예제 #1
/// Any row xheight that is significantly different from the median is set
/// to the median.
void Tesseract::PreenXHeights(BLOCK_LIST *block_list) {
  double median_xheight = MedianXHeight(block_list);
  double max_deviation = kMaxXHeightDeviationFraction * median_xheight;
  // Strip all fuzzy space markers to simplify the PAGE_RES.
  BLOCK_IT b_it(block_list);
  for (b_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !b_it.cycled_list(); b_it.forward()) {
    BLOCK* block = b_it.data();
    ROW_IT r_it(block->row_list());
    for (r_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !r_it.cycled_list(); r_it.forward ()) {
      ROW* row = r_it.data();
      float diff = fabs(row->x_height() - median_xheight);
      if (diff > max_deviation) {
        if (applybox_debug) {
          tprintf("row xheight=%g, but median xheight = %g\n",
                  row->x_height(), median_xheight);