예제 #1
Qgs3DMapScene::Qgs3DMapScene( const Qgs3DMapSettings &map, QgsAbstract3DEngine *engine )
  : mMap( map )
  , mEngine( engine )

  connect( &map, &Qgs3DMapSettings::backgroundColorChanged, this, &Qgs3DMapScene::onBackgroundColorChanged );

  // TODO: strange - setting OnDemand render policy still keeps QGIS busy (Qt 5.9.0)
  // actually it is more busy than with the default "Always" policy although there are no changes in the scene.
  //mRenderer->renderSettings()->setRenderPolicy( Qt3DRender::QRenderSettings::OnDemand );

#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050900
  // we want precise picking of terrain (also bounding volume picking does not seem to work - not sure why)
  mEngine->renderSettings()->pickingSettings()->setPickMethod( Qt3DRender::QPickingSettings::TrianglePicking );

  QRect viewportRect( QPoint( 0, 0 ), mEngine->size() );

  // Camera
  float aspectRatio = ( float )viewportRect.width() / viewportRect.height();
  mEngine->camera()->lens()->setPerspectiveProjection( mMap.fieldOfView(), aspectRatio, 10.f, 10000.0f );

  mFrameAction = new Qt3DLogic::QFrameAction();
  connect( mFrameAction, &Qt3DLogic::QFrameAction::triggered,
           this, &Qgs3DMapScene::onFrameTriggered );
  addComponent( mFrameAction ); // takes ownership

  // Camera controlling
  mCameraController = new QgsCameraController( this ); // attaches to the scene
  mCameraController->setViewport( viewportRect );
  mCameraController->setCamera( mEngine->camera() );
  mCameraController->resetView( 1000 );

  addCameraViewCenterEntity( mEngine->camera() );

  // create terrain entity

  connect( &map, &Qgs3DMapSettings::terrainGeneratorChanged, this, &Qgs3DMapScene::createTerrain );
  connect( &map, &Qgs3DMapSettings::terrainVerticalScaleChanged, this, &Qgs3DMapScene::createTerrain );
  connect( &map, &Qgs3DMapSettings::mapTileResolutionChanged, this, &Qgs3DMapScene::createTerrain );
  connect( &map, &Qgs3DMapSettings::maxTerrainScreenErrorChanged, this, &Qgs3DMapScene::createTerrain );
  connect( &map, &Qgs3DMapSettings::maxTerrainGroundErrorChanged, this, &Qgs3DMapScene::createTerrain );
  connect( &map, &Qgs3DMapSettings::terrainShadingChanged, this, &Qgs3DMapScene::createTerrain );
  connect( &map, &Qgs3DMapSettings::pointLightsChanged, this, &Qgs3DMapScene::updateLights );
  connect( &map, &Qgs3DMapSettings::fieldOfViewChanged, this, &Qgs3DMapScene::updateCameraLens );

  // create entities of renderers

  Q_FOREACH ( const QgsAbstract3DRenderer *renderer, map.renderers() )
    Qt3DCore::QEntity *newEntity = renderer->createEntity( map );
    newEntity->setParent( this );

  // listen to changes of layers in order to add/remove 3D renderer entities
  connect( &map, &Qgs3DMapSettings::layersChanged, this, &Qgs3DMapScene::onLayersChanged );


#if 0
  ChunkedEntity *testChunkEntity = new ChunkedEntity( AABB( -500, 0, -500, 500, 100, 500 ), 2.f, 3.f, 7, new TestChunkLoaderFactory );
  testChunkEntity->setEnabled( false );
  testChunkEntity->setParent( this );
  chunkEntities << testChunkEntity;

  connect( mCameraController, &QgsCameraController::cameraChanged, this, &Qgs3DMapScene::onCameraChanged );
  connect( mCameraController, &QgsCameraController::viewportChanged, this, &Qgs3DMapScene::onCameraChanged );

#if 0
  // experiments with loading of existing 3D models.

  // scene loader only gets loaded only when added to a scene...
  // it loads everything: geometries, materials, transforms, lights, cameras (if any)
  Qt3DCore::QEntity *loaderEntity = new Qt3DCore::QEntity;
  Qt3DRender::QSceneLoader *loader = new Qt3DRender::QSceneLoader;
  loader->setSource( QUrl( "file:///home/martin/Downloads/LowPolyModels/tree.dae" ) );
  loaderEntity->addComponent( loader );
  loaderEntity->setParent( this );

  // mesh loads just geometry as one geometry...
  // so if there are different materials (e.g. colors) used in the model, this information is lost
  Qt3DCore::QEntity *meshEntity = new Qt3DCore::QEntity;
  Qt3DRender::QMesh *mesh = new Qt3DRender::QMesh;
  mesh->setSource( QUrl( "file:///home/martin/Downloads/LowPolyModels/tree.obj" ) );
  meshEntity->addComponent( mesh );
  Qt3DExtras::QPhongMaterial *material = new Qt3DExtras::QPhongMaterial;
  material->setAmbient( Qt::red );
  meshEntity->addComponent( material );
  Qt3DCore::QTransform *meshTransform = new Qt3DCore::QTransform;
  meshTransform->setScale( 1 );
  meshEntity->addComponent( meshTransform );
  meshEntity->setParent( this );

  if ( map.hasSkyboxEnabled() )
    Qt3DExtras::QSkyboxEntity *skybox = new Qt3DExtras::QSkyboxEntity;
    skybox->setBaseName( map.skyboxFileBase() );
    skybox->setExtension( map.skyboxFileExtension() );
    skybox->setParent( this );

    // docs say frustum culling must be disabled for skybox.
    // it _somehow_ works even when frustum culling is enabled with some camera positions,
    // but then when zoomed in more it would disappear - so let's keep frustum culling disabled
    mEngine->setFrustumCullingEnabled( false );

  // force initial update of chunked entities