예제 #1
void QgsComposerView::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* e )
  if ( !composition() )

  QPointF scenePoint = mapToScene( e->pos() );
  QPointF snappedScenePoint = composition()->snapPointToGrid( scenePoint );
  mMousePressStartPos = e->pos();

  //lock/unlock position of item with right click
  if ( e->button() == Qt::RightButton )
    QgsComposerItem* selectedItem = composition()->composerItemAt( scenePoint );
    if ( selectedItem )
      bool lock = selectedItem->positionLock() ? false : true;
      selectedItem->setPositionLock( lock );
  else if ( e->button() == Qt::MidButton )
    //pan composer with middle button
    mPanning = true;
    mMouseLastXY = e->pos();
    if ( composition() )
      //lock cursor to closed hand cursor
      composition()->setPreventCursorChange( true );
    viewport()->setCursor( Qt::ClosedHandCursor );

  switch ( mCurrentTool )
      //select/deselect items and pass mouse event further
    case Select:
      //check if we are clicking on a selection handle
      if ( composition()->selectionHandles()->isVisible() )
        //selection handles are being shown, get mouse action for current cursor position
        QgsComposerMouseHandles::MouseAction mouseAction = composition()->selectionHandles()->mouseActionForScenePos( scenePoint );

        if ( mouseAction != QgsComposerMouseHandles::MoveItem && mouseAction != QgsComposerMouseHandles::NoAction && mouseAction != QgsComposerMouseHandles::SelectItem )
          //mouse is over a resize handle, so propagate event onward
          QGraphicsView::mousePressEvent( e );

      QgsComposerItem* selectedItem = 0;
      QgsComposerItem* previousSelectedItem = 0;

      if ( e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier )
        //CTRL modifier, so we are trying to select the next item below the current one
        //first, find currently selected item
        QList<QgsComposerItem*> selectedItems = composition()->selectedComposerItems();
        if ( selectedItems.size() > 0 )
          previousSelectedItem = selectedItems.at( 0 );

      if ( previousSelectedItem )
        //select highest item just below previously selected item at position of event
        selectedItem = composition()->composerItemAt( scenePoint, previousSelectedItem );

        //if we didn't find a lower item we'll use the top-most as fall-back
        //this duplicates mapinfo/illustrator/etc behaviour where ctrl-clicks are "cyclic"
        if ( !selectedItem )
          selectedItem = composition()->composerItemAt( scenePoint );
        //select topmost item at position of event
        selectedItem = composition()->composerItemAt( scenePoint );

      if ( !selectedItem )
        //not clicking over an item, so start marquee selection
        startMarqueeSelect( scenePoint );

      if (( !selectedItem->selected() ) &&        //keep selection if an already selected item pressed
          !( e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier ) ) //keep selection if shift key pressed

      if (( e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier ) && ( selectedItem->selected() ) )
        //SHIFT-clicking a selected item deselects it
        selectedItem->setSelected( false );

        //Check if we have any remaining selected items, and if so, update the item panel
        QList<QgsComposerItem*> selectedItems = composition()->selectedComposerItems();
        if ( selectedItems.size() > 0 )
          emit selectedItemChanged( selectedItems.at( 0 ) );
        selectedItem->setSelected( true );
        QGraphicsView::mousePressEvent( e );
        emit selectedItemChanged( selectedItem );

    case Zoom:
      if ( !( e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier ) )
        //zoom in action
        startMarqueeZoom( scenePoint );
        //zoom out action, so zoom out and recenter on clicked point
        double scaleFactor = 2;
        //get current visible part of scene
        QRect viewportRect( 0, 0, viewport()->width(), viewport()->height() );
        QgsRectangle visibleRect = QgsRectangle( mapToScene( viewportRect ).boundingRect() );

        //transform the mouse pos to scene coordinates
        QPointF scenePoint = mapToScene( e->pos() );

        visibleRect.scale( scaleFactor, scenePoint.x(), scenePoint.y() );
        QRectF boundsRect = visibleRect.toRectF();

        //zoom view to fit desired bounds
        fitInView( boundsRect, Qt::KeepAspectRatio );

    case Pan:
      //pan action
      mPanning = true;
      mMouseLastXY = e->pos();
      viewport()->setCursor( Qt::ClosedHandCursor );

    case MoveItemContent:
      //get a list of items at clicked position
      QList<QGraphicsItem *> itemsAtCursorPos = items( e->pos() );
      if ( itemsAtCursorPos.size() == 0 )
        //no items at clicked position

      //find highest QgsComposerItem at clicked position
      //(other graphics items may be higher, eg selection handles)
      QList<QGraphicsItem*>::iterator itemIter = itemsAtCursorPos.begin();
      for ( ; itemIter != itemsAtCursorPos.end(); ++itemIter )
        QgsComposerItem* item = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerItem *>(( *itemIter ) );
        if ( item )
          //we've found the highest QgsComposerItem
          mMoveContentStartPos = scenePoint;
          mMoveContentItem = item;

      //no QgsComposerItem at clicked position

    case AddArrow:
      mRubberBandStartPos = QPointF( snappedScenePoint.x(), snappedScenePoint.y() );
      mRubberBandLineItem = new QGraphicsLineItem( snappedScenePoint.x(), snappedScenePoint.y(), snappedScenePoint.x(), snappedScenePoint.y() );
      mRubberBandLineItem->setZValue( 1000 );
      scene()->addItem( mRubberBandLineItem );

    //create rubber band for map and ellipse items
    case AddMap:
    case AddRectangle:
    case AddTriangle:
    case AddEllipse:
    case AddHtml:
      QTransform t;
      mRubberBandItem = new QGraphicsRectItem( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
      mRubberBandStartPos = QPointF( snappedScenePoint.x(), snappedScenePoint.y() );
      t.translate( snappedScenePoint.x(), snappedScenePoint.y() );
      mRubberBandItem->setTransform( t );
      mRubberBandItem->setZValue( 1000 );
      scene()->addItem( mRubberBandItem );

    case AddLabel:
      if ( composition() )
        QgsComposerLabel* newLabelItem = new QgsComposerLabel( composition() );
        newLabelItem->setText( tr( "QGIS" ) );
        newLabelItem->setSceneRect( QRectF( snappedScenePoint.x(), snappedScenePoint.y(), newLabelItem->rect().width(), newLabelItem->rect().height() ) );
        composition()->addComposerLabel( newLabelItem );

        newLabelItem->setSelected( true );
        emit selectedItemChanged( newLabelItem );

        emit actionFinished();
        composition()->pushAddRemoveCommand( newLabelItem, tr( "Label added" ) );

    case AddScalebar:
      if ( composition() )
        QgsComposerScaleBar* newScaleBar = new QgsComposerScaleBar( composition() );
        newScaleBar->setSceneRect( QRectF( snappedScenePoint.x(), snappedScenePoint.y(), 20, 20 ) );
        composition()->addComposerScaleBar( newScaleBar );
        QList<const QgsComposerMap*> mapItemList = composition()->composerMapItems();
        if ( mapItemList.size() > 0 )
          newScaleBar->setComposerMap( mapItemList.at( 0 ) );
        newScaleBar->applyDefaultSize(); //4 segments, 1/5 of composer map width

        newScaleBar->setSelected( true );
        emit selectedItemChanged( newScaleBar );

        emit actionFinished();
        composition()->pushAddRemoveCommand( newScaleBar, tr( "Scale bar added" ) );

    case AddLegend:
      if ( composition() )
        QgsComposerLegend* newLegend = new QgsComposerLegend( composition() );
        newLegend->setSceneRect( QRectF( snappedScenePoint.x(), snappedScenePoint.y(), newLegend->rect().width(), newLegend->rect().height() ) );
        composition()->addComposerLegend( newLegend );

        newLegend->setSelected( true );
        emit selectedItemChanged( newLegend );

        emit actionFinished();
        composition()->pushAddRemoveCommand( newLegend, tr( "Legend added" ) );
    case AddPicture:
      if ( composition() )
        QgsComposerPicture* newPicture = new QgsComposerPicture( composition() );
        newPicture->setSceneRect( QRectF( snappedScenePoint.x(), snappedScenePoint.y(), 30, 30 ) );
        composition()->addComposerPicture( newPicture );

        newPicture->setSelected( true );
        emit selectedItemChanged( newPicture );

        emit actionFinished();
        composition()->pushAddRemoveCommand( newPicture, tr( "Picture added" ) );
    case AddTable:
      if ( composition() )
        QgsComposerAttributeTable* newTable = new QgsComposerAttributeTable( composition() );
        newTable->setSceneRect( QRectF( snappedScenePoint.x(), snappedScenePoint.y(), 50, 50 ) );
        composition()->addComposerTable( newTable );

        newTable->setSelected( true );
        emit selectedItemChanged( newTable );

        emit actionFinished();
        composition()->pushAddRemoveCommand( newTable, tr( "Table added" ) );
예제 #2
void QgsComposerView::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* e )
  if ( !composition() )

  QPointF scenePoint = mapToScene( e->pos() );
  QPointF snappedScenePoint = composition()->snapPointToGrid( scenePoint );

  //lock/unlock position of item with right click
  if ( e->button() == Qt::RightButton )
    QgsComposerItem* selectedItem = composition()->composerItemAt( scenePoint );
    if ( selectedItem )
      bool lock = selectedItem->positionLock() ? false : true;
      selectedItem->setPositionLock( lock );
      //make sure the new cursor is correct
      QPointF itemPoint = selectedItem->mapFromScene( scenePoint );
      selectedItem->updateCursor( itemPoint );

  switch ( mCurrentTool )
      //select/deselect items and pass mouse event further
    case Select:
      if ( !mShiftKeyPressed ) //keep selection if shift key pressed

      //select topmost item at position of event
      QgsComposerItem* selectedItem = composition()->composerItemAt( scenePoint );
      if ( !selectedItem )

      selectedItem->setSelected( true );
      QGraphicsView::mousePressEvent( e );
      emit selectedItemChanged( selectedItem );

    case MoveItemContent:
      //store item as member if it is selected and cursor is over item
      QgsComposerItem* item = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerItem *>( itemAt( e->pos() ) );
      if ( item )
        mMoveContentStartPos = scenePoint;
      mMoveContentItem = item;

    case AddArrow:
      mRubberBandStartPos = QPointF( snappedScenePoint.x(), snappedScenePoint.y() );
      mRubberBandLineItem = new QGraphicsLineItem( snappedScenePoint.x(), snappedScenePoint.y(), snappedScenePoint.x(), snappedScenePoint.y() );
      mRubberBandLineItem->setZValue( 100 );
      scene()->addItem( mRubberBandLineItem );

    //create rubber band for map and ellipse items
    case AddMap:
    case AddShape:
      QTransform t;
      mRubberBandItem = new QGraphicsRectItem( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
      mRubberBandStartPos = QPointF( snappedScenePoint.x(), snappedScenePoint.y() );
      t.translate( snappedScenePoint.x(), snappedScenePoint.y() );
      mRubberBandItem->setTransform( t );
      mRubberBandItem->setZValue( 100 );
      scene()->addItem( mRubberBandItem );

    case AddLabel:
      if ( composition() )
        QgsComposerLabel* newLabelItem = new QgsComposerLabel( composition() );
        newLabelItem->setText( tr( "Quantum GIS" ) );
        newLabelItem->setSceneRect( QRectF( snappedScenePoint.x(), snappedScenePoint.y(), newLabelItem->rect().width(), newLabelItem->rect().height() ) );
        composition()->addComposerLabel( newLabelItem );
        emit actionFinished();
        composition()->pushAddRemoveCommand( newLabelItem, tr( "Label added" ) );

    case AddScalebar:
      if ( composition() )
        QgsComposerScaleBar* newScaleBar = new QgsComposerScaleBar( composition() );
        newScaleBar->setSceneRect( QRectF( snappedScenePoint.x(), snappedScenePoint.y(), 20, 20 ) );
        composition()->addComposerScaleBar( newScaleBar );
        QList<const QgsComposerMap*> mapItemList = composition()->composerMapItems();
        if ( mapItemList.size() > 0 )
          newScaleBar->setComposerMap( mapItemList.at( 0 ) );
        newScaleBar->applyDefaultSize(); //4 segments, 1/5 of composer map width
        emit actionFinished();
        composition()->pushAddRemoveCommand( newScaleBar, tr( "Scale bar added" ) );

    case AddLegend:
      if ( composition() )
        QgsComposerLegend* newLegend = new QgsComposerLegend( composition() );
        newLegend->setSceneRect( QRectF( snappedScenePoint.x(), snappedScenePoint.y(), newLegend->rect().width(), newLegend->rect().height() ) );
        composition()->addComposerLegend( newLegend );
        emit actionFinished();
        composition()->pushAddRemoveCommand( newLegend, tr( "Legend added" ) );
    case AddPicture:
      if ( composition() )
        QgsComposerPicture* newPicture = new QgsComposerPicture( composition() );
        newPicture->setSceneRect( QRectF( snappedScenePoint.x(), snappedScenePoint.y(), 30, 30 ) );
        composition()->addComposerPicture( newPicture );
        emit actionFinished();
        composition()->pushAddRemoveCommand( newPicture, tr( "Picture added" ) );
    case AddTable:
      if ( composition() )
        QgsComposerAttributeTable* newTable = new QgsComposerAttributeTable( composition() );
        newTable->setSceneRect( QRectF( snappedScenePoint.x(), snappedScenePoint.y(), 50, 50 ) );
        composition()->addComposerTable( newTable );
        emit actionFinished();
        composition()->pushAddRemoveCommand( newTable, tr( "Table added" ) );
예제 #3
void QgsComposition::addItemsFromXML( const QDomElement& elem, const QDomDocument& doc, QMap< QgsComposerMap*, int >* mapsToRestore,
                                      bool addUndoCommands, QPointF* pos )
  QDomNodeList composerLabelList = elem.elementsByTagName( "ComposerLabel" );
  for ( int i = 0; i < composerLabelList.size(); ++i )
    QDomElement currentComposerLabelElem = composerLabelList.at( i ).toElement();
    QgsComposerLabel* newLabel = new QgsComposerLabel( this );
    newLabel->readXML( currentComposerLabelElem, doc );
    if ( pos )
      newLabel->setItemPosition( pos->x(), pos->y() );
    addComposerLabel( newLabel );
    if ( addUndoCommands )
      pushAddRemoveCommand( newLabel, tr( "Label added" ) );
  // map
  QDomNodeList composerMapList = elem.elementsByTagName( "ComposerMap" );
  for ( int i = 0; i < composerMapList.size(); ++i )
    QDomElement currentComposerMapElem = composerMapList.at( i ).toElement();
    QgsComposerMap* newMap = new QgsComposerMap( this );
    newMap->readXML( currentComposerMapElem, doc );

    if ( mapsToRestore )
      mapsToRestore->insert( newMap, ( int )( newMap->previewMode() ) );
      newMap->setPreviewMode( QgsComposerMap::Rectangle );
    addComposerMap( newMap, false );

    if ( pos )
      newMap->setItemPosition( pos->x(), pos->y() );

    if ( addUndoCommands )
      pushAddRemoveCommand( newMap, tr( "Map added" ) );
  // arrow
  QDomNodeList composerArrowList = elem.elementsByTagName( "ComposerArrow" );
  for ( int i = 0; i < composerArrowList.size(); ++i )
    QDomElement currentComposerArrowElem = composerArrowList.at( i ).toElement();
    QgsComposerArrow* newArrow = new QgsComposerArrow( this );
    newArrow->readXML( currentComposerArrowElem, doc );
    if ( pos )
      newArrow->setItemPosition( pos->x(), pos->y() );
    addComposerArrow( newArrow );
    if ( addUndoCommands )
      pushAddRemoveCommand( newArrow, tr( "Arrow added" ) );
  // scalebar
  QDomNodeList composerScaleBarList = elem.elementsByTagName( "ComposerScaleBar" );
  for ( int i = 0; i < composerScaleBarList.size(); ++i )
    QDomElement currentComposerScaleBarElem = composerScaleBarList.at( i ).toElement();
    QgsComposerScaleBar* newScaleBar = new QgsComposerScaleBar( this );
    newScaleBar->readXML( currentComposerScaleBarElem, doc );
    if ( pos )
      newScaleBar->setItemPosition( pos->x(), pos->y() );
    addComposerScaleBar( newScaleBar );
    if ( addUndoCommands )
      pushAddRemoveCommand( newScaleBar, tr( "Scale bar added" ) );
  // shape
  QDomNodeList composerShapeList = elem.elementsByTagName( "ComposerShape" );
  for ( int i = 0; i < composerShapeList.size(); ++i )
    QDomElement currentComposerShapeElem = composerShapeList.at( i ).toElement();
    QgsComposerShape* newShape = new QgsComposerShape( this );
    newShape->readXML( currentComposerShapeElem, doc );
    if ( pos )
      newShape->setItemPosition( pos->x(), pos->y() );
    addComposerShape( newShape );
    if ( addUndoCommands )
      pushAddRemoveCommand( newShape, tr( "Shape added" ) );
  // picture
  QDomNodeList composerPictureList = elem.elementsByTagName( "ComposerPicture" );
  for ( int i = 0; i < composerPictureList.size(); ++i )
    QDomElement currentComposerPictureElem = composerPictureList.at( i ).toElement();
    QgsComposerPicture* newPicture = new QgsComposerPicture( this );
    newPicture->readXML( currentComposerPictureElem, doc );
    if ( pos )
      newPicture->setItemPosition( pos->x(), pos->y() );
    addComposerPicture( newPicture );
    if ( addUndoCommands )
      pushAddRemoveCommand( newPicture, tr( "Picture added" ) );
  // legend
  QDomNodeList composerLegendList = elem.elementsByTagName( "ComposerLegend" );
  for ( int i = 0; i < composerLegendList.size(); ++i )
    QDomElement currentComposerLegendElem = composerLegendList.at( i ).toElement();
    QgsComposerLegend* newLegend = new QgsComposerLegend( this );
    newLegend->readXML( currentComposerLegendElem, doc );
    if ( pos )
      newLegend->setItemPosition( pos->x(), pos->y() );
    addComposerLegend( newLegend );
    if ( addUndoCommands )
      pushAddRemoveCommand( newLegend, tr( "Legend added" ) );
  // table
  QDomNodeList composerTableList = elem.elementsByTagName( "ComposerAttributeTable" );
  for ( int i = 0; i < composerTableList.size(); ++i )
    QDomElement currentComposerTableElem = composerTableList.at( i ).toElement();
    QgsComposerAttributeTable* newTable = new QgsComposerAttributeTable( this );
    newTable->readXML( currentComposerTableElem, doc );
    if ( pos )
      newTable->setItemPosition( pos->x(), pos->y() );
    addComposerTable( newTable );
    if ( addUndoCommands )
      pushAddRemoveCommand( newTable, tr( "Table added" ) );
  QDomNodeList composerHtmlList = elem.elementsByTagName( "ComposerHtml" );
  for ( int i = 0; i < composerHtmlList.size(); ++i )
    QDomElement currentHtmlElem = composerHtmlList.at( i ).toElement();
    QgsComposerHtml* newHtml = new QgsComposerHtml( this, false );
    newHtml->readXML( currentHtmlElem, doc );
    newHtml->setCreateUndoCommands( true );
    this->addMultiFrame( newHtml );
예제 #4
QgsComposition* QgsProjectParser::initComposition( const QString& composerTemplate, QgsMapRenderer* mapRenderer, QList< QgsComposerMap*>& mapList, QList< QgsComposerLabel* >& labelList ) const
  //Create composition from xml
  QDomElement composerElem = composerByName( composerTemplate );
  if ( composerElem.isNull() )
    throw QgsMapServiceException( "Error", "Composer template not found" );

  QDomElement compositionElem = composerElem.firstChildElement( "Composition" );
  if ( compositionElem.isNull() )
    return 0;

  QgsComposition* composition = new QgsComposition( mapRenderer ); //set resolution, paper size from composer element attributes
  if ( !composition->readXML( compositionElem, *mXMLDoc ) )
    delete composition;
    return 0;

  //go through all the item elements and add them to the composition (and to the lists)
  QDomNodeList itemNodes = composerElem.childNodes();
  for ( int i = 0; i < itemNodes.size(); ++i )
    QDomElement currentElem = itemNodes.at( i ).toElement();
    QString elemName = currentElem.tagName();
    if ( elemName == "ComposerMap" )
      QgsComposerMap* map = new QgsComposerMap( composition );
      map->readXML( currentElem, *mXMLDoc );
      composition->addItem( map );
      mapList.push_back( map );
    else if ( elemName == "ComposerLabel" )
      QgsComposerLabel* label = new QgsComposerLabel( composition );
      label->readXML( currentElem, *mXMLDoc );
      composition->addItem( label );
      labelList.push_back( label );
    else if ( elemName == "ComposerLegend" )
      //legend needs to be loaded indirectly to have generic content
      //and to avoid usage of x-server with pixmap icons

      //read full legend from xml
      QgsComposerLegend* legend = new QgsComposerLegend( composition );
      legend->readXML( currentElem, *mXMLDoc );

      //dynamic legend (would be interesting in case of layers dynamically defined in SLD)
      //legend->_readXML( currentElem.firstChildElement( "ComposerItem" ), *mXMLDoc );
      composition->addItem( legend );
    else if ( elemName == "ComposerShape" )
      QgsComposerShape* shape = new QgsComposerShape( composition );
      shape->readXML( currentElem, *mXMLDoc );
      composition->addItem( shape );
    else if ( elemName == "ComposerArrow" )
      QgsComposerArrow* arrow = new QgsComposerArrow( composition );
      arrow->readXML( currentElem, *mXMLDoc );
      composition->addItem( arrow );
    else if ( elemName == "ComposerAttributeTable" )
      QgsComposerAttributeTable* table = new QgsComposerAttributeTable( composition );
      table->readXML( currentElem, *mXMLDoc );
      composition->addItem( table );

  //scalebars and pictures need to be loaded after the maps to receive the correct size / rotation
  for ( int i = 0; i < itemNodes.size(); ++i )
    QDomElement currentElem = itemNodes.at( i ).toElement();
    QString elemName = currentElem.tagName();
    if ( elemName == "ComposerPicture" )
      QgsComposerPicture* picture = new QgsComposerPicture( composition );
      picture->readXML( currentElem, *mXMLDoc );
      //qgis mapserver needs an absolute file path
      picture->setPictureFile( convertToAbsolutePath( picture->pictureFile() ) );
      composition->addItem( picture );
    else if ( elemName == "ComposerScaleBar" )
      QgsComposerScaleBar* bar = new QgsComposerScaleBar( composition );
      bar->readXML( currentElem, *mXMLDoc );
      composition->addItem( bar );

  return composition;
예제 #5
void QgsComposerView::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* e )
  if ( !composition() )

  QPointF scenePoint = mapToScene( e->pos() );
  QPointF snappedScenePoint = composition()->snapPointToGrid( scenePoint );

  //lock/unlock position of item with right click
  if ( e->button() == Qt::RightButton )
    QgsComposerItem* selectedItem = composition()->composerItemAt( scenePoint );
    if ( selectedItem )
      bool lock = selectedItem->positionLock() ? false : true;
      selectedItem->setPositionLock( lock );
      //make sure the new cursor is correct
      QPointF itemPoint = selectedItem->mapFromScene( scenePoint );
      selectedItem->updateCursor( itemPoint );

  switch ( mCurrentTool )
      //select/deselect items and pass mouse event further
    case Select:
      QgsComposerItem* selectedItem;
      QgsComposerItem* previousSelectedItem = 0;

      if ( e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier )
        //CTRL modifier, so we are trying to select the next item below the current one
        //first, find currently selected item
        QList<QgsComposerItem*> selectedItems = composition()->selectedComposerItems();
        if ( selectedItems.size() > 0 )
          previousSelectedItem = selectedItems.at( 0 );

      if ( !( e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier ) ) //keep selection if shift key pressed

      if ( previousSelectedItem )
        //select highest item just below previously selected item at position of event
        selectedItem = composition()->composerItemAt( scenePoint, previousSelectedItem );

        //if we didn't find a lower item we'll use the top-most as fall-back
        //this duplicates mapinfo/illustrator/etc behaviour where ctrl-clicks are "cyclic"
        if ( !selectedItem )
          selectedItem = composition()->composerItemAt( scenePoint );
        //select topmost item at position of event
        selectedItem = composition()->composerItemAt( scenePoint );

      if ( !selectedItem )

      if (( e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier ) && ( selectedItem->selected() ) )
        //SHIFT-clicking a selected item deselects it
        selectedItem->setSelected( false );

        //Check if we have any remaining selected items, and if so, update the item panel
        QList<QgsComposerItem*> selectedItems = composition()->selectedComposerItems();
        if ( selectedItems.size() > 0 )
          emit selectedItemChanged( selectedItems.at( 0 ) );
        selectedItem->setSelected( true );
        QGraphicsView::mousePressEvent( e );
        emit selectedItemChanged( selectedItem );

    case MoveItemContent:
      //store item as member if it is selected and cursor is over item
      QgsComposerItem* item = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerItem *>( itemAt( e->pos() ) );
      if ( item )
        mMoveContentStartPos = scenePoint;
      mMoveContentItem = item;

    case AddArrow:
      mRubberBandStartPos = QPointF( snappedScenePoint.x(), snappedScenePoint.y() );
      mRubberBandLineItem = new QGraphicsLineItem( snappedScenePoint.x(), snappedScenePoint.y(), snappedScenePoint.x(), snappedScenePoint.y() );
      mRubberBandLineItem->setZValue( 100 );
      scene()->addItem( mRubberBandLineItem );

    //create rubber band for map and ellipse items
    case AddMap:
    case AddRectangle:
    case AddTriangle:
    case AddEllipse:
    case AddHtml:
      QTransform t;
      mRubberBandItem = new QGraphicsRectItem( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
      mRubberBandStartPos = QPointF( snappedScenePoint.x(), snappedScenePoint.y() );
      t.translate( snappedScenePoint.x(), snappedScenePoint.y() );
      mRubberBandItem->setTransform( t );
      mRubberBandItem->setZValue( 100 );
      scene()->addItem( mRubberBandItem );

    case AddLabel:
      if ( composition() )
        QgsComposerLabel* newLabelItem = new QgsComposerLabel( composition() );
        newLabelItem->setText( tr( "QGIS" ) );
        newLabelItem->setSceneRect( QRectF( snappedScenePoint.x(), snappedScenePoint.y(), newLabelItem->rect().width(), newLabelItem->rect().height() ) );
        composition()->addComposerLabel( newLabelItem );
        emit actionFinished();
        composition()->pushAddRemoveCommand( newLabelItem, tr( "Label added" ) );

    case AddScalebar:
      if ( composition() )
        QgsComposerScaleBar* newScaleBar = new QgsComposerScaleBar( composition() );
        newScaleBar->setSceneRect( QRectF( snappedScenePoint.x(), snappedScenePoint.y(), 20, 20 ) );
        composition()->addComposerScaleBar( newScaleBar );
        QList<const QgsComposerMap*> mapItemList = composition()->composerMapItems();
        if ( mapItemList.size() > 0 )
          newScaleBar->setComposerMap( mapItemList.at( 0 ) );
        newScaleBar->applyDefaultSize(); //4 segments, 1/5 of composer map width
        emit actionFinished();
        composition()->pushAddRemoveCommand( newScaleBar, tr( "Scale bar added" ) );

    case AddLegend:
      if ( composition() )
        QgsComposerLegend* newLegend = new QgsComposerLegend( composition() );
        newLegend->setSceneRect( QRectF( snappedScenePoint.x(), snappedScenePoint.y(), newLegend->rect().width(), newLegend->rect().height() ) );
        composition()->addComposerLegend( newLegend );
        emit actionFinished();
        composition()->pushAddRemoveCommand( newLegend, tr( "Legend added" ) );
    case AddPicture:
      if ( composition() )
        QgsComposerPicture* newPicture = new QgsComposerPicture( composition() );
        newPicture->setSceneRect( QRectF( snappedScenePoint.x(), snappedScenePoint.y(), 30, 30 ) );
        composition()->addComposerPicture( newPicture );
        emit actionFinished();
        composition()->pushAddRemoveCommand( newPicture, tr( "Picture added" ) );
    case AddTable:
      if ( composition() )
        QgsComposerAttributeTable* newTable = new QgsComposerAttributeTable( composition() );
        newTable->setSceneRect( QRectF( snappedScenePoint.x(), snappedScenePoint.y(), 50, 50 ) );
        composition()->addComposerTable( newTable );
        emit actionFinished();
        composition()->pushAddRemoveCommand( newTable, tr( "Table added" ) );