예제 #1
bool QgsDecorationGrid::getIntervalFromCurrentLayer( double* values )
  // get current layer and make sure it is a raster layer and CRSs match
  QgsMapLayer* layer = QgisApp::instance()->mapCanvas()->currentLayer();
  if ( ! layer )
    QMessageBox::warning( nullptr, tr( "Error" ), tr( "No active layer" ) );
    return false;
  if ( layer->type() != QgsMapLayer::RasterLayer )
    QMessageBox::warning( nullptr, tr( "Error" ), tr( "Please select a raster layer" ) );
    return false;
  QgsRasterLayer* rlayer = dynamic_cast<QgsRasterLayer*>( layer );
  if ( !rlayer || rlayer->width() == 0 || rlayer->height() == 0 )
    QMessageBox::warning( nullptr, tr( "Error" ), tr( "Invalid raster layer" ) );
    return false;
  QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem layerCRS = layer->crs();
  const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem& mapCRS =
  // is this the best way to compare CRS? should we also make sure map has OTF enabled?
  // TODO calculate transformed values if necessary
  if ( layerCRS != mapCRS )
    QMessageBox::warning( nullptr, tr( "Error" ), tr( "Layer CRS must be equal to project CRS" ) );
    return false;

  // calculate interval
  // TODO add a function in QgsRasterLayer to get x/y resolution from provider,
  // because this might not be 100% accurate
  QgsRectangle extent = rlayer->extent();
  values[0] = fabs( extent.xMaximum() - extent.xMinimum() ) / rlayer->width();
  values[1] = fabs( extent.yMaximum() - extent.yMinimum() ) / rlayer->height();

  // calculate offset - when using very high resolution rasters in geographic CRS
  // there seems to be a small shift, but this may be due to rendering issues and depends on zoom
  double ratio = extent.xMinimum() / values[0];
  values[2] = ( ratio - floor( ratio ) ) * values[0];
  ratio = extent.yMinimum() / values[1];
  values[3] = ( ratio - floor( ratio ) ) * values[1];

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "xmax: %1 xmin: %2 width: %3 xInterval: %4 xOffset: %5" ).arg(
                 extent.xMaximum() ).arg( extent.xMinimum() ).arg( rlayer->width() ).arg( values[0] ).arg( values[2] ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "ymax: %1 ymin: %2 height: %3 yInterval: %4 yOffset: %5" ).arg(
                 extent.yMaximum() ).arg( extent.yMinimum() ).arg( rlayer->height() ).arg( values[1] ).arg( values[3] ) );

  return true;
예제 #2
void QgsRasterCalcDialog::on_mCurrentLayerExtentButton_clicked()
  QListWidgetItem* currentLayerItem = mRasterBandsListWidget->currentItem();
  if ( currentLayerItem )
    QgsRasterLayer* rlayer = nullptr;
    QList<QgsRasterCalculatorEntry>::const_iterator rasterIt = mAvailableRasterBands.constBegin();
    for ( ; rasterIt != mAvailableRasterBands.constEnd(); ++rasterIt )
      if ( rasterIt->ref == currentLayerItem->text() )
        rlayer = rasterIt->raster;

    if ( !rlayer )

    QgsRectangle layerExtent = rlayer->extent();
    mXMinSpinBox->setValue( layerExtent.xMinimum() );
    mXMaxSpinBox->setValue( layerExtent.xMaximum() );
    mYMinSpinBox->setValue( layerExtent.yMinimum() );
    mYMaxSpinBox->setValue( layerExtent.yMaximum() );
    mNColumnsSpinBox->setValue( rlayer->width() );
    mNRowsSpinBox->setValue( rlayer->height() );
    mCrsSelector->setCrs( rlayer->crs() );
예제 #3
void QgsRasterCalcDialog::insertAvailableRasterBands()
  const QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer*>& layers = QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayers();
  QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer*>::const_iterator layerIt = layers.constBegin();

  bool firstLayer = true;
  for ( ; layerIt != layers.constEnd(); ++layerIt )
    QgsRasterLayer* rlayer = dynamic_cast<QgsRasterLayer*>( layerIt.value() );
    if ( rlayer && rlayer->dataProvider() && rlayer->dataProvider()->name() == "gdal" )
      if ( firstLayer ) //set bounding box / resolution of output to the values of the first possible input layer
        mNColumnsSpinBox->setValue( rlayer->width() );
        mNRowsSpinBox->setValue( rlayer->height() );
        QgsRectangle bbox = rlayer->extent();
        mXMinSpinBox->setValue( bbox.xMinimum() );
        mXMaxSpinBox->setValue( bbox.xMaximum() );
        mYMinSpinBox->setValue( bbox.yMinimum() );
        mYMaxSpinBox->setValue( bbox.yMaximum() );
        firstLayer = false;
      //get number of bands
      for ( int i = 0; i < rlayer->bandCount(); ++i )
        QgsRasterCalculatorEntry entry;
        entry.raster = rlayer;
        entry.bandNumber = i + 1;
        entry.ref = rlayer->name() + '@' + QString::number( i + 1 );
        mAvailableRasterBands.push_back( entry );
        mRasterBandsListWidget->addItem( entry.ref );
void QgsRasterCalcDialog::insertAvailableRasterBands()
  const QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer *> &layers = QgsProject::instance()->mapLayers();
  QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer *>::const_iterator layerIt = layers.constBegin();

  for ( ; layerIt != layers.constEnd(); ++layerIt )
    QgsRasterLayer *rlayer = dynamic_cast<QgsRasterLayer *>( layerIt.value() );
    if ( rlayer && rlayer->dataProvider() && rlayer->dataProvider()->name() == QLatin1String( "gdal" ) )
      if ( !mExtentSizeSet ) //set bounding box / resolution of output to the values of the first possible input layer
        setExtentSize( rlayer->width(), rlayer->height(), rlayer->extent() );
        mCrsSelector->setCrs( rlayer->crs() );
      //get number of bands
      for ( int i = 0; i < rlayer->bandCount(); ++i )
        QgsRasterCalculatorEntry entry;
        entry.raster = rlayer;
        entry.bandNumber = i + 1;
        entry.ref = rlayer->name() + '@' + QString::number( i + 1 );
        mAvailableRasterBands.push_back( entry );
        mRasterBandsListWidget->addItem( entry.ref );
예제 #5
void QgsRasterCalcDialog::insertAvailableRasterBands()
  mAvailableRasterBands = QgsRasterCalculatorEntry::rasterEntries().toList();
  for ( const auto &entry : qgis::as_const( mAvailableRasterBands ) )
    QgsRasterLayer *rlayer = entry.raster;
    if ( rlayer && rlayer->dataProvider() && rlayer->dataProvider()->name() == QLatin1String( "gdal" ) )
      if ( !mExtentSizeSet ) //set bounding box / resolution of output to the values of the first possible input layer
        setExtentSize( rlayer->width(), rlayer->height(), rlayer->extent() );
        mCrsSelector->setCrs( rlayer->crs() );
      QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem( entry.ref, mRasterBandsListWidget );
      item->setData( Qt::ToolTipRole, rlayer->publicSource() );
      mRasterBandsListWidget->addItem( item );