예제 #1
double RExporter::getLineTypePatternScale(const RLinetypePattern& p) const {
    if (document==NULL) {
        return 1.0;

    double factor = 1.0;

    // document wide linetype scale:
    double docLinetypeScale = document->getKnownVariable(RS::LTSCALE).toDouble();
    if (docLinetypeScale>1e-6) {
        // LTSCALE might be zero:
        factor *= docLinetypeScale;

    //qDebug() << "factor (doc): " << factor;

    // drawing unit scale:
    if (p.isMetric()) {
        // metric line type patterns are defined in mm:
        factor *= RUnit::convert(1.0, RS::Millimeter, document->getUnit());
    else {
        // imperial line type patterns are defined in inches:
        factor *= RUnit::convert(1.0, RS::Inch, document->getUnit());

    //qDebug() << "factor (unit): " << factor;

    // entity line type scale:
    const REntity* entity = getEntity();
    if (entity!=NULL) {
        double entityLinetypeScale = entity->getLinetypeScale();
        if (!RMath::fuzzyCompare(entityLinetypeScale, 1.0)) {
            if (entityLinetypeScale>1e-6) {
                factor *= entityLinetypeScale;

    //qDebug() << "factor (entity): " << factor;

    // optional: automatic scaling by line weight:
    if (RSettings::getAutoScaleLinetypePatterns()) {
        if (currentPen.widthF()<1e-6) {
            // line pattern factor for lines of width 0:
            int zww = RSettings::getZeroWeightWeight()/100.0;
            if (zww<=0) {
                zww = 1.0;
            //factor *= RUnit::convert(zww/100.0, RS::Millimeter, document->getUnit());
            factor *= zww;
        else {
            //qDebug() << "currentPen.widthF(): " << currentPen.widthF();
            //qDebug() << "currentPen.widthF() mm: " << RUnit::convert(currentPen.widthF(), document->getUnit(), RS::Millimeter);
            factor *= RUnit::convert(currentPen.widthF(), document->getUnit(), RS::Millimeter);

    //qDebug() << "factor: " << factor;

    return factor;