ByteArray::ByteArray(const QuickVec<unsigned char> &inValue){ int i; unsigned char *val = (unsigned char*)malloc(inValue.size()); for(i = 0; i < inValue.size(); i++) val[i] = inValue[i]; mValue = (struct _value*)val; size = inValue.size(); }
size_t onData( void *inBuffer, size_t inItemSize, size_t inItems) { size_t size = inItemSize*inItems; if (size>0) { int s = mBytes.size(); mBytes.resize(s+size); memcpy(&mBytes[s],inBuffer,size); } return inItems; }
bool loadOggSample(OggVorbis_File &oggFile, QuickVec<unsigned char> &outBuffer, int *channels, int *bitsPerSample, int* outSampleRate) { // 0 for Little-Endian, 1 for Big-Endian #ifdef HXCPP_BIG_ENDIAN #define BUFFER_READ_TYPE 1 #else #define BUFFER_READ_TYPE 0 #endif int bitStream; long bytes = 1; int totalBytes = 0; #define BUFFER_SIZE 32768 //Get the file information //vorbis data vorbis_info *pInfo = ov_info(&oggFile, -1); //Make sure this is a valid file if (pInfo == NULL) { LOG_SOUND("FAILED TO READ OGG SOUND INFO, IS THIS EVEN AN OGG FILE?\n"); return false; } //The number of channels *channels = pInfo->channels; //default to 16? todo *bitsPerSample = 16; //Return the same rate as well *outSampleRate = pInfo->rate; // Seem to need four times the read PCM total outBuffer.resize(ov_pcm_total(&oggFile, -1)*4); while (bytes > 0) { if (outBuffer.size() < totalBytes + BUFFER_SIZE) { outBuffer.resize(totalBytes + BUFFER_SIZE); } // Read up to a buffer's worth of decoded sound data bytes = ov_read(&oggFile, (char*)outBuffer.begin() + totalBytes, BUFFER_SIZE, BUFFER_READ_TYPE, 2, 1, &bitStream); totalBytes += bytes; } outBuffer.resize(totalBytes); ov_clear(&oggFile); #undef BUFFER_SIZE #undef BUFFER_READ_TYPE return true; }
value snow_assets_audio_load_info_wav( value _id, value _do_read, value _bytes, value _byteOffset, value _byteLength ) { bool from_bytes = !val_is_null(_bytes); bool do_read = val_bool(_do_read); std::string _asset_id(val_string(_id)); //the destination for the read, if any QuickVec<unsigned char> buffer; //the source information for the wav file snow::assets::audio::WAV_file_source* wav_source = new snow::assets::audio::WAV_file_source(); wav_source->source_name = _asset_id; if(!from_bytes) { wav_source->file_source = snow::io::iosrc_from_file(_asset_id.c_str(), "rb"); } else { int byteOffset = val_int(_byteOffset); int byteLength = val_int(_byteLength); const unsigned char* bytes = snow::bytes_from_hx(_bytes); wav_source->file_source = snow::io::iosrc_from_mem( (void*)(bytes + byteOffset), byteLength ); } bool success = snow::assets::audio::load_info_wav( buffer, _asset_id.c_str(), wav_source, do_read ); if(!success) { if(wav_source) { delete wav_source; wav_source = NULL; } return alloc_null(); } //!success value data = snow::bytes_to_hx( &buffer[0], buffer.size() ); value _object = alloc_empty_object(); alloc_field( _object, id_id, _id ); alloc_field( _object, id_format, alloc_int(2) ); //2 here is wav alloc_field( _object, id_handle, snow::to_hx<snow::assets::audio::WAV_file_source>( wav_source ) ); value _dataobject = alloc_empty_object(); alloc_field( _dataobject, id_channels, alloc_int(wav_source->channels) ); alloc_field( _dataobject, id_rate, alloc_int(wav_source->rate) ); alloc_field( _dataobject, id_bitrate, alloc_int(wav_source->bitrate) ); alloc_field( _dataobject, id_bits_per_sample, alloc_int(wav_source->bits_per_sample) ); alloc_field( _dataobject, id_bytes, data ); alloc_field( _dataobject, id_length, alloc_int(wav_source->length) ); alloc_field( _dataobject, id_length_pcm, alloc_int(wav_source->length_pcm) ); alloc_field( _object, id_data, _dataobject ); return _object; } DEFINE_PRIM(snow_assets_audio_load_info_wav, 5);
void SetTransform(const Transform &inTrans) { int points = mCount; if (points!=mTransformed.size() || inTrans!=mTransform) { mTransform = inTrans; mTransformed.resize(points); UserPoint *src= (UserPoint *)&mData[ mData0 ]; for(int i=0;i<points;i++) { mTransformed[i] = mTransform.Apply(src[i].x,src[i].y); } } }
void GetExtent(CachedExtent &ioCache) { SetTransform(ioCache.mTransform); for(int i=0;i<mTransformed.size();i++) ioCache.mExtent.Add(mTransformed[i]); }
void CopyBuffer () { mOutput.append (mTmpBuf, BUF_SIZE); pub.next_output_byte = mTmpBuf; pub.free_in_buffer = BUF_SIZE; }
void AlphaMask::Dispose() { #ifdef RECYCLE_ALPHA_MASK sMaskCache.push_back(this); #else delete this; #endif }
virtual ByteArray releaseData() { if (mBytes.size()) { return ByteArray(mBytes); } return ByteArray(); }
//bpp == the resulting bits per pixel //bpp == the source image bits per pixel //req_bpp == use this instead of the source bool load_info( QuickVec<unsigned char> &out_buffer, const char* _id, int* w, int* h, int* bpp, int* bpp_source, int req_bpp = 4 ) { //get a io file pointer to the image snow::io::iosrc* src = snow::io::iosrc_from_file(_id, "rb"); if(!src) { snow::log(1, "/ snow / cannot open image file from %s", _id); return false; } //always use callbacks because we use snow abstracted IO stbi_io_callbacks stbi_snow_callbacks = { snow_stbi_read, snow_stbi_skip, snow_stbi_eof }; unsigned char *data = stbi_load_from_callbacks(&stbi_snow_callbacks, src, w, h, bpp_source, req_bpp); //we are done with the src snow::io::close(src); snow::log(2, "/ snow / image / w:%d h:%d source bpp:%d bpp:%d\n", *w, *h, *bpp_source, req_bpp); if(data != NULL) { int _w = *w; int _h = *h; int _bpp = *bpp_source; //if a requested bpp was given, override it if(req_bpp != 0) { _bpp = req_bpp; } //actual used bpp *bpp = _bpp; //work out the total length of the buffer unsigned int length = _w * _h * _bpp; //store it out_buffer.Set(data, length); //clean up used memory stbi_image_free(data); } else { //data != NULL snow::log(1, "/ snow / image unable to be loaded by snow: %s reason: %s", _id, stbi_failure_reason()); return false; } return true; } //load_info
void Graphics::drawPath(const QuickVec<uint8> &inCommands, const QuickVec<float> &inData, WindingRule inWinding ) { int n = inCommands.size(); if (n==0 || inData.size()<2) return; const UserPoint *point = (UserPoint *)&inData[0]; const UserPoint *last = point + inData.size()/2; if ( (mFillJob.mFill && mFillJob.mCommand0==mPathData->commands.size()) || (mLineJob.mStroke && mLineJob.mCommand0==mPathData->commands.size()) ) mPathData->initPosition(mCursor); for(int i=0;i<n && point<last;i++) { switch(inCommands[i]) { case pcWideMoveTo: point++; if (point==last) break; case pcMoveTo: mPathData->moveTo(point->x,point->y); mCursor = *point++; break; case pcWideLineTo: point++; if (point==last) break; case pcLineTo: mPathData->lineTo(point->x,point->y); mCursor = *point++; break; case pcCurveTo: if (point+1==last) break; mPathData->curveTo(point->x,point->y,point[1].x,point[1].y); mCursor = point[1]; point += 2; } } OnChanged(); }
bool loadOggSample(OggVorbis_File &oggFile, QuickVec<unsigned char> &outBuffer, int *channels, int *bitsPerSample, int* outSampleRate) { // 0 for Little-Endian, 1 for Big-Endian int endian = 0; int bitStream; long bytes = 1; #define BUFFER_SIZE 32768 char array[BUFFER_SIZE]; //Get the file information //vorbis data vorbis_info *pInfo = ov_info(&oggFile, -1); //Make sure this is a valid file if (pInfo == NULL) { LOG_SOUND("FAILED TO READ OGG SOUND INFO, IS THIS EVEN AN OGG FILE?\n"); return false; } //The number of channels *channels = pInfo->channels; //default to 16? todo *bitsPerSample = 16; //Return the same rate as well *outSampleRate = pInfo->rate; while (bytes > 0) { // Read up to a buffer's worth of decoded sound data bytes = ov_read(&oggFile, array, BUFFER_SIZE, endian, 2, 1, &bitStream); // Append to end of buffer outBuffer.InsertAt(outBuffer.size(), (unsigned char*)array, bytes); } ov_clear(&oggFile); #undef BUFFER_SIZE return true; }
//bpp == the resulting bits per pixel //bpp == the source image bits per pixel //req_bpp == use this instead of the source bool info_from_bytes( QuickVec<unsigned char> &out_buffer, const unsigned char* bytes, int byteOffset, int byteLength, const char* _id, int *w, int *h, int* bpp, int* bpp_source, int req_bpp = 4 ) { //get a io file pointer to the image snow::io::iosrc* src = snow::io::iosrc_from_mem( (void*)(bytes + byteOffset), byteLength ); if(!src) { snow::log(1, "/ snow / cannot open bytes from %s", _id); return false; } //always use callbacks because we use snow abstracted IO stbi_io_callbacks stbi_snow_callbacks = { snow_stbi_read, snow_stbi_skip, snow_stbi_eof }; unsigned char *data = stbi_load_from_callbacks(&stbi_snow_callbacks, src, w, h, bpp_source, req_bpp); //we are done with the src snow::io::close(src); snow::log(2, "/ snow / image / w:%d h:%d source bpp:%d bpp:%d\n", *w, *h, *bpp_source, req_bpp); if(data != NULL) { int _w = *w; int _h = *h; int _bpp = *bpp_source; //if a requested bpp was given, override it if(req_bpp != 0) { _bpp = req_bpp; } //actual used bpp *bpp = _bpp; //work out the total length of the output buffer unsigned int length = _w * _h * _bpp; //store it out_buffer.Set(data, length); //clean up used memory stbi_image_free(data); } //data != NULL return true; } //info_from_bytes
AlphaMask *AlphaMask::Create(const Rect &inRect,const Transform &inTrans) { #ifdef RECYCLE_ALPHA_MASK int need = inRect.h+1; for(int i=0;i<sMaskCache.size();i++) { AlphaMask *m = sMaskCache[i]; if (m->mLineStarts.mAlloc >=need && m->mLineStarts.size() < need+10 ) { sMaskCache[i] = sMaskCache[sMaskCache.size()-1]; sMaskCache.resize(sMaskCache.size()-1); m->mRect = inRect; m->mLineStarts.resize(need); m->mMatrix = *inTrans.mMatrix; m->mScale9 = *inTrans.mScale9; m->mAAFactor = inTrans.mAAFactor; return m; } } #endif return new AlphaMask(inRect,inTrans); }
value snow_assets_image_info_from_bytes( value _id, value _bytes, value _byteOffset, value _byteLength, value _req_bpp ) { QuickVec<unsigned char> buffer; int w = 0, h = 0, bpp = 0, bpp_source = 0; int req_bpp = val_int(_req_bpp); int byteOffset = val_int(_byteOffset); int byteLength = val_int(_byteLength); bool success = snow::assets::image::info_from_bytes( buffer, snow::bytes_from_hx(_bytes), byteOffset, byteLength, val_string(_id), &w, &h, &bpp, &bpp_source, req_bpp ); if(!success) { return alloc_null(); } value result_bytes = snow::bytes_to_hx( &buffer[0], buffer.size() ); value _object = alloc_empty_object(); alloc_field( _object, id_id, _id ); alloc_field( _object, id_width, alloc_int(w) ); alloc_field( _object, id_height, alloc_int(h) ); alloc_field( _object, id_bpp, alloc_int(bpp) ); alloc_field( _object, id_bpp_source, alloc_int(bpp_source) ); alloc_field( _object, id_data, result_bytes ); return _object; } DEFINE_PRIM(snow_assets_image_info_from_bytes, 5);
void Bytes::Set (const QuickVec<unsigned char> data) { int size = data.size (); if (size > 0) { Resize (size); memcpy (_data, &data[0], _length); } else { _data = 0; _length = 0; } }
bool Hits(const RenderState &inState) { UserPoint screen(inState.mClipRect.x, inState.mClipRect.y); Extent2DF extent; CachedExtentRenderer::GetExtent(inState.mTransform,extent,true); if (!extent.Contains(screen)) return false; UserPoint hit_test = inState.mTransform.mMatrix->ApplyInverse(screen); if (inState.mTransform.mScale9->Active()) { hit_test.x = inState.mTransform.mScale9->InvTransX(hit_test.x); hit_test.y = inState.mTransform.mScale9->InvTransY(hit_test.y); } for(int i=0;i<mTransformed.size();i++) { const UserPoint &point = mTransformed[i]; if ( fabs(point.x-screen.x) < 1 && fabs(point.y-screen.y) < 1 ) return true; } return false; }
void user_write_data(png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep data, png_size_t length) { QuickVec<unsigned char> *buffer = (QuickVec<unsigned char> *)png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr); buffer->append((unsigned char *)data,(int)length); }
void TermBuffer() { mOutput.append( mTmpBuf, BUF_SIZE - pub.free_in_buffer ); }
void ConvertOutlineToTriangles(Vertices &ioOutline,const QuickVec<int> &inSubPolys) { // Order polygons ... int subs = inSubPolys.size(); if (subs<1) return; QuickVec<SubInfo> subInfo; QuickVec<EdgePoint> edges(ioOutline.size()); int index = 0; int groupId = 0; for(int sub=0;sub<subs;sub++) { SubInfo info; info.p0 = sub>0?inSubPolys[sub-1]:0; info.size = inSubPolys[sub] - info.p0; if (ioOutline[info.p0] == ioOutline[info.p0+info.size-1]) info.size--; if (info.size>2) { UserPoint *p = &ioOutline[info.p0]; double area = 0.0; for(int i=2;i<info.size;i++) { UserPoint v_prev = p[i-1] - p[0]; UserPoint v_next = p[i] - p[0]; area += v_prev.Cross(v_next); } bool reverse = area < 0; int parent = -1; for(int prev=subInfo.size()-1; prev>=0 && parent==-1; prev--) { if (subInfo[prev].contains(p[0])) { int prev_p0 = subInfo[prev].p0; int prev_size = subInfo[prev].size; int inside = PIP_MAYBE; for(int test_point = 0; test_point<info.size && inside==PIP_MAYBE; test_point++) { inside = PointInPolygon( p[test_point], &ioOutline[prev_p0], prev_size); if (inside==PIP_YES) parent = prev; } } } if (parent==-1 || subInfo[parent].is_internal ) { = groupId++; info.is_internal = false; } else { = subInfo[parent].group; info.is_internal = true; } info.first = &edges[index]; AddSubPoly(info.first,p,info.size,reverse!=info.is_internal); if (sub<subs-1) info.calcExtent(); index += info.size; subInfo.push_back(info); } } Vertices triangles; for(int group=0;group<groupId;group++) { int first = -1; int size = 0; for(int sub=0;sub<subInfo.size();sub++) { SubInfo &info = subInfo[sub]; if ( { if (first<0) { first = sub; size = info.size; } else { LinkSubPolys(subInfo[first].first,info.first,; size += info.size + 2; } } } ConvertOutlineToTriangles(subInfo[first].first, size,triangles); } ioOutline.swap(triangles); }
~TriangleRender() { for(int i=0;i<mAlphaMasks.size();i++) if (mAlphaMasks[i]) mAlphaMasks[i]->Dispose(); }
namespace nme { QuickVec<AlphaMask *> sMaskCache; //#define RECYCLE_ALPHA_MASK AlphaMask *AlphaMask::Create(const Rect &inRect,const Transform &inTrans) { #ifdef RECYCLE_ALPHA_MASK int need = inRect.h+1; for(int i=0;i<sMaskCache.size();i++) { AlphaMask *m = sMaskCache[i]; if (m->mLineStarts.mAlloc >=need && m->mLineStarts.size() < need+10 ) { sMaskCache[i] = sMaskCache[sMaskCache.size()-1]; sMaskCache.resize(sMaskCache.size()-1); m->mRect = inRect; m->mLineStarts.resize(need); m->mMatrix = *inTrans.mMatrix; m->mScale9 = *inTrans.mScale9; m->mAAFactor = inTrans.mAAFactor; return m; } } #endif return new AlphaMask(inRect,inTrans); } void AlphaMask::Dispose() { #ifdef RECYCLE_ALPHA_MASK sMaskCache.push_back(this); #else delete this; #endif } void AlphaMask::ClearCache() { #ifdef RECYCLE_ALPHA_MASK for(int i=0;i<sMaskCache.size();i++) delete sMaskCache[i]; sMaskCache.resize(0); #endif } bool AlphaMask::Compatible(const Transform &inTransform, const Rect &inExtent, const Rect &inVisiblePixels, int &outTX, int &outTY ) { int tx,ty; if ( (!mMatrix.IsIntTranslation(*inTransform.mMatrix,tx,ty)) || (mScale9!=*inTransform.mScale9) ) return false; if (mAAFactor!=inTransform.mAAFactor) return false; // Translate our cached pixels to this new position ... Rect translated = mRect.Translated(tx,ty); if (translated.Contains(inVisiblePixels)) { outTX = tx; outTY = ty; return true; } return false; } void AlphaMask::RenderBitmap(int inTX,int inTY, const RenderTarget &inTarget,const RenderState &inState) { if (mLineStarts.size()<2) return; Rect clip = inState.mClipRect; int y = mRect.y + inTY; const int *start = &mLineStarts[0] - y; int y1 = mRect.y1() + inTY; clip.ClipY(y,y1); for(; y<y1; y++) { int sy = y - inTY; const AlphaRun *end = &mAlphaRuns[ start[y+1] ]; const AlphaRun *run = &mAlphaRuns[ start[y] ]; if (run!=end) { Uint8 *dest0 = inTarget.Row(y); while(run<end && run->mX1 + inTX<=clip.x) run++; while(run<end) { int x0 = run->mX0 + inTX; if (x0 >= clip.x1()) break; int x1 = run->mX1 + inTX; clip.ClipX(x0,x1); Uint8 *dest = dest0 + x0; int alpha = run->mAlpha; if (alpha>0) { if (alpha>=255) while(x0++<x1) *dest++ = 255; else while(x0++<x1) QBlendAlpha( *dest++, alpha ); } ++run; } } } } }
bool loadWavSampleFromBytes(const float *inData, int len, QuickVec<unsigned char> &outBuffer, int *channels, int *bitsPerSample, int* outSampleRate) { const char* start = (const char*)inData; const char* end = start + len; const char* ptr = start; WAVE_Format wave_format; RIFF_Header riff_header; WAVE_Data wave_data; unsigned char* data; // Read in the first chunk into the struct memcpy(&riff_header, ptr, sizeof(RIFF_Header)); ptr += sizeof(RIFF_Header); //check for RIFF and WAVE tag in memeory if ((riff_header.chunkID[0] != 'R' || riff_header.chunkID[1] != 'I' || riff_header.chunkID[2] != 'F' || riff_header.chunkID[3] != 'F') || (riff_header.format[0] != 'W' || riff_header.format[1] != 'A' || riff_header.format[2] != 'V' || riff_header.format[3] != 'E')) { LOG_SOUND("Invalid RIFF or WAVE Header!\n"); return false; } //Read in the 2nd chunk for the wave info ptr = find_chunk(ptr, end, "fmt "); if (!ptr) { return false; } readStruct(wave_format, ptr); //check for fmt tag in memory if (wave_format.subChunkID[0] != 'f' || wave_format.subChunkID[1] != 'm' || wave_format.subChunkID[2] != 't' || wave_format.subChunkID[3] != ' ') { LOG_SOUND("Invalid Wave Format!\n"); return false; } ptr = find_chunk(ptr, end, "data"); if (!ptr) { return false; } const char* base = readStruct(wave_data, ptr); //check for data tag in memory if (wave_data.subChunkID[0] != 'd' || wave_data.subChunkID[1] != 'a' || wave_data.subChunkID[2] != 't' || wave_data.subChunkID[3] != 'a') { LOG_SOUND("Invalid Wav Data Header!\n"); return false; } //Allocate memory for data //data = new unsigned char[wave_data.subChunk2Size]; // Read in the sound data into the soundData variable size_t size = wave_data.subChunkSize; if (size > (end - base)) { return false; } /*mlChannels = wave_format.numChannels; if (mlChannels == 2) { if (wave_format.bitsPerSample == 8) { mFormat = AL_FORMAT_STEREO8; mlSamples = size / 2; } else //if (wave_format.bitsPerSample == 16) { mlSamples = size / 4; mFormat = AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; } } else //if (mlChannels == 1) { if (wave_format.bitsPerSample == 8) { mlSamples = size; mFormat = AL_FORMAT_MONO8; } else //if (wave_format.bitsPerSample == 16) { mlSamples = size / 2; mFormat = AL_FORMAT_MONO16; } } mlFrequency = wave_format.sampleRate; mfTotalTime = float(mlSamples) / float(mlFrequency);*/ //Store in the outbuffer outBuffer.Set((unsigned char*)base, size); //Now we set the variables that we passed in with the //data from the structs *outSampleRate = (int)wave_format.sampleRate; //The format is worked out by looking at the number of //channels and the bits per sample. *channels = wave_format.numChannels; *bitsPerSample = wave_format.bitsPerSample; //clean up and return true if successful //fclose(f); //delete[] data; return true; }
bool Render( const RenderTarget &inTarget, const RenderState &inState ) { Extent2DF extent; CachedExtentRenderer::GetExtent(inState.mTransform,extent,true); if (!extent.Valid()) return true; // Get bounding pixel rect Rect rect = inState.mTransform.GetTargetRect(extent); // Intersect with clip rect ... Rect visible_pixels = rect.Intersect(inState.mClipRect); int x0 = visible_pixels.x; int y0 = visible_pixels.y; int x1 = visible_pixels.x1(); int y1 = visible_pixels.y1(); if (!mHasColours) { int val = mCol.ival; // 100% alpha... if ( ( (val & 0xff000000) == 0xff000000 ) || (inTarget.mPixelFormat & pfHasAlpha) ) { for(int i=0;i<mTransformed.size();i++) { const UserPoint &point = mTransformed[i]; int tx = point.x; if (x0<=tx && tx<x1) { int ty = point.y; if (y0<=ty && ty<y1) ((int *)inTarget.Row(ty))[tx] = val; } } } else { ARGB argb = mCol; for(int i=0;i<mTransformed.size();i++) { const UserPoint &point = mTransformed[i]; int tx = point.x; if (x0<=tx && tx<x1) { int ty = point.y; if (y0<=ty && ty<y1) ((ARGB *)inTarget.Row(ty))[tx].QBlendA(argb); } } } } else { ARGB *argb = (ARGB *) & mData[mData0 + mTransformed.size()*2]; if (inTarget.mPixelFormat & pfHasAlpha) for(int i=0;i<mTransformed.size();i++) { const UserPoint &point = mTransformed[i]; int tx = point.x; if (x0<=tx && tx<x1) { int ty = point.y; if (y0<=ty && ty<y1) ((ARGB *)inTarget.Row(ty))[tx].QBlendA(argb[i]); } } else for(int i=0;i<mTransformed.size();i++) { const UserPoint &point = mTransformed[i]; int tx = point.x; if (x0<=tx && tx<x1) { int ty = point.y; if (y0<=ty && ty<y1) ((ARGB *)inTarget.Row(ty))[tx].QBlend( argb[i] ); } } } return true; }
OpenALSound::OpenALSound(float *inData, int len) { IncRef(); mBufferID = 0; mIsStream = false; QuickVec<uint8> buffer; int _channels; int _bitsPerSample; ALenum format; ALsizei freq; bool ok = false; //Determine the file format before we try anything AudioFormat type = Audio::determineFormatFromBytes(inData, len); switch(type) { case eAF_ogg: ok = Audio::loadOggSampleFromBytes(inData, len, buffer, &_channels, &_bitsPerSample, &freq ); break; case eAF_wav: ok = Audio::loadWavSampleFromBytes(inData, len, buffer, &_channels, &_bitsPerSample, &freq ); break; default: LOG_SOUND("Error opening sound file, unsupported type.\n"); } //Work out the format from the data if (_channels == 1) { if (_bitsPerSample == 8 ) { format = AL_FORMAT_MONO8; } else if (_bitsPerSample == 16) { format = (int)AL_FORMAT_MONO16; } } else if (_channels == 2) { if (_bitsPerSample == 8 ) { format = (int)AL_FORMAT_STEREO8; } else if (_bitsPerSample == 16) { format = (int)AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; } } //channels = 2 if (!ok) { LOG_SOUND("Error opening sound data\n"); mError = "Error opening sound data"; } else if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) { LOG_SOUND("Error after opening sound data\n"); mError = "Error after opening sound data"; } else { // grab a buffer ID from openAL alGenBuffers(1, &mBufferID); // load the awaiting data blob into the openAL buffer. alBufferData(mBufferID,format,&buffer[0],buffer.size(),freq); // once we have all our information loaded, get some extra flags alGetBufferi(mBufferID, AL_SIZE, &bufferSize); alGetBufferi(mBufferID, AL_FREQUENCY, &frequency); alGetBufferi(mBufferID, AL_CHANNELS, &channels); alGetBufferi(mBufferID, AL_BITS, &bitsPerSample); } }
OpenALSound::OpenALSound(const std::string &inFilename, bool inForceMusic) { IncRef(); mBufferID = 0; mIsStream = false; mTotalTime = -1; #ifdef HX_MACOS char fileURL[1024]; GetBundleFilename(inFilename.c_str(),fileURL,1024); #else #ifdef IPHONE std::string asset = GetResourcePath() + gAssetBase + inFilename; const char *fileURL = asset.c_str(); #else const char *fileURL = inFilename.c_str(); #endif #endif if (!fileURL) { //LOG_SOUND("OpenALSound constructor() error in url"); mError = "Error int url: " + inFilename; } else { QuickVec<uint8> buffer; int _channels; int _bitsPerSample; ALenum format; ALsizei freq; bool ok = false; //Determine the file format before we try anything AudioFormat type = Audio::determineFormatFromFile(std::string(fileURL)); switch(type) { case eAF_ogg: if (inForceMusic) { mIsStream = true; mStreamPath = fileURL; } else { ok = Audio::loadOggSampleFromFile( fileURL, buffer, &_channels, &_bitsPerSample, &freq ); } break; case eAF_wav: ok = Audio::loadWavSampleFromFile( fileURL, buffer, &_channels, &_bitsPerSample, &freq ); break; default: LOG_SOUND("Error opening sound file, unsupported type.\n"); } if (mIsStream) return; //Work out the format from the data if (_channels == 1) { if (_bitsPerSample == 8 ) { format = AL_FORMAT_MONO8; } else if (_bitsPerSample == 16) { format = (int)AL_FORMAT_MONO16; } } else if (_channels == 2) { if (_bitsPerSample == 8 ) { format = (int)AL_FORMAT_STEREO8; } else if (_bitsPerSample == 16) { format = (int)AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; } } //channels = 2 if (!ok) { LOG_SOUND("Error opening sound data\n"); mError = "Error opening sound data"; } else if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) { LOG_SOUND("Error after opening sound data\n"); mError = "Error after opening sound data"; } else { // grab a buffer ID from openAL alGenBuffers(1, &mBufferID); // load the awaiting data blob into the openAL buffer. alBufferData(mBufferID,format,&buffer[0],buffer.size(),freq); // once we have all our information loaded, get some extra flags alGetBufferi(mBufferID, AL_SIZE, &bufferSize); alGetBufferi(mBufferID, AL_FREQUENCY, &frequency); alGetBufferi(mBufferID, AL_CHANNELS, &channels); alGetBufferi(mBufferID, AL_BITS, &bitsPerSample); } //!ok } }
bool loadWavSampleFromFile(const char *inFileURL, QuickVec<unsigned char> &outBuffer, int *channels, int *bitsPerSample, int* outSampleRate) { // //Local Declarations FILE* f = NULL; WAVE_Format wave_format; RIFF_Header riff_header; WAVE_Data wave_data; unsigned char* data; #ifdef ANDROID FileInfo info = AndroidGetAssetFD(inFileURL); f = fdopen(info.fd, "rb"); fseek(f, info.offset, 0); #else f = fopen(inFileURL, "rb"); #endif if (!f) { LOG_SOUND("FAILED to read sound file, file pointer as null?\n"); return false; } // Read in the first chunk into the struct fread(&riff_header, sizeof(RIFF_Header), 1, f); //check for RIFF and WAVE tag in memeory if ((riff_header.chunkID[0] != 'R' || riff_header.chunkID[1] != 'I' || riff_header.chunkID[2] != 'F' || riff_header.chunkID[3] != 'F') || (riff_header.format[0] != 'W' || riff_header.format[1] != 'A' || riff_header.format[2] != 'V' || riff_header.format[3] != 'E')) { LOG_SOUND("Invalid RIFF or WAVE Header!\n"); return false; } //Read in the 2nd chunk for the wave info fread(&wave_format, sizeof(WAVE_Format), 1, f); //check for fmt tag in memory if (wave_format.subChunkID[0] != 'f' || wave_format.subChunkID[1] != 'm' || wave_format.subChunkID[2] != 't' || wave_format.subChunkID[3] != ' ') { LOG_SOUND("Invalid Wave Format!\n"); return false; } //check for extra parameters; if (wave_format.subChunkSize > 16) { fseek(f, sizeof(short), SEEK_CUR); } //Read in the the last byte of data before the sound file fread(&wave_data, sizeof(WAVE_Data), 1, f); //check for data tag in memory if (wave_data.subChunkID[0] != 'd' || wave_data.subChunkID[1] != 'a' || wave_data.subChunkID[2] != 't' || wave_data.subChunkID[3] != 'a') { LOG_SOUND("Invalid Wav Data Header!\n"); return false; } //Allocate memory for data data = new unsigned char[wave_data.subChunkSize]; // Read in the sound data into the soundData variable if (!fread(data, wave_data.subChunkSize, 1, f)) { LOG_SOUND("error loading WAVE data into struct!\n"); return false; } //Store in the outbuffer outBuffer.Set(data, wave_data.subChunkSize); //Now we set the variables that we passed in with the //data from the structs *outSampleRate = (int)wave_format.sampleRate; //The format is worked out by looking at the number of //channels and the bits per sample. *channels = wave_format.numChannels; *bitsPerSample = wave_format.bitsPerSample; //clean up and return true if successful fclose(f); delete[] data; return true; }