void Hdd::configAccepted() { KConfigGroup cg = config(); KConfigGroup cgGlobal = globalConfig(); QStandardItem *parentItem = m_hddModel.invisibleRootItem(); clear(); for (int i = 0; i < parentItem->rowCount(); ++i) { QStandardItem *item = parentItem->child(i, 0); if (item) { QStandardItem *child = parentItem->child(i, 1); if (child->text() != child->data().toString()) { cgGlobal.writeEntry(item->data().toString(), child->text()); } if (item->checkState() == Qt::Checked) { appendSource(item->data().toString()); } } } cg.writeEntry("uuids", sources()); uint interval = ui.intervalSpinBox->value(); cg.writeEntry("interval", interval); emit configNeedsSaving(); }
void ReportGenerationDialog::on_screenshotListView_doubleClicked(const QModelIndex &index) { QStandardItem *item = screenshotModel.item(ui->screenshotListView->currentIndex().row()); selectedScreenshotModel.appendRow(new QStandardItem(item->icon(), item->text())); processScreenshotAnalysis(item->text()); screenshotModel.removeRow(ui->screenshotListView->currentIndex().row()); }
void HPSKnotDirModel::setTreeView(bool isTreeView,QStandardItem *item) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << isTreeView <<item->text(); QStandardItem *tmpItem; if( isTreeView){ const int count = item->rowCount(); for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i){ delete item->takeRow(0).first(); } qDebug() << item->rowCount(); const int size = mTmpRoot->rowCount(); for( int i = 0 ; i < size ; ++i ) { tmpItem = mTmpRoot->takeRow(0).first(); qDebug() << tmpItem->text(); item->appendRow(tmpItem); } mRoot->item = item; }else{ const int size = item->rowCount(); for( int i = 0 ; i < size ; ++i ) { tmpItem = item->takeRow(0).first(); qDebug() << tmpItem->text(); mTmpRoot->appendRow(tmpItem); } mRoot->item = mTmpRoot; makeListView(mRoot,item); } }
void ConfigurationContentsWidget::optionChanged(const QString &option, const QVariant &value) { for (int i = 0; i < m_model->rowCount(); ++i) { QStandardItem *groupItem = m_model->item(i, 0); if (!groupItem || !QString(option).startsWith(groupItem->text())) { continue; } for (int j = 0; j < groupItem->rowCount(); ++j) { QStandardItem *optionItem = groupItem->child(j, 0); if (optionItem && option == QStringLiteral("%1/%2").arg(groupItem->text()).arg(optionItem->text())) { QFont font = optionItem->font(); font.setBold(value != SettingsManager::getDefaultValue(option)); optionItem->setFont(font); groupItem->child(j, 2)->setText(value.toString()); break; } } } }
void HistoryContentsWidget::removeDomainEntries() { QStandardItem *domainItem = findEntry(getEntry(m_ui->historyView->currentIndex())); if (!domainItem) { return; } const QString host = QUrl(domainItem->text()).host(); QList<qint64> entries; for (int i = 0; i < m_model->rowCount(); ++i) { QStandardItem *groupItem = m_model->item(i, 0); if (!groupItem) { continue; } for (int j = (groupItem->rowCount() - 1); j >= 0; --j) { QStandardItem *entryItem = groupItem->child(j, 0); if (entryItem && host == QUrl(entryItem->text()).host()) { entries.append(entryItem->data(Qt::UserRole).toLongLong()); } } } HistoryManager::removeEntries(entries); }
void tst_QStandardItem::clone() { QStandardItem item; item.setText(QLatin1String("text")); item.setToolTip(QLatin1String("toolTip")); item.setStatusTip(QLatin1String("statusTip")); item.setWhatsThis(QLatin1String("whatsThis")); item.setSizeHint(QSize(64, 48)); item.setFont(QFont()); item.setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter); item.setBackground(QColor(Qt::blue)); item.setForeground(QColor(Qt::green)); item.setCheckState(Qt::PartiallyChecked); item.setAccessibleText(QLatin1String("accessibleText")); item.setAccessibleDescription(QLatin1String("accessibleDescription")); item.setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled); QStandardItem *clone = item.clone(); QCOMPARE(clone->text(), item.text()); QCOMPARE(clone->toolTip(), item.toolTip()); QCOMPARE(clone->statusTip(), item.statusTip()); QCOMPARE(clone->whatsThis(), item.whatsThis()); QCOMPARE(clone->sizeHint(), item.sizeHint()); QCOMPARE(clone->font(), item.font()); QCOMPARE(clone->textAlignment(), item.textAlignment()); QCOMPARE(clone->background(), item.background()); QCOMPARE(clone->foreground(), item.foreground()); QCOMPARE(clone->checkState(), item.checkState()); QCOMPARE(clone->accessibleText(), item.accessibleText()); QCOMPARE(clone->accessibleDescription(), item.accessibleDescription()); QCOMPARE(clone->flags(), item.flags()); QVERIFY(!(*clone < item)); delete clone; }
void NBioBSP_IndexSearch::on_btRmDB_pressed() { QModelIndexList selectedRows = ui->tableReg->selectionModel()->selectedRows(); NBioAPI_INDEXSEARCH_FP_INFO infoFP; QStandardItem* pItem; NBioAPI_RETURN nRet = NBioAPIERROR_NONE; for (int i = selectedRows.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { pItem = pRegModel->item(selectedRows[i].row(), 0); infoFP.ID = pItem->text().toUInt(); pItem = pRegModel->item(selectedRows[i].row(), 1); infoFP.FingerID = (NBioAPI_UINT8) pItem->text().toUShort(); pItem = pRegModel->item(selectedRows[i].row(), 2); infoFP.SampleNumber = (NBioAPI_UINT8) pItem->text().toUShort(); nRet = NBioAPI_RemoveDataFromIndexSearchDB(m_hNBioBSP, &infoFP); if (NBioAPIERROR_NONE == nRet) pRegModel->removeRow(selectedRows[i].row(), QModelIndex()); else { QString szError; szError.sprintf("NBioAPI_RemoveDataFromIndexSearchDB error: %04X", nRet); ui->labelStatus->setText(szError); break; } } if (NBioAPIERROR_NONE == nRet) ui->labelStatus->setText(QString("Remove data from DB [Count: %1]").arg(selectedRows.size())); UpdateTotalCount(); }
void KDEProjectsReaderTest::testsProperParse() { KDEProjectsModel m; KDEProjectsReader reader(&m, 0); if(reader.hasErrors()) qDebug() << "errors:" << reader.errors(); QVERIFY(!reader.hasErrors()); WAIT_FOR_SIGNAL(&reader,downloadDone()); for(int i=0; i<m.rowCount(); i++) { QStandardItem* item = m.item(i,0); qDebug() << ":::::" << item->text() << item->icon() << item->data(KDEProjectsModel::VcsLocationRole); QVERIFY(item); QVERIFY(!item->text().isEmpty()); QVariant urls = item->data(KDEProjectsModel::VcsLocationRole); QVERIFY(urls.isValid()); QVERIFY(urls.canConvert(QVariant::Map)); QVariantMap mapurls=urls.toMap(); for(QVariantMap::const_iterator it=mapurls.constBegin(), itEnd=mapurls.constEnd(); it!=itEnd; ++it) { QVERIFY(!it.key().isEmpty()); QVERIFY(!it.value().toString().isEmpty()); } QVERIFY(!item->data(KDEProjectsModel::VcsLocationRole).toMap().isEmpty()); } }
void VegetationWidget::getSelectedTypes(std::vector<std::string>& returnTypeList) { returnTypeList.clear(); QWidget* curWidget = _tabWidget->currentWidget(); if (curWidget == _treeListView) { QStandardItemModel* model = qobject_cast<QStandardItemModel*>(_treeListView->model()); for (int j = 0; j < model->rowCount(); ++j) { QStandardItem* item = model->item(j); if (item->checkState() == Qt::Checked) { returnTypeList.push_back(chineseTextToUTF8String(item->text())); } } } else { QStandardItemModel* model = qobject_cast<QStandardItemModel*>(_grassListView->model()); for (int j = 0; j < model->rowCount(); ++j) { QStandardItem* item = model->item(j); if (item->checkState() == Qt::Checked) { returnTypeList.push_back(chineseTextToUTF8String(item->text())); } } } }
void AbstractCameraManager::cameraTree_itemClicked(const QModelIndex & index, QString &string, int &icon, bool &editable, bool &deleteable) { QStandardItem* clicked = getModel()->itemFromIndex(index); selectedItem = clicked; QStandardItem* first = NULL; string = clicked->text(); editable = true; deleteable = true; if( clicked->data(CameraRole).isValid() ) { icon = 0; deleteable = false; first = clicked; } else { if( clicked == &newCameraList ) { qDebug() << "clicked == newCameraList"; editable = false; deleteable = false; } first = cameraTree_recursiveFirstCamera(clicked); if( first == NULL ) icon = 1; else { icon = 2; string = clicked->text() + " <br /> ("+ first->text() + ")"; } } selectedCamera = (first == NULL) ? NULL : reinterpret_cast<AbstractCamera *>( first->data(CameraRole).value<quintptr>() ); updateProperties(); }
void QgsOSMExportDialog::onOK() { if ( !openDatabase() ) return; QgsOSMDatabase::ExportType type; if ( radPoints->isChecked() ) type = QgsOSMDatabase::Point; else if ( radPolylines->isChecked() ) type = QgsOSMDatabase::Polyline; else type = QgsOSMDatabase::Polygon; buttonBox->setEnabled( false ); QApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor ); QStringList tagKeys; QStringList notNullTagKeys; for ( int i = 0; i < mTagsModel->rowCount(); ++i ) { QStandardItem* item = mTagsModel->item( i, 0 ); if ( item->checkState() == Qt::Checked ) tagKeys << item->text(); QStandardItem* item2 = mTagsModel->item( i, 2 ); if ( item2->checkState() == Qt::Checked ) notNullTagKeys << item->text(); } bool res = mDatabase->exportSpatiaLite( type, editLayerName->text(), tagKeys, notNullTagKeys ); // load the layer into canvas if that was requested if ( chkLoadWhenFinished->isChecked() ) { QgsDataSourceUri uri; uri.setDatabase( editDbFileName->text() ); uri.setDataSource( QString(), editLayerName->text(), "geometry" ); QgsVectorLayer* vlayer = new QgsVectorLayer( uri.uri(), editLayerName->text(), "spatialite" ); if ( vlayer->isValid() ) QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->addMapLayer( vlayer ); } QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); buttonBox->setEnabled( true ); if ( res ) { QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "OpenStreetMap export" ), tr( "Export has been successful." ) ); } else { QMessageBox::critical( this, tr( "OpenStreetMap export" ), tr( "Failed to export OSM data:\n%1" ).arg( mDatabase->errorString() ) ); } mDatabase->close(); }
void VegetationWidget::slotViewSelected() { QListView* view = qobject_cast<QListView*>(sender()); QItemSelectionModel* selectionModel = view->selectionModel(); QModelIndexList modelList = selectionModel->selectedIndexes(); if (modelList.size() < 1) return; QStandardItemModel* model = qobject_cast<QStandardItemModel*>(view->model()); std::string dirString(""); if (view == _treeListView) { std::string plantDir = g_SystemContext._workContextDir; plantDir.append(CONTEXT_DIR); plantDir.append("/Plant/"); dirString = plantDir + "Tree/"; } else { std::string plantDir = g_SystemContext._workContextDir; plantDir.append(CONTEXT_DIR); plantDir.append("/Plant/"); dirString = plantDir + "Grass/"; } QStandardItem* currentItem = model->itemFromIndex(modelList.at(0)); dirString.append(chineseTextToUTF8String(currentItem->text())); osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> node; if (currentItem->text().endsWith(".osgb")) { node = g_SystemContext._resourceLoader->getNodeByName(dirString, false); } else { osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> image = g_SystemContext._resourceLoader->getImageByFileName(dirString); if (image.valid()) { float s = image->s(); float t = image->t(); osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geometry> geometry = osg::createTexturedQuadGeometry(osg::Vec3(-s / 2.0f, -t / 2.0f, 0), osg::Vec3(s, 0, 0), osg::Vec3(0, t, 0)); osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geode> geode = new osg::Geode; geode->addDrawable(geometry); osg::StateSet* ss = geode->getOrCreateStateSet(); ss->setMode(GL_BLEND, osg::StateAttribute::ON); ss->setRenderingHint(osg::StateSet::TRANSPARENT_BIN); osg::Texture2D* texture = new osg::Texture2D(image); ss->setTextureAttributeAndModes(0, texture, osg::StateAttribute::ON); node = geode; } } if (node.valid()) { _nodeViewDialog = new NodeViewDialog; _nodeViewDialog->setNode(node); _nodeViewDialog->exec(); //_nodeViewDialog->setNode(NULL); } }
void MangaListWidget::goToRead(QModelIndex modelIndex) { QStandardItem* currentItem = _model->itemFromIndex(modelIndex); QStandardItem* currentItemParent = currentItem->parent(); if (currentItemParent == nullptr) return; markRead(); emit chapterSelected(currentItemParent->text(), currentItem->text()); }
bool CMakeCacheModel::writeBack(const KUrl & path) const { kDebug(9042) << "writing CMakeCache.txt at " << path; QFile file(path.toLocalFile()); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { kDebug(9032) << "Could not open " << path << " the file for writing"; return false; } KUrl dir(path); dir.upUrl(); QTextStream out(&file); out << "# This is the CMakeCache file." << endl; out << "# For build in directory: " << dir.pathOrUrl() << endl; out << "# It was generated by cmake and edited by KDevelop 4" << endl; out << "# You can edit this file to change values found and used by cmake." << endl; out << "# If you do not want to change any of the values, simply exit the editor." << endl; out << "# If you do want to change a value, simply edit, save, and exit the editor." << endl; out << "# The syntax for the file is as follows:" << endl; out << "# KEY:TYPE=VALUE" << endl; out << "# KEY is the name of a variable in the cache." << endl; out << "# TYPE is a hint to GUI's for the type of VALUE, DO NOT EDIT TYPE!." << endl; out << "# VALUE is the current value for the KEY." << endl << endl; out << "########################" << endl; out << "# EXTERNAL cache entries" << endl; out << "########################" << endl << endl; for(int i=0; i<rowCount(); i++) { if(i==m_internalBegin) { out << endl; out << "########################" << endl; out << "# INTERNAL cache entries" << endl; out << "########################" << endl << endl; } QStandardItem* name = item(i, 0); QStandardItem* type = item(i, 1); QStandardItem* valu = item(i, 2); QStandardItem* comm = item(i, 3); if(!name || !type || !comm || !valu) continue; if(!comm->text().isEmpty()) { QStringList comments=comm->text().split('\n'); foreach(const QString& commLine, comments) { out << "//"; out << commLine; out << endl; } }
void TableFormWidget::updateWidgetFromData() { QVector<DBAttribute> &attributes = table->getAttributes(); if(model->rowCount()>attributes.size()) { while(model->rowCount()!=attributes.size()) { model->removeRow(model->rowCount()-1); } } for(int i=0;i<attributes.size();i++) { DBAttribute &attribute = attributes[i]; QStandardItem *itemName = new QStandardItem(attribute.name); QStandardItem *itemType = new QStandardItem(attribute.type); QStandardItem *itemPK = new QStandardItem(attribute.PK); QStandardItem *itemNN = new QStandardItem(attribute.NN); QStandardItem *itemU = new QStandardItem(attribute.UNIQ); //model->setRowCount(0); model->setItem(i,0,itemName); model->setItem(i,1,itemType); if(itemPK->text().toInt()==1) { model->setData(model->index(i,2,QModelIndex()),2,Qt::CheckStateRole); } else { model->setData(model->index(i,2,QModelIndex()),0,Qt::CheckStateRole ); } if(itemNN->text().toInt()==1) { model->setData(model->index(i,3,QModelIndex()),2,Qt::CheckStateRole); } else { model->setData(model->index(i,3,QModelIndex()),0,Qt::CheckStateRole ); } if(itemU->text().toInt()==1) { model->setData(model->index(i,4,QModelIndex()),2,Qt::CheckStateRole); } else { model->setData(model->index(i,4,QModelIndex()),0,Qt::CheckStateRole ); } } }
void ConsoleTableView::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { if(event->matches(QKeySequence::Copy)) { QStandardItemModel *standardItemModel = qobject_cast<QStandardItemModel *>(model()); if(standardItemModel) { QStandardItem *item = standardItemModel->item(currentIndex().row(), 0); if(item && !item->text().isEmpty()) QApplication::clipboard()->setText(item->text()); } } }
void SortedSetKeyModel::updateValue(const QString& value, const QModelIndex *cellIndex) { QStandardItem * currentItem = itemFromIndex(*cellIndex); QString itemType = currentItem->data(KeyModel::KEY_VALUE_TYPE_ROLE).toString(); if (itemType == "member") { QStringList removeCmd; removeCmd << "ZREM" << keyName << currentItem->text(); db->addCommand(Command(removeCmd, this, dbIndex)); QStandardItem * scoreItem = item(currentItem->row(), 1); QStringList addCmd; addCmd << "ZADD" << keyName << scoreItem->text() << value; db->addCommand(Command(addCmd, this, CALLMETHOD("loadedUpdateStatus"), dbIndex)); } else if (itemType == "score") { bool converted = false; double changedScore = value.toDouble(&converted); if (!converted) return; double currentScore = currentItem->text().toDouble(); double incr = changedScore - currentScore; QStandardItem * memberItem = item(currentItem->row(), 0); QStringList updateCmd; updateCmd << "ZINCRBY" << keyName << QString::number(incr) << memberItem->text(); db->addCommand(Command(updateCmd, this, CALLMETHOD("loadedUpdateStatus"), dbIndex)); } currentItem->setText(value); }
void MangaListWidget::updateReadChapter(QString mangaName, QString chapterName) { for (int k = 0; k < _model->rowCount(); k++) { QStandardItem* currManga = _model->itemFromIndex(_model->index(k, 0)); if (currManga->text() == mangaName) { for (int i = 0; i < currManga->rowCount(); i++) { QStandardItem* currChapter = currManga->child(i, 0); if (currChapter->text() == chapterName) { setTextAccordingToRead(currChapter, true); break; } } } } }
void SyncWidget::RemoveInvalidRows () { for (int i = Model_->rowCount () - 1; i >= 0; --i) { QStandardItem *accItem = Model_->item (i, SyncItemDelegate::Account); QStandardItem *localDirItem = Model_->item (i, SyncItemDelegate::LocalDirectory); QStandardItem *remoteDirItem = Model_->item (i, SyncItemDelegate::RemoteDirectory); if (!accItem || accItem->data (SyncItemDelegate::AccountId).toByteArray ().isEmpty () || !localDirItem || localDirItem->text ().isEmpty () || !remoteDirItem || remoteDirItem->text ().isEmpty ()) Model_->removeRow (i); } }
void DlvDebugger::showFrame(QModelIndex index) { QStandardItem* file = m_framesModel->item( index.row(), 3 ); QStandardItem* line = m_framesModel->item( index.row(), 4 ); if( !file || !line ) { return; } QString filename = file->text(); int lineno = line->text().toInt(); if( lineno <= 0 ) { return; } emit setFrameLine(filename, lineno - 1 ); }
void RouteMapDock::btnDeleteClicked(bool)/*{{{*/ { QList<int> rows = getSelectedRows(); if (!rows.isEmpty()) { int id = rows.at(0); QStandardItem* item = _listModel->item(id, 1); if(item) { QString tname = item->text(); tname = routePath + "/" + tname + ".orm"; //printf("RouteMapDock::btnDeleteClicked() Deleting: %s\n", tname.toLatin1().constData()); QFileInfo f(tname); if(f.exists() && f.isFile() && f.isWritable()) { QFile file(f.filePath()); if(QMessageBox::question(this, QString("OOMidi: Delete?"), tr("Are you sure you want to delete route map from disk?\n\n%1") .arg(file.fileName()), QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel) == QMessageBox::Ok) { file.remove(); populateTable(-1); } } //oom->loadRouteMapping(tname); } } }/*}}}*/
bool CodeCompleterProxyModel::splitFilter(const QString &filter, QModelIndex &parent, QString &prefix) { QStringList filterList = filter.split("."); if (filterList.size() == 1) { parent = QModelIndex(); prefix = filter; return true; } prefix = filterList.last(); filterList.removeLast(); QStandardItem *root = 0; QStandardItem *item = 0; foreach (QString word, filterList) { item = 0; QModelIndex parent = m_model->indexFromItem(root); for (int i = 0; i < m_model->rowCount(parent); i++) { QModelIndex index = m_model->index(i,0,parent); item = m_model->itemFromIndex(index); if (item->text() == word) { break; } } if (item == 0) { break; } root = item; }
void PreferencesDialog::saveWaveInfo() { // Change focus to force save of any open editors.. ui->waveSearch->setFocus(); int toprows = waveModel->rowCount(); bool ok; for (int i=0; i < toprows; i++) { QStandardItem * topitem = waveModel->item(i,0); if (!topitem) continue; int rows = topitem->rowCount(); for (int j=0; j< rows; ++j) { QStandardItem * item = topitem->child(j, 0); if (!item) continue; ChannelID id = item->data(Qt::UserRole).toUInt(&ok); schema::Channel & chan = schema::channel[id]; if (chan.isNull()) continue; chan.setEnabled(item->checkState() == Qt::Checked ? true : false); chan.setFullname(item->text()); chan.setDefaultColor(QColor(topitem->child(j,1)->data(Qt::UserRole).toUInt())); chan.setShowInOverview(topitem->child(j,2)->checkState() == Qt::Checked); chan.setLowerThreshold(topitem->child(j,3)->text().toDouble()); chan.setUpperThreshold(topitem->child(j,4)->text().toDouble()); chan.setLabel(topitem->child(j,5)->text()); chan.setDescription(topitem->child(j,6)->text()); } } }
void ClassifierTrainer::add_selection_to_positives_slot() { QModelIndexList indices = positivesTreeView->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); if (indices.length() > 0) { QModelIndex index = indices[0]; QStandardItem *item = positivesModel->item(index.row()); AddSectionDialog *dialog = new AddSectionDialog(item->text(), this); dialog->setModal(true); int response = dialog->exec(); if (response == 1) // accepted { Section s = dialog->section(); int sectionRowCount = item->rowCount() + 1; // save contents to project config file project->load(); if (project->addSectionToPositiveImage(s)) { project->save(); // update ui updatePositivesGroup(); } } } }
void ClassifierTrainer::del_image_from_negatives_slot() { QModelIndexList indices = negativesTreeView->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); if (indices.length() > 0) { QModelIndex index = indices[0]; project->load(); QStandardItem *item = negativesModel->itemFromIndex(index); qDebug() << "ABout to delete negative : " << item->text(); project->removeNegativeImage(item->text()); project->save(); updateNegativesGroup(); } }
void DeliverOrderDelegate::setEditorData(QWidget * editor, const QModelIndex &index) const { if (0 == index.column()) { return; } else if (2 == index.column()) { const QStandardItemModel * model = qobject_cast<const QStandardItemModel *>(index.model()); FindProductDialog * w = qobject_cast<FindProductDialog *>(editor); QStandardItem * item = model->item(index.row(), 1); if (item) w->setCategory(item->text()); // Category } else if (3 == index.column()) { QSpinBox * w = qobject_cast<QSpinBox *>(editor); int value = index.data().toInt(); if (0 == value) w->setValue(1); else w->setValue(value); } else { return QStyledItemDelegate::setEditorData(editor, index); } }
void pcl::cloud_composer::CloudView::rowsInserted (const QModelIndex& parent, int start, int end) { for (int row = start; row <= end; ++row) { QModelIndex index = model_->index (row, 0); QStandardItem* item = static_cast<QStandardItemModel*> (model_)->itemFromIndex (index); QString cloud_name = item->text (); QVariant cloud_ptr = item->data (CLOUD); sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::Ptr cloud_blob = cloud_ptr.value<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::Ptr> (); QVariant color_ptr = item->data (COLOR); ColorHandler::ConstPtr color_handler = color_ptr.value<ColorHandler::ConstPtr> (); QVariant geometry_ptr = item->data (GEOMETRY); GeometryHandler::ConstPtr geometry_handler = geometry_ptr.value<GeometryHandler::ConstPtr> (); Eigen::Vector4f origin = item->data (ORIGIN).value<Eigen::Vector4f> (); Eigen::Quaternionf orientation = item->data (ORIENTATION).value<Eigen::Quaternionf> (); vis_->addPointCloud (cloud_blob, geometry_handler, color_handler, origin, orientation, cloud_name.toStdString ()); } qvtk_->update (); }
void RouteMapDock::btnCopyClicked(bool)/*{{{*/ { QList<int> rows = getSelectedRows(); if (!rows.isEmpty()) { int id = rows.at(0); QStandardItem* item = _listModel->item(id, 1); if(item) { QString tname = item->text(); QString origname = routePath + "/" + tname + ".orm"; QString part = " - Copy"; QFileInfo f(origname); if(f.exists() && f.isFile() && f.isWritable()) { QFile file(f.filePath()); part += " "; for(int i = 1; true; ++i) { QString n; n.setNum(i); QString s = part + n; if(file.copy(routePath + "/" + tname + s + ".orm")) break; } populateTable(-1); } } } }/*}}}*/
PreferencesWidget::ResultAction SpellCheckWidget::saveSettings() { if (!m_isDirty) { return PreferencesWidget::ResultAction_None; } // Save the current dictionary's word list if (ui.userDictList->selectionModel()->hasSelection()) { int row = ui.userDictList->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes().first().row(); QStandardItem *item = m_Model.item(row, 1); QString name = item->text(); saveUserDictionaryWordList(name); } // Save dictionary information SettingsStore settings; settings.setEnabledUserDictionaries(EnabledDictionaries()); settings.setDefaultUserDictionary(ui.defaultUserDictionary->text()); settings.setDictionary(ui.dictionaries->itemData(ui.dictionaries->currentIndex()).toString()); settings.setSpellCheck(ui.HighlightMisspelled->checkState() == Qt::Checked); SpellCheck *sc = SpellCheck::instance(); sc->setDictionary(settings.dictionary(), true); return PreferencesWidget::ResultAction_RefreshSpelling; }
void ItemViewWidget::setFilter(const QString filter) { if (!m_model) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < m_model->rowCount(); ++i) { bool found = filter.isEmpty(); if (!found) { for (int j = 0; j < m_model->columnCount(); ++j) { QStandardItem *item = m_model->item(i, j); if (item && item->text().contains(filter, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { found = true; break; } } } setRowHidden(i, m_model->invisibleRootItem()->index(), !found); } }