예제 #1
bool FvUpdater::checkSslFingerPrint(QUrl urltoCheck)
		qWarning()<<tr("SSL fingerprint check: The url %1 is not a ssl connection!").arg(urltoCheck.toString());
		return false;

	QSslSocket *socket = new QSslSocket(this);
	socket->connectToHostEncrypted(urltoCheck.host(), 443);
	if( !socket->waitForEncrypted(1000))	// waits until ssl emits encrypted(), max 1000msecs
		qWarning()<<"SSL fingerprint check: Unable to connect SSL server: "<<socket->sslErrors();
		return false;

	QSslCertificate cert = socket->peerCertificate();

		qWarning()<<"SSL fingerprint check: Unable to retrieve SSL server certificate.";
		return false;

	// COmpare digests
	if(cert.digest().toHex() != m_requiredSslFingerprint)
		qWarning()<<"SSL fingerprint check: FINGERPRINT MISMATCH! Server digest="<<cert.digest().toHex()<<", requiered ssl digest="<<m_requiredSslFingerprint;
		return false;
	return true;
예제 #2
void SslCertificateMonitor::socketReady(QObject *sockobj)
    QSslSocket *sock = qobject_cast<QSslSocket *>(sockobj);
    if (!sock)

    QString peerName = sock->peerName();
    QSslCertificate certificate = sock->peerCertificate();

    if (*(d->acceptedCache.object(peerName)) == certificate)
        return; // Fast path for most recently accepted certificates

    // Have we been here before?
    QSslCertificate previousCertificate = cachedCertificate(peerName);

    if (!previousCertificate.isNull()) {
        if (certificate == previousCertificate) {
            // We need to add the certificate to the cache here as well as when we add to
            // the on-disk cache so that we don't hit the disk again for this site.
            d->acceptedCache.insert(peerName,new QSslCertificate(certificate));
            return; // All is well

        // Cert has changed
        QString message = evaluateCertificateChange( peerName, previousCertificate,
                                                     certificate, sock->sslErrors().isEmpty() );

        d->acceptCurrent = false;
        emit certificateWarning(sock, message);
    else {
        // The certificate is new. We don't show anything to user because then
        // we're simply training them to click through our warning message without
        // thinking.
        d->acceptCurrent = true;

    // If the user has chosen to accept the certificate or the certficate is new
    // then we store the updated entry.
    if (d->acceptCurrent) {
        d->acceptedCache.insert(peerName,new QSslCertificate(certificate));
        addCertificate(peerName, certificate);
    else {
        // Certficate has been considered dangerous by the user
예제 #3
QList<QSslError> SslTlsSocket::sslErrors() const
    QSslSocket *sock = qobject_cast<QSslSocket *>(d);
    return sock->sslErrors();