예제 #1
void QgsDistanceArea::setSourceAuthId( const QString& authId )
  QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem srcCRS;
  srcCRS.createFromOgcWmsCrs( authId );
  mCoordTransform->setSourceCrs( srcCRS );
bool QgsDecorationNorthArrow::calculateNorthDirection()
  QgsMapCanvas* mapCanvas = QgisApp::instance()->mapCanvas();

  bool goodDirn = false;

  // Get the shown extent...
  QgsRectangle canvasExtent = mapCanvas->extent();
  // ... and all layers extent, ...
  QgsRectangle fullExtent = mapCanvas->fullExtent();
  // ... and combine
  QgsRectangle extent = canvasExtent.intersect( & fullExtent );

  // If no layers are added or shown, we can't get any direction
  if ( mapCanvas->layerCount() > 0 && ! extent.isEmpty() )
    QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem outputCRS = mapCanvas->mapRenderer()->destinationCrs();

    if ( outputCRS.isValid() && !outputCRS.geographicFlag() )
      // Use a geographic CRS to get lat/long to work out direction
      QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem ourCRS;
      ourCRS.createFromOgcWmsCrs( GEO_EPSG_CRS_AUTHID );
      assert( ourCRS.isValid() );

      QgsCoordinateTransform transform( outputCRS, ourCRS );

      QgsPoint p1( extent.center() );
      // A point a bit above p1. XXX assumes that y increases up!!
      // May need to involve the maptopixel transform if this proves
      // to be a problem.
      QgsPoint p2( p1.x(), p1.y() + extent.height() * 0.25 );

      // project p1 and p2 to geographic coords
        p1 = transform.transform( p1 );
        p2 = transform.transform( p2 );
      catch ( QgsCsException &e )
        Q_UNUSED( e );
        // just give up
        QgsDebugMsg( "North Arrow: Transformation error, quitting" );
        return false;

      // Work out the value of the initial heading one takes to go
      // from point p1 to point p2. The north direction is then that
      // many degrees anti-clockwise or vertical.

      // Take some care to not divide by zero, etc, and ensure that we
      // get sensible results for all possible values for p1 and p2.

      goodDirn = true;
      double angle = 0.0;

      // convert to radians for the equations below
      p1.multiply( PI / 180.0 );
      p2.multiply( PI / 180.0 );

      double y = sin( p2.x() - p1.x() ) * cos( p2.y() );
      double x = cos( p1.y() ) * sin( p2.y() ) -
                 sin( p1.y() ) * cos( p2.y() ) * cos( p2.x() - p1.x() );

      // Use TOL to decide if the quotient is big enough.
      // Both x and y can be very small, if heavily zoomed
      // For small y/x, we set directly angle 0. Not sure
      // if this is needed.
      if ( y > 0.0 )
        if ( x > 0.0 && ( y / x ) > TOL )
          angle = atan( y / x );
        else if ( x < 0.0 && ( y / x ) < -TOL )
          angle = PI - atan( -y / x );
          angle = 0.5 * PI;
      else if ( y < 0.0 )
        if ( x > 0.0 && ( y / x ) < -TOL )
          angle = -atan( -y / x );
        else if ( x < 0.0 && ( y / x ) > TOL )
          angle = atan( y / x ) - PI;
          angle = 1.5 * PI;
        if ( x > TOL )
          angle = 0.0;
        else if ( x < -TOL )
          angle = PI;
          angle = 0.0; // p1 = p2
          goodDirn = false;
      // And set the angle of the north arrow. Perhaps do something
      // different if goodDirn = false.
      mRotationInt = qRound( fmod( 360.0 - angle * 180.0 / PI, 360.0 ) );
      // For geographic CRS and for when there are no layers, set the
      // direction back to the default
      mRotationInt = 0;
  return goodDirn;
void QgsNewSpatialiteLayerDialog::on_pbnFindSRID_clicked()
  // first get list of supported SRID from the selected Spatialite database
  // to build filter for projection selector
  sqlite3 *db = 0;
  bool status = true;
  if ( !db )
    int rc = sqlite3_open_v2( mDatabaseComboBox->currentText().toUtf8(), &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, NULL );
    if ( rc != SQLITE_OK )
      QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "SpatiaLite Database" ), tr( "Unable to open the database" ) );

  // load up the srid table
  const char *pzTail;
  sqlite3_stmt *ppStmt;
  QString sql = "select auth_srid, auth_name, ref_sys_name from spatial_ref_sys order by srid asc";

  QSet<QString> myCRSs;

  int rc = sqlite3_prepare( db, sql.toUtf8(), sql.toUtf8().length(), &ppStmt, &pzTail );
  // XXX Need to free memory from the error msg if one is set
  if ( rc == SQLITE_OK )
    // get the first row of the result set
    while ( sqlite3_step( ppStmt ) == SQLITE_ROW )
      myCRSs.insert( QString::fromUtf8(( const char * )sqlite3_column_text( ppStmt, 1 ) ) +
                     ":" + QString::fromUtf8(( const char * )sqlite3_column_text( ppStmt, 0 ) ) );
    // XXX query failed -- warn the user some how
    QMessageBox::warning( 0, tr( "Error" ),  tr( "Failed to load SRIDS: %1" ).arg( sqlite3_errmsg( db ) ) );
    status = false;
  // close the statement
  sqlite3_finalize( ppStmt );
  sqlite3_close( db );

  if ( !status )

  // prepare projection selector
  QgsGenericProjectionSelector *mySelector = new QgsGenericProjectionSelector( this );
  mySelector->setOgcWmsCrsFilter( myCRSs );

  if ( mySelector->exec() )
    QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem srs;
    srs.createFromOgcWmsCrs( mySelector->selectedAuthId() );
    bool ok;
    mCrsId = srs.authid().split( ':' ).at( 1 ).toInt( &ok );
    leSRID->setText( srs.authid() + " - " + srs.description() );
  delete mySelector;
예제 #4
QgsNewVectorLayerDialog::QgsNewVectorLayerDialog( QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags fl )
    : QDialog( parent, fl )
  setupUi( this );

  QSettings settings;
  restoreGeometry( settings.value( "/Windows/NewVectorLayer/geometry" ).toByteArray() );

  mAddAttributeButton->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionNewAttribute.png" ) );
  mRemoveAttributeButton->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionDeleteAttribute.png" ) );
  mTypeBox->addItem( tr( "Text data" ), "String" );
  mTypeBox->addItem( tr( "Whole number" ), "Integer" );
  mTypeBox->addItem( tr( "Decimal number" ), "Real" );
  mTypeBox->addItem( tr( "Date" ), "Date" );

  mWidth->setValidator( new QIntValidator( 1, 255, this ) );
  mPrecision->setValidator( new QIntValidator( 0, 15, this ) );

  mPointRadioButton->setChecked( true );
  mFileFormatComboBox->addItem( tr( "ESRI Shapefile" ), "ESRI Shapefile" );
#if 0
  // Disabled until provider properly supports editing the created file formats
  mFileFormatComboBox->addItem( tr( "Comma Separated Value" ), "Comma Separated Value" );
  mFileFormatComboBox->addItem( tr( "GML" ), "GML" );
  mFileFormatComboBox->addItem( tr( "Mapinfo File" ), "Mapinfo File" );
  if ( mFileFormatComboBox->count() == 1 )
    mFileFormatComboBox->setVisible( false );
    mFileFormatLabel->setVisible( false );

  mFileFormatComboBox->setCurrentIndex( 0 );

  mFileEncoding->addItems( QgsVectorDataProvider::availableEncodings() );

  // Use default encoding if none supplied
  QString enc = QSettings().value( "/UI/encoding", "System" ).toString();

  // The specified decoding is added if not existing alread, and then set current.
  // This should select it.
  int encindex = mFileEncoding->findText( enc );
  if ( encindex < 0 )
    mFileEncoding->insertItem( 0, enc );
    encindex = 0;
  mFileEncoding->setCurrentIndex( encindex );

  mOkButton = buttonBox->button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok );

  mAttributeView->addTopLevelItem( new QTreeWidgetItem( QStringList() << "id" << "Integer" << "10" << "" ) );

  QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem srs;

  srs.createFromOgcWmsCrs( settings.value( "/Projections/layerDefaultCrs", GEO_EPSG_CRS_AUTHID ).toString() );

  mCrsId = srs.srsid();
  leSpatialRefSys->setText( srs.authid() + " - " + srs.description() );

  connect( mNameEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( nameChanged( QString ) ) );
  connect( mAttributeView, SIGNAL( itemSelectionChanged() ), this, SLOT( selectionChanged() ) );

  mAddAttributeButton->setEnabled( false );
  mRemoveAttributeButton->setEnabled( false );
예제 #5
QgsNewGeoPackageLayerDialog::QgsNewGeoPackageLayerDialog( QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags fl )
    : QDialog( parent, fl )
    , mOkButton( nullptr )
    , mTableNameEdited( false )
    , mLayerIdentifierEdited( false )
  setupUi( this );

  QSettings settings;
  restoreGeometry( settings.value( "/Windows/NewGeoPackageLayer/geometry" ).toByteArray() );

  mAddAttributeButton->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionNewAttribute.png" ) );
  mRemoveAttributeButton->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionDeleteAttribute.png" ) );

  mGeometryTypeBox->addItem( tr( "Non spatial" ), wkbNone );
  mGeometryTypeBox->addItem( tr( "Point" ), wkbPoint );
  mGeometryTypeBox->addItem( tr( "Line" ), wkbLineString );
  mGeometryTypeBox->addItem( tr( "Polygon" ), wkbPolygon );
  mGeometryTypeBox->addItem( tr( "Multi point" ), wkbMultiPoint );
  mGeometryTypeBox->addItem( tr( "Multi line" ), wkbMultiLineString );
  mGeometryTypeBox->addItem( tr( "Multi polygon" ), wkbMultiPolygon );
#if 0
  // QGIS always create CompoundCurve and there's no real interest of having just CircularString. CompoundCurve are more useful
  mGeometryTypeBox->addItem( tr( "Circular string" ), wkbCircularString );
  mGeometryTypeBox->addItem( tr( "Compound curve" ), wkbCompoundCurve );
  mGeometryTypeBox->addItem( tr( "Curve polygon" ), wkbCurvePolygon );
  mGeometryTypeBox->addItem( tr( "Multi curve" ), wkbMultiCurve );
  mGeometryTypeBox->addItem( tr( "Multi surface" ), wkbMultiSurface );

  mGeometryColumnEdit->setEnabled( false );
  mCheckBoxCreateSpatialIndex->setEnabled( false );
  mCrsSelector->setEnabled( false );

  mFieldTypeBox->addItem( tr( "Text data" ), "text" );
  mFieldTypeBox->addItem( tr( "Whole number (integer)" ), "integer" );
  mFieldTypeBox->addItem( tr( "Whole number (integer 64 bit)" ), "integer64" );
  mFieldTypeBox->addItem( tr( "Decimal number (real)" ), "real" );
  mFieldTypeBox->addItem( tr( "Date" ), "date" );
  mFieldTypeBox->addItem( tr( "Date&time" ), "datetime" );

  mOkButton = buttonBox->button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok );
  mOkButton->setEnabled( false );

  // Set the SRID box to a default of WGS84
  QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem defaultCrs;
  defaultCrs.createFromOgcWmsCrs( settings.value( "/Projections/layerDefaultCrs", GEO_EPSG_CRS_AUTHID ).toString() );
  mCrsSelector->setCrs( defaultCrs );

  connect( mFieldNameEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( fieldNameChanged( QString ) ) );
  connect( mAttributeView, SIGNAL( itemSelectionChanged() ), this, SLOT( selectionChanged() ) );
  connect( mTableNameEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( checkOk() ) );
  connect( mDatabaseEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( checkOk() ) );

  mAddAttributeButton->setEnabled( false );
  mRemoveAttributeButton->setEnabled( false );

  mCheckBoxCreateSpatialIndex->setChecked( false );
  mCheckBoxCreateSpatialIndex->setChecked( true );


예제 #6
void QgsDistanceArea::setSourceEpsgCrsId( long epsgId )
  QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem srcCRS;
  srcCRS.createFromOgcWmsCrs( QString( "EPSG:%1" ).arg( epsgId ) );
  mCoordTransform->setSourceCrs( srcCRS );