void ScrollZoomer::rescale() { QwtScaleWidget *xScale = plot()->axisWidget( xAxis() ); QwtScaleWidget *yScale = plot()->axisWidget( yAxis() ); if ( zoomRectIndex() <= 0 ) { if ( d_inZoom ) { xScale->setMinBorderDist( 0, 0 ); yScale->setMinBorderDist( 0, 0 ); QwtPlotLayout *layout = plot()->plotLayout(); for ( int axis = 0; axis < QwtAxis::PosCount; axis++ ) layout->setAlignCanvasToScale( axis, d_alignCanvasToScales ); d_inZoom = false; } } else { if ( !d_inZoom ) { /* We set a minimum border distance. Otherwise the canvas size changes when scrolling, between situations where the major ticks are at the canvas borders (requiring extra space for the label) and situations where all labels can be painted below/top or left/right of the canvas. */ int start, end; xScale->getBorderDistHint( start, end ); xScale->setMinBorderDist( start, end ); yScale->getBorderDistHint( start, end ); yScale->setMinBorderDist( start, end ); QwtPlotLayout *layout = plot()->plotLayout(); for ( int axis = 0; axis < QwtAxis::PosCount; axis++ ) { d_alignCanvasToScales[axis] = layout->alignCanvasToScale( axis ); } layout->setAlignCanvasToScales( false ); d_inZoom = true; } } QwtPlotZoomer::rescale(); updateScrollBars(); }
void MultiLayer::arrangeLayers(int c, int r, int colsGap, int rowsGap) { QApplication::setOverrideCursor(waitCursor); int i; cols=c; rows=r; colsSpace=colsGap; rowsSpace=rowsGap; int iterations = 0; QSize maxSize = calculateMaxCanvasSize(c, r); QSize canvas_size = QSize(1,1); while (canvas_size != maxSize && iterations < 10) { iterations++; canvas_size = maxSize; maxSize = calculateMaxCanvasSize(c, r); } bool arrangeFailed = false; for (i=0; i<graphs; i++) { Graph *gr=(Graph *)graphsList->at(i); QwtPlotLayout *pl = gr->plotWidget()->plotLayout(); QSize size = pl->canvasRect().size(); if (size.width() < 10 || size.height() < 10) { arrangeFailed = true; break; } } updateTransparency(); emit modifiedPlot(); QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); if (arrangeFailed) { QMessageBox::warning(this,tr("QtiPlot - Error: arranging layers failed!"), tr("There is not enaugh space available in this window." "<p>You could try to maximize it first and to rearrange the layers using the automatic option!</p>")); } }
void ScrollZoomer::updateScrollBars() { if ( !canvas() ) return; const int xAxis = QwtPlotZoomer::xAxis().pos; const int yAxis = QwtPlotZoomer::yAxis().pos; int xScrollBarAxis = xAxis; if ( hScrollBarPosition() == OppositeToScale ) xScrollBarAxis = oppositeAxis( xScrollBarAxis ); int yScrollBarAxis = yAxis; if ( vScrollBarPosition() == OppositeToScale ) yScrollBarAxis = oppositeAxis( yScrollBarAxis ); QwtPlotLayout *layout = plot()->plotLayout(); bool showHScrollBar = needScrollBar( Qt::Horizontal ); if ( showHScrollBar ) { ScrollBar *sb = scrollBar( Qt::Horizontal ); sb->setPalette( plot()->palette() ); sb->setInverted( !plot()->axisScaleDiv( xAxis ).isIncreasing() ); sb->setBase( zoomBase().left(), zoomBase().right() ); sb->moveSlider( zoomRect().left(), zoomRect().right() ); if ( !sb->isVisibleTo( canvas() ) ) { sb->show(); layout->setCanvasMargin( layout->canvasMargin( xScrollBarAxis ) + sb->extent(), xScrollBarAxis ); } } else { if ( horizontalScrollBar() ) { horizontalScrollBar()->hide(); layout->setCanvasMargin( layout->canvasMargin( xScrollBarAxis ) - horizontalScrollBar()->extent(), xScrollBarAxis ); } } bool showVScrollBar = needScrollBar( Qt::Vertical ); if ( showVScrollBar ) { ScrollBar *sb = scrollBar( Qt::Vertical ); sb->setPalette( plot()->palette() ); sb->setInverted( !plot()->axisScaleDiv( yAxis ).isIncreasing() ); sb->setBase( zoomBase().top(), zoomBase().bottom() ); sb->moveSlider( zoomRect().top(), zoomRect().bottom() ); if ( !sb->isVisibleTo( canvas() ) ) { sb->show(); layout->setCanvasMargin( layout->canvasMargin( yScrollBarAxis ) + sb->extent(), yScrollBarAxis ); } } else { if ( verticalScrollBar() ) { verticalScrollBar()->hide(); layout->setCanvasMargin( layout->canvasMargin( yScrollBarAxis ) - verticalScrollBar()->extent(), yScrollBarAxis ); } } if ( showHScrollBar && showVScrollBar ) { if ( d_cornerWidget == NULL ) { d_cornerWidget = new QWidget( canvas() ); d_cornerWidget->setAutoFillBackground( true ); d_cornerWidget->setPalette( plot()->palette() ); } d_cornerWidget->show(); } else { if ( d_cornerWidget ) d_cornerWidget->hide(); } layoutScrollBars( canvas()->contentsRect() ); plot()->updateLayout(); }
Plot::Plot(int width, int height, QWidget *parent, const char *) : QwtPlot(parent) { setAutoReplot (false); marker_key = 0; curve_key = 0; minTickLength = 5; majTickLength = 9; setGeometry(QRect(0, 0, width, height)); setAxisTitle(QwtPlot::yLeft, tr("Y Axis Title")); setAxisTitle(QwtPlot::xBottom, tr("X Axis Title")); //due to the plot layout updates, we must always have a non empty title setAxisTitle(QwtPlot::yRight, tr(" ")); setAxisTitle(QwtPlot::xTop, tr(" ")); // grid d_grid = new Grid(); d_grid->attach(this); //custom scale for (int i= 0; i<QwtPlot::axisCnt; i++) { QwtScaleWidget *scale = (QwtScaleWidget *) axisWidget(i); if (scale) { scale->setMargin(0); //the axis title color must be initialized... QwtText title = scale->title(); title.setColor(Qt::black); scale->setTitle(title); //...same for axis color QPalette pal = scale->palette(); pal.setColor(QPalette::Foreground, QColor(Qt::black)); scale->setPalette(pal); ScaleDraw *sd = new ScaleDraw(this); sd->setTickLength(QwtScaleDiv::MinorTick, minTickLength); sd->setTickLength(QwtScaleDiv::MediumTick, minTickLength); sd->setTickLength(QwtScaleDiv::MajorTick, majTickLength); setAxisScaleDraw (i, sd); setAxisScaleEngine (i, new ScaleEngine()); } } QwtPlotLayout *pLayout = plotLayout(); pLayout->setCanvasMargin(0); pLayout->setAlignCanvasToScales (true); QwtPlotCanvas* plCanvas = canvas(); plCanvas->setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus); plCanvas->setFocusIndicator(QwtPlotCanvas::ItemFocusIndicator); //plCanvas->setFocus(); plCanvas->setFrameShadow(QwtPlot::Plain); plCanvas->setCursor(Qt::arrowCursor); plCanvas->setLineWidth(0); plCanvas->setPaintAttribute(QwtPlotCanvas::PaintCached, false); plCanvas->setPaintAttribute(QwtPlotCanvas::PaintPacked, false); QColor background = QColor(Qt::white); background.setAlpha(255); QPalette palette; palette.setColor(QPalette::Window, background); setPalette(palette); setCanvasBackground (background); setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus); //setFocusProxy(plCanvas); setFrameShape(QFrame::Box); setLineWidth(0); }
EigenPlotDlg::EigenPlotDlg(QWidget* parent) : QDialog(parent), mpPlot(NULL), mpCurve(NULL), mpComponentsSpin(NULL) { // Eigen plot mpPlot = new QwtPlot(this); mpPlot->installEventFilter(this); mpPlot->setAutoFillBackground(true); QFont ftAxis = QApplication::font(); ftAxis.setBold(true); ftAxis.setPointSize(10); QwtText bottomText("Number of Components"); bottomText.setFont(ftAxis); mpPlot->setAxisTitle(QwtPlot::xBottom, bottomText); QwtText leftText("Eigen Values"); leftText.setFont(ftAxis); mpPlot->setAxisTitle(QwtPlot::yLeft, leftText); QwtScaleEngine* pLinearScale = mpPlot->axisScaleEngine(QwtPlot::xBottom); pLinearScale->setAttribute(QwtScaleEngine::Floating); QwtLog10ScaleEngine* pLogScale = new QwtLog10ScaleEngine(); pLogScale->setAttribute(QwtScaleEngine::Floating); mpPlot->setAxisScaleEngine(QwtPlot::yLeft, pLogScale); QPalette plotPalette = mpPlot->palette(); plotPalette.setColor(QPalette::Window, Qt::white); mpPlot->setPalette(plotPalette); QwtPlotCanvas* pPlotCanvas = mpPlot->canvas(); pPlotCanvas->setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); QwtPlotLayout* pPlotLayout = mpPlot->plotLayout(); pPlotLayout->setMargin(5); QwtPlotGrid* pPlotGrid = new QwtPlotGrid(); pPlotGrid->setPen(QPen(Qt::DotLine)); pPlotGrid->attach(mpPlot); mpPlot->replot(); // Number of components QLabel* pComponentsLabel = new QLabel("Number of Components:", this); mpComponentsSpin = new QSpinBox(this); mpComponentsSpin->setFixedWidth(50); mpComponentsSpin->setMinimum(1); QLabel* pDescriptionLabel = new QLabel("To set, left click in the plot or enter a value.", this); pDescriptionLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignLeft); pDescriptionLabel->setWordWrap(true); QFont descriptionFont(pDescriptionLabel->font()); descriptionFont.setItalic(true); pDescriptionLabel->setFont(descriptionFont); QHBoxLayout* pComponentsLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); pComponentsLayout->setMargin(0); pComponentsLayout->setSpacing(5); pComponentsLayout->addWidget(pComponentsLabel); pComponentsLayout->addWidget(mpComponentsSpin); pComponentsLayout->addWidget(pDescriptionLabel, 10); // Horizontal line QFrame* pLine = new QFrame(this); pLine->setFrameStyle(QFrame::HLine | QFrame::Sunken); // Buttons QPushButton* pOk = new QPushButton("&OK", this); QPushButton* pCancel = new QPushButton("&Cancel", this); connect(pOk, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(accept())); connect(pCancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reject())); QHBoxLayout* pButtonLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); pButtonLayout->setMargin(0); pButtonLayout->setSpacing(5); pButtonLayout->addStretch(10); pButtonLayout->addWidget(pOk); pButtonLayout->addWidget(pCancel); // Layout QGridLayout* pGrid = new QGridLayout(this); pGrid->setMargin(10); pGrid->setSpacing(10); pGrid->addWidget(mpPlot, 0, 0); pGrid->addLayout(pComponentsLayout, 1, 0); pGrid->addWidget(pLine, 2, 0); pGrid->addLayout(pButtonLayout, 3, 0); pGrid->setRowStretch(0, 10); // Initialization setWindowTitle("PCA Components"); setModal(true); resize(440, 300); }
QSize MultiLayer::arrangeLayers(bool userSize) { const QRect rect = canvas->geometry(); gsl_vector *xTopR = gsl_vector_calloc( graphs); // ratio between top axis + title and canvas height gsl_vector *xBottomR = gsl_vector_calloc(graphs); // ratio between bottom axis and canvas height gsl_vector *yLeftR = gsl_vector_calloc(graphs); gsl_vector *yRightR = gsl_vector_calloc(graphs); gsl_vector *maxXTopHeight = gsl_vector_calloc(rows); // maximum top axis + title height in a row gsl_vector *maxXBottomHeight = gsl_vector_calloc(rows); // maximum bottom axis height in a row gsl_vector *maxYLeftWidth = gsl_vector_calloc(cols); // maximum left axis width in a column gsl_vector *maxYRightWidth = gsl_vector_calloc(cols); // maximum right axis width in a column gsl_vector *Y = gsl_vector_calloc(rows); gsl_vector *X = gsl_vector_calloc(cols); int i; for (i = 0; i < graphs; i++) { // calculate scales/canvas dimensions reports for each layer and // stores them in the above vectors Graph *gr = (Graph *)graphsList.at(i); QwtPlot *plot = gr->plotWidget(); QwtPlotLayout *plotLayout = plot->plotLayout(); QRect cRect = plotLayout->canvasRect(); double ch = (double)cRect.height(); double cw = (double)cRect.width(); QRect tRect = plotLayout->titleRect(); QwtScaleWidget *scale = (QwtScaleWidget *)plot->axisWidget(QwtPlot::xTop); int topHeight = 0; if (!tRect.isNull()) topHeight += tRect.height() + plotLayout->spacing(); if (scale) { QRect sRect = plotLayout->scaleRect(QwtPlot::xTop); topHeight += sRect.height(); } gsl_vector_set(xTopR, i, double(topHeight) / ch); scale = (QwtScaleWidget *)plot->axisWidget(QwtPlot::xBottom); if (scale) { QRect sRect = plotLayout->scaleRect(QwtPlot::xBottom); gsl_vector_set(xBottomR, i, double(sRect.height()) / ch); } scale = (QwtScaleWidget *)plot->axisWidget(QwtPlot::yLeft); if (scale) { QRect sRect = plotLayout->scaleRect(QwtPlot::yLeft); gsl_vector_set(yLeftR, i, double(sRect.width()) / cw); } scale = (QwtScaleWidget *)plot->axisWidget(QwtPlot::yRight); if (scale) { QRect sRect = plotLayout->scaleRect(QwtPlot::yRight); gsl_vector_set(yRightR, i, double(sRect.width()) / cw); } // calculate max scales/canvas dimensions ratio for each line and column and // stores them to vectors int row = i / cols; if (row >= rows) row = rows - 1; int col = i % cols; double aux = gsl_vector_get(xTopR, i); double old_max = gsl_vector_get(maxXTopHeight, row); if (aux >= old_max) gsl_vector_set(maxXTopHeight, row, aux); aux = gsl_vector_get(xBottomR, i); if (aux >= gsl_vector_get(maxXBottomHeight, row)) gsl_vector_set(maxXBottomHeight, row, aux); aux = gsl_vector_get(yLeftR, i); if (aux >= gsl_vector_get(maxYLeftWidth, col)) gsl_vector_set(maxYLeftWidth, col, aux); aux = gsl_vector_get(yRightR, i); if (aux >= gsl_vector_get(maxYRightWidth, col)) gsl_vector_set(maxYRightWidth, col, aux); } double c_heights = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { gsl_vector_set(Y, i, c_heights); c_heights += 1 + gsl_vector_get(maxXTopHeight, i) + gsl_vector_get(maxXBottomHeight, i); } double c_widths = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < cols; i++) { gsl_vector_set(X, i, c_widths); c_widths += 1 + gsl_vector_get(maxYLeftWidth, i) + gsl_vector_get(maxYRightWidth, i); } if (!userSize) { l_canvas_width = int( (rect.width() - (cols - 1) * colsSpace - right_margin - left_margin) / c_widths); l_canvas_height = int( (rect.height() - (rows - 1) * rowsSpace - top_margin - bottom_margin) / c_heights); } QSize size = QSize(l_canvas_width, l_canvas_height); for (i = 0; i < graphs; i++) { int row = i / cols; if (row >= rows) row = rows - 1; int col = i % cols; // calculate sizes and positions for layers const int w = int(l_canvas_width * (1 + gsl_vector_get(yLeftR, i) + gsl_vector_get(yRightR, i))); const int h = int(l_canvas_height * (1 + gsl_vector_get(xTopR, i) + gsl_vector_get(xBottomR, i))); int x = left_margin + col * colsSpace; if (hor_align == HCenter) x += int(l_canvas_width * (gsl_vector_get(X, col) + gsl_vector_get(maxYLeftWidth, col) - gsl_vector_get(yLeftR, i))); else if (hor_align == Left) x += int(l_canvas_width * gsl_vector_get(X, col)); else if (hor_align == Right) x += int(l_canvas_width * (gsl_vector_get(X, col) + gsl_vector_get(maxYLeftWidth, col) - gsl_vector_get(yLeftR, i) + gsl_vector_get(maxYRightWidth, col) - gsl_vector_get(yRightR, i))); int y = top_margin + row * rowsSpace; if (vert_align == VCenter) y += int(l_canvas_height * (gsl_vector_get(Y, row) + gsl_vector_get(maxXTopHeight, row) - gsl_vector_get(xTopR, i))); else if (vert_align == Top) y += int(l_canvas_height * gsl_vector_get(Y, row)); else if (vert_align == Bottom) y += int(l_canvas_height * (gsl_vector_get(Y, row) + gsl_vector_get(maxXTopHeight, row) - gsl_vector_get(xTopR, i) + +gsl_vector_get(maxXBottomHeight, row) - gsl_vector_get(xBottomR, i))); // resizes and moves layers Graph *gr = (Graph *)graphsList.at(i); bool autoscaleFonts = false; if (!userSize) { // When the user specifies the layer canvas size, the // window is resized // and the fonts must be scaled accordingly. If the size is calculated // automatically we don't rescale the fonts in order to prevent problems // with too small fonts when the user adds new layers or when removing // layers autoscaleFonts = gr->autoscaleFonts(); // save user settings gr->setAutoscaleFonts(false); } gr->setGeometry(QRect(x, y, w, h)); gr->plotWidget()->resize(QSize(w, h)); if (!userSize) gr->setAutoscaleFonts(autoscaleFonts); // restore user settings } // free memory gsl_vector_free(maxXTopHeight); gsl_vector_free(maxXBottomHeight); gsl_vector_free(maxYLeftWidth); gsl_vector_free(maxYRightWidth); gsl_vector_free(xTopR); gsl_vector_free(xBottomR); gsl_vector_free(yLeftR); gsl_vector_free(yRightR); gsl_vector_free(X); gsl_vector_free(Y); return size; }
/*! Paint the contents of a QwtPlot instance into a given rectangle. \param plot Plot to be rendered \param painter Painter \param plotRect Bounding rectangle \sa renderDocument(), renderTo(), QwtPainter::setRoundingAlignment() */ void QwtPlotRenderer::render( QwtPlot *plot, QPainter *painter, const QRectF &plotRect ) const { if ( painter == 0 || !painter->isActive() || !plotRect.isValid() || plot->size().isNull() ) { return; } if ( !( d_data->discardFlags & DiscardBackground ) ) QwtPainter::drawBackgound( painter, plotRect, plot ); /* The layout engine uses the same methods as they are used by the Qt layout system. Therefore we need to calculate the layout in screen coordinates and paint with a scaled painter. */ QTransform transform; transform.scale( double( painter->device()->logicalDpiX() ) / plot->logicalDpiX(), double( painter->device()->logicalDpiY() ) / plot->logicalDpiY() ); QRectF layoutRect = transform.inverted().mapRect( plotRect ); if ( !( d_data->discardFlags & DiscardBackground ) ) { // subtract the contents margins int left, top, right, bottom; plot->getContentsMargins( &left, &top, &right, &bottom ); layoutRect.adjust( left, top, -right, -bottom ); } QwtPlotLayout *layout = plot->plotLayout(); int baseLineDists[QwtAxis::PosCount]; int canvasMargins[QwtAxis::PosCount]; for ( int axisPos = 0; axisPos < QwtAxis::PosCount; axisPos++ ) { canvasMargins[ axisPos ] = layout->canvasMargin( axisPos ); if ( d_data->layoutFlags & FrameWithScales ) { const QwtAxisId axisId( axisPos, QWT_DUMMY_ID ); QwtScaleWidget *scaleWidget = plot->axisWidget( axisId ); if ( scaleWidget ) { baseLineDists[ axisPos ] = scaleWidget->margin(); scaleWidget->setMargin( 0 ); } if ( !plot->isAxisVisible( axisId ) ) { int left = 0; int right = 0; int top = 0; int bottom = 0; // When we have a scale the frame is painted on // the position of the backbone - otherwise we // need to introduce a margin around the canvas switch( axisPos ) { case QwtAxis::yLeft: layoutRect.adjust( 1, 0, 0, 0 ); break; case QwtAxis::yRight: layoutRect.adjust( 0, 0, -1, 0 ); break; case QwtAxis::xTop: layoutRect.adjust( 0, 1, 0, 0 ); break; case QwtAxis::xBottom: layoutRect.adjust( 0, 0, 0, -1 ); break; } layoutRect.adjust( left, top, right, bottom ); } } } // Calculate the layout for the document. QwtPlotLayout::Options layoutOptions = QwtPlotLayout::IgnoreScrollbars; if ( ( d_data->layoutFlags & FrameWithScales ) || ( d_data->discardFlags & DiscardCanvasFrame ) ) { layoutOptions |= QwtPlotLayout::IgnoreFrames; } if ( d_data->discardFlags & DiscardLegend ) layoutOptions |= QwtPlotLayout::IgnoreLegend; if ( d_data->discardFlags & DiscardTitle ) layoutOptions |= QwtPlotLayout::IgnoreTitle; if ( d_data->discardFlags & DiscardFooter ) layoutOptions |= QwtPlotLayout::IgnoreFooter; layout->update( plot, layoutRect, layoutOptions ); // canvas QwtScaleMapTable mapTable = buildCanvasMaps( plot, layout->canvasRect() ); if ( updateCanvasMargins( plot, layout->canvasRect(), mapTable ) ) { // recalculate maps and layout, when the margins // have been changed layout->update( plot, layoutRect, layoutOptions ); mapTable = buildCanvasMaps( plot, layout->canvasRect() ); } // now start painting painter->save(); painter->setWorldTransform( transform, true ); renderCanvas( plot, painter, layout->canvasRect(), mapTable ); if ( !( d_data->discardFlags & DiscardTitle ) && ( !plot->titleLabel()->text().isEmpty() ) ) { renderTitle( plot, painter, layout->titleRect() ); } if ( !( d_data->discardFlags & DiscardFooter ) && ( !plot->footerLabel()->text().isEmpty() ) ) { renderFooter( plot, painter, layout->footerRect() ); } if ( !( d_data->discardFlags & DiscardLegend ) && plot->legend() && !plot->legend()->isEmpty() ) { renderLegend( plot, painter, layout->legendRect() ); } for ( int axisPos = 0; axisPos < QwtAxis::PosCount; axisPos++ ) { for ( int i = 0; i < plot->axesCount( i ); i++ ) { const QwtAxisId axisId( axisPos, i ); QwtScaleWidget *scaleWidget = plot->axisWidget( axisId ); if ( scaleWidget ) { int baseDist = scaleWidget->margin(); int startDist, endDist; scaleWidget->getBorderDistHint( startDist, endDist ); renderScale( plot, painter, axisId, startDist, endDist, baseDist, layout->scaleRect( axisId ) ); } } } painter->restore(); // restore all setting to their original attributes. for ( int axisPos = 0; axisPos < QwtAxis::PosCount; axisPos++ ) { if ( d_data->layoutFlags & FrameWithScales ) { const QwtAxisId axisId( axisPos, QWT_DUMMY_ID ); QwtScaleWidget *scaleWidget = plot->axisWidget( axisId ); if ( scaleWidget ) scaleWidget->setMargin( baseLineDists[axisPos] ); } layout->setCanvasMargin( canvasMargins[axisPos] ); } layout->invalidate(); }