예제 #1
파일: planetgrid.cpp 프로젝트: jpcoles/ZM
static void longLatLabel(const string& labelText,
                         double longitude,
                         double latitude,
                         const Vec3d& viewRayOrigin,
                         const Vec3d& viewNormal,
                         const Vec3d& bodyCenter,
                         const Quatd& bodyOrientation,
                         const Vec3f& semiAxes,
                         float labelOffset,
                         Renderer* renderer)
    double theta = degToRad(longitude);
    double phi = degToRad(latitude);
    Vec3d pos(cos(phi) * cos(theta) * semiAxes.x,
              sin(phi) * semiAxes.y,
              -cos(phi) * sin(theta) * semiAxes.z);
    float nearDist = renderer->getNearPlaneDistance();
    pos = pos * (1.0 + labelOffset);
    double boundingRadius = max(semiAxes.x, max(semiAxes.y, semiAxes.z));

    // Draw the label only if it isn't obscured by the body ellipsoid
    double t = 0.0;
    if (testIntersection(Ray3d(Point3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) + viewRayOrigin, pos - viewRayOrigin),
                         Ellipsoidd(Vec3d(semiAxes.x, semiAxes.y, semiAxes.z)), t) && t >= 1.0)
        // Compute the position of the label
        Vec3d labelPos = bodyCenter +
                         (1.0 + labelOffset) * pos * bodyOrientation.toMatrix3();
        // Calculate the intersection of the eye-to-label ray with the plane perpendicular to
        // the view normal that touches the front of the objects bounding sphere
        double planetZ = viewNormal * bodyCenter - boundingRadius;
        if (planetZ < -nearDist * 1.001)
            planetZ = -nearDist * 1.001;
        double z = viewNormal * labelPos;
        labelPos *= planetZ / z;
        renderer->addObjectAnnotation(NULL, labelText,
                                      Point3f((float) labelPos.x, (float) labelPos.y, (float) labelPos.z));                             
예제 #2
Point3d SynchronousOrbit::positionAtTime(double jd) const
    Quatd q = body.getEquatorialToBodyFixed(jd);
    return position * q.toMatrix3();