예제 #1
파일: rs_insert.cpp 프로젝트: Akaur/qdraw
 * Is this insert visible? (re-implementation from RS_Entity)
 * @return true Only if the entity and the block and the layer it is on
 * are visible.
 * The Layer might also be NULL. In that case the layer visiblity
 * is ignored.
 * The Block might also be NULL. In that case the block visiblity
 * is ignored.
bool RS_Insert::isVisible() {
    RS_Block* blk = getBlockForInsert();
    if (blk!=NULL) {
        if (blk->isFrozen()) {
            return false;

    return RS_Entity::isVisible();
예제 #2
QVariant QG_BlockModel::data ( const QModelIndex & index, int role ) const {
    if (!index.isValid() || index.row() >= listBlock.size())
        return QVariant();

    RS_Block* blk = listBlock.at(index.row());

    if (role ==Qt::DecorationRole && index.column() == VISIBLE) {
        if (!blk->isFrozen()) {
            return blockVisible;
        } else {
            return blockHidden;
    if (role ==Qt::DisplayRole && index.column() == NAME) {
        return blk->getName();
//Other roles:
    return QVariant();