void Widget::tcpProcessPendingDatagrams() { // Find who's sending QTcpSocket *socket = qobject_cast<QTcpSocket *>(sender()); if (socket == nullptr) return; QByteArray* recvBuffer=nullptr; for (auto pair : tcpClientsList) { if (pair.first == socket) { recvBuffer = pair.second; break; } } if (recvBuffer == nullptr) { logMessage("TCP: Error fetching the socket's associated recv buffer"); return; } unsigned nTries = 0; // Acquire data while(socket->state()==QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState && nTries<3) // Exit if disconnected, too much retries, malformed HTTP request, or after all requests are processed { recvBuffer->append(socket->readAll()); nTries++; if (!recvBuffer->size()) { #if DEBUG_LOG logMessage("TCP: Nothing to read"); #endif continue; } if (!recvBuffer->startsWith("POST") && !recvBuffer->startsWith("GET")) // Not HTTP, clear the buffer { #if DEBUG_LOG logMessage(QString("TCP: Received non-HTTP request : ")+*recvBuffer->toHex()); #endif recvBuffer->clear(); socket->close(); return; } else if (recvBuffer->contains("Content-Length:")) // POST or GET request, wait for Content-Length header { QByteArray contentLength = *recvBuffer; contentLength = contentLength.right(contentLength.size() - contentLength.indexOf("Content-Length:") - 15); QList<QByteArray> lengthList = contentLength.trimmed().split('\n'); if (lengthList.size()>1) // We want a number on this line and a next line to be sure we've got the full number { bool isNumeric; int length = lengthList[0].trimmed().toInt(&isNumeric); if (!isNumeric) // We've got something but it's not a number { logMessage("TCP: Error: Content-Length must be a (decimal) number !"); recvBuffer->clear(); socket->close(); return; } // Detect and send data files if we need to QByteArray data = *recvBuffer; #if DEBUG_LOG logMessage("TCP: Got content-length request:"+data); #endif // Get the payload only (remove headers) data = removeHTTPHeader(data, "POST "); data = removeHTTPHeader(data, "GET "); data = removeHTTPHeader(data, "User-Agent:"); data = removeHTTPHeader(data, "Host:"); data = removeHTTPHeader(data, "host:"); data = removeHTTPHeader(data, "Accept:"); data = removeHTTPHeader(data, "Content-Length:"); data = removeHTTPHeader(data, "Content-Type:"); data = removeHTTPHeader(data, "Server:"); data = removeHTTPHeader(data, "Date:"); data = removeHTTPHeader(data, "Transfert-Encoding:"); data = removeHTTPHeader(data, "Connection:"); data = removeHTTPHeader(data, "Vary:"); data = removeHTTPHeader(data, "X-Powered-By:"); data = removeHTTPHeader(data, "accept-encoding:"); data = removeHTTPHeader(data, "if-modified-since:"); if (data.size() >= length) // Wait until we have all the data { data.truncate(length); // Process data, if the buffer is not empty, keep reading tcpProcessData(data, socket); // Delete the processed message from the buffer *recvBuffer = recvBuffer->right(recvBuffer->size() - recvBuffer->indexOf(data) - data.size()); if (recvBuffer->isEmpty()) return; nTries=0; } } } else if (recvBuffer->contains("\r\n\r\n")) // POST or GET request, without a Content-Length header { QByteArray data = *recvBuffer; data = data.left(data.indexOf("\r\n\r\n")+4); int dataSize = data.size(); #if DEBUG_LOG logMessage("Got non-content length request:"+data); #endif int i1=0; do { i1 = data.indexOf("GET"); if (i1 != -1) { int i2 = data.indexOf("HTTP")-1; QString path = data.mid(i1 + 4, i2-i1-4); if (path == "/log") // GET /log { data = removeHTTPHeader(data, "POST "); data = removeHTTPHeader(data, "GET "); data = removeHTTPHeader(data, "if-modified-since:"); data = removeHTTPHeader(data, "accept-encoding:"); data = removeHTTPHeader(data, "host:"); if (!enableGetlog) continue; QFile head(QString(NETDATAPATH)+"/dataTextHeader.bin"); head.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); if (!head.isOpen()) { logMessage("Can't open header : "+head.errorString()); continue; } QByteArray logData = ui->log->toPlainText().toLatin1(); socket->write(head.readAll()); socket->write(QString("Content-Length: "+QString().setNum(logData.size())+"\r\n\r\n").toLocal8Bit()); socket->write(logData); head.close(); logMessage("Sent log to "+socket->peerAddress().toString()); continue; } // Other GETs (not getlog) data = removeHTTPHeader(data, "POST "); data = removeHTTPHeader(data, "GET "); logMessage("TCP: Replying to HTTP GET "+path); QFile head(QString(NETDATAPATH)+"/dataHeader.bin"); QFile res("data/"+path); head.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); if (!head.isOpen()) { logMessage("TCP: Can't open header : "+head.errorString()); continue; } res.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); if (!res.isOpen()) { logMessage("TCP: File not found"); head.close(); QFile head404(QString(NETDATAPATH)+"/notmodified.bin"); head404.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); if (!head404.isOpen()) { logMessage("TCP: Can't open 304 Not Modified header : "+head404.errorString()); continue; } socket->write(head404.readAll()); head404.close(); continue; } socket->write(head.readAll()); socket->write(QString("Content-Length: "+QString().setNum(res.size())+"\r\n\r\n").toLocal8Bit()); socket->write(res.readAll()); head.close(); res.close(); #if DEBUG_LOG logMessage("TCP: Sent "+QString().setNum(res.size()+head.size())+" bytes"); #endif } } while (i1 != -1); *recvBuffer = recvBuffer->mid(dataSize); } } }
void SharedDaemon::handleConnection() { QTcpSocket *socket = nextPendingConnection(); if ( !socket ) return; //the connecting socket should have sent password.. //the client should be sending a password.. socket->waitForReadyRead(); if (!socket->bytesAvailable()) { //std::cout << "no bytes available to read" << std::endl; socket->close(); return; } std::cout << "user: "******" is attempting to connect" << std::endl; QAbstractSocket* finalSocket = NULL; ConnectionType typeOfConnection = TcpConnection; QByteArray result = socket->readAll(); QString input(result); /// initial connection must pass password, but can optionally pass /// whether the client canRender and what the threshold value should be.. JSONNode output; /// check if this is a WebSocketConnection QString response = ""; if(input.startsWith("{") && ParseInput(input,output)) { finalSocket = socket; typeOfConnection = TcpConnection; } /// check if this is a WebSocketConnection.. else if(QWsSocket::initializeWebSocket(result,response)) { /// this is a websocket connection, respond and get frame.. socket->write(response.toLatin1()); socket->flush(); QEventLoop loop; matched_input = ""; QWsSocket* wssocket = new QWsSocket(socket); connect(wssocket,SIGNAL(frameReceived(QString)), this,SLOT(getPasswordMessage(QString))); connect(wssocket,SIGNAL(frameReceived(QString)), &loop,SLOT(quit())); /// wait for password to be sent .. /// std::cout << "waiting for password from websocket" << std::endl; loop.exec(); disconnect(wssocket,SIGNAL(frameReceived(QString)), this,SLOT(getPasswordMessage(QString))); disconnect(wssocket,SIGNAL(frameReceived(QString)), &loop,SLOT(quit())); //std::cout << matched_input.toStdString() << std::endl; if( !ParseInput(matched_input,output) ) { //std::cout << "passwords do not match: " // << matched_password.toStdString() // << " " << password << std::endl; wssocket->close("passwords do not match or operation timed out"); if(socket->state() != QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState) socket->waitForDisconnected(); wssocket->deleteLater(); return; } finalSocket = wssocket; typeOfConnection = WSocketConnection; } /// not sure what connection this is, reject it.. else { //send rejection notice.. std::string errorString = "Unknown connection.."; socket->write(errorString.c_str(),errorString.length()); socket->disconnectFromHost(); socket->waitForDisconnected(); return; } //passwords match enable RemoteProcess and get port remote Process is listening to. //send host,port,security_key and whatever else so that remote machine can successfully reverse connect std::string program = "remoteApp"; std::string clientName = "newclient1"; ViewerClientConnection *newClient = new ViewerClientConnection(subject->GetViewerState(), this, clientName.c_str(), true); ViewerClientAttributes& clientAtts = newClient->GetViewerClientAttributes(); JSONNode::JSONObject jo = output.GetJsonObject(); clientAtts.SetExternalClient(true); if(jo.count("name") == 0 || jo["name"].GetString().size() == 0) clientAtts.SetTitle(socket->peerAddress().toString().toStdString()); else clientAtts.SetTitle(jo["name"].GetString()); if(jo.count("windowIds") > 0 && jo["windowIds"].GetType() == JSONNode::JSONARRAY) { const JSONNode::JSONArray& array = jo["windowIds"].GetArray(); for(size_t i = 0; i < array.size(); ++i) { const JSONNode& node = array[i]; if(node.GetType() != JSONNode::JSONINTEGER) continue; std::cout << clientAtts.GetTitle() << " requesting window: " << node.GetInt() << " " << std::endl; clientAtts.GetWindowIds().push_back(node.GetInt()); } } if(jo.count("geometry") > 0) { std::string geometry = jo["geometry"].GetString(); /// split into width & height... size_t index = geometry.find("x"); if(index != std::string::npos && index != 0 && index != geometry.size()-1) { int geometryWidth = atoi(geometry.substr(0,index).c_str()); int geometryHeight = atoi(geometry.substr(index+1).c_str()); clientAtts.SetImageWidth(geometryWidth); clientAtts.SetImageHeight(geometryHeight); //std::cout << "geometry: " << clientAtts.clientWidth << " " << clientAtts.clientHeight << std::endl; } } /// advanced rendering can be true or false (image only), or string none,image,data if(jo.count("canRender") == 0) { clientAtts.SetRenderingType(ViewerClientAttributes::None); clientAtts.GetRenderingTypes().push_back(ViewerClientAttributes::None); } else { const JSONNode& node = jo["canRender"]; QString type = node.GetString().c_str(); type = type.toLower(); /// TODO: remove the boolean check and make all current clients comply.. if(node.GetType() == JSONNode::JSONBOOL) { clientAtts.SetRenderingType( node.GetBool() ? ViewerClientAttributes::Image : ViewerClientAttributes::None); clientAtts.GetRenderingTypes().push_back(node.GetBool() ? ViewerClientAttributes::Image : ViewerClientAttributes::None); } else if(node.GetType() == JSONNode::JSONSTRING) { if(type == "image") { clientAtts.SetRenderingType(ViewerClientAttributes::Image); clientAtts.GetRenderingTypes().push_back((int)ViewerClientAttributes::Image); } else if(type == "data") { clientAtts.SetRenderingType(ViewerClientAttributes::Data); clientAtts.GetRenderingTypes().push_back((int)ViewerClientAttributes::Data); } else { clientAtts.SetRenderingType(ViewerClientAttributes::None); clientAtts.GetRenderingTypes().push_back((int)ViewerClientAttributes::None); } } else { clientAtts.SetRenderingType(ViewerClientAttributes::None); clientAtts.GetRenderingTypes().push_back((int)ViewerClientAttributes::None); } } stringVector args; /// assign whether connection is of type WebSocket or TCPConnection /// Register Type & Register Callback RemoteProcess::SetCustomConnectionCallback(createCustomConnection,&typeOfConnection); TRY { void* data[3]; data[0] = &typeOfConnection; data[1] = (void*)finalSocket; data[2] = (void*)subject->GetViewerState(); newClient->LaunchClient(program,args,AddNewClient,data,0,0); /// Now that client has launched RemoveCallback.. subject->AddNewViewerClientConnection(newClient); std::cout << "user: "******" successfully connected" << std::endl; } CATCHALL { std::cout << "user: "******" failed to connected" << std::endl; delete newClient; } ENDTRY RemoteProcess::SetCustomConnectionCallback(0,0); /// reset connection.. }
void CClientApp::sendCommandToServer(QVariantMap cmdMap) { QTcpSocket *socket = new QTcpSocket(this); //serverIP = ""; QString command = cmdMap["command"].toString(); QJsonObject jsonObj; if (command == "listDevices") { jsonObj.insert("command", command); } else if (command == "listCommands") { QString deviceUID = cmdMap["uid"].toString(); jsonObj.insert("command", command); jsonObj.insert("uid", deviceUID); } else if (command == "sendCommandToDevice") { QString deviceUID = cmdMap["uid"].toString(); QString deviceCmd = cmdMap["deviceCmd"].toString(); QString deviceParam = cmdMap["param"].toString(); jsonObj.insert("command", command); jsonObj.insert("uid", deviceUID); jsonObj.insert("deviceCmd", deviceCmd); jsonObj.insert("param", deviceParam); } QJsonDocument doc(jsonObj); Q_EMIT m_pSender->commandReturned("SendCmdToServer: " + QString::fromLatin1(doc.toJson()) + "\n", false); QObject::connect(socket, &QTcpSocket::readyRead, [=] { QByteArray byteArray = socket->readAll(); QJsonDocument jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(byteArray); QJsonObject jsonObj = jsonDoc.object(); QString kText("Cmd Return Result: " + QString::number(jsonObj["status"].toInt()) + "\n"); if (jsonObj["status"].toInt() == 200) { QVariantMap retMap = jsonObj.toVariantMap(); qDebug() << jsonObj["devices"].toArray().size(); parseDataToQML(retMap); kText += QString::fromLatin1(byteArray) + "\n"; } Q_EMIT m_pSender->commandReturned(kText, false); socket->disconnectFromHost(); }); QObject::connect(socket, &QTcpSocket::disconnected, [=] { socket->deleteLater(); }); socket->connectToHost(serverIP, 3479, QIODevice::ReadWrite); socket->write(doc.toJson()); bool bSentCmd = socket->waitForBytesWritten(); QString result = (bSentCmd ? "true" : "false"); Q_EMIT m_pSender->commandReturned("Cmd Sent: " + result, false); }
void CClient::readyRead() { QTcpSocket *socket = m_socket; QByteArray data = socket->readAll(); //-- QINT64 QByteArray code = data.left(500); //-- On prend un échantillon pour voir le code QString ligne = QString(code); if (ligne.length() > 0) { //-- On analyse ce qu'on a reçu à savoir si c'est un code de commande if (ligne.at(0) == COMMAND_CODE) { QStringList lst = ligne.split('|'); if (lst[0] == "%SURNOM") { ligne = QString(data); lst = ligne.split('|'); m_Surnom = lst[1]; emit signalUserName(GetNomClient()); //-- On répond pour dire que nous avons reçu la commande QByteArray bOK; bOK.append(QString("%OK")); socket->write(bOK); socket->waitForBytesWritten(); sleep(1); emit demandeEnvoiListeClients(); } if (lst[0] == "%MESSAGE") { ligne = QString(data); lst = ligne.split('|'); emit transmetMessage(lst[1], lst[2], lst[3]); } if (lst[0] == "%FICHIER") { //-- %1 - Source //-- %2 - Destinataire //-- %3 - Nb bytes ecrit //-- %4 - Nb bytes total //-- %5 - Nom fichier //-- %6 - Data //QMessageBox::information(0, "", QString("%1|%2|%3|%4|%5").arg(lst[1], lst[2], lst[3], lst[4], lst[5])); int posDepartImage = 7 + lst[1].length() + lst[2].length() + lst[3].length() + lst[4].length() + lst[5].length(); emit transmetFichier(lst[1], lst[2], lst[3], lst[4], lst[5], data.right(data.count() - posDepartImage)); } if (lst[0] == "%PING") { emit pingRecu(GetNomClient()); } } } }
void Server::sendImage() { //screenshot(); QByteArray block; QDataStream out(&block, QIODevice::WriteOnly); out.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_4_0); out << (quint32)0; /*******************************/ virConnectPtr conn = NULL; /* the hypervisor connection */ virDomainPtr dom = NULL; /* the domain to be screenshotted */ virStreamPtr st = NULL; char *mimetype = NULL; conn = virConnectOpen("qemu:///system"); if (conn == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to connect to hypervisor\n"); if(st != NULL) virStreamFree(st); if(mimetype !=NULL) free(mimetype); if (dom != NULL) virDomainFree(dom); if (conn != NULL) virConnectClose(conn); return; } /* Find the domain of the given id */ dom = virDomainLookupByName(conn, "win7-1"); if (dom == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to connect to hypervisor\n"); if(st != NULL) virStreamFree(st); if(mimetype !=NULL) free(mimetype); if (dom != NULL) virDomainFree(dom); if (conn != NULL) virConnectClose(conn); return; } st = virStreamNew(conn, 0); mimetype = virDomainScreenshot(dom, st, 0, 0); if(mimetype == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed in virDomainScreenshot funcation\n"); if(st != NULL) virStreamFree(st); if(mimetype !=NULL) free(mimetype); if (dom != NULL) virDomainFree(dom); if (conn != NULL) virConnectClose(conn); return; } if(virStreamRecvAll(st, mysink, &out) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed in virStreamRecvAll funcation\n"); if(st != NULL) virStreamFree(st); if(mimetype !=NULL) free(mimetype); if (dom != NULL) virDomainFree(dom); if (conn != NULL) virConnectClose(conn); return; } if (virStreamFinish(st) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed in virStreamFinish funcation\n"); if(st != NULL) virStreamFree(st); if(mimetype !=NULL) free(mimetype); if (dom != NULL) virDomainFree(dom); if (conn != NULL) virConnectClose(conn); return; } if(st != NULL) virStreamFree(st); if(mimetype !=NULL) free(mimetype); if (dom != NULL) virDomainFree(dom); if (conn != NULL) virConnectClose(conn); /*******************************/ out.device()->seek(0); out << (quint32)(block.size() - sizeof(quint32)); QTcpSocket *clientConnection = tcpServer->nextPendingConnection(); connect(clientConnection, SIGNAL(disconnected()), clientConnection, SLOT(deleteLater())); clientConnection->write(block); clientConnection->disconnectFromHost(); QTextStream info(stdout); info << tr("has sended %1 bytes\n").arg(block.size() - 4); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); for(int i = 0 ; i < argc; i++){ qDebug() << argv[i] << endl; } if(argc >= 4) { //Getting first argument for application QString arg = argv[1]; //Sending mode if(arg == "send") { QTcpSocket *tcpSocket = new QTcpSocket(&a); QString port = argv[3]; tcpSocket->connectToHost(QHostAddress(argv[2]), port.toInt()); if(!tcpSocket->waitForConnected(10*1000)){ qDebug() << "Connection cant be established to host: " << argv[2] << ", at port: " << port << endl; }else{ //Sending mode = file QString type(argv[4]); if(type == "file") { QFile file(argv[5]); if(!file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { qDebug() << "Cannot open file" << endl; }else { qDebug() << "File size in bytes: " << file.size() << endl; int counter = 0; //Divide file into chunks of 300KB int chunkSize = 3 * 100000; while(counter < file.size()){ if(!file.seek(counter)){ qDebug() << "Cant seek the file to : " << counter << endl; }else{ QByteArray buffer = file.read(chunkSize); if(!buffer.isEmpty()){ int bytesWritten = tcpSocket->write(buffer); counter += bytesWritten; if(!tcpSocket->waitForBytesWritten(10*1000)) { qDebug() << "Error no bytes written" << tcpSocket->errorString() << endl; }else { qDebug() << "Bytes for writting: " << buffer.size() << ", " << bytesWritten << " bytes written. " << endl; } }else{ qDebug() << "0 bytes read from file, error: " << file.errorString() << endl; break; } } } } //Sending mode = string }else if(type == "string") { QByteArray data = argv[5]; int bytesWritten = tcpSocket->write(data); if(!tcpSocket->waitForBytesWritten(10000)) { qDebug() << "Error no bytes written" << tcpSocket->errorString() << endl; }else { qDebug() << bytesWritten << " bytes written. " << endl; } }else{ qDebug() << "Unknown sending format " << endl; } } tcpSocket->close(); delete tcpSocket; //Receiving mode }else if(arg == "receive") { QTcpServer *tcpServer = new QTcpServer(&a); QString port = argv[3]; if(!tcpServer->listen(QHostAddress(QString(argv[2])),port.toInt())){ qDebug() << "Error, could not start listening, " << tcpServer->serverError() << endl; }else{ QString fileName; QString destinationPath; //Getting name and path for the new file from user bool tryAgain = true; while(tryAgain){ qDebug() << "Enter filename for the new file (ex: picture.png) :"; QTextStream s(stdin); fileName = s.readLine(); qDebug() << "Enter destination path: "; QTextStream d(stdin); destinationPath = d.readLine(); if (!fileName.isEmpty() && !destinationPath.isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "The destination string: " << destinationPath + fileName; tryAgain = false; }else{ qDebug() << "You didnt enter filename, try again" << endl; } } bool working = true; while(working){ if(tcpServer->waitForNewConnection(10*1000)){ QTcpSocket *sock = tcpServer->nextPendingConnection(); sock->waitForReadyRead(10*1000); QByteArray receivedData; QFile file_handle(destinationPath + fileName); //While there is bytes available for receiving, receive them and write chunks of min 300KB to file while(sock->bytesAvailable()){ qDebug() << sock->bytesAvailable() << " bytes available for writting" << endl; receivedData.append(sock->readAll()); if(receivedData.size() > 3 * 100000){ if(!file_handle.isOpen()){ if(!file_handle.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Append | QFile::Text)){ qDebug() << "Could not open file for writing!" << endl; }else{ file_handle.write(receivedData); file_handle.flush(); file_handle.waitForBytesWritten(10*1000); qDebug() << "Written " << receivedData.size() << " to file. In KB = " << receivedData.size() / 1000 << endl; receivedData.clear(); } }else{ file_handle.write(receivedData); file_handle.flush(); file_handle.waitForBytesWritten(10*1000); qDebug() << "Written " << receivedData.size() << " to file. In KB = " << receivedData.size() / 1000 << endl; receivedData.clear(); } } sock->waitForReadyRead(10*1000); } file_handle.close(); //In case there is still data in buffer, but data is smaller than 300KB than append that remaining data to file also if(receivedData.size() != 0){ qDebug() << "Preparing to write remaining chunks of data" << endl; if(!file_handle.open(QFile::WriteOnly)){ qDebug() << "Could not open file for writing!" << endl; }else{ file_handle.write(receivedData); file_handle.flush(); file_handle.waitForBytesWritten(10*1000); qDebug() << "Written " << receivedData.size() << " to file. In MB = " << receivedData.size() / 1000000 << endl; receivedData.clear(); file_handle.close(); } } sock->close(); delete sock; // file_thread->deleteLater(); qDebug() << "Should i wait for other request? (y/n) default = yes" ; char answer; cin >> answer; if(answer == 'n'){ working = false; tcpServer->close(); delete tcpServer; } }else{ qDebug() << "No incoming connection" << endl; qDebug() << "Should i check for another request? (Yes / No)" ; char answer; cin >> answer; if(answer == 'n'){ working = false; tcpServer->close(); delete tcpServer; } } }
void HttpServerThread::run() { m_server = new BlockingHttpServer(m_features & Ssl); m_server->listen(); m_port = m_server->serverPort(); m_ready.release(); const bool doDebug = qgetenv("KDSOAP_DEBUG").toInt(); if (doDebug) qDebug() << "HttpServerThread listening on port" << m_port; // Wait for first connection (we'll wait for further ones inside the loop) QTcpSocket *clientSocket = m_server->waitForNextConnectionSocket(); Q_ASSERT(clientSocket); Q_FOREVER { // get the "request" packet if (doDebug) { qDebug() << "HttpServerThread: waiting for read"; } if (clientSocket->state() == QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState || !clientSocket->waitForReadyRead(2000)) { if (clientSocket->state() == QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState) { delete clientSocket; if (doDebug) { qDebug() << "Waiting for next connection..."; } clientSocket = m_server->waitForNextConnectionSocket(); Q_ASSERT(clientSocket); continue; // go to "waitForReadyRead" } else { qDebug() << "HttpServerThread:" << clientSocket->error() << "waiting for \"request\" packet"; break; } } const QByteArray request = m_partialRequest + clientSocket->readAll(); if (doDebug) { qDebug() << "HttpServerThread: request:" << request; } // Split headers and request xml const bool splitOK = splitHeadersAndData(request, m_receivedHeaders, m_receivedData); if (!splitOK) { //if (doDebug) // qDebug() << "Storing partial request" << request; m_partialRequest = request; continue; } m_headers = parseHeaders(m_receivedHeaders); if (m_headers.value("Content-Length").toInt() > m_receivedData.size()) { //if (doDebug) // qDebug() << "Storing partial request" << request; m_partialRequest = request; continue; } m_partialRequest.clear(); if (m_headers.value("_path").endsWith("terminateThread")) // we're asked to exit break; // normal exit // TODO compared with expected SoapAction QList<QByteArray> contentTypes = m_headers.value("Content-Type").split(';'); if (contentTypes[0] == "text/xml" && m_headers.value("SoapAction").isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "ERROR: no SoapAction set for Soap 1.1"; break; }else if( contentTypes[0] == "application/soap+xml" && !contentTypes[2].startsWith("action")){ qDebug() << "ERROR: no SoapAction set for Soap 1.2"; break; } //qDebug() << "headers received:" << m_receivedHeaders; //qDebug() << headers; //qDebug() << "data received:" << m_receivedData; if (m_features & BasicAuth) { QByteArray authValue = m_headers.value("Authorization"); if (authValue.isEmpty()) authValue = m_headers.value("authorization"); // as sent by Qt-4.5 bool authOk = false; if (!authValue.isEmpty()) { //qDebug() << "got authValue=" << authValue; // looks like "Basic <base64 of user:pass>" Method method; QString headerVal; parseAuthLine(QString::fromLatin1(authValue.data(),authValue.size()), &method, &headerVal); //qDebug() << "method=" << method << "headerVal=" << headerVal; switch (method) { case None: // we want auth, so reject "None" break; case Basic: { const QByteArray userPass = QByteArray::fromBase64(headerVal.toLatin1()); //qDebug() << userPass; // TODO if (validateAuth(userPass)) { if (userPass == ("kdab:testpass")) { authOk = true; } break; } default: qWarning("Unsupported authentication mechanism %s", authValue.constData()); } } if (!authOk) { // send auth request (Qt supports basic, ntlm and digest) const QByteArray unauthorized = "HTTP/1.1 401 Authorization Required\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"example\"\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n"; clientSocket->write( unauthorized ); if (!clientSocket->waitForBytesWritten(2000)) { qDebug() << "HttpServerThread:" << clientSocket->error() << "writing auth request"; break; } continue; } } // send response QByteArray response = makeHttpResponse(m_dataToSend); if (doDebug) { qDebug() << "HttpServerThread: writing" << response; } clientSocket->write(response); clientSocket->flush(); } // all done... delete clientSocket; delete m_server; if (doDebug) { qDebug() << "HttpServerThread terminated"; } }
void getActiveCellCenters(NDArray& cellCenterValues, const QString &hostName, quint16 port, const qint32& caseId, const QString& porosityModel) { QString serverName = hostName; quint16 serverPort = port; const int timeout = riOctavePlugin::timeOutMilliSecs; QTcpSocket socket; socket.connectToHost(serverName, serverPort); if (!socket.waitForConnected(timeout)) { error((("Connection: ") + socket.errorString()).toLatin1().data()); return; } // Create command and send it: QString command = QString("GetActiveCellCenters %1 %2").arg(caseId).arg(porosityModel); QByteArray cmdBytes = command.toLatin1(); QDataStream socketStream(&socket); socketStream.setVersion(riOctavePlugin::qtDataStreamVersion); socketStream << (qint64)(cmdBytes.size()); socket.write(cmdBytes); // Get response. First wait for the header while (socket.bytesAvailable() < (int)(2 * sizeof(quint64))) { if (!socket.waitForReadyRead(timeout)) { error((("Waiting for header: ") + socket.errorString()).toLatin1().data()); return; } } // Read timestep count and blocksize quint64 activeCellCount; quint64 byteCount; socketStream >> activeCellCount; socketStream >> byteCount; if (!(byteCount && activeCellCount)) { error ("Could not find the requested data in ResInsight"); return; } dim_vector dv; dv.resize(2); dv(0) = activeCellCount; dv(1) = 3; cellCenterValues.resize(dv); while (socket.bytesAvailable() < (qint64)(byteCount)) { if (!socket.waitForReadyRead(timeout)) { error((("Waiting for data: ") + socket.errorString()).toLatin1().data()); return; } OCTAVE_QUIT; } quint64 bytesRead = 0; double* internalMatrixData = cellCenterValues.fortran_vec(); bytesRead = socket.read((char*)(internalMatrixData), byteCount); if (byteCount != bytesRead) { error("Could not read binary double data properly from socket"); octave_stdout << "Active cell count: " << activeCellCount << std::endl; } return; }
/** This method will be invoked by Qt framework to read the incoming client HTTP command from its client connection. * @param: none * @return: none *******************************************************************************/ void CuteHttpServer::readRequestString() { // who sent the Qt signal? QTcpSocket* conn = dynamic_cast<QTcpSocket*>(sender()); assert(conn != 0); int connID = findSavedConn(conn); assert(connID != -1); // read from socket char buff[1024 + 1]; size_t readBytes; string leftoverBytes; while(true) { readBytes = conn->read(buff, 1024); if(readBytes < 0) { TRACE_ERR2("http_srv: error when reading from socket:", conn->errorString()); break; } if(readBytes == 0) continue; // reader timeout string input(buff, readBytes); size_t pos = 0, lastpos = 0; size_t endMarkerSz = 2; bool leftover = false; size_t offset = 0; // partition input into single requests while(true) { // read HTTP lines: while(true) { pos = input.find(c_httpLineEnd, pos + 1); if(pos != string::npos) { // end of req? if(lastpos + 2 == pos) // empty line! break; else { lastpos = pos; continue; } } else { // incomplete! leftover = true; break; } } if(leftover) { TRACE_ERR(" TODO::: ############## - leftover"); // return internal SVR error at the moment CuteSrvRequest dummy; string resp = m_parser.makeErrorResp(dummy, 500, "SORRY:: bad input parsing, lefover found!!!"); // respond with 500 conn->write(resp.c_str(), resp.size()); conn->flush(); break; } string req; string resp; size_t len = 0; len = pos + endMarkerSz - offset; req.assign(input.c_str(), offset, len); if(TR_WEBIF) TRACE2("http_srv: Request received=", req); // start processing unsigned needMore = processRequest(req.c_str(), connID, resp); if(needMore) { string postData; // data already in buffer? if(pos + endMarkerSz + needMore <= readBytes) { postData.append(input, pos, endMarkerSz + needMore); } else { TRACE_ERR(" TODO::: ############## - wait for more POST data"); // return internal SVR error at the moment CuteSrvRequest dummy; string resp = m_parser.makeErrorResp(dummy, 500, "SORRY:: bad input parsing, wait for POST data!!!"); // respond with 500 conn->write(resp.c_str(), resp.size()); conn->flush(); break; } processRequest(req.c_str(), connID, resp, &postData); } // respond conn->write(resp.c_str(), resp.size()); conn->flush(); // next request possible? pos += endMarkerSz; if(pos == input.size()) break; offset = pos; } // ????? ??? ? ?? // all messages read! break; } // all data read! return; }
void getWellStatus(std::vector<QString>& wellTypes, std::vector<int>& wellStatuses, const QString &hostName, quint16 port, const qint64& caseId, const QString& wellName, const int32NDArray& requestedTimeSteps) { QString serverName = hostName; quint16 serverPort = port; QTcpSocket socket; socket.connectToHost(serverName, serverPort); if (!socket.waitForConnected(riOctavePlugin::connectTimeOutMilliSecs)) { error((("Connection: ") + socket.errorString()).toLatin1().data()); return; } // Create command and send it: QString command; command += QString("GetWellStatus") + " " + QString::number(caseId) + " " + wellName; for (int i = 0; i < requestedTimeSteps.length(); ++i) { if (i == 0) command += " "; command += QString::number(static_cast<int>(requestedTimeSteps.elem(i)) - 1); // To make the index 0-based if (i != requestedTimeSteps.length() -1) command += " "; } QByteArray cmdBytes = command.toLatin1(); QDataStream socketStream(&socket); socketStream.setVersion(riOctavePlugin::qtDataStreamVersion); socketStream << (qint64)(cmdBytes.size()); socket.write(cmdBytes); // Get response. First wait for the header while (socket.bytesAvailable() < (int)(sizeof(quint64))) { if (!socket.waitForReadyRead(riOctavePlugin::longTimeOutMilliSecs)) { error((("Waiting for header: ") + socket.errorString()).toLatin1().data()); return; } } quint64 byteCount; socketStream >> byteCount; while (socket.bytesAvailable() < (int)(byteCount)) { if (!socket.waitForReadyRead(riOctavePlugin::longTimeOutMilliSecs)) { error((("Waiting for data: ") + socket.errorString()).toLatin1().data()); return; } OCTAVE_QUIT; } quint64 timeStepCount; socketStream >> timeStepCount; QString wellType; qint32 wellStatus; for (size_t i = 0; i < timeStepCount; i++) { socketStream >> wellType; socketStream >> wellStatus; wellTypes.push_back(wellType); wellStatuses.push_back(wellStatus); } return; }
/** A file is requested by the host * * This function is called when the client retirieve a file. The file * is sent to the client from the \c uploaded directory. * * \param filename The filename without path * */ void RainbruRPG::Network::Ftp::FtpTransfer:: commandRETR(const QString& filename){ LOGI("Sending file..."); QString s("Sending file "); s+=filename; emit(log(s)); LOGI(s.toLatin1()); nextCommand=FTC_RETR; // Get the absolute filename GlobalURI gu; std::string stdFilename(filename.toLatin1()); std::string fullFileName=gu.getUploadFile(stdFilename); nextFilename=filename; nextOnlyFilename=filename; LOGCATS("Opening file '"); LOGCATS(fullFileName.c_str()); LOGCAT(); QFile f(fullFileName.c_str()); QIODevice::OpenMode om; // We are in Binary mode if (transferType==FTT_BINARY){ om=QIODevice::ReadOnly; } // We are in ASCII mode else if (transferType==FTT_ASCII){ om=QIODevice::ReadOnly|QIODevice::Text; } if(f.open(om)){ QTcpSocket sock; if (waitForConnection(&sock)){ emit(startTransferFile(filename, f.size())); int rep=0; while (!f.atEnd()){ rep=sock.write(f.read(MAX_READ_LENGTH)); if (rep==-1){ LOGE("An error occured during RETR command"); break; } else{ LOGCATS("Writing "); LOGCATI(rep); LOGCATS(" bytes"); LOGCAT(); sock.waitForBytesWritten(3000); } } // Transfer complete emit(log("Transfer channel closed")); emit(transferComplete(filename)); sock.disconnectFromHost(); LOGI("Transfer complete"); f.close(); } } else{ emit(log("An error occured during opening file :")); QFile::FileError fe=f.error(); QString feText; if (fe==QFile::OpenError){ feText=("5 The file could not be opened."); } else{ feText.setNum(fe); } emit(log(feText)); } }
void QMplayer::newConnection() { QTcpSocket *con = tcpServer->nextPendingConnection(); connect(con, SIGNAL(disconnected()), con, SLOT(deleteLater())); QByteArray req; while(con->waitForReadyRead(100)) { req += con->readAll(); } QString res; QTextStream buf(&req); buf.setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName("utf8")); QString line; QString reqPath = ""; // path from http request QString filename = ""; // file on the disk QString encPath = ""; // transcoded file QString host = ""; QFile file; bool sendFile = false; int itemIndex = 0; for(;;) { line = buf.readLine(); if(line.isNull()) { break; } if(line.startsWith("GET ")) { int index = req.indexOf(' ', 4); if(index > 0) { reqPath = req.mid(4, index - 4); for(int i = 0; i < reqPath.count(); i++) { if(reqPath.at(i) == '%') { i += 2; if(i >= reqPath.count()) { break; } QChar ch = (QChar)(reqPath.mid(i - 1, 2).toInt(0, 16)); reqPath.replace(i - 2, 3, ch); } } } } else if(line.startsWith("Host: ")) { host = line.right(line.length() - 6).trimmed(); } } res.append("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"); res.append("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\n\r\n"); res.append("<html>"); res.append("<body>"); if(reqPath.length() == 0) { res.append("Valid GET request not found"); } else if(host.length() == 0) { res.append("Host not found in html header"); } else if(reqPath == "/") { QString dir = ""; for(int i = 2; i < lw->count(); i++) { QListWidgetItem *item = lw->item(i); QString path = item->text(); bool isDir = isDirectory(path); if(isDir) { res.append(path); res.append("</br>"); dir = pathToUrl(path); } else { res.append("\r\n<a href=\"http://"); res.append(host); res.append(dir); res.append(pathToUrl(path)); res.append("\">"); res.append(path); res.append("</a></br>\r\n"); } } } else { res.append(reqPath); res.append("</br>"); QString dir = ""; QString testDir; for(int i = 2; i < lw->count(); i++) { QListWidgetItem *item = lw->item(i); QString path = item->text(); QString testPath = pathToUrl(path); bool isDir = isDirectory(path); if(isDir) { dir = path; testDir = testPath; } else if(reqPath == (testDir + testPath)) { filename = dir; if(!filename.endsWith('/') && !filename.endsWith('\\')) { filename.append('/'); } filename.append(path); itemIndex = i; break; } } if(filename.length() == 0) { res.append("file not found"); } else { encPath = filename; // Encode just avi files for now if(encPath.endsWith(".avi") || encPath.endsWith(".mp4")) { encPath.insert(encPath.lastIndexOf('.'), ".qmplayer"); } QFileInfo fi(encPath); if(fi.exists()) { QString size; size.setNum(fi.size()); res.append("file size: "); res.append(size); if(processRunning(process)) { res.append("</br>encoding in progress</br>Reload page to check status or download"); } else { QString mime = "text/plain"; if(reqPath.endsWith(".avi")) { mime ="video/avi"; } else if(reqPath.endsWith(".mp4")) { mime = "video/mp4"; } else if(reqPath.endsWith(".ogv")) { mime = "video/theora"; } else if(reqPath.endsWith(".ogg")) { mime = "audio/vorbis"; } else if(reqPath.endsWith(".mp3")) { mime = "audio/mpeg"; } res.clear(); res.append("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"); res.append("Content-Type: "); res.append(mime); res.append("\r\nContent-Length: "); res.append(size); res.append("\r\n\r\n"); sendFile = true; } } else if(processRunning(process)) { res.append("Another encoding is in progress"); } else { QStringList args; args.append(filename); args.append("-ovc"); args.append("lavc"); args.append("-lavcopts"); args.append("vcodec=mpeg4:vhq:vbitrate=300"); args.append("-vf"); args.append("scale=320:240,eq2=1.2:0.5:-0.25,rotate=2"); args.append("-oac"); args.append("mp3lame"); args.append("-ofps"); args.append("15"); args.append("-lameopts"); args.append("br=64:cbr"); args.append("-o"); args.append(encPath); process = new QProcess(this); process->setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::ForwardedChannels); process->start("mencoder", args); #ifdef Q_WS_WIN PROCESS_INFORMATION *pi = (PROCESS_INFORMATION *) process->pid(); SetPriorityClass(pi->hProcess, IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS); #endif // FIXME: whatever we send to back, browser wont show anything if(process->waitForStarted(10000)) { res.append("Encoding started</br>Reload page to check status or download"); } else { res.append("Failed to start mencoder:</br>"); res.append(process->errorString()); delete(process); process = NULL; } } } } if(!sendFile) { res.append("</body>"); res.append("</html>"); } con->write(res.toUtf8()); if(sendFile) { QFile f(encPath); char buf[4096]; f.open(QFile::ReadOnly); int count; while((count = f.read(buf, 4096)) > 0) { con->write(buf, count); con->flush(); con->waitForBytesWritten(-1); } } con->close(); con->disconnectFromHost(); }
void CClientApp::processDeviceCommandSocket() { QTcpSocket *socket = deviceCmdServer->nextPendingConnection(); QString kText("Recieve TCP Socket\n"); Q_EMIT m_pSender->commandReturned(kText, false); QObject::connect(socket, &QTcpSocket::readyRead, [=] { QByteArray byteArray = socket->readAll(); QJsonDocument jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(byteArray); QJsonObject jsonObj = jsonDoc.object(); QString command = jsonObj["command"].toString(); QString retJsonString; QJsonObject retJsonObj; QString kText("Recieve Cmd: " + command + "\n"); if (command == "supportCmds") { retJsonObj.insert("status", 200); QJsonArray cmdArray; /* QJsonObject cmdObj1; cmdObj1.insert("command", "adjustTemperature"); cmdObj1.insert("command_displayName", "Set Temperature"); cmdObj1.insert("param_type", "integer"); cmdObj1.insert("param_max", "100"); cmdObj1.insert("param_min", "20"); QJsonObject cmdObj2; cmdObj2.insert("command", "query"); cmdObj2.insert("command_displayName", "Query Status"); cmdObj2.insert("param_type", "none"); cmdArray.append(cmdObj1); cmdArray.append(cmdObj2); */ retJsonObj.insert("SupportCmds", cmdArray); connected = true; } else if (command == "queryDisplayInfo") { retJsonObj.insert("status", 200); QJsonArray keyArray; keyArray.append("Power"); //keyArray.append("WindStrength"); //keyArray.append("Humidity"); retJsonObj.insert("DisplayInfo", keyArray); //retJsonObj.insert("Temperature", QString::number(temperature)); //retJsonObj.insert("WindStrength", "Medium"); //retJsonObj.insert("Humidity", "60"); retJsonObj.insert("Power", "On"); } /*else if (command == "adjustTemperature") { temperature = jsonObj["param"].toString().toInt(); retJsonObj.insert("status", 200); }*/ else { kText += command + " " + jsonObj["param"].toVariant().toString() + "\n"; retJsonObj.insert("status", 200); } QJsonDocument retDoc(retJsonObj); kText += "WritingServer: " + QString::fromLatin1(retDoc.toJson()) + "\n"; socket->write(retDoc.toJson()); bool isSuccess = socket->waitForBytesWritten(); QString result = (isSuccess ? "true" : "false"); kText += "Written: " + result + "\n"; socket->disconnectFromHost(); Q_EMIT m_pSender->commandReturned(kText, false); }); QObject::connect(socket, &QTcpSocket::disconnected, [=] { socket->deleteLater(); }); }
QString ConnectionThread::processLine(QTcpSocket & sock, const QString & line) { Debug() << "Got Line: " << line; QStringList toks = line.split(QRegExp("\\s+"), QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (toks.size() < 1) return QString::null; QString cmd = toks.front(); toks.pop_front(); cmd = cmd.toUpper(); if (cmd == "NOOP") { return ""; // noop command alwasy prints OK -- used to test server connectivity and for keepaliveage, etc } else if (cmd == "GETTIME") { return QString::number(getTime(), 'f', 9); } else if (cmd == "GETFRAMENUM") { StimPlugin *p = stimApp()->glWin()->runningPlugin(); if (p) { return QString::number(p->getFrameNum()); } else { Error() << "GETFRAMENUM command received but no plugin was running."; } } else if (cmd == "GETHWFRAMENUM") { GetHWFrameCountEvent *e = new GetHWFrameCountEvent(); GetSetData *d = e->d; stimApp()->postEvent(this, e); unsigned hwfc = d->getReply<unsigned>(); delete d; return QString::number(hwfc); } else if (cmd == "GETREFRESHRATE") { unsigned rate = stimApp()->refreshRate(); return QString::number(rate); } else if (cmd == "GETCURRENTRSEED") { int s = stimApp()->glWin() ? (stimApp()->glWin()->runningPlugin() ? stimApp()->glWin()->runningPlugin()->currentRSeed() : 0) : 0; return QString::number(s); } else if (cmd == "GETWIDTH") { return QString::number(stimApp()->glWin()->width()); } else if (cmd == "GETHEIGHT") { return QString::number(stimApp()->glWin()->height()); } else if (cmd == "GETFRAME" && toks.size()) { bool ok; unsigned framenum = toks[0].toUInt(&ok), numFrames = 1; Vec2i co, cs, ds; // params 3,4,5,6,7,8 are crop-origin-x, crop-origin-y, crop-size-width, crop-size-height, downsample-factor-x, downsample-factor-y toks.pop_front(); if (toks.size()) { bool ok2; numFrames = toks.front().toUInt(&ok2); if (ok2) toks.pop_front(); if (!ok2 || numFrames < 1) numFrames = 1; Vec2i *vp[] = { &co, &cs, &ds, 0 }; for (Vec2i **vcur = vp; *vcur; ++vcur) { Vec2i & v = **vcur; v.x = toks.size() ? toks.front().toUInt(&ok2) : 0; if (ok2) toks.pop_front(); if (!ok2 || v.x < 0) v.x = 0; v.y = toks.size() ? toks.front().toUInt(&ok2) : 0; if (ok2) toks.pop_front(); if (!ok2 || v.y < 0) v.y = 0; } } if (!ds.x) ds.x = 1; if (!ds.y) ds.y = 1; int datatype = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; if (toks.size()) { QString s = toks.join(" ").toUpper().trimmed(); if (s == "BYTE") datatype = GL_BYTE; else if (s == "UNSIGNED BYTE") datatype = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; else if (s == "SHORT") datatype = GL_SHORT; else if (s == "UNSIGNED SHORT") datatype = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT; else if (s == "INT") datatype = GL_INT; else if (s == "UNSIGNED INT") datatype = GL_UNSIGNED_INT; else if (s == "FLOAT") datatype = GL_FLOAT; else { Error() << "GETFRAME command invalid datatype `" << s << "'."; return QString::null; } } if (ok) { GetFrameEvent *e = new GetFrameEvent(framenum, numFrames, co, cs, ds, datatype); GetSetData *d = e->d; stimApp()->postEvent(this, e); const double tgen0 = getTime(); QList<QByteArray> frames (d->getReply<QList<QByteArray> >()); delete d; if (!frames.isEmpty()) { const unsigned long fbytes = frames.count()*frames.front().size(); Debug() << "Generating " << frames.count() << " frames (" << fbytes << " bytes) took " << getTime()-tgen0 << " secs"; sock.write((QString("BINARY DATA ") + QString::number(fbytes) + "\n").toUtf8()); const double t0 = getTime(); for (QList<QByteArray>::const_iterator it = frames.begin(); it != frames.end(); ++it) sock.write(*it); Debug() << "Sending " << numFrames << " frames (" << fbytes << " bytes) took " << getTime()-t0 << " secs"; return ""; } } } else if (cmd == "LIST") { QList<QString> lst = stimApp()->glWin()->plugins(); QString ret; QTextStream ts(&ret, QIODevice::WriteOnly|QIODevice::Truncate); for(QList<QString>::const_iterator it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it) { ts << (*it) << "\n"; } ts.flush(); return ret; } else if (cmd == "GETFRAMEVARS") { QVector<double> data; int nrows, ncols; FrameVariables::readAllFromLast(data, &nrows, &ncols); sock.write(QString().sprintf("MATRIX %d %d\n", nrows, ncols).toUtf8()); if (data.size()) sock.write(QByteArray::fromRawData(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&data[0]),data.size()*sizeof(double))); return ""; } else if (cmd == "GETFRAMEVARNAMES") { QString ret = ""; QTextStream ts(&ret); QStringList hdr = FrameVariables::readHeaderFromLast(); int i = 0; for (QStringList::iterator it = hdr.begin(); it != hdr.end(); ++it, ++i) { ts << *it << "\n"; } ts.flush(); return ret; } else if (cmd == "GETSTATS") { QString theStr(""); QTextStream strm(&theStr, QIODevice::WriteOnly/*|QIODevice::Text*/); GetSetEvent *e = new GetHWFrameCountEvent(); GetSetData *d = e->d; stimApp()->postEvent(this, e); unsigned hwfc = d->getReply<unsigned>(); delete d; e = new IsConsoleHiddenEvent(); d = e->d; stimApp()->postEvent(this, e); bool isConsoleHidden = d->getReply<bool>(); delete d; StimPlugin *p = stimApp()->glWin()->runningPlugin(); strm.setRealNumberPrecision(3); strm.setRealNumberNotation(QTextStream::FixedNotation); strm << "runningPlugin = " << (p ? p->name() : "") << "\n" << "isPaused = " << (stimApp()->glWin()->isPaused() ? "1" : "0") << "\n" << "isInitialized = " << (p ? (p->isInitialized() ? 1 : 0) : 0) << "\n" << "isConsoleWindowHidden = " << (isConsoleHidden ? "1" : "0") << "\n" << "statusBarString = " << (p ? p->getSBString() : "") << "\n" << "currentTime = " << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString() << "\n" << "beginTime = " << (p ? p->getBeginTime().toString() : "") << "\n" << "width = " << stimApp()->glWin()->width() << "\n" << "height = " << stimApp()->glWin()->height() << "\n" << "fpsAvg = " << (p ? p->getFps() : 0.) << "\n" << "fpsMin = " << (p ? p->getFpsMin() : 0.) << "\n" << "fpsMax = " << (p ? p->getFpsMax() : 0.) << "\n" << "fpsLast = " << (p ? p->getFpsCur() : 0.) << "\n" << "frameNum = " << (p ? p->getFrameNum() : -1) << "\n" << "hardwareFrameCount = " << hwfc << "\n" << "haAccurateHWFrameCount = " << (hasAccurateHWFrameCount() ? "1" : "0") << "\n" << "calibraredRefreshRate = " << stimApp()->refreshRate() << "\n" << "hwRefreshRate = " << getHWRefreshRate() << "\n" << "hasAccurateHWRefreshRate = " << (hasAccurateHWRefreshRate() ? 1 : 0) << "\n" << "numMissedFrames = " << (p ? p->getNumMissedFrames() : 0) << "\n"; QDateTime now(QDateTime::currentDateTime()), beginTime(p ? p->getBeginTime() : now); double secs = beginTime.secsTo(now), fskipsPerSec = 0.; if (p && secs > 0.) { fskipsPerSec = p->getNumMissedFrames() / secs; } strm << "missedFramesPerSec = " << fskipsPerSec << "\n" << "saveDirectory = " << stimApp()->outputDirectory() << "\n" << "pluginList = "; QList<QString> plugins = stimApp()->glWin()->plugins(); for (QList<QString>::const_iterator it = plugins.begin(); it != plugins.end(); ++it) { if (it != plugins.begin()) strm << ", "; strm << *it; } strm << "\n" << "programUptime = " << getTime() << "\n" << "nProcessors = " << getNProcessors() << "\n" << "hostName = " << getHostName() << "\n" << "uptime = " << getUpTime() << "\n"; strm.flush(); return theStr; } else if (cmd == "GETPARAMS" && toks.size()) { QString pluginName = toks.join(" "); StimPlugin *p; if ( (p = stimApp()->glWin()->pluginFind(pluginName)) ) { return p->getParams().toString(); } } else if (cmd == "GETPARAMHISTORY" && toks.size()) { QString pluginName = toks.join(" "); StimPlugin *p; if ( (p = stimApp()->glWin()->pluginFind(pluginName)) ) { return p->paramHistoryToString() + "\n"; } } else if (cmd == "SETPARAMHISTORY" && toks.size()) { QString pluginName = toks.join(" "); StimPlugin *p = stimApp()->glWin()->pluginFind(pluginName); if (!p) { Error() << "SETPARAMHISTORY issued on a non-existant plugin"; } else if (stimApp()->glWin()->runningPlugin() == p) { Error() << "SETPARAMHISTORY cannot be issued on a plugin that is running"; } else { Debug() << "Sending: READY"; sock.write("READY\n"); QString paramstr (""); QTextStream paramts(¶mstr, QIODevice::WriteOnly/*|QIODevice::Text*/); QString line; while ( sock.canReadLine() || sock.waitForReadyRead() ) { line = sock.readLine().trimmed(); if (!line.length()) break; Debug() << "Got Line: " << line; paramts << line << "\n"; } paramts.flush(); p->setPendingParamHistoryFromString(paramstr); p->setSaveParamHistoryOnStopOverride(true); // also tell plugin to save this param history, since it came from an external source return ""; } } else if (cmd == "NUMPARAMSQUEUED" && toks.size()) { QString pluginName = toks.join(" "); StimPlugin *p = stimApp()->glWin()->pluginFind(pluginName); if (!p) { Error() << "NUMPARAMSQUEUED issued on a non-existant plugin"; } else { return QString::number(p->pendingParamsHistorySize()); } } else if (cmd == "SETPARAMQUEUE") { QString pluginName = toks.join(" "); StimPlugin *p = stimApp()->glWin()->pluginFind(pluginName); if (!p) { Error() << "SETPARAMQUEUE issued on a non-existant plugin"; } else if (stimApp()->glWin()->runningPlugin() == p) { Error() << "SETPARAMQUEUE cannot be issued on a plugin that is running"; } else { Debug() << "Sending: READY"; sock.write("READY\n"); QString paramstr (""); QTextStream paramts(¶mstr, QIODevice::WriteOnly/*|QIODevice::Text*/); QString line; while ( sock.canReadLine() || sock.waitForReadyRead() ) { line = sock.readLine().trimmed(); if (!line.length()) break; Debug() << "Got Line: " << line; paramts << line << "\n"; } paramts.flush(); if (p->enqueueParamsForPendingParamsHistoryFromString(paramstr)) { p->setSaveParamHistoryOnStopOverride(false); // also tell plugin to NOT save this param history, since presumably it can be generated again from calling client code.. return ""; } else { Error() << "SETPARAMQUEUE failed to enqueue params from specified param-queue"; } } } else if (cmd == "SETPARAMS" && toks.size()) { QString pluginName = toks.join(" "); StimPlugin *p; if ( (p = stimApp()->glWin()->pluginFind(pluginName)) ) { Debug() << "Sending: READY"; sock.write("READY\n"); QString paramstr (""); QTextStream paramts(¶mstr, QIODevice::WriteOnly/*|QIODevice::Text*/); QString line; while ( sock.canReadLine() || sock.waitForReadyRead() ) { line = sock.readLine().trimmed(); if (!line.length()) break; Debug() << "Got Line: " << line; paramts << line << "\n"; } paramts.flush(); p->setParams(paramstr, p == stimApp()->glWin()->runningPlugin()); return ""; } else if (!p) { Error() << "SETPARAMS issued on a non-existant plugin"; } } else if (cmd == "RUNNING") { StimPlugin *p = stimApp()->glWin()->runningPlugin(); if (p) { return p->name(); } return ""; } else if (cmd == "ISPAUSED") { return QString::number(stimApp()->glWin()->isPaused()); } else if (cmd == "ISINITIALIZED") { StimPlugin *p = stimApp()->glWin()->runningPlugin(); if (p) { return QString::number(p->isInitialized()); } return "0"; } else if (cmd == "PAUSE") { if (!stimApp()->glWin()->isPaused()) stimApp()->glWin()->pauseUnpause(); return ""; } else if (cmd == "UNPAUSE") { if (stimApp()->glWin()->isPaused()) stimApp()->glWin()->pauseUnpause(); return ""; } else if (cmd == "ISCONSOLEHIDDEN") { GetSetEvent *e = new IsConsoleHiddenEvent; GetSetData *d = e->d; stimApp()->postEvent(this, e); QString ret = QString::number(int(d->getReply<bool>())); delete d; return ret; } else if (cmd == "CONSOLEHIDE") { stimApp()->postEvent(this, new ConsoleHideEvent()); return ""; } else if (cmd == "CONSOLEUNHIDE") { stimApp()->postEvent(this, new ConsoleUnHideEvent()); return ""; } else if (cmd == "ISVSYNCDISABLED") { return QString::number(stimApp()->isVSyncDisabled() ? 1 : 0); } else if (cmd == "SETVSYNCDISABLED") { const bool disabled = toks.join("").toInt(); stimApp()->postEvent(this, new SetVSyncDisabledEvent(disabled)); return ""; } else if (cmd == "START" && toks.size()) { // this commands needs to be executed in the main thread // to avoid race conditions and also to have a valid opengl context QString pluginName = toks.front(); bool startUnpaused = toks.size() > 1 && toks[1].toInt(); if ( (stimApp()->glWin()->pluginFind(pluginName)) ) { stimApp()->postEvent(this, new StartStopPluginEvent(pluginName, startUnpaused)); return ""; } } else if (cmd == "STOP") { // this commands needs to be executed in the main thread // to avoid race conditions and also to have a valid opengl context bool doSave = toks.join("").toInt(); if (stimApp()->glWin()->runningPlugin()) stimApp()->postEvent(this, new StartStopPluginEvent(doSave)); return ""; } else if (cmd == "GETSAVEDIR") { return stimApp()->outputDirectory(); } else if (cmd == "SETSAVEDIR") { QString dir = toks.join(" "); return stimApp()->setOutputDirectory(dir) ? QString("") : QString::null; } else if (cmd == "GETVERSION") { return VERSION_STR; } else if (cmd == "BYE") { sock.close(); } // add more cmds here return QString::null; }
void QWsServer::dataReceived() { QTcpSocket * tcpSocket = qobject_cast<QTcpSocket*>( sender() ); if (tcpSocket == 0) return; bool allHeadersFetched = false; const QLatin1String emptyLine("\r\n"); while ( tcpSocket->canReadLine() ) { QString line = tcpSocket->readLine(); if (line == emptyLine) { allHeadersFetched = true; break; } headerBuffer[ tcpSocket ].append(line); } if (!allHeadersFetched) return; QString request( headerBuffer[ tcpSocket ].join("") ); QRegExp regExp; regExp.setMinimal( true ); // Extract mandatory datas // Version regExp.setPattern( QWsServer::regExpVersionStr ); regExp.indexIn(request); QString versionStr = regExp.cap(1); EWebsocketVersion version; if ( ! versionStr.isEmpty() ) { version = (EWebsocketVersion)versionStr.toInt(); } else if ( tcpSocket->bytesAvailable() >= 8 ) { version = WS_V0; request.append( tcpSocket->read(8) ); } else { version = WS_VUnknow; } // Resource name regExp.setPattern( QWsServer::regExpResourceNameStr ); regExp.indexIn(request); QString resourceName = regExp.cap(1); // Host (address & port) regExp.setPattern( QWsServer::regExpHostStr ); regExp.indexIn(request); QString host = regExp.cap(1); QStringList hostTmp = host.split(':'); QString hostAddress = hostTmp[0]; QString hostPort; if ( hostTmp.size() > 1 ) hostPort = hostTmp.last(); // fix for IPv6 // Key QString key, key1, key2, key3; if ( version >= WS_V4 ) { regExp.setPattern( QWsServer::regExpKeyStr ); regExp.indexIn(request); key = regExp.cap(1); } else { regExp.setPattern( QWsServer::regExpKey1Str ); regExp.indexIn(request); key1 = regExp.cap(1); regExp.setPattern( QWsServer::regExpKey2Str ); regExp.indexIn(request); key2 = regExp.cap(1); regExp.setPattern( QWsServer::regExpKey3Str ); regExp.indexIn(request); key3 = regExp.cap(1); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // If the mandatory fields are not specified, we abord the connection to the Websocket server if ( version == WS_VUnknow || resourceName.isEmpty() || hostAddress.isEmpty() || ( key.isEmpty() && ( key1.isEmpty() || key2.isEmpty() || key3.isEmpty() ) ) ) { // Send bad request response QString response = QWsServer::composeBadRequestResponse( QList<EWebsocketVersion>() << WS_V6 << WS_V7 << WS_V8 << WS_V13 ); tcpSocket->write( response.toUtf8() ); tcpSocket->flush(); return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Extract optional datas // Origin regExp.setPattern( QWsServer::regExpOriginStr ); if ( regExp.indexIn(request) == -1 ) { regExp.setPattern( QWsServer::regExpOrigin2Str ); regExp.indexIn(request); } QString origin = regExp.cap(1); // Protocol regExp.setPattern( QWsServer::regExpProtocolStr ); regExp.indexIn(request); QString protocol = regExp.cap(1); // Extensions regExp.setPattern( QWsServer::regExpExtensionsStr ); regExp.indexIn(request); QString extensions = regExp.cap(1); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Compose opening handshake response QString response; if ( version >= WS_V6 ) { QString accept = computeAcceptV4( key ); response = QWsServer::composeOpeningHandshakeResponseV6( accept, protocol ); } else if ( version >= WS_V4 ) { QString accept = computeAcceptV4( key ); QString nonce = generateNonce(); response = QWsServer::composeOpeningHandshakeResponseV4( accept, nonce, protocol ); } else { QString accept = computeAcceptV0( key1, key2, key3 ); response = QWsServer::composeOpeningHandshakeResponseV0( accept, origin, hostAddress, hostPort, resourceName , protocol ); } // Handshake OK, disconnect readyRead disconnect( tcpSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(dataReceived()) ); // Send opening handshake response if ( version == WS_V0 ) tcpSocket->write( response.toLatin1() ); else tcpSocket->write( response.toUtf8() ); tcpSocket->flush(); QWsSocket * wsSocket = new QWsSocket( this, tcpSocket, version ); wsSocket->setResourceName( resourceName ); wsSocket->setHost( host ); wsSocket->setHostAddress( hostAddress ); wsSocket->setHostPort( hostPort.toInt() ); wsSocket->setOrigin( origin ); wsSocket->setProtocol( protocol ); wsSocket->setExtensions( extensions ); wsSocket->serverSideSocket = true; // ORIGINAL CODE //int socketDescriptor = tcpSocket->socketDescriptor(); //incomingConnection( socketDescriptor ); // CHANGED CODE FOR LINUX COMPATIBILITY addPendingConnection( wsSocket ); emit newConnection(); }
void getGridProperty(NDArray& propertyFrames, const QString &serverName, quint16 serverPort, const int& caseId, int gridIdx, QString propertyName, const int32NDArray& requestedTimeSteps, QString porosityModel) { QTcpSocket socket; socket.connectToHost(serverName, serverPort); if (!socket.waitForConnected(riOctavePlugin::connectTimeOutMilliSecs)) { error((("Connection: ") + socket.errorString()).toLatin1().data()); return; } QDataStream socketStream(&socket); socketStream.setVersion(riOctavePlugin::qtDataStreamVersion); // Create command as a string with arguments , and send it: QString command; command += "GetGridProperty " + QString::number(caseId) + " " + QString::number(gridIdx) + " " + propertyName + " " + porosityModel; for (int i = 0; i < requestedTimeSteps.length(); ++i) { if (i == 0) command += " "; command += QString::number(static_cast<int>(requestedTimeSteps.elem(i)) - 1); // To make the index 0-based if (i != requestedTimeSteps.length() -1) command += " "; } QByteArray cmdBytes = command.toLatin1(); socketStream << (qint64)(cmdBytes.size()); socket.write(cmdBytes); // Get response. First wait for the header while (socket.bytesAvailable() < (int)(4*sizeof(quint64))) { if (!socket.waitForReadyRead(riOctavePlugin::longTimeOutMilliSecs)) { error((("Waiting for header: ") + socket.errorString()).toLatin1().data()); return; } } // Read sizes quint64 totalByteCount; quint64 cellCountI; quint64 cellCountJ; quint64 cellCountK; quint64 timestepCount; socketStream >> cellCountI; socketStream >> cellCountJ; socketStream >> cellCountK; socketStream >> timestepCount; totalByteCount = cellCountI*cellCountJ*cellCountK*timestepCount*sizeof(double); if (!(totalByteCount)) { error ("Could not find the requested data in ResInsight"); return; } dim_vector dv; dv.resize(4); dv(0) = cellCountI; dv(1) = cellCountJ; dv(2) = cellCountK; dv(3) = timestepCount; propertyFrames.resize(dv); // Wait for available data while (socket.bytesAvailable() < (int)totalByteCount) { if (!socket.waitForReadyRead(riOctavePlugin::longTimeOutMilliSecs)) { error(("Waiting for data : " + socket.errorString()).toLatin1().data()); return ; } OCTAVE_QUIT; } qint64 bytesRead = 0; double * internalMatrixData = propertyFrames.fortran_vec(); // Raw data transfer. Faster. bytesRead = socket.read((char*)(internalMatrixData ), totalByteCount); if ((int)totalByteCount != bytesRead) { error("Could not read binary double data properly from socket"); } QString tmp = QString("riGetGridProperty : Read %1").arg(propertyName); if (caseId < 0) { tmp += QString(" from current case,"); } else { tmp += QString(" from case with Id: %1,").arg(caseId); } tmp += QString(" grid index: %1, ").arg(gridIdx); octave_stdout << tmp.toStdString() << " I, J, K " << cellCountI << ", " << cellCountJ << ", " << cellCountK << ", Timesteps : " << timestepCount << std::endl; return; }
bool CetonRTSP::ProcessRequest( const QString &method, const QStringList* headers) { QMutexLocker locker(&_rtspMutex); QTcpSocket socket; socket.connectToHost(_ip, _port); QStringList requestHeaders; requestHeaders.append(QString("%1 %2 RTSP/1.0").arg(method, _requestUrl)); requestHeaders.append(QString("User-Agent: MythTV Ceton Recorder")); requestHeaders.append(QString("CSeq: %1").arg(++_sequenceNumber)); if (_sessionId != "0") requestHeaders.append(QString("Session: %1").arg(_sessionId)); if (headers != NULL) { for(int i = 0; i < headers->count(); i++) { QString header = headers->at(i); requestHeaders.append(header); } } requestHeaders.append(QString("\r\n")); QString request = requestHeaders.join("\r\n"); LOG(VB_RECORD, LOG_DEBUG, LOC + QString("write: %1").arg(request)); socket.write(request.toLatin1()); _responseHeaders.clear(); _responseContent.clear(); QRegExp firstLineRegex( "^RTSP/1.0 (\\d+) ([^\r\n]+)", Qt::CaseSensitive, QRegExp::RegExp2); QRegExp headerRegex( "^([^:]+):\\s*([^\\r\\n]+)", Qt::CaseSensitive, QRegExp::RegExp2); QRegExp blankLineRegex( "^[\\r\\n]*$", Qt::CaseSensitive, QRegExp::RegExp2); bool firstLine = true; while (true) { if (!socket.canReadLine()) { bool ready = socket.waitForReadyRead(); if (!ready) { LOG(VB_RECORD, LOG_ERR, LOC + "RTSP server did not respond"); return false; } continue; } QString line = socket.readLine(); LOG(VB_RECORD, LOG_DEBUG, LOC + QString("read: %1").arg(line)); if (firstLine) { if (firstLineRegex.indexIn(line) == -1) { _responseCode = -1; _responseMessage = QString("Could not parse first line of response: '%1'") .arg(line); return false; } QStringList parts = firstLineRegex.capturedTexts(); _responseCode = parts.at(1).toInt(); _responseMessage = parts.at(2); firstLine = false; continue; } if (blankLineRegex.indexIn(line) != -1) break; if (headerRegex.indexIn(line) == -1) { _responseCode = -1; _responseMessage = QString("Could not parse response header: '%1'") .arg(line); return false; } QStringList parts = headerRegex.capturedTexts(); _responseHeaders.insert(parts.at(1), parts.at(2)); } QString cSeq = _responseHeaders.value("CSeq"); if (cSeq != QString("%1").arg(_sequenceNumber)) { LOG(VB_RECORD, LOG_WARNING, LOC + QString("Expected CSeq of %1 but got %2") .arg(_sequenceNumber).arg(cSeq)); } _responseContent.clear(); int contentLength = _responseHeaders.value("Content-Length").toInt(); if (contentLength > 0) { _responseContent.resize(contentLength); char* data = _responseContent.data(); int bytesRead = 0; while (bytesRead < contentLength) { if (socket.bytesAvailable() == 0) socket.waitForReadyRead(); int count = socket.read(data+bytesRead, contentLength-bytesRead); if (count == -1) { _responseCode = -1; _responseMessage = "Could not read response content"; return false; } bytesRead += count; } } return true; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RemoteMessage::slotClientRead() const { Q_ASSERT(qobject_cast<QTcpSocket*>(this->sender())); QTcpSocket *tcpSocket = static_cast<QTcpSocket*>(sender()); if (!tcpSocket) return; QByteArray baRequest = tcpSocket->readAll(); if (baRequest.startsWith("POST /command ")) { int iFind = baRequest.indexOf("\ncommand=", 14); //[14 = "POST /command "] if (iFind >= 0) { iFind += 9; for (int i = iFind; i < baRequest.size(); ++i) if (baRequest.at(i) == '\r' || baRequest.at(i) == '\n') { baRequest.truncate(i); break; } QProcess::startDetached(baRequest.mid(iFind)); } } else if (baRequest.startsWith("POST /")) { int iTemp = baRequest.indexOf(' ', 6); //[6 = "POST /"] if (iTemp > 0) { bool bOk; iTemp = baRequest.mid(6, iTemp-6).toInt(&bOk); if (bOk && iTemp < slistEntries.size()) QProcess::startDetached(slistEntries.at(iTemp)); } } else if (baRequest.startsWith("GET /favicon.ico ")) { tcpSocket->write(baFavicon); return; } else if (baRequest.startsWith("GET /screen/")) { const int iDelim = baRequest.indexOf(' ', 12); //[12 = "GET /screen/"] if (iDelim > 0) { const QPixmap pixmap = qApp->primaryScreen()->grabWindow(qApp->desktop()->winId()); Q_ASSERT(!pixmap.isNull()); if (!pixmap.isNull()) { QByteArray baImg; QBuffer buffer(&baImg); if (buffer.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { const int iQuality = baRequest.mid(12, iDelim-12).toInt(); //[12 = "GET /screen/"] if (iQuality > 0 && iQuality <= 100) { if (pixmap.save(&buffer, "JPG", iQuality)) tcpSocket->write("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" "Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n" "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n" "Content-Length: " + QByteArray::number(baImg.length()) + "\r\n\r\n" + baImg); } else if (pixmap.save(&buffer, "PNG", 0)) tcpSocket->write("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" "Content-Type: image/png\r\n" "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n" "Content-Length: " + QByteArray::number(baImg.length()) + "\r\n\r\n" + baImg); buffer.close(); } } } } else if (baRequest.startsWith("command=")) { for (int i = 8; i < baRequest.size(); ++i) if (baRequest.at(i) == '\r' || baRequest.at(i) == '\n') { baRequest.truncate(i); break; } Q_ASSERT(baRequest.indexOf('\r') < 0 && baRequest.indexOf('\n') < 0); QProcess::startDetached(baRequest.mid(8)); } tcpSocket->write(baResponce); }
void QWsServer::dataReceived() { QTcpSocket * clientSocket = qobject_cast<QTcpSocket*>(sender()); if (clientSocket == 0) return; QString request( clientSocket->readAll() ); QRegExp regExp; regExp.setMinimal( true ); // Extract mandatory datas // Version regExp.setPattern( QWsServer::regExpVersionStr ); regExp.indexIn(request); QString versionStr = regExp.cap(1); int version = 0; if ( ! versionStr.isEmpty() ) version = versionStr.toInt(); // Resource name regExp.setPattern( QWsServer::regExpResourceNameStr ); regExp.indexIn(request); QString resourceName = regExp.cap(1); // Host (address & port) regExp.setPattern( QWsServer::regExpHostStr ); regExp.indexIn(request); QStringList sl = regExp.cap(1).split(':'); QString hostAddress = sl[0]; QString hostPort; if ( sl.size() > 1 ) hostPort = sl[1]; // Key QString key, key1, key2, key3; if ( version >= 6 ) { regExp.setPattern( QWsServer::regExpKeyStr ); regExp.indexIn(request); key = regExp.cap(1); } else { regExp.setPattern( QWsServer::regExpKey1Str ); regExp.indexIn(request); key1 = regExp.cap(1); regExp.setPattern( QWsServer::regExpKey2Str ); regExp.indexIn(request); key2 = regExp.cap(1); regExp.setPattern( QWsServer::regExpKey3Str ); regExp.indexIn(request); key3 = regExp.cap(1); } // Extract optional datas // Origin QString origin; if ( version < 6 || version > 8 ) { regExp.setPattern( QWsServer::regExpOriginStr ); regExp.indexIn(request); origin = regExp.cap(1); } else { regExp.setPattern( QWsServer::regExpOriginV6Str ); regExp.indexIn(request); origin = regExp.cap(1); } // Protocol regExp.setPattern( QWsServer::regExpProtocolStr ); regExp.indexIn(request); QString protocol = regExp.cap(1); // Extensions regExp.setPattern( QWsServer::regExpExtensionsStr ); regExp.indexIn(request); QString extensions = regExp.cap(1); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ( version < 6 ) { qDebug() << "======== Handshake Received \n" << request << "======== \n"; } // If the mandatory params are not setted, we abord the connection to the Websocket server if ( hostAddress.isEmpty() || resourceName.isEmpty() || ( key.isEmpty() && ( key1.isEmpty() || key2.isEmpty() || key3.isEmpty() ) ) ) return; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Compose handshake answer QString answer; QString accept; if ( version >= 6 ) { accept = computeAcceptV2( key ); answer.append("HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n"); answer.append("Upgrade: websocket\r\n"); answer.append("Connection: Upgrade\r\n"); answer.append("Sec-WebSocket-Accept: " + accept + "\r\n" + "\r\n"); } else if ( version < 6 ) { accept = computeAcceptV1( key1, key2, key3 ); answer.append("HTTP/1.1 101 WebSocket Protocol Handshake\r\n"); answer.append("Upgrade: Websocket\r\n"); answer.append("Connection: Upgrade\r\n"); answer.append("Sec-WebSocket-Origin: " + origin + "\r\n"); answer.append("Sec-WebSocket-Location: ws://" + hostAddress + ( hostPort.isEmpty() ? "" : (":"+hostPort) ) + resourceName + "\r\n"); if ( !protocol.isEmpty() ) answer.append("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: " + protocol + "\r\n"); answer.append( accept ); } if ( version < 6 ) { qDebug() << "======== Handshake sent \n" << answer << "======== \n"; } // Handshake OK, new connection disconnect(clientSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(dataReceived())); // Send handshake answer clientSocket->write( answer.toUtf8() ); clientSocket->flush(); // TEMPORARY CODE FOR LINUX COMPATIBILITY QWsSocket * wsSocket = new QWsSocket( clientSocket, this ); addPendingConnection( wsSocket ); emit newConnection(); /* // ORIGINAL CODE int socketDescriptor = clientSocket->socketDescriptor(); incomingConnection( socketDescriptor ); */ }
void sendRequest() { QTcpSocket *proxySocket = qobject_cast<QTcpSocket*>(sender()); QByteArray requestData = proxySocket->property("requestData").toByteArray(); proxySocket->write(requestData); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); //Declare variables here bool quit = false, admin = false; char buffer[2000], command[2000], user[100], password[100]; //TCP Connection QTcpSocket *socket = new QTcpSocket(); socket->connectToHost("sniperdad.com", 4000); //Checks for connection if(!socket->waitForConnected(5000)) { qDebug() << "Error: " << socket->errorString(); cout << "Exiting Program"; return a.exec(); } else{ cout << "Connected to server!" << endl; } cout << "Welcome Guest, type \"help\" for a list of commands\n"; while(!quit){ //Test Admin Stuff, Probably move to server side if (admin == false) { cout << "<Guest>"; } else { cout << "<Admin>"; } //End Test admin Stuff //Grabs user input fseek(stdin,0,SEEK_END); //Resets stdin to beginning fgets(command,sizeof(command),stdin); // Grabs whole line of command chomp(command); // Removes newline from command //Client side commands if (strcmp (command , "quit") == 0){ quit = true; break; } else if (strcmp (command , "login") == 0){ cout << "Enter your username:"******"Enter your password:"******"login "); strcat(command,user); strcat(command," "); strcat(command,password); cout << endl; } // cout << ":" << command << ":" << endl; //Test Stuff: Shows what were sending to socket //sends data to socket and waits for response socket->write(command); socket->flush(); socket->waitForReadyRead(-1); socket->read(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); cout << buffer << "\n"; //Test Admin Stuff, Probably move to server side if (strcmp( buffer , "Login Sucessful!") == 0){ admin = true; } if (strcmp( buffer , "Logged Out!") == 0){ admin = false; } //End Test admin Stuff }
void transferData() { QTcpSocket *proxySocket = qobject_cast<QTcpSocket*>(sender()); QTcpSocket *socket = qobject_cast<QTcpSocket*>(proxySocket->parent()); socket->write(proxySocket->readAll()); }
void getDynamicNNCValues(Matrix& propertyFrames, const QString &serverName, quint16 serverPort, const qint64& caseId, QString propertyName, const int32NDArray& requestedTimeSteps) { QTcpSocket socket; socket.connectToHost(serverName, serverPort); if (!socket.waitForConnected(riOctavePlugin::connectTimeOutMilliSecs)) { error((("Connection: ") + socket.errorString()).toLatin1().data()); return; } QDataStream socketStream(&socket); socketStream.setVersion(riOctavePlugin::qtDataStreamVersion); // Create command as a string with arguments , and send it: QString command; command += "GetDynamicNNCValues " + QString::number(caseId) + " " + propertyName; for (int i = 0; i < requestedTimeSteps.numel(); ++i) { if (i == 0) command += " "; command += QString::number(static_cast<int>(requestedTimeSteps.elem(i)) - 1); // To make the index 0-based if (i != requestedTimeSteps.numel() -1) command += " "; } QByteArray cmdBytes = command.toLatin1(); socketStream << (qint64)(cmdBytes.size()); socket.write(cmdBytes); // Get response. First wait for the header while (socket.bytesAvailable() < (int)(2*sizeof(quint64))) { if (!socket.waitForReadyRead(riOctavePlugin::longTimeOutMilliSecs)) { error((("Waiting for header: ") + socket.errorString()).toLatin1().data()); return; } } // Read connection count and timestep count quint64 connectionCount; quint64 timestepCount; socketStream >> connectionCount; socketStream >> timestepCount; propertyFrames.resize(connectionCount, timestepCount); if (!(connectionCount && timestepCount)) { error ("Could not find the requested data in ResInsight"); return; } quint64 totalByteCount = timestepCount * connectionCount * sizeof(double); double* internalMatrixData = propertyFrames.fortran_vec(); QStringList errorMessages; if (!RiaSocketDataTransfer::readBlockDataFromSocket(&socket, (char*)(internalMatrixData), totalByteCount, errorMessages)) { for (int i = 0; i < errorMessages.size(); i++) { error(errorMessages[i].toLatin1().data()); } return; } QString tmp = QString("riGetDynamicNNCValues : Read %1").arg(propertyName); if (caseId < 0) { tmp += QString(" from current case."); } else { tmp += QString(" from case with Id: %1.").arg(caseId); } octave_stdout << tmp.toStdString() << " Connections: " << connectionCount << ", Time steps : " << timestepCount << std::endl; return; }
//SLOT to readyRead. Called upon data arrival void MiniServer::readyRead() { QTcpSocket *socket = (QTcpSocket *)sender(); //Get the socket that sent data int p = 0, len = socDataList.size(); socketData *socDes = NULL; for ( ; p < len; p++) { //Get socDes according to that socket if (socDataList.at(p)->socketDesciptor == socket->socketDescriptor()) { socDes = socDataList.at(p); break; } } QByteArray Data = socket->readAll(); //Read data from the buffer that comes on the socket int i = 0; //Process the message which will start with start byte and then data for (i = 0; i < Data.size(); i++) { //If dataRead is on then read data into buffer till buffer's size is matched to expected size if (!socDes->readingStart && socDes->dataRead && socDes->buffer.size() < (socDes->end-(qint64)(socDes->start.toLong())+1)) { socDes->buffer.append(Data[i]); continue; } //If expected data is in buffer then .... if ((socDes->buffer.size() == (socDes->end - (qint64)(socDes->start.toLong()) + 1)) && socDes->dataRead) { //qDebug() << "got"; fstream file; file.open(this->filename.toUtf8().constData(), ios::in | ios::out | ios::ate); if (!map[(qint64)(socDes->start.toLong())]) { //If data is already not written QCryptographicHash *ha = new QCryptographicHash(QCryptographicHash::Md5); ha->addData(socDes->buffer.constData()); QString hash = QString(ha->result().toHex()); if (!hash.compare(this->pieceHashes.at(((qint64)socDes->start.toLong())/this->pieceSize))) { //Check hash of the piece //Mark it as data written and write data and emit signal that data is written map[(qint64)(socDes->start.toLong())] = true; file.seekp(socDes->start.toLong(), ios::beg); file.write(socDes->buffer.constData(), socDes->buffer.size()); this->numberOfBytesWritten += socDes->buffer.size(); //Update number of bytes written emit dataGot(); if (this->numberOfBytesWritten == this->size) { file.close(); //Check if file transfer is done emit fileTransferDone(); } } else { //If piece is dirty then ask the request the next client to send data. qint64 end = this->size-1 < ((qint64)socDes->start.toLong() + this->pieceSize - 1) ? this->size-1 : ((qint64)socDes->start.toLong() + this->pieceSize - 1); QString request = " R " + QString::number((qint64)socDes->start.toLong()) + " " + QString::number(end) + " "; int i = 0; for ( ; i < clientList.size(); i++) { if (clientList.at(i)->socketDescriptor() == socket->socketDescriptor()) break; } i = (i + 1) % clientList.size(); clientList.at(i)->write(request.toUtf8()); clientList.at(i)->waitForBytesWritten(); file.close(); continue; } } //Issue next request till sizechk is less than size if(this->sizechk < this->size) { qint64 end = this->size-1 < (this->sizechk + this->pieceSize - 1) ? this->size-1 : (this->sizechk + this->pieceSize - 1); QString request = " R " + QString::number(this->sizechk) + " " + QString::number(end) + " "; this->sizechk = end + 1; socket->write(request.toUtf8()); socket->waitForBytesWritten(); } else { //Else check if there is some data missing and request that data qint64 start = 0; while (start < this->size) { if (!map[start]) { qint64 end = this->size-1 < (start + this->pieceSize - 1) ? (this->size - 1) : (start + this->pieceSize - 1); QString request = " R " + QString::number(start) + " " + QString::number(end) + " "; socket->write(request.toUtf8()); socket->waitForBytesWritten(); break; } start += this->pieceSize; } } file.close(); socDes->buffer.clear(); socDes->dataRead = false; continue; } if (!socDes->readingStart) { //Start reading start byte socDes->start.clear(); socDes->readingStart = true; socDes->dataRead = false; continue; } if (socDes->readingStart) { //start reading start till ' ' comes if (char(Data[i]) != ' ') { socDes->start.append(Data[i]); continue; } else { socDes->readingStart = false; //Decide end byte and make dataRead true socDes->end = (this->size - 1) < ((qint64)(socDes->start.toLong()) + this->pieceSize - 1) ? (this->size - 1) : (qint64)(socDes->start.toLong()) + this->pieceSize - 1; socDes->dataRead = true; continue; } } } }
bool QgsHelp::urlExists( const QString &url ) { QUrl helpUrl( url ); QTcpSocket socket; QgsSettings settings; bool proxyEnabled = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "proxy/proxyEnabled" ), false ).toBool(); if ( proxyEnabled ) { QNetworkProxy proxy; QString proxyHost = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "proxy/proxyHost" ), QString() ).toString(); int proxyPort = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "proxy/proxyPort" ), QString() ).toString().toInt(); QString proxyUser = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "proxy/proxyUser" ), QString() ).toString(); QString proxyPassword = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "proxy/proxyPassword" ), QString() ).toString(); QString proxyTypeString = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "proxy/proxyType" ), QString() ).toString(); if ( proxyTypeString == QLatin1String( "DefaultProxy" ) ) { QList<QNetworkProxy> proxies = QNetworkProxyFactory::systemProxyForQuery(); if ( !proxies.isEmpty() ) { proxy = proxies.first(); } } else { QNetworkProxy::ProxyType proxyType = QNetworkProxy::DefaultProxy; if ( proxyTypeString == QLatin1String( "Socks5Proxy" ) ) { proxyType = QNetworkProxy::Socks5Proxy; } else if ( proxyTypeString == QLatin1String( "HttpProxy" ) ) { proxyType = QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy; } else if ( proxyTypeString == QLatin1String( "HttpCachingProxy" ) ) { proxyType = QNetworkProxy::HttpCachingProxy; } else if ( proxyTypeString == QLatin1String( "FtpCachingProxy" ) ) { proxyType = QNetworkProxy::FtpCachingProxy; } proxy = QNetworkProxy( proxyType, proxyHost, proxyPort, proxyUser, proxyPassword ); } socket.setProxy( proxy ); } socket.connectToHost( helpUrl.host(), 80 ); if ( socket.waitForConnected() ) { socket.write( "HEAD " + helpUrl.path().toUtf8() + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: " + helpUrl.host().toUtf8() + "\r\n\r\n" ); if ( socket.waitForReadyRead() ) { QByteArray bytes = socket.readAll(); if ( bytes.contains( "200 OK" ) || bytes.contains( "302 Found" ) || bytes.contains( "301 Moved" ) ) { return true; } } } return false; }