예제 #1
QSize KexiView::preferredSizeHint(const QSize& otherSize)
#ifdef __GNUC__
#warning KexiView::preferredSizeHint()
#pragma WARNING( KexiView::preferredSizeHint() )
#if 0 //todo
    KexiWindow* w = d->window;
    if (dlg && dlg->mdiParent()) {
        QRect r = dlg->mdiParent()->mdiAreaContentsRect();
        return otherSize.boundedTo(QSize(
                                       r.width() - 10,
                                       r.height() - dlg->mdiParent()->captionHeight() - dlg->pos().y() - 10
    return otherSize;
예제 #2
QSize UIMachineViewNormal::calculateMaxGuestSize() const
    /* The area taken up by the machine window on the desktop, including window
     * frame, title, menu bar and status bar. */
    QSize windowSize = machineWindow()->frameGeometry().size();
    /* The window shouldn't be allowed to expand beyond the working area
     * unless it already does.  In that case the guest shouldn't expand it
     * any further though. */
    QSize maximumSize = workingArea().size().expandedTo(windowSize);
    /* The current size of the machine display. */
    QSize centralWidgetSize = machineWindow()->centralWidget()->size();
    /* To work out how big the guest display can get without the window going
     * over the maximum size we calculated above, we work out how much space
     * the other parts of the window (frame, menu bar, status bar and so on)
     * take up and subtract that space from the maximum window size. The 
     * central widget shouldn't be bigger than the window, but we bound it for
     * sanity (or insanity) reasons. */
    return maximumSize - (windowSize - centralWidgetSize.boundedTo(windowSize));
예제 #3
QSize PropertyEditorDelegate::sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option,
                                       const QModelIndex &index) const
    const QVariant value = index.data(Qt::EditRole);
    if (value.canConvert<QMatrix4x4>()) {
        return sizeHint(option, index, value.value<QMatrix4x4>());
    } else if (value.canConvert<QMatrix>()) {
        return sizeHint(option, index, value.value<QMatrix>());
    } else if (value.type() == QVariant::Transform) {
        return sizeHint(option, index, value.value<QTransform>());
    } else if (value.canConvert<QVector2D>()) {
        return sizeHint(option, index, value.value<QVector2D>());
    } else if (value.canConvert<QVector3D>()) {
        return sizeHint(option, index, value.value<QVector3D>());
    } else if (value.canConvert<QVector4D>()) {
        return sizeHint(option, index, value.value<QVector4D>());
    } else if (value.type() == QVariant::Quaternion) {
        return sizeHint(option, index, value.value<QQuaternion>());

    // We don't want multiline texts for String values
    if (value.type() == QVariant::String) {
        QStyleOptionViewItem opt = option;
        QStyleOptionViewItemV4 opt = *qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionViewItemV4 *>(&option);

        if (opt.text.isEmpty() && !placeholderText().isEmpty())
            opt.text = defaultDisplayText(index);

        QSize sh = QStyledItemDelegate::sizeHint(opt, index);

        initStyleOption(&opt, index);
        return sh.boundedTo(QSize(sh.width(), opt.fontMetrics.height()));

    return QStyledItemDelegate::sizeHint(option, index);
예제 #4
QRect DlgPreferences::getDefaultGeometry() {
    QSize optimumSize;
    optimumSize = qApp->desktop()->availableGeometry(this).size();

    if (frameSize() == size()) {
        // This code is reached in Gnome 2.3
        qDebug() << "guess the size of the window decoration";
        optimumSize -= QSize(2,30);
    } else {
        optimumSize -= (frameSize() - size());

    QSize staticSize = size() - pagesWidget->size();
    optimumSize = optimumSize.boundedTo(staticSize + m_pageSizeHint);

    QRect optimumRect = geometry();

    return optimumRect;
예제 #5
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: ahb0327/Drawpile
void DrawpileApp::openBlankDocument()
	// Open a new window with a blank image
	QSettings cfg;

	QSize maxSize = desktop()->screenGeometry().size();
	QSize size = cfg.value("history/newsize").toSize();

	if(size.width()<100 || size.height()<100) {
		// No previous size, or really small size
		size = QSize(800, 600);
	} else {
		// Make sure previous size is not ridiculously huge
		size = size.boundedTo(maxSize);

	QColor color = cfg.value("history/newcolor").value<QColor>();
		color = Qt::white;

	MainWindow *win = new MainWindow;
	win->newDocument(size, color);
예제 #6
  \brief Draw the spectrogram

  \param painter Painter
  \param xMap Maps x-values into pixel coordinates.
  \param yMap Maps y-values into pixel coordinates.
  \param canvasRect Contents rectangle of the canvas in painter coordinates

  \sa setDisplayMode(), renderImage(),
      QwtPlotRasterItem::draw(), drawContourLines()
void QwtPlotSpectrogram::draw( QPainter *painter,
    const QwtScaleMap &xMap, const QwtScaleMap &yMap,
    const QRectF &canvasRect ) const
    if ( d_data->displayMode & ImageMode )
        QwtPlotRasterItem::draw( painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect );

    if ( d_data->displayMode & ContourMode )
        // Add some pixels at the borders
        const int margin = 2;
        QRectF rasterRect( canvasRect.x() - margin, canvasRect.y() - margin,
            canvasRect.width() + 2 * margin, canvasRect.height() + 2 * margin );

        QRectF area = QwtScaleMap::invTransform( xMap, yMap, rasterRect );

        const QRectF br = boundingRect();
        if ( br.isValid() )
            area &= br;
            if ( area.isEmpty() )

            rasterRect = QwtScaleMap::transform( xMap, yMap, area );

        QSize raster = contourRasterSize( area, rasterRect.toRect() );
        raster = raster.boundedTo( rasterRect.toRect().size() );
        if ( raster.isValid() )
            const QwtRasterData::ContourLines lines =
                renderContourLines( area, raster );

            drawContourLines( painter, xMap, yMap, lines );
예제 #7
	static QSize ItemViewSizeHint(const QWidget * us, const ViewWidget * view)
		// maximum size - half screen
		QSize maxSize = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry().size();
		maxSize /= 2;
		// but no more than maximumSize()
		maxSize = maxSize.boundedTo(us->maximumSize());

		// if we are in QMdiArea, then our sizeHint should not be more than one third of QMdiArea size
		if (auto mdi = QtTools::FindAncestor<QMdiArea>(us))
			maxSize = mdi->size();
			maxSize /= 3;

		// additional size - size of all layout'а
		// minus size of tableView, size of which we calculate ourself.
		// QTableView::sizeHint in fact always return dummy size: 256:192
		QSize addSz = us->QWidget::sizeHint() - view->sizeHint();
		maxSize -= addSz;

		auto sz = QtTools::ItemViewSizeHint(view, view->minimumSizeHint(), maxSize);
		return sz += addSz;
예제 #8
파일: qdockwidget.cpp 프로젝트: phen89/rtqt
QSize QDockWidgetLayout::sizeFromContent(const QSize &content, bool floating) const
    QSize result = content;

    if (verticalTitleBar) {
        result.setHeight(qMax(result.height(), minimumTitleWidth()));
        result.setWidth(qMax(content.width(), 0));
    } else {
        result.setHeight(qMax(result.height(), 0));
        result.setWidth(qMax(content.width(), minimumTitleWidth()));

    QDockWidget *w = qobject_cast<QDockWidget*>(parentWidget());
    const bool nativeDeco = nativeWindowDeco(floating);

    int fw = floating && !nativeDeco
            ? w->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_DockWidgetFrameWidth, 0, w)
            : 0;

    const int th = titleHeight();
    if (!nativeDeco) {
        if (verticalTitleBar)
            result += QSize(th + 2*fw, 2*fw);
            result += QSize(2*fw, th + 2*fw);

    result.setHeight(qMin(result.height(), (int) QWIDGETSIZE_MAX));
    result.setWidth(qMin(result.width(), (int) QWIDGETSIZE_MAX));

    if (content.width() < 0)
    if (content.height() < 0)

    int left, top, right, bottom;
    w->getContentsMargins(&left, &top, &right, &bottom);
    //we need to substract the contents margin (it will be added by the caller)
    QSize min = w->minimumSize() - QSize(left + right, top + bottom);
    QSize max = w->maximumSize() - QSize(left + right, top + bottom);

    /* A floating dockwidget will automatically get its minimumSize set to the layout's
       minimum size + deco. We're *not* interested in this, we only take minimumSize()
       into account if the user set it herself. Otherwise we end up expanding the result
       of a calculation for a non-floating dock widget to a floating dock widget's
       minimum size + window decorations. */

    uint explicitMin = 0;
    uint explicitMax = 0;
    if (w->d_func()->extra != 0) {
        explicitMin = w->d_func()->extra->explicitMinSize;
        explicitMax = w->d_func()->extra->explicitMaxSize;

    if (!(explicitMin & Qt::Horizontal) || min.width() == 0)
    if (!(explicitMin & Qt::Vertical) || min.height() == 0)

    if (!(explicitMax & Qt::Horizontal))
    if (!(explicitMax & Qt::Vertical))

    return result.boundedTo(max).expandedTo(min);
예제 #9
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: ideallx/Drawpile
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    // Initialize application
    DrawpileApp app(argc,argv);


#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
    // Mac specific settings

    // Global menu bar that is shown when no windows are open


    Color_Wheel::setDefaultDisplayFlags(Color_Wheel::SHAPE_SQUARE | Color_Wheel::ANGLE_FIXED | Color_Wheel::COLOR_HSV);

        // Set override locale from settings, or use system locale if no override is set
        QLocale locale = QLocale::c();
        QString overrideLang = QSettings().value("settings/language").toString();
            locale = QLocale(overrideLang);

        if(locale == QLocale::c())
            locale = QLocale::system();


    const QStringList args = app.arguments();
    if(args.count()>1) {
        QUrl url(args.at(1));
        if(url.scheme().length() <= 1) {
            // no scheme (or a drive letter?) means this is probably a local file
            url = QUrl::fromLocalFile(args.at(1));

    } else {
        // No arguments, start with an empty document
        QSettings cfg;

        QSize maxSize = app.desktop()->screenGeometry().size();
        QSize size = cfg.value("history/newsize").toSize();
        if(size.width()<100 || size.height()<100) {
            // No previous size, or really small size
            size = QSize(800, 600);
        } else {
            // Make sure previous size is not ridiculously huge
            size = size.boundedTo(maxSize);

        QColor color = cfg.value("history/newcolor").value<QColor>();
            color = Qt::white;

        MainWindow *win = new MainWindow;
        win->newDocument(size, color);

    return app.exec();
예제 #10
파일: tabbar.cpp 프로젝트: agnelterry/arora
QSize TabBar::tabSizeHint(int index) const
    QSize sizeHint = QTabBar::tabSizeHint(index);
    QFontMetrics fm = fontMetrics();
    return sizeHint.boundedTo(QSize(fm.width(QLatin1Char('M')) * 18, sizeHint.height()));
예제 #11
QRect WidgetManager::alignGeometry(const QSize &ASize, const QWidget *AWidget, Qt::Alignment AAlign)
	QRect availRect = AWidget!=NULL ? QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry(AWidget) : QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry();
	return QStyle::alignedRect(Qt::LeftToRight,AAlign,ASize.boundedTo(availRect.size()),availRect);
예제 #12
파일: FindBar.cpp 프로젝트: Mucip/trojita
void FindBar::find(FindBar::FindDirection dir)

    if (isHidden()) {
        QPoint previous_position = m_associatedWebView->page()->currentFrame()->scrollPosition();

    QWebPage::FindFlags options = QWebPage::FindWrapsAroundDocument;
    if (dir == Backward)
        options |= QWebPage::FindBackward;
    if (matchCase())
        options |= QWebPage::FindCaseSensitively;

    // HACK Because we're using the QWebView inside a QScrollArea container, the attempts
    // to scroll the QWebView itself have no direct effect.
    // Therefore we temporarily shrink the page viewport to the message viewport (ie. the size it
    // can cover at max), then perform the search, store the scrollPosition, restore the page viewport
    // and finally scroll the messageview to the gathered scrollPosition, mapped to the message (ie.
    // usually offset by the mail header)

    auto emb = qobject_cast<EmbeddedWebView *>(m_associatedWebView);

    QAbstractScrollArea *container = emb ? static_cast<QAbstractScrollArea*>(emb->scrollParent()) : nullptr;
    const QSize oldVpS = m_associatedWebView->page()->viewportSize();
    const bool useResizeTrick = container ? !!container->verticalScrollBar() : false;
    // first shrink the page viewport
    if (useResizeTrick) {
        m_associatedWebView->setUpdatesEnabled(false); // don't let the user see the flicker we might produce
        QSize newVpS = oldVpS.boundedTo(container->size());

    // now perform the search (pot. in the shrinked viewport)
    bool found = m_associatedWebView->page()->findText(_lastStringSearched, options);

    // scroll and reset the page viewport if necessary
    if (useResizeTrick) {
        // the page has now a usable scroll position ...
        int scrollPosition = m_associatedWebView->page()->currentFrame()->scrollPosition().y();
        // ... which needs to be extended by the pages offset (usually the header widget)
        // NOTICE: QWidget::mapTo() fails as the viewport child position can be negative, so we run ourself
        QWidget *runner = m_associatedWebView;
        while (runner->parentWidget() != container->viewport()) {
            scrollPosition += runner->y();
            runner = runner->parentWidget();
        // reset viewport to original size ...
        // ... let the user see the change ...

        // ... and finally scroll to the desired position
        if (found)

    if (!found) {
        QPoint previous_position = m_associatedWebView->page()->currentFrame()->scrollPosition();