예제 #1
void TextEdit::setupEditActions()
    QToolBar *tb = new QToolBar( this );
    tb->setLabel( "Edit Actions" );
    QPopupMenu *menu = new QPopupMenu( this );
    menuBar()->insertItem( tr( "&Edit" ), menu );

    QAction *a;
    a = new QAction( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "editundo.xpm" ), tr( "&Undo" ), CTRL + Key_Z, this, "editUndo" );
    connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editUndo() ) );
    a->addTo( tb );
    a->addTo( menu );
    a = new QAction( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "editredo.xpm" ), tr( "&Redo" ), CTRL + Key_Y, this, "editRedo" );
    connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editRedo() ) );
    a->addTo( tb );
    a->addTo( menu );
    a = new QAction( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "editcopy.xpm" ), tr( "&Copy" ), CTRL + Key_C, this, "editCopy" );
    connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editCopy() ) );
    a->addTo( tb );
    a->addTo( menu );
    a = new QAction( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "editcut.xpm" ), tr( "Cu&t" ), CTRL + Key_X, this, "editCut" );
    connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editCut() ) );
    a->addTo( tb );
    a->addTo( menu );
    a = new QAction( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "editpaste.xpm" ), tr( "&Paste" ), CTRL + Key_V, this, "editPaste" );
    connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editPaste() ) );
    a->addTo( tb );
    a->addTo( menu );
예제 #2
QToolBar* CGLWin::_createToolBar(void)
    _fileNewAction = new QAction( QPixmap(filenew_xpm), "&Clear Window", CTRL+Key_N, this);
    connect(_fileNewAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(newDoc()));

    _fileOpenAction = new QAction( QPixmap(fileopen), "&Open...", CTRL+Key_O, this);
    connect(_fileOpenAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(openCia3dFile()));

    _fileSaveAction = new QAction( QPixmap(filesave), "&Save snapshot", CTRL+Key_S, this);
    connect(_fileSaveAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(save()));

    _filePrintAction = new QAction( QPixmap(fileprint), "&Print", CTRL+Key_Q, this);
    connect(_filePrintAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(print()));

    // populate a tool bar with some actions
    QToolBar * fileTools = new QToolBar( this, "file operations" );
    fileTools->setLabel( "File Operations" );
    _fileNewAction->addTo( fileTools );
    _fileOpenAction->addTo( fileTools );
    _fileSaveAction->addTo( fileTools );
    _filePrintAction->addTo( fileTools );
	return fileTools;
예제 #3
void TextEdit::setupFileActions()
    QToolBar *tb = new QToolBar( this );
    tb->setLabel( "File Actions" );
    QPopupMenu *menu = new QPopupMenu( this );
    menuBar()->insertItem( tr( "&File" ), menu );

    QAction *a;
    a = new QAction( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "filenew.xpm" ), tr( "&New..." ), CTRL + Key_N, this, "fileNew" );
    connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileNew() ) );
    a->addTo( tb );
    a->addTo( menu );
    a = new QAction( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "fileopen.xpm" ), tr( "&Open..." ), CTRL + Key_O, this, "fileOpen" );
    connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileOpen() ) );
    a->addTo( tb );
    a->addTo( menu );
    a = new QAction( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "filesave.xpm" ), tr( "&Save..." ), CTRL + Key_S, this, "fileSave" );
    connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileSave() ) );
    a->addTo( tb );
    a->addTo( menu );
    a = new QAction( tr( "Save &As..." ), 0, this, "fileSaveAs" );
    connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileSaveAs() ) );
    a->addTo( menu );
    a = new QAction( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "fileprint.xpm" ), tr( "&Print..." ), CTRL + Key_P, this, "filePrint" );
    connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( filePrint() ) );
    a->addTo( tb );
    a->addTo( menu );
    a = new QAction( tr( "&Close" ), 0, this, "fileClose" );
    connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileClose() ) );
    a->addTo( menu );
    a = new QAction( tr( "E&xit" ), 0, this, "fileExit" );
    connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileExit() ) );
    a->addTo( menu );
예제 #4
void TextEdit::setupTextActions()
    QToolBar *tb = new QToolBar( this );
    tb->setLabel( "Format Actions" );
    QPopupMenu *menu = new QPopupMenu( this );
    menuBar()->insertItem( tr( "F&ormat" ), menu );

    comboFont = new QComboBox( TRUE, tb );
    QFontDatabase db;
    comboFont->insertStringList( db.families() );
    connect( comboFont, SIGNAL( activated( const QString & ) ),
	     this, SLOT( textFamily( const QString & ) ) );
    comboFont->lineEdit()->setText( QApplication::font().family() );

    comboSize = new QComboBox( TRUE, tb );
    QValueList<int> sizes = db.standardSizes();
    QValueList<int>::Iterator it = sizes.begin();
    for ( ; it != sizes.end(); ++it )
	comboSize->insertItem( QString::number( *it ) );
    connect( comboSize, SIGNAL( activated( const QString & ) ),
	     this, SLOT( textSize( const QString & ) ) );
    comboSize->lineEdit()->setText( QString::number( QApplication::font().pointSize() ) );

    actionTextBold = new QAction( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "textbold.xpm" ), tr( "&Bold" ), CTRL + Key_B, this, "textBold" );
    connect( actionTextBold, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( textBold() ) );
    actionTextBold->addTo( tb );
    actionTextBold->addTo( menu );
    actionTextBold->setToggleAction( TRUE );
    actionTextItalic = new QAction( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "textitalic.xpm" ), tr( "&Italic" ), CTRL + Key_I, this, "textItalic" );
    connect( actionTextItalic, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( textItalic() ) );
    actionTextItalic->addTo( tb );
    actionTextItalic->addTo( menu );
    actionTextItalic->setToggleAction( TRUE );
    actionTextUnderline = new QAction( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "textunder.xpm" ), tr( "&Underline" ), CTRL + Key_U, this, "textUnderline" );
    connect( actionTextUnderline, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( textUnderline() ) );
    actionTextUnderline->addTo( tb );
    actionTextUnderline->addTo( menu );
    actionTextUnderline->setToggleAction( TRUE );

    QActionGroup *grp = new QActionGroup( this );
    connect( grp, SIGNAL( selected( QAction* ) ), this, SLOT( textAlign( QAction* ) ) );

    actionAlignLeft = new QAction( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "textleft.xpm" ), tr( "&Left" ), CTRL + Key_L, grp, "textLeft" );
    actionAlignLeft->setToggleAction( TRUE );
    actionAlignCenter = new QAction( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "textcenter.xpm" ), tr( "C&enter" ), CTRL + Key_E, grp, "textCenter" );
    actionAlignCenter->setToggleAction( TRUE );
    actionAlignRight = new QAction( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "textright.xpm" ), tr( "&Right" ), CTRL + Key_R, grp, "textRight" );
    actionAlignRight->setToggleAction( TRUE );
    actionAlignJustify = new QAction( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "textjustify.xpm" ), tr( "&Justify" ), CTRL + Key_J, grp, "textjustify" );
    actionAlignJustify->setToggleAction( TRUE );

    grp->addTo( tb );
    grp->addTo( menu );


    QPixmap pix( 16, 16 );
    pix.fill( black );
    actionTextColor = new QAction( pix, tr( "&Color..." ), 0, this, "textColor" );
    connect( actionTextColor, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( textColor() ) );
    actionTextColor->addTo( tb );
    actionTextColor->addTo( menu );
예제 #5
    : QMainWindow( 0, "kernelinfo", WDestructiveClose )
    printer = new QPrinter;
    QPixmap openIcon, saveIcon, printIcon;

    QToolBar * fileTools = new QToolBar( this, "file operations" );
    fileTools->setLabel( tr("File Operations") );

    openIcon = QPixmap( fileopen );
    QToolButton * fileOpen
	= new QToolButton( openIcon, tr("Open File"), QString::null,
			   this, SLOT(choose()), fileTools, "open file" );

    saveIcon = QPixmap( filesave );
    QToolButton * fileSave
	= new QToolButton( saveIcon, tr("Save File"), QString::null,
			   this, SLOT(save()), fileTools, "save file" );

    printIcon = QPixmap( fileprint );
    QToolButton * filePrint
	= new QToolButton( printIcon, tr("Print File"), QString::null,
			   this, SLOT(print()), fileTools, "print file" );

    (void)QWhatsThis::whatsThisButton( fileTools );

    QString fileOpenText = tr("<p><img source=\"fileopen\"> "
	         "Click this button to open a <em>new file</em>. <br>"
                 "You can also select the <b>Open</b> command "
                 "from the <b>File</b> menu.</p>");

    QWhatsThis::add( fileOpen, fileOpenText );

    QMimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory()->setPixmap( "fileopen", openIcon );

    QString fileSaveText = tr("<p>Click this button to save the file you "
                 "are editing. You will be prompted for a file name.\n"
                 "You can also select the <b>Save</b> command "
                 "from the <b>File</b> menu.</p>");

    QWhatsThis::add( fileSave, fileSaveText );

    QString filePrintText = tr("Click this button to print the file you "
                 "are editing.\n You can also select the Print "
                 "command from the File menu.");

    QWhatsThis::add( filePrint, filePrintText );

    QPopupMenu * file = new QPopupMenu( this );
    menuBar()->insertItem( tr("&File"), file );

    file->insertItem( tr("&New"), this, SLOT(newDoc()), CTRL+Key_N );

    int id;
    id = file->insertItem( openIcon, tr("&Open..."),
			   this, SLOT(choose()), CTRL+Key_O );
    file->setWhatsThis( id, fileOpenText );

    id = file->insertItem( saveIcon, tr("&Save"),
			   this, SLOT(save()), CTRL+Key_S );
    file->setWhatsThis( id, fileSaveText );

    id = file->insertItem( tr("Save &As..."), this, SLOT(saveAs()) );
    file->setWhatsThis( id, fileSaveText );


    id = file->insertItem( printIcon, tr("&Print..."),
			   this, SLOT(print()), CTRL+Key_P );
    file->setWhatsThis( id, filePrintText );


    file->insertItem( tr("&Close"), this, SLOT(close()), CTRL+Key_W );

    file->insertItem( tr("&Quit"), qApp, SLOT( closeAllWindows() ), CTRL+Key_Q );


    QPopupMenu * help = new QPopupMenu( this );
    menuBar()->insertItem( tr("&Help"), help );

    help->insertItem( tr("&About"), this, SLOT(about()), Key_F1 );
    help->insertItem( tr("About &Qt"), this, SLOT(aboutQt()) );
    help->insertItem( tr("What's &This"), this, SLOT(whatsThis()), SHIFT+Key_F1 );

    e = new QTextEdit( this, "editor" );
    setCentralWidget( e );
    statusBar()->message( tr("Ready"), 2000 );

    resize( 450, 600 );
예제 #6
파일: toolbar.cpp 프로젝트: alannet/example
    : QMainWindow(0, "Toolbar Demo")


	QAction *fileNewAction, *fileOpenAction, *fileSaveAction,
		*fileSaveAsAction, *filePrintAction, *fileCloseAction,
	fileNewAction = new QAction( "New", tr("新建(&N)"), 
		CTRL+Key_N, this, "new" );
	connect( fileNewAction, SIGNAL( activated() ) ,this, SLOT( newDoc()));
	fileOpenAction = new QAction( "Open File", QPixmap( fileopen ), 
		tr("打开(&O)"), CTRL+Key_O, this, "open" );
	connect( fileOpenAction, SIGNAL( activated() ) , this, SLOT( load() ) );
	QMimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory()->setPixmap( "fileopen",
		QPixmap( fileopen ) );
	fileOpenAction->setWhatsThis( tr(fileOpenText) );

	fileSaveAction = new QAction( "Save File", QPixmap( filesave ), 
		tr("保存(&S)"), CTRL+Key_S, this, "save" );
	connect( fileSaveAction, SIGNAL( activated() ) , this, SLOT( save() ) );
	fileSaveAction->setWhatsThis( tr(fileSaveText) );

	fileSaveAsAction = new QAction( "Save File As", tr("保存为(&s)..."), 
		0,  this, "save as" );
	connect( fileSaveAsAction, SIGNAL(activated()),this,SLOT( saveAs() ));
	fileSaveAsAction->setWhatsThis( tr(fileSaveText) );
	filePrintAction = new QAction( "Print File", QPixmap( fileprint ), 
		tr("打印(&P)"), CTRL+Key_P, this, "print" );
	connect( filePrintAction, SIGNAL(activated()) , this, SLOT(print()));
	filePrintAction->setWhatsThis( tr(filePrintText) );

	fileCloseAction = new QAction( "Close", tr("关闭(&C)"), CTRL+Key_W, 
		this, "close" );
	connect( fileCloseAction, SIGNAL(activated()) , this, SLOT(close()) );

	fileQuitAction = new QAction( "Quit", tr("退出(&Q)"), CTRL+Key_Q, 
		this, "quit" );

	QToolBar* fileTools = new QToolBar( this, "file operations" );
	fileTools->setLabel( "File Operations" );
	fileOpenAction->addTo( fileTools );
	fileSaveAction->addTo( fileTools );
	filePrintAction->addTo( fileTools );
	(void)QWhatsThis::whatsThisButton( fileTools );

	QPopupMenu * file = new QPopupMenu( this );
	menuBar()->insertItem( tr("文件(&F)"), file );
	fileNewAction->addTo( file );
	fileOpenAction->addTo( file );
	fileSaveAction->addTo( file );
	fileSaveAsAction->addTo( file );
	filePrintAction->addTo( file );
	fileCloseAction->addTo( file );
	fileQuitAction->addTo( file );

	QPopupMenu * help = new QPopupMenu( this );
	menuBar()->insertItem( tr("帮助(&H)"), help );
	help->insertItem( tr("关于(&A)"), this, SLOT(about()), Key_F1 );
	help->insertItem( tr("关于 &Qt"), this, SLOT(aboutQt()) );

	QMultiLineEdit *e = new QMultiLineEdit( this, "editor" );
	setCentralWidget( e );
	statusBar()->message( tr("准备就绪"), 2000 );
	resize( 400, 400 );

예제 #7
/*! MyWindow constructor
 * \param w - window width
 * \param h - window hight
MyWindow::MyWindow(int w, int h) : num_of_colors(18)
  myBar = new QTabWidget(this);
  m_width = w;
  m_height = h;
  tab_number = 0;
  number_of_tabs = 0;
  testlayer = new Qt_layer( myBar );
  colors_flag = true;

  m_scailing_factor = 2;

  // Traits Group
  QActionGroup *traitsGroup = new QActionGroup( this ); // Connected later
  traitsGroup->setExclusive( TRUE );

  /*setSegmentTraits = new QAction("Segment Traits",
                                 QPixmap( (const char**)line_xpm ),
                                 "&Segment Traits", 0 ,traitsGroup,
                                 "Segment Traits" );
  setSegmentTraits->setToggleAction( TRUE );

  setPolylineTraits = new QAction("Polyline Traits",
                                  QPixmap( (const char**)polyline_xpm ),
                                  "&Polyline Traits", 0 , traitsGroup,
                                  "Polyline Traits" );
  setPolylineTraits->setToggleAction( TRUE );

  setConicTraits = new QAction("Conic Traits",
                               QPixmap( (const char**)conic_xpm ),
                               "&Conic Traits", 0 , traitsGroup,
                               "Conic Traits" );
  setConicTraits->setToggleAction( TRUE );
  // Snap Mode Group

  setSnapMode = new QAction("Snap Mode", QPixmap( (const char**)snapvertex_xpm ),
                            "&Snap Mode", 0 , this, "Snap Mode" );
  setSnapMode->setToggleAction( TRUE );

  setGridSnapMode = new QAction("Grid Snap Mode",
                                QPixmap( (const char**)snapgrid_xpm ),
                                "&Grid Snap Mode", 0 , this,
                                "Grid Snap Mode" );
  setGridSnapMode->setToggleAction( TRUE );

  // insert - delete - point_location Mode Group
  QActionGroup *modeGroup = new QActionGroup( this ); // Connected later
  modeGroup->setExclusive( TRUE );

  insertMode = new QAction("Insert", QPixmap( (const char**)insert_xpm ),
                           "&Insert", 0 , modeGroup, "Insert" );
  insertMode->setToggleAction( TRUE );

  deleteMode = new QAction("Delete", QPixmap( (const char**)delete_xpm ),
                           "&Delete", 0 , modeGroup, "Delete" );
  deleteMode->setToggleAction( TRUE );

  pointLocationMode = new QAction("PointLocation",
                                  QPixmap( (const char**)pointlocation_xpm ),
                                  "&Point Location", 0 , modeGroup,
                                  "Point Location" );
  pointLocationMode->setToggleAction( TRUE );

  dragMode = new QAction("Drag", QPixmap( (const char**)hand_xpm ),
                         "&Drag", 0 , modeGroup, "Drag" );
  dragMode->setToggleAction( TRUE );

  // zoom in
  zoominBt = new QAction("Zoom in", QPixmap( (const char**)zoomin_xpm ),
                         "&Zoom in", 0 , this, "Zoom in" );
  // zoom out
  zoomoutBt = new QAction("Zoom out", QPixmap( (const char**)zoomout_xpm ),
                          "&Zoom out", 0 , this, "Zoom out" );

   // color dialog
  color_dialog_bt = new QAction("Choose color", QPixmap( (const char**)demo_colors_xpm ),
                         "&choose color", 0 , this, "choose color" );

	// Cartograms
  carto_new = new QAction("New instance", QPixmap( (const char**)carto_new_xpm ),
                         "&New instance", 0 , this, "New instance" );
  carto_weights = new QAction("Set weights", QPixmap( (const char**)carto_weights_xpm ),
                         "&Set weights", 0 , this, "Set weights" );
  carto_start = new QAction("Start Cartogram", QPixmap( (const char**)carto_start_xpm ),
                          "&Start Cartogram", 0 , this, "Start Cartogram" );
  carto_it = new QAction("Next step", QPixmap( (const char**)carto_nextIt_xpm ),
                         "&Next step", 0 , this, "Next step" );

  // Conic Type Group
  QActionGroup *conicTypeGroup = new QActionGroup( this ); // Connected later
  conicTypeGroup->setExclusive( TRUE );

  setCircle = new QAction("Circle",
                                 QPixmap( (const char**)demo_conic_circle_xpm ),
                                 "&Circle", 0 ,conicTypeGroup,
                                 "Circle" );
  setCircle->setToggleAction( TRUE );
  setSegment = new QAction("Segment",
                                 QPixmap( (const char**)demo_conic_segment_xpm ),
                                 "&Segment", 0 ,conicTypeGroup,
                                 "Segment" );
  setSegment->setToggleAction( TRUE );
  setEllipse = new QAction("Ellipse",
                                 QPixmap( (const char**)demo_conic_ellipse_xpm ),
                                 "&Ellipse", 0 ,conicTypeGroup,
                                 "Ellipse" );
  setEllipse->setToggleAction( TRUE );
  setParabola = new QAction("3 Points Arc",
                                 QPixmap( (const char**)demo_conic_3points_xpm ),
                                 "&3 Points Arc", 0 ,conicTypeGroup,
                                 "3 Points Arc" );
  setParabola->setToggleAction( TRUE );
  setHyperbola = new QAction("5 Points Arc",
                                 QPixmap( (const char**)demo_conic_5points_xpm ),
                                 "&5 Points Arc", 0 ,conicTypeGroup,
                                 "5 Points Arc" );
  setHyperbola->setToggleAction( TRUE );
  //create a timer for checking if somthing changed
  QTimer *timer = new QTimer( this );
  connect( timer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
           this, SLOT(timer_done()) );
  timer->start( 200, FALSE );

  // file menu
  QPopupMenu * file = new QPopupMenu( this );
  menuBar()->insertItem( "&File", file );
  file->insertItem("&Open Segment File...", this, SLOT(fileOpenSegment()));
  file->insertItem("&Open Polyline File...", this, SLOT(fileOpenPolyline()));\
  file->insertItem("&Open Segment Arr File...", this, SLOT(fileOpenSegmentPm()));
  file->insertItem("&Open Polyline Arr File...", this, SLOT(fileOpenPolylinePm()));
  file->insertItem("&Open Conic Pm File", this, SLOT(fileOpenConicPm()));
  file->insertItem("&Open Input File...", this, SLOT(fileOpenSegment()));
  file->insertItem("&Open Output File...", this, SLOT(fileOpenConic()));

  file->insertItem("&Save...", this, SLOT(fileSave()));
  file->insertItem("&Save As...", this, SLOT(fileSaveAs()));
  //file->insertItem("&Save to ps...", this, SLOT(fileSave_ps()));
  file->insertItem("&Print...", this , SLOT(print()));
  file->insertItem( "&Close", this, SLOT(close()), CTRL+Key_X );
  file->insertItem( "&Quit", qApp, SLOT( closeAllWindows() ), CTRL+Key_Q );

  // tab menu
  QPopupMenu * tab = new QPopupMenu( this );
  menuBar()->insertItem( "&Tab", tab );
  tab->insertItem("Add &Segment Tab", this, SLOT(add_segment_tab()));
  tab->insertItem("Add &Polyline Tab", this, SLOT(add_polyline_tab()));

  tab->insertItem("Add &Conic Tab", this, SLOT(add_conic_tab()));
  tab->insertItem("Remove &Tab", this, SLOT(remove_tab()));

  // mode menu
  QPopupMenu * mode = new QPopupMenu( this );
  menuBar()->insertItem( "&Mode", mode );
  insertMode->addTo( mode );
  deleteMode->addTo( mode );
  pointLocationMode->addTo( mode );
  dragMode->addTo( mode );

  // snap mode menu
  QPopupMenu * snap_mode = new QPopupMenu( this );
  menuBar()->insertItem( "&Snap mode", snap_mode );

  // traits menu
  /*QPopupMenu * traits = new QPopupMenu( this );
  menuBar()->insertItem( "&Traits Type", traits );
  // options menu
  QPopupMenu * options = new QPopupMenu( this );
  menuBar()->insertItem( "&Options", options );
  //options->insertItem("Overlay...", this, SLOT(overlay_pm()));
  options->insertItem("Properties...", this, SLOT(properties()));
  options->insertItem("Show Grid", this, SLOT(showGrid()));
  options->insertItem("Hide Grid", this, SLOT(hideGrid()));
  //options->insertItem("Conic Type", this, SLOT(conicType()));
  options->insertItem("Unbounded Face Color...", this, SLOT(backGroundColor()));
  options->insertItem("Edge Color...", this, SLOT(changeEdgeColor()));
  options->insertItem("Vertex Color...", this, SLOT(changeVertexColor()));
  /*options->insertItem("Point-Locaiton Strategy....", this ,
  QToolBar *modeTools = new QToolBar( this, "mode operations" );
  modeTools->setLabel( "Mode Operations" );
  insertMode->addTo( modeTools );
  deleteMode->addTo( modeTools );
  pointLocationMode->addTo( modeTools );
  dragMode->addTo( modeTools );

  QToolBar *snapModeTools = new QToolBar( this, "snapMode operations" );
  snapModeTools->setLabel( "Snap Mode Operations" );
  setSnapMode->addTo( snapModeTools );
  setGridSnapMode->addTo( snapModeTools );

  /*QToolBar *traitsTool = new QToolBar( this, "traits type" );
  traitsTool->setLabel( "Traits Type" );
  setSegmentTraits->addTo( traitsTool );
  setPolylineTraits->addTo( traitsTool );
  setConicTraits->addTo( traitsTool );
  QToolBar *zoomTool = new QToolBar( this, "zoom" );
  zoomTool->setLabel( "Zoom" );
  zoomoutBt->addTo( zoomTool );
  zoominBt->addTo( zoomTool );

  QToolBar *colorTool = new QToolBar( this, "color" );
  colorTool->setLabel("Choose color");

  QToolBar *cartoTool = new QToolBar( this, "cartograms" );

  conicTypeTool = new QToolBar( this, "conic type" );
  conicTypeTool->setLabel( "Conic Type" );
  setSegment->addTo( conicTypeTool );
  setCircle->addTo( conicTypeTool );
  setEllipse->addTo( conicTypeTool );
  setParabola->addTo( conicTypeTool );
  setHyperbola->addTo( conicTypeTool );

  connect( zoomoutBt, SIGNAL( activated () ) ,
       this, SLOT( zoomout() ) );

  connect( zoominBt, SIGNAL( activated () ) ,
       this, SLOT( zoomin() ) );

  connect (color_dialog_bt , SIGNAL( activated()) ,
          this , SLOT(openColorDialog() ) );

  // connect mode group
  connect( modeGroup, SIGNAL( selected(QAction*) ),
           this, SLOT( updateMode(QAction*) ) );

  // connect Traits Group
/*  connect( traitsGroup, SIGNAL( selected(QAction*) ),
           this, SLOT( updateTraitsType(QAction*) ) );

  // connect Conic Type Group
  connect( conicTypeGroup, SIGNAL( selected(QAction*) ),
           this, SLOT( updateConicType(QAction*) ) );
  // connect Snap Mode

  connect( setSnapMode, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ) ,
           this, SLOT( updateSnapMode( bool ) ) );

  connect( setGridSnapMode, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ) ,
       this, SLOT( updateGridSnapMode( bool ) ) );

  // connect the change of current tab
  connect( myBar, SIGNAL( currentChanged(QWidget * )  ),
           this, SLOT( update() ) );

	// connect cartogram actions
	connect( carto_start, SIGNAL( activated () ) ,
       this, SLOT( cartogram_start() ) );

	connect( carto_weights, SIGNAL( activated () ) ,
       this, SLOT( cartogram_weights() ) );

	connect( carto_it, SIGNAL( activated () ) ,
       this, SLOT( print_all_weights()));

	connect( carto_new, SIGNAL( activated () ) ,
       this, SLOT( cartogram_balance() ) );

  colors = new QColor[num_of_colors];
  colors[0]  =  Qt::blue;
  colors[1]  =  Qt::gray;
  colors[2]  =  Qt::green;
  colors[3]  =  Qt::cyan;
  colors[4]  =  Qt::magenta;
  colors[5]  =  Qt::darkRed;
  colors[6]  =  Qt::darkGreen;
  colors[7]  =  Qt::darkBlue;
  colors[8]  =  Qt::darkMagenta;
  colors[9]  =  Qt::darkCyan;
  colors[10] =  Qt::yellow;
  colors[11] =  Qt::white;
  colors[12] =  Qt::darkGray;
  colors[13] =  Qt::gray;
  colors[14] =  Qt::red;
  colors[15] =  Qt::cyan;
  colors[16] =  Qt::darkYellow;
  colors[17] =  Qt::lightGray;

  //state flag
  old_state = 0;
예제 #8
파일: theme.cpp 프로젝트: alannet/example
    : QMainWindow(0, "Toolbar Demo")

	appFont = QApplication::font();

	QAction *fileNewAction, *fileOpenAction, *fileSaveAction,
		*fileSaveAsAction, *filePrintAction, *fileCloseAction,
	fileNewAction = new QAction( "New", tr("新建(&N)"), 
		CTRL+Key_N, this, "new" );
	connect( fileNewAction, SIGNAL( activated() ) ,this, SLOT( newDoc()));
	fileOpenAction = new QAction( "Open File", QPixmap( fileopen ), 
		tr("打开(&O)"), CTRL+Key_O, this, "open" );
	connect( fileOpenAction, SIGNAL( activated() ) , this, SLOT( load() ) );
	QMimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory()->setPixmap( "fileopen",
		QPixmap( fileopen ) );
	fileOpenAction->setWhatsThis( tr(fileOpenText) );

	fileSaveAction = new QAction( "Save File", QPixmap( filesave ), 
		tr("保存(&S)"), CTRL+Key_S, this, "save" );
	connect( fileSaveAction, SIGNAL( activated() ) , this, SLOT( save() ) );
	fileSaveAction->setWhatsThis( tr(fileSaveText) );

	fileSaveAsAction = new QAction( "Save File As", tr("保存为(&s)..."), 
		0,  this, "save as" );
	connect( fileSaveAsAction, SIGNAL(activated()),this,SLOT( saveAs() ));
	fileSaveAsAction->setWhatsThis( tr(fileSaveText) );
	filePrintAction = new QAction( "Print File", QPixmap( fileprint ), 
		tr("打印(&P)"), CTRL+Key_P, this, "print" );
	connect( filePrintAction, SIGNAL(activated()) , this, SLOT(print()));
	filePrintAction->setWhatsThis( tr(filePrintText) );

	fileCloseAction = new QAction( "Close", tr("关闭(&C)"), CTRL+Key_W, 
		this, "close" );
	connect( fileCloseAction, SIGNAL(activated()) , this, SLOT(close()) );

	fileQuitAction = new QAction( "Quit", tr("退出(&Q)"), CTRL+Key_Q, 
		this, "quit" );

	QToolBar* fileTools = new QToolBar( this, "file operations" );
	fileTools->setLabel( "File Operations" );
	fileOpenAction->addTo( fileTools );
	fileSaveAction->addTo( fileTools );
	filePrintAction->addTo( fileTools );
	(void)QWhatsThis::whatsThisButton( fileTools );

	QPopupMenu * file = new QPopupMenu( this );
	menuBar()->insertItem( tr("文件(&F)"), file );
	fileNewAction->addTo( file );
	fileOpenAction->addTo( file );
	fileSaveAction->addTo( file );
	fileSaveAsAction->addTo( file );
	filePrintAction->addTo( file );
	fileCloseAction->addTo( file );
	fileQuitAction->addTo( file );

	QPopupMenu *style = new QPopupMenu( this );
	style->setCheckable( TRUE );
	menuBar()->insertItem( tr("风格(&S)") , style );
	sMetal = style->insertItem( "&Metal", this, SLOT( styleMetal() ) );
	sWood = style->insertItem( "&Norwegian Wood", this, SLOT( styleWood() ) );
	sPlatinum = style->insertItem( "&Platinum" , this ,SLOT( stylePlatinum() ) );
	sWindows = style->insertItem( "&Windows", this, SLOT( styleWindows() ) );
	sCDE = style->insertItem( "&CDE", this, SLOT( styleCDE() ) );
	sMotif = style->insertItem( "M&otif", this, SLOT( styleMotif() ) );
	sMotifPlus = style->insertItem( "Motif P&lus", this, SLOT( styleMotifPlus() ) );

	QPopupMenu * help = new QPopupMenu( this );
	menuBar()->insertItem( tr("帮助(&H)"), help );
	help->insertItem( tr("关于(&A)"), this, SLOT(about()), Key_F1 );
	help->insertItem( tr("关于 &Qt"), this, SLOT(aboutQt()) );

	QMultiLineEdit *e = new QMultiLineEdit( this, "editor" );
	setCentralWidget( e );
	statusBar()->message( tr("准备就绪"), 2000 );
	resize( 400, 400 );

예제 #9
    : QMainWindow( 0, "example application main window", WDestructiveClose )
    printer = new QPrinter( QPrinter::HighResolution );

    QAction * fileNewAction;
    QAction * fileOpenAction;
    QAction * fileSaveAction, * fileSaveAsAction, * filePrintAction;
    QAction * fileCloseAction, * fileQuitAction;

    fileNewAction = new QAction( "&New", CTRL+Key_N, this, "new" );
    connect( fileNewAction, SIGNAL( activated() ) , this,
             SLOT( newDoc() ) );

    fileOpenAction = new QAction( QPixmap( fileopen ), "&Open...",
                                  CTRL+Key_O, this, "open" );
    connect( fileOpenAction, SIGNAL( activated() ) , this, SLOT( choose() ) );

    const char * fileOpenText = "<p><img source=\"fileopen\"> "
                     "Click this button to open a <em>new file</em>. <br>"
                     "You can also select the <b>Open</b> command "
                     "from the <b>File</b> menu.</p>";
    QMimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory()->setPixmap( "fileopen",
                          fileOpenAction->iconSet().pixmap() );
    fileOpenAction->setWhatsThis( fileOpenText );

    fileSaveAction = new QAction( QPixmap( filesave ),
                                  "&Save", CTRL+Key_S, this, "save" );
    connect( fileSaveAction, SIGNAL( activated() ) , this, SLOT( save() ) );

    const char * fileSaveText = "<p>Click this button to save the file you "
                     "are editing. You will be prompted for a file name.\n"
                     "You can also select the <b>Save</b> command "
                     "from the <b>File</b> menu.</p>";
    fileSaveAction->setWhatsThis( fileSaveText );

    fileSaveAsAction = new QAction( "Save File As", "Save &As...", 0,  this,
                                    "save as" );
    connect( fileSaveAsAction, SIGNAL( activated() ) , this,
             SLOT( saveAs() ) );
    fileSaveAsAction->setWhatsThis( fileSaveText );

    filePrintAction = new QAction( "Print File", QPixmap( fileprint ),
                                   "&Print...", CTRL+Key_P, this, "print" );
    connect( filePrintAction, SIGNAL( activated() ) , this,
             SLOT( print() ) );

    const char * filePrintText = "Click this button to print the file you "
                     "are editing.\n You can also select the Print "
                     "command from the File menu.";
    filePrintAction->setWhatsThis( filePrintText );
    Q_UNUSED( filePrintAction )

    fileCloseAction = new QAction( "Close", "&Close", CTRL+Key_W, this,
                                   "close" );
    connect( fileCloseAction, SIGNAL( activated() ) , this,
             SLOT( close() ) );

    fileQuitAction = new QAction( "Quit", "&Quit", CTRL+Key_Q, this,
                                  "quit" );
    connect( fileQuitAction, SIGNAL( activated() ) , qApp,
             SLOT( closeAllWindows() ) );

    // populate a tool bar with some actions

    QToolBar * fileTools = new QToolBar( this, "file operations" );
    fileTools->setLabel( "File Operations" );
    fileOpenAction->addTo( fileTools );
    fileSaveAction->addTo( fileTools );
    filePrintAction->addTo( fileTools );
    (void)QWhatsThis::whatsThisButton( fileTools );

    // populate a menu with all actions

    QPopupMenu * file = new QPopupMenu( this );
    menuBar()->insertItem( "&File", file );
    fileNewAction->addTo( file );
    fileOpenAction->addTo( file );
    fileSaveAction->addTo( file );
    fileSaveAsAction->addTo( file );
    filePrintAction->addTo( file );
    fileCloseAction->addTo( file );
    fileQuitAction->addTo( file );


    // add a help menu

    QPopupMenu * help = new QPopupMenu( this );
    menuBar()->insertItem( "&Help", help );
    help->insertItem( "&About", this, SLOT(about()), Key_F1 );
    help->insertItem( "About &Qt", this, SLOT(aboutQt()) );
    help->insertItem( "What's &This", this, SLOT(whatsThis()),
                      SHIFT+Key_F1 );

    // create and define the central widget

    e = new QTextEdit( this, "editor" );
    setCentralWidget( e );
    statusBar()->message( "Ready", 2000 );

    resize( 450, 600 );
예제 #10
    setIcon( (const char**)logo_xpm );
    QHBox* horizontal = new QHBox(this);
    QSplitter* horizontal = new QSplitter(this);

    lv = new QListView(horizontal);

    info = new Info(horizontal);

    connect(info, SIGNAL(idClicked(const QString&)),
	    this, SLOT(selectId(const QString&)));


    connect(lv, SIGNAL(pressed(QListViewItem*)),
	    this, SLOT(updateAvailability(QListViewItem*)));
    connect(lv, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QListViewItem*)),
	    this, SLOT(showInfo(QListViewItem*)));


    QToolBar* tb = new QToolBar( this, "browser controls" );
    tb->setLabel( "Browser Controls" );
    (void)new QToolButton( QPixmap(back_xpm), "Back", QString::null,
                           info, SLOT(back()), tb, "back" );
    (void)new QToolButton( QPixmap(forward_xpm), "Forward", QString::null,
                           info, SLOT(forward()), tb, "forward" );

    QPopupMenu* file = new QPopupMenu( menuBar() );
    file->insertItem( "&Open",  this, SLOT(open()), CTRL+Key_O );
    file->insertItem( "&Save", this, SLOT(save()), CTRL+Key_S );
    file->insertItem( "&Test all", this, SLOT(testAll()), CTRL+Key_T );
    file->insertItem( "E&xit",  qApp, SLOT(quit()), CTRL+Key_Q );

    menuBar()->insertItem( "&File",file );


    QPopupMenu *help = new QPopupMenu( menuBar() );
    help->insertItem( "&About", this, SLOT(about()) );
    help->insertItem( "About &Qt", this, SLOT(aboutQt()) );

    menuBar()->insertItem( "&Help", help );

    statusBar()->message( "Ready" );