예제 #1
static QRectF qwtStripRect(const QRectF &rect, const QRectF &area,
    const QwtScaleMap &xMap, const QwtScaleMap &yMap,
    const QwtInterval &xInterval, const QwtInterval &yInterval)
    QRectF r = rect;
    if ( xInterval.borderFlags() & QwtInterval::ExcludeMinimum )
        if ( area.left() <= xInterval.minValue() )
            if ( xMap.isInverting() )
                r.adjust(0, 0, -1, 0);
                r.adjust(1, 0, 0, 0);

    if ( xInterval.borderFlags() & QwtInterval::ExcludeMaximum )
        if ( area.right() >= xInterval.maxValue() )
            if ( xMap.isInverting() )
                r.adjust(1, 0, 0, 0);
                r.adjust(0, 0, -1, 0);

    if ( yInterval.borderFlags() & QwtInterval::ExcludeMinimum )
        if ( area.top() <= yInterval.minValue() )
            if ( yMap.isInverting() )
                r.adjust(0, 0, 0, -1);
                r.adjust(0, 1, 0, 0);

    if ( yInterval.borderFlags() & QwtInterval::ExcludeMaximum )
        if ( area.bottom() >= yInterval.maxValue() )
            if ( yMap.isInverting() )
                r.adjust(0, 1, 0, 0);
                r.adjust(0, 0, 0, -1);

    return r;
예제 #2
static inline bool isCombinable( const QwtInterval &d1,
    const QwtInterval &d2 )
    if ( d1.isValid() && d2.isValid() )
        if ( d1.maxValue() == d2.minValue() )
            if ( !( d1.borderFlags() & QwtInterval::ExcludeMaximum
                && d2.borderFlags() & QwtInterval::ExcludeMinimum ) )
                return true;

    return false;
예제 #3
  \brief Draw the raster data
  \param painter Painter
  \param xMap X-Scale Map
  \param yMap Y-Scale Map
  \param canvasRect Contents rectangle of the plot canvas
void QwtPlotRasterItem::draw( QPainter *painter,
    const QwtScaleMap &xMap, const QwtScaleMap &yMap,
    const QRectF &canvasRect ) const
    if ( canvasRect.isEmpty() || d_data->alpha == 0 )

    const bool doCache = qwtUseCache( d_data->cache.policy, painter );

    const QwtInterval xInterval = interval( Qt::XAxis );
    const QwtInterval yInterval = interval( Qt::YAxis );

        Scaling an image always results in a loss of
        precision/quality. So we always render the image in
        paint device resolution.

    QwtScaleMap xxMap, yyMap;
    qwtTransformMaps( painter->transform(), xMap, yMap, xxMap, yyMap );

    QRectF paintRect = painter->transform().mapRect( canvasRect );
    QRectF area = QwtScaleMap::invTransform( xxMap, yyMap, paintRect );

    const QRectF br = boundingRect();
    if ( br.isValid() && !br.contains( area ) )
        area &= br;
        if ( !area.isValid() )

        paintRect = QwtScaleMap::transform( xxMap, yyMap, area );

    QRectF imageRect;
    QImage image;

    QRectF pixelRect = pixelHint(area);
    if ( !pixelRect.isEmpty() )
        // pixel in target device resolution 
        const double dx = qAbs( xxMap.invTransform( 1 ) - xxMap.invTransform( 0 ) );
        const double dy = qAbs( yyMap.invTransform( 1 ) - yyMap.invTransform( 0 ) );

        if ( dx > pixelRect.width() && dy > pixelRect.height() )
              When the resolution of the data pixels is higher than
              the resolution of the target device we render in
              target device resolution.
            pixelRect = QRectF();

    if ( pixelRect.isEmpty() )
        if ( QwtPainter::roundingAlignment( painter ) )
            // we want to have maps, where the boundaries of
            // the aligned paint rectangle exactly match the area

            paintRect = qwtAlignRect(paintRect);
            qwtAdjustMaps(xxMap, yyMap, area, paintRect);

        // When we have no information about position and size of
        // data pixels we render in resolution of the paint device.

        image = compose(xxMap, yyMap, 
            area, paintRect, paintRect.size().toSize(), doCache);
        if ( image.isNull() )

        // Remove pixels at the boundaries, when explicitly
        // excluded in the intervals

        imageRect = qwtStripRect(paintRect, area, 
            xxMap, yyMap, xInterval, yInterval);

        if ( imageRect != paintRect )
            const QRect r( 
                qRound( imageRect.x() - paintRect.x()),
                qRound( imageRect.y() - paintRect.y() ),
                qRound( imageRect.width() ),
                qRound( imageRect.height() ) );
            image = image.copy(r);
        if ( QwtPainter::roundingAlignment( painter ) )
            paintRect = qwtAlignRect(paintRect);

        // align the area to the data pixels
        QRectF imageArea = qwtExpandToPixels(area, pixelRect);

        if ( imageArea.right() == xInterval.maxValue() &&
            !( xInterval.borderFlags() & QwtInterval::ExcludeMaximum ) )
            imageArea.adjust(0, 0, pixelRect.width(), 0);
        if ( imageArea.bottom() == yInterval.maxValue() &&
            !( yInterval.borderFlags() & QwtInterval::ExcludeMaximum ) )
            imageArea.adjust(0, 0, 0, pixelRect.height() );

        QSize imageSize;
        imageSize.setWidth( qRound( imageArea.width() / pixelRect.width() ) );
        imageSize.setHeight( qRound( imageArea.height() / pixelRect.height() ) );
        image = compose(xxMap, yyMap, 
            imageArea, paintRect, imageSize, doCache );
        if ( image.isNull() )

        imageRect = qwtStripRect(paintRect, area, 
            xxMap, yyMap, xInterval, yInterval);

        if ( ( image.width() > 1 || image.height() > 1 ) &&
            testPaintAttribute( PaintInDeviceResolution ) )
            // Because of rounding errors the pixels 
            // need to be expanded manually to rectangles of 
            // different sizes

            image = qwtExpandImage(image, xxMap, yyMap, 
                imageArea, area, paintRect, xInterval, yInterval );

    painter->setWorldTransform( QTransform() );
    QwtPainter::drawImage( painter, imageRect, image );
