bool QgsTriangle::isRight( double angleTolerance ) const { QVector<double> a = angles(); QVector<double>::iterator ita = a.begin(); while ( ita != a.end() ) { if ( qgsDoubleNear( *ita, M_PI_2, angleTolerance ) ) return true; ita++; } return false; }
void EditFood::populateUserSelector(QComboBox* cboOwner) { // TODO: Maybe only load all users for administrator? QVector<QSharedPointer<User> > allUsers = User::getAllUsers(); for (QVector<QSharedPointer<User> >::const_iterator i = allUsers.begin(); i != allUsers.end(); ++i) { cboOwner->addItem((*i)->getDisplayName(), (*i)->getId()); } }
QVector<symbolPair> patternDockWidget:: sortHashByIntensity(const QHash<QRgb, QPixmap>& hash) const { QVector<symbolPair> returnVector; returnVector.reserve(hash.size()); for (QHash<QRgb, QPixmap>::const_iterator it = hash.begin(), end = hash.end(); it != end; ++it) { returnVector.push_back(symbolPair(it.key(), it.value())); } std::sort(returnVector.begin(), returnVector.end(), symbolPairIntensity()); return returnVector; }
bool AGEExporter::Export(QByteArray& out) { QVector<Symbol> list = symbols(); qSort(list.begin(), list.end(), sortSymbols); unsigned charsCount = list.size(); unsigned maxHeight = 0; foreach(const Symbol& c, list) { maxHeight = std::max<float>(maxHeight, c.placeH); }
void QFbBackingStore::beginPaint(const QRegion ®ion) { lock(); if (mImage.hasAlphaChannel()) { QPainter p(&mImage); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); const QVector<QRect> rects = region.rects(); for (QVector<QRect>::const_iterator it = rects.begin(); it != rects.end(); ++it) p.fillRect(*it, Qt::transparent); } }
QStringList TorrentInfo::filesForPiece(int pieceIndex) const { // no checks here because fileIndicesForPiece() will return an empty list QVector<int> fileIndices = fileIndicesForPiece(pieceIndex); QStringList res; res.reserve(fileIndices.size()); std::transform(fileIndices.begin(), fileIndices.end(), std::back_inserter(res), [this](int i) { return filePath(i); }); return res; }
void log_display::on_all_search_but_clicked() { QVector<QString> logs; logs.clear(); select_log_all(logs); QString Text=""; for(QVector <QString> :: iterator it = logs.end() - 1; it != logs.begin() - 1; --it) { Text+=(*it); Text+="\n"; } ui -> log_text -> setText(Text);}
void fcfs::schedule_processess(QLinkedList<process> &timeline){ int i; QVector<process> processes = list; //Arrange processes according to arrival time qSort(processes.begin(), processes.end(), less_than_arrival_time_based); for (i = 0; i < number_of_processes; i++){ process current_process =; if (current_process.get_burst_time() != 0){ timeline.append(current_process); } } }
void SortDialog::fillAvailableFieldList( const QVector<FieldDescriptionPtr>& availableFields) { typedef QVector<FieldDescriptionPtr>::const_iterator iterator; ui_.availableFieldList->clear(); availableFields_.clear(); for (iterator i = availableFields.begin(), end = availableFields.end(); i != end; ++i) { addAvailableField(*i); } }
int LJProfile::GetFreeGroupId () const { QVector<int> baseVector (30); int current = 0; std::generate (baseVector.begin (), baseVector.end (), [¤t] () { return ++current; }); QVector<int> existingIds; for (const auto& group : ProfileData_.FriendGroups_) existingIds.append (group.Id_); std::sort (existingIds.begin (), existingIds.end ()); QVector<int> result; std::set_difference (baseVector.begin (), baseVector.end (), existingIds.begin (), existingIds.end (), std::back_inserter (result)); return result.value (0, -1); }
RDFStatementList *RDFGraphBasic::recurseRemoveResources (RDFStatementList *removed_statements, RDFVariable const &res , QLinkedList<RDFVariable> *post_removes) { QVector<RDFProperty> const dp = res.derivedProperties(); for(QVector<RDFProperty>::const_iterator cdpi = dp.begin(), cdpiend = dp.end() ; cdpi != cdpiend; ++cdpi) { RDFStrategyFlags str = cdpi->strategy(); if(!(str & (RDFStrategy::Owns | RDFStrategy::Shares))) continue; RDFVariable derived = ( (str & RDFStrategy::NonOptionalValued) || !(str & RDFStrategy::Owns) ? RDFVariableLink(res) : RDFVariableLink(res).optional()) .property(cdpi->deepCopy()); if(str & RDFStrategy::Owns) { if(str & RDFStrategy::NonMultipleValued) recurseRemoveResources(removed_statements, derived, post_removes); else { RDFStatementList derived_removes; executeQuery(RDFUpdate(service_context_data_->update()) .addDeletion(*recurseRemoveResources (&derived_removes, derived, post_removes))); ; } } else if(str & RDFStrategy::Shares) { // Expensive, but can't really be avoided unless backend supports sophisticated // conditional cascading delete. // This is because either we need to create a horribly convoluted query for // checking whether a shared object being deleted is shared by a resource that is // _not_ getting deleted, or then we get the list of shared resources for which // a sharer was destroyed, and then requery if all they no longer have sharers // after that. LiveNodes actual_deriveds = modelVariables(RDFVariableList() << derived); if(actual_deriveds->rowCount()) { RDFVariable var = RDFVariable::fromContainer(actual_deriveds); var.setDerivedProperties(derived.derivedProperties()); // TODO: huh.. we should have a reverseProperty here var.optional().subject(cdpi->deepCopy()).doesntExist(); post_removes->push_back(var); } } } addRemoveResourceClause(removed_statements, res); return removed_statements; }
void cube::drawPolyColor(Polygon & poly, QColor& color) { QPen pen; pen.setColor(color); pen.setStyle(Qt::SolidLine); m_cubePainter->setPen(pen); ScreenPolygonCoordsStruct tmpSCoords = poly.getScreenCords(); QVector <QPoint> pointArr; pointArr.clear(); pointArr.append(tmpSCoords.v0); pointArr.append(tmpSCoords.v1); pointArr.append(tmpSCoords.v2); qSort(pointArr.begin(),pointArr.end(),pointCompare); QPoint A = pointArr[0]; QPoint B = pointArr[1]; QPoint C = pointArr[2]; int sy = A.y(); int x1,x2; for (sy = A.y(); sy >= C.y(); sy--) { if (A.y() == C.y()) { x1 = A.x(); } else { x1 = (int)(A.x() + (sy - A.y()) * (C.x() - A.x()) / (C.y() - A.y())); } if (sy > B.y()) if (A.y() == B.y()) { x2 = A.x(); } else { x2 = (int)(A.x() + (sy - A.y()) * (B.x() - A.x()) / (B.y() - A.y())); } else { if (C.y() == B.y()) { x2 = B.x(); } else { x2 = (int)(B.x() + (sy - B.y()) * (C.x() - B.x()) / (C.y() - B.y())); } } m_cubePainter->drawLine(x1,sy,x2,sy); } }
static QStringList filterCredTokens(QVector<Maemo::Timed::cred_modifier_io_t> &cred_modifiers, bool accrue) { QStringList ret ; QVector<Maemo::Timed::cred_modifier_io_t>::const_iterator it ; for(it = cred_modifiers.begin() ; it != cred_modifiers.end() ; ++it) { if(accrue == it->accrue) { ret << it->token ; } } return ret; }
void selectPoint(const QPointF &point) { int rate = 5; QRectF rect(point - QPointF(rate/2, rate/2) , QSizeF(rate, rate)); QVector<QPointF>::const_iterator it; for (it = points.begin(); it != points.end(); ++it) { if (rect.contains(*it)) { currentIndex = points.indexOf(*it); break; } } }
bool QvernoteStorage::getNoteTagNames(vector<string>& tagNames, Guid noteGuid) { QVector<Tag> qTagList; QTag::loadForNote(getDB(), noteGuid, qTagList); for(QVector<Tag>::iterator i = qTagList.begin(); i != qTagList.end(); i++) { tagNames.push_back((*i).name); } return true; }
void ChartsTimeGraph::graphDataModified( QDateTime d, QVariant v ) { // qDebug() << "CPP modified(): d=" << d.toMSecsSinceEpoch() << " v=" << v; if ( _lineSeries1 != nullptr ) { QVector<QPointF> points = _lineSeries1->pointsVector(); auto lb = std::lower_bound( points.begin(), points.end(), QPointF( d.toMSecsSinceEpoch(), 0. ), [&](QPointF l, QPointF r) -> bool { return l.x() < r.x(); } ); if ( lb != points.end() ) { int pointIndex = lb - points.begin(); if ( pointIndex >= 0 && pointIndex < points.size() ) { _lineSeries1->replace( pointIndex, d.toMSecsSinceEpoch(), v.toDouble() ); updateValueAxis( _lineSeries1 ); // Don't update time axis } else { // Error, unknown behaviour graphDataUpdated(); return; } } else // Update everything in case of error (or an unusual case, for example desynchronized state between QtCharts and QPS data) graphDataUpdated(); } }
QVector<bool> Tags::find(const QRegExp& pattern, QVector<QString>& vector, QMap<QString, QPair<quint32, quint32> > & map) { QVector<bool> result; QVector<QString>::iterator it; for (it = vector.begin(); it != vector.end(); ++it) { if (map.contains(*it) && pattern.indexIn(*it) >= 0) { result.push_back(true); } else { result.push_back(false); } } return result; }
nearbySquaresDialogMode:: nearbySquaresDialogMode(QVBoxLayout* dialogLayout, QVector<triC> colors, flossType type, const triC& inputColor, QWidget* parent) : baseDialogMode(type) { const int colorsPerRow = 15; colors = ::rgbToColorList(colors, colorTransformer::createColorTransformer(type), true); std::sort(colors.begin(), colors.end(), triCDistanceSort(inputColor)); constructGrid(dialogLayout, colorsPerRow, colors, parent); disable(); }
void EditFood::populateUnitSelector(QComboBox* cboUnit, Unit::Dimensions::Dimension dimension) { QVector<QSharedPointer<const Unit> > units = Unit::getAllUnits(dimension); for (QVector<QSharedPointer<const Unit> >::const_iterator i = units.begin(); i != units.end(); ++i) { cboUnit->addItem((*i)->getNameAndAbbreviation(), (*i)->getAbbreviation()); } cboUnit->setCurrentIndex (cboUnit->findData(Unit::getPreferredUnit(dimension)->getAbbreviation())); }
bool PredicatMinimumCreditInCategory::predicatSatifait(QVector<const UV *> uvValidee) { unsigned int total = 0; for(auto it = uvValidee.begin() ; it != uvValidee.end() ; it++) { const UV* current = (*it); if(current->getCategorie() == cat) total += current->getNombreCredit(); } return total >= minimum; }
void EditFood::fillInFrom(QVector<NutrientAmountDisplay>& nutrientDisplays, QMap<QString, NutrientAmount>& nutrientMap) { for (QVector<NutrientAmountDisplay>::iterator i = nutrientDisplays.begin(); i != nutrientDisplays.end(); ++i) { QString id = i->getNutrientAmount().getNutrient()->getId(); if (!i->isAmountFilledIn() && nutrientMap.contains(id)) { i->setNutrientAmount(nutrientMap[id]); nutrientMap.remove(id); } } }
int main() { QVector<Object> v; Object a; v.push_back(a); MyClass myClass; QVector<float> result = QtConcurrent::blockingMapped<QVector<float> >(v.begin(), v.end(), myClass); std::cout << result[0] << std::endl; return 0; }
void Dialog::createCfg(QString fname, QVector<QString> &cfg) { QFile file(fname); if(!{ QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("FixEngine Configure Gen"), tr("Create Configure Fail!")); } for(QVector<QString>::const_iterator iter = cfg.begin();iter != cfg.end();iter ++){ file.write(iter->toStdString().c_str()); } file.close(); }
void TTSStyleActions::generateActions(QVector<int> & styles, const int current) { category()->setText(QCoreApplication::tr("Style")); actions_.clear(); QVector<int>::const_iterator begin = styles.begin(); QVector<int>::const_iterator end = styles.end(); for(QVector<int>::const_iterator iter = begin; iter != end; ++iter) { // The text QString text; QString icon_name(":/images/style_item.png"); switch ( *iter ) { case SPEAK_STYLE_CLEAR: text = QCoreApplication::tr("Clear"); icon_name = ":/images/tts_clear.png"; break; case SPEAK_STYLE_NORMAL: text = QCoreApplication::tr("Normal"); icon_name = ":/images/tts_normal.png"; break; case SPEAK_STYLE_PLAIN: text = QCoreApplication::tr("Plain"); icon_name = ":/images/tts_plain.png"; break; case SPEAK_STYLE_VIVID: text = QCoreApplication::tr("Vivid"); icon_name = ":/images/tts_vivid.png"; break; default: text = QCoreApplication::tr("Invalid Speed"); break; } // Add to category automatically. shared_ptr<QAction> act(new QAction(text, exclusiveGroup())); // Change font and make it as checkable. act->setCheckable(true); act->setData(*iter); act->setIcon(QIcon(QPixmap(icon_name))); if ( *iter == current ) { act->setChecked(true); } actions_.push_back(act); } }
bool QgsAuxiliaryLayer::addAuxiliaryField( const QgsPropertyDefinition &definition ) { if ( ( && definition.comment().isEmpty() ) || exists( definition ) ) return false; const QgsField af = createAuxiliaryField( definition ); const bool rc = addAttribute( af ); updateFields(); mLayer->updateFields(); if ( rc ) { int auxIndex = indexOfPropertyDefinition( definition ); int index = mLayer->fields().indexOf( nameFromProperty( definition, true ) ); if ( index >= 0 && auxIndex >= 0 ) { if ( isHiddenProperty( auxIndex ) ) { // update editor widget QgsEditorWidgetSetup setup = QgsEditorWidgetSetup( QStringLiteral( "Hidden" ), QVariantMap() ); setEditorWidgetSetup( auxIndex, setup ); // column is hidden QgsAttributeTableConfig attrCfg = mLayer->attributeTableConfig(); attrCfg.update( mLayer->fields() ); QVector<QgsAttributeTableConfig::ColumnConfig> columns = attrCfg.columns(); QVector<QgsAttributeTableConfig::ColumnConfig>::iterator it; for ( it = columns.begin(); it != columns.end(); ++it ) { if ( it-> mLayer->fields().field( index ).name() ) == 0 ) it->hidden = true; } attrCfg.setColumns( columns ); mLayer->setAttributeTableConfig( attrCfg ); } else if ( definition.standardTemplate() == QgsPropertyDefinition::ColorNoAlpha || definition.standardTemplate() == QgsPropertyDefinition::ColorWithAlpha ) { QgsEditorWidgetSetup setup = QgsEditorWidgetSetup( QStringLiteral( "Color" ), QVariantMap() ); setEditorWidgetSetup( auxIndex, setup ); } mLayer->setEditorWidgetSetup( index, editorWidgetSetup( auxIndex ) ); } } return rc; }
void QXcbWindowSurface::beginPaint(const QRegion ®ion) { m_image->preparePaint(region); if (m_image->image()->hasAlphaChannel()) { QPainter p(m_image->image()); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); const QVector<QRect> rects = region.rects(); const QColor blank = Qt::transparent; for (QVector<QRect>::const_iterator it = rects.begin(); it != rects.end(); ++it) { p.fillRect(*it, blank); } } }
ProbeABI findBestMatchingABI(const ProbeABI &targetABI, const QVector<ProbeABI> &availableABIs) { QVector<ProbeABI> compatABIs; foreach (const ProbeABI &abi, availableABIs) { if (targetABI.isCompatible(abi)) compatABIs.push_back(abi); } if (compatABIs.isEmpty()) return ProbeABI(); std::sort(compatABIs.begin(), compatABIs.end()); return compatABIs.last(); }
void log_display::on_book_id_search_but_clicked() { QString Uid = ui -> book_id_edit -> text(); static QVector<QString> logs; logs.clear(); select_log_with_book_id(logs, Uid); QString Text=""; for(QVector <QString> :: iterator it = logs.end() - 1; it != logs.begin() - 1; --it) { Text+=(*it); Text+="\n"; } ui -> log_text -> setText(Text); }
double Historique::get_investissement_max(){ QVector <double> invest = get_investissement_cumule(); double max= 0.; if(tour==0){ max = 0.; } else{ max = *std::max_element(invest.begin(),invest.end()); } return max; }
void ourtrackserv::AddQueryDissect(QTcpSocket *clientSocket) { QByteArray recvbuff = clientSocket->readAll(); //Десериализуем вектор QVector<MainListItem> items = DeSerialize(recvbuff); // Проверяем значения на добавление и добавляем for (auto it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); it++) { // Добавляем в БД db_ctrl.AddTorrentItem(*it); } }