예제 #1
void QgsGeometryValidator::checkRingIntersections(
  int p0, int i0, const QgsPolylineXY &ring0,
  int p1, int i1, const QgsPolylineXY &ring1 )
  for ( int i = 0; !mStop && i < ring0.size() - 1; i++ )
    QgsVector v = ring0[i + 1] - ring0[i];

    for ( int j = 0; !mStop && j < ring1.size() - 1; j++ )
      QgsVector w = ring1[j + 1] - ring1[j];

      QgsPointXY s;
      if ( intersectLines( ring0[i], v, ring1[j], w, s ) )
        double d = -distLine2Point( ring0[i], v.perpVector(), s );

        if ( d >= 0 && d <= v.length() )
          d = -distLine2Point( ring1[j], w.perpVector(), s );
          if ( d > 0 && d < w.length() &&
               ring0[i + 1] != ring1[j + 1] && ring0[i + 1] != ring1[j] &&
               ring0[i + 0] != ring1[j + 1] && ring0[i + 0] != ring1[j] )
            QString msg = QObject::tr( "segment %1 of ring %2 of polygon %3 intersects segment %4 of ring %5 of polygon %6 at %7" )
                          .arg( i0 ).arg( i ).arg( p0 )
                          .arg( i1 ).arg( j ).arg( p1 )
                          .arg( s.toString() );
            QgsDebugMsg( msg );
            emit errorFound( QgsGeometry::Error( msg, s ) );
예제 #2
QString ProjectorData::cpToString()
  QString myString;
  for ( int i = 0; i < mCPRows; i++ )
    if ( i > 0 )
      myString += '\n';
    for ( int j = 0; j < mCPCols; j++ )
      if ( j > 0 )
        myString += QLatin1String( "  " );
      QgsPointXY myPoint = mCPMatrix[i][j];
      if ( mCPLegalMatrix[i][j] )
        myString += myPoint.toString();
        myString += QLatin1String( "(-,-)" );
  return myString;
예제 #3
void QgsMapToolDigitizeFeature::cadCanvasReleaseEvent( QgsMapMouseEvent *e )
  QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( mLayer );

  if ( !vlayer )
    //if no given layer take the current from canvas
    vlayer = currentVectorLayer();

  if ( !vlayer )

  QgsWkbTypes::Type layerWKBType = vlayer->wkbType();

  QgsVectorDataProvider *provider = vlayer->dataProvider();

  if ( !( provider->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::AddFeatures ) )
    emit messageEmitted( tr( "The data provider for this layer does not support the addition of features." ), Qgis::Warning );

  if ( !vlayer->isEditable() )

  if ( mode() == CapturePoint )
    if ( e->button() != Qt::LeftButton )

    //check we only use this tool for point/multipoint layers
    if ( vlayer->geometryType() != QgsWkbTypes::PointGeometry && mCheckGeometryType )
      emit messageEmitted( tr( "Wrong editing tool, cannot apply the 'capture point' tool on this vector layer" ), Qgis::Warning );

    QgsPointXY savePoint; //point in layer coordinates
      QgsPoint fetchPoint;
      int res;
      res = fetchLayerPoint( e->mapPointMatch(), fetchPoint );
      if ( res == 0 )
        savePoint = QgsPointXY( fetchPoint.x(), fetchPoint.y() );
        savePoint = toLayerCoordinates( vlayer, e->mapPoint() );
      QgsDebugMsg( "savePoint = " + savePoint.toString() );
    catch ( QgsCsException &cse )
      Q_UNUSED( cse );
      emit messageEmitted( tr( "Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system" ), Qgis::Warning );

    //only do the rest for provider with feature addition support
    //note that for the grass provider, this will return false since
    //grass provider has its own mechanism of feature addition
    if ( provider->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::AddFeatures )
      QgsFeature f( vlayer->fields(), 0 );

      QgsGeometry g;
      if ( layerWKBType == QgsWkbTypes::Point )
        g = QgsGeometry::fromPointXY( savePoint );
      else if ( !QgsWkbTypes::isMultiType( layerWKBType ) && QgsWkbTypes::hasZ( layerWKBType ) )
        g = QgsGeometry( new QgsPoint( QgsWkbTypes::PointZ, savePoint.x(), savePoint.y(), defaultZValue() ) );
      else if ( QgsWkbTypes::isMultiType( layerWKBType ) && !QgsWkbTypes::hasZ( layerWKBType ) )
        g = QgsGeometry::fromMultiPointXY( QgsMultiPointXY() << savePoint );
      else if ( QgsWkbTypes::isMultiType( layerWKBType ) && QgsWkbTypes::hasZ( layerWKBType ) )
        QgsMultiPoint *mp = new QgsMultiPoint();
        mp->addGeometry( new QgsPoint( QgsWkbTypes::PointZ, savePoint.x(), savePoint.y(), defaultZValue() ) );
        g = QgsGeometry( mp );
        // if layer supports more types (mCheckGeometryType is false)
        g = QgsGeometry::fromPointXY( savePoint );

      if ( QgsWkbTypes::hasM( layerWKBType ) )

      f.setGeometry( g );
      f.setValid( true );

      digitized( f );

      // we are done with digitizing for now so instruct advanced digitizing dock to reset its CAD points

  else if ( mode() == CaptureLine || mode() == CapturePolygon )
    //check we only use the line tool for line/multiline layers
    if ( mode() == CaptureLine && vlayer->geometryType() != QgsWkbTypes::LineGeometry && mCheckGeometryType )
      emit messageEmitted( tr( "Wrong editing tool, cannot apply the 'capture line' tool on this vector layer" ), Qgis::Warning );

    //check we only use the polygon tool for polygon/multipolygon layers
    if ( mode() == CapturePolygon && vlayer->geometryType() != QgsWkbTypes::PolygonGeometry && mCheckGeometryType )
      emit messageEmitted( tr( "Wrong editing tool, cannot apply the 'capture polygon' tool on this vector layer" ), Qgis::Warning );

    //add point to list and to rubber band
    if ( e->button() == Qt::LeftButton )
      int error = addVertex( e->mapPoint(), e->mapPointMatch() );
      if ( error == 1 )
        //current layer is not a vector layer
      else if ( error == 2 )
        //problem with coordinate transformation
        emit messageEmitted( tr( "Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system" ), Qgis::Warning );

    else if ( e->button() == Qt::RightButton )
      // End of string

      //lines: bail out if there are not at least two vertices
      if ( mode() == CaptureLine && size() < 2 )

      //polygons: bail out if there are not at least two vertices
      if ( mode() == CapturePolygon && size() < 3 )

      if ( mode() == CapturePolygon )

      //create QgsFeature with wkb representation
      std::unique_ptr< QgsFeature > f( new QgsFeature( vlayer->fields(), 0 ) );

      //does compoundcurve contain circular strings?
      //does provider support circular strings?
      bool hasCurvedSegments = captureCurve()->hasCurvedSegments();
      bool providerSupportsCurvedSegments = vlayer->dataProvider()->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::CircularGeometries;

      QList<QgsPointLocator::Match> snappingMatchesList;
      QgsCurve *curveToAdd = nullptr;
      if ( hasCurvedSegments && providerSupportsCurvedSegments )
        curveToAdd = captureCurve()->clone();
        curveToAdd = captureCurve()->curveToLine();
        snappingMatchesList = snappingMatches();

      if ( mode() == CaptureLine )
        QgsGeometry g( curveToAdd );
        f->setGeometry( g );
        QgsCurvePolygon *poly = nullptr;
        if ( hasCurvedSegments && providerSupportsCurvedSegments )
          poly = new QgsCurvePolygon();
          poly = new QgsPolygon();
        poly->setExteriorRing( curveToAdd );
        QgsGeometry g( poly );
        f->setGeometry( g );

        QgsGeometry featGeom = f->geometry();
        int avoidIntersectionsReturn = featGeom.avoidIntersections( QgsProject::instance()->avoidIntersectionsLayers() );
        f->setGeometry( featGeom );
        if ( avoidIntersectionsReturn == 1 )
          //not a polygon type. Impossible to get there
        if ( f->geometry().isEmpty() ) //avoid intersection might have removed the whole geometry
          emit messageEmitted( tr( "The feature cannot be added because it's geometry collapsed due to intersection avoidance" ), Qgis::Critical );
      f->setValid( true );

      digitized( *f );

QVariantMap QgsShortestPathPointToPointAlgorithm::processAlgorithm( const QVariantMap &parameters, QgsProcessingContext &context, QgsProcessingFeedback *feedback )
  loadCommonParams( parameters, context, feedback );

  QgsFields fields;
  fields.append( QgsField( QStringLiteral( "start" ), QVariant::String ) );
  fields.append( QgsField( QStringLiteral( "end" ), QVariant::String ) );
  fields.append( QgsField( QStringLiteral( "cost" ), QVariant::Double ) );

  QString dest;
  std::unique_ptr< QgsFeatureSink > sink( parameterAsSink( parameters, QStringLiteral( "OUTPUT" ), context, dest, fields, QgsWkbTypes::LineString, mNetwork->sourceCrs() ) );
  if ( !sink )
    throw QgsProcessingException( invalidSinkError( parameters, QStringLiteral( "OUTPUT" ) ) );

  QgsPointXY startPoint = parameterAsPoint( parameters, QStringLiteral( "START_POINT" ), context, mNetwork->sourceCrs() );
  QgsPointXY endPoint = parameterAsPoint( parameters, QStringLiteral( "END_POINT" ), context, mNetwork->sourceCrs() );

  feedback->pushInfo( QObject::tr( "Building graph…" ) );
  QVector< QgsPointXY > points;
  points << startPoint << endPoint;
  QVector< QgsPointXY > snappedPoints;
  mDirector->makeGraph( mBuilder.get(), points, snappedPoints, feedback );

  feedback->pushInfo( QObject::tr( "Calculating shortest path…" ) );
  QgsGraph *graph = mBuilder->graph();
  int idxStart = graph->findVertex( snappedPoints[0] );
  int idxEnd = graph->findVertex( snappedPoints[1] );

  QVector< int > tree;
  QVector< double > costs;
  QgsGraphAnalyzer::dijkstra( graph, idxStart, 0, &tree, &costs );

  if ( tree.at( idxEnd ) == -1 )
    throw QgsProcessingException( QObject::tr( "There is no route from start point to end point." ) );

  QVector<QgsPointXY> route;
  route.push_front( graph->vertex( idxEnd ).point() );
  double cost = costs.at( idxEnd );
  while ( idxEnd != idxStart )
    idxEnd = graph->edge( tree.at( idxEnd ) ).fromVertex();
    route.push_front( graph->vertex( idxEnd ).point() );

  feedback->pushInfo( QObject::tr( "Writing results…" ) );
  QgsGeometry geom = QgsGeometry::fromPolylineXY( route );
  QgsFeature feat;
  feat.setFields( fields );
  QgsAttributes attributes;
  attributes << startPoint.toString() << endPoint.toString() << cost / mMultiplier;
  feat.setGeometry( geom );
  feat.setAttributes( attributes );
  sink->addFeature( feat, QgsFeatureSink::FastInsert );

  QVariantMap outputs;
  outputs.insert( QStringLiteral( "OUTPUT" ), dest );
  outputs.insert( QStringLiteral( "TRAVEL_COST" ), cost / mMultiplier );
  return outputs;
QVariantMap QgsShortestPathPointToLayerAlgorithm::processAlgorithm( const QVariantMap &parameters, QgsProcessingContext &context, QgsProcessingFeedback *feedback )
  loadCommonParams( parameters, context, feedback );

  QgsPointXY startPoint = parameterAsPoint( parameters, QStringLiteral( "START_POINT" ), context, mNetwork->sourceCrs() );

  std::unique_ptr< QgsFeatureSource > endPoints( parameterAsSource( parameters, QStringLiteral( "END_POINTS" ), context ) );
  if ( !endPoints )
    throw QgsProcessingException( invalidSourceError( parameters, QStringLiteral( "END_POINTS" ) ) );

  QgsFields fields = endPoints->fields();
  fields.append( QgsField( QStringLiteral( "start" ), QVariant::String ) );
  fields.append( QgsField( QStringLiteral( "end" ), QVariant::String ) );
  fields.append( QgsField( QStringLiteral( "cost" ), QVariant::Double ) );

  QString dest;
  std::unique_ptr< QgsFeatureSink > sink( parameterAsSink( parameters, QStringLiteral( "OUTPUT" ), context, dest, fields, QgsWkbTypes::LineString, mNetwork->sourceCrs() ) );
  if ( !sink )
    throw QgsProcessingException( invalidSinkError( parameters, QStringLiteral( "OUTPUT" ) ) );

  QVector< QgsPointXY > points;
  points.push_front( startPoint );
  QHash< int, QgsAttributes > sourceAttributes;
  loadPoints( endPoints.get(), points, sourceAttributes, context, feedback );

  feedback->pushInfo( QObject::tr( "Building graph…" ) );
  QVector< QgsPointXY > snappedPoints;
  mDirector->makeGraph( mBuilder.get(), points, snappedPoints, feedback );

  feedback->pushInfo( QObject::tr( "Calculating shortest paths…" ) );
  QgsGraph *graph = mBuilder->graph();
  int idxStart = graph->findVertex( snappedPoints[0] );
  int idxEnd;

  QVector< int > tree;
  QVector< double > costs;
  QgsGraphAnalyzer::dijkstra( graph, idxStart, 0, &tree, &costs );

  QVector<QgsPointXY> route;
  double cost;

  QgsFeature feat;
  feat.setFields( fields );
  QgsAttributes attributes;

  int step =  points.size() > 0 ? 100.0 / points.size() : 1;
  for ( int i = 1; i < points.size(); i++ )
    if ( feedback->isCanceled() )

    idxEnd = graph->findVertex( snappedPoints[i] );
    if ( tree.at( idxEnd ) == -1 )
      feedback->reportError( QObject::tr( "There is no route from start point (%1) to end point (%2)." )
                             .arg( startPoint.toString(),
                                   points[i].toString() ) );
      attributes = sourceAttributes.value( i );
      attributes.append( QVariant() );
      attributes.append( points[i].toString() );
      feat.setAttributes( attributes );
      sink->addFeature( feat, QgsFeatureSink::FastInsert );

    route.push_front( graph->vertex( idxEnd ).point() );
    cost = costs.at( idxEnd );
    while ( idxEnd != idxStart )
      idxEnd = graph->edge( tree.at( idxEnd ) ).fromVertex();
      route.push_front( graph->vertex( idxEnd ).point() );

    QgsGeometry geom = QgsGeometry::fromPolylineXY( route );
    QgsFeature feat;
    feat.setFields( fields );
    attributes = sourceAttributes.value( i );
    attributes.append( startPoint.toString() );
    attributes.append( points[i].toString() );
    attributes.append( cost / mMultiplier );
    feat.setAttributes( attributes );
    feat.setGeometry( geom );
    sink->addFeature( feat, QgsFeatureSink::FastInsert );

    feedback->setProgress( i * step );

  QVariantMap outputs;
  outputs.insert( QStringLiteral( "OUTPUT" ), dest );
  return outputs;
예제 #6
bool QgsMapRendererJob::reprojectToLayerExtent( const QgsMapLayer *ml, const QgsCoordinateTransform &ct, QgsRectangle &extent, QgsRectangle &r2 )
  bool split = false;

    // QgsLogger::debug<QgsRectangle>("Getting extent of canvas in layers CS. Canvas is ", extent, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
    // Split the extent into two if the source CRS is
    // geographic and the extent crosses the split in
    // geographic coordinates (usually +/- 180 degrees,
    // and is assumed to be so here), and draw each
    // extent separately.
    static const double SPLIT_COORD = 180.0;

    if ( ml->crs().isGeographic() )
      if ( ml->type() == QgsMapLayer::VectorLayer && !ct.destinationCrs().isGeographic() )
        // if we transform from a projected coordinate system check
        // check if transforming back roughly returns the input
        // extend - otherwise render the world.
        QgsRectangle extent1 = ct.transformBoundingBox( extent, QgsCoordinateTransform::ReverseTransform );
        QgsRectangle extent2 = ct.transformBoundingBox( extent1, QgsCoordinateTransform::ForwardTransform );

        QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "\n0:%1 %2x%3\n1:%4\n2:%5 %6x%7 (w:%8 h:%9)" )
                          .arg( extent.toString() ).arg( extent.width() ).arg( extent.height() )
                          .arg( extent1.toString(), extent2.toString() ).arg( extent2.width() ).arg( extent2.height() )
                          .arg( std::fabs( 1.0 - extent2.width() / extent.width() ) )
                          .arg( std::fabs( 1.0 - extent2.height() / extent.height() ) )
                          , 3 );

        if ( std::fabs( 1.0 - extent2.width() / extent.width() ) < 0.5 &&
             std::fabs( 1.0 - extent2.height() / extent.height() ) < 0.5 )
          extent = extent1;
          extent = QgsRectangle( -180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0 );
        // Note: ll = lower left point
        QgsPointXY ll = ct.transform( extent.xMinimum(), extent.yMinimum(),
                                      QgsCoordinateTransform::ReverseTransform );

        //   and ur = upper right point
        QgsPointXY ur = ct.transform( extent.xMaximum(), extent.yMaximum(),
                                      QgsCoordinateTransform::ReverseTransform );

        QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "in:%1 (ll:%2 ur:%3)" ).arg( extent.toString(), ll.toString(), ur.toString() ), 4 );

        extent = ct.transformBoundingBox( extent, QgsCoordinateTransform::ReverseTransform );

        QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "out:%1 (w:%2 h:%3)" ).arg( extent.toString() ).arg( extent.width() ).arg( extent.height() ), 4 );

        if ( ll.x() > ur.x() )
          // the coordinates projected in reverse order than what one would expect.
          // we are probably looking at an area that includes longitude of 180 degrees.
          // we need to take into account coordinates from two intervals: (-180,x1) and (x2,180)
          // so let's use (-180,180). This hopefully does not add too much overhead. It is
          // more straightforward than rendering with two separate extents and more consistent
          // for rendering, labeling and caching as everything is rendered just in one go
          extent.setXMinimum( -SPLIT_COORD );
          extent.setXMaximum( SPLIT_COORD );

      // TODO: the above rule still does not help if using a projection that covers the whole
      // world. E.g. with EPSG:3857 the longitude spectrum -180 to +180 is mapped to approx.
      // -2e7 to +2e7. Converting extent from -5e7 to +5e7 is transformed as -90 to +90,
      // but in fact the extent should cover the whole world.
    else // can't cross 180
      if ( ct.destinationCrs().isGeographic() &&
           ( extent.xMinimum() <= -180 || extent.xMaximum() >= 180 ||
             extent.yMinimum() <= -90 || extent.yMaximum() >= 90 ) )
        // Use unlimited rectangle because otherwise we may end up transforming wrong coordinates.
        // E.g. longitude -200 to +160 would be understood as +40 to +160 due to periodicity.
        // We could try to clamp coords to (-180,180) for lon resp. (-90,90) for lat,
        // but this seems like a safer choice.
        extent = QgsRectangle( -DBL_MAX, -DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX );
        extent = ct.transformBoundingBox( extent, QgsCoordinateTransform::ReverseTransform );
  catch ( QgsCsException &cse )
    Q_UNUSED( cse );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Transform error caught" );
    extent = QgsRectangle( -DBL_MAX, -DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX );
    r2     = QgsRectangle( -DBL_MAX, -DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX );

  return split;
예제 #7
bool QgsMapToolIdentify::identifyRasterLayer( QList<IdentifyResult> *results, QgsRasterLayer *layer, QgsPointXY point, const QgsRectangle &viewExtent, double mapUnitsPerPixel )
  QgsDebugMsg( "point = " + point.toString() );
  if ( !layer )
    return false;

  QgsRasterDataProvider *dprovider = layer->dataProvider();
  if ( !dprovider )
    return false;

  int capabilities = dprovider->capabilities();
  if ( !( capabilities & QgsRasterDataProvider::Identify ) )
    return false;

  QgsPointXY pointInCanvasCrs = point;
    point = toLayerCoordinates( layer, point );
  catch ( QgsCsException &cse )
    Q_UNUSED( cse );
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "coordinate not reprojectable: %1" ).arg( cse.what() ) );
    return false;
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "point = %1 %2" ).arg( point.x() ).arg( point.y() ) );

  if ( !layer->extent().contains( point ) )
    return false;

  QMap< QString, QString > attributes, derivedAttributes;

  QgsRaster::IdentifyFormat format = QgsRasterDataProvider::identifyFormatFromName( layer->customProperty( QStringLiteral( "identify/format" ) ).toString() );

  // check if the format is really supported otherwise use first supported format
  if ( !( QgsRasterDataProvider::identifyFormatToCapability( format ) & capabilities ) )
    if ( capabilities & QgsRasterInterface::IdentifyFeature ) format = QgsRaster::IdentifyFormatFeature;
    else if ( capabilities & QgsRasterInterface::IdentifyValue ) format = QgsRaster::IdentifyFormatValue;
    else if ( capabilities & QgsRasterInterface::IdentifyHtml ) format = QgsRaster::IdentifyFormatHtml;
    else if ( capabilities & QgsRasterInterface::IdentifyText ) format = QgsRaster::IdentifyFormatText;
    else return false;

  QgsRasterIdentifyResult identifyResult;
  // We can only use current map canvas context (extent, width, height) if layer is not reprojected,
  if ( dprovider->crs() != mCanvas->mapSettings().destinationCrs() )
    // To get some reasonable response for point/line WMS vector layers we must
    // use a context with approximately a resolution in layer CRS units
    // corresponding to current map canvas resolution (for examplei UMN Mapserver
    // in msWMSFeatureInfo() -> msQueryByRect() is using requested pixel
    // + TOLERANCE (layer param) for feature selection)
    QgsRectangle r;
    r.setXMinimum( pointInCanvasCrs.x() - mapUnitsPerPixel / 2. );
    r.setXMaximum( pointInCanvasCrs.x() + mapUnitsPerPixel / 2. );
    r.setYMinimum( pointInCanvasCrs.y() - mapUnitsPerPixel / 2. );
    r.setYMaximum( pointInCanvasCrs.y() + mapUnitsPerPixel / 2. );
    r = toLayerCoordinates( layer, r ); // will be a bit larger
    // Mapserver (6.0.3, for example) does not work with 1x1 pixel box
    // but that is fixed (the rect is enlarged) in the WMS provider
    identifyResult = dprovider->identify( point, format, r, 1, 1 );
    // It would be nice to use the same extent and size which was used for drawing,
    // so that WCS can use cache from last draw, unfortunately QgsRasterLayer::draw()
    // is doing some tricks with extent and size to align raster to output which
    // would be difficult to replicate here.
    // Note: cutting the extent may result in slightly different x and y resolutions
    // and thus shifted point calculated back in QGIS WMS (using average resolution)
    //viewExtent = dprovider->extent().intersect( &viewExtent );

    // Width and height are calculated from not projected extent and we hope that
    // are similar to source width and height used to reproject layer for drawing.
    // TODO: may be very dangerous, because it may result in different resolutions
    // in source CRS, and WMS server (QGIS server) calcs wrong coor using average resolution.
    int width = std::round( viewExtent.width() / mapUnitsPerPixel );
    int height = std::round( viewExtent.height() / mapUnitsPerPixel );

    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "viewExtent.width = %1 viewExtent.height = %2" ).arg( viewExtent.width() ).arg( viewExtent.height() ) );
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "width = %1 height = %2" ).arg( width ).arg( height ) );
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "xRes = %1 yRes = %2 mapUnitsPerPixel = %3" ).arg( viewExtent.width() / width ).arg( viewExtent.height() / height ).arg( mapUnitsPerPixel ) );

    identifyResult = dprovider->identify( point, format, viewExtent, width, height );

  derivedAttributes.insert( tr( "(clicked coordinate X)" ), formatXCoordinate( pointInCanvasCrs ) );
  derivedAttributes.insert( tr( "(clicked coordinate Y)" ), formatYCoordinate( pointInCanvasCrs ) );

  if ( identifyResult.isValid() )
    QMap<int, QVariant> values = identifyResult.results();
    QgsGeometry geometry;
    if ( format == QgsRaster::IdentifyFormatValue )
      Q_FOREACH ( int bandNo, values.keys() )
        QString valueString;
        if ( values.value( bandNo ).isNull() )
          valueString = tr( "no data" );
          QVariant value( values.value( bandNo ) );
          // The cast is legit. Quoting QT doc :
          // "Although this function is declared as returning QVariant::Type,
          // the return value should be interpreted as QMetaType::Type"
          if ( static_cast<QMetaType::Type>( value.type() ) == QMetaType::Float )
            valueString = QgsRasterBlock::printValue( value.toFloat() );
            valueString = QgsRasterBlock::printValue( value.toDouble() );
        attributes.insert( dprovider->generateBandName( bandNo ), valueString );
      QString label = layer->name();
      results->append( IdentifyResult( qobject_cast<QgsMapLayer *>( layer ), label, attributes, derivedAttributes ) );
예제 #8
bool QgsMapToolIdentify::identifyRasterLayer( QList<IdentifyResult> *results, QgsRasterLayer *layer, QgsPointXY point, const QgsRectangle &viewExtent, double mapUnitsPerPixel )
  QgsDebugMsg( "point = " + point.toString() );
  if ( !layer )
    return false;

  QgsRasterDataProvider *dprovider = layer->dataProvider();
  if ( !dprovider )
    return false;

  int capabilities = dprovider->capabilities();
  if ( !( capabilities & QgsRasterDataProvider::Identify ) )
    return false;

  QgsPointXY pointInCanvasCrs = point;
    point = toLayerCoordinates( layer, point );
  catch ( QgsCsException &cse )
    Q_UNUSED( cse );
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "coordinate not reprojectable: %1" ).arg( cse.what() ) );
    return false;
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "point = %1 %2" ).arg( point.x() ).arg( point.y() ) );

  if ( !layer->extent().contains( point ) )
    return false;

  QMap< QString, QString > attributes, derivedAttributes;

  QgsRaster::IdentifyFormat format = QgsRasterDataProvider::identifyFormatFromName( layer->customProperty( QStringLiteral( "identify/format" ) ).toString() );

  // check if the format is really supported otherwise use first supported format
  if ( !( QgsRasterDataProvider::identifyFormatToCapability( format ) & capabilities ) )
    if ( capabilities & QgsRasterInterface::IdentifyFeature ) format = QgsRaster::IdentifyFormatFeature;
    else if ( capabilities & QgsRasterInterface::IdentifyValue ) format = QgsRaster::IdentifyFormatValue;
    else if ( capabilities & QgsRasterInterface::IdentifyHtml ) format = QgsRaster::IdentifyFormatHtml;
    else if ( capabilities & QgsRasterInterface::IdentifyText ) format = QgsRaster::IdentifyFormatText;
    else return false;

  QgsRasterIdentifyResult identifyResult;
  // We can only use current map canvas context (extent, width, height) if layer is not reprojected,
  if ( dprovider->crs() != mCanvas->mapSettings().destinationCrs() )
    // To get some reasonable response for point/line WMS vector layers we must
    // use a context with approximately a resolution in layer CRS units
    // corresponding to current map canvas resolution (for examplei UMN Mapserver
    // in msWMSFeatureInfo() -> msQueryByRect() is using requested pixel
    // + TOLERANCE (layer param) for feature selection)
    QgsRectangle r;
    r.setXMinimum( pointInCanvasCrs.x() - mapUnitsPerPixel / 2. );
    r.setXMaximum( pointInCanvasCrs.x() + mapUnitsPerPixel / 2. );
    r.setYMinimum( pointInCanvasCrs.y() - mapUnitsPerPixel / 2. );
    r.setYMaximum( pointInCanvasCrs.y() + mapUnitsPerPixel / 2. );
    r = toLayerCoordinates( layer, r ); // will be a bit larger
    // Mapserver (6.0.3, for example) does not work with 1x1 pixel box
    // but that is fixed (the rect is enlarged) in the WMS provider
    identifyResult = dprovider->identify( point, format, r, 1, 1 );
    // It would be nice to use the same extent and size which was used for drawing,
    // so that WCS can use cache from last draw, unfortunately QgsRasterLayer::draw()
    // is doing some tricks with extent and size to align raster to output which
    // would be difficult to replicate here.
    // Note: cutting the extent may result in slightly different x and y resolutions
    // and thus shifted point calculated back in QGIS WMS (using average resolution)
    //viewExtent = dprovider->extent().intersect( &viewExtent );

    // Width and height are calculated from not projected extent and we hope that
    // are similar to source width and height used to reproject layer for drawing.
    // TODO: may be very dangerous, because it may result in different resolutions
    // in source CRS, and WMS server (QGIS server) calcs wrong coor using average resolution.
    int width = std::round( viewExtent.width() / mapUnitsPerPixel );
    int height = std::round( viewExtent.height() / mapUnitsPerPixel );

    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "viewExtent.width = %1 viewExtent.height = %2" ).arg( viewExtent.width() ).arg( viewExtent.height() ) );
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "width = %1 height = %2" ).arg( width ).arg( height ) );
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "xRes = %1 yRes = %2 mapUnitsPerPixel = %3" ).arg( viewExtent.width() / width ).arg( viewExtent.height() / height ).arg( mapUnitsPerPixel ) );

    identifyResult = dprovider->identify( point, format, viewExtent, width, height );

  derivedAttributes.insert( tr( "(clicked coordinate X)" ), formatXCoordinate( pointInCanvasCrs ) );
  derivedAttributes.insert( tr( "(clicked coordinate Y)" ), formatYCoordinate( pointInCanvasCrs ) );

  if ( identifyResult.isValid() )
    QMap<int, QVariant> values = identifyResult.results();
    QgsGeometry geometry;
    if ( format == QgsRaster::IdentifyFormatValue )
      for ( auto it = values.constBegin(); it != values.constEnd(); ++it )
        QString valueString;
        if ( it.value().isNull() )
          valueString = tr( "no data" );
          QVariant value( it.value() );
          // The cast is legit. Quoting QT doc :
          // "Although this function is declared as returning QVariant::Type,
          // the return value should be interpreted as QMetaType::Type"
          if ( static_cast<QMetaType::Type>( value.type() ) == QMetaType::Float )
            valueString = QgsRasterBlock::printValue( value.toFloat() );
            valueString = QgsRasterBlock::printValue( value.toDouble() );
        attributes.insert( dprovider->generateBandName( it.key() ), valueString );
      QString label = layer->name();
      results->append( IdentifyResult( qobject_cast<QgsMapLayer *>( layer ), label, attributes, derivedAttributes ) );
    else if ( format == QgsRaster::IdentifyFormatFeature )
      for ( auto it = values.constBegin(); it != values.constEnd(); ++it )
        QVariant value = it.value();
        if ( value.type() == QVariant::Bool && !value.toBool() )
          // sublayer not visible or not queryable

        if ( value.type() == QVariant::String )
          // error
          // TODO: better error reporting
          QString label = layer->subLayers().value( it.key() );
          attributes.insert( tr( "Error" ), value.toString() );

          results->append( IdentifyResult( qobject_cast<QgsMapLayer *>( layer ), label, attributes, derivedAttributes ) );

        // list of feature stores for a single sublayer
        const QgsFeatureStoreList featureStoreList = it.value().value<QgsFeatureStoreList>();

        for ( const QgsFeatureStore &featureStore : featureStoreList )
          const QgsFeatureList storeFeatures = featureStore.features();
          for ( QgsFeature feature : storeFeatures )
            // WMS sublayer and feature type, a sublayer may contain multiple feature types.
            // Sublayer name may be the same as layer name and feature type name
            // may be the same as sublayer. We try to avoid duplicities in label.
            QString sublayer = featureStore.params().value( QStringLiteral( "sublayer" ) ).toString();
            QString featureType = featureStore.params().value( QStringLiteral( "featureType" ) ).toString();
            // Strip UMN MapServer '_feature'
            featureType.remove( QStringLiteral( "_feature" ) );
            QStringList labels;
            if ( sublayer.compare( layer->name(), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) != 0 )
              labels << sublayer;
            if ( featureType.compare( sublayer, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) != 0 || labels.isEmpty() )
              labels << featureType;

            QMap< QString, QString > derAttributes = derivedAttributes;
            derAttributes.unite( featureDerivedAttributes( &feature, layer ) );

            IdentifyResult identifyResult( qobject_cast<QgsMapLayer *>( layer ), labels.join( QStringLiteral( " / " ) ), featureStore.fields(), feature, derAttributes );

            identifyResult.mParams.insert( QStringLiteral( "getFeatureInfoUrl" ), featureStore.params().value( QStringLiteral( "getFeatureInfoUrl" ) ) );
            results->append( identifyResult );
    else // text or html
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "%1 HTML or text values" ).arg( values.size() ) );
      for ( auto it = values.constBegin(); it != values.constEnd(); ++it )
        QString value = it.value().toString();
        attributes.insert( QLatin1String( "" ), value );

        QString label = layer->subLayers().value( it.key() );
        results->append( IdentifyResult( qobject_cast<QgsMapLayer *>( layer ), label, attributes, derivedAttributes ) );
    QString value = identifyResult.error().message( QgsErrorMessage::Text );
    attributes.insert( tr( "Error" ), value );
    QString label = tr( "Identify error" );
    results->append( IdentifyResult( qobject_cast<QgsMapLayer *>( layer ), label, attributes, derivedAttributes ) );

  return true;
예제 #9
void QgsGeometryValidator::validatePolyline( int i, QgsPolylineXY line, bool ring )
  if ( ring )
    if ( line.size() < 4 )
      QString msg = QObject::tr( "ring %1 with less than four points" ).arg( i );
      QgsDebugMsg( msg );
      emit errorFound( QgsGeometry::Error( msg ) );

    if ( line[0] != line[ line.size() - 1 ] )
      QString msg = QObject::tr( "ring %1 not closed" ).arg( i );
      QgsDebugMsg( msg );
      emit errorFound( QgsGeometry::Error( msg ) );
  else if ( line.size() < 2 )
    QString msg = QObject::tr( "line %1 with less than two points" ).arg( i );
    QgsDebugMsg( msg );
    emit errorFound( QgsGeometry::Error( msg ) );

  int j = 0;
  while ( j < line.size() - 1 )
    int n = 0;
    while ( j < line.size() - 1 && line[j] == line[j + 1] )
      line.remove( j );

    if ( n > 0 )
      QString msg = QObject::tr( "line %1 contains %n duplicate node(s) at %2", "number of duplicate nodes", n ).arg( i ).arg( j );
      QgsDebugMsg( msg );
      emit errorFound( QgsGeometry::Error( msg, line[j] ) );


  for ( j = 0; !mStop && j < line.size() - 3; j++ )
    QgsVector v = line[j + 1] - line[j];
    double vl = v.length();

    int n = ( j == 0 && ring ) ? line.size() - 2 : line.size() - 1;

    for ( int k = j + 2; !mStop && k < n; k++ )
      QgsVector w = line[k + 1] - line[k];

      QgsPointXY s;
      if ( !intersectLines( line[j], v, line[k], w, s ) )

      double d = 0.0;
        d = -distLine2Point( line[j], v.perpVector(), s );
      catch ( QgsException &e )
        Q_UNUSED( e );
        QgsDebugMsg( "Error validating: " + e.what() );
      if ( d < 0 || d > vl )

        d = -distLine2Point( line[k], w.perpVector(), s );
      catch ( QgsException &e )
        Q_UNUSED( e );
        QgsDebugMsg( "Error validating: " + e.what() );

      if ( d <= 0 || d >= w.length() )

      QString msg = QObject::tr( "segments %1 and %2 of line %3 intersect at %4" ).arg( j ).arg( k ).arg( i ).arg( s.toString() );
      QgsDebugMsg( msg );
      emit errorFound( QgsGeometry::Error( msg, s ) );