int OpenedFile::insertLineBeforeBracket(const int start_line, const QString &new_line) { QTextCursor parsingCursor = textCursor(); QString new_text = new_line; parsingCursor.setPosition(0); while(parsingCursor.blockNumber() != start_line) { parsingCursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Down); } while(!parsingCursor.atEnd()) { if(parsingCursor.block().text().contains('}')) break; parsingCursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Down); } parsingCursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::StartOfLine); new_text.remove(".0000", Qt::CaseInsensitive); parsingCursor.insertText(new_text); parsingCursor.insertText("\n"); parsingCursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Up); setTextCursor(parsingCursor); return parsingCursor.blockNumber(); }
/*! * \brief TextDoc::commentSelected toggles the comment of selected text * See also QucsApp::slotEditActivate */ void TextDoc::commentSelected () { QTextCursor cursor = this->textCursor(); if(!cursor.hasSelection()) return; // No selection available // get range of selection int start = cursor.selectionStart(); int end = cursor.selectionEnd(); cursor.setPosition(start); int firstLine = cursor.blockNumber(); cursor.setPosition(end, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); int lastLine = cursor.blockNumber(); // use comment string indicator depending on language QString co; switch (language) { case LANG_VHDL: co = "--"; break; case LANG_VERILOG: case LANG_VERILOGA: co = "//"; break; case LANG_OCTAVE: co = "%"; break; default: co = ""; break; } QStringList newlines; for (int i=firstLine; i<=lastLine; i++) { QString line = document()->findBlockByLineNumber(i).text(); if (line.startsWith(co)){ // uncomment line.remove(0,co.length()); newlines << line; } else { // comment line = line.insert(0, co); newlines << line; } } insertPlainText(newlines.join("\n")); }
void OCamlSource::mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * e ) { QTextCursor current_cur = textCursor(); QTextCursor cur = cursorForPosition( e->pos() ); if ( current_cur.hasSelection() ) cur = current_cur; _breakpoint_line = cur.blockNumber() + 1; _breakpoint_column = cur.position() - cur.block().position() + 1; if ( ! cur.hasSelection() ) {; setTextCursor(cur); } _selected_text = cur.selectedText(); if ( e->button() == Qt::LeftButton ) { lineSearchArea->hide(); lineSearchArea->setEnabled(false); setFocus(); } if ( e->button() == Qt::MidButton ) { watchVar(); } else QPlainTextEdit::mousePressEvent(e); }
void TextView::updatePositionStatus() { QTextCursor cursor = textEdit()->textCursor(); int line = cursor.blockNumber() + 1; int column = cursor.columnNumber() + 1; Q_EMIT status(tr("Line %1, Column %2").arg(line).arg(column)); }
void SkinDocument::cursorChanged() { if(editor->isError(editor->textCursor().blockNumber() + 1)) { QTextCursor line = editor->textCursor(); line.movePosition(QTextCursor::StartOfLine); line.movePosition(QTextCursor::EndOfLine, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); skin_parse(line.selectedText().toAscii()); if(skin_error_line() > 0) parseStatus = tr("Error on line ") + QString::number(line.blockNumber() + 1) + tr(": ") + skin_error_message(); statusLabel->setText(parseStatus); } else if(editor->hasErrors()) { parseStatus = tr("Errors in document"); statusLabel->setText(parseStatus); } else { emit lineChanged(editor->textCursor().blockNumber() + 1); } }
void KCDocumentRecorder::appendRecord(KCCodeEditor *editor, bool untitled) { UnclosedFileStatus currentStatus; QTextCursor cursor; currentStatus.untitled=untitled; if(untitled) { //This will treat as a untitled file. QString cacheFilePath=QString(unclosedUntitledFileDir + QString::number(cacheCount++)); //Save the file as a cache file editor->writeCacheFile(cacheFilePath); cursor=editor->getTextCursor(); currentStatus.filePath=cacheFilePath; } else { cursor=editor->getTextCursor(); currentStatus.filePath=editor->getFilePath(); } currentStatus.horizontalCursorPosition=cursor.blockNumber(); currentStatus.verticalCursorPosition=cursor.columnNumber(); currentStatus.horizontalScrollPosition=editor->getHScrollValue(); currentStatus.verticalScrollPosition=editor->getVScrollValue(); unclosedFileInfos.prepend(currentStatus); }
void TextEditViewImpl::cursorPositionChanged() { QTextCursor cur = textEdit.textCursor(); std::stringstream s; s << cur.blockNumber()+1 << " : " << cur.columnNumber()+1 << " "; lineLabel.setText(QString(s.str().c_str())); }
void RefactoringEngine::startLocalRenaming(const CppTools::CursorInEditor &data, CppTools::ProjectPart *projectPart, RenameCallback &&renameSymbolsCallback) { using CppTools::CompilerOptionsBuilder; setRefactoringEngineAvailable(false); m_client.setLocalRenamingCallback(std::move(renameSymbolsCallback)); QString filePath = data.filePath().toString(); QTextCursor textCursor = data.cursor(); CompilerOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder{*projectPart, CLANG_VERSION, CLANG_RESOURCE_DIR}; Utils::SmallStringVector commandLine{ fileKindInProjectPart(projectPart, filePath), CppTools::getPchUsage())}; commandLine.push_back(filePath); RequestSourceLocationsForRenamingMessage message(ClangBackEnd::FilePath(filePath), uint(textCursor.blockNumber() + 1), uint(textCursor.positionInBlock() + 1), textCursor.document()->toPlainText(), std::move(commandLine), textCursor.document()->revision()); m_server.requestSourceLocationsForRenamingMessage(std::move(message)); }
void QueryPanel::executeQuery() { QTextCursor c = editor->textCursor(); QString stmt = getActiveStatement(c.blockNumber(), c.columnNumber()); error->hide(); status->hide(); model->setQuery(stmt); model->select(); }
void TikzEditor::showCursorPosition() { QTextCursor cursor = textCursor(); const int cursorPosition = cursor.position(); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::StartOfBlock, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); const int startPosition = cursor.position(); emit cursorPositionChanged(cursor.blockNumber() + 1, cursorPosition - startPosition + 1); }
/*! * \brief TextDoc::slotCursorPosChanged update status bar with line:column */ void TextDoc::slotCursorPosChanged() { QTextCursor pos = textCursor(); int x = pos.blockNumber(); int y = pos.columnNumber(); emit signalCursorPosChanged(x+1, y+1); tmpPosX = x; tmpPosY = y; }
/*! * \brief TextDoc::slotCursorPosChanged update status bar with line:column */ void TextDoc::slotCursorPosChanged() { QTextCursor pos = textCursor(); int x = pos.blockNumber(); int y = pos.columnNumber(); App->printCursorPosition(x+1, y+1); tmpPosX = x; tmpPosY = y; }
/*! \reimp */ bool QScriptDebuggerCodeView::event(QEvent *e) { Q_D(QScriptDebuggerCodeView); if (e->type() == QEvent::ToolTip) { if (d->editor->executionLineNumber() == -1) return false; QHelpEvent *he = static_cast<QHelpEvent*>(e); QPoint pt = he->pos(); pt.rx() -= d->editor->extraAreaWidth(); pt.ry() -= 8; QTextCursor cursor = d->editor->cursorForPosition(pt); QTextBlock block = cursor.block(); QString contents = block.text(); if (contents.isEmpty()) return false; int linePosition = cursor.position() - block.position(); linePosition -= 3; if (linePosition < 0) linePosition = 0; // ### generalize -- same as in completiontask int pos = linePosition; if ((pos > 0) && { // tooltips for numbers is pointless return false; } while ((pos > 0) && isIdentChar( --pos; if ((pos > 0) && (( == QLatin1Char('\'')) || ( == QLatin1Char('\"')))) { // ignore string literals return false; } int pos2 = linePosition; while ((pos2 < contents.size()-1) && isIdentChar( ++pos2; QString ident = contents.mid(pos, pos2 - pos + 1); QStringList path; path.append(ident); while ((pos > 0) && ( == QLatin1Char('.'))) { --pos; pos2 = pos; while ((pos > 0) && isIdentChar( --pos; path.prepend(contents.mid(pos, pos2 - pos)); } if (!path.isEmpty()) { int lineNumber = cursor.blockNumber() + d->editor->baseLineNumber(); emit toolTipRequest(he->globalPos(), lineNumber, path); } } return false; }
void MdiChild::documentChanged(int position, int charsRemoved, int charsAdded) { if(blockModeData.enabled) { if(blockModeData.lineNumber == textCursor().blockNumber()) { QTextCursor cursor = textCursor(); cursor.setPosition(position); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Right, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor, charsAdded); QString text = cursor.selectedText(); int pos = position - cursor.block().position(); disconnect(docLayout, SIGNAL(docChanged(int, int, int)), this, SLOT(documentChanged(int, int, int))); disconnect(document(), SIGNAL(contentsChanged()), this, SLOT(documentContentsChanged())); for(int i = blockModeData.startLine+1; i<=blockModeData.endLine; i++) { // Set cursor position int line = cursor.blockNumber(); while(line < _document->lastBlock().blockNumber() && line < i) { cursor.setPosition(cursor.block().next().position()); line = cursor.blockNumber(); } while(line > 0 && line > i) { cursor.setPosition(cursor.block().previous().position()); line = cursor.blockNumber(); } int startPosition = pos; if( pos >= cursor.block().length() ) //startPosition = cursor.block().length() - 1; continue; int charsCount = charsRemoved; if( (startPosition + charsRemoved) >= cursor.block().length() ) //charsCount = cursor.block().length() - startPosition - 1; continue; cursor.setPosition(cursor.block().position() + startPosition); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Right, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor, charsCount); cursor.insertText(text); } connect(docLayout, SIGNAL(docChanged(int, int, int)), this, SLOT(documentChanged(int, int, int))); connect(document(), SIGNAL(contentsChanged()), this, SLOT(documentContentsChanged())); } else
int OpenedFile::findLineNumber(const QString &str, const int start_line_number) { QTextCursor parsingCursor = textCursor(); parsingCursor.setPosition(0); while(parsingCursor.blockNumber() != start_line_number) { parsingCursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Down); } while(!parsingCursor.atEnd()) { if(parsingCursor.block().text().contains(str)) return parsingCursor.blockNumber(); parsingCursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Down); } return -1; }
static void from_pos(CTEXTAREA *_object, int pos, int *par, int *car) { QTextCursor cursor = WIDGET->textCursor(); if (pos >= get_length(THIS)) cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::End); else cursor.setPosition(pos); *par = cursor.blockNumber(); *car = cursor.position() - cursor.block().position(); }
void MdiChild::cursorPositionChanged() { QTextCursor cursor = this->textCursor(); // Current line text //QString cur_line_text = cursor.block().text().trimmed(); std::ostringstream oss; oss <<"Line:"<< cursor.blockNumber()+1 <<" Colum:"<<cursor.columnNumber(); statusBar->showMessage( QString::fromStdString(oss.str())); }
void Wt_TextEdit::wt_forEachSelectedBlock(void handleEachBlock(QTextCursor &)) { QTextCursor textCursor = this->textCursor(); textCursor.beginEditBlock(); if (!textCursor.hasSelection()) { handleEachBlock(textCursor); } else { int selectStart = textCursor.selectionStart(); int selectEnd = textCursor.selectionEnd(); textCursor.setPosition(selectEnd, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); int blockEnd = textCursor.blockNumber(); textCursor.setPosition(selectStart, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); int blockStart = textCursor.blockNumber(); for(int i = blockStart ; i <= blockEnd ; i++) { textCursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::StartOfBlock, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); handleEachBlock(textCursor); textCursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextBlock, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); } } textCursor.endEditBlock(); }
/** * @brief Inserts tabulation(s) at the cursor position. */ void TextEditorWidget::insert_tab () { QTextCursor cursor = textCursor(); // Get tabulation character(s). QString tab = "\t"; if (replace_tab_by_spaces) { int length = tab_length; if (!cursor.hasSelection()) { length -= (cursor.columnNumber() % tab_length); } tab = QString(" ").repeated(length); } cursor.beginEditBlock(); // Insert tab for all selected lines. if (cursor.hasSelection()) { // Get the end block number dans set position to start. int start_pos = cursor.selectionStart(); cursor.setPosition(cursor.selectionEnd()); int block_number = cursor.blockNumber(); cursor.setPosition(start_pos); // Loop on each blocks. while (cursor.blockNumber() <= block_number) { cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::StartOfLine); cursor.insertText(tab); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextBlock); } } // Insert tab before the cursor. else { cursor.insertText(tab); } cursor.endEditBlock(); }
void WareSrcMsgViewer::writeMessage(const openfluid::waresdev::WareSrcMsgParser::WareSrcMsg& Msg) { QTextCursor Cursor = textCursor(); Cursor.setCharFormat(m_FormatByMsgType.value(Msg.m_Type, QTextCharFormat())); if (Msg.m_LineNb > 0) m_MessagesByBlockNumber.insert(Cursor.blockNumber(), Msg); Cursor.insertText(QString::fromUtf8(Msg.m_OriginalMsgLine)); ensureCursorVisible(); }
QPoint Editor::keyPopPoint(QTextCursor cursor) { int ht = fontMetrics().height(); int wd = fontMetrics().width(QLatin1Char('9')); int col = cursor.columnNumber(); int row = cursor.blockNumber()+2; // show just below line QTextBlock block = firstVisibleBlock(); int top = block.firstLineNumber(); QPoint pt = QPoint(lineNumberAreaWidth()+col*wd,(row-top)*ht); return pt; }
void FunctionDeclDefLinkFinder::startFindLinkAt( QTextCursor cursor, const Document::Ptr &doc, const Snapshot &snapshot) { // check if cursor is on function decl/def DeclarationAST *parent = 0; FunctionDeclaratorAST *funcDecl = 0; DeclaratorAST *declarator = 0; if (!findDeclOrDef(doc, cursor.blockNumber() + 1, cursor.columnNumber() + 1, &parent, &declarator, &funcDecl)) return; // find the start/end offsets CppRefactoringChanges refactoringChanges(snapshot); CppRefactoringFilePtr sourceFile = refactoringChanges.file(doc->fileName()); sourceFile->setCppDocument(doc); int start, end; declDefLinkStartEnd(sourceFile, parent, funcDecl, &start, &end); // if already scanning, don't scan again if (!m_scannedSelection.isNull() && m_scannedSelection.selectionStart() == start && m_scannedSelection.selectionEnd() == end) { return; } // build the selection for the currently scanned area m_scannedSelection = cursor; m_scannedSelection.setPosition(end); m_scannedSelection.setPosition(start, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); m_scannedSelection.setKeepPositionOnInsert(true); // build selection for the name DeclaratorIdAST *declId = getDeclaratorId(declarator); m_nameSelection = cursor; m_nameSelection.setPosition(sourceFile->endOf(declId)); m_nameSelection.setPosition(sourceFile->startOf(declId), QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); m_nameSelection.setKeepPositionOnInsert(true); // set up a base result QSharedPointer<FunctionDeclDefLink> result(new FunctionDeclDefLink); result->nameInitial = m_nameSelection.selectedText(); result->sourceDocument = doc; result->sourceFunction = funcDecl->symbol; result->sourceDeclaration = parent; result->sourceFunctionDeclarator = funcDecl; // handle the rest in a thread m_watcher.reset(new QFutureWatcher<QSharedPointer<FunctionDeclDefLink> >()); connect(, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(onFutureDone())); m_watcher->setFuture(QtConcurrent::run(&findLinkHelper, result, refactoringChanges)); }
void MarginWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { QTextCursor textCursor = m_sourceViewer->cursorForPosition(QPoint(1, event->y())); int currentLine = textCursor.blockNumber(); if (currentLine == m_lastClickedLine) { return; } textCursor.movePosition(((currentLine > m_lastClickedLine) ? QTextCursor::Up : QTextCursor::Down), QTextCursor::KeepAnchor, qAbs(m_lastClickedLine - currentLine)); m_sourceViewer->setTextCursor(textCursor); }
void TextEditWidget::onTextCursorMoved() { // write the line we're in QTextCursor cursor = m_editor->textCursor(); int lineNumber = cursor.blockNumber() + 1; char tmpStr[256]; sprintf( tmpStr, "Row: %d, Col: %d", lineNumber, cursor.columnNumber() ); m_statusBar->setText( tmpStr ); // highlight the line we're currently editing highlightCurrentLine(); }
void UnifiedDiffEditorWidget::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *e) { QPointer<QMenu> menu = createStandardContextMenu(); QTextCursor cursor = cursorForPosition(e->pos()); const int blockNumber = cursor.blockNumber(); addContextMenuActions(menu, fileIndexForBlockNumber(blockNumber), chunkIndexForBlockNumber(blockNumber)); connect(this, SIGNAL(destroyed()), menu, SLOT(deleteLater())); menu->exec(e->globalPos()); delete menu; }
void UnifiedDiffEditorWidget::jumpToOriginalFile(const QTextCursor &cursor) { if (m_fileInfo.isEmpty()) return; const int blockNumber = cursor.blockNumber(); const int fileIndex = fileIndexForBlockNumber(blockNumber); if (fileIndex < 0) return; const FileData fileData =; const QString leftFileName = fileData.leftFileInfo.fileName; const QString rightFileName = fileData.rightFileInfo.fileName; const int columnNumber = cursor.positionInBlock() - 1; // -1 for the first character in line const int rightLineNumber = m_rightLineNumbers.value(blockNumber, -1); if (rightLineNumber >= 0) { jumpToOriginalFile(rightFileName, rightLineNumber, columnNumber); return; } const int leftLineNumber = m_leftLineNumbers.value(blockNumber, -1); if (leftLineNumber >= 0) { if (leftFileName == rightFileName) { for (int i = 0; i < fileData.chunks.count(); i++) { const ChunkData chunkData =; int newLeftLineNumber = chunkData.leftStartingLineNumber; int newRightLineNumber = chunkData.rightStartingLineNumber; for (int j = 0; j < chunkData.rows.count(); j++) { const RowData rowData =; if (rowData.leftLine.textLineType == TextLineData::TextLine) newLeftLineNumber++; if (rowData.rightLine.textLineType == TextLineData::TextLine) newRightLineNumber++; if (newLeftLineNumber == leftLineNumber) { jumpToOriginalFile(leftFileName, newRightLineNumber, 0); return; } } } } else { jumpToOriginalFile(leftFileName, leftLineNumber, columnNumber); } return; } }
void MainWindow::editGotoLine() { const int STEP = 1; const int MIN_VALUE = 1; QTextCursor cursor = ui->plainTextEdit->textCursor(); int currentLine = cursor.blockNumber()+1; int maxValue = ui->plainTextEdit->document()->blockCount(); bool ok; int line = QInputDialog::getInt(this, tr("Go to..."), tr("Line: ", "Line number in the Markdown editor"), currentLine, MIN_VALUE, maxValue, STEP, &ok); if (!ok) return; ui->plainTextEdit->gotoLine(line); }
/* The cursor has moved. Highlight the current line, if appropriate. Update the line/column display in the status bar. */ void MainWindow::onCursorMoved( ) { QTextCursor c = editor->textCursor(); if(c.hasSelection()) // don't highlight the line if text is selected return editor->setExtraSelections(QList<QTextEdit::ExtraSelection>()); QTextEdit::ExtraSelection highlight; highlight.cursor = c; highlight.format.setProperty(QTextFormat::FullWidthSelection, true); highlight.format.setBackground( QColor::fromRgb(235, 235, 235) ); // light gray QList<QTextEdit::ExtraSelection> extras; extras << highlight; editor->setExtraSelections( extras ); statusBar()->showMessage( QString("Line: %1 Column: %2").arg(c.blockNumber()+1).arg(c.columnNumber())); }
void TextModelLavaan::cursorPositionChangedHandler(QTextCursor cursor) { int currentBlock = cursor.blockNumber(); if (currentBlock != _currentBlock) { //checkEverything(); _currentBlock = currentBlock; if (_changed) { //if ( ! inError()) // apply(); _changed = false; } } }
void MarginWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { QTextCursor textCursor = m_sourceViewer->cursorForPosition(QPoint(1, event->y()));; textCursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextBlock, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); m_lastClickedLine = textCursor.blockNumber(); m_sourceViewer->setTextCursor(textCursor); } else { QWidget::mousePressEvent(event); } }