  Checks the syntax of the given \a program. Returns a
  QScriptSyntaxCheckResult object that contains the result of the check.
QScriptSyntaxCheckResult QScriptEngine::checkSyntax(const QString &program)
    // FIXME This is not optimal.
    // The JSC C API needs a context to perform a syntax check, it means that a QScriptEnginePrivate
    // had to be created. This function is static so we have to create QScriptEnginePrivate for each
    // call. We can't remove the "static" for compatibility reason, at least up to Qt5.
    // QScriptSyntaxCheckResultPrivate takes ownership of newly created engine. The engine will be
    // kept as long as it is needed for lazy evaluation of properties of
    // the QScriptSyntaxCheckResultPrivate.
    QScriptEnginePrivate* engine = new QScriptEnginePrivate(/* q_ptr */ 0);
    return QScriptSyntaxCheckResultPrivate::get(engine->checkSyntax(program));