예제 #1
QVector<QgsDataItem*> QgsWMSConnectionItem::createChildren()
  QgsDebugMsg( "Entered" );
  QVector<QgsDataItem*> children;

  QgsDataSourceURI uri;
  uri.setEncodedUri( mUri );

  QgsDebugMsg( "mUri = " + mUri );

  QgsWmsSettings wmsSettings;
  if ( !wmsSettings.parseUri( mUri ) )
    children.append( new QgsErrorItem( this, tr( "Failed to parse WMS URI" ), mPath + "/error" ) );
    return children;

  QgsWmsCapabilitiesDownload capDownload( wmsSettings.baseUrl(), wmsSettings.authorization() );

  bool res = capDownload.downloadCapabilities();

  if ( !res )
    children.append( new QgsErrorItem( this, tr( "Failed to download capabilities" ), mPath + "/error" ) );
    return children;

  QgsWmsCapabilities caps;
  if ( !caps.parseResponse( capDownload.response(), wmsSettings.parserSettings() ) )
    children.append( new QgsErrorItem( this, tr( "Failed to parse capabilities" ), mPath + "/error" ) );
    return children;

  // Attention: supportedLayers() gives tree leafs, not top level
  QVector<QgsWmsLayerProperty> layerProperties = caps.supportedLayers();
  if ( layerProperties.count() )
    QgsWmsCapabilitiesProperty capabilitiesProperty = caps.capabilitiesProperty();
    const QgsWmsCapabilityProperty& capabilityProperty = capabilitiesProperty.capability;

    // Top level layer is present max once
    // <element name="Capability">
    //    <element ref="wms:Layer" minOccurs="0"/>  - default maxOccurs=1
    const QgsWmsLayerProperty &topLayerProperty = capabilityProperty.layer;
    foreach ( const QgsWmsLayerProperty &layerProperty, topLayerProperty.layer )
      // Attention, the name may be empty
      QgsDebugMsg( QString::number( layerProperty.orderId ) + " " + layerProperty.name + " " + layerProperty.title );
      QString pathName = layerProperty.name.isEmpty() ? QString::number( layerProperty.orderId ) : layerProperty.name;

      QgsWMSLayerItem *layer = new QgsWMSLayerItem( this, layerProperty.title, mPath + "/" + pathName, capabilitiesProperty, uri, layerProperty );

      children << layer;
예제 #2
QVector<QgsDataItem*> QgsWMSConnectionItem::createChildren()
  QVector<QgsDataItem*> children;

  QgsDataSourceURI uri;
  uri.setEncodedUri( mUri );

  QgsDebugMsg( "mUri = " + mUri );

  QgsWmsSettings wmsSettings;
  if ( !wmsSettings.parseUri( mUri ) )
    children.append( new QgsErrorItem( this, tr( "Failed to parse WMS URI" ), mPath + "/error" ) );
    return children;

  bool res = mCapabilitiesDownload->downloadCapabilities( wmsSettings.baseUrl(), wmsSettings.authorization() );

  if ( !res )
    children.append( new QgsErrorItem( this, tr( "Failed to download capabilities" ), mPath + "/error" ) );
    return children;

  QgsWmsCapabilities caps;
  if ( !caps.parseResponse( mCapabilitiesDownload->response(), wmsSettings.parserSettings() ) )
    children.append( new QgsErrorItem( this, tr( "Failed to parse capabilities" ), mPath + "/error" ) );
    return children;

  // Attention: supportedLayers() gives tree leafs, not top level
  QVector<QgsWmsLayerProperty> layerProperties = caps.supportedLayers();
  if ( !layerProperties.isEmpty() )
    QgsWmsCapabilitiesProperty capabilitiesProperty = caps.capabilitiesProperty();
    const QgsWmsCapabilityProperty& capabilityProperty = capabilitiesProperty.capability;

    // If we have several top-level layers, or if we just have one single top-level layer,
    // then use those top-level layers directly
    if ( capabilityProperty.layers.size() > 1 ||
         ( capabilityProperty.layers.size() == 1 && capabilityProperty.layers[0].layer.size() == 0 ) )
      Q_FOREACH ( const QgsWmsLayerProperty& layerProperty, capabilityProperty.layers )
        // Attention, the name may be empty
        QgsDebugMsg( QString::number( layerProperty.orderId ) + ' ' + layerProperty.name + ' ' + layerProperty.title );
        QString pathName = layerProperty.name.isEmpty() ? QString::number( layerProperty.orderId ) : layerProperty.name;

        QgsWMSLayerItem *layer = new QgsWMSLayerItem( this, layerProperty.title, mPath + '/' + pathName, capabilitiesProperty, uri, layerProperty );

        children << layer;
예제 #3
QgsGrassGisLib::Raster QgsGrassGisLib::raster( QString name )
    QgsDebugMsg( "name = " + name );

    foreach ( Raster raster, mRasters )
        if ( raster.name == name ) return raster;

    QString providerKey;
    QString dataSource;
    int band = 1;

    if ( name.contains( "provider=" ) ) // encoded uri
        QgsDataSourceURI uri;
        uri.setEncodedUri( name.toLocal8Bit() );
        if ( uri.hasParam( "band" ) )
            band = uri.param( "band" ).toInt();
        providerKey = uri.param( "provider" );
        if ( providerKey == "gdal" )
            dataSource = uri.param( "path" );
            uri.removeParam( "band" );
            uri.removeParam( "provider" );
            dataSource = uri.encodedUri();
    else // simple GDAL path
        providerKey = "gdal";
        dataSource = name;
        band = 1;
    QgsDebugMsg( "providerKey = " + providerKey );
    QgsDebugMsg( "dataSource = " + dataSource );
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "band = %1" ).arg( band ) );

    Raster raster;
    raster.name = name;
    raster.band = band;
    raster.provider = ( QgsRasterDataProvider* )QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->provider( providerKey, dataSource );
    if ( !raster.provider || !raster.provider->isValid() )
        // No fatal, it may be used to test file existence
        //fatal( "Cannot load raster provider with data source: " + dataSource );
        raster.input = raster.provider;

        if ( band < 1 || band > raster.provider->bandCount() )
            fatal( "Band out of range" );

        QgsDebugMsg( QString( "mCrs valid = %1 = %2" ).arg( mCrs.isValid() ).arg( mCrs.toProj4() ) );
        QgsDebugMsg( QString( "crs valid = %1 = %2" ).arg( raster.provider->crs().isValid() ).arg( raster.provider->crs().toProj4() ) );
        if ( mCrs.isValid() )
            // GDAL provider loads data without CRS as EPSG:4326!!! Verify, it should give
            // invalid CRS instead.
            if ( !raster.provider->crs().isValid() )
                fatal( "Output CRS specified but input CRS is unknown" );
            if ( mCrs != raster.provider->crs() )
                raster.projector = new QgsRasterProjector();
                raster.projector->setCRS( raster.provider->crs(), mCrs );
                raster.projector->setInput( raster.provider );
                raster.input = raster.projector;

    raster.fd = mRasters.size();
    mRasters.insert( raster.fd, raster );
    return raster;