int QoreValueList::getAsString(QoreString &str, int foff, ExceptionSink* xsink) const { QoreContainerHelper cch(this); if (!cch) { str.sprintf("[ERROR: recursive reference to list %p]", this); return 0; } if (foff == FMT_YAML_SHORT) { str.concat('['); ConstValueListIterator li(this); while ( { QoreValue n = li.getValue(); if (n.getAsString(str, foff, xsink)) return -1; if (!li.last()) str.concat(", "); } str.concat(']'); return 0; } if (!size()) { str.concat(&EmptyListString); return 0; } str.concat("list: ("); if (foff != FMT_NONE) str.sprintf("%d element%s)\n", priv->length, priv->length == 1 ? "" : "s"); for (size_t i = 0; i < priv->length; ++i) { if (foff != FMT_NONE) { str.addch(' ', foff + 2); str.sprintf("[%d]=", i); } QoreValue n = priv->entry[i]; if (n.getAsString(str, foff != FMT_NONE ? foff + 2 : foff, xsink)) return -1; if (i != (priv->length - 1)) { if (foff != FMT_NONE) str.concat('\n'); else str.concat(", "); } } if (foff == FMT_NONE) str.concat(')'); return 0; }
int qore_number_private::formatNumberString(QoreString& num, const QoreString& fmt, ExceptionSink* xsink) { assert(!num.empty()); assert(num.getEncoding() == fmt.getEncoding()); // get the length of the format string in characters (not bytes) qore_size_t fl = fmt.length(); if (fmt.empty() || fl == 2) { printd(5, "qore_number_private::formatNumberString() invalid format string: '%s' for number: '%s'\n", fmt.getBuffer(), num.getBuffer()); return 0; } // get thousands separator character QoreString tsep; if (tsep.concat(fmt, 0, 1, xsink)) return -1; // decimal separator QoreString dsep; // number of digits after the decimal separator unsigned prec = 0; if (fl > 1) { if (dsep.concat(fmt, 1, 1, xsink)) return -1; // get byte offset of start of decimal precision number qore_offset_t i = fmt.getByteOffset(2, xsink); if (*xsink) return -1; assert(i >= 2); prec = atoi(fmt.getBuffer() + i); if (!prec) dsep.clear(); } //printd(5, "qore_number_private::formatNumberString() tsep: '%s' dsep: '%s' prec: %d '%s'\n", tsep.getBuffer(), dsep.getBuffer(), prec, num.getBuffer()); // find decimal point qore_offset_t dp = num.find('.'); if (dp != -1) { // how many digits do we have now after the decimal point qore_size_t d = num.strlen() - dp - 1; assert(d); if (d < prec) num.addch('0', prec - d); else if (d > prec) { if ((num[dp + prec + 1] > '4') && (roundUp(num, dp + prec))) ++dp; num.terminate(dp + prec + 1); } // now substitute decimal point if necessary if (dsep.strlen() != 1 || dsep[0] != '.') num.replace(dp, 1, dsep.getBuffer()); } else { dp = num.size(); if (prec) { // add decimal point num.concat(&dsep, xsink); assert(!*xsink); // add zeros for significant digits num.addch('0', prec); } } // now insert thousands separator // start of digits before the decimal point qore_offset_t ds = num[0] == '-' ? 1 : 0; // work backwards from the decimal point qore_offset_t i = dp - 3; while (i > ds) { num.replace(i, 0, tsep.getBuffer()); i -= 3; } //printd(0, "qore_number_private::formatNumberString() ok '%s'\n", num.getBuffer()); //assert(false); xxx return 0; }