    \since 4.5

    Returns the index of the tableCell's format in the document's internal list of formats.

    \sa QTextDocument::allFormats()
int QTextTableCell::tableCellFormatIndex() const
    QTextDocumentPrivate *p = table->docHandle();
    return QTextDocumentPrivate::FragmentIterator(&p->fragmentMap(), fragment)->format;

    Returns the first valid position in the document occupied by this cell.
int QTextTableCell::firstPosition() const
    QTextDocumentPrivate *p = table->docHandle();
    return p->fragmentMap().position(fragment) + 1;
    \since 4.1

    Splits the specified cell at \a row and \a column into an array of multiple
    cells with dimensions specified by \a numRows and \a numCols.

    \note It is only possible to split cells that span multiple rows or columns, such as rows
    that have been merged using mergeCells().

    \sa mergeCells()
void QTextTable::splitCell(int row, int column, int numRows, int numCols)

    if (d->dirty)

    QTextDocumentPrivate *p = d->pieceTable;
    QTextFormatCollection *c = p->formatCollection();

    const QTextTableCell cell = cellAt(row, column);
    if (!cell.isValid())
    row = cell.row();
    column = cell.column();

    QTextCharFormat fmt = cell.format();
    const int rowSpan = fmt.tableCellRowSpan();
    const int colSpan = fmt.tableCellColumnSpan();

    // nothing to split?
    if (numRows > rowSpan || numCols > colSpan)


    const int origCellPosition = cell.firstPosition() - 1;

    QVarLengthArray<int> rowPositions(rowSpan);

    rowPositions[0] = cell.lastPosition();

    for (int r = row + 1; r < row + rowSpan; ++r) {
        // find the cell before which to insert the new cell markers
        int gridIndex = r * d->nCols + column;
        QVector<int>::iterator it = qUpperBound(d->cellIndices.begin(), d->cellIndices.end(), gridIndex);
        int cellIndex = it - d->cellIndices.begin();
        int fragment = d->cells.value(cellIndex, d->fragment_end);
        rowPositions[r - row] = p->fragmentMap().position(fragment);

    const int fmtIndex = c->indexForFormat(fmt);
    const int blockIndex = p->blockMap().find(cell.lastPosition())->format;

    int insertAdjustement = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < numRows; ++i) {
        for (int c = 0; c < colSpan - numCols; ++c)
            p->insertBlock(QTextBeginningOfFrame, rowPositions[i] + insertAdjustement + c, blockIndex, fmtIndex);
        insertAdjustement += colSpan - numCols;

    for (int i = numRows; i < rowSpan; ++i) {
        for (int c = 0; c < colSpan; ++c)
            p->insertBlock(QTextBeginningOfFrame, rowPositions[i] + insertAdjustement + c, blockIndex, fmtIndex);
        insertAdjustement += colSpan;

    p->setCharFormat(origCellPosition, 1, fmt);

예제 #4
파일: qtexttable.cpp 프로젝트: phen89/rtqt
    \since 4.1

    Merges the cell at the specified \a row and \a column with the adjacent cells
    into one cell. The new cell will span \a numRows rows and \a numCols columns.
    If \a numRows or \a numCols is less than the current number of rows or columns
    the cell spans then this method does nothing.

    \sa splitCell()
void QTextTable::mergeCells(int row, int column, int numRows, int numCols)

    if (d->dirty)

    QTextDocumentPrivate *p = d->pieceTable;
    QTextFormatCollection *fc = p->formatCollection();

    const QTextTableCell cell = cellAt(row, column);
    if (!cell.isValid() || row != cell.row() || column != cell.column())

    QTextCharFormat fmt = cell.format();
    const int rowSpan = fmt.tableCellRowSpan();
    const int colSpan = fmt.tableCellColumnSpan();

    numRows = qMin(numRows, rows() - cell.row());
    numCols = qMin(numCols, columns() - cell.column());

    // nothing to merge?
    if (numRows < rowSpan || numCols < colSpan)

    // check the edges of the merge rect to make sure no cell spans the edge
    for (int r = row; r < row + numRows; ++r) {
        if (cellAt(r, column) == cellAt(r, column - 1))
        if (cellAt(r, column + numCols) == cellAt(r, column + numCols - 1))

    for (int c = column; c < column + numCols; ++c) {
        if (cellAt(row, c) == cellAt(row - 1, c))
        if (cellAt(row + numRows, c) == cellAt(row + numRows - 1, c))


    const int origCellPosition = cell.firstPosition() - 1;

    const int cellFragment = d->grid[row * d->nCols + column];

    // find the position at which to insert the contents of the merged cells
    QFragmentFindHelper helper(origCellPosition, p->fragmentMap());
    QList<int>::Iterator it = qBinaryFind(d->cells.begin(), d->cells.end(), helper);
    Q_ASSERT(it != d->cells.end());
    Q_ASSERT(*it == cellFragment);
    const int insertCellIndex = it - d->cells.begin();
    int insertFragment = d->cells.value(insertCellIndex + 1, d->fragment_end);
    uint insertPos = p->fragmentMap().position(insertFragment);

    d->blockFragmentUpdates = true;

    bool rowHasText = cell.firstCursorPosition().block().length();
    bool needsParagraph = rowHasText && colSpan == numCols;

    // find all cells that will be erased by the merge
    for (int r = row; r < row + numRows; ++r) {
        int firstColumn = r < row + rowSpan ? column + colSpan : column;

        // don't recompute the cell index for the first row
        int firstCellIndex = r == row ? insertCellIndex + 1 : -1;
        int cellIndex = firstCellIndex;

        for (int c = firstColumn; c < column + numCols; ++c) {
            const int fragment = d->grid[r * d->nCols + c];

            // already handled?
            if (fragment == cellFragment)

            QTextDocumentPrivate::FragmentIterator it(&p->fragmentMap(), fragment);
            uint pos = it.position();

            if (firstCellIndex == -1) {
                QFragmentFindHelper helper(pos, p->fragmentMap());
                QList<int>::Iterator it = qBinaryFind(d->cells.begin(), d->cells.end(), helper);
                Q_ASSERT(it != d->cells.end());
                Q_ASSERT(*it == fragment);
                firstCellIndex = cellIndex = it - d->cells.begin();


            QTextCharFormat fmt = fc->charFormat(it->format);

            const int cellRowSpan = fmt.tableCellRowSpan();
            const int cellColSpan = fmt.tableCellColumnSpan();

            // update the grid for this cell
            for (int i = r; i < r + cellRowSpan; ++i)
                for (int j = c; j < c + cellColSpan; ++j)
                    d->grid[i * d->nCols + j] = cellFragment;

            // erase the cell marker
            p->remove(pos, 1);

            const int nextFragment = d->cells.value(cellIndex, d->fragment_end);
            const uint nextPos = p->fragmentMap().position(nextFragment);

            Q_ASSERT(nextPos >= pos);

            // merge the contents of the cell (if not empty)
            if (nextPos > pos) {
                if (needsParagraph) {
                    needsParagraph = false;
                    QTextCursor(p, insertPos++).insertBlock();
                    p->move(pos + 1, insertPos, nextPos - pos);
                } else if (rowHasText) {
                    QTextCursor(p, insertPos++).insertText(QLatin1String(" "));
                    p->move(pos + 1, insertPos, nextPos - pos);
                } else {
                    p->move(pos, insertPos, nextPos - pos);

                insertPos += nextPos - pos;
                rowHasText = true;

        if (rowHasText) {
            needsParagraph = true;
            rowHasText = false;

        // erase cells from last row
        if (firstCellIndex >= 0) {
            d->cellIndices.remove(firstCellIndex, cellIndex - firstCellIndex);
            d->cells.erase(d->cells.begin() + firstCellIndex, d->cells.begin() + cellIndex);

    d->fragment_start = d->cells.first();

    p->setCharFormat(origCellPosition, 1, fmt);

    d->blockFragmentUpdates = false;
    d->dirty = false;

예제 #5
파일: qtexttable.cpp 프로젝트: phen89/rtqt
    \fn void QTextTable::removeColumns(int index, int columns)

    Removes a number of \a columns starting with the column at the specified
    \a index.

    \sa insertRows() insertColumns() removeRows() resize() appendRows() appendColumns()
void QTextTable::removeColumns(int pos, int num)
//     qDebug() << "-------- removeCols" << pos << num;

    if (num <= 0 || pos < 0)
    if (d->dirty)
    if (pos >= d->nCols)
    if (pos + num > d->nCols)
        pos = d->nCols - num;

    QTextDocumentPrivate *p = d->pieceTable;
    QTextFormatCollection *collection = p->formatCollection();

    // delete whole table?
    if (pos == 0 && num == d->nCols) {
        const int pos = p->fragmentMap().position(d->fragment_start);
        p->remove(pos, p->fragmentMap().position(d->fragment_end) - pos + 1);

    p->aboutToRemoveCell(cellAt(0, pos).firstPosition(), cellAt(d->nRows - 1, pos + num - 1).lastPosition());

    QList<int> touchedCells;
    for (int r = 0; r < d->nRows; ++r) {
        for (int c = pos; c < pos + num; ++c) {
            int cell = d->grid[r*d->nCols + c];
            QTextDocumentPrivate::FragmentIterator it(&p->fragmentMap(), cell);
            QTextCharFormat fmt = collection->charFormat(it->format);
            int span = fmt.tableCellColumnSpan();
            if (touchedCells.contains(cell) && span <= 1)
            touchedCells << cell;

            if (span > 1) {
                fmt.setTableCellColumnSpan(span - 1);
                p->setCharFormat(it.position(), 1, fmt);
            } else {
                // remove cell
                int index = d->cells.indexOf(cell) + 1;
                int f_end = index < d->cells.size() ? d->cells.at(index) : d->fragment_end;
                p->remove(it.position(), p->fragmentMap().position(f_end) - it.position());

    QTextTableFormat tfmt = format();
    QVector<QTextLength> columnWidths = tfmt.columnWidthConstraints();
    if (columnWidths.count() > pos) {
        columnWidths.remove(pos, num);
        tfmt.setColumnWidthConstraints (columnWidths);

//     qDebug() << "-------- end removeCols" << pos << num;
예제 #6
파일: qtexttable.cpp 프로젝트: phen89/rtqt
    \fn void QTextTable::insertColumns(int index, int columns)

    Inserts a number of \a columns before the column with the specified \a index.

    \sa insertRows() resize() removeRows() removeColumns() appendRows() appendColumns()
void QTextTable::insertColumns(int pos, int num)
    if (num <= 0)

    if (d->dirty)

    if (pos > d->nCols || pos < 0)
        pos = d->nCols;

//     qDebug() << "-------- insertCols" << pos << num;
    QTextDocumentPrivate *p = d->pieceTable;
    QTextFormatCollection *c = p->formatCollection();

    QList<int> extendedSpans;
    for (int i = 0; i < d->nRows; ++i) {
        int cell;
        if (i == d->nRows - 1 && pos == d->nCols)
            cell = d->fragment_end;
            cell = d->grid[i*d->nCols + pos];
        if (pos > 0 && pos < d->nCols && cell == d->grid[i*d->nCols + pos - 1]) {
            // cell spans the insertion place, extend it
            if (!extendedSpans.contains(cell)) {
                QTextDocumentPrivate::FragmentIterator it(&p->fragmentMap(), cell);
                QTextCharFormat fmt = c->charFormat(it->format);
                fmt.setTableCellColumnSpan(fmt.tableCellColumnSpan() + num);
                p->setCharFormat(it.position(), 1, fmt);
                d->dirty = true;
                extendedSpans << cell;
        } else {
            /* If the next cell is spanned from the row above, we need to find the right position
            to insert to */
            if (i > 0 && pos < d->nCols && cell == d->grid[(i-1) * d->nCols + pos]) {
                int gridIndex = i*d->nCols + pos;
                const int gridEnd = d->nRows * d->nCols - 1;
                while (gridIndex < gridEnd && cell == d->grid[gridIndex]) {
                if (gridIndex == gridEnd)
                    cell = d->fragment_end;
                    cell = d->grid[gridIndex];
            QTextDocumentPrivate::FragmentIterator it(&p->fragmentMap(), cell);
            QTextCharFormat fmt = c->charFormat(it->format);
            Q_ASSERT(fmt.objectIndex() == objectIndex());
            int position = it.position();
            int cfmt = p->formatCollection()->indexForFormat(fmt);
            int bfmt = p->formatCollection()->indexForFormat(QTextBlockFormat());
            for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
                p->insertBlock(QTextBeginningOfFrame, position, bfmt, cfmt, QTextUndoCommand::MoveCursor);

    QTextTableFormat tfmt = format();
    QVector<QTextLength> columnWidths = tfmt.columnWidthConstraints();
    if (! columnWidths.isEmpty()) {
        for (int i = num; i > 0; --i)
            columnWidths.insert(pos, columnWidths[qMax(0, pos-1)]);
    tfmt.setColumnWidthConstraints (columnWidths);

//     qDebug() << "-------- end insertCols" << pos << num;
예제 #7
파일: qtexttable.cpp 프로젝트: phen89/rtqt

    \class QTextTableCell

    \brief The QTextTableCell class represents the properties of a
    cell in a QTextTable.

    \ingroup richtext-processing

    Table cells are pieces of document structure that belong to a table.
    The table orders cells into particular rows and columns; cells can
    also span multiple columns and rows.

    Cells are usually created when a table is inserted into a document with
    QTextCursor::insertTable(), but they are also created and destroyed when
    a table is resized.

    Cells contain information about their location in a table; you can
    obtain the row() and column() numbers of a cell, and its rowSpan()
    and columnSpan().

    The format() of a cell describes the default character format of its
    contents. The firstCursorPosition() and lastCursorPosition() functions
    are used to obtain the extent of the cell in the document.

    \sa QTextTable QTextTableFormat

    \fn QTextTableCell::QTextTableCell()

    Constructs an invalid table cell.

    \sa isValid()

    \fn QTextTableCell::QTextTableCell(const QTextTableCell &other)

    Copy constructor. Creates a new QTextTableCell object based on the
    \a other cell.

    \fn QTextTableCell& QTextTableCell::operator=(const QTextTableCell &other)

    Assigns the \a other table cell to this table cell.

    \since 4.2

    Sets the cell's character format to \a format. This can for example be used to change
    the background color of the entire cell:

    QTextTableCell cell = table->cellAt(2, 3);
    QTextCharFormat format = cell.format();

    Note that the cell's row or column span cannot be changed through this function. You have
    to use QTextTable::mergeCells and QTextTable::splitCell instead.

    \sa format()
void QTextTableCell::setFormat(const QTextCharFormat &format)
    QTextCharFormat fmt = format;
    QTextDocumentPrivate *p = table->docHandle();
    QTextDocumentPrivate::FragmentIterator frag(&p->fragmentMap(), fragment);

    QTextFormatCollection *c = p->formatCollection();
    QTextCharFormat oldFormat = c->charFormat(frag->format);

    p->setCharFormat(frag.position(), 1, fmt, QTextDocumentPrivate::SetFormatAndPreserveObjectIndices);