIdBackward = go->insertItem(tr("&Backward"),mpTextBrowser, SLOT( backward() ),ALT | Key_Left ); mIdForward = go->insertItem(tr("&Forward"),mpTextBrowser, SLOT( forward() ),ALT | Key_Right ); go->insertItem(tr("&Home"),mpTextBrowser, SLOT( home() ) ); QPopupMenu* help = new QPopupMenu( this ); help->insertItem(tr("&About ..."),this,SLOT(about())); #ifdef KDEAPP KMenuBar* mb = new KMenuBar(this); #else QMenuBar* mb = new QMenuBar(this); #endif mb->insertItem(tr("&File"),file); mb->insertItem(tr("&Go"),go); mb->insertSeparator(); mb->insertItem(tr("&Help"),help ); mb->setItemEnabled( mIdForward, false); mb->setItemEnabled( mIdBackward, false); connect(mpTextBrowser, SIGNAL( backwardAvailable( bool ) ), this, SLOT( setBackwardAvailable( bool ) ) ); connect(mpTextBrowser, SIGNAL( forwardAvailable( bool ) ), this, SLOT( setForwardAvailable( bool ) ) ); connect(mpTextBrowser,SIGNAL(textChanged() ),this, SLOT( slotTextChanged() ) ); QToolBar* toolbar = new QToolBar( this ); addToolBar( toolbar); QToolButton* tb1; mPixForward = QPixmap((const char **)forward_xpm); mPixBackward = QPixmap((const char **)backward_xpm); mPixHome = QPixmap((const char **)home_xpm); tb1 = new QToolButton(mPixBackward, tr("Backward"), "", mpTextBrowser, SLOT(backward()), toolbar ); connect(mpTextBrowser, SIGNAL( backwardAvailable(bool) ),tb1, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) ); tb1->setEnabled( false ); tb1 = new QToolButton(mPixForward, tr("Forward"), "",mpTextBrowser, SLOT(forward()), toolbar ); connect(mpTextBrowser,SIGNAL(forwardAvailable(bool) ),tb1, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) ); tb1->setEnabled( false ); tb1 = new QToolButton(mPixHome, tr("Home"), "",this, SLOT(home()), toolbar ); QWidget* dummy = new QWidget(toolbar); toolbar->setStretchableWidget(dummy); setRightJustification(true); }
Main::Main(QCanvas& c, QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags f) : QMainWindow(parent,name,f), canvas(c) { editor = new FigureEditor(canvas,this); // 繼承canvas view而來 QMenuBar* menu = menuBar(); QPopupMenu* file = new QPopupMenu( menu ); // 當parent被刪除,則子類別也會被刪除 file->insertItem("&Fill canvas", this, SLOT(init()), CTRL+Key_F); file->insertItem("&Erase canvas", this, SLOT(clear()), CTRL+Key_E); file->insertItem("&New view", this, SLOT(newView()), CTRL+Key_N); file->insertSeparator(); file->insertItem("&Print...", this, SLOT(print()), CTRL+Key_P); file->insertSeparator(); file->insertItem("E&xit", qApp, SLOT(quit()), CTRL+Key_Q); menu->insertItem("&File", file); // 建立一個工具列名為File的label QPopupMenu* edit = new QPopupMenu( menu ); edit->insertItem("Add &Circle", this, SLOT(addCircle()), ALT+Key_C); edit->insertItem("Add &Hexagon", this, SLOT(addHexagon()), ALT+Key_H); edit->insertItem("Add &Polygon", this, SLOT(addPolygon()), ALT+Key_P); edit->insertItem("Add Spl&ine", this, SLOT(addSpline()), ALT+Key_I); edit->insertItem("Add &Text", this, SLOT(addText()), ALT+Key_T); edit->insertItem("Add &Line", this, SLOT(addLine()), ALT+Key_L); edit->insertItem("Add &Rectangle", this, SLOT(addRectangle()), ALT+Key_R); edit->insertItem("Add &Sprite", this, SLOT(addSprite()), ALT+Key_S); edit->insertItem("Create &Mesh", this, SLOT(addMesh()), ALT+Key_M ); edit->insertItem("Add &Alpha-blended image", this, SLOT(addButterfly()), ALT+Key_A); menu->insertItem("&Edit", edit); QPopupMenu* view = new QPopupMenu( menu ); view->insertItem("&Enlarge", this, SLOT(enlarge()), SHIFT+CTRL+Key_Plus); view->insertItem("Shr&ink", this, SLOT(shrink()), SHIFT+CTRL+Key_Minus); view->insertSeparator(); view->insertItem("&Rotate clockwise", this, SLOT(rotateClockwise()), CTRL+Key_PageDown); view->insertItem("Rotate &counterclockwise", this, SLOT(rotateCounterClockwise()), CTRL+Key_PageUp); view->insertItem("&Zoom in", this, SLOT(zoomIn()), CTRL+Key_Plus); view->insertItem("Zoom &out", this, SLOT(zoomOut()), CTRL+Key_Minus); view->insertItem("Translate left", this, SLOT(moveL()), CTRL+Key_Left); view->insertItem("Translate right", this, SLOT(moveR()), CTRL+Key_Right); view->insertItem("Translate up", this, SLOT(moveU()), CTRL+Key_Up); view->insertItem("Translate down", this, SLOT(moveD()), CTRL+Key_Down); view->insertItem("&Mirror", this, SLOT(mirror()), CTRL+Key_Home); menu->insertItem("&View", view); options = new QPopupMenu( menu ); dbf_id = options->insertItem("Double buffer", this, SLOT(toggleDoubleBuffer())); options->setItemChecked(dbf_id, TRUE); menu->insertItem("&Options",options); menu->insertSeparator(); QPopupMenu* help = new QPopupMenu( menu ); help->insertItem("&About", this, SLOT(help()), Key_F1); help->setItemChecked(dbf_id, TRUE); // 很奇怪,當TRUE時,把dbf_id打勾,不懂 menu->insertItem("&Help",help); statusBar(); // 返回這個窗口的狀態條。如果沒有的話 // statusBar()會創建一個空的狀態條,並且如果需要也創建一個工具提示組。 setCentralWidget(editor); printer = 0; init(); }
servercontroller::servercontroller( QWidget*, const char* name ) : KMainWindow( 0, name ) { we_are_exiting = false; m_notificationCount = 0; m_ncm = new nickColourMaker(); MenuBar = menuBar(); KWin::setIcons( winId(), kapp->icon(), kapp->miniIcon() ); s_self = this; switch (ksopts->displayMode) { case KSOptions::SDI: displayMgr = new DisplayMgrSDI(); break; case KSOptions::MDI: displayMgr = new DisplayMgrMDI(); break; } sci = new scInside(this, QCString(name) + "_mainview"); setCentralWidget(sci); sci->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Box | QFrame::Raised); ConnectionTree = sci->ConnectionTree; connect(ConnectionTree, SIGNAL(clicked( QListViewItem * )), this, SLOT(WindowSelected(QListViewItem *))); setFrameBorderWidth(5); QPopupMenu *file = new QPopupMenu(this, QCString(name) + "_menu_file"); KStdAction::quit(this, SLOT(endksirc()), actionCollection())->plug(file); #ifndef NDEBUG file->insertItem(i18n("Dump Object Tree"), this, SLOT(dump_obj())); file->insertItem(i18n("Server Debug Window"), this, SLOT(server_debug())); #endif MenuBar->insertItem(i18n("&File"), file); connections = new QPopupMenu(this, QCString(name) + "_menu_connections"); server_id = connections->insertItem(i18n("&New Server..."), this, SLOT(new_connection()), Key_F2 ); join_id = connections->insertItem(i18n("&Join Channel..."), this, SLOT(new_channel()), Key_F3 ); connections->insertSeparator(); connections->insertItem(i18n("&Do Autoconnect..."), this, SLOT(start_autoconnect_check())); connections->setItemEnabled(join_id, FALSE); MenuBar->insertItem(i18n("&Connections"), connections); options = new QPopupMenu(this, QCString(name) + "_menu_options"); options->setCheckable(TRUE); options->insertItem(SmallIcon( "filter" ), i18n("&Filter Rule Editor..."), this, SLOT(filter_rule_editor())); options->insertSeparator(); KStdAction::configureNotifications(this, SLOT(notification_prefs()), actionCollection())->plug(options); KStdAction::preferences(this, SLOT(general_prefs()), actionCollection())->plug(options); MenuBar->insertItem(i18n("&Settings"), options); KHelpMenu *help = new KHelpMenu( this, kapp->aboutData() ); MenuBar->insertItem( KStdGuiItem::help().text(), help->menu() ); m_kga = new KGlobalAccel(this, "globalAccess"); m_kga->insert("New Server", i18n("New Server"), i18n("This action allows you to open a new server more easily " "when in docked mode, since you don't need to click on the " "dock icon."), ALT+CTRL+Key_C, KKey::QtWIN+CTRL+Key_C, this, SLOT(new_connection())); open_toplevels = 0; pic_server = UserIcon("server"); pic_gf = UserIcon("ksirc_a"); pic_run = UserIcon("mini-run"); pic_ppl = UserIcon("channels"); pic_icon = UserIcon("ksirc_b"); setCaption( i18n("Server Control") ); KWin::setIcons(winId(), pic_icon, pic_server); resize( 450,200 ); dockWidget = new dockServerController(this, 0x0, "servercontroller_dock"); KWin::setSystemTrayWindowFor( dockWidget->winId(), winId() ); m_kga->readSettings(); m_kga->updateConnections(); checkDocking(); }
QucsFilter::QucsFilter() { // set application icon setIcon (QPixmap(QucsSettings.BitmapDir + "big.qucs.xpm")); setCaption("Qucs Filter " PACKAGE_VERSION); // -------- create menubar ------------------- QPopupMenu *fileMenu = new QPopupMenu(); fileMenu->insertItem(tr("E&xit"), this, SLOT(slotQuit()), CTRL+Key_Q); QPopupMenu *helpMenu = new QPopupMenu(); helpMenu->insertItem(tr("Help..."), this, SLOT(slotHelpIntro()), Key_F1); helpMenu->insertSeparator(); helpMenu->insertItem( tr("&About QucsFilter..."), this, SLOT(slotHelpAbout()), 0); helpMenu->insertItem(tr("About Qt..."), this, SLOT(slotHelpAboutQt()), 0); QMenuBar *bar = new QMenuBar(this); bar->insertItem(tr("&File"), fileMenu); bar->insertSeparator (); bar->insertItem(tr("&Help"), helpMenu); // ------- create main windows widgets -------- gbox = new QGridLayout(this, 10,3,5,5); QWidget *Space = new QWidget(this); // reserve space for menubar Space->setFixedSize(5, bar->height()); gbox->addWidget(Space, 0,0); QLabel *Label1 = new QLabel(tr("Filter type:"), this); gbox->addWidget(Label1, 1,0); ComboType = new QComboBox(this); ComboType->insertItem("Bessel"); ComboType->insertItem("Butterworth"); ComboType->insertItem("Chebyshev"); ComboType->insertItem("Cauer"); gbox->addWidget(ComboType, 1,1); connect(ComboType, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(slotTypeChanged(int))); QLabel *Label2 = new QLabel(tr("Filter class:"), this); gbox->addWidget(Label2, 2,0); ComboClass = new QComboBox(this); ComboClass->insertItem(tr("Low pass")); ComboClass->insertItem(tr("High pass")); ComboClass->insertItem(tr("Band pass")); ComboClass->insertItem(tr("Band stop")); gbox->addWidget(ComboClass, 2,1); connect(ComboClass, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(slotClassChanged(int))); IntVal = new QIntValidator(1, 200, this); DoubleVal = new QDoubleValidator(this); LabelOrder = new QLabel(tr("Order:"), this); gbox->addWidget(LabelOrder, 3,0); EditOrder = new QLineEdit("3", this); EditOrder->setValidator(IntVal); gbox->addWidget(EditOrder, 3,1); LabelStart = new QLabel(tr("Corner frequency:"), this); gbox->addWidget(LabelStart, 4,0); EditCorner = new QLineEdit("1", this); EditCorner->setValidator(DoubleVal); gbox->addWidget(EditCorner, 4,1); ComboCorner = new QComboBox(this); ComboCorner->insertItem("Hz"); ComboCorner->insertItem("kHz"); ComboCorner->insertItem("MHz"); ComboCorner->insertItem("GHz"); ComboCorner->setCurrentItem(3); gbox->addWidget(ComboCorner, 4,2); LabelStop = new QLabel(tr("Stop frequency:"), this); gbox->addWidget(LabelStop, 5,0); EditStop = new QLineEdit("2", this); EditStop->setValidator(DoubleVal); gbox->addWidget(EditStop, 5,1); ComboStop = new QComboBox(this); ComboStop->insertItem("Hz"); ComboStop->insertItem("kHz"); ComboStop->insertItem("MHz"); ComboStop->insertItem("GHz"); ComboStop->setCurrentItem(3); gbox->addWidget(ComboStop, 5,2); LabelBandStop = new QLabel(tr("Stop band frequency:"), this); gbox->addWidget(LabelBandStop, 6,0); EditBandStop = new QLineEdit("3", this); EditBandStop->setValidator(DoubleVal); gbox->addWidget(EditBandStop, 6,1); ComboBandStop = new QComboBox(this); ComboBandStop->insertItem("Hz"); ComboBandStop->insertItem("kHz"); ComboBandStop->insertItem("MHz"); ComboBandStop->insertItem("GHz"); ComboBandStop->setCurrentItem(3); gbox->addWidget(ComboBandStop, 6,2); LabelRipple = new QLabel(tr("Pass band ripple:"), this); gbox->addWidget(LabelRipple, 7,0); EditRipple = new QLineEdit("1", this); EditRipple->setValidator(DoubleVal); gbox->addWidget(EditRipple, 7,1); LabelRipple_dB = new QLabel("dB", this); gbox->addWidget(LabelRipple_dB, 7,2); LabelAtten = new QLabel(tr("Stop band attenuation:"), this); gbox->addWidget(LabelAtten, 8,0); EditAtten = new QLineEdit("20", this); EditAtten->setValidator(DoubleVal); gbox->addWidget(EditAtten, 8,1); LabelAtten_dB = new QLabel("dB", this); gbox->addWidget(LabelAtten_dB, 8,2); QLabel *Label9 = new QLabel(tr("Impedance:"), this); gbox->addWidget(Label9, 9,0); EditImpedance = new QLineEdit("50", this); EditImpedance->setValidator(DoubleVal); gbox->addWidget(EditImpedance, 9,1); QLabel *Label10 = new QLabel("Ohm", this); gbox->addWidget(Label10, 9,2); QPushButton *ButtonGo = new QPushButton(tr("Calculate and put into Clipboard"), this); connect(ButtonGo, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotCalculate())); gbox->addMultiCellWidget(ButtonGo, 10,10,0,2); LabelResult = new QLabel(this); ResultState = 100; slotShowResult(); LabelResult->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); gbox->addMultiCellWidget(LabelResult, 11,11,0,2); // ------- finally set initial state -------- slotTypeChanged(0); slotClassChanged(0); }
HelpWindow::HelpWindow( const QString& home_, const QString& _path, QWidget* parent, const char *name ) : QMainWindow( parent, name, WDestructiveClose ), pathCombo( 0 ), selectedURL() { readHistory(); readBookmarks(); browser = new QTextBrowser( this ); browser->mimeSourceFactory()->setFilePath( _path ); browser->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken ); connect( browser, SIGNAL( textChanged() ), this, SLOT( textChanged() ) ); setCentralWidget( browser ); if ( !home_.isEmpty() ) browser->setSource( home_ ); connect( browser, SIGNAL( highlighted( const QString&) ), statusBar(), SLOT( message( const QString&)) ); resize( 640,700 ); QPopupMenu* file = new QPopupMenu( this ); file->insertItem( tr("&New Window"), this, SLOT( newWindow() ), ALT | Key_N ); file->insertItem( tr("&Open File"), this, SLOT( openFile() ), ALT | Key_O ); file->insertItem( tr("&Print"), this, SLOT( print() ), ALT | Key_P ); // The same three icons are used twice each. QIconSet icon_back( QPixmap("textdrawing/previous.png") ); QIconSet icon_forward( QPixmap("textdrawing/next.png") ); QIconSet icon_home( QPixmap("textdrawing/home.png") ); QPopupMenu* go = new QPopupMenu( this ); backwardId = go->insertItem( icon_back, tr("&Backward"), browser, SLOT( backward() ), ALT | Key_Left ); forwardId = go->insertItem( icon_forward, tr("&Forward"), browser, SLOT( forward() ), ALT | Key_Right ); go->insertItem( icon_home, tr("&Home"), browser, SLOT( home() ) ); hist = new QPopupMenu( this ); QStringList::Iterator it = history.begin(); for ( ; it != history.end(); ++it ) mHistory[ hist->insertItem( *it ) ] = *it; connect( hist, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( histChosen( int ) ) ); bookm = new QPopupMenu( this ); bookm->insertItem( tr( "Add Bookmark" ), this, SLOT( addBookmark() ) ); bookm->insertSeparator(); QStringList::Iterator it2 = bookmarks.begin(); for ( ; it2 != bookmarks.end(); ++it2 ) mBookmarks[ bookm->insertItem( *it2 ) ] = *it2; connect( bookm, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( bookmChosen( int ) ) ); menuBar()->insertItem( tr("&File"), file ); menuBar()->insertItem( tr("&Go"), go ); menuBar()->insertItem( tr( "History" ), hist ); menuBar()->insertItem( tr( "Bookmarks" ), bookm ); menuBar()->setItemEnabled( forwardId, FALSE); menuBar()->setItemEnabled( backwardId, FALSE); connect( browser, SIGNAL( backwardAvailable( bool ) ), this, SLOT( setBackwardAvailable( bool ) ) ); connect( browser, SIGNAL( forwardAvailable( bool ) ), this, SLOT( setForwardAvailable( bool ) ) ); QToolBar* toolbar = new QToolBar( this ); addToolBar( toolbar, "Toolbar"); QToolButton* button; button = new QToolButton( icon_back, tr("Backward"), "", browser, SLOT(backward()), toolbar ); connect( browser, SIGNAL( backwardAvailable(bool) ), button, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) ); button->setEnabled( FALSE ); button = new QToolButton( icon_forward, tr("Forward"), "", browser, SLOT(forward()), toolbar ); connect( browser, SIGNAL( forwardAvailable(bool) ), button, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) ); button->setEnabled( FALSE ); button = new QToolButton( icon_home, tr("Home"), "", browser, SLOT(home()), toolbar ); toolbar->addSeparator(); pathCombo = new QComboBox( TRUE, toolbar ); connect( pathCombo, SIGNAL( activated( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( pathSelected( const QString & ) ) ); toolbar->setStretchableWidget( pathCombo ); setRightJustification( TRUE ); setDockEnabled( DockLeft, FALSE ); setDockEnabled( DockRight, FALSE ); pathCombo->insertItem( home_ ); browser->setFocus(); }
KBBGame::KBBGame() : KTopLevelWidget() { int i; setCaption(QString("KBlackBox ")+KBVERSION); menu = new KMenuBar(this, "menu"); QPopupMenu *game = new QPopupMenu; QPopupMenu *file = new QPopupMenu; sizesm = new QPopupMenu; ballsm = new QPopupMenu; QPopupMenu *help = new QPopupMenu; options = new QPopupMenu; CHECK_PTR( file ); CHECK_PTR( game ); CHECK_PTR( help ); CHECK_PTR( sizesm ); CHECK_PTR( ballsm ); CHECK_PTR( options ); CHECK_PTR( menu ); help->insertItem( trans->translate("&Help"), ID_HELP ); help->setAccel( CTRL+Key_H, ID_HELP ); help->insertSeparator(); help->insertItem( trans->translate("&About KBlackBox"), ID_ABOUT ); help->setAccel( CTRL+Key_A, ID_ABOUT ); help->insertItem( trans->translate("About &Qt"), ID_ABOUT_QT ); file->insertItem( trans->translate("&Quit"), ID_QUIT ); file->setAccel( CTRL+Key_Q, ID_QUIT ); game->insertItem( trans->translate("&New"), ID_NEW ); game->insertItem( trans->translate("&Give up"), ID_GIVEUP ); game->insertItem( trans->translate("&Done"), ID_DONE ); game->insertSeparator(); game->insertItem( trans->translate("&Resize"), ID_RESIZE ); sizes1id = sizesm->insertItem( " 8 x 8 ", this, SLOT(size1()) ); sizes2id = sizesm->insertItem( " 10 x 10 ", this, SLOT(size2()) ); sizes3id = sizesm->insertItem( " 12 x 12 ", this, SLOT(size3()) ); sizesm->setCheckable( TRUE ); balls1id = ballsm->insertItem( " 4 ", this, SLOT(balls1()) ); balls2id = ballsm->insertItem( " 6 ", this, SLOT(balls2()) ); balls3id = ballsm->insertItem( " 8 ", this, SLOT(balls3()) ); ballsm->setCheckable( TRUE ); options->insertItem( trans->translate("&Size"), sizesm ); options->insertItem( trans->translate("&Balls"), ballsm ); tut1id = options->insertItem( trans->translate("&Tutorial"), this, SLOT(tutorialSwitch()) ); options->setCheckable( TRUE ); connect( file, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(callBack(int)) ); connect( help, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(callBack(int)) ); connect( game, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(callBack(int)) ); menu->insertItem( trans->translate("&File"), file ); menu->insertItem( trans->translate("&Game"), game ); menu->insertItem( trans->translate("&Options"), options ); menu->insertSeparator(); menu->insertItem( trans->translate("&Help"), help ); menu->show(); setMenu( menu ); KIconLoader *loader = kapp->getIconLoader(); QPixmap **pix = new QPixmap*[NROFTYPES]; pix[0] = new QPixmap(); *pix[0] = loader->loadIcon( pFNames[0] ); if (!pix[0]->isNull()) { debug( "Pixmap \"%s\" loaded.", pFNames[0] ); for (i = 1; i < NROFTYPES; i++) { pix[i] = new QPixmap; *pix[i] = loader->loadIcon( pFNames[i] ); if (!pix[i]->isNull()) { debug( "Pixmap \"%s\" loaded.", pFNames[i] ); } else { pix[i] = pix[i-1]; pix[i]->detach(); debug( "Cannot find pixmap \"%s\". Using previous one.", pFNames[i] ); } } } else { debug( "Cannot find pixmap \"%s\". Pixmaps will not be loaded.", pFNames[0] ); delete pix[0]; delete pix; pix = NULL; } gr = new KBBGraphic( pix, this ); connect( gr, SIGNAL(inputAt(int,int,int)), this, SLOT(gotInputAt(int,int,int)) ); connect( this, SIGNAL(gameRuns(bool)), gr, SLOT(setInputAccepted(bool)) ); connect( gr, SIGNAL(endMouseClicked()), this, SLOT(gameFinished()) ); /* QToolTip::add( doneButton, trans->translate( "Click here when you think you placed all the balls.") ); */ QString tmps; stat = new KStatusBar( this ); tmps.sprintf( "aaaaaaaa" ); stat->insertItem( (const char *) tmps, SSCORE ); tmps.sprintf( "aaaaaaaaaaa" ); stat->insertItem( (const char *) tmps, SBALLS ); tmps.sprintf( "aaaaaaa" ); stat->insertItem( (const char *) tmps, SRUN ); tmps.sprintf( "aaaaaaaaaa" ); stat->insertItem( (const char *) tmps, SSIZE ); setStatusBar( stat ); tool = new KToolBar( this ); tool->insertButton( loader->loadIcon("exit.xpm"), ID_QUIT, TRUE, trans->translate("Quit") ); tool->insertButton( loader->loadIcon("reload.xpm"), ID_NEW, TRUE, trans->translate("New") ); tool->insertButton( loader->loadIcon("giveup.xpm"), ID_GIVEUP, TRUE, trans->translate("Give up") ); tool->insertButton( loader->loadIcon("done.xpm"), ID_DONE, TRUE, trans->translate("Done") ); tool->insertSeparator(); tool->insertButton( loader->loadIcon("help.xpm"), ID_HELP, TRUE, trans->translate("Help") ); connect( tool, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), SLOT(callBack(int)) ); addToolBar( tool ); tool->setBarPos( KToolBar::Top ); tool->show(); /* Game initializations */ running = FALSE; gameBoard = NULL; KConfig *kConf; int j; kConf = KApplication::getKApplication()->getConfig(); kConf->setGroup( "KBlackBox Setup" ); if (kConf->hasKey( "Balls" )) { i = kConf->readNumEntry( "Balls" ); balls = i; switch (i) { case 4: ballsm->setItemChecked( balls1id, TRUE ); break; case 6: ballsm->setItemChecked( balls2id, TRUE ); break; case 8: ballsm->setItemChecked( balls3id, TRUE ); break; } } else { balls = 4; ballsm->setItemChecked( balls1id, TRUE ); } if ((kConf->hasKey( "Width" )) && (kConf->hasKey( "Balls" ))) { i = kConf->readNumEntry( "Width" ); j = kConf->readNumEntry( "Height" ); gr->setSize( i+4, j+4 ); // +4 is the space for "lasers" and an edge... gameBoard = new RectOnArray( gr->numC(), gr->numR() ); switch (i) { case 8: sizesm->setItemChecked( sizes1id, TRUE ); break; case 10: sizesm->setItemChecked( sizes2id, TRUE ); break; case 12: sizesm->setItemChecked( sizes3id, TRUE ); break; } } else { gr->setSize( 8+4, 8+4 ); // +4 is the space for "lasers" and an edge... gameBoard = new RectOnArray( gr->numC(), gr->numR() ); sizesm->setItemChecked( sizes1id, TRUE ); } if (kConf->hasKey( "tutorial" )) { tutorial = (bool) kConf->readNumEntry( "tutorial" ); } else tutorial = FALSE; options->setItemChecked( tut1id, tutorial ); QString s, s1; int pos; setMinSize(); gameResize(); if (kConf->hasKey( "appsize" )) { s = kConf->readEntry( "appsize" ); debug("%s", (const char *) s); pos = s.find( 'x' ); s1 = s.right( s.length() - pos - 1 ); s.truncate( pos - 1 ); // debug("%s", (const char *) s); // debug("%s", (const char *) s1); resize( s.toInt(), s1.toInt() ); } setScore( 0 ); ballsPlaced = 0; updateStats(); setView( gr ); newGame(); }
MenuExample::MenuExample( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QWidget( parent, name ) { QPixmap p1( p1_xpm ); QPixmap p2( p2_xpm ); QPixmap p3( p3_xpm ); QPopupMenu *print = new QPopupMenu( this ); CHECK_PTR( print ); print->insertTearOffHandle(); print->insertItem( "&Print to printer", this, SLOT(printer()) ); print->insertItem( "Print to &file", this, SLOT(file()) ); print->insertItem( "Print to fa&x", this, SLOT(fax()) ); print->insertSeparator(); print->insertItem( "Printer &Setup", this, SLOT(printerSetup()) ); QPopupMenu *file = new QPopupMenu( this ); CHECK_PTR( file ); file->insertItem( p1, "&Open", this, SLOT(open()), CTRL+Key_O ); file->insertItem( p2, "&New", this, SLOT(news()), CTRL+Key_N ); file->insertItem( p3, "&Save", this, SLOT(save()), CTRL+Key_S ); file->insertItem( "&Close", this, SLOT(closeDoc()), CTRL+Key_W ); file->insertSeparator(); file->insertItem( "&Print", print, CTRL+Key_P ); file->insertSeparator(); file->insertItem( "E&xit", qApp, SLOT(quit()), CTRL+Key_Q ); QPopupMenu *edit = new QPopupMenu( this ); CHECK_PTR( edit ); int undoID = edit->insertItem( "&Undo", this, SLOT(undo()) ); int redoID = edit->insertItem( "&Redo", this, SLOT(redo()) ); edit->setItemEnabled( undoID, FALSE ); edit->setItemEnabled( redoID, FALSE ); QPopupMenu* options = new QPopupMenu( this ); CHECK_PTR( options ); options->insertTearOffHandle(); options->setCaption("Options"); options->insertItem( "&Normal Font", this, SLOT(normal()) ); options->insertSeparator(); options->polish(); // adjust system settings QFont f = options->font(); f.setBold( TRUE ); boldID = options->insertItem( new MyMenuItem( "Bold", f ) ); options->setAccel( CTRL+Key_B, boldID ); options->connectItem( boldID, this, SLOT(bold()) ); f = font(); f.setUnderline( TRUE ); underlineID = options->insertItem( new MyMenuItem( "Underline", f ) ); options->setAccel( CTRL+Key_U, underlineID ); options->connectItem( underlineID, this, SLOT(underline()) ); isBold = FALSE; isUnderline = FALSE; options->setCheckable( TRUE ); QPopupMenu *help = new QPopupMenu( this ); CHECK_PTR( help ); help->insertItem( "&About", this, SLOT(about()), CTRL+Key_H ); help->insertItem( "About &Qt", this, SLOT(aboutQt()) ); menu = new QMenuBar( this ); CHECK_PTR( menu ); menu->insertItem( "&File", file ); menu->insertItem( "&Edit", edit ); menu->insertItem( "&Options", options ); menu->insertSeparator(); menu->insertItem( "&Help", help ); menu->setSeparator( QMenuBar::InWindowsStyle ); label = new QLabel( this ); CHECK_PTR( label ); label->setGeometry( 20, rect().center().y()-20, width()-40, 40 ); label->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Box | QFrame::Raised ); label->setLineWidth( 1 ); label->setAlignment( AlignCenter ); connect( this, SIGNAL(explain(const QString&)), label, SLOT(setText(const QString&)) ); setMinimumSize( 100, 80 ); }
FilterDialog::FilterDialog (QWidget * parent) : QDialog (parent) { // set application icon setIcon (QPixmap(":/bitmaps/big.qucs.xpm")); setCaption("Qucs Filter " PACKAGE_VERSION); all = new QVBoxLayout(this); // -------- create menubar ------------------- QPopupMenu *fileMenu = new QPopupMenu(); fileMenu->insertItem(tr("E&xit"), this, SLOT(slotQuit()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Q); QPopupMenu *helpMenu = new QPopupMenu(); helpMenu->insertItem( tr("&About Qucs Filter..."), this, SLOT(slotHelpAbout()), 0); helpMenu->insertItem(tr("About Qt..."), this, SLOT(slotHelpAboutQt()), 0); QMenuBar *bar = new QMenuBar(this); bar->insertItem(tr("&File"), fileMenu); bar->insertSeparator (); bar->insertItem(tr("&Help"), helpMenu); all->addWidget(bar); // reserve space for menubar all->addSpacing (bar->height() + 2); QTabWidget *t = new QTabWidget(this); all->addWidget(t); // ........................................................... QWidget *Tab1 = new QWidget(t); QGridLayout *gp1 = new QGridLayout(Tab1,12,6,5,5); FilterName = new QComboBox(false, Tab1); gp1->addWidget(FilterName,0,0); TformName = new QComboBox(false, Tab1); gp1->addWidget(TformName,0,1); OrderBox = new QCheckBox(tr("Specify order"), Tab1); gp1->addWidget(OrderBox,1,0); QHBox *h1 = new QHBox(Tab1); h1->setSpacing (5); OrderCombo = new QComboBox(false, h1); OrderCombo->setEnabled(true); SubOrderCombo = new QComboBox(false, h1); SubOrderCombo->setEnabled(false); SubOrderCombo->insertItem( tr( "b" ) ); SubOrderCombo->insertItem( tr( "c" ) ); gp1->addWidget(h1,1,1); CutoffLabel = new QLabel(tr("Cutoff/Center"),Tab1); gp1->addWidget(CutoffLabel,2,0); EnterCutoff = new QLineEdit(Tab1); gp1->addWidget(EnterCutoff,2,1); CutoffCombo = new QComboBox(Tab1); CutoffCombo->insertItem( tr( "Hz" ) ); CutoffCombo->insertItem( tr( "kHz" ) ); CutoffCombo->insertItem( tr( "MHz" ) ); CutoffCombo->insertItem( tr( "GHz" ) ); gp1->addWidget(CutoffCombo,2,2); RippleLabel = new QLabel(tr("Ripple"),Tab1); gp1->addWidget(RippleLabel,3,0); EnterRipple = new QLineEdit(Tab1); gp1->addWidget(EnterRipple,3,1); RippleUnitLabel = new QLabel(tr("dB"),Tab1); gp1->addWidget(RippleUnitLabel,3,2); AngleLabel = new QLabel(tr("Angle"),Tab1); gp1->addWidget(AngleLabel,3,3); EnterAngle = new QLineEdit(Tab1); gp1->addWidget(EnterAngle,3,4); AngleUnitLabel = new QLabel(tr("°"),Tab1); gp1->addWidget(AngleUnitLabel,3,5); ZinLabel = new QLabel(tr("Zin"),Tab1); gp1->addWidget(ZinLabel,7,0); EnterZin = new QLineEdit(Tab1); gp1->addWidget(EnterZin,7,1); OhmLabel = new QLabel(tr("Ohm"),Tab1); gp1->addWidget(OhmLabel,7,2); ZoutLabel = new QLabel(tr("Zout"),Tab1); ZoutLabel->setEnabled(false); gp1->addWidget(ZoutLabel,7,3); EnterZout = new QLineEdit(Tab1); gp1->addWidget(EnterZout,7,4); OhmLabel_2 = new QLabel(tr("Ohm"),Tab1); gp1->addWidget(OhmLabel_2,7,5); StopbandLabel = new QLabel(tr("Stopband corner"),Tab1); gp1->addWidget(StopbandLabel,5,0); EnterStopband = new QLineEdit(Tab1); gp1->addWidget(EnterStopband,5,1); StopbandCombo = new QComboBox(false, Tab1); StopbandCombo->insertItem( tr( "Hz" ) ); StopbandCombo->insertItem( tr( "kHz" ) ); StopbandCombo->insertItem( tr( "MHz" ) ); StopbandCombo->insertItem( tr( "GHz" ) ); gp1->addWidget(StopbandCombo,5,2); BandwidthLabel = new QLabel(tr("Bandwidth"),Tab1); BandwidthLabel->setEnabled(false); gp1->addWidget(BandwidthLabel,4,0); EnterBandwidth = new QLineEdit(Tab1); gp1->addWidget(EnterBandwidth,4,1); BandwidthCombo = new QComboBox(false, Tab1); BandwidthCombo->setEnabled(false); BandwidthCombo->insertItem( tr( "Hz" ) ); BandwidthCombo->insertItem( tr( "kHz" ) ); BandwidthCombo->insertItem( tr( "MHz" ) ); BandwidthCombo->insertItem( tr( "GHz" ) ); gp1->addWidget(BandwidthCombo,4,2); AttenuationLabel = new QLabel(tr("Attenuation"),Tab1); gp1->addWidget(AttenuationLabel,6,0); EnterAttenuation = new QLineEdit(Tab1); gp1->addWidget(EnterAttenuation,6,1); dBLabel = new QLabel(tr("dB"),Tab1); gp1->addWidget(dBLabel,6,2); DualBox = new QCheckBox(tr("dual"),Tab1); gp1->addMultiCellWidget(DualBox,8,8,0,2); CauerPoleBox = new QCheckBox(tr("Stopband is first pole"),Tab1); CauerPoleBox->setEnabled(false); gp1->addMultiCellWidget(CauerPoleBox,9,9,0,2); OptimizeCauerBox = new QCheckBox(tr("Optimize cauer"),Tab1); OptimizeCauerBox->setEnabled(false); gp1->addMultiCellWidget(OptimizeCauerBox,10,10,0,2); EqualInductorBox = new QCheckBox(tr("Equal inductors"),Tab1); EqualInductorBox->setEnabled(false); gp1->addMultiCellWidget(EqualInductorBox,8,8,3,5); UseCrossBox = new QCheckBox(tr("+ rather than T"),Tab1); UseCrossBox->setEnabled(false); gp1->addMultiCellWidget(UseCrossBox,9,9,3,5); Cboxes = new QVButtonGroup(tr("Optimize C"),Tab1); Cmin = new QRadioButton(tr("Cmin"),Cboxes); Cmax = new QRadioButton(tr("Cmax"),Cboxes); NoC = new QRadioButton(tr("noC"),Cboxes); gp1->addMultiCellWidget(Cboxes,11,11,0,2); Lboxes = new QVButtonGroup(tr("Optimize L"),Tab1); Lmin = new QRadioButton(tr("Lmin"),Lboxes); Lmax = new QRadioButton(tr("Lmax"),Lboxes); NoL = new QRadioButton(tr("noL"),Lboxes); gp1->addMultiCellWidget(Lboxes,11,11,3,5); t->addTab(Tab1, tr("LC Filters")); // ........................................................... QWidget *Tab2 = new QWidget(t); t->addTab(Tab2, tr("Microstrip Filters")); // ........................................................... QWidget *Tab3 = new QWidget(t); t->addTab(Tab3, tr("Active Filters")); // reserve space for vertical resizing all->addStretch(); // ........................................................... // buttons on the bottom of the dialog (independent of the TabWidget) QHBox *Butts = new QHBox(this); Butts->setSpacing(3); Butts->setMargin(3); all->addWidget(Butts); cancelButton = new QPushButton(tr("Exit"),Butts); okButton = new QPushButton(tr("Calculate"),Butts); okButton->setEnabled(false); // signals and slots connections connect( cancelButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( reject() ) ); connect( okButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( accept() ) ); }
SpawnListMenu::SpawnListMenu(SEQListView* spawnlist, SEQWindow* spawnlistWindow, FilterMgr* filterMgr, CategoryMgr* categoryMgr, QWidget* parent, const char* name) : m_spawnlist(spawnlist), m_spawnlistWindow(spawnlistWindow), m_filterMgr(filterMgr), m_categoryMgr(categoryMgr) { // Show Columns QPopupMenu* spawnListColMenu = new QPopupMenu; insertItem( "Show &Column", spawnListColMenu); spawnListColMenu->setCheckable(true); m_id_spawnList_Cols[tSpawnColName] = spawnListColMenu->insertItem("&Name"); spawnListColMenu->setItemParameter(m_id_spawnList_Cols[tSpawnColName], tSpawnColName); m_id_spawnList_Cols[tSpawnColLevel] = spawnListColMenu->insertItem("&Level"); spawnListColMenu->setItemParameter(m_id_spawnList_Cols[tSpawnColLevel], tSpawnColLevel); m_id_spawnList_Cols[tSpawnColHP] = spawnListColMenu->insertItem("&HP"); spawnListColMenu->setItemParameter(m_id_spawnList_Cols[tSpawnColHP], tSpawnColHP); m_id_spawnList_Cols[tSpawnColMaxHP] = spawnListColMenu->insertItem("&Max HP"); spawnListColMenu->setItemParameter(m_id_spawnList_Cols[tSpawnColMaxHP], tSpawnColMaxHP); m_id_spawnList_Cols[tSpawnColXPos] = spawnListColMenu->insertItem("Coord &1"); spawnListColMenu->setItemParameter(m_id_spawnList_Cols[tSpawnColXPos], tSpawnColXPos); m_id_spawnList_Cols[tSpawnColYPos] = spawnListColMenu->insertItem("Coord &2"); spawnListColMenu->setItemParameter(m_id_spawnList_Cols[tSpawnColYPos], tSpawnColYPos); m_id_spawnList_Cols[tSpawnColZPos] = spawnListColMenu->insertItem("Coord &3"); spawnListColMenu->setItemParameter(m_id_spawnList_Cols[tSpawnColZPos], tSpawnColZPos); m_id_spawnList_Cols[tSpawnColID] = spawnListColMenu->insertItem("I&D"); spawnListColMenu->setItemParameter(m_id_spawnList_Cols[tSpawnColID], tSpawnColID); m_id_spawnList_Cols[tSpawnColDist] = spawnListColMenu->insertItem("&Dist"); spawnListColMenu->setItemParameter(m_id_spawnList_Cols[tSpawnColDist], tSpawnColDist); m_id_spawnList_Cols[tSpawnColRace] = spawnListColMenu->insertItem("&Race"); spawnListColMenu->setItemParameter(m_id_spawnList_Cols[tSpawnColRace], tSpawnColRace); m_id_spawnList_Cols[tSpawnColClass] = spawnListColMenu->insertItem("&Class"); spawnListColMenu->setItemParameter(m_id_spawnList_Cols[tSpawnColClass], tSpawnColClass); m_id_spawnList_Cols[tSpawnColInfo] = spawnListColMenu->insertItem("&Info"); spawnListColMenu->setItemParameter(m_id_spawnList_Cols[tSpawnColInfo], tSpawnColInfo); m_id_spawnList_Cols[tSpawnColSpawnTime] = spawnListColMenu->insertItem("Spawn &Time"); spawnListColMenu->setItemParameter(m_id_spawnList_Cols[tSpawnColSpawnTime], tSpawnColSpawnTime); m_id_spawnList_Cols[tSpawnColDeity] = spawnListColMenu->insertItem("&Deity"); spawnListColMenu->setItemParameter(m_id_spawnList_Cols[tSpawnColDeity], tSpawnColDeity); m_id_spawnList_Cols[tSpawnColBodyType] = spawnListColMenu->insertItem("&Body Type"); spawnListColMenu->setItemParameter(m_id_spawnList_Cols[tSpawnColBodyType], tSpawnColBodyType); m_id_spawnList_Cols[tSpawnColGuildID] = spawnListColMenu->insertItem("Guild Tag"); spawnListColMenu->setItemParameter(m_id_spawnList_Cols[tSpawnColGuildID], tSpawnColGuildID); connect (spawnListColMenu, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(toggle_spawnListCol(int))); int x; QPopupMenu* filterMenu = new QPopupMenu; m_id_filterMenu = insertItem("Add &Filter", filterMenu); setItemEnabled(m_id_filterMenu, false); x = filterMenu->insertItem("&Hunt..."); filterMenu->setItemParameter(x, HUNT_FILTER); x = filterMenu->insertItem("&Caution..."); filterMenu->setItemParameter(x, CAUTION_FILTER); x = filterMenu->insertItem("&Danger..."); filterMenu->setItemParameter(x, DANGER_FILTER); x = filterMenu->insertItem("&Locate..."); filterMenu->setItemParameter(x, LOCATE_FILTER); x = filterMenu->insertItem("&Alert..."); filterMenu->setItemParameter(x, ALERT_FILTER); x = filterMenu->insertItem("&Filtered..."); filterMenu->setItemParameter(x, FILTERED_FILTER); x = filterMenu->insertItem("&Tracer..."); filterMenu->setItemParameter(x, TRACER_FILTER); connect (filterMenu, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(add_filter(int))); QPopupMenu* zoneFilterMenu = new QPopupMenu; m_id_zoneFilterMenu = insertItem("Add &Zone Filter", zoneFilterMenu); setItemEnabled(m_id_zoneFilterMenu, false); x = zoneFilterMenu->insertItem("&Hunt..."); zoneFilterMenu->setItemParameter(x, HUNT_FILTER); x = zoneFilterMenu->insertItem("&Caution..."); zoneFilterMenu->setItemParameter(x, CAUTION_FILTER); x = zoneFilterMenu->insertItem("&Danger..."); zoneFilterMenu->setItemParameter(x, DANGER_FILTER); x = zoneFilterMenu->insertItem("&Locate..."); zoneFilterMenu->setItemParameter(x, LOCATE_FILTER); x = zoneFilterMenu->insertItem("&Alert..."); zoneFilterMenu->setItemParameter(x, ALERT_FILTER); x = zoneFilterMenu->insertItem("&Filtered..."); zoneFilterMenu->setItemParameter(x, FILTERED_FILTER); x = zoneFilterMenu->insertItem("&Tracer..."); zoneFilterMenu->setItemParameter(x, TRACER_FILTER); connect (zoneFilterMenu, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(add_zoneFilter(int))); insertSeparator(-1); x = insertItem("&Add Category...", this, SLOT(add_category(int))); m_id_edit_category = insertItem("&Edit Category...", this, SLOT(edit_category(int))); m_id_delete_category = insertItem("&Delete Category...", this, SLOT(delete_category(int))); insertItem("&Reload Categories", this, SLOT(reload_categories(int))); insertSeparator(-1); insertItem("&Font...", this, SLOT(set_font(int))); insertItem("&Caption...", this, SLOT(set_caption(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(init_Menu())); }
void ClsIqrGUI::createMenubar() { /* FILE */ file = new QPopupMenu( this ); menuBar()->insertItem( "&File", file ); file-> insertTearOffHandle(); file->insertItem( QPixmap( fileopen ), "&Open", this, SLOT(slotOpenSystem()), CTRL+Key_O, FILE_OPEN ); file->insertItem( QPixmap( filenew ), "&New System", this, SLOT(slotNewSystem()), CTRL+Key_N, FILE_NEW_SYSTEM); file->insertSeparator(); file->insertItem(QPixmap( fileclose ), "&Close System", this, SLOT( slotCloseSystem() ), 0, FILE_CLOSE_SYSTEM); // file->insertItem( "Save System (DEBUG)", this, SLOT(slotDebugSaveSystem())); file->insertItem(QPixmap( filesave ), "Save &System", this, SLOT(slotSaveSystem()), CTRL+Key_S, FILE_SAVE_SYSTEM); file->insertItem(QPixmap( filesaveas ), "Save System &As", this, SLOT(slotSaveSystemAs()), CTRL+Key_A, FILE_SAVE_SYSTEM_AS); file->insertItem( "&Export for AER", this, SLOT(slotExportSystemForAER()), CTRL+Key_E, FILE_EXPORT_FOR_AER); file->insertSeparator(); file->insertItem(QPixmap( systemproperties ), "System Properties", this, SLOT( slotSystemProperties() ), 0, FILE_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES); file->insertSeparator(); file->insertItem( QPixmap( quit ), "&Quit iqr", this, SLOT( slotQuitIQR() ), 0, FILE_QUIT); file->insertSeparator(); list<string> lstLFO = ClsFESettings::instance().getListLastFiles(); while (lstLFO.size()) { string strFilename = lstLFO.front(); int iID = file->insertItem( strFilename.c_str(), this, SLOT( slotOpenOldFile(int))); file->setItemParameter( iID, iID ); lstLFO.pop_front(); } file->setItemEnabled (FILE_SAVE_SYSTEM, false); /* EDIT */ edit = new QPopupMenu( this ); menuBar()->insertItem( "&Edit", edit ); edit->insertItem(QPixmap(paste), "Paste", this, SLOT( slotPaste() ), 0, ClsIqrGUI::ITEM_PASTE); edit->insertSeparator(); edit->insertItem( "Settings", this, SLOT( slotSettings() )); edit->insertItem( "Validate System", this, SLOT( slotValidateSystem() )); /* VIEW */ view = new QPopupMenu( this ); menuBar()->insertItem( "&View", view ); view->insertItem( "&Log", this, SLOT(slotShowLogWindow()), CTRL+Key_L ); /* DIAGRAM */ QPopupMenu * qpmDiagram = new QPopupMenu( this ); menuBar()->insertItem( "&Diagram", qpmDiagram ); qpmDiagram-> insertTearOffHandle(); qpmDiagram->insertItem("Save Diagram", this, SLOT(slotSaveDiagram())); qpmDiagram->insertItem("Print Diagram", this, SLOT(slotPrintDiagram())); /* DATA */ QPopupMenu * DAV = new QPopupMenu( this ); menuBar()->insertItem( "D&ata", DAV ); DAV-> insertTearOffHandle(); DAV->insertItem( "Data Sampler", MENU_DATA_SAMPLER, -1 ); DAV->insertSeparator(); DAV->insertItem( "Open Configuration", ClsFEDataManager::Instance(), SLOT( applyConfig() )); DAV->insertItem( "&Save Configuration", ClsFEDataManager::Instance(), SLOT( saveConfig() )); connect( DAV, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(slotDAVMenu(int)) ); }