void QhullHyperplane_test:: t_operator() { RboxPoints rcube("c"); Qhull q(rcube,"Qt QR0"); // triangulation of rotated unit cube const QhullHyperplane h= q.firstFacet().hyperplane(); //operator== and operator!= tested elsewhere const coordT *c= h.coordinates(); for(int k=h.dimension(); k--; ){ QCOMPARE(c[k], h[k]); } //h[0]= 10.0; // compiler error, const QhullHyperplane h2= q.firstFacet().hyperplane(); h2[0]= 10.0; // Overwrites Hyperplane coordinate! QCOMPARE(h2[0], 10.0); }//t_operator
void QhullHyperplane_test:: t_construct() { // Qhull.runQhull() constructs QhullFacets as facetT QhullHyperplane h; QVERIFY(!h.isDefined()); QCOMPARE(h.dimension(),0); QCOMPARE(h.coordinates(),static_cast<double *>(0)); RboxPoints rcube("c"); Qhull q(rcube,"Qt QR0"); // triangulation of rotated unit cube QhullFacet f= q.firstFacet(); QhullHyperplane h2(f.hyperplane()); QVERIFY(h2.isDefined()); QCOMPARE(h2.dimension(),3); // h= h2; // copy assignment disabled, ambiguous QhullHyperplane h3(h2.dimension(), h2.coordinates(), h2.offset()); QCOMPARE(h2, h3); QhullHyperplane h5= h2; // copy constructor QVERIFY(h5==h2); }//t_construct